protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)


            // Get decoder from current layer,
            // so we wouldn't need a style asset to create a decoder from scratch
            MBVectorTileDecoder decoder = (MBVectorTileDecoder)(MapView.Layers[0] as VectorTileLayer).TileDecoder;

            // Remove default baselayer

            // Do the actual copying and source creation on another thread so it wouldn't block the main thread
                TileDataSource source = CreateTileDataSource();

                var layer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

                    // However, actual layer insertion should be done on the main thread
                    MapView.Layers.Insert(0, layer);

            // Zoom to the correct location
            MapPos rome = BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(12.4807, 41.8962));

            MapView.SetFocusPos(rome, 0);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 0);
Пример #2
        public override void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile)
            _container = new GameObject(Key + " Container");
            _container.transform.SetParent(tile.transform, false);

            var fc        = layer.FeatureCount();
            var filterOut = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < fc; i++)
                filterOut = false;
                var feature = new VectorFeatureUnity(layer.GetFeature(i, 0), tile);
                foreach (var filter in Filters)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Key) && !feature.Properties.ContainsKey(filter.Key))

                    if (!filter.Try(feature))
                        filterOut = true;

                if (!filterOut)
                    Build(feature, tile, _container);
Пример #3
        public void Clipping(string fileName)
            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(fixturesPath, fileName);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fullFileName), "Vector tile exists");
            byte[]     data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName);
            VectorTile vt   = new VectorTile(data);

            foreach (var lyrName in vt.LayerNames())
                VectorTileLayer lyr = vt.GetLayer(lyrName);
                for (int i = 0; i < lyr.FeatureCount(); i++)
                    VectorTileFeature feat = lyr.GetFeature(i);
                    //skip features with unknown geometry type
                    if (feat.GeometryType == GeomType.UNKNOWN)
                    List <List <Point2d <long> > > geomRaw     = feat.Geometry <long>();
                    List <List <Point2d <long> > > geomClipped = feat.Geometry <long>(0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < geomRaw.Count; j++)
                        List <Point2d <long> > part        = geomRaw[j];
                        List <Point2d <long> > partClipped = geomClipped[j];
                        // Workaround to compare parts as clipping may or may not change the order of vertices
                        // This only works if no actual clipping is done
                        Assert.False(part.Except(partClipped).Any(), $"{fileName}, feature[{i}], geometry part[{j}]: geometry parts don't match after clipping");
Пример #4
        protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Remove default baselayer

            var decoder = CartoVectorTileLayer.CreateTileDecoder(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleVoyager);

            // Do the actual copying and source creation on another thread so it wouldn't block the main thread
                TileDataSource source = FileUtils.CreateTileDataSource(this, "rome_carto-streets.mbtiles");

                var layer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

                    // However, actual layer insertion should be done on the main thread
                    MapView.Layers.Insert(0, layer);

            // Zoom to the correct location
            MapPos rome = BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(12.4807, 41.8962));

            MapView.SetFocusPos(rome, 0);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 0);
Пример #5
        public MapContainer()
            Map = new MapView();
            var timer = new Stopwatch();


            // NOTE: Uncomment the timer creation and BeginInvokeOnMainThread to apply a workaround
            //var startTimer = new System.Threading.Timer((_) =>
            //    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
            //    {
            MBTilesTileDataSource testDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource(((App)App.Current).CityDataFile);
            CompiledStyleSet      styleSet       = new CompiledStyleSet(new ZippedAssetPackage(AssetUtils.LoadAsset("")));
            MBVectorTileDecoder   decoder        = new MBVectorTileDecoder(styleSet);
            VectorTileLayer       testLayer      = new VectorTileLayer(testDataSource, decoder);

            //    });
            //}, null, 10, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Done map initialization in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

            MapPos pos = Map.Options.BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(App.CITY_POS_X, App.CITY_POS_Y));

            Map.SetFocusPos(pos, 0);
            Map.SetZoom(15, 0);

            Content = Map.ToView();
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Add default base layer

            Projection projection = MapView.Options.BaseProjection;

