Пример #1
 internal void GenerateAllShapes()
     if (this.m_mesher != null)
         if (!this.m_bodiesInitialized)
         Vector3I zero = Vector3I.Zero;
         Vector3I size = this.m_voxelMap.Size;
         Vector3I end  = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0)
             X = size.X >> 3,
             Y = size.Y >> 3,
             Z = size.Z >> 3
         end = (Vector3I)(end + zero);
         MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch.Args args = new MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch.Args {
             GeometryCell  = new MyCellCoord(1, zero),
             Storage       = this.m_voxelMap.Storage,
             TargetPhysics = this,
             Tracker       = this.m_workTracker
         Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref zero, ref end);
         while (iterator.IsValid())
             iterator.GetNext(out args.GeometryCell.CoordInLod);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Non-allocating version of Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.GetBlocksInsideSphere()
        /// </summary>
        public void GetBlocksInsideSphere(IMyCubeGrid grid, List <IMySlimBlock> blockList, ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
            if (grid.PositionComp != null)
                MatrixD  matrix = grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
                Vector3D result;

                Vector3D.Transform(ref sphere.Center, ref matrix, out result);
                BoundingSphere localSphere = new BoundingSphere(result, (float)sphere.Radius);
                BoundingBox    boundingBox = BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(localSphere);
                double         gridSizeR   = 1d / grid.GridSize;

                Vector3I searchMin = new Vector3I
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Min.X * gridSizeR),
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Min.Y * gridSizeR),
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Min.Z * gridSizeR)
                Vector3I searchMax = new Vector3I
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Max.X * gridSizeR),
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Max.Y * gridSizeR),
                    (int)Math.Round(boundingBox.Max.Z * gridSizeR)

                Vector3I start = Vector3I.Max(Vector3I.Min(searchMin, searchMax), grid.Min);
                Vector3I end   = Vector3I.Min(Vector3I.Max(searchMin, searchMax), grid.Max);

                var      gridIterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                Vector3I next         = gridIterator.Current;


                while (gridIterator.IsValid())
                    IMySlimBlock cube         = grid.GetCubeBlock(next);
                    float        gridSizeHalf = grid.GridSize / 2f;

                    if (cube != null)
                        var cubeBounds = new BoundingBox((cube.Min * grid.GridSize) - gridSizeHalf, (cube.Max * grid.GridSize) + gridSizeHalf);

                        if (cubeBounds.Intersects(localSphere))

                    gridIterator.GetNext(out next);


                foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blockHashBuffer)
Пример #3
        private void Segment()
            foreach (MySlimBlock local1 in this.m_grid.CubeBlocks)
                Vector3I min   = local1.Min;
                Vector3I max   = local1.Max;
                Vector3I input = min;
                Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max);
                while (iterator.IsValid())
                    iterator.GetNext(out input);
            List <Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyVoxelSegmentation.Segment> list = m_segmentation.FindSegments(MyVoxelSegmentationType.Simple2, 1);

            this.m_segments = new List <BoundingBox>(list.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                BoundingBox item = new BoundingBox {
                    Min = ((new Vector3(list[i].Min) - Vector3.Half) * this.m_grid.GridSize) - Vector3.Half,
                    Max = ((new Vector3(list[i].Max) + Vector3.Half) * this.m_grid.GridSize) + Vector3.Half
Пример #4
        public void InvalidateRange(Vector3I minVoxelChanged, Vector3I maxVoxelChanged)
            Vector3I vectori;
            Vector3I vectori2;

            minVoxelChanged -= MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            maxVoxelChanged  = (Vector3I)(maxVoxelChanged + MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate);
            this.m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minVoxelChanged, 1);
            this.m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged, 1);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref minVoxelChanged, out vectori);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged, out vectori2);
            Vector3I position = vectori;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref vectori, ref vectori2);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                if (!this.m_processedCells.Contains(ref position))
                    this.m_higherLevelHelper.TryClearCell(new MyCellCoord(0, position).PackId64());
                else if (!this.m_cellsToChangeSet.Contains(ref position))
                iterator.GetNext(out position);
Пример #5
            internal void InvalidateRange(Vector3I lodMin, Vector3I lodMax)
                //              MyLog.Default.WriteLine("InvalidateRange Lod: " + m_lodIndex + " Min: " + lodMin + " Max: " + lodMax);

                var cell = new MyCellCoord(m_lodIndex, lodMin);

                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref lodMin, ref lodMax);
                     it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod))
                    MyClipmap_CellData data;
                    var id = cell.PackId64();
//                    MyLog.Default.WriteLine("Setting to: m_lodIndex " + cell.Lod + " Coord: " + cell.CoordInLod);

                    if (m_storedCellData.TryGetValue(id, out data))
                        data.State = CellState.Invalid;
                        //MyLog.Default.WriteLine("Really set to: m_lodIndex " + cell.Lod + " Coord: " + cell.CoordInLod);

                    if (MyClipmap.UseCache)
                        var clipmapCellId = MyCellCoord.GetClipmapCellHash(m_clipmap.Id, id);
                        var cachedCell    = MyClipmap.CellsCache.Read(clipmapCellId);
                        if (cachedCell != null)
                            cachedCell.State = CellState.Invalid;
Пример #6
        public unsafe void MarkBoxForAddition(BoundingBoxD box)
            Vector3I vectori;
            Vector3I vectori2;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(this.m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref box.Min, out vectori);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(this.m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref box.Max, out vectori2);
            this.m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref vectori, 1);
            this.m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref vectori2, 1);
            Vector3I *vectoriPtr1 = (Vector3I *)ref vectori;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref (Vector3I) ref vectoriPtr1, out vectori);
            Vector3I *vectoriPtr2 = (Vector3I *)ref vectori2;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref (Vector3I) ref vectoriPtr2, out vectori2);
            Vector3 vector = (vectori + vectori2) * 0.5f;

            vectori  = (Vector3I)(vectori / 1);
            vectori2 = (Vector3I)(vectori2 / 1);
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref vectori, ref vectori2);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                if (Vector3.RectangularDistance((Vector3)vectori, vector) <= 1f)
                    this.MarkCellForAddition(vectori, PresentEntityWeight);
                iterator.GetNext(out vectori);
Пример #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks only immediate children (any deeper would take too long).
            /// </summary>
            private static bool ChildrenWereLoaded(LodLevel childLod, ref MyCellCoord thisLodCell)
                if (childLod == null)

                Debug.Assert(thisLodCell.Lod == childLod.m_lodIndex + 1);

                var childLodCell = new MyCellCoord();

                childLodCell.Lod = childLod.m_lodIndex;
                var shiftToChild = MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeShiftToMoreDetailed(thisLodCell.Lod);
                var start        = thisLodCell.CoordInLod << shiftToChild;
                var end          = start + ((1 << shiftToChild) >> 1);

                Vector3I.Max(ref childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne, ref Vector3I.Zero, out childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne);
                Vector3I.Min(ref end, ref childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne, out end);
                childLodCell.CoordInLod = start;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                     it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out childLodCell.CoordInLod))
                    var key = childLodCell.PackId64();
                    MyClipmap_CellData data;
                    if (!childLod.m_storedCellData.TryGetValue(key, out data) || !data.WasLoaded)

Пример #8
        internal void GenerateAllShapes()
            if (!m_bodiesInitialized)

            var min = Vector3I.Zero;

            Vector3I storageSize = m_voxelMap.Size;
            Vector3I max         = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);

            max.X = storageSize.X >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            max.Y = storageSize.Y >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            max.Z = storageSize.Z >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            max += min;

            var args = new MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch.Args
                GeometryCell  = new MyCellCoord(1, min),
                Storage       = m_voxelMap.Storage,
                TargetPhysics = this,
                Tracker       = m_workTracker

            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max);
                 it.GetNext(out args.GeometryCell.CoordInLod))
Пример #9
        private unsafe void storage_RangeChanged(Vector3I minChanged, Vector3I maxChanged, MyStorageDataTypeFlags changedData)
            Vector3I voxelCoord = minChanged - MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            Vector3I vectori2   = (Vector3I)(maxChanged + MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate);

            this.m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref voxelCoord, 1);
            this.m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref vectori2, 1);
            Vector3I start = voxelCoord >> 3;
            Vector3I end   = vectori2 >> 3;

            using (this.m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                if ((start == Vector3I.Zero) && (end == (this.m_cellsCount - 1)))
                    MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord();
                    if ((this.m_cellsByCoordinate.Count > 0) || (this.m_coordinateToMesh.Count > 0))
                        cell.CoordInLod = start;
                        Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                        while (iterator.IsValid())
                            ulong key = cell.PackId64();
                            iterator.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod);
                    if ((end - start).Volume() <= 0x186a0)
                        Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator3 = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                        while (iterator3.IsValid())
                            this.SetEmpty(ref cell, false);
                            iterator3.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod);
                        Vector3I vectori6 = start >> 2;
                        Vector3I vectori7 = (Vector3I)((end >> 2) + 1);
                        cell.CoordInLod = vectori6;
                        Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator2 = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref vectori6, ref vectori7);
                        while (iterator2.IsValid())
                            Vector3I *vectoriPtr1 = (Vector3I *)ref cell.CoordInLod;
                            vectoriPtr1[0] = vectoriPtr1[0] << 2;
                            this.RemoveEmpty(ref cell);
                            iterator2.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod);
Пример #10
        private void AddBlock(MySlimBlock block)
            Vector3I min = block.Min;
            Vector3I max = block.Max;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                this.m_cubeSet.Add(ref min);
                iterator.GetNext(out min);
            MatrixI transform = new MatrixI(block.Position, block.Orientation.Forward, block.Orientation.Up);

            this.MergeFromAnotherMesh(block.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition.Mesh, ref transform);
Пример #11
        private void RemoveBlock(Vector3I min, Vector3I max, bool eraseCubeSet)
            Vector3I start = min;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref max);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                if (eraseCubeSet)
                    this.m_cubeSet.Remove(ref start);
                iterator.GetNext(out start);
        public static bool AnyBlocksInAABB(this MyGridDataComponent g, BoundingBoxD box)
            var e = g.Entity;

            if (e.PositionComp == null)
            if (box.Contains(e.PositionComp.WorldAABB) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                return(g.BlockCount > 0);

            var orientedBoundingBoxD = OrientedBoundingBoxD.Create(box, e.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);
            var sizeR = 1f / g.Size;

            orientedBoundingBoxD.Center     *= sizeR;
            orientedBoundingBoxD.HalfExtent *= sizeR;
            box = box.TransformFast(e.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv);
            var min    = box.Min;
            var max    = box.Max;
            var obbPt1 = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(min.X * sizeR), (int)Math.Round(min.Y * sizeR), (int)Math.Round(min.Z * sizeR));
            var obbPt2 = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(max.X * sizeR), (int)Math.Round(max.Y * sizeR), (int)Math.Round(max.Z * sizeR));
            var obbMin = Vector3I.Min(obbPt1, obbPt2);
            var obbMax = Vector3I.Max(obbPt1, obbPt2);
            var start  = Vector3I.Max(obbMin, g.Min);
            var end    = Vector3I.Min(obbMax, g.Max);

            if (start.X > end.X || start.Y > end.Y || start.Z > end.Z)
            var vector3IRangeIterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
            var next = vector3IRangeIterator.Current;

            while (vector3IRangeIterator.IsValid())
                if (g.GetAnyBlock(next) != null)
                vector3IRangeIterator.GetNext(out next);

