Пример #1
    internal Vector3IntRef _tempValue;    //outside of the function to prevent regular need for GC
    public void Set(Vector3IntRef value)
        int i = 0;

#if !CITO
        for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
            _tempValue = values[i];
            if (_tempValue == null)
            if (_tempValue.X == value.X &&
                _tempValue.Y == value.Y &&
                _tempValue.Z == value.Z)
        values[i] = Vector3IntRef.Create(value.X, value.Y, value.Z);
#if !CITO
Пример #2
 public static Vector3IntRef[] BlocksAround7(Vector3IntRef pos)
     Vector3IntRef[] arr = new Vector3IntRef[7];
     arr[0] = pos;
     arr[1] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X + 1, pos.Y + 0, pos.Z + 0);
     arr[2] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X - 1, pos.Y + 0, pos.Z + 0);
     arr[3] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X + 0, pos.Y + 1, pos.Z + 0);
     arr[4] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X + 0, pos.Y - 1, pos.Z + 0);
     arr[5] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X + 0, pos.Y + 0, pos.Z + 1);
     arr[6] = Vector3IntRef.Create(pos.X + 0, pos.Y + 0, pos.Z - 1);
Пример #3
    public Vector3IntRef[] GetTable(int posx, int posy, int posz, IntRef retCount)
        Vector3IntRef[] l      = new Vector3IntRef[2048];
        int             lCount = 0;

        Vector3IntRef[] todo      = new Vector3IntRef[2048];
        int             todoCount = 0;

        todo[todoCount++] = Vector3IntRef.Create(posx, posy, posz);
        for (; ;)
            if (todoCount == 0 || lCount >= maxcraftingtablesize)
            Vector3IntRef p = todo[todoCount - 1];
            if (Vector3IntRefArrayContains(l, lCount, p))
            l[lCount++] = p;
            Vector3IntRef a = Vector3IntRef.Create(p.X + 1, p.Y, p.Z);
            if (d_Map.GetBlock(a.X, a.Y, a.Z) == d_Data.BlockIdCraftingTable())
                todo[todoCount++] = a;
            Vector3IntRef b = Vector3IntRef.Create(p.X - 1, p.Y, p.Z);
            if (d_Map.GetBlock(b.X, b.Y, b.Z) == d_Data.BlockIdCraftingTable())
                todo[todoCount++] = b;
            Vector3IntRef c = Vector3IntRef.Create(p.X, p.Y + 1, p.Z);
            if (d_Map.GetBlock(c.X, c.Y, c.Z) == d_Data.BlockIdCraftingTable())
                todo[todoCount++] = c;
            Vector3IntRef d = Vector3IntRef.Create(p.X, p.Y - 1, p.Z);
            if (d_Map.GetBlock(d.X, d.Y, d.Z) == d_Data.BlockIdCraftingTable())
                todo[todoCount++] = d;
        retCount.value = lCount;
Пример #4
    public void Set(Vector3IntRef value)
        int i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
            if (values[i] == null)
            if (values[i].X == value.X &&
                values[i].Y == value.Y &&
                values[i].Z == value.Z)
        values[i] = Vector3IntRef.Create(value.X, value.Y, value.Z);
Пример #5
    public static Vector3IntRef NextTile_(TileExitDirection direction, int currentTileX, int currentTileY, int currentTileZ)
        switch (direction)
        case TileExitDirection.Left:
            return(Vector3IntRef.Create(currentTileX - 1, currentTileY, currentTileZ));

        case TileExitDirection.Right:
            return(Vector3IntRef.Create(currentTileX + 1, currentTileY, currentTileZ));

        case TileExitDirection.Up:
            return(Vector3IntRef.Create(currentTileX, currentTileY - 1, currentTileZ));

        case TileExitDirection.Down:
            return(Vector3IntRef.Create(currentTileX, currentTileY + 1, currentTileZ));

Пример #6
    public void DrawBlockInfo(Game game)
        if (!game.drawblockinfo)
        int x = game.SelectedBlockPositionX;
        int y = game.SelectedBlockPositionZ;
        int z = game.SelectedBlockPositionY;

        //string info = "None";
        if (!game.map.IsValidPos(x, y, z))
        int blocktype = game.map.GetBlock(x, y, z);

        if (!game.IsValid(blocktype))
        game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(x, y, z);
Пример #7
    public void UpdateTerrain()
        if (!terrainRendererStarted)
            //Start() not called yet.