            TileDataSource source = FileUtils.CreateTileDataSource("rome_carto-streets", "mbtiles");

            // Get decoder from current layer,
            // so we wouldn't need a style asset to create a decoder from scratch
            MBVectorTileDecoder decoder = (MBVectorTileDecoder)(MapView.Layers[0] as VectorTileLayer).TileDecoder;

            // Remove default baselayer

            // Add our new layer
            var layer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

            MapView.Layers.Insert(0, layer);

            // Zoom to the correct location
            MapPos rome = projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(12.4807, 41.8962));

            MapView.SetFocusPos(rome, 0);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 0);
Пример #7
        public override IEnumerator ParseTileData(object m, Coordinates tilecenter, int zoom, GOLayer[] layers, bool delayedLoad, List <string> layerNames)
            if (mapData == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Map Data is null!");
                                #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER
                yield break;

            var decompressed = Compression.Decompress((byte[])mapData);
            vt = new VectorTile(decompressed, false);

            foreach (GOLayer layer in layers)
                string[] lyrs = GetLayersStrings(layer).Split(',');

                foreach (string l in lyrs)
                    VectorTileLayer lyr = vt.GetLayer(l);
                    if (lyr != null)
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(BuildLayer(lyr, layer, delayedLoad)));
Пример #8
        public void LazyDecoding(string fileName)
            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(fixturesPath, fileName);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fullFileName), "Vector tile exists");
            byte[]     data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName);
            VectorTile vt   = new VectorTile(data);

            foreach (var layerName in vt.LayerNames())
                VectorTileLayer layer = vt.GetLayer(layerName);
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.FeatureCount(); i++)
                    VectorTileFeature feat = layer.GetFeature(i);
                    var properties         = feat.GetProperties();
                    foreach (var prop in properties)
                        Assert.AreEqual(prop.Value, feat.GetValue(prop.Key), "Property values match");
                    foreach (var geomPart in feat.Geometry <int>())
                        foreach (var coord in geomPart)
                            //TODO add Assert
            string geojson = vt.ToGeoJson(0, 0, 0);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(geojson.Length, 30, "geojson >= 30 chars");
        protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)


            TileDataSource source = CreateTileDataSource();

            // Get decoder from current layer,
            // so we wouldn't need a style asset to create a decoder from scratch
            MBVectorTileDecoder decoder = (MBVectorTileDecoder)(MapView.Layers[0] as VectorTileLayer).TileDecoder;

            // Remove default baselayer

            // Add our new layer
            var layer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

            MapView.Layers.Insert(0, layer);

            // Zoom to the correct location
            MapPos rome = BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(12.4807, 41.8962));

            MapView.SetFocusPos(rome, 0);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 0);
Пример #10
        public void AtLeastOneLayer(string fileName)
            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(fixturesPath, fileName);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fullFileName), "Vector tile exists");
            byte[]     data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName);
            VectorTile vt   = new VectorTile(data);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(vt.LayerNames().Count, 1, "At least one layer");
            string geojson = vt.ToGeoJson(0, 0, 0);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(geojson.Length, 30, "geojson >= 30 chars");
            foreach (var lyrName in vt.LayerNames())
                VectorTileLayer lyr = vt.GetLayer(lyrName);
                for (int i = 0; i < lyr.FeatureCount(); i++)
                    Debug.WriteLine("{0} lyr:{1} feat:{2}", fileName, lyr.Name, i);
                    VectorTileFeature feat = lyr.GetFeature(i);
                    long extent            = (long)lyr.Extent;
                    foreach (var part in feat.Geometry <long>())
                        foreach (var geom in part)
                            if (geom.X < 0 || geom.Y < 0 || geom.X > extent || geom.Y > extent)
                                Debug.WriteLine("{0} lyr:{1} feat:{2} x:{3} y:{4}", fileName, lyr.Name, i, geom.X, geom.Y);
Пример #11
        public void ClipHardAtTileBoundary(string fileName)
            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(fixturesPath, fileName);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fullFileName), "Vector tile exists");
            byte[]     data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName);
            VectorTile vt   = new VectorTile(data);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(vt.LayerNames().Count, 1, "At least one layer");
            string geojson = vt.ToGeoJson(0, 0, 0);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(geojson.Length, 30, "geojson >= 30 chars");
            foreach (var lyrName in vt.LayerNames())
                VectorTileLayer lyr = vt.GetLayer(lyrName);
                for (int i = 0; i < lyr.FeatureCount(); i++)
                    Debug.WriteLine("{0} lyr:{1} feat:{2}", fileName, lyr.Name, i);
                    VectorTileFeature feat = lyr.GetFeature(i, 0);
                    long extent            = (long)lyr.Extent;
                    foreach (var part in feat.Geometry <int>())
                        foreach (var geom in part)
                            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(geom.X, 0, "geom.X equal or greater 0");
                            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(geom.Y, 0, "geom.Y eqaul or greater 0");
                            Assert.LessOrEqual(geom.X, extent, "geom.X less or equal extent");
                            Assert.LessOrEqual(geom.Y, extent, "geom.Y less or equal extent");
Пример #12
        public void Scaling(string fileName)
            float[] scales       = new float[] { 1.5f, 2.25f, 5.75f, 197.3f };
            string  fullFileName = Path.Combine(fixturesPath, fileName);

