Пример #1
        void DrawCloudsY(int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2, int y, int axisSize, FastColour col, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices)
            int endX = x2, endZ = z2, startZ = z1;
            // adjust range so that largest negative uv coordinate is shifted to 0 or above.
            float offset = Utils.CeilDiv(-x1, 2048);
            int   i      = 0;

            for ( ; x1 < endX; x1 += axisSize)
                x2 = x1 + axisSize;
                if (x2 > endX)
                    x2 = endX;
                z1 = startZ;
                for ( ; z1 < endZ; z1 += axisSize)
                    z2 = z1 + axisSize;
                    if (z2 > endZ)
                        z2 = endZ;

                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y + 0.1f, z1, x1 / 2048f + offset, z1 / 2048f + offset, col);
                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y + 0.1f, z2, x1 / 2048f + offset, z2 / 2048f + offset, col);
                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y + 0.1f, z2, x2 / 2048f + offset, z2 / 2048f + offset, col);
                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y + 0.1f, z1, x2 / 2048f + offset, z1 / 2048f + offset, col);
Пример #2
        protected void DrawRotate(float x, float y, float z, float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, ModelPart part)
            float cosX = (float)Math.Cos(-angleX), sinX = (float)Math.Sin(-angleX);
            float cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-angleY), sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-angleY);
            float cosZ = (float)Math.Cos(-angleZ), sinZ = (float)Math.Sin(-angleZ);
            float vScale = _64x64 ? 64f : 32f;

            for (int i = 0; i < part.Count; i++)
                ModelVertex model = vertices[part.Offset + i];
                Vector3     loc   = new Vector3(model.X - x, model.Y - y, model.Z - z);
                if (Rotate == RotateOrder.ZYX)
                    loc = Utils.RotateZ(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosZ, sinZ);
                    loc = Utils.RotateY(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosY, sinY);
                    loc = Utils.RotateX(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosX, sinX);
                else if (Rotate == RotateOrder.XZY)
                    loc = Utils.RotateX(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosX, sinX);
                    loc = Utils.RotateZ(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosZ, sinZ);
                    loc = Utils.RotateY(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, cosY, sinY);

                FastColour            col    = GetCol(i, part.Count);
                VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b vertex = default(VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b);
                Vector3 newPos = Utils.RotateY(loc.X + x, loc.Y + y, loc.Z + z, cosA, sinA) + pos;
                vertex.X = newPos.X; vertex.Y = newPos.Y; vertex.Z = newPos.Z;
                vertex.R = col.R; vertex.G = col.G; vertex.B = col.B; vertex.A = 255;
                AdjustUV(model.U, model.V, vScale, i, ref vertex);
                cache.vertices[index++] = vertex;
Пример #3
 public void InitCache()
     vertices          = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[24 * 12];
     vb                = api.CreateDynamicVb(VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b, vertices.Length);
     cache["humanoid"] = new HumanoidModel(game);
     cache["human"]    = cache["humanoid"];
Пример #4
 void TransformVertices()
     for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
         VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b vertex = cache.vertices[i];
         Vector3 newPos = Utils.RotateY(vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z, cosYaw, sinYaw) + pos;
         vertex.X          = newPos.X; vertex.Y = newPos.Y; vertex.Z = newPos.Z;
         cache.vertices[i] = vertex;
Пример #5
        void ResetClouds(int extent, int axisSize)
            extent = Utils.AdjViewDist(extent);
            int x1 = -extent, x2 = map.Width + extent;
            int z1 = -extent, z2 = map.Length + extent;

            cloudVertices = Utils.CountVertices(x2 - x1, z2 - z1, axisSize);

            VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[cloudVertices];
            DrawCloudsY(x1, z1, x2, z2, map.CloudHeight, axisSize, map.CloudsCol, vertices);
            cloudsVb = graphics.CreateVb(vertices, VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b, cloudVertices);
Пример #6
        public override void Render( double delta, float t, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices, ref int index )
            Position = Vector3.Lerp( lastPos, nextPos, t );
            Vector3 p111, p121, p212, p222;
            Size = terrainSize;
            TranslatePoints( out p111, out p121, out p212, out p222 );
            Map map = game.Map;
            FastColour col = map.IsLit( Vector3I.Floor( Position ) ) ? map.Sunlight : map.Shadowlight;

