Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a Quaternion representing a rotation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="axis">The axis to rotate around.</param>
 /// <param name="angle">The angle to rotate by.</param>
 /// <returns>A Quaternion representing the rotation.</returns>
 public static Quaternion Rotation(Vector3 axis, double angle)
     double real = Math.Cos(angle / 2.0);
     Vector3 imaginary;
     //normalize first
     imaginary = axis.Multiply(1.0 / axis.Length());
     imaginary = imaginary.Multiply(Math.Sin(angle / 2.0));
     return new Quaternion(real, imaginary);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the contrast of a pixel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argb">The ARGB pixel to adjust.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The value to scale the contrast by.</param>
        /// <returns>The adjusted ARGB pixel.</returns>
        public static int AdjustContrast(int argb, float scale)
            int a = (argb >> 24) & 0xFF;
            int r = (argb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            int g = (argb >> 8) & 0xFF;
            int b = (argb) & 0xFF;

            Vector3 res = new Vector3(r, g, b);
            res.Multiply(1 / 255.0f);
            res.Clamp(0, 255);

            r = (int)res.X;
            g = (int)res.Y;
            b = (int)res.Z;
            return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
Пример #3
        public void When_Multiplying_A_Vector_With_A_Scalar_Vector_With_Result_Is_Returned()
            // Arrange
            Vector3 vectorOne = new Vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
            double scalarOne = 2;

            // Act
            Vector3 result = vectorOne.Multiply(scalarOne);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, result.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Z);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Detección de colisiones recursiva
        /// </summary>
        public void doCollideWithWorld(TgcBoundingSphere characterSphere, Vector3 movementVector, List <TgcBoundingBox> obstaculos, int recursionDepth)
            //Limitar recursividad
            if (recursionDepth > 5)

            //Ver si la distancia a recorrer es para tener en cuenta
            float distanceToTravelSq = movementVector.LengthSq();

            if (distanceToTravelSq < EPSILON)

            //Posicion deseada
            Vector3 originalSphereCenter = characterSphere.Center;
            Vector3 nextSphereCenter     = originalSphereCenter + movementVector;

            //Buscar el punto de colision mas cercano de todos los objetos candidatos
            float   minCollisionDistSq = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 realMovementVector = movementVector;

            TgcBoundingBox.Face collisionFace     = null;
            TgcBoundingBox      collisionObstacle = null;
            Vector3             nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = Vector3.Empty;

            foreach (TgcBoundingBox obstaculoBB in obstaculos)
                //Obtener los polígonos que conforman las 6 caras del BoundingBox
                TgcBoundingBox.Face[] bbFaces = obstaculoBB.computeFaces();

                foreach (TgcBoundingBox.Face bbFace in bbFaces)
                    Vector3 pNormal = TgcCollisionUtils.getPlaneNormal(bbFace.Plane);

                    TgcRay  movementRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, movementVector);
                    float   brutePlaneDist;
                    Vector3 brutePlaneIntersectionPoint;
                    if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(movementRay, bbFace.Plane, out brutePlaneDist, out brutePlaneIntersectionPoint))

                    float movementRadiusLengthSq = Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, characterSphere.Radius).LengthSq();
                    if (brutePlaneDist * brutePlaneDist > movementRadiusLengthSq)

                    //Obtener punto de colisión en el plano, según la normal del plano
                    float   pDist;
                    Vector3 planeIntersectionPoint;
                    Vector3 sphereIntersectionPoint;
                    TgcRay  planeNormalRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, -pNormal);
                    bool    embebbed       = false;
                    bool    collisionFound = false;
                    if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(planeNormalRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                        //Ver si el plano está embebido en la esfera
                        if (pDist <= characterSphere.Radius)
                            embebbed = true;

                            //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, caso embebido a analizar con más detalle
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - pNormal * characterSphere.Radius;
                        //Esta fuera de la esfera
                            //Obtener punto de colisión del contorno de la esfera según la normal del plano
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - Vector3.Multiply(pNormal, characterSphere.Radius);

                            //Disparar un rayo desde el contorno de la esfera hacia el plano, con el vector de movimiento
                            TgcRay sphereMovementRay = new TgcRay(sphereIntersectionPoint, movementVector);
                            if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(sphereMovementRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                                //no hay colisión

                        //Ver si planeIntersectionPoint pertenece al polígono
                        Vector3 newMovementVector;
                        float   newMoveDistSq;
                        Vector3 polygonIntersectionPoint;
                        if (pointInBounbingBoxFace(planeIntersectionPoint, bbFace))
                            if (embebbed)
                                //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, nunca debería pasar
                                //throw new Exception("El polígono está dentro de la esfera");

                            polygonIntersectionPoint = planeIntersectionPoint;
                            collisionFound           = true;
                            //Buscar el punto mas cercano planeIntersectionPoint que tiene el polígono real de esta cara
                            polygonIntersectionPoint = TgcCollisionUtils.closestPointRectangle3d(planeIntersectionPoint,
                                                                                                 bbFace.Extremes[0], bbFace.Extremes[1], bbFace.Extremes[2]);

                            //Revertir el vector de velocidad desde el nuevo polygonIntersectionPoint para ver donde colisiona la esfera, si es que llega
                            Vector3 reversePointSeg = polygonIntersectionPoint - movementVector;
                            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectSegmentSphere(polygonIntersectionPoint, reversePointSeg, characterSphere, out pDist, out sphereIntersectionPoint))
                                collisionFound = true;

                        if (collisionFound)
                            //Nuevo vector de movimiento acotado
                            newMovementVector = polygonIntersectionPoint - sphereIntersectionPoint;
                            newMoveDistSq     = newMovementVector.LengthSq();

                            if (newMoveDistSq <= distanceToTravelSq && newMoveDistSq < minCollisionDistSq)
                                minCollisionDistSq = newMoveDistSq;
                                realMovementVector = newMovementVector;
                                nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = polygonIntersectionPoint;
                                collisionFace     = bbFace;
                                collisionObstacle = obstaculoBB;

            //Si nunca hubo colisión, avanzar todo lo requerido
            if (collisionFace == null)
                //Avanzar hasta muy cerca
                float movementLength = movementVector.Length();
                movementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Solo movernos si ya no estamos muy cerca
            if (minCollisionDistSq >= EPSILON)
                //Mover el BoundingSphere hasta casi la nueva posición real
                float movementLength = realMovementVector.Length();
                realMovementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Calcular plano de Sliding
            Vector3 slidePlaneOrigin = nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;
            Vector3 slidePlaneNormal = characterSphere.Center - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;


            Plane slidePlane = Plane.FromPointNormal(slidePlaneOrigin, slidePlaneNormal);

            //Proyectamos el punto original de destino en el plano de sliding
            TgcRay  slideRay = new TgcRay(nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint + Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, slideFactor), slidePlaneNormal);
            float   slideT;
            Vector3 slideDestinationPoint;

            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(slideRay, slidePlane, out slideT, out slideDestinationPoint))
                //Nuevo vector de movimiento
                Vector3 slideMovementVector = slideDestinationPoint - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;

                if (slideMovementVector.LengthSq() < EPSILON)

                //Recursividad para aplicar sliding
                doCollideWithWorld(characterSphere, slideMovementVector, obstaculos, recursionDepth + 1);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the collection of supporting contacts.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateSupports(ref Vector3 movementDirection)
            bool hadTraction = HasTraction;

            //Reset traction/support.
            HasTraction = false;
            HasSupport  = false;

            Vector3 downDirection = characterBody.orientationMatrix.Down;
            Vector3 bodyPosition  = characterBody.position;

            //Compute the character's radius, minus a little margin. We want the rays to originate safely within the character's body.
            //Assume vertical rotational invariance. Spheres, cylinders, and capsules don't have varying horizontal radii.
            Vector3 extremePoint;
            var     convexShape = characterBody.CollisionInformation.Shape as ConvexShape;

            Debug.Assert(convexShape != null, "Character bodies must be convex.");

            //Find the lowest point on the collision shape.
            convexShape.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref Toolbox.DownVector, out extremePoint);
            BottomDistance = -extremePoint.Y + convexShape.collisionMargin;

            convexShape.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref Toolbox.RightVector, out extremePoint);
            float rayCastInnerRadius = Math.Max((extremePoint.X + convexShape.collisionMargin) * 0.8f, extremePoint.X);

            //Vertically, the rays will start at the same height as the character's center.
            //While they could be started lower on a cylinder, that wouldn't always work for a sphere or capsule: the origin might end up outside of the shape!


            foreach (var pair in characterBody.CollisionInformation.Pairs)
                //Don't stand on things that aren't really colliding fully.
                if (pair.CollisionRule != CollisionRule.Normal)
                ContactCategorizer.CategorizeContacts(pair, characterBody.CollisionInformation, ref downDirection, ref tractionContacts, ref supportContacts, ref sideContacts, ref headContacts);

            HasSupport  = supportContacts.Count > 0;
            HasTraction = tractionContacts.Count > 0;

            //Only perform ray casts if the character has fully left the surface, and only if the previous frame had traction.
            //(If ray casts are allowed when support contacts still exist, the door is opened for climbing surfaces which should not be climbable.
            //Consider a steep slope. If the character runs at it, the character will likely be wedged off of the ground, making it lose traction while still having a support contact with the slope.
            //If ray tests are allowed when support contacts exist, the character will maintain traction despite climbing the wall.
            //The VerticalMotionConstraint can stop the character from climbing in many cases, but it's nice not to have to rely on it.
            //Disallowing ray tests when supports exist does have a cost, though. For example, consider rounded steps.
            //If the character walks off a step such that it is still in contact with the step but is far enough down that the slope is too steep for traction,
            //the ray test won't recover traction. This situation just isn't very common.)
            if (!HasSupport && hadTraction)
                float supportRayLength = maximumAssistedDownStepHeight + BottomDistance;
                SupportRayData = null;
                //If the contacts aren't available to support the character, raycast down to find the ground.
                if (!HasTraction)
                    //TODO: could also require that the character has a nonzero movement direction in order to use a ray cast.  Questionable- would complicate the behavior on edges.
                    Ray ray = new Ray(bodyPosition, downDirection);

                    bool           hasTraction;
                    SupportRayData data;
                    if (TryDownCast(ref ray, supportRayLength, out hasTraction, out data))
                        SupportRayData = data;
                        HasTraction    = data.HasTraction;
                        HasSupport     = true;

                //If contacts and the center ray cast failed, try a ray offset in the movement direction.
                bool tryingToMove = movementDirection.LengthSquared() > 0;
                if (!HasTraction && tryingToMove)
                    Ray ray = new Ray(
                        characterBody.Position +
                        movementDirection * rayCastInnerRadius, downDirection);

                    //Have to test to make sure the ray doesn't get obstructed.  This could happen if the character is deeply embedded in a wall; we wouldn't want it detecting things inside the wall as a support!
                    Ray obstructionRay;
                    obstructionRay.Position  = characterBody.Position;
                    obstructionRay.Direction = ray.Position - obstructionRay.Position;
                    if (!QueryManager.RayCastHitAnything(obstructionRay, 1))
                        //The origin isn't obstructed, so now ray cast down.
                        bool           hasTraction;
                        SupportRayData data;
                        if (TryDownCast(ref ray, supportRayLength, out hasTraction, out data))
                            if (SupportRayData == null || data.HitData.T < SupportRayData.Value.HitData.T)
                                //Only replace the previous support ray if we now have traction or we didn't have a support ray at all before,
                                //or this hit is a better (sooner) hit.
                                if (hasTraction)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                    HasTraction    = true;
                                else if (SupportRayData == null)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                HasSupport = true;

                //If contacts, center ray, AND forward ray failed to find traction, try a side ray created from down x forward.
                if (!HasTraction && tryingToMove)
                    //Compute the horizontal offset direction.  Down direction and the movement direction are normalized and perpendicular, so the result is too.
                    Vector3 horizontalOffset;
                    Vector3.Cross(ref movementDirection, ref downDirection, out horizontalOffset);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref horizontalOffset, rayCastInnerRadius, out horizontalOffset);
                    Ray ray = new Ray(bodyPosition + horizontalOffset, downDirection);

                    //Have to test to make sure the ray doesn't get obstructed.  This could happen if the character is deeply embedded in a wall; we wouldn't want it detecting things inside the wall as a support!
                    Ray obstructionRay;
                    obstructionRay.Position  = bodyPosition;
                    obstructionRay.Direction = ray.Position - obstructionRay.Position;
                    if (!QueryManager.RayCastHitAnything(obstructionRay, 1))
                        //The origin isn't obstructed, so now ray cast down.
                        bool           hasTraction;
                        SupportRayData data;
                        if (TryDownCast(ref ray, supportRayLength, out hasTraction, out data))
                            if (SupportRayData == null || data.HitData.T < SupportRayData.Value.HitData.T)
                                //Only replace the previous support ray if we now have traction or we didn't have a support ray at all before,
                                //or this hit is a better (sooner) hit.
                                if (hasTraction)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                    HasTraction    = true;
                                else if (SupportRayData == null)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                HasSupport = true;

                //If contacts, center ray, forward ray, AND the first side ray failed to find traction, try a side ray created from forward x down.
                if (!HasTraction && tryingToMove)
                    //Compute the horizontal offset direction.  Down direction and the movement direction are normalized and perpendicular, so the result is too.
                    Vector3 horizontalOffset;
                    Vector3.Cross(ref downDirection, ref movementDirection, out horizontalOffset);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref horizontalOffset, rayCastInnerRadius, out horizontalOffset);
                    Ray ray = new Ray(bodyPosition + horizontalOffset, downDirection);

                    //Have to test to make sure the ray doesn't get obstructed.  This could happen if the character is deeply embedded in a wall; we wouldn't want it detecting things inside the wall as a support!
                    Ray obstructionRay;
                    obstructionRay.Position  = bodyPosition;
                    obstructionRay.Direction = ray.Position - obstructionRay.Position;
                    if (!QueryManager.RayCastHitAnything(obstructionRay, 1))
                        //The origin isn't obstructed, so now ray cast down.
                        bool           hasTraction;
                        SupportRayData data;
                        if (TryDownCast(ref ray, supportRayLength, out hasTraction, out data))
                            if (SupportRayData == null || data.HitData.T < SupportRayData.Value.HitData.T)
                                //Only replace the previous support ray if we now have traction or we didn't have a support ray at all before,
                                //or this hit is a better (sooner) hit.
                                if (hasTraction)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                    HasTraction    = true;
                                else if (SupportRayData == null)
                                    SupportRayData = data;
                                HasSupport = true;

            UpdateSupportData(ref downDirection);
            UpdateVerticalSupportData(ref downDirection, ref movementDirection);
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Multiplies a 3-D vector by a Single value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Source TGCVector3.</param>
 /// <param name="f">Source Single value used as a multiplier.</param>
 /// <returns>A Vector3 structure that is multiplied by the Single value.</returns>
 public static TGCVector3 Multiply(TGCVector3 source, float f)
     return(new TGCVector3(Vector3.Multiply(source.ToVector3(), f)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the intersection between the convex shape and the ray.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test.</param>
        /// <param name="transform">Transform of the convex shape.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum distance to travel in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Ray hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray hit the target.</returns>
        public override bool RayTest(ref Ray ray, ref RigidTransform transform, float maximumLength, out RayHit hit)
            //Put the ray into local space.
            Quaternion conjugate;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Ray localRay;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref transform.Position, out localRay.Position);
            Vector3.Transform(ref localRay.Position, ref conjugate, out localRay.Position);
            Vector3.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out localRay.Direction);

            //Check for containment in the cylindrical portion of the capsule.
            if (localRay.Position.Y >= -halfLength && localRay.Position.Y <= halfLength && localRay.Position.X * localRay.Position.X + localRay.Position.Z * localRay.Position.Z <= collisionMargin * collisionMargin)
                //It's inside!
                hit.T        = 0;
                hit.Location = localRay.Position;
                hit.Normal   = new Vector3(hit.Location.X, 0, hit.Location.Z);
                float normalLengthSquared = hit.Normal.LengthSquared();
                if (normalLengthSquared > 1e-9f)
                    Vector3.Divide(ref hit.Normal, (float)Math.Sqrt(normalLengthSquared), out hit.Normal);
                    hit.Normal = new Vector3();
                //Pull the hit into world space.
                Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref transform, out hit.Location);

            //Project the ray direction onto the plane where the cylinder is a circle.
            //The projected ray is then tested against the circle to compute the time of impact.
            //That time of impact is used to compute the 3d hit location.
            Vector2 planeDirection = new Vector2(localRay.Direction.X, localRay.Direction.Z);
            float   planeDirectionLengthSquared = planeDirection.LengthSquared();

            if (planeDirectionLengthSquared < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                //The ray is nearly parallel with the axis.
                //Skip the cylinder-sides test.  We're either inside the cylinder and won't hit the sides, or we're outside
                //and won't hit the sides.
                if (localRay.Position.Y > halfLength)
                    goto upperSphereTest;
                if (localRay.Position.Y < -halfLength)
                    goto lowerSphereTest;

                hit = new RayHit();
            Vector2 planeOrigin = new Vector2(localRay.Position.X, localRay.Position.Z);
            float   dot;

            Vector2.Dot(ref planeDirection, ref planeOrigin, out dot);
            float closestToCenterT = -dot / planeDirectionLengthSquared;

            Vector2 closestPoint;

            Vector2.Multiply(ref planeDirection, closestToCenterT, out closestPoint);
            Vector2.Add(ref planeOrigin, ref closestPoint, out closestPoint);
            //How close does the ray come to the circle?
            float squaredDistance = closestPoint.LengthSquared();

            if (squaredDistance > collisionMargin * collisionMargin)
                //It's too far!  The ray cannot possibly hit the capsule.
                hit = new RayHit();

            //With the squared distance, compute the distance backward along the ray from the closest point on the ray to the axis.
            float backwardsDistance = collisionMargin * (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - squaredDistance / (collisionMargin * collisionMargin));
            float tOffset           = backwardsDistance / (float)Math.Sqrt(planeDirectionLengthSquared);

            hit.T = closestToCenterT - tOffset;

            //Compute the impact point on the infinite cylinder in 3d local space.
            Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref localRay.Position, out hit.Location);

            //Is it intersecting the cylindrical portion of the capsule?
            if (hit.Location.Y <= halfLength && hit.Location.Y >= -halfLength && hit.T < maximumLength)
                hit.Normal = new Vector3(hit.Location.X, 0, hit.Location.Z);
                float normalLengthSquared = hit.Normal.LengthSquared();
                if (normalLengthSquared > 1e-9f)
                    Vector3.Divide(ref hit.Normal, (float)Math.Sqrt(normalLengthSquared), out hit.Normal);
                    hit.Normal = new Vector3();
                //Pull the hit into world space.
                Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref transform, out hit.Location);

            if (hit.Location.Y < halfLength)
                goto lowerSphereTest;
            //Nope! It may be intersecting the ends of the capsule though.
            //We're above the capsule, so cast a ray against the upper sphere.
            //We don't have to worry about it hitting the bottom of the sphere since it would have hit the cylinder portion first.
            var spherePosition = new Vector3(0, halfLength, 0);

            if (Toolbox.RayCastSphere(ref localRay, ref spherePosition, collisionMargin, maximumLength, out hit))
                //Pull the hit into world space.
                Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref transform, out hit.Location);
            //No intersection! We can't be hitting the other sphere, so it's over!
            hit = new RayHit();