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if blocks are neigbors to block(s) in aabbForNeighbors.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CheckNeighborBlocks(MySlimBlock block, BoundingBoxD aabbForNeighbors, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid, List <MySlimBlock> blocks)
            var      compositeTransformToGrid = block.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix * cubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
            var      aabbForNeighborsInGrid   = aabbForNeighbors.TransformFast(ref compositeTransformToGrid);
            Vector3I start   = Vector3I.Round(cubeGrid.GridSizeR * aabbForNeighborsInGrid.Min);
            Vector3I end     = Vector3I.Round(cubeGrid.GridSizeR * aabbForNeighborsInGrid.Max);
            Vector3I startIt = Vector3I.Min(start, end);
            Vector3I endIt   = Vector3I.Max(start, end);

            for (int slimBlockIndex = blocks.Count - 1; slimBlockIndex >= 0; --slimBlockIndex)
                var  slimBlock = blocks[slimBlockIndex];
                bool found     = false;

                Vector3I_RangeIterator itBlockInGridPos = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref slimBlock.Min, ref slimBlock.Max);
                var posInGrid = itBlockInGridPos.Current;
                for (; itBlockInGridPos.IsValid(); itBlockInGridPos.GetNext(out posInGrid))
                    Vector3I_RangeIterator itBlockPos = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref startIt, ref endIt);
                    var pos = itBlockPos.Current;
                    for (; itBlockPos.IsValid(); itBlockPos.GetNext(out pos))
                        Vector3I diff = Vector3I.Abs(posInGrid - pos);
                        if (pos == posInGrid || diff.X + diff.Y + diff.Z == 1)
                            found = true;

                    if (found)

                if (!found)
Пример #14
        // Actually, this function marks even cubes around the block to make sure that any changes caused in their triangles
        // will be reflected in the navigation mesh.
        public void MarkBlockChanged(MySlimBlock block)
            Vector3I min = block.Min - Vector3I.One;
            Vector3I max = block.Max + Vector3I.One;

            Vector3I pos = min;
            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))

            Vector3I minCell = CubeToCell(ref min);
            Vector3I maxCell = CubeToCell(ref max);

            pos = minCell;
            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
Пример #15
        private void FixCacheMaterial(Vector3I voxelStart, Vector3I voxelEnd)
            var mcount = Sandbox.Definitions.MyDefinitionManager.Static.VoxelMaterialCount;

            voxelEnd   = Vector3I.Min(voxelEnd - voxelStart, m_cache.Size3D);
            voxelStart = Vector3I.Zero;
            var it  = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);
            var pos = it.Current;

            for (; it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var lin = m_cache.ComputeLinear(ref pos);
                var mat = m_cache.Material(lin);

                if (mat >= mcount && mat != MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL)
                    //Debug.Fail(String.Format("VoxelData contains invalid materials (id: {0}).", m_cache.Material(lin)));
                    m_cache.Material(lin, MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL);
        public void InvalidateRange(Vector3I minVoxelChanged, Vector3I maxVoxelChanged)
            minVoxelChanged -= MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate + 1;
            maxVoxelChanged += MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate + 1;
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minVoxelChanged);
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged);

            Vector3I minCellLod0, maxCellLod0;

            minVoxelChanged -= m_voxelMap.StorageMin;
            maxVoxelChanged -= m_voxelMap.StorageMin;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToRenderCellCoord(0, ref minVoxelChanged, out minCellLod0);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToRenderCellCoord(0, ref maxVoxelChanged, out maxCellLod0);

            MyRenderProxy.InvalidateClipmapRange(m_renderObjectIDs[0], minCellLod0, maxCellLod0);

            if (minCellLod0 == Vector3I.Zero &&
                maxCellLod0 == ((m_voxelMap.Storage.Size - 1) >> MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInLodVoxelsShift(0)))
                for (int i = 0; i < MyCellCoord.MAX_LOD_COUNT; ++i)
                    var minCell   = minCellLod0 >> i;
                    var maxCell   = maxCellLod0 >> i;
                    var cellCoord = new MyCellCoord(i, ref minCell);
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell);
                         it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cellCoord.CoordInLod))
            private bool FindNextNonemptyBin()
                m_previousIndex = -1;

                if (!m_rangeIterator.IsValid())

                Vector3I bin = m_rangeIterator.Current;

                while (!m_parent.m_bins.TryGetValue(bin, out m_storageIndex))
                    m_rangeIterator.GetNext(out bin);
                    if (!m_rangeIterator.IsValid())

Пример #18
 void IMyOctreeLeafNode.WriteRange(MyStorageData source, ref Vector3I readOffset, ref Vector3I min, ref Vector3I max)
     m_octree.WriteRange(source, m_dataType, ref readOffset, ref min, ref max);
     if (DEBUG_WRITES)
         var tmp = new MyStorageData();
         tmp.Resize(min, max);
         m_octree.ReadRange(tmp, m_dataType, ref Vector3I.Zero, 0, ref min, ref max);
         Vector3I p            = Vector3I.Zero;
         var      cacheEnd     = max - min;
         int      errorCounter = 0;
         for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref cacheEnd);
              it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out p))
             var read = readOffset + p;
             if (source.Get(m_dataType, ref read) != tmp.Get(m_dataType, ref p))
         Debug.Assert(errorCounter == 0, string.Format("{0} errors writing to leaf octree.", errorCounter));
Пример #19
        private Vector3I FindTriangleCube(int triIndex, ref Vector3I edgePositionA, ref Vector3I edgePositionB)
            Vector3I vectori;
            Vector3I vectori2;

            Vector3I.Min(ref edgePositionA, ref edgePositionB, out vectori);
            Vector3I.Max(ref edgePositionA, ref edgePositionB, out vectori2);
            vectori  = Vector3I.Round((new Vector3(vectori) / 256f) - Vector3.Half);
            vectori2 = Vector3I.Round((new Vector3(vectori2) / 256f) + Vector3.Half);
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref vectori, ref vectori2);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                List <int> list;
                this.m_smallTriangleRegistry.TryGetValue(vectori, out list);
                if ((list != null) && list.Contains(triIndex))
                iterator.GetNext(out vectori);
Пример #20
        public void MarkBlockChanged(MySlimBlock block)
            Vector3I cube     = block.Min - Vector3I.One;
            Vector3I vectori2 = (Vector3I)(block.Max + Vector3I.One);
            Vector3I position = cube;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max);

            while (iterator.IsValid())
                iterator.GetNext(out position);
            Vector3I start = this.CubeToCell(ref cube);
            Vector3I end   = this.CubeToCell(ref vectori2);

            position = start;
            Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator2 = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);

            while (iterator2.IsValid())
                iterator2.GetNext(out position);
Пример #21
        private void Segment()

            foreach (var block in m_grid.CubeBlocks)
                Vector3I begin = block.Min;
                Vector3I end = block.Max;
                Vector3I pos = begin;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref begin, ref end); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))

            var segmentList = m_segmentation.FindSegments(MyVoxelSegmentationType.Simple2);
            m_segments = new List<BoundingBox>(segmentList.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < segmentList.Count; ++i)
                BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox();
                bb.Min = (new Vector3(segmentList[i].Min) - Vector3.Half) * m_grid.GridSize - Vector3.Half; // The another half is here to just add some head space
                bb.Max = (new Vector3(segmentList[i].Max) + Vector3.Half) * m_grid.GridSize + Vector3.Half;

        public void TestVoxelNavmeshTriangle(ref Vector3D a, ref Vector3D b, ref Vector3D c, List<MyCubeGrid> gridsToTest, List<MyGridPathfinding.CubeId> linkCandidatesOutput, out bool intersecting)

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Triangle-obstacle tests");
            Vector3D s = (a + b + c) / 3.0;
            if (m_obstacles.IsInObstacle(s))
                intersecting = true;

            BoundingBoxD triBB;
            Vector3D aLocal, bLocal, cLocal, gLocal;
            Vector3D g = Vector3D.Zero;
            if (MyPerGameSettings.NavmeshPresumesDownwardGravity)
                g = Vector3.Down * 2.0f;


            intersecting = false;
            foreach (var grid in gridsToTest)
                MatrixD mat = grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;