            byte[]     data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName);
            VectorTile vt   = new VectorTile(data);

            foreach (var lyrName in vt.LayerNames())
                VectorTileLayer lyr     = vt.GetLayer(lyrName);
                int             featCnt = lyr.FeatureCount();
                for (int idxFeat = 0; idxFeat < featCnt; idxFeat++)
                    VectorTileFeature             feat     = lyr.GetFeature(idxFeat);
                    List <List <Point2d <int> > > rawParts = feat.Geometry <int>();
                    for (int idxPart = 0; idxPart < rawParts.Count; idxPart++)
                        List <Point2d <int> > rawGeom = rawParts[idxPart];
                        foreach (var scale in scales)
                            List <List <Point2d <float> > > scaledParts = feat.Geometry <float>(null, scale);
                            List <Point2d <float> >         scaledGeom  = scaledParts[idxPart];
                            for (int idxVertex = 0; idxVertex < rawGeom.Count; idxVertex++)
                                Point2d <int>   rawVertex    = rawGeom[idxVertex];
                                Point2d <float> scaledVertex = scaledGeom[idxVertex];
                                Assert.AreEqual(scale * (float)rawVertex.X, scaledVertex.X, $"{fileName}, feature[{idxFeat}], geometry part[{idxPart}], vertex[{idxVertex}], scale[{scale}]: X does not match");
                                Assert.AreEqual(scale * (float)rawVertex.Y, scaledVertex.Y, $"{fileName}, feature[{idxFeat}], geometry part[{idxPart}], vertex[{idxVertex}], scale[{scale}]: Y does not match");
Пример #13
        private BuildingMeshBuilderProperties MakeProperties(VectorTileLayer layer)
            var output = new BuildingMeshBuilderProperties
                VectorTileLayer     = layer,
                FeatureCount        = layer?.FeatureCount() ?? 0,
                LayerFeatureFilters =
                    SubLayerProperties.filterOptions.filters.Select(m => m.GetFilterComparer()).ToArray(),
                LayerFeatureFilterCombiner = new LayerFilterComparer()

            switch (SubLayerProperties.filterOptions.combinerType)
            case LayerFilterCombinerOperationType.Any:
                output.LayerFeatureFilterCombiner = LayerFilterComparer.AnyOf(output.LayerFeatureFilters);

            case LayerFilterCombinerOperationType.All:
                output.LayerFeatureFilterCombiner = LayerFilterComparer.AllOf(output.LayerFeatureFilters);

            case LayerFilterCombinerOperationType.None:
                output.LayerFeatureFilterCombiner = LayerFilterComparer.NoneOf(output.LayerFeatureFilters);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            output.BuildingsWithUniqueIds = SubLayerProperties.honorBuildingIdSetting && SubLayerProperties.buildingsWithUniqueIds;
Пример #14
        private MapTile CreateTile(int x, int y, Vector3 <double> lonLatZoom)
            VectorTileObj vectorTileObj = dataController.GetData(lonLatZoom);