            //Okay, what about the bottom sphere?
            //We're above the capsule, so cast a ray against the upper sphere.
            //We don't have to worry about it hitting the bottom of the sphere since it would have hit the cylinder portion first.
            spherePosition = new Vector3(0, -halfLength, 0);
            if (Toolbox.RayCastSphere(ref localRay, ref spherePosition, collisionMargin, maximumLength, out hit))
                //Pull the hit into world space.
                Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref transform, out hit.Location);
            //No intersection! We can't be hitting the other sphere, so it's over!
            hit = new RayHit();
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates necessary information for velocity solving.
        /// Called by preStep(float dt)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Time in seconds since the last update.</param>
        public override void Update(float dt)
            Matrix3X3.Transform(ref localAnchorA, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix, out worldOffsetA);
            Matrix3X3.Transform(ref localAnchorB, ref connectionB.orientationMatrix, out worldOffsetB);

            float errorReductionParameter;

            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, out errorReductionParameter, out softness);

            //Mass Matrix
            Matrix3X3 k;
            Matrix3X3 linearComponent;

            Matrix3X3.CreateCrossProduct(ref worldOffsetA, out rACrossProduct);
            Matrix3X3.CreateCrossProduct(ref worldOffsetB, out rBCrossProduct);
            if (connectionA.isDynamic && connectionB.isDynamic)
                Matrix3X3.CreateScale(connectionA.inverseMass + connectionB.inverseMass, out linearComponent);
                Matrix3X3 angularComponentA, angularComponentB;
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref rACrossProduct, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out angularComponentA);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref rBCrossProduct, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out angularComponentB);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref angularComponentA, ref rACrossProduct, out angularComponentA);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref angularComponentB, ref rBCrossProduct, out angularComponentB);
                Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref linearComponent, ref angularComponentA, out k);
                Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref k, ref angularComponentB, out k);
            else if (connectionA.isDynamic && !connectionB.isDynamic)
                Matrix3X3.CreateScale(connectionA.inverseMass, out linearComponent);
                Matrix3X3 angularComponentA;
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref rACrossProduct, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out angularComponentA);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref angularComponentA, ref rACrossProduct, out angularComponentA);
                Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref linearComponent, ref angularComponentA, out k);
            else if (!connectionA.isDynamic && connectionB.isDynamic)
                Matrix3X3.CreateScale(connectionB.inverseMass, out linearComponent);
                Matrix3X3 angularComponentB;
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref rBCrossProduct, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out angularComponentB);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref angularComponentB, ref rBCrossProduct, out angularComponentB);
                Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref linearComponent, ref angularComponentB, out k);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot constrain two kinematic bodies.");
            k.M11 += softness;
            k.M22 += softness;
            k.M33 += softness;
            Matrix3X3.Invert(ref k, out massMatrix);

            Vector3.Add(ref connectionB.position, ref worldOffsetB, out error);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref error, ref connectionA.position, out error);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref error, ref worldOffsetA, out error);

            Vector3.Multiply(ref error, -errorReductionParameter, out biasVelocity);

            //Ensure that the corrective velocity doesn't exceed the max.
            float length = biasVelocity.LengthSquared();

            if (length > maxCorrectiveVelocitySquared)
                float multiplier = maxCorrectiveVelocity / (float)Math.Sqrt(length);
                biasVelocity.X *= multiplier;
                biasVelocity.Y *= multiplier;
                biasVelocity.Z *= multiplier;
Пример #9
        /// Performs the frame's configuration step.
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void Update(float dt)
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localPlaneNormal, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldPlaneNormal);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localPlaneAnchor, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldPlaneAnchor);
            Vector3.Add(ref worldPlaneAnchor, ref connectionA.position, out worldPlaneAnchor);

            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localPointAnchor, ref connectionB.orientationMatrix4, out rB);
            Vector3.Add(ref rB, ref connectionB.position, out worldPointAnchor);

            //Find rA and rB.
            //So find the closest point on the plane to worldPointAnchor.
            float pointDistance, planeDistance;

            Vector3.Dot(ref worldPointAnchor, ref worldPlaneNormal, out pointDistance);
            Vector3.Dot(ref worldPlaneAnchor, ref worldPlaneNormal, out planeDistance);
            float   distanceChange = planeDistance - pointDistance;
            Vector3 closestPointOnPlane;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref worldPlaneNormal, distanceChange, out closestPointOnPlane);
            Vector3.Add(ref closestPointOnPlane, ref worldPointAnchor, out closestPointOnPlane);

            Vector3.Subtract(ref closestPointOnPlane, ref connectionA.position, out rA);

            Vector3.Cross(ref rA, ref worldPlaneNormal, out rAcrossN);
            Vector3.Cross(ref rB, ref worldPlaneNormal, out rBcrossN);
            Vector3.Negate(ref rBcrossN, out rBcrossN);

            Vector3 offset;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref worldPointAnchor, ref closestPointOnPlane, out offset);
            Vector3.Dot(ref offset, ref worldPlaneNormal, out error);
            float errorReduction;

            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, 1 / dt, out errorReduction, out softness);
            biasVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(-errorReduction * error, -maxCorrectiveVelocity, maxCorrectiveVelocity);

            if (connectionA.IsDynamic && connectionB.IsDynamic)
                Vector3 IrACrossN, IrBCrossN;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rAcrossN, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out IrACrossN);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rBcrossN, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out IrBCrossN);
                float angularA, angularB;
                Vector3.Dot(ref rAcrossN, ref IrACrossN, out angularA);
                Vector3.Dot(ref rBcrossN, ref IrBCrossN, out angularB);
                negativeEffectiveMass = connectionA.inverseMass + connectionB.inverseMass + angularA + angularB;
                negativeEffectiveMass = -1 / (negativeEffectiveMass + softness);
            else if (connectionA.IsDynamic && !connectionB.IsDynamic)
                Vector3 IrACrossN;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rAcrossN, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out IrACrossN);
                float angularA;
                Vector3.Dot(ref rAcrossN, ref IrACrossN, out angularA);
                negativeEffectiveMass = connectionA.inverseMass + angularA;
                negativeEffectiveMass = -1 / (negativeEffectiveMass + softness);
            else if (!connectionA.IsDynamic && connectionB.IsDynamic)
                Vector3 IrBCrossN;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rBcrossN, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out IrBCrossN);
                float angularB;
                Vector3.Dot(ref rBcrossN, ref IrBCrossN, out angularB);
                negativeEffectiveMass = connectionB.inverseMass + angularB;
                negativeEffectiveMass = -1 / (negativeEffectiveMass + softness);
                negativeEffectiveMass = 0;
Пример #10
        /// Performs the frame's configuration step.
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void Update(float dt)
            //Transform local axes into world space
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localRestrictedAxis1, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldRestrictedAxis1);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localRestrictedAxis2, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldRestrictedAxis2);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localAxisAnchor, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldLineAnchor);
            Vector3.Add(ref worldLineAnchor, ref connectionA.position, out worldLineAnchor);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localLineDirection, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix4, out worldLineDirection);

            //Transform local
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localPoint, ref connectionB.orientationMatrix4, out rB);
            Vector3.Add(ref rB, ref connectionB.position, out worldPoint);

            //Find the point on the line closest to the world point.
            Vector3 offset;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref worldPoint, ref worldLineAnchor, out offset);
            float distanceAlongAxis;

            Vector3.Dot(ref offset, ref worldLineDirection, out distanceAlongAxis);

            Vector3 worldNearPoint;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref worldLineDirection, distanceAlongAxis, out offset);
            Vector3.Add(ref worldLineAnchor, ref offset, out worldNearPoint);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref worldNearPoint, ref connectionA.position, out rA);

            Vector3 error3D;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref worldPoint, ref worldNearPoint, out error3D);

            Vector3.Dot(ref error3D, ref worldRestrictedAxis1, out error.X);
            Vector3.Dot(ref error3D, ref worldRestrictedAxis2, out error.Y);

            float errorReduction;

            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, 1 / dt, out errorReduction, out softness);
            float bias = -errorReduction;

            biasVelocity.X = bias * error.X;
            biasVelocity.Y = bias * error.Y;

            //Ensure that the corrective velocity doesn't exceed the max.
            float length = biasVelocity.LengthSquared;

            if (length > maxCorrectiveVelocitySquared)
                float multiplier = maxCorrectiveVelocity / (float)Math.Sqrt(length);
                biasVelocity.X *= multiplier;
                biasVelocity.Y *= multiplier;

            //Set up the jacobians
            Vector3.Cross(ref rA, ref worldRestrictedAxis1, out angularA1);
            Vector3.Cross(ref worldRestrictedAxis1, ref rB, out angularB1);
            Vector3.Cross(ref rA, ref worldRestrictedAxis2, out angularA2);
            Vector3.Cross(ref worldRestrictedAxis2, ref rB, out angularB2);

            float   m11 = 0, m22 = 0, m1221 = 0;
            float   inverseMass;
            Vector3 intermediate;

            //Compute the effective mass Matrix4.
            if (connectionA.isDynamic)
                inverseMass = connectionA.inverseMass;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref angularA1, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out intermediate);
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularA1, out m11);
                m11 += inverseMass;
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularA2, out m1221);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref angularA2, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out intermediate);
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularA2, out m22);
                m22 += inverseMass;

            #region Mass Matrix4 B

            if (connectionB.isDynamic)
                float extra;
                inverseMass = connectionB.inverseMass;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref angularB1, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out intermediate);
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularB1, out extra);
                m11 += inverseMass + extra;
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularB2, out extra);
                m1221 += extra;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref angularB2, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out intermediate);
                Vector3.Dot(ref intermediate, ref angularB2, out extra);
                m22 += inverseMass + extra;


            negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4.M11 = m11 + softness;
            negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4.M12 = m1221;
            negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4.M21 = m1221;
            negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4.M22 = m22 + softness;
            Matrix2.Invert(ref negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4, out negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4);
            Matrix2.Negate(ref negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4, out negativeEffectiveMassMatrix4);
Пример #11
        public void Move(SimulateMethodArgs args)
            PhysicsScene  scene      = demo.Engine.Factory.PhysicsSceneManager.Get(args.OwnerSceneIndex);
            PhysicsObject objectBase = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.Get(args.OwnerIndex);

            if (!objectBase.Camera.Enabled)
            if (!objectBase.Camera.Active)

            float time = (float)args.Time;

            Vector3 deltaRotation            = vectorZero;
            Vector3 deltaTranslation         = vectorZero;
            float   rotationSpeed            = 8.0f;
            float   translationSpeed         = 8.0f;
            float   jumpSpeed                = 8.0f;
            float   swimUpSpeed              = 0.2f;
            float   swimUpOnSurfaceSpeed     = 0.06f;
            float   translationInFluidFactor = 0.15f;
            float   soundPositionFactor      = 0.1f;
            bool    enableJump               = false;
            bool    enableSwimUp             = false;
            bool    enableShot               = false;

            bool cameraBodyCollision = cameraBody.IsColliding();
            bool cameraDownCollision = cameraDown.IsColliding();

            DemoMouseState    mouseState    = demo.GetMouseState();
            DemoKeyboardState keyboardState = demo.GetKeyboardState();

            if (mouseState[MouseButton.Right])
                deltaRotation.Y += MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(rotationSpeed * (mouseState.X - oldMouseState.X) * time);
                deltaRotation.X += MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(rotationSpeed * (mouseState.Y - oldMouseState.Y) * time);

            mousePosition.X = mouseState.X;
            mousePosition.Y = mouseState.Y;

            if (!objectBase.Camera.EnableControl)
                if (mouseState[MouseButton.Middle] && !oldMouseState[MouseButton.Middle])
                    enableShot = true;

                if ((keyboardState[Key.ControlRight] && !oldKeyboardState[Key.ControlRight]) ||
                    (keyboardState[Key.ControlLeft] && !oldKeyboardState[Key.ControlLeft]))
                    enableShot = true;

            PhysicsObject cursorA = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.Find(cursorAName);
            PhysicsObject cursorB = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.Find(cursorBName);

            if (!demo.EnableMenu)
                if (cursorA != null)
                    cursorA.EnableDrawing = true;

                if (cursorB != null)
                    cursorB.EnableDrawing = true;
                if (cursorA != null)
                    cursorA.EnableDrawing = false;

                if (cursorB != null)
                    cursorB.EnableDrawing = false;

            if (!objectBase.Camera.EnableControl)
                if (keyboardState[Key.W])
                    deltaTranslation.Z += translationSpeed * time;

                if (keyboardState[Key.S])
                    deltaTranslation.Z -= translationSpeed * time;

                if (keyboardState[Key.D])
                    deltaTranslation.X += translationSpeed * time;

                if (keyboardState[Key.A])
                    deltaTranslation.X -= translationSpeed * time;

                if (keyboardState[Key.Space] && !oldKeyboardState[Key.Space])
                    enableJump = true;

                if (keyboardState[Key.Space])
                    enableSwimUp = true;

            if (keyboardState[Key.Tab] && !oldKeyboardState[Key.Tab])
                enableDistance = !enableDistance;

            oldMouseState    = mouseState;
            oldKeyboardState = keyboardState;

            Vector3 gravityDirection = vectorZero;

            scene.GetGravityDirection(ref gravityDirection);

            if (!objectBase.Camera.EnableControl)
                if (deltaRotation.LengthSquared != 0.0f)
                    Vector3 euler = vectorZero;
                    objectBase.Camera.GetEuler(ref euler);
                    Vector3.Add(ref euler, ref deltaRotation, out euler);
                    objectBase.Camera.SetEuler(ref euler);

                    Matrix4 rotationX, rotationY;
                    Matrix4.CreateRotationX(-euler.X, out rotationX);
                    Matrix4.CreateRotationY(-euler.Y, out rotationY);
                    Matrix4.Mult(ref rotationY, ref rotationX, out cameraRotation);

                    objectBase.Camera.SetRotation(ref cameraRotation);

                    Matrix4.CreateRotationY(euler.Y, out rotation);

                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MainWorldTransform.SetRotation(ref rotation);
                Vector3 euler          = vectorZero;
                Matrix4 objectRotation = matrixIdentity;
                objectBase.Camera.GetEuler(ref euler);
                Vector3.Add(ref euler, ref deltaRotation, out euler);
                objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MainWorldTransform.GetRotation(ref objectRotation);

                Matrix4 rotationX, rotationY;
                Matrix4.CreateRotationX(euler.X, out rotationX);
                Matrix4.CreateRotationY(euler.Y, out rotationY);

                Matrix4.Mult(ref rotationX, ref rotationY, out cameraRotation);
                Matrix4.Mult(ref cameraRotation, ref objectRotation, out rotation);

                objectBase.Camera.SetEuler(ref euler);
                objectBase.Camera.SetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);

            if (deltaTranslation.LengthSquared != 0.0f)
                if (objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.IsUnderFluidSurface)
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 10.0f;
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 10.0f;

                    if (enableSwimUp)
                        objectBase.InitLocalTransform.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);
                        Vector3.TransformVector(ref deltaTranslation, ref rotation, out direction);

                        objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetRotation(ref rotation);
                        Vector3.TransformVector(ref direction, ref rotation, out moveForce);
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref moveForce, translationInFluidFactor * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / (time * time), out moveForce);

                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);
                        objectBase.Camera.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);
                        Vector3.TransformVector(ref deltaTranslation, ref rotation, out moveForce);
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref moveForce, translationInFluidFactor * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / (time * time), out moveForce);

                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);
                    if (cameraDownCollision)
                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 100000.0f;
                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 100000.0f;

                        objectBase.InitLocalTransform.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);
                        Vector3.TransformVector(ref deltaTranslation, ref rotation, out direction);

                        objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetRotation(ref rotation);
                        Vector3.TransformVector(ref direction, ref rotation, out moveForce);
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref moveForce, objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / (time * time), out moveForce);

                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);
                        cameraDown.UpdateFeedbackForce(ref moveForce);
                        if (objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.IsInFluid)
                            objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 10.0f;
                            objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 10.0f;

                            objectBase.InitLocalTransform.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);
                            Vector3.TransformVector(ref deltaTranslation, ref rotation, out direction);

                            objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetRotation(ref rotation);
                            Vector3.TransformVector(ref direction, ref rotation, out moveForce);
                            Vector3.Multiply(ref moveForce, translationInFluidFactor * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / (time * time), out moveForce);

                            objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);

            if (enableSwimUp)
                if (cameraDown.IsUnderFluidSurface && cameraBody.IsUnderFluidSurface)
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 10.0f;
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 10.0f;

                    PhysicsObject fluidPhysicsObject = objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.FluidPhysicsObject;
                    fluidPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.FluidController.GetNormal(ref fluidNormal);

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref fluidNormal, swimUpSpeed * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / time, out moveForce);

                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);
                if (!cameraDownCollision && cameraBody.IsInFluid && (deltaTranslation.LengthSquared == 0.0f))
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 10.0f;
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 10.0f;

                    PhysicsObject fluidPhysicsObject = objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.FluidPhysicsObject;
                    fluidPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.FluidController.GetNormal(ref fluidNormal);

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref fluidNormal, swimUpOnSurfaceSpeed * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / time, out moveForce);

                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);

            if (enableJump)
                if (!enableControl && !objectBase.Camera.EnableControl && cameraDownCollision && !cameraDown.IsUnderFluidSurface && !cameraBody.IsUnderFluidSurface)
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPreUpdateLinearVelocity  = 100000.0f;
                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MaxPostUpdateLinearVelocity = 100000.0f;

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref gravityDirection, -jumpSpeed * objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.Integral.Mass / time, out moveForce);

                    objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.WorldAccumulator.AddWorldForce(ref moveForce);
                    cameraDown.UpdateFeedbackForce(ref moveForce);

            if (enableDistance)
                if (distance > maxDistance)
                    distance -= 2.0f;

                if (enableDistanceCollision)
                    float margin = 1.0f;

                    objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref startPoint);

                    objectBase.Camera.GetTransposeRotation(ref cameraRotation);

                    direction.X = cameraRotation.Row2.X;
                    direction.Y = cameraRotation.Row2.Y;
                    direction.Z = cameraRotation.Row2.Z;

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref direction, distance, out direction);
                    Vector3.Add(ref startPoint, ref direction, out endPoint);

                    scene.UpdatePhysicsObjectsIntersectedBySegment(ref startPoint, ref endPoint, margin, true);

                    float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
                    float curDistance = 0.0f;

                    for (int i = 0; i < scene.IntersectedPhysicsObjectsCount; i++)
                        PhysicsObject hitObject = scene.GetIntersectedPhysicsObject(i, ref hitPoint);

