public DataLoadWorker(VersionDb db, int start, int end, YCSBAsyncBenchmarkTest test) { this.db = db; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.test = test; }
public void TestInit() { // RedisVersionDb.Instance.PipelineMode = true; //this.versionDb = RedisVersionDb.Instance; //this.clientManager = ((RedisVersionDb)this.versionDb).RedisManager; //int partition = versionDb.PhysicalPartitionByKey(DEFAULT_KEY); //using (RedisClient redisClient = (RedisClient)this.clientManager.GetClient(TEST_REDIS_DB, partition)) //{ // // 1. flush the test db // redisClient.ChangeDb(TEST_REDIS_DB); // redisClient.FlushDb(); // // 2. create version table, if table is null, it means the table with the same tableId has existed // VersionTable table = this.versionDb.CreateVersionTable(TABLE_ID, TEST_REDIS_DB); // // 3. load data // Transaction tx = new Transaction(null, this.versionDb); // tx.ReadAndInitialize(TABLE_ID, DEFAULT_KEY); // tx.Insert(TABLE_ID, DEFAULT_KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE); // tx.Commit(); //} this.versionDb = CassandraVersionDb.Instance(4); VersionTable table = this.versionDb.CreateVersionTable(TABLE_ID, TEST_REDIS_DB); Transaction tx = new Transaction(null, this.versionDb); tx.ReadAndInitialize(TABLE_ID, DEFAULT_KEY); tx.Insert(TABLE_ID, DEFAULT_KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE); tx.Commit(); }
public YCSBAsyncBenchmarkTest( int recordCount, int executorCount, int txCountPerExecutor, VersionDb versionDb, string[] flushTables = null, BenchmarkTestConfig config = null) { this.versionDb = versionDb; this.recordCount = recordCount; this.executorCount = executorCount; this.txCountPerExecutor = txCountPerExecutor; this.executorList = new List <TransactionExecutor>(); this.totalTasks = 0; this.tables = flushTables; if (config == null) { config = new BenchmarkTestConfig(); } this.config = config; Console.WriteLine("Current Benchmark Test Config: {0}", this.config.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Wait for 5 seconds to confirm"); Console.Out.Flush(); //Thread.Sleep(5000); }
static internal TransactionExecution MakeTxExec( this VersionDb versionDb, int workerId = 0) { return(new TransactionExecution( null, versionDb, null, new TxRange(workerId), workerId % versionDb.PartitionCount)); }
internal void load(VersionDb db, int threadCount, int totalRecord) { int interval = totalRecord / threadCount; List <Thread> threadList = new List <Thread>(); int[] count = new int[threadCount]; List <DataLoadWorker> loadList = new List <DataLoadWorker>(); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { DataLoadWorker load = new DataLoadWorker(db, interval * i, Math.Min(interval * (i + 1), totalRecord), this); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(load.load)); loadList.Add(load); threadList.Add(t); t.Start(); } long lastTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; long now; int lastSum = 0; int sum = 0; int thread = 0; foreach (DataLoadWorker loader in loadList) { lastSum += loader.getCount(); } bool isFinished = false; while (!isFinished) { Thread.Sleep(1000); sum = 0; isFinished = true; thread = 0; foreach (DataLoadWorker loader in loadList) { sum += loader.getCount(); if (!loader.getIsFinished()) { thread++; isFinished = false; } } now = DateTime.Now.Ticks; long runSeconds = (now - lastTime) / 10000000; Console.WriteLine("Time Inteval : {0}, Total Finish Count: {1}, Throughput: {2} txn/s, thread : {3}", runSeconds, sum, (sum - lastSum) / runSeconds, thread); lastSum = sum; lastTime = now; } foreach (Thread t in threadList) { t.Join(); } }
TransactionExecution MakeSimpleExecution( VersionDb versionDb, int workerId) { int visitorId = workerId % versionDb.PartitionCount; return(new TransactionExecution( null, versionDb, null, new TxRange(workerId), visitorId)); }
internal void loadWithOneThread(VersionDb db, int start, int end, ref int sum) { int batchSize = 1; for (int i = start; i < end; i += batchSize) { sum += batchInsert(db, i, Math.Min(end, i + batchSize)); } }
public YcsbBenchmarkEnv( VersionDb versionDb, Func <TransactionExecution, YcsbWorker> workerFactory) { var txExecs = SingletonYCSBTxExecHelper.MakeTxExecs(versionDb); this.workers = txExecs.AsParallel() .Select(workerFactory) .ToArray(); }
TransactionExecution[] MakeTxExecs(VersionDb versionDb) { var txExecs = new TransactionExecution[versionDb.PartitionCount]; for (int i = 0; i < versionDb.PartitionCount; ++i) { txExecs[i] = versionDb.MakeTxExec(i); } return(txExecs); }
static void SyncLoadTpccTablesInto(VersionDb versionDb, string dir) { // foreach (var t in TpccTable.allTypes) // { // SyncLoadTpccTable(TpccTable.Instance(t), versionDb, dir); // } Parallel.ForEach( TpccTable.AllUsedTypes, t => SyncLoadTpccTable(TpccTable.Instance(t), versionDb, dir)); }
