Пример #1
        public ActionResult Edit(int thisTripId, ViewEditTripsViewModel model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any. Placeholder
            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && model.TripInstance.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));

                Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip
                if (trip == null)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

                trip.Name          = model.TripInstance.Name;
                trip.DateDeparture = model.TripInstance.DateDeparture;
                trip.DateBack      = model.TripInstance.DateBack;
                trip.NumSpots      = model.TripInstance.NumSpots;
                trip.Price         = model.TripInstance.Price;
                trip.Description   = model.TripInstance.Description;
                trip.Banner        = model.TripInstance.Banner;
                trip.CoachNumberId = model.TripInstance.CoachNumberId;

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.EditDetailsSuccess }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));
Пример #2
        // GET: Trip/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?thisTripId)
            if (thisTripId == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(User.Identity.GetUserId()))// check if current user has admin or employee rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any.
            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip

            if (trip == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
            ViewEditTripsViewModel model = new ViewEditTripsViewModel();

            model.TripInstance = trip;

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && model.TripInstance.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));

            //get a list of all sub-locations that this trip has
            var list = new List <TripLocationsInstanceViewModels>();

            foreach (var item in dbcontext.Trip_Locations.ToList())
                if (item.Id_Trip == thisTripId)
                    foreach (var location in dbcontext.Locations.ToList())
                        if (item.Id_Location == location.Id)
                            list.Add(new TripLocationsInstanceViewModels
                                Country         = location.Country,
                                Town            = location.Town,
                                Name            = location.Name,
                                Description     = location.Description,
                                LocationImage   = location.LocationImage,
                                Number          = item.Number,
                                RouteInstanceId = item.Id
            model.Route = new TripLocationsViewModels();
            if (list.Count() > 0)
                model.Route.ListElement = list;
            if (thisTripId != null && dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId) != null)
                model.Route.Id_Trip = (int)thisTripId;

            // list that has every coach in database
            var listOfCoaches = dbcontext.Coaches.ToList();

            var currDate = DateTime.Now;

            // go through every trip in db that is in progress atm. A coach assigned to that trip will be removed from our list, so it cant be assigned
            //to this currently edited trip
            foreach (var coach in dbcontext.Coaches.ToList())
                foreach (var tripInstance in dbcontext.Trips.ToList())
                    if (tripInstance.DateDeparture < model.TripInstance.DateDeparture && model.TripInstance.DateDeparture < tripInstance.DateBack)
                        if (coach.Id == tripInstance.CoachNumberId)
            ViewBag.DateDeparture = model.TripInstance.DateDeparture;
            ViewBag.DateBack      = model.TripInstance.DateBack;

            model.CoachVehicleIdList = new SelectList(listOfCoaches, "Id", "VehicleNumber");

Пример #3
        // GET: Trip/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?thisTripId)
            if (thisTripId == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            // ViewBag value for holding part of google maps url data string
            ViewBag.Markers = "";
            string[] colours = { "red", "green", "blue" };

            Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId);

            if (trip == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
            ViewEditTripsViewModel model = new ViewEditTripsViewModel();

            model.TripInstance = trip;

            var list = new List <TripLocationsInstanceViewModels>();
            int i    = 0;

            foreach (var item in dbcontext.Trip_Locations.ToList())
                if (item.Id_Trip == thisTripId)
                    foreach (var location in dbcontext.Locations.ToList())
                        if (item.Id_Location == location.Id)
                            // Create a marker string using current location data; can be modified for any url string if needed depending on map provider
                            // cycles the string array in a loop
                            ViewBag.Markers += "&markers=color:" + colours[(i - 1) % 3] + "|label:" + i.ToString() + "|" + location.Name + "," + location.Town + "," + location.Country;
                            // ********************
                            list.Add(new TripLocationsInstanceViewModels
                                Country         = location.Country,
                                Town            = location.Town,
                                Name            = location.Name,
                                Description     = location.Description,
                                LocationImage   = location.LocationImage,
                                Number          = item.Number,
                                RouteInstanceId = item.Id
            model.Route = new TripLocationsViewModels();
            if (list.Count() > 0)
                model.Route.ListElement = list;
            if (thisTripId != null && dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId) != null)
                model.Route.Id_Trip = (int)thisTripId;

            //return free spots left FOR NOW STATIC VALUES. Bookings controller is not implemented
            model.NumSpotsLeft = countFreeSpots((int)thisTripId);
            //return number of reservations
            model.NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            // add coach info to List
            foreach (var item in dbcontext.Coaches.ToList())
                if (trip.CoachNumberId == item.Id)
                    model.CoachBanner = item.VehScreenshot;
                    model.CoachModel  = item.Brand + " " + item.VehModel + " - no." + item.VehicleNumber;