                        if (hitObject.RigidGroupOwner == objectBase.RigidGroupOwner)

                        //if ((hitObject.InternalControllers.FluidController != null) && hitObject.InternalControllers.FluidController.Enabled)
                        //    continue;

                        if (!hitObject.EnableCollisions)

                        Vector3.Subtract(ref startPoint, ref hitPoint, out hitDistance);
                        curDistance = hitDistance.Length;

                        if (curDistance < minDistance)
                            minDistance = curDistance;

                    if (minDistance < Math.Abs(distance))
                        distance = -minDistance;
                if (distance < 0.0f)
                    distance += 2.0f;

                if (distance > 0.0f)
                    distance = 0.0f;

            if (enableDistance)
                if (distance > maxDistance)
                    if ((cameraUp != null) && (cameraBody != null) && (cameraDown != null))
                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.EnableDrawing = true;
                        cameraUp.EnableDrawing   = true;
                        cameraBody.EnableDrawing = true;
                        cameraDown.EnableDrawing = true;
                if (distance >= 0.0f)
                    if ((cameraUp != null) && (cameraBody != null) && (cameraDown != null))
                        objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.EnableDrawing = false;
                        cameraUp.EnableDrawing   = false;
                        cameraBody.EnableDrawing = false;
                        cameraDown.EnableDrawing = false;

            enableControl = objectBase.Camera.EnableControl;

            float   gravityDistance       = 0.0f;
            Vector3 gravityLinearVelocity = vectorZero;
            Vector3 tangentLinearVelocity = vectorZero;
            Vector3 velocity = vectorZero;

            objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetLinearVelocity(ref velocity);
            Vector3.Dot(ref gravityDirection, ref velocity, out gravityDistance);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref gravityDirection, gravityDistance, out gravityLinearVelocity);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref velocity, ref gravityLinearVelocity, out tangentLinearVelocity);

            float tangentLength = tangentLinearVelocity.Length;

            if (tangentLength > maxTangentLength)
                tangentLinearVelocity *= maxTangentLength / tangentLength;

            Vector3.Add(ref gravityLinearVelocity, ref tangentLinearVelocity, out velocity);

            objectBase.RigidGroupOwner.MainWorldTransform.SetLinearVelocity(ref velocity);

            objectBase.Camera.Projection.CreatePerspectiveLH(1.0f, 11000.0f, 70.0f, demo.WindowWidth, demo.WindowHeight);

            objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref position);
            objectBase.Camera.GetTransposeRotation(ref cameraRotation);

            objectBase.Camera.View.CreateLookAtLH(ref position, ref cameraRotation, distance);

            objectBase.Camera.View.GetViewMatrix(ref view);
            objectBase.Camera.Projection.GetProjectionMatrix(ref projection);

            Vector3 rayPosition, rayDirection;

            rayPosition = rayDirection = vectorZero;

            objectBase.UnProjectToRay(ref mousePosition, 0, 0, demo.WindowWidth, demo.WindowHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, ref view, ref matrixIdentity, ref projection, ref rayPosition, ref rayDirection);

            PhysicsObject cursor = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.Find(cursorName);

            if (cursor != null)
                Vector3 cursorPosition      = vectorZero;
                Matrix4 cursorLocalRotation = matrixIdentity;
                Matrix4 cursorWorldRotation = matrixIdentity;

                cursor.InitLocalTransform.GetPosition(ref cursorPosition);
                cursor.InitLocalTransform.GetRotation(ref cursorLocalRotation);
                cursor.MainWorldTransform.GetRotation(ref cursorWorldRotation);

                objectBase.Camera.GetTransposeRotation(ref cameraRotation);
                Matrix4.Mult(ref cursorLocalRotation, ref cameraRotation, out rotation);

                Vector3.TransformVector(ref cursorPosition, ref cursorWorldRotation, out position);

                cursor.MainWorldTransform.SetRotation(ref rotation);
                Vector3.Add(ref position, ref rayPosition, out position);
                Vector3.Add(ref position, ref rayDirection, out position);
                cursor.MainWorldTransform.SetPosition(ref position);


            CursorController cursorController = objectBase.InternalControllers.CursorController;

            if (cursorController.IsDragging)
                if (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.Integral.IsStatic && (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController != null) && cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController.Enabled)
                    Vector3 cursorStartPosition = vectorZero;
                    Vector3 cursorEndPosition   = vectorZero;

                    cursorController.GetAnchor1(ref cursorStartPosition);
                    cursorController.GetAnchor2(ref cursorEndPosition);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref cursorEndPosition, ref cursorStartPosition, out direction);

                    float dir = direction.Y;

                    if (dir != 0.0f)
                        Vector3 scale = vectorZero;

                        cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.GetScale(ref scale);

                        float positionX = cursorStartPosition.X + 0.5f * scale.X;
                        float positionY = cursorStartPosition.Y + 0.5f * scale.Y;
                        float positionZ = cursorStartPosition.Z + 0.5f * scale.Z;

                        cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController.AddHeight(positionX, positionY, positionZ, dir / scale.Y);

                        // To change the friction and restitution of the heightmap surface by the cursor, add the following lines of code

                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController.SetFriction(positionX, positionY, positionZ, 0.0f);
                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController.SetRestitution(positionX, positionY, positionZ, 2.0f);

                        cursorStartPosition.Y += dir;
                        cursorController.SetAnchor1(ref cursorStartPosition);

                if (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.Integral.IsStatic && (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController != null) && cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.HeightmapController.Enabled)
                    Vector3 cursorStartPosition = vectorZero;
                    Vector3 cursorEndPosition   = vectorZero;

                    cursorController.GetAnchor1(ref cursorStartPosition);
                    cursorController.GetAnchor2(ref cursorEndPosition);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref cursorEndPosition, ref cursorStartPosition, out direction);

                    if (direction.LengthSquared != 0.0f)
                        // To move the heightmap surface by the cursor, add the following lines of code

                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref cursorStartPosition);

                        //Vector3.Add(ref cursorStartPosition, ref direction, out cursorStartPosition);

                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.SetPosition(ref cursorStartPosition);

                if (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.Integral.IsStatic && (cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.FluidController != null) && cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.InternalControllers.FluidController.Enabled)
                    Vector3 cursorStartPosition = vectorZero;
                    Vector3 cursorEndPosition   = vectorZero;

                    cursorController.GetAnchor1(ref cursorStartPosition);
                    cursorController.GetAnchor2(ref cursorEndPosition);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref cursorEndPosition, ref cursorStartPosition, out direction);

                    if (direction.LengthSquared != 0.0f)
                        // To move the fluid surface by the cursor, add the following lines of code
                        // and set EnableCursorInteraction flag to true in the Lake class

                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref cursorStartPosition);

                        //Vector3.Add(ref cursorStartPosition, ref direction, out cursorStartPosition);

                        //cursorController.HitPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.SetPosition(ref cursorStartPosition);

            objectBase.MainWorldTransform.GetPosition(ref listenerPosition);
            objectBase.Camera.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);

            Vector3.Multiply(ref listenerPosition, soundPositionFactor, out position);
            listenerTopDirection.X   = rotation.Row1.X;
            listenerTopDirection.Y   = rotation.Row1.Y;
            listenerTopDirection.Z   = rotation.Row1.Z;
            listenerFrontDirection.X = rotation.Row2.X;
            listenerFrontDirection.Y = rotation.Row2.Y;
            listenerFrontDirection.Z = rotation.Row2.Z;

            listener.Position       = position;
            listener.TopDirection   = listenerTopDirection;
            listener.FrontDirection = listenerFrontDirection;
            listenerRange           = objectBase.Sound.Range;

            if (enableShot)
                Vector3 shotScale, shotColor;

                shotCount = (shotCount + 1) % shotTab.Length;
                string shotCountName = shotCount.ToString();

                PhysicsObject shot      = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.FindOrCreate(shotName + shotCountName);
                PhysicsObject shotBase  = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.FindOrCreate(shotBaseName + shotCountName);
                PhysicsObject shotLight = scene.Factory.PhysicsObjectManager.FindOrCreate(shotLightName + shotCountName);


                shotTab[shotCount] = shotBase;
                enableShotTab      = true;

                shotScale = shotColor = vectorZero;

                shotScale.X = shotScale.Y = shotScale.Z = 0.5f;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref rayDirection, 300.0f, out rayDirection);

                shot.InitLocalTransform.SetRotation(ref matrixIdentity);
                shot.InitLocalTransform.SetPosition(ref rayPosition);
                shot.InitLocalTransform.SetLinearVelocity(ref rayDirection);
                shot.InitLocalTransform.SetAngularVelocity(ref vectorZero);
                shot.MaxSimulationFrameCount = 200;
                shot.EnableRemovePhysicsObjectsFromManagerAfterMaxSimulationFrameCount = false;
                //shot.EnableLocalGravity = true;

                shotBase.Shape       = sphere;
                shotBase.UserDataStr = sphereName;
                shotBase.InitLocalTransform.SetScale(ref shotScale);
                shotBase.Material.RigidGroup   = true;
                shotBase.EnableBreakRigidGroup = false;
                shotBase.EnableCollisions      = true;

                if ((cameraUp != null) && (cameraBody != null) && (cameraDown != null))
                    shotBase.DisableCollision(cameraUp, true);
                    shotBase.DisableCollision(cameraBody, true);
                    shotBase.DisableCollision(cameraDown, true);
                    shotBase.MaxDisableCollisionFrameCount = 50;

                shotLight.Shape       = sphere;
                shotLight.UserDataStr = sphereName;
                shotLight.Light.Type  = PhysicsLightType.Point;
                shotLight.Light.Range = 20.0f;

                shotColor.X = (float)Math.Max(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());
                shotColor.Y = (float)Math.Max(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());
                shotColor.Z = (float)Math.Max(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());

                shotLight.Light.SetDiffuse(ref shotColor);
                shotLight.Material.RigidGroup     = true;
                shotLight.Material.UserDataStr    = yellowName;
                shotLight.EnableBreakRigidGroup   = false;
                shotLight.EnableCollisions        = false;
                shotLight.EnableCursorInteraction = false;
                shotLight.EnableAddToCameraDrawTransparentPhysicsObjects = false;


                shotSoundGroup = demo.SoundGroups[hitName];
                shotSoundGroup.MaxHitRepeatTime = 0.0f;

                if (shotSound == null)
                    shotSound = shotSoundGroup.GetSound(objectBase.Sound, listener, emitter);


                Vector3.Multiply(ref rayPosition, soundPositionFactor, out shotSound.HitPosition);
                shotSound.HitVolume = 1.0f;

                shotSound.FrontDirection.X = rotation.Row2.X;
                shotSound.FrontDirection.Y = rotation.Row2.Y;
                shotSound.FrontDirection.Z = rotation.Row2.Z;

                PhysicsObject shotBase;
                DemoSound     shotBaseSound;

                if (shotSound != null)

                    if (shotSound.Stop())
                        shotSound = null;

                if (enableShotTab)
                    enableShotTab = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < shotTab.Length; i++)
                        shotBase = shotTab[i];

                        if (shotBase != null)
                            if (shotBase.Sound.UserDataObj != null)
                                enableShotTab = true;
                                shotBaseSound = (DemoSound)shotBase.Sound.UserDataObj;

                                if (shotBaseSound.Stop())
                                    shotBase.Sound.UserDataObj = null;
                                    shotTab[i] = null;

            objectBase.Camera.UpdatePhysicsObjects(true, true, true);

            PhysicsObject  currentPhysicsObject;
            PhysicsSound   currentSound;
            DemoSoundGroup soundGroup;
            DemoSound      sound;

            if (demo.SoundQueue.SoundCount > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < scene.TotalPhysicsObjectCount; i++)
                if (demo.SoundQueue.SoundCount >= demo.SoundQueue.MaxSoundCount)

                currentPhysicsObject = scene.GetPhysicsObject(i);

                currentSound = !currentPhysicsObject.EnableSoundFromRigidGroupOwner ? currentPhysicsObject.Sound : currentPhysicsObject.RigidGroupOwner.Sound;

                if (currentSound == null)

                if (!currentSound.Enabled)

                if (currentSound.UserDataStr == null)
                    soundGroup = demo.SoundGroups[defaultName];
                    soundGroup = demo.SoundGroups[currentSound.UserDataStr];

                if (currentPhysicsObject.IsSleeping && (currentSound.UserDataObj == null) && !soundGroup.EnableBackground)

                if (currentPhysicsObject.GetSoundData(ref listenerPosition, listenerRange, soundGroup.EnableHit, soundGroup.EnableRoll, soundGroup.EnableSlide, soundGroup.EnableBackground, currentSound.BackgroundVolumeVelocityModulation, ref hitPosition, ref rollPosition, ref slidePosition, ref backgroundPosition, ref hitVolume, ref rollVolume, ref slideVolume, ref backgroundVolume))
                    if (currentSound.UserDataObj == null)
                        sound = soundGroup.GetSound(currentSound, listener, emitter);
                        currentSound.UserDataObj = sound;
                        sound = (DemoSound)currentSound.UserDataObj;


                    currentPhysicsObject.MainWorldTransform.GetTransposeRotation(ref rotation);

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref hitPosition, soundPositionFactor, out sound.HitPosition);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref rollPosition, soundPositionFactor, out sound.RollPosition);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref slidePosition, soundPositionFactor, out sound.SlidePosition);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref backgroundPosition, soundPositionFactor, out sound.BackgroundPosition);

                    sound.HitVolume        = hitVolume;
                    sound.RollVolume       = rollVolume;
                    sound.SlideVolume      = slideVolume;
                    sound.BackgroundVolume = backgroundVolume;

                    sound.FrontDirection.X = rotation.Row2.X;
                    sound.FrontDirection.Y = rotation.Row2.Y;
                    sound.FrontDirection.Z = rotation.Row2.Z;

                    if (currentSound.UserDataObj != null)
                        sound = (DemoSound)currentSound.UserDataObj;

                        if (sound.Stop())
                            currentSound.UserDataObj = null;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a supporting entity, the contact location, and the contact normal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">Contact point between the wheel and the support.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">Contact normal between the wheel and the support.</param>
        /// <param name="suspensionLength">Length of the suspension at the contact.</param>
        /// <param name="supportingCollidable">Collidable supporting the wheel, if any.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">Supporting object.</param>
        /// <param name="material">Material of the wheel.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not any support was found.</returns>
        protected internal override bool FindSupport(out Vector3 location, out Vector3 normal, out float suspensionLength, out Collidable supportingCollidable, out Entity entity, out Material material)
            suspensionLength     = float.MaxValue;
            location             = Toolbox.NoVector;
            supportingCollidable = null;
            entity   = null;
            normal   = Toolbox.NoVector;
            material = null;

            Collidable testCollidable;
            RayHit     rayHit;

            bool hit = false;

            Quaternion localSteeringTransform;

            Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(ref wheel.suspension.localDirection, steeringAngle, out localSteeringTransform);
            var startingTransform = new RigidTransform
                Position    = wheel.suspension.worldAttachmentPoint,
                Orientation = Quaternion.Concatenate(Quaternion.Concatenate(LocalWheelOrientation, IncludeSteeringTransformInCast ? localSteeringTransform : Quaternion.Identity), wheel.vehicle.Body.orientation)
            Vector3 sweep;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref wheel.suspension.worldDirection, wheel.suspension.restLength, out sweep);

            for (int i = 0; i < detector.CollisionInformation.pairs.Count; i++)
                var pair = detector.CollisionInformation.pairs[i];
                testCollidable = (pair.BroadPhaseOverlap.entryA == detector.CollisionInformation ? pair.BroadPhaseOverlap.entryB : pair.BroadPhaseOverlap.entryA) as Collidable;
                if (testCollidable != null)
                    if (CollisionRules.CollisionRuleCalculator(this, testCollidable) == CollisionRule.Normal &&
                        testCollidable.ConvexCast(shape, ref startingTransform, ref sweep, out rayHit) &&
                        rayHit.T * wheel.suspension.restLength < suspensionLength)
                        suspensionLength = rayHit.T * wheel.suspension.restLength;
                        EntityCollidable entityCollidable;
                        if ((entityCollidable = testCollidable as EntityCollidable) != null)
                            entity   = entityCollidable.Entity;
                            material = entityCollidable.Entity.Material;
                            entity = null;
                            supportingCollidable = testCollidable;
                            var materialOwner = testCollidable as IMaterialOwner;
                            if (materialOwner != null)
                                material = materialOwner.Material;
                        location = rayHit.Location;
                        normal   = rayHit.Normal;
                        hit      = true;
            if (hit)
                if (suspensionLength > 0)
                    float dot;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref wheel.suspension.worldDirection, out dot);
                    if (dot > 0)
                        //The cylinder cast produced a normal which is opposite of what we expect.
                        Vector3.Negate(ref normal, out normal);
                    Vector3.Negate(ref wheel.suspension.worldDirection, out normal);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the center, volume, and volume distribution of a shape represented by a mesh.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">Vertices of the mesh.</param>
        /// <param name="triangleIndices">Groups of 3 indices into the vertices array which represent the triangles of the mesh.</param>
        /// <param name="center">Computed center of the shape's volume.</param>
        /// <param name="volume">Volume of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="volumeDistribution">Distribution of the volume as measured from the computed center.</param>
        public static void ComputeShapeDistribution(IList <Vector3> vertices, IList <int> triangleIndices, out Vector3 center, out float volume, out Matrix3x3 volumeDistribution)
            //Explanation for the tetrahedral integration bits: Explicit Exact Formulas for the 3-D Tetrahedron Inertia Tensor in Terms of its Vertex Coordinates
            //x1, x2, x3, x4 are origin, triangle1, triangle2, triangle3
            //Looking to find inertia tensor matrix of the form
            // [  a  -b' -c' ]
            // [ -b'  b  -a' ]
            // [ -c' -a'  c  ]
            float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, ao = 0, bo = 0, co = 0;

            Vector3 summedCenter = new Vector3();
            float   scaledVolume = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndices.Count; i += 3)
                Vector3 v2 = vertices[triangleIndices[i]];
                Vector3 v3 = vertices[triangleIndices[i + 1]];
                Vector3 v4 = vertices[triangleIndices[i + 2]];

                //Determinant is 6 * volume.  It's signed, though; the mesh isn't necessarily convex and the origin isn't necessarily in the mesh even if it is convex.
                float scaledTetrahedronVolume = v2.X * (v3.Z * v4.Y - v3.Y * v4.Z) -
                                                v3.X * (v2.Z * v4.Y - v2.Y * v4.Z) +
                                                v4.X * (v2.Z * v3.Y - v2.Y * v3.Z);

                scaledVolume += scaledTetrahedronVolume;

