public void ExtendedObservableCollection_CollectionChangedListenerTest()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = new FooCollection();
                var collectionChangedEventQueue = new Queue <Tuple <object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs> >();
                var collectionChangedListener   = new Listener <NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>((s, e) => collectionChangedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e)));

                result.Add(new Foo());
                verify.AreEqual(1, collectionChangedEventQueue.Count, "event didn't fire");
                var event1 = collectionChangedEventQueue.Dequeue();
                verify.AreSame(result, event1.Item1, "event has the wrong item");
                verify.AreEqual(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, event1.Item2.Action, "event as the wrong action");

                result.Add(new Foo());
                verify.AreEqual(0, collectionChangedEventQueue.Count, "event handler wasn't removed");
Пример #2
        public void ExtendedObservableCollection_PropertyChangedListenerTest()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = new FooCollection();
                var propertyChangedEventQueue = new Queue <Tuple <object, PropertyChangedEventArgs> >();
                var propertyChangedListener   = new Listener <PropertyChangedEventArgs>((s, e) => propertyChangedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e)));

                result.Boom += 1;
                verify.AreEqual(1, propertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event didn't fire");
                var event1 = propertyChangedEventQueue.Dequeue();
                verify.AreSame(result, event1.Item1, "event has the wrong item");
                verify.AreEqual("Boom", event1.Item2.PropertyName, "event as the wrong parameter name");

                result.Boom += 1;
                verify.AreEqual(0, propertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event handler wasn't removed");
Пример #3
        public void TestTwoWayExitBehavior()
            // Allow the exit to reside in two places, and place it in both room A and room B.
            this.exit.Behaviors.Add(new MultipleParentsBehavior());

            // Ensure there are no destinations before rigging them up.
            Verify.AreSame(this.exitBehavior.GetDestination(this.roomA), null);
            Verify.AreSame(this.exitBehavior.GetDestination(this.roomB), null);

            // Rig the exits and ensure both got rigged up to the correct destinations.
            this.exitBehavior.AddDestination("north", this.roomB.ID);
            this.exitBehavior.AddDestination("south", this.roomA.ID);
            Verify.AreSame(this.exitBehavior.GetDestination(this.roomA), this.roomB);
            Verify.AreSame(this.exitBehavior.GetDestination(this.roomB), this.roomA);

            // Create an unmovable actor, and ensure that said actor cannot move through.
   = new Thing()
                Name = "Actor", Parent = this.roomA, ID = TestThingID.Generate("testactor")
            Verify.AreSame(, this.roomA);

            // Make the actoc movable, and ensure they end up in the next room when moving through.
            Verify.AreSame(, this.roomB);

            // Move the actor back through the exit again, and ensure they end up in the starting room.
            Verify.AreSame(, this.roomA);

            // @@@ TODO: Ensure the actor does not move through when using the wrong context command?
            // @@@ TODO: Ensure the actor moves through both ways when using correct context commands?
Пример #4
        public void ValidateRecycledElementOwnerAffinity()
            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                ItemsRepeater repeater1 = null;
                ItemsRepeater repeater2 = null;
                const int numItems      = 10;
                var dataCollection      = new ObservableCollection <int>(Enumerable.Range(0, numItems));
                const string recycleKey = "key";

                var dataSource   = MockItemsSource.CreateDataSource <int>(dataCollection, true);
                var layout       = new StackLayout();
                var recyclePool  = new RecyclePool();
                var itemTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Parse(
                    @"<DataTemplate  xmlns=''>
                         <TextBlock Text='{Binding}' />

                repeater1 = new ItemsRepeater()
                    ItemsSource  = dataSource,
                    Layout       = layout,
                    ItemTemplate = new RecyclingElementFactoryDerived()
                        Templates            = { { "key", itemTemplate } },
                        RecyclePool          = recyclePool,
                        SelectTemplateIdFunc = (object data, UIElement owner) => recycleKey

                repeater2 = new ItemsRepeater()
                    ItemsSource  = dataSource,
                    Layout       = layout,
                    ItemTemplate = new RecyclingElementFactoryDerived()
                        Templates            = { { "key", itemTemplate } },
                        RecyclePool          = recyclePool,
                        SelectTemplateIdFunc = (object data, UIElement owner) => recycleKey

                var root = new StackPanel();

