Пример #1
    public void addControlPoint(VideoKeyFrame vk)
        // first instantiante a beizer point in the real world
        ControlPoint b = Instantiate(beizerPathGroup.controlPointPrefab, beizerPathGroup.transform).GetComponent <ControlPoint>();

        b.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        b.videoKeyframe        = vk;
        vk.controlPoint        = b;
        b.beizerTime           = vk.keyframeTime;

        // set the transform positions here
        b.transform.position = vk.retrieveTransformPositionFromVideoKeyframe();

        // this has no info on the left control point or right control point

        // add this control point inside the beizer Curve
        Keyframe xControl = new Keyframe(vk.keyframeTime, b.transform.position.x);
        Keyframe yControl = new Keyframe(vk.keyframeTime, b.transform.position.y);
        Keyframe zControl = new Keyframe(vk.keyframeTime, b.transform.position.z);

        // add the keyframes in the curve specific to this beizer point
        addKeyFrameToBeizerCurve(xControl, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
        addKeyFrameToBeizerCurve(yControl, AnimationCurveToUpdate.y);
        addKeyFrameToBeizerCurve(zControl, AnimationCurveToUpdate.z);
Пример #2
    // for beizer curves , use beizer curve calculator
    public void addIntermediateKeyframes(Vector3[] intermediatePositions, float t1, float t2, out VideoKeyFrame[] intermediateVideoKeyframes)
        float dt       = intermediatePositions.Length / (t2 - t1);
        float currTime = t1;

        intermediateVideoKeyframes = new VideoKeyFrame[intermediatePositions.Length];

        int i = 0;

        foreach (Vector3 intermediatePoint in intermediatePositions)
            Keyframe pointX = new Keyframe(currTime, intermediatePoint.x);
            Keyframe pointY = new Keyframe(currTime, intermediatePoint.y);
            Keyframe pointZ = new Keyframe(currTime, intermediatePoint.z);

            animTrack.animCurve.addKeyFrameToCurve(pointX, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
            animTrack.animCurve.addKeyFrameToCurve(pointY, AnimationCurveToUpdate.y);
            animTrack.animCurve.addKeyFrameToCurve(pointZ, AnimationCurveToUpdate.z);

            int keyFrameXindex = retrieveKeyframeIndex(pointX, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
            int keyFrameYindex = retrieveKeyframeIndex(pointY, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
            int keyFrameZindex = retrieveKeyframeIndex(pointY, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);

            VideoKeyFrame intermediateKeyframe = new VideoKeyFrame();
            intermediateKeyframe.keyframeXindex = keyFrameXindex;
            intermediateKeyframe.keyframeYindex = keyFrameYindex;
            intermediateKeyframe.keyframeZindex = keyFrameZindex;

            intermediateVideoKeyframes[i] = intermediateKeyframe;

            i        += 1;
            currTime += dt;
Пример #3
    public virtual void SetBeizerPoint(VideoKeyFrame vKeyframe)
        videoKeyframe = vKeyframe;

        float p1x = videoKeyframe.animTrack.animatedObject.beizerPathGroup.beizerPathData.curveXbeizer.keys[videoKeyframe.keyframeXindex].value;
        float p1y = videoKeyframe.animTrack.animatedObject.beizerPathGroup.beizerPathData.curveYbeizer.keys[videoKeyframe.keyframeYindex].value;
        float p1z = videoKeyframe.animTrack.animatedObject.beizerPathGroup.beizerPathData.curveZbeizer.keys[videoKeyframe.keyframeZindex].value;

        transform.position = new Vector3(p1x, p1y, p1z);
Пример #4
    private Vector3 beizerPointPositionFromVideoKeyframeOfBeizerCurves(VideoKeyFrame vk)
        Vector3 animObjTransformPos;

        float x = curveXbeizer.keys[vk.keyframeXindex].value;
        float y = curveYbeizer.keys[vk.keyframeYindex].value;
        float z = curveZbeizer.keys[vk.keyframeZindex].value;

        animObjTransformPos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// This is called after a new keyframe has been added. Takes the previous position keyframe nad the new position keyframe, and generates keyframe postions as such
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="k1"></param>
    /// <param name="k2"></param>
    public void generateBeizerCurve(VideoKeyFrame k1, VideoKeyFrame k2)
        int controlPointIndexOne;
        int controlPointIndexTwo;

        generateBeizerControlPoints(k1, k2, out controlPointIndexOne, out controlPointIndexTwo);
        generateIntermediatePoints(controlPointIndexOne, controlPointIndexTwo);

        /// change the realtime beizer points to this saved beizer points
        realTimeBeizerPoints = beizerPoints;
Пример #6
    // if the control points

    private VideoKeyFrame[] retrieveVideoKeyFramesFromBeizerPoint(int beizerPointIndexOne, int beizerPointIndexTwo)
        int countDiff = beizerPointIndexTwo - (beizerPointIndexOne + 1);

        VideoKeyFrame[] videoKeyframes = new VideoKeyFrame[countDiff];

        for (int i = beizerPointIndexOne + 1; i < countDiff; i++)
            videoKeyframes[i] = beizerPoints[i].videoKeyframe;

Пример #7
    // don't use this because this is assuming we generate control points two at a time. doesn't work like this
    private void generateBeizerControlPoints(VideoKeyFrame k1, VideoKeyFrame k2, out int beizerPointIndexOne, out int beizerPointIndexTwo)
        ControlPoint c1 = new ControlPoint();
        ControlPoint c2 = new ControlPoint();



        beizerPointIndexOne = beizerPoints.IndexOf(c1);
        beizerPointIndexTwo = beizerPoints.IndexOf(c2);

        c1.rightControlPoint = c2;
        c2.leftControlPoint  = c1;
Пример #8
    public void RemoveKeyFrameUI(VideoKeyFrame vk)