            ReadOnlyCollection <string> layers = vectorTileObj.LayerNames();
            Bitmap drawingObjects = new Bitmap(256, 256);
            Graph  graph          = dataController.GetRoads(lonLatZoom);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(drawingObjects))
                foreach (string layerName in drawingLayersPallete.Keys)
                    if (layers.Contains(layerName))
                        VectorTileLayer layer = vectorTileObj.GetLayer(layerName);
                        MVTDrawer.DrawLayer(layer, drawingLayersPallete[layerName], graphics, 4096 / 128);
                MVTDrawer.DrawLinks(graph.nodes, graphics, 32);

            return(Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                Model3DGroup model3DGroup = new Model3DGroup();
                model3DGroup.Children.Add(CreateTileModel(x, y, ImageUtils.GetImageStream(drawingObjects)));
                return new MapTile(model3DGroup);
Пример #15
 public static void AddSortRankToFeatures(
     this VectorTileLayer tile
     //	for (int i = 0; i < tile.FeatureCount (); i++) {
     //		VectorTileFeature f = tile.GetFeature (i);
     //	}
Пример #16
 public override void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile, Action <UnityTile, LayerVisualizerBase> callback)
     if (!_activeCoroutines.ContainsKey(tile))
         _activeCoroutines.Add(tile, new List <int>());
     _activeCoroutines[tile].Add(Runnable.Run(ProcessLayer(layer, tile, tile.UnwrappedTileId, callback)));
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an object for each layer, extract and filter in/out the features and runs Build method on them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        /// <param name="tile"></param>
        public override IEnumerator AsyncCreate(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile, Action cb)
            var container = new GameObject(Key + " Container");

            container.transform.SetParent(tile.transform, false);

            //testing each feature with filters
            var fc        = layer.FeatureCount();
            var filterOut = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < fc; i++)
                filterOut = false;
                var feature = new VectorFeatureUnity(layer.GetFeature(i, 0), tile, layer.Extent);
                foreach (var filter in Filters)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Key) && !feature.Properties.ContainsKey(filter.Key))

                    if (!filter.Try(feature))
                        filterOut = true;

                if (!filterOut)
                    Build(feature, tile, container);

                if (i % _meshesPerPass == 0)
                    yield return(null);

            var mergedStack = _defaultStack as MergedModifierStack;

            if (mergedStack != null)
                mergedStack.End(tile, container);

            for (int i = 0; i < Stacks.Count; i++)
                mergedStack = Stacks[i].Stack as MergedModifierStack;
                if (mergedStack != null)
                    mergedStack.End(tile, container);

//			yield return null;
Пример #18
        protected bool LoadNutiteqMapCommon()
            // Set base projection
            EPSG3857 proj = new EPSG3857();

            _mapViewer.Options.BaseProjection = proj; // note: EPSG3857 is the default, so this is actually not required

            // Set initial location and other parameters, don't animate
            _mapViewer.FocusPos    = proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-0.8164, 51.2383)); // Berlin
            _mapViewer.Zoom        = 2;
            _mapViewer.MapRotation = 0;
            _mapViewer.Tilt        = 90;

            // Start package manager
            var packageManager = new NutiteqPackageManager("nutiteq.mbstreets", _downloadPackagePath);


            // Import initial package
            if (packageManager.GetLocalPackage("world0_4") == null)
                packageManager.StartPackageImport("world0_4", 1, _importPackagePath);

            // Set bounding box
            String bbox = "bbox(-0.8164,51.2382,0.6406,51.7401)"; // London (about 30MB)

            if (packageManager.GetLocalPackage(bbox) == null)

            // Now can add vector map as layer
            // define styling for vector map
            UnsignedCharVector  styleBytes        = AssetUtils.LoadBytes("");
            MBVectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = null;

            if (styleBytes != null)
                // Create style set
                MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
                vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
                Log.Error("Failed to load style data");

