private void _recognizer_SpeechDetected(object sender, SpeechDetectedEventArgs e) { if (ViewControllerConnector.PaperStarted == false) { //Reset the preview panel ViewControllerConnector.None(); } }
private void speech_Recognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { if (ViewControllerConnector.PaperStarted == false) { //Inform the ViewcontrollerConnector ViewControllerConnector.StartedCommandRecognition = false; //Activate the ending function _End(); //Speak the answer from the CommandHandler var result_string = CommandHandler.Handle(e.Result.Text); var async = false; if (result_string.StartsWith("ASYNC:")) { //Remove async keyword async = true; result_string = result_string.Replace("ASYNC:", ""); } else { //Play results audio AudioHandler.Results(); } if (result_string == "SUDO:Started the paper") { //Start the paper ViewControllerConnector.startPaper(Context.previousPaper[0], Context.previousPaper[1]); ViewControllerConnector.PaperStarted = true; } if (!result_string.StartsWith("SUDO:")) { ResultCallback(e.Result.Text, result_string, async); } else { ResultCallback(e.Result.Text, "Here's what I've got", async); } synthesizer.SpeakAsync(result_string.Replace("SUDO:", "")); //Null the recognizer _recognizer = null; //Start AISA Handler again AISAHandler.Start(true); timer.Stop(); } }
public void HideWindow() { //Disappear the program var da = new DoubleAnimation(SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); da.EasingFunction = new QuinticEase(); BeginAnimation(TopProperty, da); AISAHandler.Pause(); ViewControllerConnector.MainWindowHide(); }
/// <summary> /// Quick function to search books /// </summary> /// <param name="v"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string searchBooks(string v) { var key = "iBDvQ3HOYOPOaFboICTtrw"; var restClient = new RestClient("" + key + "&q=" + v); var restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET); var restresponse = restClient.Execute(restRequest); if (restresponse.Content != "" && restresponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { try { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GoodreadsResponse)); GoodreadsResponse result; //Copy Clipboard.SetText(restresponse.Content); using (TextReader xmlreader = new StringReader(restresponse.Content)) { result = (GoodreadsResponse)serializer.Deserialize(xmlreader); } var sending_string = "I found "; var results = random(; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < 2) { sending_string += results[i].best_book.title + " by " + results[i] + ", "; } else { sending_string += " and " + results[i].best_book.title + " by " + results[i]; } } Context.BuyThatBook = new string[] { results[0].best_book.title, results[1].best_book.title, results[2].best_book.title, }; ViewControllerConnector.Connect(ViewControllerConnector.ConnectionMethod.Book, new string[] { results[0].best_book.title, results[0], results[1].best_book.title, results[1], results[2].best_book.title, results[2], results[0].best_book.small_image_url, results[1].best_book.small_image_url, results[2].best_book.small_image_url, "" + results[0].best_book.title, "" + results[1].best_book.title, "" + results[2].best_book.title, }); return("SUDO:" + sending_string); } catch (IOException) { return(random(new string[] { "Sorry, I'm having some connection issues", "My apologies, make sure you're connected to the Internet", "I cannot connect to my servers, sorry." })); } } else { return(random(new string[] { "Sorry, I'm having some connection issues", "My apologies, make sure you're connected to the Internet", "I cannot connect to my servers, sorry." })); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles ongoing commands sent by the system /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The command input</param> public static string Handle(string input) { //Deprecate the current context Context.Previous = Context.Current; //Update the current context Context.Current = input; var s = GetCommands(); Console.WriteLine("Command Started"); #region GENERAL COMMAND HANDLING //Handle Questions / Queries if (input.Contains("Good Morning")) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 12) { return("Good morning " + Environment.UserName); } else if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 15) { return("It's not morning, Good Afternoon"); } else { return("It's not morning, Good Evening"); } } else if (input.Contains("Exit") || input.Contains("Exit AISA") || input.Contains("Close AISA") || input.Contains("Close") || input.Contains("Bye") || input.Contains("Good Bye")) { ViewControllerConnector.Exit(); return(""); } else if (input.Contains("Good Afternoon")) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 12) { return("It's not afternoon, Good Morning"); } else if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 15) { return("Good Afternoon " + Environment.UserName); } else { return("It's not afternoon, Good Evening"); } } else if (input.Contains("Good Evening")) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 12) { return("It's not evening, Good Morning"); } else if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 15) { return("It's not evening, Good Afternoon"); } else { return("Good Evening " + Environment.UserName); } } else if (input.Contains("Good Night")) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 15) { return("Good night, make sure you have done your chores"); } else { return("It's not yet night, make sure you have done your chores"); } } else if (input.Contains("Hello") || input == "Hi") { //If the user has done something else or the user has just started the application if (Context.Previous == "") { return(random(new string[] { "Hi! It's a pleasure to see you", "Hello " + Environment.UserName + "!", "Hi there! What can I do for you?", "Hello there, what can I do for you?" })); } else { return(random(new string[] { "Well hello to you too", "Hello, let me know if you have something to ask", "Hi, what can I do for you?" })); } } else if (input.Contains("What's up") || input.Contains("What's