Пример #1
        public void Vector2dAddsCorrectly()
            var v = new Vector2d(2, 3);

            Assert.False(v == v + 0);
            Assert.False(v == v.Add(0));
            Assert.True(v.Equivalent(v + 0));
            Assert.True((v + v).Equivalent(new Vector2d(4, 6)));
            Assert.True(v.Add(v).Equivalent(new Vector2d(4, 6)));
            Assert.True((v + .1).Equivalent(new Vector2d(2.1, 3.1)));
            Assert.True(v.Add(.1).Equivalent(new Vector2d(2.1, 3.1)));
Пример #2
        // Operations
        public virtual void Push(Vector2d force)
            Vector2d force2;

            force2 = Vector2d.Divide(force, Mass);
            Vel    = Vector2d.Add(Vel, force2);
Пример #3
        public Vector2d Pursue(Vector2d p, Vector2d vel)
            Vector2d scaledVel = Vector2d.Multiply(vel, 10);
            Vector2d target    = Vector2d.Add(p, scaledVel);

Пример #4
 protected virtual void CalcPhysics(GameState g)
     Loc     = Vector2d.Add(Loc, Vel);
     Facing += RVel;
     //Console.WriteLine("Loc: {0}, Vel: {1}, Facing: {2}, RVel: {3}",
     //                  Loc, Vel, Facing, RVel);
Пример #5
        public static void LerpVector2d(ref Vector2d fromm, ref Vector2d to, double amount, out Vector2d between)
            Vector2d diff, diff2;

            Vector2d.Subtract(ref to, ref fromm, out diff);
            Vector2d.Multiply(ref diff, amount, out diff2);
            Vector2d.Add(ref fromm, ref diff2, out between);
            //Console.WriteLine("From: {0} to {1} by {2}, result: {3}", fromm, to, amount, between);
Пример #6
 protected virtual void CalcPhysics(GameState g)
     if (!TouchingGround && !Floating)
         Vel = Vector2d.Add(Vel, Misc.GRAVITY);
         //Console.WriteLine("Foo: {0}, {1}", TouchingGround, Floating);
     Loc = Vector2d.Add(Loc, Vel);
     //Console.WriteLine("Loc: {0}, Vel: {1}, Facing: {2}, RVel: {3}",
     //                  Loc, Vel, Facing, RVel);
Пример #7
        public override void Calc(GameState g, ICollection <IGameObj> nearbyObjects)
            //Vector2d playerOffset = Vector2d.Add(g.Player.Loc, offset);
            List <IGameObj> l = new List <IGameObj>();

            Vector2d sum = Cohesion(l);

            sum = Vector2d.Add(sum, Vector2d.Multiply(Separation(nearbyObjects), 0.5));
            //Steer(Arrive(playerOffset, 30));
            //Steer(Pursue(g.Player.Loc, g.Player.Vel));
Пример #8
        // Have to move the billboard so the middle of the billboard is in the middle of the ray,
        // instead of the middle of the billboard being at the start of the ray.

        public override void Draw(double dt)
            Vector2d lerploc     = Misc.LerpVector2d(OldLoc, Loc, dt);
            double   lerpfacing  = Misc.LerpDouble(OldFacing, Facing, dt);
            double   offsetrange = Range / 2;
            Vector2d offsetv     = Misc.Vector2dFromDirection(lerpfacing);

            offsetv = Vector2d.Multiply(offsetv, offsetrange);
            Vector2d    loc = Vector2d.Add(lerploc, offsetv);
            Vector3d    v   = new Vector3d(loc);
            Quaterniond q   = Quaterniond.FromAxisAngle(Graphics.OutOfScreen, lerpfacing);

            Mesh.Draw(v, q);
        private void HandleMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Mouse.GetState().IsButtonDown(MouseButton.Right) && DraggingWorld)
                var mouseLoc     = GetWorldCoordinates(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
                var displacement = Vector2d.Subtract(LastDraggingLocation, mouseLoc);

                WorldOrigin = Vector2d.Add(WorldOrigin, displacement);

                Vector2d newMouseLoc = GetWorldCoordinates(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
                LastDraggingLocation = newMouseLoc;
Пример #10
 void Pan(int dt)
     if (PanTime > 0)
         double   timePassed          = (double)dt / 1000;
         double   proportionOfPanDone = timePassed / PanTime;
         Vector2d panPath             = Vector2d.Subtract(PanTarget, Target);
         Vector2d panIncrement        = Vector2d.Multiply(panPath, proportionOfPanDone);
         Target   = Vector2d.Add(Target, panIncrement);
         PanTime -= timePassed;
Пример #11
        public bool Contains(TPoint2D point)
            if (IsFullPlane)

            var A = Vector2d.Add(Origin.AsVector(), new Vector2d(Math.Cos(StartAngle), Math.Sin(StartAngle)));
            var B = Vector2d.Add(Origin.AsVector(), new Vector2d(Math.Cos(EndAngle), Math.Sin(EndAngle)));

            var AC = Geometry2D.Orient(Origin.AsVector(), A, point.AsVector());
            var BC = Geometry2D.Orient(Origin.AsVector(), B, point.AsVector());