        if (!(game.lastplacedblockX == -1 && game.lastplacedblockY == -1 && game.lastplacedblockZ == -1))
            HashSetVector3IntRef ChunksToRedraw = new HashSetVector3IntRef();
            Vector3IntRef[]      around         = BlocksAround7(Vector3IntRef.Create(game.lastplacedblockX, game.lastplacedblockY, game.lastplacedblockZ));
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                Vector3IntRef a = around[i];
                ChunksToRedraw.Set(Vector3IntRef.Create(a.X / chunksize, a.Y / chunksize, a.Z / chunksize));
            for (int i = 0; i < ChunksToRedraw.max; i++)
                if (ChunksToRedraw.values[i] == null)
                int[] c  = new int[3];
                int   xx = ChunksToRedraw.values[i].X;
                int   yy = ChunksToRedraw.values[i].Y;
                int   zz = ChunksToRedraw.values[i].Z;
                if (xx >= 0 && yy >= 0 && zz >= 0 &&
                    xx < game.map.MapSizeX / chunksize && yy < game.map.MapSizeY / chunksize && zz < game.map.MapSizeZ / chunksize)
                    Chunk chunk = game.map.chunks[Index3d(xx, yy, zz, mapsizexchunks(), mapsizeychunks())];
                    if (chunk == null || chunk.rendered == null)
                    if (chunk.rendered.dirty)
                        RedrawChunk(xx, yy, zz);
            game.lastplacedblockX = -1;
            game.lastplacedblockY = -1;
            game.lastplacedblockZ = -1;
        int updated = 0;

        for (; ;)
            if (tempnearestpos[0] == -1 && tempnearestpos[1] == -1 && tempnearestpos[2] == -1)
            RedrawChunk(tempnearestpos[0], tempnearestpos[1], tempnearestpos[2]);
            //if (updated++ >= 1)
            //if (framestopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5)
            //    break;
Пример #8
    internal void OnPick(Game game, int blockposX, int blockposY, int blockposZ, int blockposoldX, int blockposoldY, int blockposoldZ, float[] collisionPos, bool right)
        float xfract         = collisionPos[0] - game.MathFloor(collisionPos[0]);
        float zfract         = collisionPos[2] - game.MathFloor(collisionPos[2]);
        int   activematerial = game.MaterialSlots_(game.ActiveMaterial);
        int   railstart      = game.d_Data.BlockIdRailstart();

        if (activematerial == railstart + RailDirectionFlags.TwoHorizontalVertical ||
            activematerial == railstart + RailDirectionFlags.Corners)
            RailDirection dirnew;
            if (activematerial == railstart + RailDirectionFlags.TwoHorizontalVertical)
                dirnew = PickHorizontalVertical(xfract, zfract);
                dirnew = PickCorners(xfract, zfract);
            int dir = game.d_Data.Rail()[game.map.GetBlock(blockposoldX, blockposoldY, blockposoldZ)];
            if (dir != 0)
                blockposX = blockposoldX;
                blockposY = blockposoldY;
                blockposZ = blockposoldZ;
            activematerial = railstart + (dir | DirectionUtils.ToRailDirectionFlags(dirnew));
        int x    = game.platform.FloatToInt(blockposX);
        int y    = game.platform.FloatToInt(blockposY);
        int z    = game.platform.FloatToInt(blockposZ);
        int mode = right ? Packet_BlockSetModeEnum.Create : Packet_BlockSetModeEnum.Destroy;
            if (game.IsAnyPlayerInPos(x, y, z) || activematerial == 151) // Compass
            Vector3IntRef v            = Vector3IntRef.Create(x, y, z);
            Vector3IntRef oldfillstart = fillstart;
            Vector3IntRef oldfillend   = fillend;
            if (mode == Packet_BlockSetModeEnum.Create)
                if (game.blocktypes[activematerial].IsTool)
                    OnPickUseWithTool(game, blockposX, blockposY, blockposZ);

                if (activematerial == game.d_Data.BlockIdCuboid())

                    if (fillstart != null)
                        Vector3IntRef f = fillstart;
                        if (!game.IsFillBlock(game.map.GetBlock(f.X, f.Y, f.Z)))
                            fillarea.Set(f.X, f.Y, f.Z, game.map.GetBlock(f.X, f.Y, f.Z));
                        game.SetBlock(f.X, f.Y, f.Z, game.d_Data.BlockIdFillStart());