going on") || input.Contains("What is going on") || input.Contains("What is up")) { //Inform the user with some news about the current situation //TODO: Update this from a news feed return("Well, Sri Lankan Rupee worth " + (1f / 150f).ToString() + " United States Dollars, How does that sound?"); //:V } else if (input.Contains("What's the time") || input.Contains("What time is it") || input.Contains("What is the time") || input.Contains("Time")) { #region MANUAL FORMAT TIME var ampm = ""; var hour = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 12) { ampm = "PM"; hour = (DateTime.Now.Hour - 12).ToString(); } else { ampm = "AM"; hour = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString(); if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 0) { hour = "12"; } } #endregion return(random(new string[] { "It's " + hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + " " + ampm, "The time is " + hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + " " + ampm })); } else if (input.Contains("Thank you") || input.Contains("Thanks")) { if (Context.Previous == null) { return("For doing what? Anyway welcome!"); } else { return(random(new string[] { "Welcome!", "It's my pleasure!" })); } } else if (input.Contains("I appreciate it") || input.Contains("Appreciate it")) { return(random(new string[] { "Thank you", "It's my pleasure" })); } else if (input.Contains("What can I say")) { return("Say " + random(GetCommands())); } //HANDLE QUESTIONS ABOUT AISA else if (input.Contains("Who are you")) { return(random(new string[] { "I'm AISA, your personal assistant", "AISA, Artificial Intelligent Smart Assistant of yours", "I'm your personal assistant, AISA", "I am AISA, what can I do for you?" })); } else if (input.Contains("Who made you")) { Context.LastURL = ""; ViewControllerConnector.Connect(ViewControllerConnector.ConnectionMethod.URL, new string[] { "Chamuth/AISA - GitHub", "" }); return(random(new string[] { "I was developed by Team Ninponix. Say \"Follow Link\" to visit my repository", "Team Ninponix, Say \"Go to Link\" to visit my repository" })); } else if (input.Contains("What's your name") || input.Contains("What is your name")) { return(random(new string[] { "It's AISA", "AISA, Artificial Intelligent Smart Assistant" })); } else if (input.Contains("Where are you") || input.Contains("Where do you live")) { return(random(new string[] { "I'm inside your computer you silly", "I live in your computer", "I'm in your computer" })); } else if (input.Contains("Who is your father")) { Context.LastURL = ""; ViewControllerConnector.Connect(ViewControllerConnector.ConnectionMethod.URL, new string[] { "Chamuth/AISA - GitHub", "" }); return(random(new string[] { "I was developed by Team Ninponix. Say \"Follow Link\" to visit my repository", "Team Ninponix, Say \"Go to Link\" to visit my repository" })); } else if (input.Contains("What are you")) { return(random(new string[] { "I'm a Personal Assistant", "I'm Smart Personal Assistant of yours" })); } else if (input.Contains("about you")) { return(random(new string[] { "I'm AISA, an Artificial Intelligent Smart Assistant developed by Ninponix" })); } else if (input.Contains("How you were made")) { Context.LastURL = ""; ViewControllerConnector.Connect(ViewControllerConnector.ConnectionMethod.URL, new string[] { "Chamuth/AISA - GitHub", "" }); return(random(new string[] { "Checkout my open-source repository here", "I'm actually open source,", "You can see for yourself" })); } else if (input.Contains("Follow link") || input.Contains("Go to link") || input.Contains("Visit link") || input.Contains("Visit last link") || input.Contains("Follow last link") || input.Contains("Go to last link")) { if (Context.LastURL.Trim() != "") { //Follow the last link System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Context.LastURL); Context.LastURL = ""; return("Opening web browser"); } else { return("What link?"); } } //Handle General Functions else if (input.ToLower().Contains("take a selfie") || input.ToLower().Contains("take a picture") || input.Contains("Open Camera")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return(random(new string[] { "Sure", "Okay" })); } else if (input.ToLower().Contains("my picture") || input.ToLower().Contains("my photo")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return(random(new string[] { "Sure, Let's check them out", "Let's see your photos" })); } else if (input.Contains("What is my name") || input.Contains("What's my name") || input.Contains("Say my name")) { return(Environment.UserName); //return the user name of the computer } else if (input.ToLower().Contains("weather")) { // Get location information first var client = new RestClient(""); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); try { if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { // Get weather information then LocationResult l = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LocationResult>(response.Content); var weatherclient = new RestClient("" + + "&appid=6bc37d05c9bb515c72cd40db94325f51"); var weatherrequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET); IRestResponse weatherresponse = weatherclient.Execute(weatherrequest); if (weatherresponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK && weatherresponse.Content.Trim() != "") { var x = weatherresponse.Content; WeatherResult responseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherResult>(weatherresponse.Content); return("It's " + (responseObject.main.temp - 273.15d) + " degrees and " +[0].main + " can be seen in " +; } } } catch (Exception) { return("It's 28 degrees and cloudy in Colombo"); } return("It's 28 degrees and cloudy in Colombo"); } else if (input.Contains("Play some music") || input.Contains("Play music")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Sure"); } else if (input.Contains("Show me my inbox") || input.Contains("Open Mail")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Sure"); } else if (input.Contains("Open App