            // Create online base layer (no package download needed then). Use vector style from assets (
            // comment in to use online map. Packagemanager stuff is not needed then
            //			VectorTileLayer baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

            var baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(new PackageManagerTileDataSource(packageManager), vectorTileDecoder);


        public RouteSearchView()
            BaseLayer = AddBaseLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStylePositron);

            var washingtonDC = Projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-77.0369, 38.9072));

            MapView.FocusPos = washingtonDC;
            MapView.Zoom     = 14.0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a vector feature from lat lon and builds that feature using the modifier stack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Layer.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">Tile.</param>
        private void BuildFeatureFromLatLon(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile)
            var coordinates = (SubLayerProperties as PrefabItemOptions).coordinates;

            for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Length; i++)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(coordinates[i]))

                //check if the coordinate is in the tile
                var coordinate       = Conversions.StringToLatLon(coordinates[i]);
                var coordinateTileId = Conversions.LatitudeLongitudeToTileId(
                    coordinate.x, coordinate.y, tile.InitialZoom);

                if (coordinateTileId.Canonical.Equals(tile.CanonicalTileId))
                    //create new vector feature
                    var feature = new VectorFeatureUnity();
                    feature.Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    feature.Points     = new List <List <Vector3> >();

                    //create a point in tilespace from coordinates
                    var latLonPoint = new List <Vector3>();

                    //Create a feature point based on the coordinate
                    var _meters = Conversions.LatLonToMeters(coordinate);
                    var _rect   = tile.Rect;
                    var _scale  = tile.TileScale;
                    var _extent = layer.Extent;

                    //vectortile space point (0 - layerExtent)
                    var point = new Vector3((float)((_meters - _rect.Min).x / _rect.Size.x) * _extent,
                                            (float)((_meters - _rect.Max).y / _rect.Size.y) * _extent

                    //UnityTile space
                    latLonPoint.Add(new Vector3((float)(point.x / _extent * _rect.Size.x - (_rect.Size.x / 2)) * tile.TileScale,
                                                (float)((point.z) / _extent * _rect.Size.y - (_rect.Size.y / 2)) * tile.TileScale

                    //add coordinate feature to feature points

                    //pass valid feature.Data to modifiers
                    //this data has no relation to the features being drawn
                    feature.Data = layer.GetFeature(0);

                    //pass the feature to the mod stack
                    base.Build(feature, tile, tile.gameObject);
Пример #21
        private void ParseLabelLayerToList(List <GOParsedLayer> list, VectorTile vt, GOLabelsLayer layer)
            string[] lyrs = tile.GetLabelsStrings().Split(',');
//			string kindKey = tile.GetPoisKindKey();

            foreach (string l in lyrs)
                VectorTileLayer lyr = vt.GetLayer(l);
                if (lyr != null)
                    int featureCount = lyr.FeatureCount();

                    if (featureCount == 0)

                    GOParsedLayer pl = new GOParsedLayer();
                  = lyr.Name;
                    pl.labelsLayer = layer;
                    pl.goFeatures  = new List <GOFeature> ();

                    for (int i = 0; i < featureCount; i++)
                        VectorTileFeature vtf        = lyr.GetFeature(i);
                        IDictionary       properties = vtf.GetProperties();

                        List <List <LatLng> > geomWgs = vtf.GeometryAsWgs84((ulong)goTile.zoomLevel, (ulong)goTile.tileCoordinates.x, (ulong)goTile.tileCoordinates.y, 0);

                        if (geomWgs.Count == 0 || geomWgs[0].Count <= 1)

                        GOFeature gf = new GOFeature();
                  = properties;
                        gf.goFeatureType = vtf.GOFeatureType(geomWgs);
                        gf.labelsLayer   = layer;
                        gf.featureIndex  = (Int64)i + vt.LayerNames().IndexOf(lyr.Name);
                        gf.goTile        = goTile;
                        gf = tile.EditLabelData(gf);
                        gf.goFeatureType = GOFeatureType.Label;