                        FillFill(game, v, fillstart);
                    if (!game.IsFillBlock(game.map.GetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z)))
                        fillarea.Set(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, game.map.GetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
                    game.SetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, game.d_Data.BlockIdCuboid());
                    fillend = v;
                    game.RedrawBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
                if (activematerial == game.d_Data.BlockIdFillStart())
                    if (!game.IsFillBlock(game.map.GetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z)))
                        fillarea.Set(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, game.map.GetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
                    game.SetBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, game.d_Data.BlockIdFillStart());
                    fillstart = v;
                    fillend   = null;
                    game.RedrawBlock(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
                if (fillarea.ContainsKey(v.X, v.Y, v.Z))// && fillarea[v])
                    game.SendFillArea(fillstart.X, fillstart.Y, fillstart.Z, fillend.X, fillend.Y, fillend.Z, activematerial);
                    fillstart = null;
                    fillend   = null;
                if (game.blocktypes[activematerial].IsTool)
                    OnPickUseWithTool(game, blockposX, blockposY, blockposoldZ);
                //delete fill start
                if (fillstart != null && fillstart.X == v.X && fillstart.Y == v.Y && fillstart.Z == v.Z)
                    fillstart = null;
                    fillend   = null;
                //delete fill end
                if (fillend != null && fillend.X == v.X && fillend.Y == v.Y && fillend.Z == v.Z)
                    fillend = null;
            game.SendSetBlockAndUpdateSpeculative(activematerial, x, y, z, mode);
Пример #9
    internal void NextBullet(Game game, int bulletsshot)
        float one    = 1;
        bool  left   = game.mouseLeft;
        bool  middle = game.mouseMiddle;
        bool  right  = game.mouseRight;

        bool IsNextShot = bulletsshot != 0;

        if (!game.leftpressedpicking)
            if (game.mouseleftclick)
                game.leftpressedpicking = true;
                left = false;
            if (game.mouseleftdeclick)
                game.leftpressedpicking = false;
                left = false;
        if (!left)
            game.currentAttackedBlock = null;

        Packet_Item item          = game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial];
        bool        ispistol      = (item != null && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].IsPistol);
        bool        ispistolshoot = ispistol && left;
        bool        isgrenade     = ispistol && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].PistolType == Packet_PistolTypeEnum.Grenade;

        if (ispistol && isgrenade)
            ispistolshoot = game.mouseleftdeclick;
        //grenade cooking - TODO: fix instant explosion when closing ESC menu
        if (game.mouseleftclick)
            game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart();
            if (ispistol && isgrenade)
                if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootCount > 0)
                    game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.Shoot[0]));
        float wait = ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds)) / 1000);

        if (isgrenade && left)
            if (wait >= game.grenadetime && isgrenade && game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds != 0)
                ispistolshoot         = true;
                game.mouseleftdeclick = true;
            game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = 0;

        if (ispistol && game.mouserightclick && (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds) >= 500)
            game.IronSights = !game.IronSights;
            game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart();

        IntRef pick2count = new IntRef();
        Line3D pick       = new Line3D();

        GetPickingLine(game, pick, ispistolshoot);
        BlockPosSide[] pick2 = game.Pick(game.s, pick, pick2count);

        if (left)
            game.handSetAttackDestroy = true;
        else if (right)
            game.handSetAttackBuild = true;

        if (game.overheadcamera && pick2count.value > 0 && left)
            //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination.
            if (game.Follow == null)
                //Only walk to destination when not following someone
                game.playerdestination = Vector3Ref.Create(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1] + 1, pick2[0].blockPos[2]);
        bool pickdistanceok = (pick2count.value > 0); //&& (!ispistol);

        if (pickdistanceok)
            if (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[1] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[2] + one / 2,
                          pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2]) > CurrentPickDistance(game))
                pickdistanceok = false;
        bool playertileempty = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(
            game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2)));
        bool playertileemptyclose = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose(
            game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2)));
        BlockPosSide pick0 = new BlockPosSide();

