//public string CheckUserAlreadyLikedImage(int ProjectId, int userid,string UserID)//Action for check user already like project. //{ // if (ProjectImageId == 0) // { // ImageLikeAndComment projectLike = (from like in context.ImageLikeAndComments // where like.ProjectId == ProjectId && like.UserId == userid && like.PImageLikeId == ProjectImageId // select like).FirstOrDefault(); // if (projectLike != null) // { // return projectLike.UserId.ToString(); // } // } // else // { // ImageLikeAndComment projectLike = (from like in context.ImageLikeAndComments // where like.ProjectId == ProjectId && like.UserId == userid && like.PImageLikeId == ProjectImageId // select like).FirstOrDefault(); // if (projectLike != null) // { // return projectLike.UserId.ToString(); // } // } // return string.Empty; //} #endregion #region code for Like Videos public string AddLikeVideos(int projectId, string ProjectImageId, string LikeOrDisLike, string UserID, string userId) //this function is used to save like Videos data in database.their are 5 parameters to pass which are related to project. { int usrId = Convert.ToInt32(userId); int uId = Convert.ToInt32(UserID); int imgId = Convert.ToInt32(ProjectImageId); string ReturnString = "Success"; try { if (context.VideosLikeAndComments.Any(o => o.ProjectId == projectId && o.VideosId == imgId && o.UserId == uId && o.VideosLikeFlag == true))//check duplicate ids in VideosLikeAndComments table. { ReturnString = "You Already Liked this Project Videos."; } else { VideosLikeAndComment vidLike = (from likeTb in context.VideosLikeAndComments //fetch videos which are liked by user. where likeTb.ProjectId == projectId && likeTb.PVideosId == imgId && likeTb.UserId == uId select likeTb).FirstOrDefault(); VideosLikeAndComment objvideos = new VideosLikeAndComment(); objvideos.VideosId = imgId; objvideos.UserId = uId; objvideos.ProjectId = projectId; objvideos.VideosLikeFlag = true; objvideos.VideosTestimonials = ""; objvideos.cmtVidFlag = false; context.VideosLikeAndComments.Add(objvideos); // add data in VideosLikeAndComments table. context.SaveChanges(); //save data in VideosLikeAndComments table. } } catch { ReturnString = "Fail"; } return(ReturnString);//return a string. }
//this function is used to save like Videos data in database.their are 5 parameters to pass which are related to project. public string AddLikeVideos(int projectId, string ProjectImageId, string LikeOrDisLike, string UserID, string userId) { int usrId = Convert.ToInt32(userId); int uId = Convert.ToInt32(UserID); int imgId = Convert.ToInt32(ProjectImageId); string ReturnString = "Success"; try { if (context.VideosLikeAndComments.Any(o => o.ProjectId == projectId && o.VideosId == imgId && o.UserId == uId && o.VideosLikeFlag == true))//check duplicate ids in VideosLikeAndComments table. { ReturnString = "You Already Liked this Project Videos."; } else { VideosLikeAndComment vidLike = (from likeTb in context.VideosLikeAndComments //fetch videos which are liked by user. where likeTb.ProjectId == projectId && likeTb.PVideosId == imgId && likeTb.UserId == uId select likeTb).FirstOrDefault(); VideosLikeAndComment objvideos = new VideosLikeAndComment(); objvideos.VideosId = imgId; objvideos.UserId = uId; objvideos.ProjectId = projectId; objvideos.VideosLikeFlag = true; objvideos.VideosTestimonials = ""; objvideos.cmtVidFlag = false; context.VideosLikeAndComments.Add(objvideos);// add data in VideosLikeAndComments table. context.SaveChanges(); //save data in VideosLikeAndComments table. } } catch { ReturnString = "Fail"; } return ReturnString;//return a string. }