public async Task <IActionResult> DetectFrames(string video)
            if (video.Contains(""))
                int    slash  = video.LastIndexOf('/');
                string fileId = video.Substring(32, slash - 32);
                //get frames
                var are_extracted = await videoServices.GetVideoFrames(fileId);

                if (are_extracted.Item1 == "ok")
                    //get the frames of the video
                    var images = videoServices.CreateListOfFrames(are_extracted.Item2.Images);
                    //create the video
                    var videoPath = await videoServices.CreateVideoAsync(images, are_extracted.Item2.FrameRate, 320, 240);

                    ViewBag.Result  = videoPath;
                    ViewBag.Success = "Motion detected and new video created! Click below to download!";
                    ViewBag.Error = are_extracted.Item1;  //display error
                ViewBag.Error = "Url is not of google drive!";