        if (pick2count.value > 0 &&
            ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose))) ||
            game.SelectedBlockPositionX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[0]);
            game.SelectedBlockPositionY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[1]);
            game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[2]);
            pick0 = pick2[0];
            game.SelectedBlockPositionX = -1;
            game.SelectedBlockPositionY = -1;
            game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = -1;
            pick0.blockPos    = new float[3];
            pick0.blockPos[0] = -1;
            pick0.blockPos[1] = -1;
            pick0.blockPos[2] = -1;
        PickEntity(game, pick, pick2, pick2count);
        if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp)
            int ntileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]);
            int ntileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]);
            int ntileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]);
            if (game.IsUsableBlock(game.map.GetBlock(ntileX, ntileZ, ntileY)))
                game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(ntileX, ntileZ, ntileY);
        if (game.GetFreeMouse())
            if (pick2count.value > 0)

        if ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - lastbuildMilliseconds) / 1000) >= BuildDelay(game) ||
            if (left && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] == null)
                game.SendPacketClient(ClientPackets.MonsterHit(game.platform.FloatToInt(2 + game.rnd.NextFloat() * 4)));
            if (left && !fastclicking)
                //todo animation
                fastclicking = false;
            if ((left || right || middle) && (!isgrenade))
                lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart();
            if (isgrenade && game.mouseleftdeclick)
                lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart();
            if (game.reloadstartMilliseconds != 0)
                PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
            if (ispistolshoot)
                if ((!(game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0)) ||
                    (!(game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0)))
                    game.AudioPlay("Dry Fire Gun-SoundBible.com-2053652037.ogg");
                    PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
            if (ispistolshoot)
                float toX = pick.End[0];
                float toY = pick.End[1];
                float toZ = pick.End[2];
                if (pick2count.value > 0)
                    toX = pick2[0].blockPos[0];
                    toY = pick2[0].blockPos[1];
                    toZ = pick2[0].blockPos[2];

                Packet_ClientShot shot = new Packet_ClientShot();
                shot.FromX     = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[0]);
                shot.FromY     = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[1]);
                shot.FromZ     = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[2]);
                shot.ToX       = game.SerializeFloat(toX);
                shot.ToY       = game.SerializeFloat(toY);
                shot.ToZ       = game.SerializeFloat(toZ);
                shot.HitPlayer = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++)
                    if (game.entities[i] == null)
                    if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null)
                    Entity p_ = game.entities[i];
                    if (p_.networkPosition == null)
                    if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded)
                    float feetposX = p_.position.x;
                    float feetposY = p_.position.y;
                    float feetposZ = p_.position.z;
                    //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn;
                    Box3D bodybox  = new Box3D();
                    float headsize = (p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - p_.drawModel.eyeHeight) * 2; //0.4f;
                    float h        = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - headsize;
                    float r        = one * 35 / 100;

                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r);

                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r);
                    bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r);

                    Box3D headbox = new Box3D();

                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r);

                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r);
                    headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r);

                    float[] p;
                    float   localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX();
                    float   localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY();
                    float   localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ();
                    p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, headbox);
                    if (p != null)
                        //do not allow to shoot through terrain
                        if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ)
                                                      > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ)))
                            if (!isgrenade)
                                Entity entity = new Entity();
                                Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
                                sprite.positionX = p[0];
                                sprite.positionY = p[1];
                                sprite.positionZ = p[2];
                                sprite.image     = "blood.png";
                                entity.sprite    = sprite;
                                entity.expires   = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10);
                            shot.HitPlayer = i;
                            shot.IsHitHead = 1;
                        p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox);
                        if (p != null)
                            //do not allow to shoot through terrain
                            if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ)
                                                          > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ)))
                                if (!isgrenade)
                                    Entity entity = new Entity();
                                    Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
                                    sprite.positionX = p[0];
                                    sprite.positionY = p[1];
                                    sprite.positionZ = p[2];
                                    sprite.image     = "blood.png";
                                    entity.sprite    = sprite;
                                    entity.expires   = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10);
                                shot.HitPlayer = i;
                                shot.IsHitHead = 0;
                shot.WeaponBlock = item.BlockId;
                game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1;
                game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId]  = game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1;
                float projectilespeed = game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].ProjectileSpeedFloat);
                if (projectilespeed == 0)
                        Entity entity = game.CreateBulletEntity(
                            pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2],
                            toX, toY, toZ, 150);
                    float vX      = toX - pick.Start[0];
                    float vY      = toY - pick.Start[1];
                    float vZ      = toZ - pick.Start[2];
                    float vLength = game.Length(vX, vY, vZ);
                    vX /= vLength;
                    vY /= vLength;
                    vZ /= vLength;
                    vX *= projectilespeed;
                    vY *= projectilespeed;
                    vZ *= projectilespeed;
                    shot.ExplodesAfter = game.SerializeFloat(game.grenadetime - wait);