            //either orientation is opposite or on the line AB
            return(AC == 1 && BC == -1 || AC == 0 || BC == 0);
Пример #12
        public void Fire(GameState g, Vector2d loc, double facing, Vector2d vel)
            Vector2d firePoint = Misc.Vector2dRotate(FirePoint, facing);

            firePoint = Vector2d.Add(firePoint, loc);

            for (int i = 0; i < BulletCount; i++)
                double   deviation      = (Misc.Rand.NextDouble() * Deviation) - (Deviation / 2);
                double   speedDeviation = (Misc.Rand.NextDouble() * Deviation * 5);
                Vector2d fireDir        = Misc.Vector2dRotate(FireDirection, facing + deviation);
                IGameObj s = ShotFunc(firePoint, facing + deviation);
                s.Vel = Vector2d.Multiply(fireDir, ShotVel + speedDeviation);
                s.Vel = Vector2d.Add(s.Vel, vel);
Пример #13
        protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
            long   now           = gameTime.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            int    dt            = (int)(now - lastUpdate);
            double frameFraction = Math.Min(1.0, (double)dt / 50.0);


            // Setup camera, centered on the target (instead of the target being at the bottom-
            // left).  There are some constraints to prevent the camera from scrolling off the
            // background; they make it stop just short of doing so.
            // XXX: These hardcoded values should be taken from the level map,
            // somehow...
            const int xCenterOffset = 16;
            const int yCenterOffset = 12;
            Vector2d  CameraTarget  = g.Camera.Target;

            CameraTarget.X = Misc.Clamp(CameraTarget.X,
                                        xCenterOffset, g.GetLevel().Width - xCenterOffset - 1);
            CameraTarget.Y = Misc.Clamp(CameraTarget.Y,
                                        yCenterOffset, g.GetLevel().Height - yCenterOffset - 1);

            // Draw background
            Vector2d MapOffset = new Vector2d(-xCenterOffset, -yCenterOffset);
            Vector2d MapPoint  = Vector2d.Add(CameraTarget, MapOffset);

            //Console.WriteLine("MapPoint: {0}, {1}", MapPoint.X, MapPoint.Y);

            // Draw actual objects
            foreach (IGameObj o in g.Objs)

            foreach (Particle p in g.Particles)


Пример #14
        public virtual void Calc(GameState g)
            OldLoc = Loc;
            Loc    = Vector2d.Add(Loc, Vel);

            Lifetime -= 1;
            if (Lifetime > 0)

Пример #15
        void doMovement(ref Particle p, double dt)
            //***Calculate the factors that will affect velocty***
            //1. Applying gravity
            var _gravity = -1 * Vector2d.UnitY * (gravity);

            p.Velocity += _gravity * dt;
            //*(velocity * rand.NextDouble() * dt);
            var speed = p.Velocity * dt;
            var pos   = Vector2d.Zero;

            //Vector2d.Multiply(ref vel, ref _gravity, out vel);

            //Final Step - add the calculated Velocity the particle's position
            Vector2d.Add(ref p.Position, ref speed, out pos);
            p.Position = pos;
            p.Life    -= dt;
Пример #16
        public Vector2d Wander()
            double wanderRadius   = 16;
            double wanderDistance = 600;

            WanderTheta += Misc.Rand.NextDouble() - 0.5;
            Vector2d circle = Controlled.Vel;

            circle = Vector2d.NormalizeFast(circle);
            circle = Vector2d.Multiply(circle, wanderDistance);
            //circle = Vector2d.Add(circle, Controlled.Loc);

            Vector2d circleOffset = new Vector2d(wanderRadius * Math.Cos(WanderTheta),
                                                 wanderRadius * Math.Sin(WanderTheta));
            Vector2d target = Vector2d.Add(circle, circleOffset);