                Vector3 tetrahedronCentroid;
                Vector3.Add(ref v2, ref v3, out tetrahedronCentroid);
                Vector3.Add(ref tetrahedronCentroid, ref v4, out tetrahedronCentroid);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref tetrahedronCentroid, scaledTetrahedronVolume, out tetrahedronCentroid);
                Vector3.Add(ref tetrahedronCentroid, ref summedCenter, out summedCenter);

                a += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (v2.Y * v2.Y + v2.Y * v3.Y + v3.Y * v3.Y + v2.Y * v4.Y + v3.Y * v4.Y + v4.Y * v4.Y +
                                                v2.Z * v2.Z + v2.Z * v3.Z + v3.Z * v3.Z + v2.Z * v4.Z + v3.Z * v4.Z + v4.Z * v4.Z);
                b += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (v2.X * v2.X + v2.X * v3.X + v3.X * v3.X + v2.X * v4.X + v3.X * v4.X + v4.X * v4.X +
                                                v2.Z * v2.Z + v2.Z * v3.Z + v3.Z * v3.Z + v2.Z * v4.Z + v3.Z * v4.Z + v4.Z * v4.Z);
                c += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (v2.X * v2.X + v2.X * v3.X + v3.X * v3.X + v2.X * v4.X + v3.X * v4.X + v4.X * v4.X +
                                                v2.Y * v2.Y + v2.Y * v3.Y + v3.Y * v3.Y + v2.Y * v4.Y + v3.Y * v4.Y + v4.Y * v4.Y);
                ao += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.Y * v2.Z + v3.Y * v2.Z + v4.Y * v2.Z + v2.Y * v3.Z + 2 * v3.Y * v3.Z + v4.Y * v3.Z + v2.Y * v4.Z + v3.Y * v4.Z + 2 * v4.Y * v4.Z);
                bo += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.X * v2.Z + v3.X * v2.Z + v4.X * v2.Z + v2.X * v3.Z + 2 * v3.X * v3.Z + v4.X * v3.Z + v2.X * v4.Z + v3.X * v4.Z + 2 * v4.X * v4.Z);
                co += scaledTetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.X * v2.Y + v3.X * v2.Y + v4.X * v2.Y + v2.X * v3.Y + 2 * v3.X * v3.Y + v4.X * v3.Y + v2.X * v4.Y + v3.X * v4.Y + 2 * v4.X * v4.Y);
            if (scaledVolume < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                //This function works on the assumption that there is volume.
                //If there is no volume, then volume * density is 0, so the mass is considered to be zero.
                //If the mass is zero, then a zero matrix is the consistent result.
                //In other words, this function shouldn't be used with things with no volume.
                //A special case should be used instead.
                volumeDistribution = new Matrix3x3();
                volume             = 0;
                center             = new Vector3();
                Vector3.Multiply(ref summedCenter, 0.25f / scaledVolume, out center);
                volume = scaledVolume / 6;
                float scaledDensity  = 1 / volume;
                float diagonalFactor = scaledDensity / 60;
                float offFactor      = -scaledDensity / 120;
                a  *= diagonalFactor;
                b  *= diagonalFactor;
                c  *= diagonalFactor;
                ao *= offFactor;
                bo *= offFactor;
                co *= offFactor;
                //volumeDistribution = new Matrix3x3(a, bo, co,
                //                                   bo, b, ao,
                //                                   co, ao, c);
                volumeDistribution = new Matrix3x3(a, co, bo,
                                                   co, b, ao,
                                                   bo, ao, c);

                //The volume distribution, as computed, is currently offset from the origin.
                //There's a operation that moves a local inertia tensor to a displaced position.
                //The inverse of that operation can be computed and applied to the displaced inertia to center it on the origin.

                Matrix3x3 additionalInertia;
                GetPointContribution(1, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref center, out additionalInertia);
                Matrix3x3.Subtract(ref volumeDistribution, ref additionalInertia, out volumeDistribution);

                //The derivation that shows the above point mass usage is valid goes something like this, with lots of details left out:
                //Consider the usual form of the tensor, created from the summation of a bunch of pointmasses representing the shape.
                //Each sum contribution relies on a particular offset, r. When the center of mass isn't aligned with (0,0,0),
                //r = c + b, where c is the center of mass and b is the offset of r from the center of mass.
                //So, each term of the matrix (like M11 = sum(mi * (ry*ry + rz*rz))) can be rephrased in terms of the center and the offset:
                //M11 = sum(mi * ((cy + by) * (cy + by) + (cz + bz) * (cz + bz)))
                //Expanding that gets you to:
                //M11 = sum(mi * (cycy + 2cyby + byby + czcz + 2czbz + bzbz))
                //A couple of observations move things along.
                //1) Since it's constant over the summation, the c terms can be pulled out of a sum.
                //2) sum(mi * by) and sum(mi * bz) are zero, because 'by' and 'bz' are offsets from the center of mass. In other words, if you averaged all of the offsets, it would equal (0,0,0).
                //(uniform density assumed)
                //With a little more massaging, the constant c terms can be fully separated into an additive term on each matrix element.
        public override void UpdateCollision(float dt)
            WasContaining = Containing;
            WasTouching   = Touching;

            mobileTriangle.collisionMargin = mesh.Shape.MeshCollisionMargin;

            //Scan the pairs in sequence, updating the state as we go.
            //Touching can be set to true by a single touching subpair.
            Touching = false;
            //Containing can be set to false by a single noncontaining or nontouching subpair.
            Containing = true;

            var            meshData = mesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data;
            RigidTransform mobileTriangleTransform, detectorTriangleTransform;

            mobileTriangleTransform.Orientation   = Quaternion.Identity;
            detectorTriangleTransform.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            for (int i = 0; i < meshData.Indices.Length; i += 3)
                //Grab a triangle associated with the mobile mesh.
                meshData.GetTriangle(i, out mobileTriangle.vA, out mobileTriangle.vB, out mobileTriangle.vC);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vA);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vB, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vB);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vC);
                Vector3.Add(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mobileTriangle.vB, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Add(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, 1 / 3f, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vA);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vB, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vB);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vC);

                //Go through all the detector volume triangles which are near the mobile mesh triangle.
                bool        triangleTouching, triangleContaining;
                BoundingBox mobileBoundingBox;
                mobileTriangle.GetBoundingBox(ref mobileTriangleTransform, out mobileBoundingBox);
                DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(mobileBoundingBox, overlaps);
                for (int j = 0; j < overlaps.Count; j++)
                    DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Data.GetTriangle(overlaps.Elements[j], out detectorTriangle.vA, out detectorTriangle.vB, out detectorTriangle.vC);
                    Vector3.Add(ref detectorTriangle.vA, ref detectorTriangle.vB, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Add(ref detectorTriangle.vC, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, 1 / 3f, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vA, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vA);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vB, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vB);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vC, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vC);

                    //If this triangle collides with the convex, we can stop immediately since we know we're touching and not containing.)))
                    //[MPR is used here in lieu of GJK because the MPR implementation tends to finish quicker than GJK when objects are overlapping.  The GJK implementation does better on separated objects.]
                    if (MPRToolbox.AreShapesOverlapping(detectorTriangle, mobileTriangle, ref detectorTriangleTransform, ref mobileTriangleTransform))
                        triangleTouching = true;
                        //The convex can't be fully contained if it's still touching the surface.
                        triangleContaining = false;
                        goto finishTriangleTest;

                //If we get here, then there was no shell intersection.
                //If the convex's center point is contained by the mesh, then the convex is fully contained.
                //This test is only needed if containment hasn't yet been outlawed or a touching state hasn't been established.
                if ((!Touching || Containing) && DetectorVolume.IsPointContained(ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, overlaps))
                    triangleTouching   = true;
                    triangleContaining = true;
                    goto finishTriangleTest;

                //If we get here, then there was no surface intersection and the convex's center is not contained- the volume and convex are separate!
                triangleTouching   = false;
                triangleContaining = false;

                //Analyze the results of the triangle test.

                if (triangleTouching)
                    Touching = true; //If one child is touching, then we are touching too.
                    Containing = false;  //If one child isn't touching, then we aren't containing.
                if (!triangleContaining) //If one child isn't containing, then we aren't containing.
                    Containing = false;

                if (!Containing && Touching)
                    //If it's touching but not containing, no further pairs will change the state.
                    //Containment has been invalidated by something that either didn't touch or wasn't contained.
                    //Touching has been ensured by at least one object touching.

            //There is a possibility that the MobileMesh is solid and fully contains the DetectorVolume.
            //In this case, we should be Touching, but currently we are not.
            if (mesh.Shape.solidity == MobileMeshSolidity.Solid && !Containing && !Touching)
                //To determine if the detector volume is fully contained, check if one of the detector mesh's vertices
                //are in the mobile mesh.

                //This *could* fail if the mobile mesh is actually multiple pieces, but that's not a common or really supported case for solids.
                Vector3 vertex;
                DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Data.GetVertexPosition(0, out vertex);
                Ray ray;
                ray.Direction = Vector3.Up;
                RayHit hit;
                RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref vertex, ref mesh.worldTransform, out ray.Position);
                if (mesh.Shape.IsLocalRayOriginInMesh(ref ray, out hit))
                    Touching = true;

Пример #15
        private static bool TryTetrahedronTriangle(ref Vector3 A, ref Vector3 B, ref Vector3 C,
                                                   ref Vector3 otherPoint, out SimpleSimplex simplex, out Vector3 point)
            //Note that there may be some extra terms that can be removed from this process.
            //Some conditions could use less parameters, since it is known that the origin
            //is not 'behind' BC or AC.

            simplex = new SimpleSimplex();
            point   = new Vector3();

            Vector3 ab, ac;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            Vector3 normal;

            Vector3.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out normal);
            float   AdotN, ADdotN;
            Vector3 AD;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref otherPoint, ref A, out AD);
            Vector3.Dot(ref A, ref normal, out AdotN);
            Vector3.Dot(ref AD, ref normal, out ADdotN);

            //If (-A * N) * (AD * N) < 0, D and O are on opposite sides of the triangle.
            if (AdotN * ADdotN > 0)
                //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
                //just use -A.
                //Same for B->, C->P...

                //CAN'T BE IN A'S REGION.

                //CAN'T BE IN B'S REGION.

                //CAN'T BE IN AB'S REGION.

                //Check to see if it's outside C.
                //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
                float CdotAB, CdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out CdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out CdotAC);
                CdotAB = -CdotAB;
                CdotAC = -CdotAC;
                if (CdotAC >= 0f && CdotAB <= CdotAC)
                    //It is C!
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Point;
                    simplex.A     = C;
                    point         = C;

                //Check if it's outside AC.
                float AdotAB, AdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
                AdotAB = -AdotAB;
                AdotAC = -AdotAC;
                float vb = CdotAB * AdotAC - AdotAB * CdotAC;
                if (vb <= 0f && AdotAC > 0f && CdotAC < 0f) //Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    simplex.A     = A;
                    simplex.B     = C;
                    float V = AdotAC / (AdotAC - CdotAC);

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                    Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

                //Check if it's outside BC.
                float BdotAB, BdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
                BdotAB = -BdotAB;
                BdotAC = -BdotAC;
                float va = BdotAB * CdotAC - CdotAB * BdotAC;
                float d3d4;
                float d6d5;
                if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = BdotAC - BdotAB) > 0f && (d6d5 = CdotAB - CdotAC) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    simplex.A     = B;
                    simplex.B     = C;
                    float V = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);

                    Vector3 bc;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, V, out point);
                    Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

                //On the face of the triangle.
                float vc = AdotAB * BdotAC - BdotAB * AdotAC;
                simplex.A     = A;
                simplex.B     = B;
                simplex.C     = C;
                simplex.State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
                float w     = vc * denom;
                float v     = vb * denom;

                Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, v, out point);
                Vector3 acw;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, w, out acw);
                Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
Пример #16
        /// Gets the closest point on the triangle to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Closest point.</param>
        public void GetPointOnTriangleClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 ab, ac;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
            //just use -A.
            //Same for B->, C->P...

            //CAN'T BE IN A'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN B'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN AB'S REGION.

            //Check to see if it's outside C.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
            float d5, d6;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out d5);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out d6);
            d5 = -d5;
            d6 = -d6;
            if (d6 >= 0f && d5 <= d6)
                //It is C!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A     = C;
                point = A;

            //Check if it's outside AC.
            float d1, d2;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out d1);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out d2);
            d1 = -d1;
            d2 = -d2;
            float vb = d5 * d2 - d1 * d6;

            if (vb <= 0f && d2 > 0f && d6 < 0f) //Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Get rid of B.  Compress C into B.
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B     = C;
                float V = d2 / (d2 - d6);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check if it's outside BC.
            float d3, d4;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out d3);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out d4);
            d3 = -d3;
            d4 = -d4;
            float va = d3 * d6 - d5 * d4;
            float d3d4;
            float d6d5;

            if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = d4 - d3) > 0f && (d6d5 = d5 - d6) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Throw away A.  C->A.
                //TODO: Does B->A, C->B work better?
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                A     = C;
                float U = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);

                Vector3 bc;
                Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, U, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

            //On the face of the triangle.
            float vc    = d1 * d4 - d3 * d2;
            float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
            float v     = vb * denom;
            float w     = vc * denom;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, v, out point);
            Vector3 acw;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, w, out acw);
            Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
            Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
Пример #17
        protected internal override void SolveVelocityIteration()
            //Compute the 'relative' linear and angular velocities. For single bone constraints, it's based entirely on the one bone's velocities!
            //They have to be pulled into constraint space first to compute the necessary impulse, though.
            Vector3 linearContributionA;

            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref ConnectionA.linearVelocity, ref linearJacobianA, out linearContributionA);
            Vector3 angularContributionA;

            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref ConnectionA.angularVelocity, ref angularJacobianA, out angularContributionA);
            Vector3 linearContributionB;

            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref ConnectionB.linearVelocity, ref linearJacobianB, out linearContributionB);
            Vector3 angularContributionB;

            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref ConnectionB.angularVelocity, ref angularJacobianB, out angularContributionB);

            //The constraint velocity error will be the velocity we try to remove.
            Vector3 constraintVelocityError;

            Vector3.Add(ref linearContributionA, ref angularContributionA, out constraintVelocityError);
            Vector3.Add(ref constraintVelocityError, ref linearContributionB, out constraintVelocityError);
            Vector3.Add(ref constraintVelocityError, ref angularContributionB, out constraintVelocityError);
            //However, we need to take into account two extra sources of velocities which modify our target velocity away from zero.
            //First, the velocity bias from position correction:
            Vector3.Subtract(ref constraintVelocityError, ref velocityBias, out constraintVelocityError);
            //And second, the bias from softness:
            Vector3 softnessBias;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref accumulatedImpulse, -softness, out softnessBias);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref constraintVelocityError, ref softnessBias, out constraintVelocityError);

            //By now, the constraint velocity error contains all the velocity we want to get rid of.
            //Convert it into an impulse using the effective mass matrix.
            Vector3 constraintSpaceImpulse;

            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref constraintVelocityError, ref effectiveMass, out constraintSpaceImpulse);

            Vector3.Negate(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, out constraintSpaceImpulse);

            //Add the constraint space impulse to the accumulated impulse so that warm starting and softness work properly.
            Vector3 preadd = accumulatedImpulse;

            Vector3.Add(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, ref accumulatedImpulse, out accumulatedImpulse);
            //But wait! The accumulated impulse may exceed this constraint's capacity! Check to make sure!
            Fix64 impulseSquared = accumulatedImpulse.LengthSquared();

            if (impulseSquared > maximumImpulseSquared)
                //Oops! Clamp that down.
                Vector3.Multiply(ref accumulatedImpulse, maximumImpulse / Fix64.Sqrt(impulseSquared), out accumulatedImpulse);
                //Update the impulse based upon the clamped accumulated impulse and the original, pre-add accumulated impulse.
                Vector3.Subtract(ref accumulatedImpulse, ref preadd, out constraintSpaceImpulse);

            //The constraint space impulse now represents the impulse we want to apply to the bone... but in constraint space.
            //Bring it out to world space using the transposed jacobian.
            if (!ConnectionA.Pinned)//Treat pinned elements as if they have infinite inertia.
                Vector3 linearImpulseA;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, ref linearJacobianA, out linearImpulseA);
                Vector3 angularImpulseA;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, ref angularJacobianA, out angularImpulseA);

                //Apply them!
                ConnectionA.ApplyLinearImpulse(ref linearImpulseA);
                ConnectionA.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref angularImpulseA);
            if (!ConnectionB.Pinned)//Treat pinned elements as if they have infinite inertia.
                Vector3 linearImpulseB;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, ref linearJacobianB, out linearImpulseB);
                Vector3 angularImpulseB;
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref constraintSpaceImpulse, ref angularJacobianB, out angularImpulseB);

                //Apply them!
                ConnectionB.ApplyLinearImpulse(ref linearImpulseB);
                ConnectionB.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref angularImpulseB);
Пример #18
        void CorrectContacts()
            //Go through the contacts associated with the character.
            //If the contact is at the bottom of the character, regardless of its normal, take a closer look.
            //If the direction from the closest point on the inner cylinder to the contact position has traction
            //and the contact's normal does not, then replace the contact normal with the offset direction.

            //This is necessary because various convex pair manifolds use persistent manifolds.
            //Contacts in these persistent manifolds can live too long for the character to behave perfectly
            //when going over (usually tiny) steps.