            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( p111, Rectangle.U1, Rectangle.V2, col );
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( p121, Rectangle.U1, Rectangle.V1, col );
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( p222, Rectangle.U2, Rectangle.V1, col );
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( p212, Rectangle.U2, Rectangle.V2, col );
Пример #7
        void AdjustUV(ushort u, ushort v, float vScale, int i, ref VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b vertex)
            vertex.U = u / 64f; vertex.V = v / vScale;
            int quadIndex = i % 4;

            if (quadIndex == 0 || quadIndex == 3)
                vertex.V -= 0.01f / vScale;
            if (quadIndex == 2 || quadIndex == 3)
                vertex.U -= 0.01f / 64f;
Пример #8
        public static void Make2DQuad(TextureRec xy, TextureRec uv,
                                      VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices, ref int index)
            float x1 = xy.U1, y1 = xy.V1, x2 = xy.U2, y2 = xy.V2;

                        #if USE_DX
            x1 -= 0.5f; x2 -= 0.5f;
            y1 -= 0.5f; y2 -= 0.5f;
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y1, 0, uv.U1, uv.V1, FastColour.White);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y1, 0, uv.U2, uv.V1, FastColour.White);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y2, 0, uv.U2, uv.V2, FastColour.White);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y2, 0, uv.U1, uv.V2, FastColour.White);
        public override void Render(double delta, float t, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices, ref int index)
            Position = Vector3.Lerp(lastPos, nextPos, t);
            Vector3 p111, p121, p212, p222;

            Utils.CalcBillboardPoints(terrainSize, Position, ref game.View,
                                      out p111, out p121, out p212, out p222);
            Map        map = game.Map;
            FastColour col = map.IsLit(Vector3I.Floor(Position)) ? map.Sunlight : map.Shadowlight;

            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(p111, rec.U1, rec.V2, col);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(p121, rec.U1, rec.V1, col);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(p222, rec.U2, rec.V1, col);
            vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(p212, rec.U2, rec.V2, col);
Пример #10
        protected void DrawPart(ModelPart part)
            float vScale = _64x64 ? 64f : 32f;

            for (int i = 0; i < part.Count; i++)
                ModelVertex model  = vertices[part.Offset + i];
                Vector3     newPos = Utils.RotateY(model.X, model.Y, model.Z, cosA, sinA) + pos;

                FastColour            col    = GetCol(i, part.Count);
                VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b vertex = default(VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b);
                vertex.X = newPos.X; vertex.Y = newPos.Y; vertex.Z = newPos.Z;
                vertex.R = col.R; vertex.G = col.G; vertex.B = col.B; vertex.A = 255;
                AdjustUV(model.U, model.V, vScale, i, ref vertex);
                cache.vertices[index++] = vertex;
Пример #11
        public virtual void Draw2DTexture(ref Texture tex, FastColour col)
            float x1 = tex.X1, y1 = tex.Y1, x2 = tex.X2, y2 = tex.Y2;

                        #if USE_DX
            // NOTE: see "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb219690(v=vs.85).aspx",
            // i.e. the msdn article called "Directly Mapping Texels to Pixels (Direct3D 9)" for why we have to do this.
            x1 -= 0.5f; x2 -= 0.5f;
            y1 -= 0.5f; y2 -= 0.5f;
            texVerts[0] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y1, 0, tex.U1, tex.V1, col);
            texVerts[1] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y1, 0, tex.U2, tex.V1, col);
            texVerts[2] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x2, y2, 0, tex.U2, tex.V2, col);
            texVerts[3] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(x1, y2, 0, tex.U1, tex.V2, col);
            UpdateDynamicIndexedVb(DrawMode.Triangles, texVb, texVerts, 4, 6);
Пример #12
 void AdjustUV( ushort u, ushort v, float vScale, int i, ref VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b vertex )
     vertex.U = u / 64f; vertex.V = v / vScale;
     int quadIndex = i % 4;
     if( quadIndex == 0 || quadIndex == 3 )
         vertex.V -= 0.01f / vScale;
     if( quadIndex == 2 || quadIndex == 3 )
         vertex.U -= 0.01f / 64f;
        void DrawCloudsY( int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2, int y, int axisSize, FastColour col, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b* vertices )
            int endX = x2, endZ = z2, startZ = z1;

            for( ; x1 < endX; x1 += axisSize ) {
                x2 = x1 + axisSize;
                if( x2 > endX ) x2 = endX;
                z1 = startZ;
                for( ; z1 < endZ; z1 += axisSize ) {
                    z2 = z1 + axisSize;
                    if( z2 > endZ ) z2 = endZ;

                    *vertices++ = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x1, y, z1, x1 / 2048f, z1 / 2048f, col );
                    *vertices++ = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x1, y, z2, x1 / 2048f, z2 / 2048f, col );
                    *vertices++ = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x2, y, z2, x2 / 2048f, z2 / 2048f, col );
                    *vertices++ = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x2, y, z1, x2 / 2048f, z1 / 2048f, col );
Пример #14
 public abstract void Render( double delta, float t, VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices, ref int index );