                        Entity grenadeEntity = new Entity();

                        Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
                        sprite.image          = "ChemicalGreen.png";
                        sprite.size           = 14;
                        sprite.animationcount = 0;
                        sprite.positionX      = pick.Start[0];
                        sprite.positionY      = pick.Start[1];
                        sprite.positionZ      = pick.Start[2];
                        grenadeEntity.sprite  = sprite;

                        Grenade_ projectile = new Grenade_();
                        projectile.velocityX    = vX;
                        projectile.velocityY    = vY;
                        projectile.velocityZ    = vZ;
                        projectile.block        = item.BlockId;
                        projectile.sourcePlayer = game.LocalPlayerId;

                        grenadeEntity.expires = Expires.Create(game.grenadetime - wait);

                        grenadeEntity.grenade = projectile;
                Packet_Client packet = new Packet_Client();
                packet.Id   = Packet_ClientIdEnum.Shot;
                packet.Shot = shot;

                if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount > 0)
                    game.pistolcycle = game.rnd.Next() % game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount;
                    game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEnd[game.pistolcycle]));

                if (bulletsshot < game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].BulletsPerShotFloat))
                    NextBullet(game, bulletsshot);

                game.player.position.rotx -= game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil();
                game.player.position.roty += game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil() * 2 - game.CurrentRecoil();

                PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
            if (ispistol && right)
                PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
            if (pick2count.value > 0)
                if (middle)
                    int newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]);
                    int newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]);
                    int newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]);
                    if (game.map.IsValidPos(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY))
                        int  clonesource  = game.map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY);
                        int  clonesource2 = game.d_Data.WhenPlayerPlacesGetsConvertedTo()[clonesource];
                        bool gotoDone     = false;
                        //find this block in another right hand.
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i] != null &&
                                game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block &&
                                game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].BlockId == clonesource2)
                                game.ActiveMaterial = i;
                                gotoDone            = true;
                        if (!gotoDone)
                            IntRef freehand = game.d_InventoryUtil.FreeHand(game.ActiveMaterial);
                            //find this block in inventory.
                            for (int i = 0; i < game.d_Inventory.ItemsCount; i++)
                                Packet_PositionItem k = game.d_Inventory.Items[i];
                                if (k == null)
                                if (k.Value_.ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block &&
                                    k.Value_.BlockId == clonesource2)
                                    //free hand
                                    if (freehand != null)
                                            game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y),
                                    //try to replace current slot
                                    if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] != null &&
                                        game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block)
                                            game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y),
                        string[] sound = game.d_Data.CloneSound()[clonesource];
                        if (sound != null)            // && sound.Length > 0)
                            game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle
                if (left || right)
                    BlockPosSide tile = pick0;
                    int          newtileX;
                    int          newtileY;
                    int          newtileZ;
                    if (right)
                        newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[0]);
                        newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[1]);
                        newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[2]);
                        newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]);
                        newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]);
                        newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]);
                    if (game.map.IsValidPos(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY))
                        //Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + d_Map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY));
                        if (!(pick0.blockPos[0] == -1 &&
                              pick0.blockPos[1] == -1 &&
                              pick0.blockPos[2] == -1))
                            int blocktype;
                            if (left)
                                blocktype = game.map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY);
                                blocktype = ((game.BlockInHand() == null) ? 1 : game.BlockInHand().value);
                            if (left && blocktype == game.d_Data.BlockIdAdminium())
                                PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
                            string[] sound = left ? game.d_Data.BreakSound()[blocktype] : game.d_Data.BuildSound()[blocktype];
                            if (sound != null)            // && sound.Length > 0)
                                game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle
                        //normal attack
                        if (!right)
                            int posx = newtileX;
                            int posy = newtileZ;
                            int posz = newtileY;
                            game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(posx, posy, posz);
                            if (!game.blockHealth.ContainsKey(posx, posy, posz))
                                game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz));
                            game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.blockHealth.Get(posx, posy, posz) - game.WeaponAttackStrength());
                            float health = game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz);
                            if (health <= 0)
                                if (game.currentAttackedBlock != null)
                                    game.blockHealth.Remove(posx, posy, posz);
                                game.currentAttackedBlock = null;
                                OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY),
                                       game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]),
                            PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
                        if (!right)
                            game.particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtileX, newtileY, newtileZ);//must be before deletion - gets ground type.
                        if (!game.map.IsValidPos(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY))
                            game.platform.ThrowException("Error in picking - NextBullet()");
                        OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY),
                               game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]),
                        //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y),
                        //    right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]);
        PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol);
Пример #10
    internal Vector3Ref GrenadeBounce(Game game, Vector3Ref oldposition, Vector3Ref newposition, Vector3Ref velocity, float dt)
        bool  ismoving    = velocity.Length() > 100 * dt;
        float modelheight = walldistance;