            Vector3 downDirection     = Body.OrientationMatrix.Down;
            Vector3 position          = Body.Position;
            float   margin            = Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin;
            float   minimumHeight     = Body.Height * .5f - margin;
            float   coreRadius        = Body.Radius - margin;
            float   coreRadiusSquared = coreRadius * coreRadius;

            foreach (var pair in Body.CollisionInformation.Pairs)
                foreach (var contactData in pair.Contacts)
                    var   contact = contactData.Contact;
                    float dot;
                    //Check to see if the contact position is at the bottom of the character.
                    Vector3 offset = contact.Position - Body.Position;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref offset, ref downDirection, out dot);
                    if (dot > minimumHeight)
                        //It is a 'bottom' contact!
                        //So, compute the offset from the inner cylinder to the contact.
                        //To do this, compute the closest point on the inner cylinder.
                        //Since we know it's on the bottom, all we need is to compute the horizontal offset.
                        Vector3.Dot(ref offset, ref downDirection, out dot);
                        Vector3 horizontalOffset;
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref downDirection, dot, out horizontalOffset);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref offset, ref horizontalOffset, out horizontalOffset);
                        float length = horizontalOffset.LengthSquared();
                        if (length > coreRadiusSquared)
                            //It's beyond the edge of the cylinder; clamp it.
                            Vector3.Multiply(ref horizontalOffset, coreRadius / (float)Math.Sqrt(length), out horizontalOffset);
                        //It's on the bottom, so add the bottom height.
                        Vector3 closestPointOnCylinder;
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref downDirection, minimumHeight, out closestPointOnCylinder);
                        Vector3.Add(ref closestPointOnCylinder, ref horizontalOffset, out closestPointOnCylinder);
                        Vector3.Add(ref closestPointOnCylinder, ref position, out closestPointOnCylinder);

                        //Compute the offset from the cylinder to the offset.
                        Vector3 offsetDirection;
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref contact.Position, ref closestPointOnCylinder, out offsetDirection);
                        length = offsetDirection.LengthSquared();
                        if (length > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                            //Normalize the offset.
                            Vector3.Divide(ref offsetDirection, (float)Math.Sqrt(length), out offsetDirection);
                            continue; //If there's no offset, it's really deep and correcting this contact might be a bad idea.
                        Vector3.Dot(ref offsetDirection, ref downDirection, out dot);
                        float dotOriginal;
                        Vector3.Dot(ref contact.Normal, ref downDirection, out dotOriginal);
                        if (dot > Math.Abs(dotOriginal)) //if the new offsetDirection normal is less steep than the original slope...
                            //Then use it!
                            Vector3.Dot(ref offsetDirection, ref contact.Normal, out dot);
                            if (dot < 0)
                                //Don't flip the normal relative to the contact normal.  That would be bad!
                                Vector3.Negate(ref offsetDirection, out offsetDirection);
                                dot = -dot;
                            //Update the contact data using the corrected information.
                            //The penetration depth is conservatively updated; it will be less than or equal to the 'true' depth in this direction.
                            contact.PenetrationDepth *= dot;
                            contact.Normal            = offsetDirection;
Пример #19
        public void ExecuteTest(Operations operation, int innerIterations, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
            Vector3 res;

            switch (operation)
            case Operations.Add_Operator:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2; res = v1 + v2;

            case Operations.Add_Function:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2); Vector3.Add(v1, v2);

            case Operations.Sub_Operator:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2; res = v1 - v2;

            case Operations.Sub_Function:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2); Vector3.Subtract(v1, v2);

            case Operations.Mul_Operator:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2; res = v1 * v2;

            case Operations.Mul_Function:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2); Vector3.Multiply(v1, v2);

            case Operations.Dot:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); Vector3.Dot(v1, v2);

            case Operations.SquareRoot:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1); Vector3.SquareRoot(v1);

            case Operations.Length_Squared:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared(); v1.LengthSquared();

            case Operations.Normalize:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1); Vector3.Normalize(v1);

            case Operations.Distance_Squared:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2); Vector3.DistanceSquared(v1, v2);

            case Operations.Cross:
                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; i++)
                    Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Vector3.Cross(v1, v2);
        /// Performs the frame's configuration step.
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void Update(float dt)
            //Transform the axes into world space.
            basis.rotationMatrix = connectionA.orientationMatrix;
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref localTwistAxisB, ref connectionB.orientationMatrix, out worldTwistAxisB);

            //Compute the individual swing angles.
            Quaternion relativeRotation;

            Toolbox.GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(ref worldTwistAxisB, ref basis.primaryAxis, out relativeRotation);
            Vector3 axis;
            float   angle;

            Toolbox.GetAxisAngleFromQuaternion(ref relativeRotation, out axis, out angle);

            Vector3 axisAngle = new Vector3();
            Vector3 axisAngle;
            //This combined axis-angle representation is similar to angular velocity in describing a rotation.
            //Just like you can dot an axis with angular velocity to get a velocity around that axis,
            //dotting an axis with the axis-angle representation gets the angle of rotation around that axis.
            //(As far as the constraint is concerned, anyway.)
            axisAngle.X = axis.X * angle;
            axisAngle.Y = axis.Y * angle;
            axisAngle.Z = axis.Z * angle;

            float angleX;
            Vector3.Dot(ref axisAngle, ref basis.xAxis, out angleX);
            float angleY;
            Vector3.Dot(ref axisAngle, ref basis.yAxis, out angleY);

            //The position constraint states that the angles must be within an ellipse. The following is just a reorganization of the x^2 / a^2 + y^2 / b^2 <= 1 definition of an ellipse's area.
            float maxAngleXSquared = maximumAngleX * maximumAngleX;
            float maxAngleYSquared = maximumAngleY * maximumAngleY;
            error = angleX * angleX * maxAngleYSquared + angleY * angleY * maxAngleXSquared - maxAngleXSquared * maxAngleYSquared;

            if (error < 0)
                isActiveInSolver   = false;
                error              = 0;
                accumulatedImpulse = 0;
                isLimitActive      = false;
            isLimitActive = true;

            //Derive the position constraint with respect to time to get the velocity constraint.
            //d/dt(x^2 / a^2 + y^2 / b^2) <= d/dt(1)
            //(2x / a^2) * d/dt(x) + (2y / b^2) * d/dt(y) <= 0
            //d/dt(x) is dot(angularVelocity, xAxis).
            //d/dt(y) is dot(angularVelocity, yAxis).
            //By the scalar multiplication properties of dot products, this can be written as:
            //dot((2x / a^2) * xAxis, angularVelocity) + dot((2y / b^2) * yAxis, angularVelocity) <= 0
            //And by the distribute property, rewrite it as:
            //dot((2x / a^2) * xAxis + (2y / b^2) * yAxis, angularVelocity) <= 0
            //So, by inspection, the jacobian is:
            //(2x / a^2) * xAxis + (2y / b^2) * yAxis

            //[some handwaving in the above: 'angularVelocity' is actually the angular velocities of the involved entities combined.
            //Splitting it out fully would reveal two dot products with equivalent but negated jacobians.]

            //The jacobian is implemented by first considering the local values (2x / a^2) and (2y / b^2).
            Vector2 tangent = new Vector2();
            Vector2 tangent;
            tangent.X = 2 * angleX / maxAngleXSquared;
            tangent.Y = 2 * angleY / maxAngleYSquared;

            //The tangent is then taken into world space using the basis.

            //Create a rotation which swings our basis 'out' to b's world orientation.
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref relativeRotation, out relativeRotation);
            Vector3 sphereTangentX, sphereTangentY;
            Vector3.Transform(ref basis.xAxis, ref relativeRotation, out sphereTangentX);
            Vector3.Transform(ref basis.yAxis, ref relativeRotation, out sphereTangentY);

            Vector3.Multiply(ref sphereTangentX, tangent.X, out jacobianA); //not actually jA, just storing it there.
            Vector3.Multiply(ref sphereTangentY, tangent.Y, out jacobianB); //not actually jB, just storing it there.
            Vector3.Add(ref jacobianA, ref jacobianB, out jacobianA);

            jacobianB.X = -jacobianA.X;
            jacobianB.Y = -jacobianA.Y;
            jacobianB.Z = -jacobianA.Z;

            float errorReduction;
            float inverseDt = 1 / dt;
            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, inverseDt, out errorReduction, out softness);

            //Compute the error correcting velocity
            error        = error - margin;
            biasVelocity = MathHelper.Min(Math.Max(error, 0) * errorReduction, maxCorrectiveVelocity);

            if (bounciness > 0)
                float relativeVelocity;
                float dot;
                //Find the velocity contribution from each connection
                Vector3.Dot(ref connectionA.angularVelocity, ref jacobianA, out relativeVelocity);
                Vector3.Dot(ref connectionB.angularVelocity, ref jacobianB, out dot);
                relativeVelocity += dot;
                biasVelocity      = MathHelper.Max(biasVelocity, ComputeBounceVelocity(relativeVelocity));

            //****** EFFECTIVE MASS MATRIX ******//
            //Connection A's contribution to the mass matrix
            float   entryA;
            Vector3 transformedAxis;
            if (connectionA.isDynamic)
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref jacobianA, ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, out transformedAxis);
                Vector3.Dot(ref transformedAxis, ref jacobianA, out entryA);
                entryA = 0;

            //Connection B's contribution to the mass matrix
            float entryB;
            if (connectionB.isDynamic)
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref jacobianB, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out transformedAxis);
                Vector3.Dot(ref transformedAxis, ref jacobianB, out entryB);
                entryB = 0;

            //Compute the inverse mass matrix
            velocityToImpulse = 1 / (softness + entryA + entryB);
Пример #21
        /// Updates the time of impact for the pair.
        ///<param name="requester">Collidable requesting the update.</param>
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void UpdateTimeOfImpact(Collidable requester, float dt)
            var overlap    = BroadPhaseOverlap;
            var meshMode   = mobileMesh.entity == null ? PositionUpdateMode.Discrete : mobileMesh.entity.PositionUpdateMode;
            var convexMode = convex.entity == null ? PositionUpdateMode.Discrete : convex.entity.PositionUpdateMode;

            if (
                (mobileMesh.IsActive || convex.IsActive) &&     //At least one has to be active.
                        convexMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous &&       //If both are continuous, only do the process for A.
                        meshMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous &&
                        overlap.entryA == requester
                    ) ||
                        convexMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous ^       //If only one is continuous, then we must do it.
                        meshMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous
                //TODO: This system could be made more robust by using a similar region-based rejection of edges.
                //CCD events are awfully rare under normal circumstances, so this isn't usually an issue.

                //Only perform the test if the minimum radii are small enough relative to the size of the velocity.
                Vector3 velocity;
                if (convexMode == PositionUpdateMode.Discrete)
                    //Convex is static for the purposes of CCD.
                    Vector3.Negate(ref mobileMesh.entity.linearVelocity, out velocity);
                else if (meshMode == PositionUpdateMode.Discrete)
                    //Mesh is static for the purposes of CCD.
                    velocity = convex.entity.linearVelocity;
                    //Both objects can move.
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref convex.entity.linearVelocity, ref mobileMesh.entity.linearVelocity, out velocity);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref velocity, dt, out velocity);
                float velocitySquared = velocity.LengthSquared();

                var minimumRadius = convex.Shape.minimumRadius * MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
                timeOfImpact = 1;
                if (minimumRadius * minimumRadius < velocitySquared)
                    TriangleSidedness sidedness = mobileMesh.Shape.Sidedness;
                    Matrix3x3         orientation;
                    Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref mobileMesh.worldTransform.Orientation, out orientation);
                    var triangle = PhysicsResources.GetTriangle();
                    triangle.collisionMargin = 0;
                    //Spherecast against all triangles to find the earliest time.
                    for (int i = 0; i < MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                        MeshBoundingBoxTreeData data = mobileMesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data;
                        int triangleIndex            = MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Elements[i];
                        data.GetTriangle(triangleIndex, out triangle.vA, out triangle.vB, out triangle.vC);
                        Matrix3x3.Transform(ref triangle.vA, ref orientation, out triangle.vA);
                        Matrix3x3.Transform(ref triangle.vB, ref orientation, out triangle.vB);
                        Matrix3x3.Transform(ref triangle.vC, ref orientation, out triangle.vC);
                        Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vA, ref mobileMesh.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vA);
                        Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vB, ref mobileMesh.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vB);
                        Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vC, ref mobileMesh.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vC);
                        //Put the triangle into 'localish' space of the convex.
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vA, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vA);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vB);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vC);

                        RayHit rayHit;
                        if (GJKToolbox.CCDSphereCast(new Ray(Toolbox.ZeroVector, velocity), minimumRadius, triangle, ref Toolbox.RigidIdentity, timeOfImpact, out rayHit) &&
                            rayHit.T > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                            if (sidedness != TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided)
                                Vector3 AB, AC;
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref triangle.vA, out AB);
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref triangle.vA, out AC);
                                Vector3 normal;
                                Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out normal);
                                float dot;
                                Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref rayHit.Normal, out dot);
                                //Only perform sweep if the object is in danger of hitting the object.
                                //Triangles can be one sided, so check the impact normal against the triangle normal.
                                if (sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise && dot < 0 ||
                                    sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Clockwise && dot > 0)
                                    timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
                                timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the force necessary to rotate the grid. Two degrees of freedom are used to rotate forward toward Direction; the remaining degree is used to face upward towards UpDirect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localMatrix">The matrix to rotate to face the direction, use a block's local matrix or result of GetMatrix()</param>
        /// <param name="Direction">The direction to face the localMatrix in.</param>
        private void in_CalcRotate(Matrix localMatrix, RelativeDirection3F Direction, RelativeDirection3F UpDirect, IMyEntity targetEntity)
            Log.DebugLog("Direction == null", Logger.severity.ERROR, condition: Direction == null);

            float minimumMoment = Math.Min(m_gyro.InvertedInertiaMoment.Min(), MaxInverseTensor);

            if (minimumMoment <= 0f)
                // == 0f, not calculated yet. < 0f, we have math failure
                Log.DebugLog("minimumMoment < 0f", Logger.severity.FATAL, condition: minimumMoment < 0f);

            localMatrix.M41 = 0; localMatrix.M42 = 0; localMatrix.M43 = 0; localMatrix.M44 = 1;
            Matrix inverted; Matrix.Invert(ref localMatrix, out inverted);

            localMatrix = localMatrix.GetOrientation();
            inverted    = inverted.GetOrientation();

            Vector3 localDirect = Direction.ToLocalNormalized();
            Vector3 rotBlockDirect; Vector3.Transform(ref localDirect, ref inverted, out rotBlockDirect);

            float azimuth, elevation; Vector3.GetAzimuthAndElevation(rotBlockDirect, out azimuth, out elevation);

            Vector3 rotaRight = localMatrix.Right;
            Vector3 rotaUp    = localMatrix.Up;

            Vector3 NFR_right = Base6Directions.GetVector(Block.CubeBlock.LocalMatrix.GetClosestDirection(ref rotaRight));
            Vector3 NFR_up    = Base6Directions.GetVector(Block.CubeBlock.LocalMatrix.GetClosestDirection(ref rotaUp));

            Vector3 displacement = -elevation * NFR_right - azimuth * NFR_up;

            if (UpDirect != null)
                Vector3 upLocal = UpDirect.ToLocalNormalized();
                Vector3 upRotBlock; Vector3.Transform(ref upLocal, ref inverted, out upRotBlock);
                upRotBlock.Z = 0f;
                float roll = Math.Sign(upRotBlock.X) * (float)Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(upRotBlock.Y, -1f, 1f));

                Vector3 rotaBackward = localMatrix.Backward;
                Vector3 NFR_backward = Base6Directions.GetVector(Block.CubeBlock.LocalMatrix.GetClosestDirection(ref rotaBackward));

                //Log.DebugLog("upLocal: " + upLocal + ", upRotBlock: " + upRotBlock + ", roll: " + roll + ", displacement: " + displacement + ", NFR_backward: " + NFR_backward + ", change: " + roll * NFR_backward, "in_CalcRotate()");

                displacement += roll * NFR_backward;

            m_lastMoveAttempt = Globals.UpdateCount;

            float distanceAngle = displacement.Length();

            //if (distanceAngle < m_bestAngle || float.IsNaN(NavSet.Settings_Current.DistanceAngle))
            //	m_bestAngle = distanceAngle;
            //	if (RotateCheck.ObstructingEntity == null)
            //		m_lastAccel = Globals.UpdateCount;
            NavSet.Settings_Task_NavWay.DistanceAngle = distanceAngle;

            //Log.DebugLog("localDirect: " + localDirect + ", rotBlockDirect: " + rotBlockDirect + ", elevation: " + elevation + ", NFR_right: " + NFR_right + ", azimuth: " + azimuth + ", NFR_up: " + NFR_up + ", disp: " + displacement, "in_CalcRotate()");

            m_rotateTargetVelocity = MaxAngleVelocity(displacement, minimumMoment, targetEntity != null);

            // adjustment to face a moving entity
            if (targetEntity != null)
                Vector3 relativeLinearVelocity = (targetEntity.GetLinearVelocity() - LinearVelocity) * 1.1f;
                float   distance = Vector3.Distance(targetEntity.GetCentre(), Block.CubeBlock.GetPosition());

                //Log.DebugLog("relativeLinearVelocity: " + relativeLinearVelocity + ", tangentialVelocity: " + tangentialVelocity + ", localTangVel: " + localTangVel, "in_CalcRotate()");

                float RLV_pitch  = Vector3.Dot(relativeLinearVelocity, Block.CubeBlock.WorldMatrix.Down);
                float RLV_yaw    = Vector3.Dot(relativeLinearVelocity, Block.CubeBlock.WorldMatrix.Right);
                float angl_pitch = (float)Math.Atan2(RLV_pitch, distance);
                float angl_yaw   = (float)Math.Atan2(RLV_yaw, distance);

                Log.DebugLog("relativeLinearVelocity: " + relativeLinearVelocity + ", RLV_yaw: " + RLV_yaw + ", RLV_pitch: " + RLV_pitch + ", angl_yaw: " + angl_yaw + ", angl_pitch: " + angl_pitch + ", total adjustment: " + (NFR_right * angl_pitch + NFR_up * angl_yaw));

                m_rotateTargetVelocity += NFR_right * angl_pitch + NFR_up * angl_yaw;
            //Log.DebugLog("targetVelocity: " + m_rotateTargetVelocity, "in_CalcRotate()");

            if (RotateCheck.ObstructingEntity != null)
                float maxVel = (float)Math.Atan2(1d, Block.CubeGrid.LocalVolume.Radius);
                float lenSq  = m_rotateTargetVelocity.LengthSquared();
                if (lenSq > maxVel)
                    Log.DebugLog("Reducing target velocity from " + Math.Sqrt(lenSq) + " to " + maxVel);
                    Vector3 normVel; Vector3.Divide(ref m_rotateTargetVelocity, (float)Math.Sqrt(lenSq), out normVel);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref normVel, maxVel, out m_rotateTargetVelocity);

            // angular velocity is reversed
            Vector3 angularVelocity = AngularVelocity.ToBlock(Block.CubeBlock);            // ((DirectionWorld)(-Block.Physics.AngularVelocity)).ToBlock(Block.CubeBlock);

            m_rotateForceRatio = (m_rotateTargetVelocity + angularVelocity) / (minimumMoment * m_gyro.GyroForce);

            //Log.DebugLog("targetVelocity: " + m_rotateTargetVelocity + ", angularVelocity: " + angularVelocity + ", accel: " + (m_rotateTargetVelocity + angularVelocity));
            //Log.DebugLog("minimumMoment: " + minimumMoment + ", force: " + m_gyro.GyroForce + ", rotateForceRatio: " + m_rotateForceRatio);

            // dampeners
            for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                // if targetVelocity is close to 0, use dampeners

                float target = m_rotateTargetVelocity.GetDim(index);
                if (target > -0.01f && target < 0.01f)
                    //Log.DebugLog("target near 0 for " + i + ", " + target, "in_CalcRotate()");
                    m_rotateTargetVelocity.SetDim(index, 0f);
                    m_rotateForceRatio.SetDim(index, 0f);
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes a point along a ray given the length along the ray from the ray position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">Length along the ray from the ray position in terms of the ray's direction.</param>
 /// <param name="v">Point along the ray at the given location.</param>
 public void GetPointOnRay(float t, out Vector3 v)
     Vector3.Multiply(ref Direction, t, out v);
     Vector3.Add(ref v, ref Position, out v);
Пример #24
        //    public static bool TimeOfImpact(ISupportMappable support1, ISupportMappable support2, ref JMatrix orientation1,
        //ref JMatrix orientation2, ref JVector position1, ref JVector position2, ref JVector sweptA, ref JVector sweptB,
        //out JVector p1, out JVector p2, out JVector normal)
        //    {

