public override System.Numerics.Complex F(double t, VectorOI y)
            // A Dynamical Systems Approach to Musical Tonality. Equation 11.
            // Musical Tonality, Neural Resonance, and Hebbian Learning. Equation 3 (w/fix to assumed typo).

            NeuralOscillatorNode @in  = Connection.From as NeuralOscillatorNode;
            NeuralOscillatorNode @out = Connection.To as NeuralOscillatorNode;
            Complex z_i      = @in.Value;
            Complex z_j      = @out.Value;
            Complex z_j_conj = Complex.Conjugate(z_j);

            double epsilon = (@in.Nonlinearity + @out.Nonlinearity) * 0.5;

            Complex c_dot;

            Complex c     = y[this];
            double  delta = this.Connection.Decay;
            double  k     = this.Connection.Plasticity;

            Complex sqrtEpsZi     = Complex.Sqrt(epsilon * z_i);
            Complex sqrtEpsZjConj = Complex.Sqrt(epsilon * z_j_conj);

            Complex term1 = -delta * c;
            Complex term2 = k;
            Complex term3 = z_i / (1 - sqrtEpsZi);
            Complex term4 = z_j_conj / (1 - sqrtEpsZjConj);

            c_dot = term1 + term2 * term3 * term4;

Пример #2
        public override Complex F(double t, VectorOI y)
            if (_doResetForcingFunctionTime)
                _doResetForcingFunctionTime = false;
                _timeOffset = -t;

            double timeForForcingFunction = t + _timeOffset;

            double       derivative        = 0.0;
            const double displacementDecay = 1.0;

            foreach (Note note in Notes)
                foreach (short harmonicRatio in note.Harmonics)
                    double amplitude = note.Amplitude / (double)harmonicRatio;
                    double frequency = note.FundamentalFrequency * (double)harmonicRatio;

                    double twoPiFrequency = 2.0 * Math.PI * frequency;
                    derivative += amplitude * twoPiFrequency * Math.Cos(twoPiFrequency * timeForForcingFunction);

            double normalizingTerm = Notes.Count;

            derivative = derivative / normalizingTerm - this.Value.Real * displacementDecay;
        public override System.Numerics.Complex F(double t, VectorOI y)
            // "A canonical model for gradient...". Large 2010. Equation 20.
            // tau * z-dot = z * (
            //                   a + b * |z|^2 + (d * eps * |z|^4) / (1 - eps * |z|^2)
            //                 )
            //           + x / (1 - x * (sqrt eps))   *   1 / (1 - z * (sqrt eps))

            // "Musical Tonality, Neural Resonance and Hebbian Learning. Large 2011. Equation 2.
            // z-dot = z * (
            //               alpha + i*omega + (beta1 +

            // Compute total stimulus.
            Complex x = this.X(t, y);

            // Grab current value of this node.
            Complex z     = y[this];
            Complex zConj = Complex.Conjugate(z);

            //Debug.Assert(x.Magnitude < _sqrtInvEpsilon);
            //Debug.Assert(z.Magnitude < _sqrtInvEpsilon);

            // Compute sqrt(eps).
            double eps     = this.Nonlinearity;
            double sqrtEps = Math.Sqrt(this.Nonlinearity);

            // Compute |z|.
            double zAbs = Complex.Abs(z);

            // Compute |z|^2 and |z|^4.
            double zAbs2 = zAbs * zAbs;
            double zAbs4 = zAbs2 * zAbs2;

            // Gather other constants.
            Complex a   = this.A;
            Complex b   = this.B;
            Complex d   = this.D;
            double  tau = 1.0 / this.CenterFrequency;
            //double tau = Math.PI * 2.0 / this.CenterFrequency;
            double tauInv = 1.0 / tau;

            // Compute parts.
            Complex part1 = z * (a + b * zAbs2 + (d * eps * zAbs4) / (1.0 - eps * zAbs2));
            Complex part2 = x / (1.0 - x * sqrtEps);
            Complex part3 = 1.0 / (1.0 - zConj * sqrtEps);

            // Combine.
            Complex zDot = tauInv * (part1 + part2 * part3);

            // Done.
Пример #4
        public override Complex F(double t, VectorOI y)
            Complex result = 0;

            foreach (var in_link in this.IncomingNodes)
                var     in_node  = in_link.From;
                Complex in_value = y[in_node];
                Complex subtotal = in_value * this.Coef1 + this.Coef0;
                result += subtotal;

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the total "stimulus" contribution from
        /// incoming nodes.
        /// </summary>
        protected Complex X(double t, VectorOI y)
            Complex sum = 0.0;

            foreach (var link in this.IncomingNodes)
                var     node      = link.From;
                Complex weight    = link.Weight;
                Complex nodeValue = y[node];

                Complex nodeTotal = nodeValue * weight;
                sum += nodeTotal;