                Content = new ItemsRepeaterScrollHost()
                    Width        = 400,
                    Height       = 400,
                    ScrollViewer = new ScrollViewer()
                        Content = root

                Verify.AreEqual(numItems, VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(repeater1));
                Verify.AreEqual(numItems, VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(repeater2));

                // Throw all the elements into the recycle pool

                for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
                    var element1 = (FrameworkElement)recyclePool.TryGetElement(recycleKey, repeater1);
                    Verify.AreSame(repeater1, element1.Parent);

                    var element2 = (FrameworkElement)recyclePool.TryGetElement(recycleKey, repeater2);
                    Verify.AreSame(repeater2, element2.Parent);
        [TestProperty("TestPass:IncludeOnlyOn", "Desktop")] // TeachingTip doesn't appear to show up correctly in OneCore.
        public void TeachingTipBackgroundTest()
            TeachingTip     teachingTip = null, teachingTipLightDismiss = null;
            SolidColorBrush blueBrush = null;
            Brush           lightDismissBackgroundBrush = null;
            var             loadedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                Grid root           = new Grid();
                teachingTip         = new TeachingTip();
                teachingTip.Loaded += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) => { loadedEvent.Set(); };

                teachingTipLightDismiss = new TeachingTip();
                teachingTipLightDismiss.IsLightDismissEnabled = true;

                // Set LightDismiss background before show... it shouldn't take effect in the tree
                blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                teachingTipLightDismiss.Background = blueBrush;

                root.Resources.Add("TeachingTip", teachingTip);
                root.Resources.Add("TeachingTipLightDismiss", teachingTipLightDismiss);

                lightDismissBackgroundBrush = MUXControlsTestApp.App.Current.Resources["TeachingTipTransientBackground"] as Brush;
                Verify.IsNotNull(lightDismissBackgroundBrush, "lightDismissBackgroundBrush");

                teachingTip.IsOpen             = true;
                teachingTipLightDismiss.IsOpen = true;

                MUXControlsTestApp.App.TestContentRoot = root;


            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                var redBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                teachingTip.SetValue(TeachingTip.BackgroundProperty, redBrush);
                Verify.AreSame(redBrush, teachingTip.GetValue(TeachingTip.BackgroundProperty) as Brush);
                Verify.AreSame(redBrush, teachingTip.Background);

                teachingTip.Background = blueBrush;
                Verify.AreSame(blueBrush, teachingTip.Background);

                    var popup      = TeachingTipTestHooks.GetPopup(teachingTip);
                    var child      = popup.Child;
                    var grandChild = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(child, 0);
                    Verify.AreSame(blueBrush, ((Grid)grandChild).Background, "Checking TeachingTip.Background TemplateBinding works");

                    var popup       = TeachingTipTestHooks.GetPopup(teachingTipLightDismiss);
                    var child       = popup.Child;
                    var grandChild  = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(child, 0);
                    var actualBrush = ((Grid)grandChild).Background;
                    Log.Comment("Checking LightDismiss TeachingTip Background is using resource for first invocation");
                    if (lightDismissBackgroundBrush != actualBrush)
                        if (actualBrush is SolidColorBrush actualSolidBrush)
                            string teachingTipMessage = $"LightDismiss TeachingTip Background is SolidColorBrush with color {actualSolidBrush.Color}";
                            Verify.AreSame(lightDismissBackgroundBrush, actualBrush, "Checking LightDismiss TeachingTip Background is using resource for first invocation");

                teachingTip.IsLightDismissEnabled = true;