                Vector3D.Transform(ref a, ref mat, out aLocal);
                Vector3D.Transform(ref b, ref mat, out bLocal);
                Vector3D.Transform(ref c, ref mat, out cLocal);
                Vector3D.TransformNormal(ref g, ref mat, out gLocal);

                triBB = new BoundingBoxD(Vector3D.MaxValue, Vector3D.MinValue);
                triBB.Include(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal);
                Vector3I min = grid.LocalToGridInteger(triBB.Min);
                Vector3I max = grid.LocalToGridInteger(triBB.Max);
                Vector3I pos = min - Vector3I.One;
                Vector3I max2 = max + Vector3I.One;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref pos, ref max2); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                    if (grid.GetCubeBlock(pos) != null)
                        Vector3 largeMin = (pos - Vector3.One) * grid.GridSize;
                        Vector3 largeMax = (pos + Vector3.One) * grid.GridSize;
                        Vector3 smallMin = (pos - Vector3.Half) * grid.GridSize;
                        Vector3 smallMax = (pos + Vector3.Half) * grid.GridSize;
                        BoundingBoxD largeBb = new BoundingBoxD(largeMin, largeMax);
                        BoundingBoxD bb = new BoundingBoxD(smallMin, smallMax);

                        largeBb.Include(largeMin + gLocal);
                        largeBb.Include(largeMax + gLocal);
                        bb.Include(smallMin + gLocal);
                        bb.Include(smallMax + gLocal);

                        ProfilerShort.Begin("Triangle intersection tests");
                        if (largeBb.IntersectsTriangle(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal))
                            if (bb.IntersectsTriangle(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal))
                                intersecting = true;
                                int dx = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.X - pos.X), Math.Abs(max.X - pos.X));
                                int dy = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.Y - pos.Y), Math.Abs(max.Y - pos.Y));
                                int dz = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.Z - pos.Z), Math.Abs(max.Z - pos.Z));
                                if ((dx + dy + dz) < 3)
                                    m_tmpLinkCandidates.Add(new MyGridPathfinding.CubeId() { Grid = grid, Coords = pos });

                if (intersecting) break;

            if (!intersecting)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_tmpLinkCandidates.Count; ++i)

Пример #23
        public void TestVoxelNavmeshTriangle(ref Vector3D a, ref Vector3D b, ref Vector3D c, List <MyCubeGrid> gridsToTest, List <MyGridPathfinding.CubeId> linkCandidatesOutput, out bool intersecting)
            Vector3D point = ((a + b) + c) / 3.0;

            if (this.m_obstacles.IsInObstacle(point))
                intersecting = true;
            Vector3D zero = Vector3D.Zero;

            if (MyPerGameSettings.NavmeshPresumesDownwardGravity)
                zero = Vector3.Down * 2f;
            intersecting = false;
            using (List <MyCubeGrid> .Enumerator enumerator = gridsToTest.GetEnumerator())
                goto TR_0016;
                if (intersecting)
                    goto TR_0006;
                while (true)
                    if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Vector3D   vectord2;
                        Vector3D   vectord3;
                        Vector3D   vectord4;
                        Vector3D   vectord5;
                        MyCubeGrid current = enumerator.Current;
                        MatrixD    worldMatrixNormalizedInv = current.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
                        Vector3D.Transform(ref a, ref worldMatrixNormalizedInv, out vectord2);
                        Vector3D.Transform(ref b, ref worldMatrixNormalizedInv, out vectord3);
                        Vector3D.Transform(ref c, ref worldMatrixNormalizedInv, out vectord4);
                        Vector3D.TransformNormal(ref zero, ref worldMatrixNormalizedInv, out vectord5);
                        BoundingBoxD xd = new BoundingBoxD(Vector3D.MaxValue, Vector3D.MinValue);
                        xd.Include(ref vectord2, ref vectord3, ref vectord4);
                        Vector3I vectori  = current.LocalToGridInteger((Vector3)xd.Min);
                        Vector3I vectori2 = current.LocalToGridInteger((Vector3)xd.Max);
                        Vector3I start    = vectori - Vector3I.One;
                        Vector3I end      = (Vector3I)(vectori2 + Vector3I.One);
                        Vector3I_RangeIterator iterator = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                        while (iterator.IsValid())
                            if (current.GetCubeBlock(start) != null)
                                Vector3      min     = (Vector3)((start - Vector3.One) * current.GridSize);
                                Vector3      max     = (start + Vector3.One) * current.GridSize;
                                Vector3      vector3 = (Vector3)((start - Vector3.Half) * current.GridSize);
                                Vector3      vector4 = (start + Vector3.Half) * current.GridSize;
                                BoundingBoxD xd3     = new BoundingBoxD(min, max);
                                BoundingBoxD xd4     = new BoundingBoxD(vector3, vector4);
                                xd3.Include(min + vectord5);
                                xd3.Include(max + vectord5);
                                xd4.Include(vector3 + vectord5);
                                xd4.Include(vector4 + vectord5);
                                if (xd3.IntersectsTriangle(ref vectord2, ref vectord3, ref vectord4))
                                    if (xd4.IntersectsTriangle(ref vectord2, ref vectord3, ref vectord4))
                                        intersecting = true;
                                    int num3 = Math.Min(Math.Abs((int)(vectori.Z - start.Z)), Math.Abs((int)(vectori2.Z - start.Z)));
                                    if (((Math.Min(Math.Abs((int)(vectori.X - start.X)), Math.Abs((int)(vectori2.X - start.X))) + Math.Min(Math.Abs((int)(vectori.Y - start.Y)), Math.Abs((int)(vectori2.Y - start.Y)))) + num3) < 3)
                                        MyGridPathfinding.CubeId item = new MyGridPathfinding.CubeId {
                                            Grid   = current,
                                            Coords = start
                            iterator.GetNext(out start);
                        goto TR_0006;
                goto TR_0008;
            if (!intersecting)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_tmpLinkCandidates.Count; i++)
Пример #24
            internal void DoClipping(float camDistanceFromCenter, Vector3D localPosition, float farPlaneDistance, RequestCollector collector, bool frustumCulling, float rangeScale)
                int lodIndex = m_lodIndex;

                if (!ShouldBeThisLodVisible(camDistanceFromCenter))
                    MyUtils.Swap(ref m_storedCellData, ref m_clippedCells);

                m_localPosition = localPosition;
                MyClipmap.ComputeLodViewBounds(m_clipmap.m_scaleGroup, lodIndex, out m_nearDistance, out m_farDistance);

                farPlaneDistance *= rangeScale;
                m_farDistance *= rangeScale;
                m_nearDistance *= rangeScale;

                m_fitsInFrustum = (farPlaneDistance * 1.25f) > m_nearDistance;

                if (!m_fitsInFrustum && m_lodIndex == lodIndex)

                //var localFrustum = new BoundingFrustumD(CameraFrustumGetter().Matrix * m_parent.m_invWorldMatrix);
                var frustum = CameraFrustumGetter();

                Vector3I min, max;
                // Vector3I ignoreMin, ignoreMax;

                var minD = m_localPosition - (double)m_farDistance;
                var maxD = m_localPosition + (double)m_farDistance;
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(lodIndex, ref minD, out min);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(lodIndex, ref maxD, out max);

                BoundingBoxI lodBox = new BoundingBoxI(Vector3I.Zero, Vector3I.Max(m_lodSizeMinusOne, Vector3I.Zero));
                bool intersects = false;
                //bool intersectsNear = false;

                m_localFarCameraBox = new BoundingBoxI(min, max);
                m_localNearCameraBox = new BoundingBoxI(min, max);
                if (lodBox.Intersects(m_localFarCameraBox))
                    intersects = true;
                    var intersection = lodBox;
                    intersection.IntersectWith(ref m_localFarCameraBox);
                    min = intersection.Min;
                    max = intersection.Max;

                    //Optimize only LOD2 and higher by two lods, because neighbour cells shares border cells
                    //if (m_lodIndex > 1)
                    //    float lowerFar, lowerNear;
                    //    MyClipmap.ComputeLodViewBounds(m_clipmap.m_scaleGroup, m_lodIndex - 2, out lowerFar, out lowerNear);

                    //    var minNear = m_localPosition - (lowerNear - MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInMeters(m_lodIndex) / 2);
                    //    var maxNear = m_localPosition + (lowerNear - MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInMeters(m_lodIndex) / 2);
                    //    MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(m_lodIndex, ref minNear, out ignoreMin);
                    //    MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(m_lodIndex, ref maxNear, out ignoreMax);

                    //    m_localNearCameraBox = new BoundingBoxI(ignoreMin, ignoreMax);
                    //    if (lodBox.Intersects(m_localNearCameraBox))
                    //        intersectsNear = false;
                //if (m_lastMin == min && m_lastMax == max && !m_clipmap.m_updateClipping)
                //    return;

                //m_lastMin = min;
                //m_lastMax = max;

                //LodLevel parentLod, childLod;
                //GetNearbyLodLevels(out parentLod, out childLod);

                // Moves cells which are still needed from one collection to another.
                // All that is left behind is unloaded as no longer needed.

