Пример #1
 public GraphNode(Vector2_int a)
     pos      = a;
     visited  = false;
     cost     = int.MaxValue; // int.MaxValue, because the initial value for dijkstra's algorithm should be infinity
     adjacent = new List <GraphNode>();
     previous = null;
Пример #2
    // this is not updating player, it is actually updating the object to show objects after player is updated
    public void UpdatePlayer(GameObject gameobj)
        int    x = (int)gameobj.transform.position.x;
        int    y = (int)gameobj.transform.position.y;
        Player p = gameobj.GetComponent <Player>();

        if (p == null)
        List <Vector2_int> list_tmp = new List <Vector2_int>();

        for (int i = Math.Max(0, x - p.fooddistance); i <= Math.Min(col + 1, x + p.fooddistance); i++)
            for (int j = Math.Max(0, y - p.fooddistance); j <= Math.Min(row + 1, y + p.fooddistance); j++)
                Vector2_int tmp = new Vector2_int(i, j);
                if (objtoshow_dict.ContainsKey(tmp))
                    objtoshow_dict[tmp].game.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true;
                    if (objtoshow_dict[tmp].game.GetComponent <Animator>() != null)
                        objtoshow_dict[tmp].game.GetComponent <Animator>().enabled = true;
        //Debug.Log("list count" + list_tmp.Count);
        //Debug.Log("objecttoshow count:" + objtoshow_dict.Count);
        foreach (Vector2_int vint in changed_everyupdate)
            if (!list_tmp.Contains(vint))
                objtoshow_dict[vint].SetRenderer(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("UpdatingAccordingtoLights"));

        changed_everyupdate = list_tmp;
Пример #3
    // this is the algortithm for returning the shortest path
    public List <GraphNode> Dijkstra(Vector2_int start, Vector2_int end) // return the shortest path
        //Debug.Log("Marker 1");
        if (start.x < 0 || start.x >= col || end.x < 0 || end.x >= col ||
            start.y < 0 || start.y >= row || end.y < 0 || end.y >= row)    // the position is not inside board
        GraphNode[][] graphNodes = GraphSetup();

        Heap graphheap = new Heap();


        List <GraphNode> result = null;

        //Debug.Log("Marker 3");
        graphNodes[start.x][start.y].previous = null;
        graphNodes[start.x][start.y].cost     = 0;


        //Debug.Log("Marker 4");
        //FileStream fs = new FileStream("Running.log", FileMode.Append);
        //byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Marker 4 \n");
        //fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        GraphNode tmp = null;

        while (graphheap.currentSize > 0)
            tmp = graphheap.DeleteMin();
            if (tmp.cost == int.MaxValue || System.Object.ReferenceEquals(tmp, graphNodes[end.x][end.y]) || tmp.cost >= graphNodes[end.x][end.y].cost) // all infinite path to the end or already hit the last
            foreach (GraphNode node in tmp.adjacent)
                if (node.mapping_index > 0 && !obstacle_level.ContainsKey(node.pos) && tmp.cost + 1 < node.cost) // it's in the unvisited set (graph heap), and not the wall tile, and really lowers the cost
                    node.cost     = tmp.cost + 1;
                    node.previous = tmp;
                    //for(int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                    //    Debug.Log(" j th cost is " + graphheap.heap_arr[j].pos.x + " " + graphheap.heap_arr[j].pos.y + " " + graphheap.heap_arr[j].cost + " " + graphheap.heap_arr[j].visited);

        //Debug.Log("Marker 5");
        //fs = new FileStream("Running.log", FileMode.Append);
        //buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Marker 5 \n");
        //fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        if (graphNodes[end.x][end.y].cost != int.MaxValue)
            tmp    = graphNodes[end.x][end.y];
            result = new List <GraphNode>();
            while (tmp != null)
                result.Insert(0, tmp);
                //Debug.Log("Path is " + tmp.cost + tmp.mapping_index + "\n");
                //fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                tmp = tmp.previous;
        //Debug.Log("Cost is " + graphNodes[end.x][end.y].cost);
        //buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Cost is " + graphNodes[end.x][end.y].cost + "\n");
        //fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

Пример #4
    void LayoutObjRandom(GameObject[] tileArr, int m1, int m2)
        int objCount = Random.Range(m1, m2 + 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++)
            Vector3    pos      = RandomPosition();
            GameObject ins      = tileArr[Random.Range(0, tileArr.Length)];
            GameObject instance = Instantiate(ins, pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            //Debug.logger.Log( i );
            if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(tileArr, light)) // if it's light, then we want to take the adjacent 3by3 area into light
                instance.GetComponent <Light>().pos = pos;
            else // else, we want to display or not the object
                if (instance.GetComponent <Animator>() != null)
                    instance.GetComponent <Animator>().enabled = false;
                instance.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

                if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(tileArr, enemyTiles))
                    // might need some strategies for dealing with movable enemies, here. we avoid registering lights to enmies because
                    // enemy is moving, registering is not efficient
                List <GameObject> light_tmp = new List <GameObject>();
                for (int j = 0; j < lights.Count; j++)
                    if (GameManager.Distance(instance, lights[j]) < adj)

                if (light_tmp.Count > 0)
                    objtoshow.Add(new ObjectToShow(instance, light_tmp.ToArray()));
                    objtoshow.Add(new ObjectToShow(instance));

                // if we're layouting the inside walls, we need to update the cost to it to make it int max
                if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(tileArr, inwallTiles))
                    Vector2_int int_tmp = new Vector2_int(pos.x, pos.y);
                    //Debug.Log(int_tmp.x + " " + int_tmp.y);
                    if (obstacle_level.ContainsKey(int_tmp))
                        Debug.Log("Repeat at " + int_tmp.x + " " + int_tmp.y);
                        obstacle_level.Add(int_tmp, int.MaxValue);