                        if (geomWgs.Count > 0)
                            gf.geometry = geomWgs[0];
                            gf.preloadedLabelData = GOSegment.FindTheLongestStreightSegment(gf.convertedGeometry, 0);
                            AddFatureToList(gf, pl.goFeatures);
Пример #22
        public void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, CustomTile tile)
            if (tile == null || layer == null)
            var properties = MakeProperties(layer);

            ProcessingFunction(properties, tile);
Пример #23
        public void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, CustomTile tile)
            if (tile == null || layer == null)
            var properties = MakeProperties(layer);

            CoroutineManager.Run(ProcessingRoutine(properties, tile));
        public static void InitializeVectorTileListener(this MapView map, VectorTileLayer layer)
            LocalVectorDataSource source     = new LocalVectorDataSource(map.Options.BaseProjection);
            VectorLayer           popupLayer = new VectorLayer(source);


            var listener = new VectorTileListener(popupLayer);

            (layer as VectorTileLayer).VectorTileEventListener = listener;
Пример #25
        protected void AddOnlineBaseLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle withStyle)
            // Initialize map
            if (BaseLayer != null)

            BaseLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(withStyle);
Пример #26
        protected bool LoadNutiteqMapCommon()
            // Set base projection
            EPSG3857 proj = new EPSG3857();
            _mapViewer.Options.BaseProjection = proj; // note: EPSG3857 is the default, so this is actually not required

            // Set initial location and other parameters, don't animate
            _mapViewer.FocusPos = proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-0.8164, 51.2383)); // Berlin
            _mapViewer.Zoom = 2;
            _mapViewer.MapRotation = 0;
            _mapViewer.Tilt = 90;

            // Start package manager
            var packageManager = new NutiteqPackageManager("nutiteq.mbstreets", _downloadPackagePath);

            // Import initial package
            if (packageManager.GetLocalPackage("world0_4") == null)
                packageManager.StartPackageImport("world0_4", 1, _importPackagePath);

            // Set bounding box
            String bbox = "bbox(-0.8164,51.2382,0.6406,51.7401)"; // London (about 30MB)
            if (packageManager.GetLocalPackage(bbox) == null)

            // Now can add vector map as layer
            // define styling for vector map
            UnsignedCharVector styleBytes = AssetUtils.LoadBytes("");
            MBVectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = null;
            if (styleBytes != null)
                // Create style set
                MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
                vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
                Log.Error("Failed to load style data");

            // Create online base layer (no package download needed then). Use vector style from assets (
            // comment in to use online map. Packagemanager stuff is not needed then
            //			VectorTileLayer baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

            var baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(new PackageManagerTileDataSource(packageManager), vectorTileDecoder);

            return true;
Пример #27
        private static async Task <VectorTile> baseTileToVector(object baseTile)
            var tile   = baseTile as Mapbox.VectorTile.VectorTile;
            var result = new VectorTile();

            foreach (var lyrName in tile.LayerNames())
                Mapbox.VectorTile.VectorTileLayer lyr = tile.GetLayer(lyrName);

                var vectorLayer = new VectorTileLayer();
                vectorLayer.Name = lyrName;

                for (int i = 0; i < lyr.FeatureCount(); i++)
                    Mapbox.VectorTile.VectorTileFeature feat = lyr.GetFeature(i);

                    var vectorFeature = new VectorTileFeature();
                    vectorFeature.Extent       = 1;
                    vectorFeature.GeometryType = convertGeometryType(feat.GeometryType);
                    vectorFeature.Attributes   = feat.GetProperties();

                    var vectorGeometry = new List <List <Point> >();

                    foreach (var points in feat.Geometry <int>())
                        var vectorPoints = new List <Point>();

                        foreach (var coordinate in points)
                            var dX = (double)coordinate.X / (double)lyr.Extent;
                            var dY = (double)coordinate.Y / (double)lyr.Extent;

                            vectorPoints.Add(new Point(dX, dY));

