Пример #1
        //Sets new initial conditions and invalidates existing data
        public void SetState(VectorND newState, double currentTime)
            int i = solution.Lookup(currentTime);

            solution.WriteState(solution.ChunkIndex(i), solution.LocalIndex(i), newState);
Пример #2
        public void ResetLabels(int[] trueValues)
            if (trueValues == null)
                trueValues = new int[0];

            if (trueValues.Any(o => o > 7))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("");

            while (_viewport.Children.Count > _viewportOffset_Init)
                _viewport.Children.RemoveAt(_viewport.Children.Count - 1);

            VectorND center = new VectorND(.5, .5, .5);

            // Add the numbers
            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 8; cntr++)
                VectorND position = new VectorND(UtilityCore.ConvertToBase2(cntr, 3).Select(o => o ? 1d : 0d).ToArray());
                position = position - center;
                position = center + (position * 1.2);

                Color color = trueValues.Contains(cntr) ?
                              TrueColor :

                AddText3D(cntr.ToString(), position.ToPoint3D(), position.ToVector3D().ToUnit(), .1, color, false);

            _viewportOffset_Labels = _viewport.Children.Count;
Пример #3
        private static void DrawSOMTile_Color(SelfOrganizingMapsWPF.DrawTileArgs e, VectorND source)
            //NOTE: Copied from UtilityWPF.GetBitmap_RGB

            for (int y = 0; y < e.TileHeight; y++)
                int offsetImageY  = (e.ImageY + y) * e.Stride;
                int offsetSourceY = y * e.TileWidth * 3;

                for (int x = 0; x < e.TileWidth; x++)
                    int indexImage  = offsetImageY + ((e.ImageX + x) * e.PixelWidth);
                    int indexSource = offsetSourceY + (x * 3);

                    byte r = (source[indexSource + 0] * 255).ToByte_Round();
                    byte g = (source[indexSource + 1] * 255).ToByte_Round();
                    byte b = (source[indexSource + 2] * 255).ToByte_Round();

                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 3] = 255;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 2] = r;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 1] = g;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 0] = b;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup a complete graph with n nodes.
        /// Positions are randomly distributed.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupCompleteGraph(int n)

            GraphNode southPole = new GraphNode(new VectorND(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, -1 }), new VectorND(4));


            System.Random rand = new System.Random(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                VectorND randPosition = new VectorND(new double[] {
                    rand.NextDouble() - 0.5,
                    rand.NextDouble() - 0.5,
                    rand.NextDouble() - 0.5,
                    rand.NextDouble() - 0.5
                Nodes.Add(new GraphNode(randPosition, new VectorND(4)));

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
                    AddEdge(new GraphEdge(i, j));
Пример #5
        private void UpdatePositionAndVelocity(GraphNode node, VectorND acceleration)
            if (node.Lock)

            VectorND position = node.Position;
            VectorND velocity = node.Velocity;
            //if( position.IsOrigin )
            //	return;

            // Leapfrog method.
            double timeStep = 1;

            velocity += acceleration * timeStep;
            velocity *= .5;             // Damping.
            position += velocity * timeStep;
            //position.Normalize(); position *= 5;

            //if( position.MagSquared > 1 )
            //	position.Normalize();
            //	velocity = new VectorND( 3 );

            node.Position = position;
            node.Velocity = velocity;
            //node.Acceleration = acceleration;  Any reason to store this?
Пример #6
    public void checkConstructor()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(1, 2);

        Assert.AreEqual(v1 [0], 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(v1 [1], 2);
Пример #7
        public static LatticeND ConvertStringToLatticeND(string str)
            string adjustedLine;

            if (str.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
                adjustedLine = str.Remove(str.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            else if (str.Contains(" "))
                adjustedLine = str.Replace(" ", "");
                adjustedLine = str;

            if (adjustedLine.StartsWith(Languages.labelLatticeBasis))
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Substring(Languages.labelLatticeBasis.Length + 1);

            if (!IsCharFigureOrSeparator(adjustedLine[1]))
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Substring(1);
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Remove(adjustedLine.Length - 1);

            int columns = adjustedLine.Count(t => t == adjustedLine[0]);

            adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Where(IsCharFigureOrSeparator).Aggregate("", (current, c) => current + c).Trim(' ');

            if (adjustedLine.Contains(";"))
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Replace(';', ',');
            else if (adjustedLine.Contains(" "))
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Replace(' ', ',');
            else if (adjustedLine.Contains("\t"))
                adjustedLine = adjustedLine.Replace('\t', ',');
            string[] splittedLine = adjustedLine.Split(',');

            int rows = splittedLine.Length / columns;