Пример #17
        public Vector2d Separation(ICollection <IGameObj> nearbyObjects)
            double   neighborDist = 500;
            Vector2d sum          = Vector2d.Zero;
            int      count        = 0;

            foreach (IGameObj o in nearbyObjects)
                double d = Vector2d.Subtract(Controlled.Loc, o.Loc).Length;
                if (d < neighborDist)
                    sum    = Vector2d.Add(sum, o.Loc);
                    count += 1;
            sum = Vector2d.Divide(sum, count);
            sum = Vector2d.Subtract(sum, Controlled.Loc);
            sum = Vector2d.NormalizeFast(sum);
            sum = Vector2d.Multiply(sum, -Controlled.MaxVel);
        internal void SubdivideKoch(double height, out TetrahedronFace first, out TetrahedronFace second, out TetrahedronFace third, out TetrahedronFace fourth, out TetrahedronFace fifth, out TetrahedronFace sixth)
            Vector3d CenterAB, CenterBC, CenterCA, CenterD;
            Vector2d TexCoordAB, TexCoordBC, TexCoordCA, TexCoordD;

            Vector3d.Lerp(ref this.APosition, ref this.BPosition, 0.5, out CenterAB);
            Vector3d.Lerp(ref this.BPosition, ref this.CPosition, 0.5, out CenterBC);
            Vector3d.Lerp(ref this.CPosition, ref this.APosition, 0.5, out CenterCA);
            CenterD = CenterAB;
            Vector3d.Add(ref CenterD, ref CenterBC, out CenterD);
            Vector3d.Add(ref CenterD, ref CenterCA, out CenterD);
            CenterD /= 3.0;
            Vector3d E    = CenterD + (this.Normal * 0.5);
            Vector3d temp = this.Normal;

            temp *= height;
            Vector3d.Add(ref CenterD, ref temp, out CenterD);

            Vector2d.Lerp(ref this.ATexCoord, ref this.BTexCoord, 0.5, out TexCoordAB);
            Vector2d.Lerp(ref this.BTexCoord, ref this.CTexCoord, 0.5, out TexCoordBC);
            Vector2d.Lerp(ref this.CTexCoord, ref this.ATexCoord, 0.5, out TexCoordCA);
            TexCoordD = TexCoordAB;
            Vector2d.Add(ref TexCoordD, ref TexCoordBC, out TexCoordD);
            Vector2d.Add(ref TexCoordD, ref TexCoordCA, out TexCoordD);
            TexCoordD /= 3.0;
            #region 1
            first.APosition = this.APosition;
            first.ATexCoord = this.ATexCoord;

            first.BPosition = CenterAB;
            first.BTexCoord = TexCoordAB;

            first.CPosition = CenterCA;
            first.CTexCoord = TexCoordCA;

            first.Normal    = this.Normal;
            temp            = (this.APosition + CenterAB + CenterCA);
            temp           /= 3.0;
            temp           += this.Normal * -1.0;
            first.DPosition = temp;
            #endregion 1
            #region 2
            second.APosition = CenterAB;
            second.ATexCoord = TexCoordAB;

            second.BPosition = this.BPosition;
            second.BTexCoord = this.BTexCoord;

            second.CPosition = CenterBC;
            second.CTexCoord = TexCoordBC;

            second.Normal = this.Normal;

            temp             = CenterAB + this.BPosition + CenterBC;
            temp            /= 3.0;
            temp            += this.Normal * -1.0;
            second.DPosition = temp;

            #endregion 2
            #region 3
            third.APosition = CenterBC;
            third.ATexCoord = TexCoordBC;

            third.BPosition = this.CPosition;
            third.BTexCoord = this.CTexCoord;

            third.CPosition = CenterCA;
            third.CTexCoord = TexCoordCA;

            third.Normal    = this.Normal;
            temp            = CenterBC + this.CPosition + CenterCA;
            temp           /= 3.0;
            temp           += this.Normal * -1.0;
            third.DPosition = temp;
            #endregion 3
            #region 4
            fourth.APosition = CenterAB;
            fourth.ATexCoord = TexCoordAB;

            fourth.BPosition = CenterD;
            fourth.BTexCoord = TexCoordD;

            fourth.CPosition = CenterCA;
            fourth.CTexCoord = TexCoordCA;

            SierpinskiTetrahedron.FindNormal(ref CenterAB, ref CenterD, ref CenterCA, out fourth.Normal);
            fourth.DPosition = E;
            #endregion 4
            #region 5
            fifth.APosition = CenterAB;
            fifth.ATexCoord = TexCoordAB;

            fifth.BPosition = CenterBC;
            fifth.BTexCoord = TexCoordBC;

            fifth.CPosition = CenterD;
            fifth.CTexCoord = TexCoordD;

            SierpinskiTetrahedron.FindNormal(ref CenterAB, ref CenterBC, ref CenterD, out fifth.Normal);
            fifth.DPosition = E;