        //        VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = simplexSolverPool.GetNew();
        //        simplexSolver.Reset();

        //        float lambda = 0.0f;

        //        p1 = p2 = JVector.Zero;

        //        JVector x1 = position1;
        //        JVector x2 = position2;

        //        JVector r = sweptA - sweptB;
        //        JVector w, v;

        //        JVector supVertexA;
        //        JVector rn = JVector.Negate(r);
        //        SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref x1, ref rn, out supVertexA);

        //        JVector supVertexB;
        //        SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref x2, ref r, out supVertexB);

        //        v = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //        bool hasResult = false;

        //        normal = JVector.Zero;

        //        float lastLambda = lambda;

        //        int maxIter = MaxIterations;

        //        float distSq = v.LengthSquared();
        //        float epsilon = 0.00001f;

        //        float VdotR;

        //        while ((distSq > epsilon) && (maxIter-- != 0))
        //        {

        //            JVector vn = JVector.Negate(v);
        //            SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref x1, ref vn, out supVertexA);
        //            SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref x2, ref v, out supVertexB);
        //            w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //            float VdotW = JVector.Dot(ref v, ref w);

        //            if (VdotW > 0.0f)
        //            {
        //                VdotR = JVector.Dot(ref v, ref r);

        //                if (VdotR >= -JMath.Epsilon)
        //                {
        //                    simplexSolverPool.GiveBack(simplexSolver);
        //                    return false;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    lambda = lambda - VdotW / VdotR;

        //                    x1 = position1 + lambda * sweptA;
        //                    x2 = position2 + lambda * sweptB;

        //                    w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

        //                    normal = v;
        //                    hasResult = true;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (!simplexSolver.InSimplex(w)) simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, supVertexA, supVertexB);
        //            if (simplexSolver.Closest(out v))
        //            {
        //                distSq = v.LengthSquared();
        //                normal = v;
        //                hasResult = true;
        //            }
        //            else distSq = 0.0f;
        //        }

        //        simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out p1, out p2);

        //        if (normal.LengthSquared() > JMath.Epsilon * JMath.Epsilon)
        //            normal.Normalize();

        //        p1 = p1 - lambda * sweptA;
        //        p2 = p2 - lambda * sweptB;

        //        simplexSolverPool.GiveBack(simplexSolver);

        //        return true;

        //    }

        // see: btSubSimplexConvexCast.cpp

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a ray definied through it's origin and direction collides
        /// with a shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="support">The supportmap implementation representing the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">The orientation of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="invOrientation">The inverse orientation of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the ray.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The direction of the ray.</param>
        /// <param name="fraction">The fraction which gives information where at the
        /// ray the collision occured. The hitPoint is calculated by: origin+friction*direction.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal from the ray collision.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the ray hit the shape, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Raycast(ISupportMappable support, ref Matrix3x3 orientation, ref Matrix3x3 invOrientation,
                                   ref Vector3 position, ref Vector3 origin, ref Vector3 direction, out float fraction, out Vector3 normal)
            VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = simplexSolverPool.GetNew();


            normal   = Vector3.zero;
            fraction = float.MaxValue;

            float lambda = 0.0f;

            Vector3 r = direction;
            Vector3 x = origin;
            Vector3 w, p, v;

            Vector3 arbitraryPoint;

            SupportMapTransformed(support, ref orientation, ref position, ref r, out arbitraryPoint);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref x, ref arbitraryPoint, out v);

            int maxIter = MaxIterations;

            float distSq  = v.LengthSquared();
            float epsilon = 0.000001f;

            float VdotR;

            while ((distSq > epsilon) && (maxIter-- != 0))
                SupportMapTransformed(support, ref orientation, ref position, ref v, out p);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref x, ref p, out w);

                float VdotW = Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref w);

                if (VdotW > 0.0f)
                    VdotR = Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref r);

                    if (VdotR >= -Mathf.Epsilon)
                        lambda = lambda - VdotW / VdotR;
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref r, lambda, out x);
                        Vector3.Add(ref origin, ref x, out x);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref x, ref p, out w);
                        normal = v;
                if (!simplexSolver.InSimplex(w))
                    simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, x, p);
                if (simplexSolver.Closest(out v))
                    distSq = v.LengthSquared();
                    distSq = 0.0f;

            #region Retrieving hitPoint

            // Giving back the fraction like this *should* work
            // but is inaccurate against large objects:
            // fraction = lambda;

            Vector3 p1, p2;
            simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out p1, out p2);

            p2       = p2 - origin;
            fraction = p2.magnitude / direction.magnitude;


            if (normal.LengthSquared() > Mathf.Epsilon * Mathf.Epsilon)


        /// Updates the time of impact for the pair.
        ///<param name="requester">Collidable requesting the update.</param>
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void UpdateTimeOfImpact(Collidable requester, Fix64 dt)
            //Notice that we don't test for convex entity null explicitly.  The convex.IsActive property does that for us.
            if (convex.IsActive && convex.entity.PositionUpdateMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous)
                //TODO: This system could be made more robust by using a similar region-based rejection of edges.
                //CCD events are awfully rare under normal circumstances, so this isn't usually an issue.

                //Only perform the test if the minimum radii are small enough relative to the size of the velocity.
                Vector3 velocity;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref convex.entity.linearVelocity, dt, out velocity);
                Fix64 velocitySquared = velocity.LengthSquared();

                var minimumRadius = convex.Shape.MinimumRadius * MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
                timeOfImpact = F64.C1;
                if (minimumRadius * minimumRadius < velocitySquared)
                    var triangle = PhysicsThreadResources.GetTriangle();
                    triangle.collisionMargin = F64.C0;
                    //Spherecast against all triangles to find the earliest time.
                    for (int i = 0; i < MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                        MeshBoundingBoxTreeData data = instancedMesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data;
                        int triangleIndex            = MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Elements[i];
                        data.GetTriangle(triangleIndex, out triangle.vA, out triangle.vB, out triangle.vC);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vA, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vA);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vB, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vB);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vC, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vC);
                        //Put the triangle into 'localish' space of the convex.
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vA, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vA);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vB);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vC);

                        RayHit rayHit;
                        if (GJKToolbox.CCDSphereCast(new Ray(Toolbox.ZeroVector, velocity), minimumRadius, triangle, ref Toolbox.RigidIdentity, timeOfImpact, out rayHit) &&
                            rayHit.T > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                            if (instancedMesh.sidedness != TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided)
                                Vector3 AB, AC;
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref triangle.vA, out AB);
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref triangle.vA, out AC);
                                Vector3 normal;
                                Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out normal);
                                Fix64 dot;
                                Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref rayHit.Normal, out dot);
                                //Only perform sweep if the object is in danger of hitting the object.
                                //Triangles can be one sided, so check the impact normal against the triangle normal.
                                if (instancedMesh.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise && dot < F64.C0 ||
                                    instancedMesh.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Clockwise && dot > F64.C0)
                                    timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
                                timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
        bool TryToStepUsingContact(ref ContactData contact, out Vector3 newPosition)
            Vector3 down     = character.Body.OrientationMatrix.Down;
            Vector3 position = character.Body.Position;
            //The normal of the contact may not be facing perfectly out to the side.
            //The detection process allows a bit of slop.
            //Correct it by removing any component of the normal along the local up vector.
            Vector3 normal = contact.Normal;
            float   dot;

            Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref down, out dot);
            Vector3 error;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref down, dot, out error);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref normal, ref error, out normal);

            //Now we need to ray cast out from the center of the character in the direction of this normal to check for obstructions.
            //Compute the ray origin location.  Fire it out of the top of the character; if we're stepping, this must be a valid location.
            //Putting it as high as possible helps to reject more invalid step geometry.
            Ray   ray;
            float downRayLength = character.Body.Height;// MaximumStepHeight + upStepMargin;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref down, character.Body.Height * .5f - downRayLength, out ray.Position);
            Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref position, out ray.Position);
            ray.Direction = normal;
            //Include a little margin in the length.
            //Technically, the character only needs to teleport horizontally by the complicated commented expression.
            //That puts it just far enough to have traction on the new surface.
            //In practice, the current contact refreshing approach used for many pair types causes contacts to persist horizontally a bit,
            //which can cause side effects for the character.
            float horizontalOffsetAmount = character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin; // (float)((1 - character.SupportFinder.sinMaximumSlope) * character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin + 0);
            float length = character.Body.Radius + horizontalOffsetAmount;                            // -contact.PenetrationDepth;

            if (character.QueryManager.RayCastHitAnything(ray, length))
                //The step is obstructed!
                newPosition = new Vector3();

            //The down-cast ray origin has been verified by the previous ray cast.
            //Let's look for a support!
            Vector3 horizontalOffset;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref normal, length, out horizontalOffset);
            Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref horizontalOffset, out ray.Position);
            ray.Direction = down;

            //Find the earliest hit, if any.
            RayHit earliestHit = new RayHit();

            if (!character.QueryManager.RayCast(ray, downRayLength, out earliestHit) || //Can't do anything if it didn't hit.
                earliestHit.T <= 0 ||                                                   //Can't do anything if the hit was invalid.
                earliestHit.T - downRayLength > -minimumUpStepHeight ||                 //Don't bother doing anything if the step is too small.
                earliestHit.T - downRayLength < -maximumStepHeight - upStepMargin)      //Can't do anything if the step is too tall.
                //No valid hit was detected.
                newPosition = new Vector3();

            //Ensure the candidate surface supports traction.
            Vector3 supportNormal;

            Vector3.Normalize(ref earliestHit.Normal, out supportNormal);
            //Calibrate the normal to face in the same direction as the down vector for consistency.
            Vector3.Dot(ref supportNormal, ref down, out dot);
            if (dot < 0)
                Vector3.Negate(ref supportNormal, out supportNormal);
                dot = -dot;

            //If the new surface does not have traction, do not attempt to step up.
            if (dot < character.SupportFinder.cosMaximumSlope)
                newPosition = new Vector3();

            //Since contact queries are frequently expensive compared to ray cast tests,
            //do one more ray cast test.  This time, starting from the same position, cast upwards.
            //In order to step up, the previous down-ray hit must be at least a character height away from the result of the up-ray.
            Vector3.Negate(ref down, out ray.Direction);
            //Find the earliest hit, if any.
            //RayHit earliestHitUp = new RayHit();
            //earliestHitUp.T = float.MaxValue;
            float upLength = character.Body.Height - earliestHit.T;

            //If the sum of the up and down distances is less than the height, the character can't fit.
            if (character.QueryManager.RayCastHitAnything(ray, upLength))
                newPosition = new Vector3();

            //By now, a valid ray hit has been found.  Now we need to validate it using contact queries.
            //This process is very similar in concept to the down step verification, but it has some extra

            //Predict a hit location based on the time of impact and the normal at the intersection.
            //Take into account the radius of the character (don't forget the collision margin!)

            RigidTransform transform = character.Body.CollisionInformation.WorldTransform;

            //The transform must be modified to position the query body at the right location.
            //The horizontal offset of the queries ensures that a tractionable part of the character will be put onto the new support.
            Vector3.Multiply(ref normal, horizontalOffsetAmount, out horizontalOffset);
            Vector3.Add(ref transform.Position, ref horizontalOffset, out transform.Position);
            Vector3 verticalOffset;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref down, -downRayLength, out verticalOffset);
            Vector3.Add(ref transform.Position, ref verticalOffset, out transform.Position);

            //We know that the closest point to the plane will be the extreme point in the plane's direction.
            //Use it as the ray origin.
            Ray downRay;

            character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.GetExtremePoint(supportNormal, ref transform, out downRay.Position);
            downRay.Direction = down;

            //Intersect the ray against the plane defined by the support hit.
            Vector3 intersection;

            Vector3.Dot(ref earliestHit.Location, ref supportNormal, out dot);
            Plane   plane = new Plane(supportNormal, dot);
            Vector3 candidatePosition;

            //Define the interval bounds to be used later.

            //The words 'highest' and 'lowest' here refer to the position relative to the character's body.
            //The ray cast points downward relative to the character's body.
            float highestBound  = -maximumStepHeight;
            float lowestBound   = character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin - downRayLength + earliestHit.T;
            float currentOffset = lowestBound;
            float hintOffset;

            //This guess may either win immediately, or at least give us a better idea of where to search.
            float hitT;

            if (Toolbox.GetRayPlaneIntersection(ref downRay, ref plane, out hitT, out intersection))
                hitT = -downRayLength + hitT + CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration;
                if (hitT < highestBound)
                    //Don't try a location known to be too high.
                    hitT = highestBound;
                currentOffset = hitT;
                if (currentOffset > lowestBound)
                    lowestBound = currentOffset;
                candidatePosition = character.Body.Position + down * currentOffset + horizontalOffset;
                switch (TryUpStepPosition(ref normal, ref candidatePosition, out hintOffset))
                case PositionState.Accepted:
                    currentOffset += hintOffset;
                    //Only use the new position location if the movement distance was the right size.
                    if (currentOffset < 0 && currentOffset > -maximumStepHeight - CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration)
                        //It's possible that we let a just-barely-too-high step occur, limited by the allowed penetration.
                        //Just clamp the overall motion and let it penetrate a bit.
                        newPosition = character.Body.Position + Math.Max(-maximumStepHeight, currentOffset) * down + horizontalOffset;
                        newPosition = new Vector3();

                case PositionState.Rejected:
                    newPosition = new Vector3();

                case PositionState.NoHit:
                    highestBound  = currentOffset + hintOffset;
                    currentOffset = (lowestBound + currentOffset) * .5f;

                case PositionState.Obstructed:
                    lowestBound   = currentOffset;
                    currentOffset = (highestBound + currentOffset) * .5f;

                case PositionState.HeadObstructed:
                    highestBound  = currentOffset + hintOffset;
                    currentOffset = (lowestBound + currentOffset) * .5f;

                case PositionState.TooDeep:
                    currentOffset += hintOffset;
                    lowestBound    = currentOffset;
            }//TODO: If the ray cast doesn't hit, that could be used to early out...  Then again, it pretty much can't happen.

            //Our guesses failed.
            //Begin the regular process.  Start at the time of impact of the ray itself.
            //How about trying the time of impact of the ray itself?

            //Since we wouldn't be here unless there were no contacts at the body's current position,
            //testing the ray cast location gives us the second bound we need to do an informed binary search.

            int attempts = 0;

            //Don't keep querying indefinitely.  If we fail to reach it in a few informed steps, it's probably not worth continuing.
            //The bound size check prevents the system from continuing to search a meaninglessly tiny interval.
            while (attempts++ < 5 && lowestBound - highestBound > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                candidatePosition = character.Body.Position + currentOffset * down + horizontalOffset;
                switch (TryUpStepPosition(ref normal, ref candidatePosition, out hintOffset))
                case PositionState.Accepted:
                    currentOffset += hintOffset;
                    //Only use the new position location if the movement distance was the right size.
                    if (currentOffset < 0 && currentOffset > -maximumStepHeight - CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration)
                        //It's possible that we let a just-barely-too-high step occur, limited by the allowed penetration.
                        //Just clamp the overall motion and let it penetrate a bit.
                        newPosition = character.Body.Position + Math.Max(-maximumStepHeight, currentOffset) * down + horizontalOffset;
                        newPosition = new Vector3();

                case PositionState.Rejected:
                    newPosition = new Vector3();

                case PositionState.NoHit:
                    highestBound  = currentOffset + hintOffset;
                    currentOffset = (lowestBound + highestBound) * .5f;

                case PositionState.Obstructed:
                    lowestBound   = currentOffset;
                    currentOffset = (highestBound + lowestBound) * .5f;

                case PositionState.HeadObstructed:
                    highestBound  = currentOffset + hintOffset;
                    currentOffset = (lowestBound + currentOffset) * .5f;

                case PositionState.TooDeep:
                    currentOffset += hintOffset;
                    lowestBound    = currentOffset;
            //Couldn't find a candidate.
            newPosition = new Vector3();
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests a ray against the entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum length, in units of the ray's direction's length, to test.</param>
        /// <param name="rayHit">Hit location of the ray on the entry, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray hit the entry.</returns>
        public override bool RayCast(Ray ray, float maximumLength, out RayHit rayHit)
            //Put the ray into local space.
            Ray       localRay;
            Matrix3x3 orientation;

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref worldTransform.Orientation, out orientation);
            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref ray.Direction, ref orientation, out localRay.Direction);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref worldTransform.Position, out localRay.Position);
            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref localRay.Position, ref orientation, out localRay.Position);

            if (Shape.solidity == MobileMeshSolidity.Solid)
                //Find all hits.  Use the count to determine the ray started inside or outside.
                //If it starts inside and we're in 'solid' mode, then return the ray start.
                //The raycast must be of infinite length at first.  This allows it to determine
                //if it is inside or outside.
                if (Shape.IsLocalRayOriginInMesh(ref localRay, out rayHit))
                    //It was inside!
                    rayHit = new RayHit()
                        Location = ray.Position, Normal = Vector3.Zero, T = 0
                    if (rayHit.T < maximumLength)
                        //Transform the hit into world space.
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, rayHit.T, out rayHit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref rayHit.Location, ref ray.Position, out rayHit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rayHit.Normal, ref orientation, out rayHit.Normal);
                        //The hit was too far away, or there was no hit (in which case T would be float.MaxValue).
                //Just do a normal raycast since the object isn't solid.
                TriangleSidedness sidedness;
                switch (Shape.solidity)
                case MobileMeshSolidity.Clockwise:
                    sidedness = TriangleSidedness.Clockwise;

                case MobileMeshSolidity.Counterclockwise:
                    sidedness = TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise;

                    sidedness = TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided;
                if (Shape.TriangleMesh.RayCast(localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, out rayHit))
                    //Transform the hit into world space.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, rayHit.T, out rayHit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref rayHit.Location, ref ray.Position, out rayHit.Location);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rayHit.Normal, ref orientation, out rayHit.Normal);
            rayHit = new RayHit();
Пример #28
        /// Tests a ray against the terrain shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply to the terrain shape during the test.</param>
        ///<param name="sidedness">Sidedness of the triangles to use when raycasting.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the transformed terrain shape.</returns>
        public bool RayCast(ref Ray ray, float maximumLength, ref AffineTransform transform, TriangleSidedness sidedness, out RayHit hit)
            hit = new RayHit();
            //Put the ray into local space.
            Ray             localRay;
            AffineTransform inverse;

            AffineTransform.Invert(ref transform, out inverse);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out localRay.Direction);
            AffineTransform.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref inverse, out localRay.Position);

            //Use rasterizey traversal.
            //The origin is at 0,0,0 and the map goes +X, +Y, +Z.
            //if it's before the origin and facing away, or outside the max and facing out, early out.
            float maxX = heights.GetLength(0) - 1;
            float maxZ = heights.GetLength(1) - 1;

            Vector3 progressingOrigin = localRay.Position;
            float   distance          = 0;