            VectorND[] vectors = new VectorND[columns];
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                vectors[i] = new VectorND(rows);
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    vectors[i].values[j] = BigInteger.Parse(splittedLine[rows * i + j]);
            return(new LatticeND(vectors, false));
Пример #8
    public void IndexerTest()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(4, -8, 0);

        Assert.AreEqual(v1[0], v1.values[0]);
        Assert.AreEqual(v1[1], v1.values[1]);
        Assert.AreEqual(v1[2], v1.values[2]);
Пример #9
 //Copy constructor
 public FunctionVectorND(VectorND tocopy)
     dim = tocopy.GetDim();
     if (dim > 0)
         funcs = new FuncND[dim];
Пример #10
        private static SOMItem GetSOMItem_2D_Gray(VectorND item, ToVectorInstructions instr)
            Convolution2D conv = new Convolution2D(item.VectorArray, instr.FromSizes[0], instr.FromSizes[1], false);

            conv = Convolute(conv, instr);

            return(new SOMItem(item, conv.Values.ToVectorND()));
Пример #11
 //Copy constructor
 public VectorND(VectorND tocopy)
     dim = tocopy.GetDim();
     if (dim > 0)
         values = new float[dim];
Пример #12
        public static bool IsNearZero(this VectorND vector)
            if (vector.VectorArray == null)

            return(vector.VectorArray.All(o => o.IsNearZero()));
Пример #13
        }                                //cluster it is assigned to

        public DataPoint(List <double> valuesi)
            //all this code converts the List into an array and sets the index/initializes the data vector
            index = (int)valuesi[0];
            var values = valuesi.ToArray();

            data    = new VectorND(values, values.Length);
            cluster = 0;
Пример #14
    public void CopyConstructorTest()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(4, -8, 0);
        VectorND v2 = new VectorND(v1);

        Assert.AreEqual(3, v2.GetDim());
        Assert.AreEqual(v2[0], 4, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(v2[1], -8, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(v2[2], 0, required_accuracy);
Пример #15
    public void ScalarMultiplicationOnRight()
        VectorND v1     = new VectorND(4, -8, 0);
        double   scalar = 2;
        VectorND r      = v1 * scalar;

        Assert.AreEqual(r[0], 8, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r [1], -16, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r [2], 0, required_accuracy);
Пример #16
 //Sets the state/initial condition. Also redefines the reset state.
 public void SetState(VectorND state, double t)
     ivp.SetState(state, t);
     CurrentTime = currentTime; //Not setting a new value, but by
                                //setting the Property we will
                                //solve forward for some data
     //trailRenderer.ResetTrail(); //TODO: fix these. These were throwing a null reference exception when a new object
     //trailRenderer.NewTrail(); //was added, causing the AddObject function to terminate prematurely.
     //OR: it seems to be working fine for the moment. Should we leave this commented out? To test...
Пример #17
    public void SubtractDifferentDimVectors()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(2, -4, 0);
        VectorND v2 = new VectorND(7, 5, -6, 3);
        VectorND r  = v1 - v2;