        oldposition.Y += walldistance;
        newposition.Y += walldistance;

        //Math.Floor() is needed because casting negative values to integer is not floor.
        Vector3IntRef oldpositioni = Vector3IntRef.Create(game.MathFloor(oldposition.X),
        float playerpositionX = newposition.X;
        float playerpositionY = newposition.Y;
        float playerpositionZ = newposition.Z;

            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z + walldistance;
            bool  newempty      = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY)) &&
                                  game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY) + 1);
            if (newposition.Z - oldposition.Z > 0)
                if (!newempty)
                    velocity.Z  = -velocity.Z;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.Z = oldposition.Z - newposition.Z;
            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X + walldistance;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z;
            bool  newempty      = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY)) &&
                                  game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY) + 1);
            if (newposition.X - oldposition.X > 0)
                if (!newempty)
                    velocity.X  = -velocity.X;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.X = oldposition.X - newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y - walldistance;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z;
            int   x             = game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX);
            int   y             = game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ);
            int   z             = game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY);
            float a_            = walldistance;
            bool  newfull       = (!game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x, y, z)) ||
                                  (qnewpositionX - game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX) <= a_ && (!game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x - 1, y, z)) && (game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x - 1, y, z + 1))) ||
                                  (qnewpositionX - game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX) >= (1 - a_) && (!game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x + 1, y, z)) && (game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x + 1, y, z + 1))) ||
                                  (qnewpositionZ - game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ) <= a_ && (!game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x, y - 1, z)) && (game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x, y - 1, z + 1))) ||
                                  (qnewpositionZ - game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ) >= (1 - a_) && (!game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x, y + 1, z)) && (game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(x, y + 1, z + 1)));
            if (newposition.Y - oldposition.Y < 0)
                if (newfull)
                    velocity.Y  = -velocity.Y;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.Y = oldposition.Y - newposition.Y;
            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z - walldistance;
            bool  newempty      = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY)) &&
                                  game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY) + 1);
            if (newposition.Z - oldposition.Z < 0)
                if (!newempty)
                    velocity.Z  = -velocity.Z;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.Z = oldposition.Z - newposition.Z;
            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X - walldistance;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z;
            bool  newempty      = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY)) &&
                                  game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY) + 1);
            if (newposition.X - oldposition.X < 0)
                if (!newempty)
                    velocity.X  = -velocity.X;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.X = oldposition.X - newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionX = newposition.X;
            float qnewpositionY = newposition.Y + modelheight;
            float qnewpositionZ = newposition.Z;
            bool  newempty      = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics(game.MathFloor(qnewpositionX), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionZ), game.MathFloor(qnewpositionY));
            if (newposition.Y - oldposition.Y > 0)
                if (!newempty)
                    velocity.Y  = -velocity.Y;
                    velocity.X *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Y *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    velocity.Z *= bouncespeedmultiply;
                    if (ismoving)
                        game.AudioPlayAt("grenadebounce.ogg", newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z);
                    //playerposition.Y = oldposition.Y - newposition.Y;
        playerpositionY -= walldistance;
        return(Vector3Ref.Create(playerpositionX, playerpositionY, playerpositionZ));