Пример #1
    void InitializeBoard()
        int dotsNumber = boardWidth * boardHeight;
        boardPositions = new Vector2[boardWidth, boardHeight];

        startX = dotDistance * (boardWidth / 2);
        startY = dotDistance * (boardHeight / 2);
        startX -= (boardWidth % 2) == 0 ? (dotDistance/2f) : 0f;
        startY -= (boardHeight % 2) == 0 ? (dotDistance/2f): 0f;

        for(int y = 0; y < boardHeight; y++) {
            for(int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++) {
                Vector2 position = new Vector2(x * dotDistance - startX, y * dotDistance - startY);
                boardPositions[x,y] = position;

                Dot dot = ((GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(dotSprite, new Vector3(position.x, position.y, 0f), Quaternion.identity)).GetComponent<Dot>();
                dot.transform.parent = transform;
                dot.boardPosition = new Vector2(x,y);
                dot.name = dot.name + x*y;
                boardDots.Add (dot);

Пример #2
		public Creature (Rectangle bounds, Texture2D texture, Color tint) {
			Brain = new NeuralNetwork(0, 4, 4, 3);
			Bounds = bounds;
			Position = new Vector2(Rand.Next(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Right),
			                       Rand.Next(Bounds.Top, Bounds.Bottom));

			_edges = new[,] {
				{new Vector2(bounds.Left, bounds.Top), new Vector2(bounds.Right, bounds.Top)},
				{new Vector2(bounds.Right, bounds.Top), new Vector2(bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom)},
				{new Vector2(bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom), new Vector2(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom)},
				{new Vector2(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom), new Vector2(bounds.Left, bounds.Top)}

			_edgeLengths = new[] {
				Vector2.DistanceSquared(_edges[0, 0], _edges[0, 1]),
				Vector2.DistanceSquared(_edges[1, 0], _edges[1, 1]),
				Vector2.DistanceSquared(_edges[2, 0], _edges[2, 1]),
				Vector2.DistanceSquared(_edges[3, 0], _edges[3, 1])

			Angle = Rand.Next(0, 360);
			Frame = Rand.Next(0, _stripWidth);
			Life = 100;

			Texture = texture;
			Tint = tint;
Пример #3
	private void initBuffers()
		int N1 = this.settings.N;
		int N2 = (int)(this.settings.N * this.settings.N);

		// --------------------- //
		// spectrum:

		this.m_spectrumBuffer 	= new Vector2[N1,N1];

		// --------------------- //

		this.m_heightBuffer 	= new Vector2[2, N2];
		this.m_slopeBuffer 		= new Vector4[2, N2];
		this.m_displaceBuffer 	= new Vector4[2, N2];

		// --------------------- //


		this.m_fourier.init( N1 );

		// --------------------- //

		this.m_grid = new OceanGrid( 8, 8, this.settings.N + 1, this.settings );
Пример #4
 void Start()
     isInventoryPositionFilled = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").GetComponent<InventoryData>().isInventoryPositionFilled;
     itemPositions = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").GetComponent<InventoryData>().itemPositions;
     itemPosition = itemPositions[(int)itemIndex.x, (int)itemIndex.y];
Пример #5
 public void SetRenderableArray(Vector2[,] vectorArray /*, float[,] floatArray*/)
     width  = vectorArray.GetLength(0);
     height = vectorArray.GetLength(1);
     renderShader.SetInt("Width", width);
     renderShader.SetInt("Height", height);
     arrayBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(width * height, sizeof(float) * 2);
 // Allocation des deux tableaux
 //    1) celui contenant les points de sommet (les points uniques),
 //    2) celui contenant les sommets servant à dessiner les triangles
 void AllouerTableaux()
     //TabPtsSommet = new Vector3[NbColonnes, NbRangées];
     //Sommets = new VertexPositionTexture[NbSommets];
     PtsTexture   = new Vector2[NbColonnes + 1, NbRangées + 1];
     TabPtsSommet = new Vector3[NbColonnes + 1, NbRangées + 1];
     Sommets      = new VertexPositionTexture[NbSommets];
Пример #7
 public GameProcess()
     Way      = new List <Vector2>();
     GameFild = new Vector2[35, 35];
     Towers   = new Tower[35, 35];
     //enemy = new Enemy1();
Пример #8
        public void Multiply()
            Vector2[,] expected = MakeResult(size, size, new Vector2(375, 375));
            FastMatrix <Vector2> matrix  = MakeMatrix(size, size, fifteen);
            FastMatrix <Vector2> matrix2 = MakeMatrix(size, size, five);

