Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create()
            var site = await GetCurrentSiteAsync();

            var siteUrl = await _siteService.GetBaseUrl(Request.Scheme, Request.Host.Value);

            var viewModel = new TriggersDetailViewModel
                Action           = "Create",
                IsSecretCode     = true,
                BadgeMakerUrl    = GetBadgeMakerUrl(siteUrl, site.FromEmailAddress),
                UseBadgeMaker    = true,
                EditAvatarBundle = UserHasPermission(Permission.ManageAvatars),
                EditMail         = UserHasPermission(Permission.ManageTriggerMail),
                EditVendorCode   = UserHasPermission(Permission.ManageVendorCodes),
                SystemList       = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetSystemList()), "Id", "Name"),
                BranchList       = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetAllBranches()), "Id", "Name"),
                ProgramList      = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetProgramList()), "Id", "Name")

            if (viewModel.EditVendorCode)
                viewModel.VendorCodeTypeList = new SelectList(
                    (await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync()), "Id", "Description");
            if (viewModel.EditAvatarBundle)
                viewModel.UnlockableAvatarBundleList = new SelectList(
                    await _dynamicAvatarService.GetAllBundlesAsync(true), "Id", "Name");

            PageTitle = "Create Trigger";
            return(View("Detail", viewModel));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            if (UserHasPermission(Permission.ManageVendorCodes))
                var vendorCodeStatus = await _vendorCodeService.GetStatusAsync();

                if (vendorCodeStatus.IsConfigured)
                    var vendorCodeType = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

                    if (vendorCodeType?.Count == 0)

        public async Task <IActionResult> ImportStatus()
            var codeTypes = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

            var codeTypeSelectList = codeTypes.Select(_ => new SelectListItem
                Value = _.Id.ToString(),
                Text  = _.Description

            PageTitle = "Vendor Code Import Status";

Пример #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateVendorCodesAsync(int numberOfCodes)
            var allCodes = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

            var code = allCodes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (code == null)
                code = await _vendorCodeService.AddTypeAsync(new VendorCodeType
                    Description           = "Free Book Code",
                    DonationOptionSubject = "Choose whether to receive your free book or donate it to a child",
                    DonationOptionMail    = "If you'd like to redeem your free book code, please visit <a href=\"/Profile/\">your profile</a> and select the redeem option. If you're not interested in redeeming it, you can select the option to donate it to a child.",
                    MailSubject           = "Here's your Free Book Code!",
                    Mail            = $"Congratulations, you've earned a free book! Your free book code is: {TemplateToken.VendorCodeToken}!",
                    DonationMessage = "Your free book has been donated.Thank you!!!",
                    DonationSubject = "Thank you for donating your free book!",
                    DonationMail    = "Thanks so much for the donation of your book.",
                    Url             = "http://freebook/?Code={Code}"
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            var generatedCount = await _vendorCodeService.GenerateVendorCodesAsync(code.Id, numberOfCodes);


            AlertSuccess = $"Generated {generatedCount} codes in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds of type: {code.Description}";

Пример #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateVendorCodesAsync(int numberOfCodes)
            var allCodes = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

            var code = allCodes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (code == null)
                code = await _vendorCodeService.AddTypeAsync(new VendorCodeType
                    Description = "Free Book Code",
                    MailSubject = "Here's your Free Book Code!",
                    Mail        = "Congratulations, you've earned a free book! Your free book code is {Code}!",
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            var generatedCount = await _vendorCodeService.GenerateVendorCodesAsync(code.Id, numberOfCodes);