                // Move everything in range to collection of next stored cells.

                if (frustumCulling)
                    MyUtils.Swap(ref m_storedCellData, ref m_clippedCells);

                if (intersects)
                    float sizeInMetres = MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInMeters(lodIndex);

                    MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord(lodIndex, ref min);

                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max);
                        it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod))
                        //if (intersectsNear &&
                        //    m_localNearCameraBox.Contains(cell.CoordInLod) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        //    continue;

                        //if (frustumCulling)
                        //    Vector3D minAABB = Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)(sizeInMetres * (cell.CoordInLod - 2)), m_clipmap.m_worldMatrix);
                        //    Vector3D maxAABB = Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)(sizeInMetres * (cell.CoordInLod + 2) + new Vector3(sizeInMetres)), m_clipmap.m_worldMatrix);

                        //    if (frustum.Contains(new BoundingBoxD(minAABB, maxAABB)) == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                        //    {
                        //        m_outsideCells.Add(cell.CoordInLod);
                        //        continue;
                        //    }

                        UnclipCell(collector, cell, true);

                    //cache cells around frustum
                    if (collector.SentRequestsEmpty)
                          foreach (var outsideCell in m_outsideCells)
                              cell.CoordInLod = outsideCell;
                              UnclipCell(collector, cell, frustumCulling);

        private void LoadBlocks(GridSimulationData simData)
            simData.BlockCount = m_grid.GetBlocks().Count;


            using (Stats.Timing.Measure("SI - Collect", VRage.Stats.MyStatTypeEnum.Sum | VRage.Stats.MyStatTypeEnum.DontDisappearFlag))
                // Store blocks
                foreach (var block in m_grid.GetBlocks())
                    if (simData.All.ContainsKey(block.Position))
                        Debug.Fail("Same blocks in grid!");

                    bool isStatic = m_grid.Physics.Shape.BlocksConnectedToWorld.Contains(block.Position);

                    if (isStatic)
                        var n = new Node(block.Position, true);
                        n.PhysicalMaterial = block.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial;
                        simData.All.Add(block.Position, n);

                        float mass = m_grid.Physics.Shape.GetBlockMass(block.Position);
                        var cubeMass = MassToSI(mass);

                        var physicalMaterial = block.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial;
                        if (block.FatBlock is MyCompoundCubeBlock)
                            var compBlock = block.FatBlock as MyCompoundCubeBlock;

                            physicalMaterial = compBlock.GetBlocks().First().BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial;

                            //Simulate blocks where or pieces are generated
                            bool allAreGenerated = true;
                            foreach (var b in compBlock.GetBlocks())
                                if (!b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)
                                    allAreGenerated = false;

                            bool isGenerated = true;
                            foreach (var b in compBlock.GetBlocks())
                                if (!b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)
                                    isGenerated = false;
                                    if (b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock && b.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeName == "Stone")
                                        isGenerated = false;
                                        if (b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock && b.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeName == "RoofTile" && allAreGenerated)
                                            isGenerated = false;
                                            cubeMass *= 6f;
                                            if (b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock && b.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeName == "RoofWood" && allAreGenerated)
                                                isGenerated = false;
                                                cubeMass *= 3f;
                                                if (b.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock && b.BlockDefinition.PhysicalMaterial.Id.SubtypeName == "RoofHay" && allAreGenerated)
                                                    isGenerated = false;
                                                    cubeMass *= 1.2f;

                            //we dont want to simulate these pieces..
                            if (isGenerated)

                        Vector3I pos = block.Min;
                        float volumeRecip = 1.0f / block.BlockDefinition.Size.Size;
                        for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                            var node = new Node(pos, false);

                            node.Mass = cubeMass * volumeRecip;

                            node.PhysicalMaterial = physicalMaterial;

                            simData.All.Add(pos, node);

                foreach (var block in simData.DynamicWeights)
                    if (simData.All.ContainsKey(block.Key))
                        simData.All[block.Key].Mass += block.Value;
                        var node = new Node(block.Key, false);
                        node.Mass = simData.DynamicWeights[block.Key];
                        node.IsDynamicWeight = true;
                        simData.All.Add(block.Key, node);

            m_grid.Physics.ContactPointCallback -= Physics_ContactPointCallback;
            m_grid.Physics.ContactPointCallback += Physics_ContactPointCallback;

Пример #26
            internal void InvalidateRange(Vector3I lodMin, Vector3I lodMax)
  //              MyLog.Default.WriteLine("InvalidateRange Lod: " + m_lodIndex + " Min: " + lodMin + " Max: " + lodMax);

                var cell = new MyCellCoord(m_lodIndex, lodMin);
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref lodMin, ref lodMax);
                    it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod))
                    MyClipmap_CellData data;
                    var id = cell.PackId64();
//                    MyLog.Default.WriteLine("Setting to: m_lodIndex " + cell.Lod + " Coord: " + cell.CoordInLod);

                    if (m_storedCellData.TryGetValue(id, out data))
                        data.State = CellState.Invalid;
                        //MyLog.Default.WriteLine("Really set to: m_lodIndex " + cell.Lod + " Coord: " + cell.CoordInLod);

                    if (MyClipmap.UseCache)
                        var clipmapCellId = MyCellCoord.GetClipmapCellHash(m_clipmap.Id, id);
                        var cachedCell = MyClipmap.CellsCache.Read(clipmapCellId);
                        if (cachedCell != null)
                            cachedCell.State = CellState.Invalid;
Пример #27
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks only immediate children (any deeper would take too long).
            /// </summary>
            private static bool ChildrenWereLoaded(LodLevel childLod, ref MyCellCoord thisLodCell)
                if (childLod == null)
                    return false;

                Debug.Assert(thisLodCell.Lod == childLod.m_lodIndex + 1);

                var childLodCell = new MyCellCoord();
                childLodCell.Lod = childLod.m_lodIndex;
                var shiftToChild = MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeShiftToMoreDetailed(thisLodCell.Lod);
                var start = thisLodCell.CoordInLod << shiftToChild;
                var end = start + ((1 << shiftToChild) >> 1);

                Vector3I.Max(ref childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne, ref Vector3I.Zero, out childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne);
                Vector3I.Min(ref end, ref childLod.m_lodSizeMinusOne, out end);
                childLodCell.CoordInLod = start;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end);
                    it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out childLodCell.CoordInLod))
                    var key = childLodCell.PackId64();
                    MyClipmap_CellData data;
                    if (!childLod.m_storedCellData.TryGetValue(key, out data) || !data.WasLoaded)
                        return false;

                return true;
Пример #28
        /// <param name="minVoxelChanged">Inclusive min.</param>
        /// <param name="maxVoxelChanged">Inclusive max.</param>
        private void storage_RangeChanged(Vector3I minChanged, Vector3I maxChanged, MyStorageDataTypeFlags changedData)


            minChanged -= MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            maxChanged += MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minChanged);
            m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxChanged);
            var minCellChanged = minChanged >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            var maxCellChanged = maxChanged >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            using (m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                if (minCellChanged == Vector3I.Zero && maxCellChanged == m_cellsCount - 1)
                    MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord();
                    cell.CoordInLod = minCellChanged;
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCellChanged, ref maxCellChanged); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod))
                        var key = cell.PackId64();
                        SetEmpty(ref cell, false);

Пример #29
        private unsafe static void WriteRange(
            ref WriteRangeArgs args,
            byte defaultData,
            int lodIdx,
            Vector3I lodCoord,
            ref Vector3I min,
            ref Vector3I max)
            MyOctreeNode node = new MyOctreeNode();
                MyCellCoord leaf = new MyCellCoord(lodIdx - LeafLodCount, ref lodCoord);
                var leafKey = leaf.PackId64();
                if (args.Leaves.ContainsKey(leafKey) && leaf.Lod > 0)
                    var childBase = lodCoord << 1;
                    Vector3I childOffset;
                    MyCellCoord child = new MyCellCoord();
                    child.Lod = leaf.Lod - 1;
                    var leafSize = LeafSizeInVoxels << child.Lod;
                    for (int i = 0; i < MyOctreeNode.CHILD_COUNT; ++i)
                        ComputeChildCoord(i, out childOffset);
                        child.CoordInLod = childBase + childOffset;
                        var childCopy = child;
                        childCopy.Lod += LeafLodCount;
                        IMyOctreeLeafNode octreeLeaf = new MyProviderLeaf(args.Provider, args.DataType, ref childCopy);
                        args.Leaves.Add(child.PackId64(), octreeLeaf);
                        node.SetChild(i, true);
                        node.SetData(i, octreeLeaf.GetFilteredValue());
                    leaf.Lod -= 1; // changes to node coord instead of leaf coord
                    var nodeKey = leaf.PackId64();

                    if (!args.Nodes.TryGetValue(nodeKey, out node))
                        for (int i = 0; i < MyOctreeNode.CHILD_COUNT; ++i)
                            node.SetData(i, defaultData);

            if (lodIdx <= (LeafLodCount + 1))
                MyCellCoord child = new MyCellCoord();
                Vector3I childBase = lodCoord << 1;
                Vector3I minInLod = min >> LeafLodCount;
                Vector3I maxInLod = max >> LeafLodCount;
                Vector3I leafSizeMinusOne = new Vector3I(LeafSizeInVoxels - 1);
                Vector3I childOffset;
                var rangeEnd = new Vector3I(LeafSizeInVoxels - 1);
                m_temporaryCache.Resize(Vector3I.Zero, rangeEnd);
                for (int i = 0; i < MyOctreeNode.CHILD_COUNT; ++i)
                    ComputeChildCoord(i, out childOffset);
                    child.CoordInLod = childBase + childOffset;
                    if (!child.CoordInLod.IsInsideInclusive(ref minInLod, ref maxInLod))
                    var childMin = child.CoordInLod << LeafLodCount;
                    var childMax = childMin + LeafSizeInVoxels - 1;
                    Vector3I.Max(ref childMin, ref min, out childMin);
                    Vector3I.Min(ref childMax, ref max, out childMax);
                    var readOffset = childMin - min;
                    IMyOctreeLeafNode leaf;
                    var leafKey = child.PackId64();
                    var startInChild = childMin - (child.CoordInLod << LeafLodCount);
                    var endInChild = childMax - (child.CoordInLod << LeafLodCount);

                    args.Leaves.TryGetValue(leafKey, out leaf);

                    byte uniformValue;
                    bool uniformLeaf;
                        // ensure leaf exists and is writable
                        // the only writable leaf type is MicroOctree at this point

                        byte childDefaultData = node.GetData(i);

                        if (leaf == null)
                            var octree = new MyMicroOctreeLeaf(args.DataType, LeafLodCount, child.CoordInLod << (child.Lod + LeafLodCount));
                            leaf = octree;

                        if (leaf.ReadOnly)
                            MyVoxelRequestFlags flags = 0;
                            if (startInChild != Vector3I.Zero || endInChild != rangeEnd) //if write is aligned you dont need to read (make write aligned everywhere possible)
                                leaf.ReadRange(m_temporaryCache, args.DataType.ToFlags(),ref Vector3I.Zero, 0, ref Vector3I.Zero, ref rangeEnd, ref flags);
                            var inCell = startInChild;
                            for (var it2 = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref startInChild, ref endInChild);
                                it2.IsValid(); it2.GetNext(out inCell))
                                var read = readOffset + (inCell - startInChild);
                                m_temporaryCache.Set(args.DataType, ref inCell, args.Source.Get(args.DataType, ref read));
                            var octree = new MyMicroOctreeLeaf(args.DataType, LeafLodCount, child.CoordInLod << (child.Lod + LeafLodCount));
                            octree.BuildFrom(m_temporaryCache); //TODO: Optimize the building
                            leaf = octree;
                            leaf.WriteRange(args.Source, ref readOffset, ref startInChild, ref endInChild);

