Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get payout vendor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">Error</param>
        /// <returns>Vendor payout</returns>
        public VendorPayout GetPayoutVendor(out ErrorMessage error)
            error = new ErrorMessage();
            var offSet = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;

            if (!_policyManager.DO_PAYOUTS)
                MessageType temp_VbStyle8 = (int)MessageType.Exclamation + MessageType.OkOnly;
                error.MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 38, 54, null, temp_VbStyle8);
            var vendorPayout = new VendorPayout();
            var po           = new Payout();
            var taxes        = po.Payout_Taxes;

            _taxManager.Load_Taxes(ref taxes);
            int totals = 0;

            foreach (Payout_Tax tax in taxes)
                if (totals >= 4)
                    MessageType temp_VbStyle = (int)MessageType.Information + MessageType.OkOnly;
                    vendorPayout.Message = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 23, 90, null, temp_VbStyle);

                if (tax.Tax_Active)
                    vendorPayout.Taxes.Add(new Tax
                        Description = _resourceManager.GetResString(offSet, 194) + tax.Tax_Name,
                        Code        = tax.Tax_Name,
                        Amount      = 0
            var vendors = _stockService.GetAllVendors();

            foreach (var vendor in vendors)
                vendorPayout.Vendors.Add(new PayoutVendor
                    Code = vendor.Code,
                    Name = vendor.Name
            var reasons = _reasonService.GetReasons((char)ReasonType.Payouts);

            foreach (Return_Reason reason in reasons)
                vendorPayout.Reasons.Add(new VendorReason
                    Code        = reason.Reason,
                    Description = reason.Description
        public void HandleEvent(OrderPaidEvent eventMessage)
            var order     = eventMessage.Order;
            var vendorIds = order.OrderItems.Select(m => m.Product.VendorId).Distinct();

            //to store the vendor based order items
            var vendorItems = new Dictionary <int, IList <OrderItem> >();
            //to store the vendors in a dictionary because there may be more than one vendors in one order
            var vendorsExtended = new Dictionary <int, Domain.ExtendedVendor>();

            foreach (var vid in vendorIds)
                vendorItems.Add(vid, order.OrderItems.Where(m => m.Product.VendorId == vid).ToList());
                var ex = _extendedVendorService.GetExtendedVendor(vid);
                vendorsExtended.Add(vid, ex);

            foreach (var vi in vendorItems)
                var vendorId   = vi.Key;
                var orderItems = vi.Value;

                var orderItemTotal = decimal.Zero;
                var discountTotal  = decimal.Zero;
                if (_taxSettings.PricesIncludeTax)
                    orderItemTotal = orderItems.Sum(m => m.PriceInclTax);
                    discountTotal  = orderItems.Sum(m => m.DiscountAmountInclTax);
                    orderItemTotal = orderItems.Sum(m => m.PriceExclTax);
                    discountTotal  = orderItems.Sum(m => m.DiscountAmountExclTax);
                orderItemTotal = orderItemTotal - discountTotal;

                //create a new payout for each vendor
                var vendorPayout = new VendorPayout
                    VendorId             = vendorId,
                    CommissionPercentage =
                        vendorsExtended[vendorId] == null
                            ? _extendedVendorSettings.DefaultCommissionPercentage
                            : vendorsExtended[vendorId].CommissionPercentage,
                    OrderId          = order.Id,
                    PayoutDate       = null,
                    Remarks          = "",
                    VendorOrderTotal = orderItemTotal,
                    PayoutStatus     = PayoutStatus.Pending,
                    ShippingCharge   =
                        (vendorsExtended[vendorId] == null
                            ? _extendedVendorSettings.DefaultShippingCharge
                            : vendorsExtended[vendorId].ShippingCharge) * orderItems.Count

 public void SaveVendorPayout(VendorPayout VendorPayout)
     if (VendorPayout.Id == 0)
Пример #4
        public static VendorPayoutModel ToModel(this VendorPayout Payout, IOrderService _orderService)
            var model = new VendorPayoutModel()
                CommissionPercentage = Payout.CommissionPercentage,
                Id               = Payout.Id,
                OrderId          = Payout.OrderId,
                PayoutDate       = Payout.PayoutDate,
                PayoutStatus     = Payout.PayoutStatus,
                Remarks          = Payout.Remarks,
                VendorId         = Payout.VendorId,
                VendorOrderTotal = Payout.VendorOrderTotal,
                ShippingCharge   = Payout.ShippingCharge,
                PayoutStatusName = Payout.PayoutStatus.ToString(),

            if (Payout.PayoutStatus == PayoutStatus.Cancelled)
                model.CommissionAmount = 0;
                model.PayoutAmount     = 0;
                model.VendorOrderTotal = 0;
            else if (_orderService != null)
                var order = _orderService.GetOrderById(Payout.OrderId);
                model.OrderDate = order.CreatedOnUtc;

 *             var vendorItemTotalExShipping = Payout.VendorOrderTotal - model.ShippingCharge;
 *             var vendorItemTotalOriginal = (vendorItemTotalExShipping * 100) / (100 + Payout.CommissionPercentage);
 *             decimal commission = vendorItemTotalExShipping - vendorItemTotalOriginal;
 *             model.CommissionAmount = commission;
 *             model.PayoutAmount = vendorItemTotalOriginal;*/

                model.PayoutAmount     = GetPayoutAmount(Payout.VendorOrderTotal, Payout.CommissionPercentage);
                model.CommissionAmount = model.VendorOrderTotal - model.PayoutAmount;

Пример #5
        public static VendorPayoutListModel ToListModel(this VendorPayout Payout, IOrderService _orderService)
            var model = new VendorPayoutListModel()
                CommissionPercentage = Payout.CommissionPercentage,
                Id               = Payout.Id,
                OrderId          = Payout.OrderId,
                PayoutDate       = Payout.PayoutDate,
                PayoutStatus     = Payout.PayoutStatus,
                Remarks          = Payout.Remarks,
                VendorId         = Payout.VendorId,
                VendorOrderTotal = Payout.VendorOrderTotal,
                PayoutStatusName = Payout.PayoutStatus.ToString()

            if (_orderService != null)
                var order = _orderService.GetOrderById(Payout.OrderId);
                model.OrderId = order.Id;
 public void DeleteVendorPayout(VendorPayout VendorPayout)