static void SyncLoadTpccTable( TpccTable table, VersionDb versionDb, string dir) { Console.WriteLine($"Start loading table: '{table.Type().Name()}'"); var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; int c = TPCCTableLoader.Load(dir, table, versionDb); var time = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine( $"{c} records in '{table.Name()}' loaded in {time:F3} sec"); }
static void LoadDataWithSyncForCassandra(string filename, int nThread, VersionDb vdb) { List <VersionDb> vdbList = new List <VersionDb>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThread; i++) { vdbList.Add(vdb); } YCSBBenchmarkTest sync_test = new YCSBBenchmarkTest(0, 0, vdb); sync_test.LoadDataWithMultiThreads(filename, vdbList, nThread); }
internal void RunTxOnly() { VersionDb vdb = RedisVersionDb.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < this.txTaskQueue.Length; i++) { long txId = vdb.InsertNewTx(); //vdb.UpdateCommitLowerBound(txId, 50); //vdb.SetAndGetCommitTime(txId, 90); //vdb.UpdateTxStatus(txId, TxStatus.Committed); this.FinishedTxs++; } }
/// <summary> /// For YCSB sync benchmark test /// </summary> static void YCSBTest() { const int workerCount = 4; // 4; const int taskCountPerWorker = 2000000; // 50000; const string dataFile = ""; const string operationFile = ""; // REDIS VERSION DB // VersionDb versionDb = RedisVersionDb.Instance; // SINGLETON VERSION DB VersionDb versionDb = SingletonVersionDb.Instance(); YCSBBenchmarkTest test = new YCSBBenchmarkTest(workerCount, taskCountPerWorker, versionDb); test.Setup(dataFile, operationFile); test.Run(); test.Stats(); }
public override int SaveTo(VersionDb versionDb) { CreateTable(versionDb, TpccTable.Instance(TableType.CUSTOMER_INDEX)); int recordCount = 0; SyncExecution txExec = new SyncExecution(versionDb); foreach (var kv in this.tempStore) { CustomerLastNameIndexKey lastNameKey = kv.Key; List <uint> cids = kv.Value; txExec.Start(); txExec.Insert( lastNameKey, CustomerLastNamePayloads.FromList(cids)); txExec.Commit(); ++recordCount; } return(recordCount); }
internal int batchInsert(VersionDb db, int start, int end) { int count = 0; Transaction txn = new Transaction(null, db); string readValue = null; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { readValue = (string)txn.ReadAndInitialize(TABLE_ID, i); if (readValue == null) { txn.Insert(TABLE_ID, i, new String('a', 100)); count++; } } txn.Commit(); return(count); }
void batchInsert(int s, int e, VersionDb vdb, List <string> lines) { //Console.WriteLine("s={0}, e={1}", s, e); Transaction tx = new Transaction(null, vdb); string readValue = null; for (int i = s; i < e; i++) { //Console.WriteLine("i={0}, cnt={1}", i, lines.Count); string[] fields = this.ParseCommandFormat(lines[i]); //readValue = (string)tx.ReadAndInitialize(TABLE_ID, fields[2]); readValue = (string)tx.ReadAndInitialize(TABLE_ID, i); if (readValue == null) { //tx.Insert(TABLE_ID, fields[2], fields[3]); tx.Insert(TABLE_ID, i, fields[3]); } } tx.Commit(); }
public YCSBBenchmarkTest(int workerCount, int taskCountPerWorker, VersionDb versionDb = null) { this.workerCount = workerCount; this.taskCountPerWorker = taskCountPerWorker; if (versionDb != null) { this.versionDb = versionDb; } this.workers = new List <Worker>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.workerCount; i++) { this.workers.Add(new Worker(i + 1, taskCountPerWorker)); } this.executors = new List <TransactionExecutor>(); this.transactions = new List <Transaction>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.workerCount; i++) { this.executors.Add(new TransactionExecutor(this.versionDb, null, null, 0, i)); this.transactions.Add(new Transaction(null, this.versionDb, 10)); } }
int Load(string dir, TpccTable table, VersionDb versionDb) { CreateTable(versionDb, table); int recordCount = 0; var txExec = new SyncExecution(versionDb, (int)table.Type()); var auxIndexLoader = AuxIndexLoader.FromTableType(table.Type()); foreach (var kv in LoadKvsFromDir(dir, table)) { txExec.Start(); if (txExec.Insert(kv.Item1, kv.Item2).IsAborted()) { continue; } if (txExec.Commit().IsAborted()) { continue; } auxIndexLoader.BuildAuxIndex(kv.Item1, kv.Item2); ++recordCount; } recordCount += auxIndexLoader.SaveTo(versionDb); return(recordCount); }
public SyncExecutionBuilder(VersionDb versionDb) { this.VersionDb = versionDb; }
static private void CreateTable(VersionDb versionDb, TpccTable table) { versionDb.CreateVersionTable(table.Name()); }
public virtual int SaveTo(VersionDb versionDb) { return(0); }
public SyncExecution(VersionDb versionDb, int workerId = 0) { this.txExec = MakeSimpleExecution(versionDb, workerId); }