                        uniformLeaf = ((MyMicroOctreeLeaf)leaf).TryGetUniformValue(out uniformValue);

                    if (!uniformLeaf)
                        args.Leaves[leafKey] = leaf;
                        node.SetChild(i, true);
                        node.SetChild(i, false);

                    node.SetData(i, leaf.GetFilteredValue());
                args.Nodes[new MyCellCoord(lodIdx - 1 - LeafLodCount, ref lodCoord).PackId64()] = node;
                MyCellCoord child = new MyCellCoord();
                child.Lod = lodIdx - 2 - LeafLodCount;
                var childBase = lodCoord << 1;
                Vector3I childOffset;
                var minInChild = (min >> (lodIdx-1)) - childBase;
                var maxInChild = (max >> (lodIdx-1)) - childBase;
                for (int i = 0; i < MyOctreeNode.CHILD_COUNT; ++i)
                    ComputeChildCoord(i, out childOffset);
                    if (!childOffset.IsInsideInclusive(ref minInChild, ref maxInChild))

                    child.CoordInLod = childBase + childOffset;
                    WriteRange(ref args, node.GetData(i), lodIdx - 1, child.CoordInLod, ref min, ref max);
                    var childKey = child.PackId64();
                    var childNode = args.Nodes[childKey];
                    if (!childNode.HasChildren && childNode.AllDataSame())
                        node.SetChild(i, false);
                        node.SetData(i, childNode.GetData(0));
                        node.SetChild(i, true);
                        node.SetData(i, childNode.ComputeFilteredValue(args.DataFilter, child.Lod));

                args.Nodes[new MyCellCoord(lodIdx - 1 - LeafLodCount, ref lodCoord).PackId64()] = node;
Пример #30
 void IMyOctreeLeafNode.WriteRange(MyStorageData source, ref Vector3I readOffset, ref Vector3I min, ref Vector3I max)
     m_octree.WriteRange(source, m_dataType, ref readOffset, ref min, ref max);
     if (DEBUG_WRITES)
         var tmp = new MyStorageData();
         tmp.Resize(min, max);
         m_octree.ReadRange(tmp, m_dataType, ref Vector3I.Zero, 0, ref min, ref max);
         Vector3I p = Vector3I.Zero;
         var cacheEnd = max - min;
         int errorCounter = 0;
         for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref cacheEnd);
             it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out p))
             var read = readOffset + p;
             if (source.Get(m_dataType, ref read) != tmp.Get(m_dataType, ref p))
         Debug.Assert(errorCounter == 0, string.Format("{0} errors writing to leaf octree.", errorCounter));
        public override MyProceduralCell GenerateCell(ref Vector3I id)
            MyProceduralCell cell = new MyProceduralCell(id, CELL_SIZE_);
            int cellSeed          = GetCellSeed(ref id);

            using (MyRandom.Instance.PushSeed(cellSeed))
                int index = 0;

                int subCellSize = (int)(OBJECT_SIZE_MAX * 2 / m_density);
                int subcells    = CELL_SIZE_ / subCellSize;

                Vector3I subcellId = Vector3I.Zero;
                Vector3I max       = new Vector3I(subcells - 1);

                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out subcellId))
                    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble(), MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble(), MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble());
                    position += (Vector3D)subcellId;
                    position *= subCellSize;
                    position += id * CELL_SIZE_;

                    if (!MyEntities.IsInsideWorld(position))

                    MySystemItem obj = IsInsideRing(position);

                    if (obj == null)
                    int minSize = OBJECT_SIZE_MIN;
                    int maxSize = OBJECT_SIZE_MAX;

                    if (obj.Type == SystemObjectType.BELT)
                        minSize = ((MySystemBeltItem)obj).RoidSize;

                    if (obj.Type == SystemObjectType.RING)
                        minSize = ((MyPlanetRingItem)obj).RoidSize;
                        maxSize = ((MyPlanetRingItem)obj).RoidSizeMax;

                    var cellObject = new MyObjectSeed(cell, position, MyRandom.Instance.Next(Math.Min(maxSize, minSize), Math.Max(maxSize, minSize)));
                    cellObject.Params.Type  = MyObjectSeedType.Asteroid;
                    cellObject.Params.Seed  = MyRandom.Instance.Next();
                    cellObject.Params.Index = index++;


Пример #32
        internal void InvalidateRange(Vector3I minVoxelChanged, Vector3I maxVoxelChanged, int lod)

            // No physics there ever was so we don't care.
            if (!m_bodiesInitialized)

            if (m_queueInvalidation)
                if (m_queuedRange.Max.X < 0)
                    m_queuedRange = new BoundingBoxI(minVoxelChanged, maxVoxelChanged);
                    var bb = new BoundingBoxI(minVoxelChanged, maxVoxelChanged);
                    m_queuedRange.Include(ref bb);

            minVoxelChanged -= 1; // MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            maxVoxelChanged += 1; //MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minVoxelChanged);
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged);

            Vector3I minCellChanged, maxCellChanged;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref minVoxelChanged, out minCellChanged);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged, out maxCellChanged);

            Vector3I minCellChangedVoxelMap, maxCellChangedVoxelMap;

            minCellChangedVoxelMap = (minCellChanged - m_cellsOffset) >> lod;
            maxCellChangedVoxelMap = (maxCellChanged - m_cellsOffset) >> lod;

            var maxCell = m_voxelMap.Size - 1;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxCell, out maxCell);
            maxCell >>= lod;
            Vector3I.Min(ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCell, out maxCellChangedVoxelMap);

            Debug.Assert(RigidBody != null, "RigidBody in voxel physics is null! This must not happen.");

            var rb = GetRigidBody(lod);

            Debug.Assert(rb != null, "RigidBody in voxel physics is null! This must not happen.");

            if (rb != null)
                HkUniformGridShape shape = (HkUniformGridShape)rb.GetShape();

                var numCells = (maxCellChangedVoxelMap - minCellChangedVoxelMap + 1).Size;
                if (numCells >= m_cellsToGenerateBuffer.Length)
                    m_cellsToGenerateBuffer = new Vector3I[MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(numCells)];

                var tmpBuffer    = m_cellsToGenerateBuffer;
                int invalidCount = shape.InvalidateRange(ref minCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap, tmpBuffer);
                Debug.Assert(invalidCount <= tmpBuffer.Length);

                //if (numCells <= 8)
                //shape.InvalidateRangeImmediate(ref minCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap);

                Debug.Assert(invalidCount <= tmpBuffer.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < invalidCount; i++)

                if (RunningBatchTask[lod] == null && InvalidCells[lod].Count != 0)

            if (minCellChangedVoxelMap == Vector3I.Zero && maxCellChangedVoxelMap == maxCell)
                var cell = minCellChanged;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCellChanged, ref maxCellChanged);
                     it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell))
                    m_workTracker.Cancel(new MyCellCoord(lod, cell));

            m_needsShapeUpdate = true;


        internal void GenerateAllShapes()
            if (!m_bodiesInitialized) CreateRigidBodies();

            var min = Vector3I.Zero;

            Vector3I storageSize = m_voxelMap.Size;
            Vector3I max = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);
            max.X = storageSize.X >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            max.Y = storageSize.Y >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            max.Z = storageSize.Z >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            max += min;

            var args = new MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch.Args
                GeometryCell = new MyCellCoord(1, min),
                Storage = m_voxelMap.Storage,
                TargetPhysics = this,
                Tracker = m_workTracker
            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max);
                it.GetNext(out args.GeometryCell.CoordInLod))
Пример #34
        public void ProcessChangedCellComponents()

            m_currentHelper = this;

            Vector3I min, max, pos;
            List<int> triangles = null;
            foreach (var cell in m_changedCells)
                min = CellToLowestCube(cell);
                max = min + m_cellSize - Vector3I.One;

                // Save a hashset of all the triangles in the current cell
                pos = min;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                    if (!m_triangleRegistry.TryGetValue(pos, out triangles)) continue;

                    foreach (var triIndex in triangles)

                if (m_tmpCellTriangles.Count == 0) continue;

                MyCellCoord cellCoord = new MyCellCoord(0, cell);
                ulong packedCell = cellCoord.PackId64();

                long timeBegin = m_mesh.GetCurrentTimestamp() + 1;
                long timeEnd = timeBegin;
                m_currentComponentRel = 0;

                foreach (var triIndex in m_tmpCellTriangles)
                    // Skip already visited triangles
                    var triangle = m_mesh.GetTriangle(triIndex);
                    if (m_currentComponentRel != 0 && m_mesh.VisitedBetween(triangle, timeBegin, timeEnd)) continue;


                    // Make sure we have place in m_currentCellConnections
                    if (m_currentComponentRel >= m_currentCellConnections.Count)
                        m_currentCellConnections.Add(new List<int>());

                    // Find connected component from an unvisited triangle and mark its connections
                    m_components.AddComponentTriangle(triangle, triangle.Center);
                    triangle.ComponentIndex = m_currentComponentRel;
                    m_mesh.PrepareTraversal(triangle, null, m_processTrianglePredicate);


                    timeEnd = m_mesh.GetCurrentTimestamp();
                    if (m_currentComponentRel == 0)
                        timeBegin = timeEnd;


                MyNavmeshComponents.ClosedCellInfo cellInfo = new MyNavmeshComponents.ClosedCellInfo();
                m_components.CloseAndCacheCell(ref cellInfo);

                // Renumber triangles from the old indices to the newly assigned index from m_components
                int componentIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex;
                foreach (var triangle in m_tmpComponentTriangles)
                    if (triangle == null)
                    triangle.ComponentIndex = componentIndex;