            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                Verify.AreEqual(blueBrush.Color, ((SolidColorBrush)teachingTip.Background).Color);

                var popup      = TeachingTipTestHooks.GetPopup(teachingTip);
                var child      = popup.Child as Grid;
                var grandChild = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(child, 0);
                var grandChildBackgroundBrush = ((Grid)grandChild).Background;
                //If we can no longer cast the background brush to a solid color brush then changing the
                //IsLightDismissEnabled has changed the background as we expected it to.
                if (grandChildBackgroundBrush is SolidColorBrush)
                    Verify.AreNotEqual(blueBrush.Color, ((SolidColorBrush)grandChildBackgroundBrush).Color);
Пример #6
        public void ValidateRecycling()
            RunOnUIThread.Execute(() =>
                var elementFactory = new RecyclingElementFactory()
                    RecyclePool = new RecyclePool(),
                elementFactory.Templates["even"] = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(
                    @"<DataTemplate  xmlns=''>
						<TextBlock Text='even' />
					</DataTemplate>"                    );
                elementFactory.Templates["odd"] = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(
                    @"<DataTemplate  xmlns=''>
						<TextBlock Text='odd' />
					</DataTemplate>"                    );

                elementFactory.SelectTemplateKey +=
                    delegate(RecyclingElementFactory sender, SelectTemplateEventArgs args)
                    args.TemplateKey = ((int)args.DataContext % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd";

                const int numItems     = 10;
                ItemsRepeater repeater = new ItemsRepeater()
                    ItemsSource  = Enumerable.Range(0, numItems),
                    ItemTemplate = elementFactory,

                var context         = (ElementFactoryGetArgs)RepeaterTestHooks.CreateRepeaterElementFactoryGetArgs();
                context.Parent      = repeater;
                var clearContext    = (ElementFactoryRecycleArgs)RepeaterTestHooks.CreateRepeaterElementFactoryRecycleArgs();
                clearContext.Parent = repeater;

                // Element0 is of type even, a new one should be created
                context.Data = 0;
                var element0 = elementFactory.GetElement(context);
                Verify.AreEqual("even", (element0 as TextBlock).Text);
                clearContext.Element = element0;

                // Element1 is of type odd, a new one should be created
                context.Data = 1;
                var element1 = elementFactory.GetElement(context);
                Verify.AreNotSame(element0, element1);
                Verify.AreEqual("odd", (element1 as TextBlock).Text);
                clearContext.Element = element1;

                // Element0 should be recycled for element2
                context.Data = 2;
                var element2 = elementFactory.GetElement(context);
                Verify.AreEqual("even", (element2 as TextBlock).Text);
                Verify.AreSame(element0, element2);

                // Element1 should be recycled for element3
                context.Data = 3;
                var element3 = elementFactory.GetElement(context);
                Verify.AreEqual("odd", (element3 as TextBlock).Text);
                Verify.AreSame(element1, element3);
        private static void ConstructorAssertions(Verify verify, ObservableCollectionExtended<object> result, WeakNotifier weakNotifier, Notifier notifier)
            var itemAssert = new ItemPropertyChangedEventTest(verify, result);

            var itemAddedEventQueue = new Queue<Tuple<object, ItemEventArgs<object>>>();
            result.ItemAdded += (s, e) => itemAddedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e));

            var itemRemovedEventQueue = new Queue<Tuple<object, ItemEventArgs<object>>>();
            result.ItemRemoved += (s, e) => itemRemovedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e));

            weakNotifier.Age += 1;
            itemAssert.ExpectEvent(weakNotifier, "Age");

            notifier.Age += 1;
            itemAssert.ExpectEvent(notifier, "Age");

            var oldCount = result.Count;
            verify.AreEqual(oldCount, itemRemovedEventQueue.Count, "incorrect number of items reported as being removed");

            weakNotifier.Age += 1;
            notifier.Age += 1;

            verify.AreEqual(0, result.Count, "The collection should be empty");
            itemAssert.ExpectCountEquals(0, "ItemPropertyChanged events were fired when the collection was supposed to be empty.");

            verify.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "The new items were not added");
            verify.AreEqual(2, itemAddedEventQueue.Count, "The new item events didn't fire");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(result, result.ReadOnlyWrapper);

            verify.AreEqual(1, itemRemovedEventQueue.Count, "the item wasn't removed");
            verify.AreSame(notifier, result[0], "the wrong item was removed");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(result, result.ReadOnlyWrapper);