            #endregion 5
            #region 6
            sixth.APosition = CenterBC;
            sixth.ATexCoord = TexCoordBC;

            sixth.BPosition = CenterCA;
            sixth.BTexCoord = TexCoordCA;

            sixth.CPosition = CenterD;
            sixth.CTexCoord = TexCoordD;

            SierpinskiTetrahedron.FindNormal(ref CenterBC, ref CenterCA, ref CenterD, out sixth.Normal);
            sixth.DPosition = E;
            #endregion 6
Пример #19
        // Wow, that was easy...
        public static Vector2d LeadObject(IGameObj g)
            Vector2d diff = g.Loc - g.OldLoc;

            return(Vector2d.Add(g.Loc, diff));
Пример #20
        public static Vector2d LerpVector2d(Vector2d fromm, Vector2d to, double amount)
            Vector2d diff = Vector2d.Multiply(Vector2d.Subtract(to, fromm), amount);

            return(Vector2d.Add(fromm, diff));
Пример #21
        private static void MoveFrameRelative(List <LineSelection> selectedLines, int direction, bool isCompleteAction)
            RiderFrame flag         = window.Track.GetFlag();
            int        currentFrame = window.Track.Offset;

            if (flag == null || currentFrame <= flag.FrameID)
                // Behavior only defined if flag is set and current frame is ahead of it

            Rider flagFrameRider     = flag.State;
            Rider flagNextFrameRider = window.Track.Timeline.ExtractFrame(flag.FrameID + 1).State;

            // Where the Rider was at the flag frame, and the frame after that
            // This establishes the initial frame of reference
            // flagNextFrameRider is considered to be the frame with 0 relative velocity to the reference frame
            // All frames after will look as if the rider has started falling within the reference frame, because gravity.
            // This is all if the user-configured relative speeds are (0, 0). If the user changes these speeds,
            // the lines will be drawn accordingly.
            Vector2d flagFramePos     = Game.Rider.GetBounds(flagFrameRider).Vector;
            Vector2d flagNextFramePos = Game.Rider.GetBounds(flagNextFrameRider).Vector;

            // The difference between where the rider was on frames 0 and 1 establishes a reference speed to apply
            Vector2d firstFrameDiff = Vector2d.Subtract(flagNextFramePos, flagFramePos);

            // Add the user-configurable speed offsets
            firstFrameDiff = Vector2d.Add(firstFrameDiff, new Vector2d(Settings.animationRelativeVelX, Settings.animationRelativeVelY));

            int framesElapsed = currentFrame - flag.FrameID;

            // Apply the speed vector to the number of elapsed frames, and add it to the initial reference frame
            // to get an expected position for the current frame
            Vector2d currentFrameExpectedPos = Vector2d.Add(Vector2d.Multiply(firstFrameDiff, framesElapsed), flagFramePos);
            // Same for the next frame
            Vector2d nextFrameExpectedPos = Vector2d.Add(Vector2d.Multiply(firstFrameDiff, framesElapsed + direction), flagFramePos);

            if (isCompleteAction)
            TrackWriter     trackWriter = window.Track.CreateTrackWriter();
            List <GameLine> newLines    = new List <GameLine>();

            foreach (LineSelection selection in selectedLines)
                GameLine selectedLine = selection.line;
                Vector2d p1           = selectedLine.Position;
                Vector2d p2           = selectedLine.Position2;

                Vector2d diff1 = Vector2d.Subtract(p1, currentFrameExpectedPos);
                Vector2d diff2 = Vector2d.Subtract(p2, currentFrameExpectedPos);

                Vector2d nextP1 = Vector2d.Add(nextFrameExpectedPos, diff1);
                Vector2d nextP2 = Vector2d.Add(nextFrameExpectedPos, diff2);

                // Add a new line in the same position, then move the existing line to maintain the selection
                GameLine newLine;
                if (!Settings.forwardLinesAsScenery && (direction > 0 || !Settings.recededLinesAsScenery))
                    switch (selection.line.Type)
                    case LineType.Red:
                        newLine = new RedLine(nextP1, nextP2, ((RedLine)selectedLine).inv);

                    case LineType.Blue:
                        newLine = new StandardLine(nextP1, nextP2, ((StandardLine)selectedLine).inv);

                    case LineType.Scenery:
                        newLine = new SceneryLine(nextP1, nextP2);

                        newLine = new SceneryLine(nextP1, nextP2);
                    newLine = new SceneryLine(nextP1, nextP2);

            var selectTool = CurrentTools.SelectTool;

            foreach (GameLine newLine in newLines)

            if (isCompleteAction)