                // Remove old component primitives
                if (!cellInfo.NewCell && cellInfo.ComponentNum != cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.OldComponentNum; ++i)
                        m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.RemovePrimitive(cellInfo.OldStartingIndex + i);

                // Add new component primitives
                if (cellInfo.NewCell || cellInfo.ComponentNum != cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                        m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.AddPrimitive(cellInfo.StartingIndex + i, m_components.GetComponentCenter(i));

                // Update existing component primitives
                if (!cellInfo.NewCell && cellInfo.ComponentNum == cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                        var primitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(cellInfo.StartingIndex + i);

                // Connect new components with the others in the neighboring cells
                for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                    int compIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex + i;

                    var primitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(compIndex);

                    // Connect to disconnected components
                    foreach (var connection in m_currentCellConnections[i])
                        if (!m_tmpNeighbors.Remove(connection))
                            m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.ConnectPrimitives(compIndex, connection);

                    // Disconnect neighbors that should be no longer connected
                    foreach (var neighbor in m_tmpNeighbors)
                        // Only disconnect from the other cell if it is expanded and there was no connection found
                        var neighborPrimitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.TryGetPrimitive(neighbor);
                        if (neighborPrimitive != null && neighborPrimitive.IsExpanded)
                            m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.DisconnectPrimitives(compIndex, neighbor);


                // Set all the components as expanded
                for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                    componentIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex + i;
                    var component = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(componentIndex);
                    if (component != null)
                        component.IsExpanded = true;


            m_currentHelper = null;

Пример #35
        private MySlimBlock GetBlockInMergeArea()
            Vector3I minI, maxI;

            CalculateMergeArea(out minI, out maxI);

            Vector3I pos = minI;

            for (Vector3I_RangeIterator it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minI, ref maxI); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var block = this.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(pos);
                if (block != null)

Пример #36
 public static void GetAllBlocksPositions(HashSet<Tuple<MySlimBlock, ushort?>> blockInCompoundIDs, HashSet<Vector3I> outPositions)
     foreach (var blockInCompoundID in blockInCompoundIDs)
         Vector3I cube = blockInCompoundID.Item1.Min;
         for (Vector3I_RangeIterator it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref blockInCompoundID.Item1.Min, ref blockInCompoundID.Item1.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cube))
        public void InvalidateRange(Vector3I minVoxelChanged, Vector3I maxVoxelChanged)
            minVoxelChanged -= MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate + 1;
            maxVoxelChanged += MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate + 1;
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minVoxelChanged);
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged);

            Vector3I minCellLod0, maxCellLod0;
            minVoxelChanged -= m_voxelMap.StorageMin;
            maxVoxelChanged -= m_voxelMap.StorageMin;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToRenderCellCoord(0, ref minVoxelChanged, out minCellLod0);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToRenderCellCoord(0, ref maxVoxelChanged, out maxCellLod0);

            MyRenderProxy.InvalidateClipmapRange(m_renderObjectIDs[0], minCellLod0, maxCellLod0);

            if (minCellLod0 == Vector3I.Zero &&
                maxCellLod0 == ((m_voxelMap.Storage.Size - 1) >> MyVoxelCoordSystems.RenderCellSizeInLodVoxelsShift(0)))
                for (int i = 0; i < MyCellCoord.MAX_LOD_COUNT; ++i)
                    var minCell = minCellLod0 >> i;
                    var maxCell = maxCellLod0 >> i;
                    var cellCoord = new MyCellCoord(i, ref minCell);
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell);
                        it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cellCoord.CoordInLod))
        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase ob)

            var objectBuilder = ob as MyObjectBuilder_BlockNavigationDefinition;
            Debug.Assert(ob != null);
            if (ob == null) return;

            if (objectBuilder.NoEntry || objectBuilder.Triangles == null)
                NoEntry = true;
                NoEntry = false;
                var newMesh = new MyGridNavigationMesh(null, null, objectBuilder.Triangles.Length);

                Vector3I maxPos = objectBuilder.Size - Vector3I.One - objectBuilder.Center;
                Vector3I minPos = - (Vector3I)(objectBuilder.Center);

                foreach (var triOb in objectBuilder.Triangles)
                    Vector3 pa = (Vector3)triOb.Points[0];
                    Vector3 pb = (Vector3)triOb.Points[1];
                    Vector3 pc = (Vector3)triOb.Points[2];

                    var tri = newMesh.AddTriangle(ref pa, ref pb, ref pc);

                    var center = (pa + pb + pc) / 3.0f;

                    // We want to move the triangle vertices more towards the triangle center to ensure correct calculation of containing cube
                    Vector3 cvA = (center - pa) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3 cvB = (center - pb) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3 cvC = (center - pc) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3I gridPosA = Vector3I.Round(pa + cvA);
                    Vector3I gridPosB = Vector3I.Round(pb + cvB);
                    Vector3I gridPosC = Vector3I.Round(pc + cvC);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosA, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosA);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosB, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosB);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosC, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosC);
                    Vector3I min, max;
                    Vector3I.Min(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out min);
                    Vector3I.Min(ref min, ref gridPosC, out min);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out max);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref max, ref gridPosC, out max);

                    Vector3I pos = min;
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                        newMesh.RegisterTriangle(tri, ref pos);

                m_mesh = newMesh;
        internal void InvalidateRange(Vector3I minVoxelChanged, Vector3I maxVoxelChanged, int lod)

            // No physics there ever was so we don't care.
            if (!m_bodiesInitialized) return;

            if (m_queueInvalidation)
                if (m_queuedRange.Max.X < 0)
                    m_queuedRange = new BoundingBoxI(minVoxelChanged, maxVoxelChanged);
                    var bb = new BoundingBoxI(minVoxelChanged, maxVoxelChanged);
                    m_queuedRange.Include(ref bb);

            minVoxelChanged -= 1;// MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            maxVoxelChanged += 1;//MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minVoxelChanged);
            m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged);

            Vector3I minCellChanged, maxCellChanged;
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref minVoxelChanged, out minCellChanged);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxVoxelChanged, out maxCellChanged);

            Vector3I minCellChangedVoxelMap, maxCellChangedVoxelMap;
            minCellChangedVoxelMap = (minCellChanged - m_cellsOffset) >> lod;
            maxCellChangedVoxelMap = (maxCellChanged - m_cellsOffset) >> lod;

            var maxCell = m_voxelMap.Size - 1;
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxCell, out maxCell);
            maxCell >>= lod;
            Vector3I.Min(ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCell, out maxCellChangedVoxelMap);

            Debug.Assert(RigidBody != null, "RigidBody in voxel physics is null! This must not happen.");

            var rb = GetRigidBody(lod);
            Debug.Assert(rb != null, "RigidBody in voxel physics is null! This must not happen.");

            if (rb != null)
                HkUniformGridShape shape = (HkUniformGridShape)rb.GetShape();

                var numCells = (maxCellChangedVoxelMap - minCellChangedVoxelMap + 1).Size;
                if (numCells >= m_cellsToGenerateBuffer.Length)
                    m_cellsToGenerateBuffer = new Vector3I[MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(numCells)];

                var tmpBuffer = m_cellsToGenerateBuffer;
                int invalidCount = shape.InvalidateRange(ref minCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap, tmpBuffer);
                Debug.Assert(invalidCount <= tmpBuffer.Length);

                //if (numCells <= 8)
                //shape.InvalidateRangeImmediate(ref minCellChangedVoxelMap, ref maxCellChangedVoxelMap);

                Debug.Assert(invalidCount <= tmpBuffer.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < invalidCount; i++)

                if (RunningBatchTask[lod] == null && InvalidCells[lod].Count != 0)

            if (minCellChangedVoxelMap == Vector3I.Zero && maxCellChangedVoxelMap == maxCell)
                var cell = minCellChanged;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCellChanged, ref maxCellChanged);
                    it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell))
                    m_workTracker.Cancel(new MyCellCoord(lod, cell));

            m_needsShapeUpdate = true;


        protected override MyProceduralCell GenerateProceduralCell(ref VRageMath.Vector3I cellId)
            MyProceduralCell cell = new MyProceduralCell(cellId, this.CELL_SIZE);

            IMyModule densityFunctionFilled = GetCellDensityFunctionFilled(cell.BoundingVolume);
            if (densityFunctionFilled == null)
                return null;
            IMyModule densityFunctionRemoved = GetCellDensityFunctionRemoved(cell.BoundingVolume);

            int cellSeed = GetCellSeed(ref cellId);
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;
            using (random.PushSeed(cellSeed))
                int index = 0;
                Vector3I subCellId = Vector3I.Zero;
                Vector3I max = new Vector3I(SUBCELLS - 1);
                for (var iter = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref max); iter.IsValid(); iter.GetNext(out subCellId))
                    // there is a bug in the position calculation which can very rarely cause overlaping objects but backwards compatibility so meh
                    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());
                    position += (Vector3D)subCellId / SUBCELL_SIZE;
                    position += cellId;
                    position *= CELL_SIZE;

                    if (!MyEntities.IsInsideWorld(position))

                    ProfilerShort.Begin("Density functions");
                    double valueRemoved = -1;
                    if (densityFunctionRemoved != null)
                        valueRemoved = densityFunctionRemoved.GetValue(position.X, position.Y, position.Z);

                        if (valueRemoved <= -1)

                    var valueFilled = densityFunctionFilled.GetValue(position.X, position.Y, position.Z);

                    if (densityFunctionRemoved != null)
                        if (valueRemoved < valueFilled)

                    if (valueFilled < m_objectDensity) // -1..+1
                        var objectSeed = new MyObjectSeed(cell, position, GetObjectSize(random.NextDouble()));
                        objectSeed.Params.Type = GetSeedType(random.NextDouble());
                        objectSeed.Params.Seed = random.Next();
                        objectSeed.Params.Index = index++;

                        GenerateObject(cell, objectSeed, ref index, random, densityFunctionFilled, densityFunctionRemoved);

            return cell;
Пример #41
        public MyIsoMesh Precalc(IMyStorage storage, int lod, Vector3I voxelStart, Vector3I voxelEnd, bool generateMaterials, bool useAmbient, bool doNotCheck, bool adviceCache = false)

            m_resultVerticesCounter = 0;
            m_resultTrianglesCounter = 0;

