public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { StateManager.graphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); Vector2 center = new Vector2(StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 4, StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2); VectorFont.DrawString("Paused. Press P to resume", 7, center, Color.CornflowerBlue); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { StateManager.graphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); float scale = 7f; Vector2 location = new Vector2(3, 3); VectorFont.DrawString("Programmed by", scale, location, Color.CornflowerBlue); location.Y += 3 * scale; VectorFont.DrawString("Aidan Fairman", scale, location, Color.Coral); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { StateManager.graphicsDevice.Clear(bgColor); lander.Draw(gameTime); terrain.Draw(gameTime); if (lander.State == Lander.landerState.playing) { float newFontScale = fontScale * 2.0f / 3.0f; Vector2 fontLocation = new Vector2(3, 3); VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("Fuel {0:000.0}", lander.Fuel), fontScale, fontLocation, Color.CornflowerBlue); fontLocation.Y += (3 * fontScale); VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("XSpeed {0:00.0}", lander.XSpeed), fontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.Y += (3 * fontScale); VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("YSpeed {0:00.0}", lander.YSpeed), fontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.Y += (3 * fontScale); VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("Angle {0:000}", lander.Angle), fontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.X = (StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 10) * 7; fontLocation.Y = 3; VectorFont.DrawString("Esc to quit", newFontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.Y += 3 * newFontScale; VectorFont.DrawString("Space to thrust", newFontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.Y += 3 * newFontScale; VectorFont.DrawString("Right to rotate CW", newFontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); fontLocation.Y += 3 * newFontScale; VectorFont.DrawString("Left to rotate CCW", newFontScale, fontLocation, Color.Coral); } else if (lander.State == Lander.landerState.crashed) { Vector2 fontPlace = new Vector2(StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5 * 2, 4 * fontScale); VectorFont.DrawString("You Crashed", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.White); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; fontPlace.X = StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5; VectorFont.DrawString("You get no more points and are dead", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.White); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("You had {0:000000} points", StateManager.Score), fontScale, fontPlace, Color.White); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; VectorFont.DrawString("Press ESC to go back to menu", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.White); } else { Vector2 fontPlace = new Vector2(StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5 * 2, 4 * fontScale); VectorFont.DrawString("You Landed", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.Black); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; fontPlace.X = StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5; VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("You get {0:0000} points", (lander.Fuel * 100)), fontScale, fontPlace, Color.Black); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; VectorFont.DrawString(string.Format("You have {0:0000} points", StateManager.Score), fontScale, fontPlace, Color.Black); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; fontPlace.X = StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 10; VectorFont.DrawString("Press Enter to go to next landing site", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.Black); fontPlace.Y += 3 * fontScale; fontPlace.X = StateManager.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5; VectorFont.DrawString("Press ESC to go back to menu", fontScale, fontPlace, Color.Black); } }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { StateManager.graphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); float Scale = 7; Vector2 location = new Vector2(3, 3); VectorFont.DrawString("Press Enter to Play", Scale, location, Color.CornflowerBlue); location.Y += (3 * Scale); VectorFont.DrawString("Press C to see credits", Scale, location, Color.CornflowerBlue); location.Y += (3 * Scale); VectorFont.DrawString("Press Q to quit", Scale, location, Color.CornflowerBlue); }