Пример #1
        public User CreateUser(User user, string readablePassword)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName))
                user.UserName = user.Email;
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher <User>();

            user.PasswordHash = hasher.HashPassword(user, readablePassword);

            //Getting Role from DB, to also get the roles name for use in TokenManager later
            user.Role = _ctx.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == user.Role.Id);
            var savedUser = _ctx.Users.Add(user).Entity;

Пример #2
        public void SeedDatabase(VehiclesPriceListAppContext context)
            //Get all the "ISeed" implementations in this assembly
            var seedTypes = typeof(GlobalSeeder).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => typeof(ISeed).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsClass);

            //Little bit of Linq to object to get all the types in a suitable format.
            var seeds =
                seedTypes.Select(st => new
                SeedType       = st,
                DependingSeeds = st.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DependsOnAttribute), true).OfType <DependsOnAttribute>().Select(dst => dst.DependingType).ToList()

            //While there is still some seeds to process
            while (seeds.Count > 0)
                //Find all the seeds without anymore depending seeds to process
                var oprhenSeeds = seeds.Where(s => s.DependingSeeds.Count == 0).ToList();
                foreach (var orphenSeed in oprhenSeeds)
                    //Instanciate the current seed
                    ISeed seedInstance = (ISeed)Activator.CreateInstance(orphenSeed.SeedType);
                    //Execute seed process

                    //Remove the processed seed from all the dependant seeds
                    var relatedSeeds = seeds.Where(s => s.DependingSeeds.Any(ds => ds == orphenSeed.SeedType));
                    foreach (var relatedSeed in relatedSeeds)
                    //Remove the processed seed from the "to be processed list".
            //Finally save all changes to the Entity framework context.