            //Check the outside cases first.
            if (progressingOrigin.X < 0)
                if (localRay.Direction.X > 0)
                    //Off the left side.
                    float timeToMinX = -progressingOrigin.X / localRay.Direction.X;
                    distance += timeToMinX;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    return(false); //Outside and pointing away from the terrain.
            else if (progressingOrigin.X > maxX)
                if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                    //Off the left side.
                    float timeToMinX = -(progressingOrigin.X - maxX) / localRay.Direction.X;
                    distance += timeToMinX;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    return(false); //Outside and pointing away from the terrain.

            if (progressingOrigin.Z < 0)
                if (localRay.Direction.Z > 0)
                    float timeToMinZ = -progressingOrigin.Z / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    distance += timeToMinZ;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
            else if (progressingOrigin.Z > maxZ)
                if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                    float timeToMinZ = -(progressingOrigin.Z - maxZ) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    distance += timeToMinZ;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);

            if (distance > maximumLength)

            //By now, we should be entering the main body of the terrain.

            int xCell = (int)progressingOrigin.X;
            int zCell = (int)progressingOrigin.Z;

            //If it's hitting the border and going in, then correct the index
            //so that it will initially target a valid quad.
            //Without this, a quad beyond the border would be tried and failed.
            if (xCell == heights.GetLength(0) - 1 && localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                xCell = heights.GetLength(0) - 2;
            if (zCell == heights.GetLength(1) - 1 && localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                zCell = heights.GetLength(1) - 2;

            while (true)
                //Check for a miss.
                if (xCell < 0 ||
                    zCell < 0 ||
                    xCell >= heights.GetLength(0) - 1 ||
                    zCell >= heights.GetLength(1) - 1)

                //Test the triangles of this cell.
                Vector3 v1, v2, v3, v4;
                // v3 v4
                // v1 v2
                GetLocalPosition(xCell, zCell, out v1);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell + 1, zCell, out v2);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell, zCell + 1, out v3);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell + 1, zCell + 1, out v4);
                RayHit hit1, hit2;
                bool   didHit1;
                bool   didHit2;

                //Don't bother doing ray intersection tests if the ray can't intersect it.

                float highest = v1.Y;
                float lowest  = v1.Y;
                if (v2.Y > highest)
                    highest = v2.Y;
                else if (v2.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v2.Y;
                if (v3.Y > highest)
                    highest = v3.Y;
                else if (v3.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v3.Y;
                if (v4.Y > highest)
                    highest = v4.Y;
                else if (v4.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v4.Y;

                if (!(progressingOrigin.Y > highest && localRay.Direction.Y > 0 ||
                      progressingOrigin.Y < lowest && localRay.Direction.Y < 0))
                    if (quadTriangleOrganization == QuadTriangleOrganization.BottomLeftUpperRight)
                        //Always perform the raycast as if Y+ in local space is the way the triangles are facing.
                        didHit1 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, out hit1);
                        didHit2 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v2, ref v4, ref v3, out hit2);
                    else //if (quadTriangleOrganization == CollisionShapes.QuadTriangleOrganization.BottomRightUpperLeft)
                        didHit1 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v2, ref v4, out hit1);
                        didHit2 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v4, ref v3, out hit2);
                    if (didHit1 && didHit2)
                        if (hit1.T < hit2.T)
                            Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit1.T, out hit.Location);
                            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit1.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                            hit.T = hit1.T;
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit2.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit2.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit2.T;
                    else if (didHit1)
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit1.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit1.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit1.T;
                    else if (didHit2)
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit2.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit2.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit2.T;

                //Move to the next cell.

                float timeToX;
                if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                    timeToX = -(progressingOrigin.X - xCell) / localRay.Direction.X;
                else if (localRay.Direction.X > 0)
                    timeToX = (xCell + 1 - progressingOrigin.X) / localRay.Direction.X;
                    timeToX = float.MaxValue;

                float timeToZ;
                if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                    timeToZ = -(progressingOrigin.Z - zCell) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                else if (localRay.Direction.Z > 0)
                    timeToZ = (zCell + 1 - progressingOrigin.Z) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    timeToZ = float.MaxValue;

                //Move to the next cell.
                if (timeToX < timeToZ)
                    if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)

                    distance += timeToX;
                    if (distance > maximumLength)

                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)

                    distance += timeToZ;
                    if (distance > maximumLength)

                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Detección de colisiones recursiva
        /// </summary>
        public void doCollideWithWorld(TgcBoundingSphere characterSphere, Vector3 movementVector, List<IColisionable> obstaculos, int recursionDepth, ColisionInfo colisionInfo)
            //Limitar recursividad
            if (recursionDepth > 5)

            //Ver si la distancia a recorrer es para tener en cuenta
            float distanceToTravelSq = movementVector.LengthSq();

            if (distanceToTravelSq < EPSILON)

            //Posicion deseada
            Vector3 originalSphereCenter = characterSphere.Center;
            Vector3 nextSphereCenter = originalSphereCenter + movementVector;

            //Buscar el punto de colision mas cercano de todos los objetos candidatos
            float minCollisionDistSq = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 realMovementVector = movementVector;
            TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox.Face collisionFace = null;
            IColisionable collisionObstacle = null;
            Vector3 nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = Vector3.Empty;
            foreach (IColisionable obstaculoBB in obstaculos)
                //Obtener los polígonos que conforman las 6 caras del BoundingBox
                TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox.Face[] bbFaces = obstaculoBB.GetTgcBoundingBox().computeFaces();

                foreach (TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox.Face bbFace in bbFaces)
                    Vector3 pNormal = TgcCollisionUtils.getPlaneNormal(bbFace.Plane);

                    TgcRay movementRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, movementVector);
                    float brutePlaneDist;
                    Vector3 brutePlaneIntersectionPoint;
                    if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(movementRay, bbFace.Plane, out brutePlaneDist, out brutePlaneIntersectionPoint))

                    float movementRadiusLengthSq = Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, characterSphere.Radius).LengthSq();
                    if (brutePlaneDist * brutePlaneDist > movementRadiusLengthSq)

                    //Obtener punto de colisión en el plano, según la normal del plano
                    float pDist;
                    Vector3 planeIntersectionPoint;
                    Vector3 sphereIntersectionPoint;
                    TgcRay planeNormalRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, -pNormal);
                    bool embebbed = false;
                    bool collisionFound = false;
                    if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(planeNormalRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                        //Ver si el plano está embebido en la esfera
                        if (pDist <= characterSphere.Radius)
                            embebbed = true;

                            //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, caso embebido a analizar con más detalle
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - pNormal * characterSphere.Radius;
                        //Esta fuera de la esfera
                            //Obtener punto de colisión del contorno de la esfera según la normal del plano
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - Vector3.Multiply(pNormal, characterSphere.Radius);

                            //Disparar un rayo desde el contorno de la esfera hacia el plano, con el vector de movimiento
                            TgcRay sphereMovementRay = new TgcRay(sphereIntersectionPoint, movementVector);
                            if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(sphereMovementRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                                //no hay colisión

                        //Ver si planeIntersectionPoint pertenece al polígono
                        Vector3 newMovementVector;
                        float newMoveDistSq;
                        Vector3 polygonIntersectionPoint;
                        if (pointInBounbingBoxFace(planeIntersectionPoint, bbFace))
                            if (embebbed)
                                //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, nunca debería pasar
                                //throw new Exception("El polígono está dentro de la esfera");

                            polygonIntersectionPoint = planeIntersectionPoint;
                            collisionFound = true;
                            //Buscar el punto mas cercano planeIntersectionPoint que tiene el polígono real de esta cara
                            polygonIntersectionPoint = TgcCollisionUtils.closestPointRectangle3d(planeIntersectionPoint,
                                bbFace.Extremes[0], bbFace.Extremes[1], bbFace.Extremes[2]);

                            //Revertir el vector de velocidad desde el nuevo polygonIntersectionPoint para ver donde colisiona la esfera, si es que llega
                            Vector3 reversePointSeg = polygonIntersectionPoint - movementVector;
                            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectSegmentSphere(polygonIntersectionPoint, reversePointSeg, characterSphere, out pDist, out sphereIntersectionPoint))
                                collisionFound = true;

                        if (collisionFound)
                            //Nuevo vector de movimiento acotado
                            newMovementVector = polygonIntersectionPoint - sphereIntersectionPoint;
                            newMoveDistSq = newMovementVector.LengthSq();

                            //se colisiono con algo, lo agrego a la lista

                            if (newMoveDistSq <= distanceToTravelSq && newMoveDistSq < minCollisionDistSq)
                                minCollisionDistSq = newMoveDistSq;
                                realMovementVector = newMovementVector;
                                nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = polygonIntersectionPoint;
                                collisionFace = bbFace;
                                collisionObstacle = obstaculoBB;


            //Si nunca hubo colisión, avanzar todo lo requerido
            if (collisionFace == null)
                //Avanzar hasta muy cerca
                float movementLength = movementVector.Length();
                movementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Solo movernos si ya no estamos muy cerca
            if (minCollisionDistSq >= EPSILON)
                //Mover el BoundingSphere hasta casi la nueva posición real
                float movementLength = realMovementVector.Length();
                realMovementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Calcular plano de Sliding
            Vector3 slidePlaneOrigin = nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;
            Vector3 slidePlaneNormal = characterSphere.Center - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;

            Plane slidePlane = Plane.FromPointNormal(slidePlaneOrigin, slidePlaneNormal);

            //Proyectamos el punto original de destino en el plano de sliding
            TgcRay slideRay = new TgcRay(nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint + Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, slideFactor), slidePlaneNormal);
            float slideT;
            Vector3 slideDestinationPoint;

            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(slideRay, slidePlane, out slideT, out slideDestinationPoint))
                //Nuevo vector de movimiento
                Vector3 slideMovementVector = slideDestinationPoint - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;

                if (slideMovementVector.LengthSq() < EPSILON)

                //Recursividad para aplicar sliding
                doCollideWithWorld(characterSphere, slideMovementVector, obstaculos, recursionDepth + 1, colisionInfo);

Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes representative support information based on the character's current traction contacts, support contacts, and ray contacts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="down">Down direction of the character.</param>
        private void UpdateSupportData(ref Vector3 down)
            //Choose which set of contacts to use.
            RawList <CharacterContact> contacts;

            if (tractionContacts.Count > 0)
                contacts = tractionContacts;
            else if (supportContacts.Count > 0)
                contacts = supportContacts;
                //No contacts provide support!
                //Fall back to the ray cast result.
                if (SupportRayData != null)
                    supportData = new SupportData
                        Position      = SupportRayData.Value.HitData.Location,
                        Normal        = SupportRayData.Value.HitData.Normal,
                        Depth         = Vector3.Dot(down, SupportRayData.Value.HitData.Normal) * (BottomDistance - SupportRayData.Value.HitData.T),
                        SupportObject = SupportRayData.Value.HitObject
                    supportData = new SupportData();

            //Compute a representative support from the set of contacts.

            supportData.Position = contacts.Elements[0].Contact.Position;
            supportData.Normal   = contacts.Elements[0].Contact.Normal;

            for (int i = 1; i < contacts.Count; i++)
                Vector3.Add(ref supportData.Position, ref contacts.Elements[i].Contact.Position, out supportData.Position);
                Vector3.Add(ref supportData.Normal, ref contacts.Elements[i].Contact.Normal, out supportData.Normal);
            if (contacts.Count > 1)
                Vector3.Divide(ref supportData.Position, contacts.Count, out supportData.Position);
                float length = supportData.Normal.LengthSquared();
                if (length < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    //It's possible that the normals have cancelled each other out- that would be bad!
                    //Just use an arbitrary support's normal in that case.
                    supportData.Normal = contacts.Elements[0].Contact.Normal;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref supportData.Normal, 1 / (float)Math.Sqrt(length), out supportData.Normal);
            //Now that we have the normal, cycle through all the contacts again and find the deepest projected depth.
            //Use that object as our support too.
            float      depth         = -float.MaxValue;
            Collidable supportObject = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Count; i++)
                float dot;
                Vector3.Dot(ref contacts.Elements[i].Contact.Normal, ref supportData.Normal, out dot);
                dot = dot * contacts.Elements[i].Contact.PenetrationDepth;
                if (dot > depth)
                    depth         = dot;
                    supportObject = contacts.Elements[i].Collidable;
            supportData.Depth         = depth;
            supportData.SupportObject = supportObject;
Пример #31
        public void When_Vector_Multiplied_With_A_Matrix_Vector_With_Result_Is_Returned()
            Vector3 vectorOne = new Vector3(3.0, 2.0, 1.0);
            Matrix4 matrixOne = new Matrix4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

            Vector3 result = vectorOne.Multiply(matrixOne);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.X, 14.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Y, 17.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Z, 20.0);
Пример #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the intersection between the capsule and the ray.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test against the capsule.</param>
        /// <param name="transform">Transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum distance to travel in units of the direction vector's length.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data for the raycast, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray hit the target.</returns>
        public override bool RayTest(ref Ray ray, ref RigidTransform transform, float maximumLength, out RayHit hit)
            hit = new RayHit();

            Quaternion conjugate;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Vector3 localOrigin;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref transform.Position, out localOrigin);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref localOrigin, ref conjugate, out localOrigin);
            Vector3 localDirection;

            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out localDirection);
            Vector3 normal = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            float   temp, tmin = 0, tmax = maximumLength;

            if (Math.Abs(localDirection.X) < Toolbox.Epsilon && (localOrigin.X < -halfWidth || localOrigin.X > halfWidth))
            float inverseDirection = 1 / localDirection.X;
            float t1         = (-halfWidth - localOrigin.X) * inverseDirection;
            float t2         = (halfWidth - localOrigin.X) * inverseDirection;
            var   tempNormal = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);

            if (t1 > t2)
                temp        = t1;
                t1          = t2;
                t2          = temp;
                tempNormal *= -1;
            temp = tmin;
            tmin = Math.Max(tmin, t1);
            if (temp != tmin)
                normal = tempNormal;
            tmax = Math.Min(tmax, t2);
            if (tmin > tmax)
            if (Math.Abs(localDirection.Y) < Toolbox.Epsilon && (localOrigin.Y < -halfHeight || localOrigin.Y > halfHeight))
            inverseDirection = 1 / localDirection.Y;
            t1         = (-halfHeight - localOrigin.Y) * inverseDirection;
            t2         = (halfHeight - localOrigin.Y) * inverseDirection;
            tempNormal = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
            if (t1 > t2)
                temp        = t1;
                t1          = t2;
                t2          = temp;
                tempNormal *= -1;
            temp = tmin;
            tmin = Math.Max(tmin, t1);
            if (temp != tmin)
                normal = tempNormal;
            tmax = Math.Min(tmax, t2);
            if (tmin > tmax)
            if (Math.Abs(localDirection.Z) < Toolbox.Epsilon && (localOrigin.Z < -halfLength || localOrigin.Z > halfLength))
            inverseDirection = 1 / localDirection.Z;
            t1         = (-halfLength - localOrigin.Z) * inverseDirection;
            t2         = (halfLength - localOrigin.Z) * inverseDirection;
            tempNormal = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            if (t1 > t2)
                temp        = t1;
                t1          = t2;
                t2          = temp;
                tempNormal *= -1;
            temp = tmin;
            tmin = Math.Max(tmin, t1);
            if (temp != tmin)
                normal = tempNormal;
            tmax = Math.Min(tmax, t2);
            if (tmin > tmax)
            hit.T = tmin;
            Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, tmin, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref normal, ref transform.Orientation, out normal);
            hit.Normal = normal;
Пример #33
        public static void GenerateNSBMD(string obj_path, float scale, bool has_texture, out byte[] nsbmd, out byte[] nsbtx)
            var oBJ = FixNitroUV(new OBJ(obj_path));

            if (oBJ == null)
                throw new Exception();
            MLT           mLT   = new MLT(oBJ.MLTName);
            List <string> list  = new List <string>();
            Vector3       right = new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
            Vector3       left  = new Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity);
            int           i;

            for (i = 0; i < oBJ.Vertices.Count; i++)
                oBJ.Vertices[i] = Vector3.Multiply(oBJ.Vertices[i], scale);
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].X < right.X)
                    right.X = oBJ.Vertices[i].X;
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].X > left.X)
                    left.X = oBJ.Vertices[i].X;
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].Y < right.Y)
                    right.Y = oBJ.Vertices[i].Y;
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].Y > left.Y)
                    left.Y = oBJ.Vertices[i].Y;
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].Z < right.Z)
                    right.Z = oBJ.Vertices[i].Z;
                if (oBJ.Vertices[i].Z > left.Z)
                    left.Z = oBJ.Vertices[i].Z;
            Vector3 vector = left - right;
            float   num    = HelpersMax(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z);
            float   num2   = 1f;
            int     num3   = 0;

            while (num > 7.999756f)
                num2 /= 2f;
                num  /= 2f;
            for (i = 0; i < oBJ.Vertices.Count; i++)
                oBJ.Vertices[i] = Vector3.Multiply(oBJ.Vertices[i], num2);
            NSBMD nSBMD = new NSBMD(!has_texture);

            nSBMD.modelSet = new NSBMD.ModelSet();
            string text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(obj_path);

            if (text.Length > 16)
                text = text.Remove(16);
            nSBMD.modelSet.dict = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.MDL0Data>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.dict.Add(text, new NSBMD.ModelSet.MDL0Data());
            nSBMD.modelSet.models                 = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model[1];
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0]              = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info         = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ModelInfo();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.numNode = 1;
            foreach (OBJ.Face face in oBJ.Faces)
                if (!list.Contains(face.MaterialName))
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.numMat = (byte)list.Count;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.numShp = (byte)list.Count;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.firstUnusedMtxStackID = 1;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.posScale       = 1 << num3;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.invPosScale    = 1f / nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.posScale;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.numVertex      = (byte)oBJ.Vertices.Count;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.numPolygon     = (byte)oBJ.Faces.Count;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxX           = right.X * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxY           = right.Y * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxZ           = right.Z * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxW           = vector.X * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxH           = vector.Y * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxD           = vector.Z * num2;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxPosScale    = 1 << num3;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxInvPosScale = 1f / nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].info.boxPosScale;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes      = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.NodeSet();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes.dict = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.NodeSet.NodeSetData>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes.dict.Add("world_root", new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.NodeSet.NodeSetData());
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes.data                  = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.NodeSet.NodeData[1];
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes.data[0]               = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.NodeSet.NodeData();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].nodes.data[0].flag          = 7;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials                   = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictTexToMatList  = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.TexToMatData>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictPlttToMatList = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.PlttToMatData>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dict              = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.MaterialSetData>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials         = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material[list.Count];
            i = 0;
            int num4 = 0;