            AlertSuccess = $"Generated {generatedCount} codes in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds of type: {code.Description}";

        public async Task <IActionResult> Configure(int id)
            var report = _reportService.GetReportList().SingleOrDefault(_ => _.Id == id);

            if (report == null)
                AlertDanger = $"Could not find report of type {id}.";
            PageTitle = $"Configure {report.Name}";

            string viewName = report.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            if (viewName.EndsWith("Report"))
                viewName = viewName.Substring(0, viewName.Length - 6);

            var systemList = await _siteService.GetSystemList(true);

            var branchList = await _siteService.GetAllBranches(true);

            var programList = await _siteService.GetProgramList();

            var schoolDistrictList = await _schoolService.GetDistrictsAsync();

            var schoolList = await _schoolService.GetSchoolsAsync(schoolDistrictList.FirstOrDefault()?.Id);

            var groupInfoList = await _userService.GetGroupInfosAsync();

            var vendorCodeTypeList = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

            var site = await GetCurrentSiteAsync();

            var triggerList = await _triggerService.GetTriggersAwardingPrizesAsync();

            foreach (var trigger in triggerList)
                trigger.AwardPrizeName += $" ({trigger.Name})";

            return(View($"{viewName}Criteria", new ReportCriteriaViewModel
                ReportId = id,
                ProgramStartDate = site.ProgramStarts ?? new DateTime(2018, 01, 01),
                SystemList = new SelectList(systemList, "Id", "Name"),
                BranchList = new SelectList(branchList, "Id", "Name"),
                ProgramList = new SelectList(programList, "Id", "Name"),
                SchoolDistrictList = new SelectList(schoolDistrictList, "Id", "Name"),
                SchoolList = new SelectList(schoolList, "Id", "Name"),
                GroupInfosList = new SelectList(groupInfoList, "Id", "Name"),
                VendorCodeTypeList = new SelectList(vendorCodeTypeList, "Id", "Description"),
                PrizeList = new SelectList(triggerList, "Id", "AwardPrizeName")
Пример #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create()
            var site = await GetCurrentSiteAsync();

            var siteUrl = await _siteService.GetBaseUrl(Request.Scheme, Request.Host.Value);

            TriggersDetailViewModel viewModel = new TriggersDetailViewModel()
                Action             = "Create",
                IsSecretCode       = true,
                BadgeMakerUrl      = GetBadgeMakerUrl(siteUrl, site.FromEmailAddress),
                UseBadgeMaker      = true,
                SystemList         = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetSystemList()), "Id", "Name"),
                BranchList         = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetAllBranches()), "Id", "Name"),
                ProgramList        = new SelectList((await _siteService.GetProgramList()), "Id", "Name"),
                VendorCodeTypeList = new SelectList(
                    (await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync()), "Id", "Name")

            PageTitle = "Create Trigger";
            return(View("Detail", viewModel));
Пример #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateVendorCodes(int numberOfCodes)
            var allCodes = await _vendorCodeService.GetTypeAllAsync();

            var code = allCodes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (code == null)
                code = await _vendorCodeService.AddTypeAsync(new VendorCodeType
                    Description     = "Free Book Code",
                    OptionSubject   = "Choose whether to receive your free book or donate it to a child",
                    OptionMail      = "If you'd like to redeem your free book code, please visit <a href=\"/Profile/\">your profile</a> and select the redeem option. If you're not interested in redeeming it, you can select the option to donate it to a child.",
                    MailSubject     = "Here's your Free Book Code!",
                    Mail            = $"Congratulations, you've earned a free book! Your free book code is: {TemplateToken.VendorCodeToken}!",
                    DonationMessage = "Your free book has been donated.Thank you!!!",
                    DonationSubject = "Thank you for donating your free book!",
                    DonationMail    = "Thanks so much for the donation of your book.",
                    Url             = "http://freebook/?Code={Code}"

            var jobToken = await _jobService.CreateJobAsync(new Job
                JobType = JobType.GenerateVendorCodes,
                SerializedParameters = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
                    new JobDetailsGenerateVendorCodes
                    NumberOfCodes    = numberOfCodes,
                    VendorCodeTypeId = code.Id,
                    CodeLength       = 15

            return(View("Job", new ViewModel.MissionControl.Shared.JobViewModel
                CancelUrl = Url.Action(nameof(Index)),
                JobToken = jobToken.ToString(),
                PingSeconds = 5,
                SuccessRedirectUrl = "",
                SuccessUrl = Url.Action(nameof(Index)),
                Title = "Generating vendor codes..."