            CalcPolygCubeSize(lod, storage.Size);

            m_voxelStart = voxelStart;
            //voxelStart = voxelStart;
            //voxelEnd = voxelEnd;
            var ssize = storage.Size;
            m_cache.Resize(voxelStart, voxelEnd);

            // Load content first, check it if it contains isosurface, early exit if it doesn't.
            storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);

            if (!m_cache.ContainsIsoSurface())
                return null;

            storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Marching cubes");
                //  Size of voxel or cell (in meters) and size of voxel map / voxel cells
                ComputeSizeAndOrigin(lod, storage.Size);

                var start = Vector3I.Zero;
                var end = voxelEnd - voxelStart - 3;
                Vector3I coord0 = start;

                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out coord0))
                    int cubeIndex = 0;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 1;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 2;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 4;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 8;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 16;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 32;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 64;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL) cubeIndex |= 128;

                    //  Cube is entirely in/out of the surface
                    if (MyMarchingCubesConstants.EdgeTable[cubeIndex] == 0)

                    //  We can get this voxel content right from cache (not using GetVoxelContent method), because after CopyVoxelContents these array must be filled. But only content, not material, normal, etc.
                    Vector3I tempVoxelCoord0 = ComputeTemporaryVoxelData(m_cache, ref coord0, cubeIndex, lod);

                    //  Create the triangles
                    CreateTriangles(ref coord0, cubeIndex, ref tempVoxelCoord0);

            double numCellsHalf = 0.5f * (m_cache.Size3D.X);
            var voxelSize = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES * (1 << lod);
            var vertexCellOffset = voxelStart - AffectedRangeOffset;

            IMyIsoMesherOutputBuffer isomesh = new MyIsoMesh();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultVerticesCounter; i++)
                var pos = (m_resultVertices[i].Position - (Vector3)storage.Size / 2) / storage.Size;                
                m_resultVertices[i].Position = pos;
                m_resultVertices[i].PositionMorph = pos;
                m_resultVertices[i].NormalMorph = m_resultVertices[i].Normal;
                m_resultVertices[i].MaterialMorph = m_resultVertices[i].Material;
                m_resultVertices[i].AmbientMorph = m_resultVertices[i].Ambient;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultVerticesCounter; i++)
                isomesh.WriteVertex(ref m_resultVertices[i].Cell, ref m_resultVertices[i].Position, ref m_resultVertices[i].Normal, (byte)m_resultVertices[i].Material, m_resultVertices[i].Ambient);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultTrianglesCounter; i++)
                isomesh.WriteTriangle(m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex0, m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex1, m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex2);

            var mIsoMesh = (MyIsoMesh)isomesh;
            mIsoMesh.PositionOffset = storage.Size / 2;
            mIsoMesh.PositionScale = storage.Size;
            mIsoMesh.CellStart = voxelStart;
            mIsoMesh.CellEnd = voxelEnd;

            var vertexCells = mIsoMesh.Cells.GetInternalArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < mIsoMesh.VerticesCount; i++)
                vertexCells[i] += vertexCellOffset;

            return (MyIsoMesh)isomesh;
        protected override MyProceduralCell GenerateCellSeeds(Vector3I cellId)
            if (m_loadedCells.ContainsKey(cellId))

            var settings = MySettingsSession.Static.Settings.GeneratorSettings;

            if (settings.AsteroidGenerator == AsteroidGenerationMethod.VANILLA)

            MyProceduralCell cell = new MyProceduralCell(cellId, CELL_SIZE);
            int    cellSeed       = CalculateCellSeed(cellId);
            int    index          = 0;
            double subCellSize    = OBJECT_SIZE_MAX * 1f / settings.AsteroidDensity;
            int    subcells       = (int)(CELL_SIZE / subCellSize);

            using (MyRandom.Instance.PushSeed(cellSeed))
                Vector3I subcellId = Vector3I.Zero;
                Vector3I max       = new Vector3I(subcells - 1);

                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out subcellId))
                    Vector3D position = new Vector3D(MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble(), MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble(), MyRandom.Instance.NextDouble());
                    position += (Vector3D)subcellId;
                    position *= subCellSize;
                    position += ((Vector3D)cellId) * CELL_SIZE;

                    if (!MyEntities.IsInsideWorld(position) || (settings.WorldSize >= 0 && position.Length() > settings.WorldSize))

                    var ring = GetAsteroidObjectAt(position);

                    if (ring == null)

                    var cellObjectSeed = new MyObjectSeed(cell, position, MyRandom.Instance.Next(ring.AsteroidSize.Min, ring.AsteroidSize.Max));
                    cellObjectSeed.Params.Type          = VRage.Game.MyObjectSeedType.Asteroid;
                    cellObjectSeed.Params.Seed          = MyRandom.Instance.Next();
                    cellObjectSeed.Params.Index         = index++;
                    cellObjectSeed.Params.GeneratorSeed = m_definition.UseGeneratorSeed ? MyRandom.Instance.Next() : 0;


                    MyPluginLog.Debug("Adding seed");

        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase ob)

            var objectBuilder = ob as MyObjectBuilder_BlockNavigationDefinition;

            Debug.Assert(ob != null);
            if (ob == null)

            if (objectBuilder.NoEntry || objectBuilder.Triangles == null)
                NoEntry = true;
                NoEntry = false;
                var newMesh = new MyGridNavigationMesh(null, null, objectBuilder.Triangles.Length);

                Vector3I maxPos = objectBuilder.Size - Vector3I.One - objectBuilder.Center;
                Vector3I minPos = -(Vector3I)(objectBuilder.Center);

                foreach (var triOb in objectBuilder.Triangles)
                    Vector3 pa = (Vector3)triOb.Points[0];
                    Vector3 pb = (Vector3)triOb.Points[1];
                    Vector3 pc = (Vector3)triOb.Points[2];

                    var tri = newMesh.AddTriangle(ref pa, ref pb, ref pc);

                    var center = (pa + pb + pc) / 3.0f;

                    // We want to move the triangle vertices more towards the triangle center to ensure correct calculation of containing cube
                    Vector3  cvA      = (center - pa) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3  cvB      = (center - pb) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3  cvC      = (center - pc) * 0.0001f;
                    Vector3I gridPosA = Vector3I.Round(pa + cvA);
                    Vector3I gridPosB = Vector3I.Round(pb + cvB);
                    Vector3I gridPosC = Vector3I.Round(pc + cvC);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosA, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosA);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosB, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosB);
                    Vector3I.Clamp(ref gridPosC, ref minPos, ref maxPos, out gridPosC);
                    Vector3I min, max;
                    Vector3I.Min(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out min);
                    Vector3I.Min(ref min, ref gridPosC, out min);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref gridPosA, ref gridPosB, out max);
                    Vector3I.Max(ref max, ref gridPosC, out max);

                    Vector3I pos = min;
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                        newMesh.RegisterTriangle(tri, ref pos);

                m_mesh = newMesh;
Пример #44
        private void FixCacheMaterial(Vector3I voxelStart, Vector3I voxelEnd)
            var mcount = Sandbox.Definitions.MyDefinitionManager.Static.VoxelMaterialCount;
            voxelEnd = Vector3I.Min(voxelEnd - voxelStart, m_cache.Size3D);
            voxelStart = Vector3I.Zero;
            var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);
            var pos = it.Current;
            for (; it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var lin = m_cache.ComputeLinear(ref pos);
                var mat = m_cache.Material(lin);

                if (mat >= mcount && mat != MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL)
                    //Debug.Fail(String.Format("VoxelData contains invalid materials (id: {0}).", m_cache.Material(lin)));
                    m_cache.Material(lin, MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL);
        /// <param name="minVoxelChanged">Inclusive min.</param>
        /// <param name="maxVoxelChanged">Inclusive max.</param>
        private void storage_RangeChanged(Vector3I minChanged, Vector3I maxChanged, MyStorageDataTypeFlags changedData)


            minChanged -= MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            maxChanged += MyPrecalcComponent.InvalidatedRangeInflate;
            m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minChanged);
            m_storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxChanged);
            var minCellChanged = minChanged >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            var maxCellChanged = maxChanged >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;
            using (m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                if (minCellChanged == Vector3I.Zero && maxCellChanged == m_cellsCount - 1)
                    MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord();
                    cell.CoordInLod = minCellChanged;
                    for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCellChanged, ref maxCellChanged); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod))
                        var key = cell.PackId64();
                        SetEmpty(ref cell, false);

Пример #46
        private MySlimBlock GetBlockInMergeArea()
            Vector3I minI, maxI;
            CalculateMergeArea(out minI, out maxI);

            Vector3I pos = minI;
            for (Vector3I_RangeIterator it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minI, ref maxI); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var block = this.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(pos);
                if (block != null)
                    return block;

            return null;
Пример #47
        public MyIsoMesh Precalc(IMyStorage storage, int lod, Vector3I voxelStart, Vector3I voxelEnd, bool generateMaterials, bool useAmbient, bool doNotCheck)
            m_resultVerticesCounter  = 0;
            m_resultTrianglesCounter = 0;

            CalcPolygCubeSize(lod, storage.Size);

            m_voxelStart = voxelStart;
            //voxelStart = voxelStart;
            //voxelEnd = voxelEnd;
            var ssize = storage.Size;

            m_cache.Resize(voxelStart, voxelEnd);

            // Load content first, check it if it contains isosurface, early exit if it doesn't.
            storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);

            if (!m_cache.ContainsIsoSurface())

            storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd);

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Marching cubes");
                //  Size of voxel or cell (in meters) and size of voxel map / voxel cells
                ComputeSizeAndOrigin(lod, storage.Size);

                var      start  = Vector3I.Zero;
                var      end    = voxelEnd - voxelStart - 3;
                Vector3I coord0 = start;

