public bool Deserialise(Table vertInfoTable) { bool success = false; foreach (DynValue entry in vertInfoTable.Values) { Table vertDefTable = entry.Table; VertInfo info = new VertInfo(); info.VertID = (int)vertDefTable.Get("vert_id").Number; info.IsStatic = vertDefTable.Get("static").Boolean; info.MassScale = (float)vertDefTable.Get("mass_scale").Number; info.PullToSkinScale = (float)vertDefTable.Get("pull_to_skin_scale").Number; info.ColliderRadiusScale = (float)vertDefTable.Get("collider_radius_scale").Number; info.Position = vertDefTable.Get("position").ToObject <Vector3>(); Debug.Assert(info.BodyShapeOffsetTable.Deserialise(vertDefTable.Get("body_shape_offset").Table)); Debug.Assert(info.SkinWeightsTable.Deserialise(vertDefTable.Get("skin_weights").Table)); Debug.Assert(info.ConstraintsTable.Deserialise(vertDefTable.Get("constraints").Table)); m_vertInfoList.Add(info); } success = true; return(success); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { foreach (MeshFilter meshSource in meshSources) { Vector3[] verts = meshSource.mesh.vertices; Vector3[] normals = meshSource.mesh.normals; VertInfo[] vertInfo = new VertInfo[verts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) { vertInfo[i] = new VertInfo() { vert = verts[i], origIndex = i, normal = normals[i] }; } var groups = vertInfo.GroupBy(x => x.vert); VertInfo[] processedVertInfo = new VertInfo[vertInfo.Length]; int index = 0; foreach (IGrouping <Vector3, VertInfo> group in groups) { Vector3 avgNormal = zeroVec; foreach (VertInfo item in group) { avgNormal += item.normal; } avgNormal = avgNormal / group.Count(); foreach (VertInfo item in group) { processedVertInfo[index] = new VertInfo() { vert = item.vert, origIndex = item.origIndex, normal = item.normal, averagedNormal = avgNormal }; index++; } } Color[] colors = new Color[verts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < processedVertInfo.Length; i++) { VertInfo info = processedVertInfo[i]; int origIndex = info.origIndex; Vector3 normal = info.averagedNormal; Color normColor = new Color(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, 1); colors[origIndex] = normColor; } meshSource.mesh.colors = colors; } }
public void RemoveVert(VertInfo vertInfo) { m_vertInfoTable.RemoveVertInfo(vertInfo); }
public void AddVert(VertInfo vertInfo) { m_vertInfoTable.AddVertInfo(vertInfo); }
private void ConvertMeshes(Transform a_meshObject) { // Check for object children, if so then convert their meshes too if (a_meshObject.childCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < a_meshObject.childCount; ++i) { ConvertMeshes(a_meshObject.GetChild(i)); } } MeshFilter meshSource = a_meshObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); // Early out if this object doesn't have a mesh filter if (meshSource == null) { return; } m_objectCount++; // Check if an object with the same model has already been converted foreach (MeshFilter m in m_converted) { // If there is a model that has already been converted then set // this meshfilter to the converted one if (m.sharedMesh == meshSource.sharedMesh) { meshSource = m; return; } } Vector3[] verts = meshSource.sharedMesh.vertices; Vector3[] normals = meshSource.sharedMesh.normals; VertInfo[] vertInfo = new VertInfo[verts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) { vertInfo[i] = new VertInfo() { vert = verts[i], origIndex = i, normal = normals[i] }; } var groups = vertInfo.GroupBy(x => x.vert); VertInfo[] processedVertInfo = new VertInfo[vertInfo.Length]; int index = 0; foreach (IGrouping <Vector3, VertInfo> group in groups) { Vector3 avgNormal = zeroVec; foreach (VertInfo item in group) { avgNormal += item.normal; } avgNormal = avgNormal / group.Count(); foreach (VertInfo item in group) { processedVertInfo[index] = new VertInfo() { vert = item.vert, origIndex = item.origIndex, normal = item.normal, averagedNormal = avgNormal }; index++; } } Color[] colors = new Color[verts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < processedVertInfo.Length; i++) { VertInfo info = processedVertInfo[i]; int origIndex = info.origIndex; Vector3 normal = info.averagedNormal; Color normColor = new Color(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, 1); colors[origIndex] = normColor; } meshSource.sharedMesh.colors = colors; meshSource.sharedMesh.RecalculateNormals(); // Add the converted mesh to the converted list m_converted.Add(meshSource); }
public void RemoveVertInfo(VertInfo vertInfo) { m_vertInfoList.Remove(vertInfo); }
public void AddVertInfo(VertInfo vertInfo) { m_vertInfoList.Add(vertInfo); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DynamicParticleComponent dynamicParticle = (DynamicParticleComponent)target; ClothSimEntity clothSimEntity = dynamicParticle.ClothSimEntity; VertInfo vertInfo = dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo; JointInfoTable.JointInfoDefinition jointInfo = dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.JointInfo; BodyShapeOffSetTable bodyShapesOffsetsTable = dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.BodyShapeOffsetTable; int vertID = vertInfo.VertID; vertInfo.VertID = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Vert ID", vertID); = vertInfo.VertID != vertID ? "Particle VertID : " + vertInfo.VertID.ToString() :; vertInfo.MassScale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Mass Scale", vertInfo.MassScale); vertInfo.PullToSkinScale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pull To Skin Scale", vertInfo.PullToSkinScale); vertInfo.ColliderRadiusScale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Collider Radius Scale", vertInfo.ColliderRadiusScale); vertInfo.Position = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", vertInfo.Position); vertInfo.IsStatic = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Static", vertInfo.IsStatic); //update vert id. JointInfoDisplay(jointInfo); if (GUILayout.Button("Skin Weights Editor")) { } if (GUILayout.Button("Constraints Editor")) { ClothSimConstraintsEditorWindow constraintsWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow <ClothSimConstraintsEditorWindow>(); constraintsWindow.ParticleComponent = dynamicParticle; constraintsWindow.Show(); } if (jointInfo == null) { if (GUILayout.Button("AddJointInfo")) { JointInfoTable.JointInfoDefinition newJointInfo = new JointInfoTable.JointInfoDefinition(); clothSimEntity.AddJointInfo(newJointInfo); dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.JointInfo = newJointInfo; } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("RemoveJointInfo")) { clothSimEntity.RemoveJointInfo(jointInfo); dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.JointInfo = null; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Patricle")) { clothSimEntity.DeleteParticle(dynamicParticle.gameObject); } BlendShapeEditor(clothSimEntity, dynamicParticle, dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.BodyShapeOffsetTable); }