            foreach (string item in list)
                MLT.Material materialByName = mLT.GetMaterialByName(item);
                if (materialByName.DiffuseMap != null)
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictTexToMatList.Add(i.ToString() + "_t", new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.TexToMatData());
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictPlttToMatList.Add(i.ToString() + "_p", new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.PlttToMatData());
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictTexToMatList[num4].Value.NrMat     = 1;
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictTexToMatList[num4].Value.Materials = new int[1]
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictPlttToMatList[num4].Value.NrMat     = 1;
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dictPlttToMatList[num4].Value.Materials = new int[1]
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.dict.Add(i.ToString() + "_m", new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.MaterialSetData());
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i]         = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material();
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].diffAmb = (uint)(((Graphic.encodeColor(Color.Black.ToArgb()) & 0x7FFF) << 16) | 0x8000 | (Graphic.encodeColor((materialByName.DiffuseMap != null) ? Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200).ToArgb() : materialByName.DiffuseColor.ToArgb()) & 0x7FFF));
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].specEmi = (uint)(((Graphic.encodeColor(Color.Black.ToArgb()) & 0x7FFF) << 16) | (Graphic.encodeColor(Color.Black.ToArgb()) & 0x7FFF));
                uint num5 = (uint)(materialByName.Alpha * 31f);
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].polyAttr          = 0u;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].polyAttr         |= 192u;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].polyAttr         |= num5 << 16;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].polyAttrMask      = 1059059967u;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].texImageParam     = 196608u;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].texImageParamMask = uint.MaxValue;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].texPlttBase       = 0;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].flag = (NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_TEXMTX_SCALEONE | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_TEXMTX_ROTZERO | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_TEXMTX_TRANSZERO | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_DIFFUSE | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_AMBIENT | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_VTXCOLOR | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_SPECULAR | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_EMISSION | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.MaterialSet.Material.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG.NNS_G3D_MATFLAG_SHININESS);
                if (materialByName.DiffuseMap != null)
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].origWidth  = (ushort)materialByName.DiffuseMap.Width;
                    nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].origHeight = (ushort)materialByName.DiffuseMap.Height;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].magW = 1f;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].materials.materials[i].magH = 1f;
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes       = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.dict  = new Dictionary <NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.ShapeSetData>();
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.Shape[list.Count];
            i = 0;
            foreach (string item2 in list)
                int          num6           = 1;
                int          num7           = 1;
                MLT.Material materialByName = mLT.GetMaterialByName(item2);
                List <Color> list2          = null;
                if (materialByName.DiffuseMap != null)
                    num6 = materialByName.DiffuseMap.Width;
                    num7 = -materialByName.DiffuseMap.Height;
                    list2 = new List <Color>();
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.dict.Add(i.ToString() + "_py", new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.ShapeSetData());
                List <Vector3> list3 = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector2> list4 = new List <Vector2>();
                List <Vector3> list5 = new List <Vector3>();
                foreach (OBJ.Face face2 in oBJ.Faces)
                    if (face2.MaterialName == item2)
                        list3.AddRange(new Vector3[3]
                        Vector2[] array = new Vector2[3]
                        array[0].X *= num6;
                        array[0].Y *= num7;
                        array[1].X *= num6;
                        array[1].Y *= num7;
                        array[2].X *= num6;
                        array[2].Y *= num7;
                        if (face2.NormalIndieces.Count != 0)
                            list5.AddRange(new Vector3[3]
                        list2?.AddRange(new Color[3]
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape[i]        = new NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.Shape();
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape[i].DL     = GlNitro.GenerateDl(list3.ToArray(), list4.ToArray(), list5.ToArray(), list2?.ToArray());
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape[i].sizeDL = (uint)nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape[i].DL.Length;
                nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].shapes.shape[i].flag   = (NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.Shape.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG_USE_NORMAL | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.Shape.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG_USE_COLOR | NSBMD.ModelSet.Model.ShapeSet.Shape.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG.NNS_G3D_SHPFLAG_USE_TEXCOORD);
            var sBCWriter = new Obj2Nsbmd.SBCWriter();

            sBCWriter.NODEDESC(0, 0, S: false, P: false, 0);
            sBCWriter.NODE(0, V: true);
            sBCWriter.POSSCALE(OPT: true);
            for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            sBCWriter.POSSCALE(OPT: false);
            nSBMD.modelSet.models[0].sbc = sBCWriter.GetData();
            NSBTX.TexplttSet texplttSet = new NSBTX.TexplttSet();
            texplttSet.TexInfo    = new NSBTX.TexplttSet.texInfo();
            texplttSet.Tex4x4Info = new NSBTX.TexplttSet.tex4x4Info();
            texplttSet.PlttInfo   = new NSBTX.TexplttSet.plttInfo();
            texplttSet.dictTex    = new Dictionary <NSBTX.TexplttSet.DictTexData>();
            texplttSet.dictPltt   = new Dictionary <NSBTX.TexplttSet.DictPlttData>();
            i    = 0;
            num4 = 0;
            foreach (string item3 in list)
                MLT.Material materialByName = mLT.GetMaterialByName(item3);
                if (materialByName.DiffuseMap != null)
                    BitmapData   bitmapData = materialByName.DiffuseMap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, materialByName.DiffuseMap.Width, materialByName.DiffuseMap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    List <Color> list6      = new List <Color>();
                    bool         flag       = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < materialByName.DiffuseMap.Width * materialByName.DiffuseMap.Height; j++)
                        list6.Add(Color.FromArgb(Marshal.ReadInt32(bitmapData.Scan0, j * 4)));
                        if (list6.Last().A != 0 && list6.Last().A != byte.MaxValue && !flag)
                            flag = true;
                    list6 = list6.Distinct().ToList();
                    texplttSet.dictTex.Add(i.ToString() + "_t", new NSBTX.TexplttSet.DictTexData());
                    texplttSet.dictPltt.Add(i.ToString() + "_p", new NSBTX.TexplttSet.DictPlttData());
                    texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.S = (ushort)materialByName.DiffuseMap.Width;
                    texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.T = (ushort)materialByName.DiffuseMap.Height;
                    if (flag && list6.Count <= 8)
                        texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Fmt = Graphic.GXTexFmt.GX_TEXFMT_A5I3;
                    else if (flag)
                        texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Fmt = Graphic.GXTexFmt.GX_TEXFMT_A3I5;
                    else if (list6.Count <= 16)
                        texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Fmt = Graphic.GXTexFmt.GX_TEXFMT_PLTT16;
                        texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Fmt = Graphic.GXTexFmt.GX_TEXFMT_COMP4x4;
                    Graphic.ConvertBitmap(materialByName.DiffuseMap, out texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Data, out texplttSet.dictPltt[num4].Value.Data, out texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Data4x4, texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.Fmt, Graphic.NNSG2dCharacterFmt.NNS_G2D_CHARACTER_FMT_BMP, out texplttSet.dictTex[num4].Value.TransparentColor);
            nsbtx = null;
            if (!has_texture)
                nSBMD.TexPlttSet = texplttSet;
                var nSBTX = new NSBTX
                    TexPlttSet = texplttSet
                nsbtx = nSBTX.Write();
            nsbmd = nSBMD.Write();
Пример #34
        public float DistanceSquareToSegment(Vector3 v0,Vector3 v1, ref Vector3 optionalPointOnRay, ref Vector3 optionalPointOnSegment)
		// from http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Distance/Wm5DistRay3Segment3.cpp
		// It returns the min distance between the ray and the segment
		// defined by v0 and v1
		// It can also set two optional targets :
		// - The closest point on the ray
		// - The closest point on the segment

		var segCenter = v0;
            segCenter.Add( v1 );
            segCenter.Multiply( 0.5f );

		var segDir = v1;

		var segExtent = v0.DistanceTo( v1 ) / 2;
		var diff = origin;
            diff.Subtract(segCenter );

		var a01 = - direction.Dot( segDir );
		var b0 = diff.Dot( direction );
		var b1 = - diff.Dot( segDir );
		var c = diff.LengthSquared();
		var det = Mathf.Abs( 1 - a01 * a01 );
		var sqrDist = 0f;
            var s0 = 0f;
            var s1 = 0f;

            if ( det >= 0 ) {
			// The ray and segment are not parallel.
			s0 = a01 * b1 - b0;
			s1 = a01 * b0 - b1;
			var extDet = segExtent * det;

			if ( s0 >= 0 ) {

				if ( s1 >= - extDet ) {

					if ( s1 <= extDet ) {

						// region 0
						// Minimum at interior points of ray and segment.

						var invDet = 1 / det;
						s0 *= invDet;
						s1 *= invDet;
						sqrDist = s0 * ( s0 + a01 * s1 + 2 * b0 ) + s1 * ( a01 * s0 + s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

					} else {

						// region 1

						s1 = segExtent;
						s0 = Mathf.Max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
						sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


				} else {

					// region 5

					s1 = - segExtent;
					s0 = Mathf.Max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
					sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


			} else {

				if ( s1 <= - extDet ) {

					// region 4

					s0 = Mathf.Max( 0, - ( - a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
					s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
					sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

				} else if ( s1 <= extDet ) {

					// region 3

					s0 = 0;
					s1 = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
					sqrDist = s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

				} else {

					// region 2

					s0 = Mathf.Max( 0, - ( a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
					s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? segExtent : Mathf.Min( Mathf.Max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
					sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;



		} else {

			// Ray and segment are parallel.

			s1 = ( a01 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : segExtent;
			s0 = Mathf.Max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
			sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


		optionalPointOnRay = direction;

            optionalPointOnSegment = segDir;
            optionalPointOnSegment.Multiply( s1 );
            optionalPointOnSegment.Add( segCenter );

		return sqrDist;

Пример #35
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Defines two planes that bound the mesh shape in local space.
        ///// </summary>
        //struct Extent
        //    internal Vector3 Direction;
        //    internal float Minimum;
        //    internal float Maximum;

        //    internal void Clamp(ref Vector3 v)
        //    {
        //        float dot;
        //        Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref Direction, out dot);
        //        float difference;
        //        if (dot < Minimum)
        //        {
        //            difference = dot - Minimum;
        //        }
        //        else if (dot > Maximum)
        //        {
        //            difference = dot - Maximum;
        //        }
        //        else return;

        //        //Subtract the component of v which is parallel to the normal.
        //        v.X -= difference * Direction.X;
        //        v.Y -= difference * Direction.Y;
        //        v.Z -= difference * Direction.Z;
        //    }


        //RawList<Extent> extents = new RawList<Extent>();

        //void ComputeBoundingHull()
        //    //TODO:
        //    //While we have computed a convex hull of the shape already, we don't really
        //    //need the full tightness of the convex hull.
        //    extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0) });
        //    extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(0, 1, 0) });
        //    extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 1) });
        //    //extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(1, 1, 0) });
        //    //extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(-1, 1, 0) });
        //    //extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(0, 1, 1) });
        //    //extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = new Vector3(0, 1, -1) });
        //    extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(1, 0, 1)) });
        //    extents.Add(new Extent() { Direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(1, 0, -1)) });
        //    //Add more extents for a tighter volume

        //    //Initialize the max and mins.
        //    for (int i = 0; i < extents.count; i++)
        //    {
        //        extents.Elements[i].Minimum = float.MaxValue;
        //        extents.Elements[i].Maximum = -float.MaxValue;
        //    }

        //    for (int i = 0; i < triangleMesh.Data.vertices.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        Vector3 v;
        //        triangleMesh.Data.GetVertexPosition(i, out v);
        //        for (int j = 0; j < extents.count; j++)
        //        {
        //            float dot;
        //            Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref extents.Elements[j].Direction, out dot);
        //            if (dot < extents.Elements[j].Minimum)
        //                extents.Elements[j].Minimum = dot;
        //            if (dot > extents.Elements[j].Maximum)
        //                extents.Elements[j].Maximum = dot;
        //        }
        //    }

        private void GetBoundingBox(ref Matrix3x3 o, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
            //Sample the local directions from the matrix, implicitly transposed.
            var rightDirection = new Vector3(o.M11, o.M21, o.M31);
            var upDirection    = new Vector3(o.M12, o.M22, o.M32);
            var backDirection  = new Vector3(o.M13, o.M23, o.M33);

            int   right = 0, left = 0, up = 0, down = 0, backward = 0, forward = 0;
            float minX = float.MaxValue, maxX = -float.MaxValue, minY = float.MaxValue, maxY = -float.MaxValue, minZ = float.MaxValue, maxZ = -float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < surfaceVertices.Count; i++)
                float dotX, dotY, dotZ;
                Vector3.Dot(ref rightDirection, ref surfaceVertices.Elements[i], out dotX);
                Vector3.Dot(ref upDirection, ref surfaceVertices.Elements[i], out dotY);
                Vector3.Dot(ref backDirection, ref surfaceVertices.Elements[i], out dotZ);
                if (dotX < minX)
                    minX = dotX;
                    left = i;
                if (dotX > maxX)
                    maxX  = dotX;
                    right = i;

                if (dotY < minY)
                    minY = dotY;
                    down = i;
                if (dotY > maxY)
                    maxY = dotY;
                    up   = i;

                if (dotZ < minZ)
                    minZ    = dotZ;
                    forward = i;
                if (dotZ > maxZ)
                    maxZ     = dotZ;
                    backward = i;

            //Incorporate the collision margin.
            Vector3.Multiply(ref rightDirection, meshCollisionMargin / (float)Math.Sqrt(rightDirection.Length()), out rightDirection);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref upDirection, meshCollisionMargin / (float)Math.Sqrt(upDirection.Length()), out upDirection);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref backDirection, meshCollisionMargin / (float)Math.Sqrt(backDirection.Length()), out backDirection);

            var rightElement    = surfaceVertices.Elements[right];
            var leftElement     = surfaceVertices.Elements[left];
            var upElement       = surfaceVertices.Elements[up];
            var downElement     = surfaceVertices.Elements[down];
            var backwardElement = surfaceVertices.Elements[backward];
            var forwardElement  = surfaceVertices.Elements[forward];
            Vector3.Add(ref rightElement, ref rightDirection, out rightElement);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref leftElement, ref rightDirection, out leftElement);
            Vector3.Add(ref upElement, ref upDirection, out upElement);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref downElement, ref upDirection, out downElement);
            Vector3.Add(ref backwardElement, ref backDirection, out backwardElement);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref forwardElement, ref backDirection, out forwardElement);

            //TODO: This could be optimized.  Unnecessary transformation information gets computed.
            Vector3 vMinX, vMaxX, vMinY, vMaxY, vMinZ, vMaxZ;
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref rightElement, ref o, out vMaxX);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref leftElement, ref o, out vMinX);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref upElement, ref o, out vMaxY);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref downElement, ref o, out vMinY);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref backwardElement, ref o, out vMaxZ);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref forwardElement, ref o, out vMinZ);

            boundingBox.Max.X = vMaxX.X;
            boundingBox.Max.Y = vMaxY.Y;
            boundingBox.Max.Z = vMaxZ.Z;

            boundingBox.Min.X = vMinX.X;
            boundingBox.Min.Y = vMinY.Y;
            boundingBox.Min.Z = vMinZ.Z;
Пример #36
			public void Transform(ref Vector3 pos, ref Vector3 scale, ref Vector3 euler)
				pos += translation;
				euler += this.euler;
        public override void Update(float dt)
            ////Rotate the camera of the character based on the support velocity, if a support with velocity exists.
            ////This can be very disorienting in some cases; that's why it is off by default!
            //if (Character.SupportFinder.HasSupport)
            //    SupportData? data;
            //    if (Character.SupportFinder.HasTraction)
            //        data = Character.SupportFinder.TractionData;
            //    else
            //        data = Character.SupportFinder.SupportData;
            //    var support = data.Value.SupportObject as EntityCollidable;
            //    if (support != null && !support.Entity.IsDynamic) //Having the view turned by dynamic entities is extremely confusing for the most part.
            //    {
            //        float dot = Vector3.Dot(support.Entity.AngularVelocity, Character.Body.OrientationMatrix.Up);
            //        Camera.Yaw(dot * dt);
            //    }

            if (UseCameraSmoothing)
                //First, find where the camera is expected to be based on the last position and the current velocity.
                //Note: if the character were a free-floating 6DOF character, this would need to include an angular velocity contribution.
                //And of course, the camera orientation would be based on the character's orientation.

                //We use the space's time step since, in the demos, the simulation moves forward one time step per frame.
                //The passed-in dt, in contrast, does not necessarily correspond to a simulated state and tends to make the camera jittery.
                var spaceDt = Character.Space != null ? Character.Space.TimeStepSettings.TimeStepDuration : dt;
                Camera.Position = Camera.Position + Character.Body.LinearVelocity * spaceDt;
                //Now compute where it should be according the physical body of the character.
                Vector3 up           = Character.Body.OrientationMatrix.Up;
                Vector3 bodyPosition = Character.Body.BufferedStates.InterpolatedStates.Position;
                Vector3 goalPosition = bodyPosition + up * (Character.StanceManager.CurrentStance == Stance.Standing ? StandingCameraOffset : CrouchingCameraOffset);

                //Usually, the camera position and the goal will be very close, if not matching completely.
                //However, if the character steps or has its position otherwise modified, then they will not match.
                //In this case, we need to correct the camera position.

                //To do this, first note that we can't correct infinite errors.  We need to define a bounding region that is relative to the character
                //in which the camera can interpolate around.  The most common discontinuous motions are those of upstepping and downstepping.
                //In downstepping, the character can teleport up to the character's MaximumStepHeight downwards.
                //In upstepping, the character can teleport up to the character's MaximumStepHeight upwards, and the body's CollisionMargin horizontally.
                //Picking those as bounds creates a constraining cylinder.

                Vector3 error           = goalPosition - Camera.Position;
                float   verticalError   = Vector3.Dot(error, up);
                Vector3 horizontalError = error - verticalError * up;
                //Clamp the vertical component of the camera position within the bounding cylinder.
                if (verticalError > Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight)
                    Camera.Position -= up * (Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight - verticalError);
                    verticalError    = Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight;
                else if (verticalError < -Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight)
                    Camera.Position -= up * (-Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight - verticalError);
                    verticalError    = -Character.StepManager.MaximumStepHeight;
                //Clamp the horizontal distance too.
                float horizontalErrorLength = horizontalError.LengthSquared();
                float margin = Character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin;
                if (horizontalErrorLength > margin * margin)
                    Vector3 previousHorizontalError = horizontalError;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref horizontalError, margin / (float)Math.Sqrt(horizontalErrorLength), out horizontalError);
                    Camera.Position -= horizontalError - previousHorizontalError;
                //Now that the error/camera position is known to lie within the constraining cylinder, we can perform a smooth correction.

                //This removes a portion of the error each frame.
                //Note that this is not framerate independent.  If fixed time step is not enabled,
                //a different smoothing method should be applied to the final error values.
                //float errorCorrectionFactor = .3f;

                //This version is framerate independent, although it is more expensive.
                float errorCorrectionFactor = (float)(1 - Math.Pow(.000000001, dt));
                Camera.Position += up * (verticalError * errorCorrectionFactor);
                Camera.Position += horizontalError * errorCorrectionFactor;
                Camera.Position = Character.Body.Position + (Character.StanceManager.CurrentStance == Stance.Standing ? StandingCameraOffset : CrouchingCameraOffset) * Character.Body.OrientationMatrix.Up;