                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref start, ref end); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out coord0))
                    int cubeIndex = 0;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 1;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 2;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 4;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 0, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 8;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 16;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 0) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 32;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 1, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 64;
                    if (m_cache.Content(coord0.X + 0, coord0.Y + 1, coord0.Z + 1) < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                        cubeIndex |= 128;

                    //  Cube is entirely in/out of the surface
                    if (MyMarchingCubesConstants.EdgeTable[cubeIndex] == 0)

                    //  We can get this voxel content right from cache (not using GetVoxelContent method), because after CopyVoxelContents these array must be filled. But only content, not material, normal, etc.
                    Vector3I tempVoxelCoord0 = ComputeTemporaryVoxelData(m_cache, ref coord0, cubeIndex, lod);

                    //  Create the triangles
                    CreateTriangles(ref coord0, cubeIndex, ref tempVoxelCoord0);

            double numCellsHalf     = 0.5f * (m_cache.Size3D.X);
            var    voxelSize        = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES * (1 << lod);
            var    vertexCellOffset = voxelStart - AffectedRangeOffset;

            IMyIsoMesherOutputBuffer isomesh = new MyIsoMesh();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultVerticesCounter; i++)
                var pos = (m_resultVertices[i].Position - (Vector3)storage.Size / 2) / storage.Size;
                m_resultVertices[i].Position      = pos;
                m_resultVertices[i].PositionMorph = pos;
                m_resultVertices[i].NormalMorph   = m_resultVertices[i].Normal;
                m_resultVertices[i].MaterialMorph = m_resultVertices[i].Material;
                m_resultVertices[i].AmbientMorph  = m_resultVertices[i].Ambient;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultVerticesCounter; i++)
                isomesh.WriteVertex(ref m_resultVertices[i].Cell, ref m_resultVertices[i].Position, ref m_resultVertices[i].Normal, (byte)m_resultVertices[i].Material, m_resultVertices[i].Ambient);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_resultTrianglesCounter; i++)
                isomesh.WriteTriangle(m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex0, m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex1, m_resultTriangles[i].VertexIndex2);

            var mIsoMesh = (MyIsoMesh)isomesh;

            mIsoMesh.PositionOffset = storage.Size / 2;
            mIsoMesh.PositionScale  = storage.Size;
            mIsoMesh.CellStart      = voxelStart;
            mIsoMesh.CellEnd        = voxelEnd;

            var vertexCells = mIsoMesh.Cells.GetInternalArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < mIsoMesh.VerticesCount; i++)
                vertexCells[i] += vertexCellOffset;

Пример #48
        // Actually, this function marks even cubes around the block to make sure that any changes caused in their triangles
        // will be reflected in the navigation mesh.
        public void MarkBlockChanged(MySlimBlock block)
            Vector3I min = block.Min - Vector3I.One;
            Vector3I max = block.Max + Vector3I.One;

            Vector3I pos = min;

            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))

            Vector3I minCell = CubeToCell(ref min);
            Vector3I maxCell = CubeToCell(ref max);

            pos = minCell;
            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
Пример #49
        private MyShipMergeBlock GetOtherMergeBlock()
            Vector3I minI, maxI;
            CalculateMergeArea(out minI, out maxI);

            Vector3I pos = minI;
            for (Vector3I_RangeIterator it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minI, ref maxI); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var block = this.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(pos);
                if (block != null && block.FatBlock != null)
                    var mergeBlock = block.FatBlock as MyShipMergeBlock;
                    if (mergeBlock == null) continue;

                    Vector3I otherMinI, otherMaxI;
                    mergeBlock.CalculateMergeArea(out otherMinI, out otherMaxI);
                    Vector3I faceNormal = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(this.Orientation.TransformDirection(m_forward));

                    // Bounding box test of minI <-> maxI and otherMinI(shifted by faceNormal) <-> otherMaxI(shifted by faceNormal)
                    otherMinI = maxI - (otherMinI + faceNormal);
                    otherMaxI = otherMaxI + faceNormal - minI;
                    if (otherMinI.X < 0) continue;
                    if (otherMinI.Y < 0) continue;
                    if (otherMinI.Z < 0) continue;
                    if (otherMaxI.X < 0) continue;
                    if (otherMaxI.Y < 0) continue;
                    if (otherMaxI.Z < 0) continue;

                    return mergeBlock;

            return null;
Пример #50
        public void ProcessChangedCellComponents()

            m_currentHelper = this;

            Vector3I   min, max, pos;
            List <int> triangles = null;

            foreach (var cell in m_changedCells)
                min = CellToLowestCube(cell);
                max = min + m_cellSize - Vector3I.One;

                // Save a hashset of all the triangles in the current cell
                pos = min;
                for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                    if (!m_triangleRegistry.TryGetValue(pos, out triangles))

                    foreach (var triIndex in triangles)

                if (m_tmpCellTriangles.Count == 0)

                MyCellCoord cellCoord  = new MyCellCoord(0, cell);
                ulong       packedCell = cellCoord.PackId64();

                long timeBegin = m_mesh.GetCurrentTimestamp() + 1;
                long timeEnd   = timeBegin;
                m_currentComponentRel = 0;

                foreach (var triIndex in m_tmpCellTriangles)
                    // Skip already visited triangles
                    var triangle = m_mesh.GetTriangle(triIndex);
                    if (m_currentComponentRel != 0 && m_mesh.VisitedBetween(triangle, timeBegin, timeEnd))


                    // Make sure we have place in m_currentCellConnections
                    if (m_currentComponentRel >= m_currentCellConnections.Count)
                        m_currentCellConnections.Add(new List <int>());

                    // Find connected component from an unvisited triangle and mark its connections
                    m_components.AddComponentTriangle(triangle, triangle.Center);
                    triangle.ComponentIndex = m_currentComponentRel;
                    m_mesh.PrepareTraversal(triangle, null, m_processTrianglePredicate);


                    timeEnd = m_mesh.GetCurrentTimestamp();
                    if (m_currentComponentRel == 0)
                        timeBegin = timeEnd;


                MyNavmeshComponents.ClosedCellInfo cellInfo = new MyNavmeshComponents.ClosedCellInfo();
                m_components.CloseAndCacheCell(ref cellInfo);

                // Renumber triangles from the old indices to the newly assigned index from m_components
                int componentIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex;
                foreach (var triangle in m_tmpComponentTriangles)
                    if (triangle == null)
                    triangle.ComponentIndex = componentIndex;

                // Remove old component primitives
                if (!cellInfo.NewCell && cellInfo.ComponentNum != cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.OldComponentNum; ++i)
                        m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.RemovePrimitive(cellInfo.OldStartingIndex + i);

                // Add new component primitives
                if (cellInfo.NewCell || cellInfo.ComponentNum != cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                        m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.AddPrimitive(cellInfo.StartingIndex + i, m_components.GetComponentCenter(i));

                // Update existing component primitives
                if (!cellInfo.NewCell && cellInfo.ComponentNum == cellInfo.OldComponentNum)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                        var primitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(cellInfo.StartingIndex + i);

                // Connect new components with the others in the neighboring cells
                for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                    int compIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex + i;

                    var primitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(compIndex);

                    // Connect to disconnected components
                    foreach (var connection in m_currentCellConnections[i])
                        if (!m_tmpNeighbors.Remove(connection))
                            m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.ConnectPrimitives(compIndex, connection);

                    // Disconnect neighbors that should be no longer connected
                    foreach (var neighbor in m_tmpNeighbors)
                        // Only disconnect from the other cell if it is expanded and there was no connection found
                        var neighborPrimitive = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.TryGetPrimitive(neighbor);
                        if (neighborPrimitive != null && neighborPrimitive.IsExpanded)
                            m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.DisconnectPrimitives(compIndex, neighbor);


                // Set all the components as expanded
                for (int i = 0; i < cellInfo.ComponentNum; ++i)
                    componentIndex = cellInfo.StartingIndex + i;
                    var component = m_mesh.HighLevelGroup.GetPrimitive(componentIndex);
                    if (component != null)
                        component.IsExpanded = true;


            m_currentHelper = null;

Пример #51
        private MyShipMergeBlock GetOtherMergeBlock()
            Vector3I minI, maxI;

            CalculateMergeArea(out minI, out maxI);

            Vector3I pos = minI;

            for (Vector3I_RangeIterator it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minI, ref maxI); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
                var block = this.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(pos);
                if (block != null && block.FatBlock != null)
                    var mergeBlock = block.FatBlock as MyShipMergeBlock;
                    if (mergeBlock == null)

                    Vector3I otherMinI, otherMaxI;
                    mergeBlock.CalculateMergeArea(out otherMinI, out otherMaxI);
                    Vector3I faceNormal = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(this.Orientation.TransformDirection(m_forward));

                    // Bounding box test of minI <-> maxI and otherMinI(shifted by faceNormal) <-> otherMaxI(shifted by faceNormal)
                    otherMinI = maxI - (otherMinI + faceNormal);
                    otherMaxI = otherMaxI + faceNormal - minI;
                    if (otherMinI.X < 0)
                    if (otherMinI.Y < 0)
                    if (otherMinI.Z < 0)
                    if (otherMaxI.X < 0)
                    if (otherMaxI.Y < 0)
                    if (otherMaxI.Z < 0)


Пример #52
        /// <summary>
        /// For debugging/testing only! This can be very slow for large storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void Voxelize(MyStorageDataTypeFlags data)
            MyVoxelRequestFlags flags = 0;
            var cache = new MyStorageData();

            cache.Resize(new Vector3I(LeafSizeInVoxels));
            var leafCount = (Size / LeafSizeInVoxels);
            Vector3I leaf = Vector3I.Zero;
            var end = leafCount - 1;
            for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref end);
                it.GetNext(out leaf))
                Debug.WriteLine("Processing {0} / {1}", leaf, end);
                var min = leaf * LeafSizeInVoxels;
                var max = min + (LeafSizeInVoxels - 1);
                ReadRangeInternal(cache, ref Vector3I.Zero, data, 0, ref min, ref max, ref flags);
                WriteRangeInternal(cache, data, ref min, ref max);

            OnRangeChanged(Vector3I.Zero, Size - 1, data);