store")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Sure"); } //HANDLE CHECK IN SOCIAL MEDIA COMMANDS else if (input.Contains("Facebook")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Checking in Facebook"); } else if (input.Contains("Twitter")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Checking in Twitter"); } else if (input.Contains("YouTube")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Visiting YouTube"); } else if (input.Contains("Wikipedia")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); return("Visiting Wikipedia"); } #endregion #region STUDENT ASSISTANT COMMAND HANDLING else if (input.Contains("a class") || input.Contains("a tuition class")) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.scholarUsername == "") { //User is not signed into Scholar return(random(new string[] { "Please enter your scholar credentials first", "Please enter your scholar credentials here" })); } else { //Verify login var username = Properties.Settings.Default.scholarUsername; var password = Properties.Settings.Default.scholarPassword; var client = new RestClient("localhost/Scholar/api/u=" + username + "&p" + password); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); var response = client.Execute(request); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { try { Student.Verify verify = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Student.Verify>(response.Content); switch (verify.error) { case 0: //User exists and the password is correct //Start finding the class break; case 1: //User does not exist return(random(new string[] { "Please make sure your credentials are correct", "Please re-enter your credentials" })); case 2: //User exist but the password is incorrect return(random(new string[] { "Please make sure your password is correct", "Please re-enter your password" })); } } catch (Exception) { return(random(new string[] { "Sorry, I'm having some connection issues", "My apologies, make sure you're connected to the Internet", "I cannot connect to my servers, sorry." })); } } } } else if (input.Contains("science") && input.Contains("book")) { //User is searching for a science book return(searchBooks("science")); } else if ((input.Contains("mathematics") || input.Contains("maths")) && input.Contains("book")) { return(searchBooks("mathematics")); } else if (input.Contains("nature") && input.Contains("book")) { return(searchBooks("nature")); } else if (input.Contains("a book")) { //User is searching for a book, but does not specify a specific category of book return(random(new string[] { "What type of a book you need?", "What kind of a book you need?", "Please tell me a category to search for", "What type of book?" })); } #endregion //Something not recognized if (Context.Previous == "") { //Not know how to use? return(random(new string[] { "Ask me about Classes, I'm pretty good at it", "Ask me about weather", "Ask me for General Knowledge Facts", "Ask me to find a book, I'm sure you'll not be disappointed" })); } else { //Asking something else return(random(new string[] { "I don't know what to say, Please ask me something else", "Oops, please tell me what you need?", "Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying", "Sorry, I didn't understand that, please retry" })); } }
private void _recognizer_SpeechHypothesized(object sender, SpeechHypothesizedEventArgs e) { ViewControllerConnector.ChangeHypothesis(e.Result.Text); }
private void CompletePaper() { UploadingPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Animate the uploading panel to preview the spinner var da = new DoubleAnimation(1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); da.EasingFunction = new QuinticEase(); UploadingPanel.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da); _recognizer.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); _recognizer.Dispose(); // Dispose the recognizer object //Start the uploading functionality var threadstart = new ThreadStart(() => { var result = Scholar.Class.PostMCQPaper(Context.previousPaper[0], Context.previousPaper[1], _answers, Properties.Settings.Default.scholarUsername, Properties.Settings.Default.scholarPassword); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //Do this in the user interface thread var da2 = new DoubleAnimation(0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); da2.EasingFunction = new QuinticEase(); da2.Completed += (a, b) => { //Show the results ResultSheet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ResultSheet.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da); PaperNameResults.Content =; var correct = 0; var incorrect = 0; var skipped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _answers.Length; i++) { var given_answer = _answers[i]; var correct_answer = Context.currentPaper.questions[i].correct; if (given_answer == 0) { skipped++; } else { if (given_answer == correct_answer) { //Answer is correct correct++; } else { incorrect++; } } } //Set the numbers correct_count.Content = correct.ToString(); incorrect_count.Content = incorrect.ToString(); unanswered_count.Content = skipped.ToString(); //Set the event handlers OkayButton.Clicked = () => { _recognizer.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); _recognizer = null; ViewControllerConnector.PaperStarted = false; AISAHandler.Start(); ViewControllerConnector.Opaque(); Close(); }; _recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); _recognizer.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); _recognizer.LoadGrammar(new Grammar(new GrammarBuilder(new Choices( new string[] { "Okay", "OK", "Close", "Exit" } )))); _recognizer.SpeechRecognized += (x, y) => { _recognizer.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); _recognizer = null; ViewControllerConnector.PaperStarted = false; AISAHandler.Start(); ViewControllerConnector.Opaque(); Close(); }; _recognizer.RecognizeAsync(); }; //Fade the uploading panel out UploadingPanel.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da2); }); }); var thread = new Thread(threadstart); thread.Start(); }