            result[0] = weakNotifier;
            verify.AreSame(weakNotifier, result[0], "the item wasn't updated");
            verify.AreEqual(1, itemAddedEventQueue.Count, "the add event for replacing an item didn't fire");
            verify.AreEqual(1, itemRemovedEventQueue.Count, "the remove event for replacing an item didn't fire");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(result, result.ReadOnlyWrapper);
        public void ExtendedObservableCollection_CollectionChangedListenerTest()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = new FooCollection();
                var collectionChangedEventQueue = new Queue<Tuple<object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>>();
                var collectionChangedListener = new Listener<NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>((s, e) => collectionChangedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e)));

                result.Add(new Foo());
                verify.AreEqual(1, collectionChangedEventQueue.Count, "event didn't fire");
                var event1 = collectionChangedEventQueue.Dequeue();
                verify.AreSame(result, event1.Item1, "event has the wrong item");
                verify.AreEqual(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, event1.Item2.Action, "event as the wrong action");

                result.Add(new Foo());
                verify.AreEqual(0, collectionChangedEventQueue.Count, "event handler wasn't removed");
        public void ExtendedObservableCollection_ItemPropertyChangedListenerTest2()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = new FooCollection();
                var itemPropertyChangedEventQueue = new Queue<Tuple<object, RelayedEventArgs<PropertyChangedEventArgs>>>();
                var itemPropertyChangedListener = new Listener<RelayedEventArgs<PropertyChangedEventArgs>>((s, e) => itemPropertyChangedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e)));

                var mutator = new Foo();

                mutator.FooBar = "AAA";

                verify.AreEqual(1, itemPropertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event didn't fire");
                var event1 = itemPropertyChangedEventQueue.Dequeue();
                verify.AreSame(result, event1.Item1, "event has the wrong item");
                verify.AreEqual<object>(mutator, event1.Item2.OriginalSender, "event has the wrong original sender");
                verify.AreEqual("FooBar", event1.Item2.EventArgs.PropertyName, "event as the wrong parameter name");


                mutator.FooBar = "BBB";

                verify.AreEqual(0, itemPropertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event handler wasn't removed");
        public void ExtendedObservableCollection_PropertyChangedListenerTest()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = new FooCollection();
                var propertyChangedEventQueue = new Queue<Tuple<object, PropertyChangedEventArgs>>();
                var propertyChangedListener = new Listener<PropertyChangedEventArgs>((s, e) => propertyChangedEventQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(s, e)));

                result.Boom += 1;
                verify.AreEqual(1, propertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event didn't fire");
                var event1 = propertyChangedEventQueue.Dequeue();
                verify.AreSame(result, event1.Item1, "event has the wrong item");
                verify.AreEqual("Boom", event1.Item2.PropertyName, "event as the wrong parameter name");

                result.Boom += 1;
                verify.AreEqual(0, propertyChangedEventQueue.Count, "event handler wasn't removed");
Пример #11
        public void TestAreSameSame()
            string s = "test";

            Verify.AreSame(s, s);
Пример #12
        public void MetadataCache_Test14B()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = MetadataCache.GetMetadata(typeof(StringIndexedMock));
                var x = result.Properties["Item [System.String]"];
                verify.IsNotNull(x, "Item [System.String] property is missing");

                var y = result.Properties["Item[]"];
                verify.IsNotNull(y, "Item[] property is missing");
                verify.AreSame(x, y, "Item[] and Item [System.String] don't match");
Пример #13
        public void MetadataCache_Test14()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var result = MetadataCache.GetMetadata(typeof(List<int>));

                foreach (var item in result.Properties)

                var x = result.Properties["Item [Int32]"];
                verify.IsNotNull(x, "Item [Int32] property is missing");

                var y = result.Properties["Item[]"];
                verify.IsNotNull(y, "Item[] property is missing");
                verify.AreSame(x, y, "Item[] and Item [Int32] don't match");
Пример #14
        public void MetadataCache_ReflexiveTest2()
            using (var verify = new Verify())
                var fromTypeInfo = MetadataCache.GetMetadata(typeof(Mock).GetTypeInfo());
                var fromType = MetadataCache.GetMetadata(typeof(Mock));

                verify.AreSame(fromType, fromTypeInfo, "From TypeInfo was not cached");
Пример #15
        public void TestAreSameSame()
            var s = "test";

            Verify.AreSame(s, s);