        Assert.AreEqual(r[0], 2, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[1], -4, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[2], 0, required_accuracy);
Пример #18
        //Element-wise multiplication. Note this assumes vectors are same dimension. program carefully.
        public static VectorND operator*(VectorND a, VectorND b)
            VectorND r = new VectorND(a.GetDim());

            for (byte i = 0; i < a.GetDim(); i++)
                r [i] = a [i] * b [i];
Пример #19
        //Generates a new mesh point
        public VectorND RungeKutta(double t, double h, VectorND v,
                                   FunctionVectorND f)
            VectorND k1 = h * f.Eval(RKCallBuild(t, 0, v, 0, nullVector));
            VectorND k2 = h * f.Eval(RKCallBuild(t, h / 2, v, 0.5, k1));
            VectorND k3 = h * f.Eval(RKCallBuild(t, h / 2, v, 0.5, k2));
            VectorND k4 = h * f.Eval(RKCallBuild(t, h, v, 1.0, k3));

            return(v + (1.0 / 6.0) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4));
Пример #20
 private void ZeroComponents(VectorND components, ref VectorND input)
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         if (components.X[i] > 0)
             input.X[i] = 0;
Пример #21
        //Scalar multiplication with scalar on left.
        public static VectorND operator*(float k, VectorND b)
            VectorND r = new VectorND(b.GetDim());

            for (byte i = 0; i < b.GetDim(); i++)
                r [i] = k * b [i];
Пример #22
        //Forms a VectorND into a string in CSV format
        private string VectorNDToCSV(VectorND v)
            string r = "";

            for (byte i = 0; i < v.GetDim(); i++)
                r += v[i] + ",";
Пример #23
    public void MultiplySameDimVectors()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(2, -4, 3, 8);
        VectorND v2 = new VectorND(7, 5, -6, 0);
        VectorND r  = v1 * v2;

        Assert.AreEqual(r[0], 14, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[1], -20, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[2], -18, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[3], 0, required_accuracy);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// This is similar logic as standard deviation, but this returns the max distance from the average
        /// NOTE: Spread is probably the wrong word, since this only returns the max distance (radius instead of diameter)
        /// </summary>
        public static double GetTotalSpread(IEnumerable <VectorND> values)
            VectorND mean = MathND.GetCenter(values);

            double distancesSquared = values.
                                      Select(o => (o - mean).LengthSquared).

Пример #25
        private byte dim;            //number of dimensions

        public ODEIVPSolver(byte dim_in)
            //Set dimensionality
            dim = dim_in;
            //set up the null vector
            nullVector = new VectorND(dim);
            for (byte i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                nullVector[i] = 0;
Пример #26
  * Builds an array of function inputs for Runge Kutta delegate calls
  * The reason we need this is Bunny83's expression parser only takes
  * params arrays of doubles for its delegates, so we need to
  * concatenate t and the state vector into an array.
 private double[] RKCallBuild(double t, double t_offset, VectorND v,
                              double v_off_scalar, VectorND v_offset)
     double[] arr = new double[dim + 1];
     arr[0] = t + t_offset;         //t is the first value in the array
     for (byte i = 0; i < dim; i++) //the remaining slots are for the state vector
         arr[i + 1] = v[i] + v_off_scalar * v_offset[i];
Пример #27
    public void AddSameDimVectors()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(1.4, 2.7, -3.1, 0);
        VectorND v2 = new VectorND(-3.7, 4, -1, 57.3);
        VectorND r  = v1 + v2;

        Assert.AreEqual(r[0], -2.3, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[1], 6.7, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[2], -4.1, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[3], 57.3, required_accuracy);
Пример #28
    public void SubtractSameDimVectors()
        VectorND v1 = new VectorND(27.2, 2.7, -30, 0);
        VectorND v2 = new VectorND(-3.7, 21, -5.99, 50);
        VectorND r  = v1 - v2;

        Assert.AreEqual(r[0], 30.9, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[1], -18.3, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[2], -24.01, required_accuracy);
        Assert.AreEqual(r[3], -50, required_accuracy);
Пример #29
 public bool CheckCipherFormat()
         cipher = Util.ConvertStringToLatticeND(Cipher).Vectors[0];
     catch (Exception)
Пример #30
        public static string ToStringSignificantDigits(this VectorND vector, int significantDigits)
            double[] arr = vector.VectorArray;
            if (arr == null)

                   Select(o => o.ToStringSignificantDigits(significantDigits)).
                   ToJoin(", "));