        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeXindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeYindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.y);
        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeZindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.z);
        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeRotateXindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.rotationX);
        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeRotateYindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.rotationY);
        animCurve.RemoveKeyFrameFromCurve(vk.keyframeRotateZindex, AnimationCurveToUpdate.rotationZ);

        // remove from beizer curve as well



        // remove the beizerPoint
Пример #9
    // question - should this be invoked after the keyframe has been added to the curve? - answer, YES, after anim Curve has completed curve data update for all 3 positions

    public void AddKeyFrameUI(float time, out VideoKeyFrame newK)
        int keyframeIndex;

        if (isVideoKeyFrameHere(time, out keyframeIndex))
        GameObject keyframeObj = Instantiate(timeline.keyframePrefab.gameObject, transform);

        newK = keyframeObj.GetComponent <VideoKeyFrame>();
        newK.keyframeTime = time;

        if (!isTimeWithinTimelineClampedTime(newK.keyframeTime))

        sortVideoKeyframesByTime();     // ensure the correct indices in the track for proper retrival of keyframes

        newK.animTrack = this;

        // get keyframe indices and insert them onto videokeyframe
        int keyframePosIndexX = animCurve.getKeyframeIndicesFromCurve(timeline.timelineTicker.currentTime, AnimationCurveToUpdate.x);
        int keyframePosIndexY = animCurve.getKeyframeIndicesFromCurve(timeline.timelineTicker.currentTime, AnimationCurveToUpdate.y);
        int keyframePosIndexZ = animCurve.getKeyframeIndicesFromCurve(timeline.timelineTicker.currentTime, AnimationCurveToUpdate.z);

        Debug.Log("keyframeIndexX " + keyframePosIndexX + " keyframePosIndexY " + keyframePosIndexY + " keyframeIndexZ " + keyframePosIndexZ);

        newK.keyframeXindex = keyframePosIndexX;
        newK.keyframeYindex = keyframePosIndexY;
        newK.keyframeZindex = keyframePosIndexZ;
Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// This is invoked when the UI menu button has been pressed and
    /// We are basically sending a new path (w/ the customized control points), with lots of manipulated control points and intermediate points, to the animation curve.
    /// Have customized
    /// make sure the control points have reference to the keyframe index number
    /// Basically, this is a more customized version of how to
    /// </summary>

    // we should keep the beizer curve animationcurves Sepearate from the Regular linear path curves (toggle)

    // case 1) complete linear path ---- save that curve in curveX, curveY, curveZ

    // case 2) complete beizer path ---- save those curves as beizerCurveX, beizerCurveY, beizerCurveZ, but make sure you have reference / distinguish between control points and beizer points

    // case 3) have a button that toggles back and forth that chooses between which curve to set

    // saving this beizer curve arrangement deserves a separate button
    public void saveUpdatedBeizerCurve()
        // we're going to create a new animation curve, from these positions, for x,y,z
        // and then send them to the clip for playing
        AnimationCurve curveX = new AnimationCurve();
        AnimationCurve curveY = new AnimationCurve();
        AnimationCurve curveZ = new AnimationCurve();


        // get keyframes ready to set to curve
        Keyframe[] xKeys = new Keyframe[realTimeBeizerPoints.Count];
        Keyframe[] yKeys = new Keyframe[realTimeBeizerPoints.Count];
        Keyframe[] zKeys = new Keyframe[realTimeBeizerPoints.Count];

        // generate keyframe per position and time
        for (int i = 0; i < realTimeBeizerPoints.Count; i++)
            Vector3 pos = realTimeBeizerPoints[i].transform.position;
            xKeys[i] = new Keyframe(realTimeBeizerPoints[i].beizerTime, pos.x);
            yKeys[i] = new Keyframe(realTimeBeizerPoints[i].beizerTime, pos.y);
            zKeys[i] = new Keyframe(realTimeBeizerPoints[i].beizerTime, pos.z);

        // set a new list of VideoKeyframes
        // animTrack.DestoryExistingKeyframesUI();

        List <VideoKeyFrame> videoKeyFrames = new List <VideoKeyFrame>();

        for (int i = 0; i < realTimeBeizerPoints.Count; i++)
            int curveXindex = curveX.AddKey(xKeys[i]);
            int curveYindex = curveY.AddKey(yKeys[i]);
            int curveZindex = curveZ.AddKey(zKeys[i]);

            VideoKeyFrame vk = new VideoKeyFrame();
            vk.animTrack = animTrack;

            vk.keyframeXindex = curveXindex;
            vk.keyframeYindex = curveYindex;
            vk.keyframeZindex = curveZindex;


        /// include place holder and ? -- do we want to have a sepearate method for this -> because it seems much easier just to generate new curve, adjust key frames, etc.
        /// assess time it takes to create other methods, versus time saved here.

        // animTrack.clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curveX);
        //animTrack.clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curveY);
        //animTrack.clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curveZ);

        // call animTrack to recreate a new list of VideoKeyframes, which are sent from here
        //animTrack.videoKeyFrames = videoKeyFrames;

        // we need to save these video key frame positions
        // animTrack.UpdateKeyframeUI();

        curveXbeizer = curveX;
        curveYbeizer = curveY;
        curveZbeizer = curveZ;
Пример #11
 public void removeControlPoint(VideoKeyFrame vk)