                            //var newX = Utils.ConvertRange(dX, extent.Left, extent.Right, 0, vectorFeature.Extent);
                            //var newY = Utils.ConvertRange(dY, extent.Top, extent.Bottom, 0, vectorFeature.Extent);

                            //vectorPoints.Add(new Point(newX, newY));


                    vectorFeature.Geometry = vectorGeometry;


Пример #28
        public override void Create(VectorTileLayer layer, UnityTile tile)
            _container = new GameObject(Key + " Container");
            _container.transform.SetParent(tile.transform, false);

            var fc = layer.FeatureCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < fc; i++)
                var feature = new VectorFeatureUnity(layer.GetFeature(i, 0), tile);
                Build(feature, tile, _container);
Пример #29
        public static void InitializeVectorTileListener(this VectorTileLayer tileLayer, MapView map)
            LocalVectorDataSource source = new LocalVectorDataSource(map.Options.BaseProjection);
            var vectorLayer = map.FindVectorLayer();

            if (vectorLayer == null)
                vectorLayer = new VectorLayer(source);

            tileLayer.VectorTileEventListener = new VectorTileListener(vectorLayer);
        public static void InitializePackageManager(string packageFolder,
                                                    string importPackagePath, IMapView mapView, string downloadedPackage)
            // Offline base layer

            // Define listener, definition is in same class above
            var packageManager = new CartoPackageManager("nutiteq.osm", packageFolder);

            packageManager.PackageManagerListener = new PackageListener(packageManager, downloadedPackage);

            // Download new package list only if it is older than 24h
            // Note: this is only needed if pre-made packages are used
            if (packageManager.ServerPackageListAge > 24 * 60 * 60)

            // Start manager - mandatory

            // Import initial package
            if (packageManager.GetLocalPackage("world0_4") == null)
                packageManager.StartPackageImport("world0_4", 1, importPackagePath);

            // Now can add vector map as layer
            // Define styling for vector map
            BinaryData          styleBytes        = AssetUtils.LoadAsset("");
            MBVectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = null;

            if (styleBytes != null)
                // Create style set
                var vectorTileStyleSet = new CompiledStyleSet(new ZippedAssetPackage(styleBytes));
                vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
                Log.Error("Failed to load style data");

            // Create online base layer (no package download needed then). Use vector style from assets (
            // comment in to use online map. Packagemanager stuff is not needed then

            //VectorTileLayer baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

            var baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(new PackageManagerTileDataSource(packageManager), vectorTileDecoder);

        protected virtual void UpdateBaseLayer()
            string styleAssetName   = vectorStyleName + ".zip";
            bool   styleBuildings3D = false;

            if (vectorStyleName.Equals("nutibright3d"))
                styleAssetName   = BaseStyleFile;
                styleBuildings3D = true;

            BinaryData styleBytes = AssetUtils.LoadAsset(styleAssetName);

            if (styleBytes == null)
                Toast.MakeText(this, "Map style file must be in project assets: " + vectorStyleName, ToastLength.Short).Show();

            // Create style set
            CompiledStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new CompiledStyleSet(new ZippedAssetPackage(styleBytes));

            vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);

            // Set language, language-specific texts from vector tiles will be used
            vectorTileDecoder.SetStyleParameter("lang", vectorStyleLang);

            // OSM Bright style set supports choosing between 2d/3d buildings. Set corresponding parameter.
            if (styleAssetName.Equals(BaseStyleFile))
                vectorTileDecoder.SetStyleParameter("buildings3d", styleBuildings3D ? "1" : "0");
                vectorTileDecoder.SetStyleParameter("markers3d", styleBuildings3D ? "1" : "0");
                vectorTileDecoder.SetStyleParameter("texts3d", styleBuildings3D ? "1" : "0");

            // Create tile data source for vector tiles
            if (vectorTileDataSource == null)
                vectorTileDataSource = CreateTileDataSource();

            // Remove old base layer, create new base layer
            if (BaseLayer != null)

            BaseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(vectorTileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);
            MapView.Layers.Insert(0, BaseLayer);