            VerifyResults(cpu.Multiply(matrix, matrix2), expected);
Пример #9
        public void Subtract()
            Vector2[,] expected = MakeResult(size, size, fifteen);
            FastMatrix <Vector2> matrix  = MakeMatrix(size, size, twenty);
            FastMatrix <Vector2> matrix2 = MakeMatrix(size, size, five);

            VerifyResults(cpu.Subtract(matrix, matrix2), expected);
Пример #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        pillarCellData = new Vector2[xNumberOfCells, yNumberOfCells];


Пример #11
 public Model(Vector3[] voxelVerts, Vector3[] faceChecks, int[,] voxelTris, List <int> tintedFaces, Vector2[,] voxelUvs)
     this.voxelVerts  = voxelVerts;
     this.faceChecks  = faceChecks;
     this.voxelTris   = voxelTris;
     this.voxelUvs    = voxelUvs;
     this.tintedFaces = tintedFaces;
Пример #12
 public Dictionary <FaceDirections, Vector2[]> GenerateExtremeCellPositions(Vector2[,] generatedTilePositions)
     return(new Dictionary <FaceDirections, Vector2[]>
         { FaceDirections.Top, TopFaceCellIndices.Select(index => generatedTilePositions[index.x, index.y]).ToArray() },
         { FaceDirections.Right, RightFaceCellIndices.Select(index => generatedTilePositions[index.x, index.y]).ToArray() }
Пример #13
 /// Create a sampler with the following parameters:
 /// width:  each sample's x coordinate will be between [0, width]
 /// height: each sample's y coordinate will be between [0, height]
 /// radius: each sample will be at least `radius` units away from any other sample, and at most 2 * `radius`.
 public PoissonDiscSampler(float width, float height, float radius)
     rect     = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
     radius2  = radius * radius;
     cellSize = radius / Mathf.Sqrt(2);
     grid     = new Vector2[Mathf.CeilToInt(width / cellSize),
                            Mathf.CeilToInt(height / cellSize)];
Пример #14
        //is in the final path

        public Brain()
            closed = new bool[80, 48];
            cost   = new float[80, 48];
            link   = new Vector2[80, 48];
            inPath = new bool[80, 48];
            path   = new List <Vector2>();
Пример #15
 protected override void GetDeformation(out Vector2[,] deformation, out float multiplier, bool inverse)
     deformation = Deformation;
     multiplier  = CustomDeformationParams.Frequency <= 0.0f ?
                   CustomDeformationParams.Amplitude :
                   (float)Math.Sin(inverse ? -phase : phase) * CustomDeformationParams.Amplitude;
     multiplier *= Params.Strength;
Пример #16
    public void Generate()
        bool[,] map = new bool[width, height];


        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            map = CellularAutomataPass(map);


        nearestTiles = new Vector2[width, height];
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                if (map[x, y])
                    InstantiateFloorTile(map, x, y);
                    if (IsFloor(map, x, y + 1) && IsFloor(map, x, y - 1) && IsFloor(map, x + 1, y) && IsFloor(map, x - 1, y))
                        nearestTiles[x, y] = new Vector2(x, y);
                        nearestTiles[x, y] = -Vector2.one;
                    nearestTiles[x, y] = -Vector2.one;


        if (topDoor == null)
            GameObject door = Instantiate(doorPrefab, fallbackTopDoorPosition, Quaternion.identity, transform) as GameObject;
            topDoor = door.GetComponent <Door>();
            Debug.LogWarning("Top door in fallback position");
        topDoor.room = this;

        if (bottomDoor == null)
            GameObject door = Instantiate(doorPrefab, fallbackBottomDoorPosition, Quaternion.identity, transform) as GameObject;
            bottomDoor = door.GetComponent <Door>();
            Debug.LogWarning("Bottom door in fallback position");
        bottomDoor.room      = this;
        bottomDoor.doorToHub = true;

        RoomPlan = RoomPlanFactory.getInstance().getRoomPlan(this.ID, this);
Пример #17
        public void PostConstruct()
            //TODO: use actual block def count count - BlockDefs.GetAllDefinitions().Length
            //not that important for lookup tho, and introduces the need to pass block def count to chunk render job, so f**k-it pile for now
            WorldUvLookup       = new Vector2[MAX_BLOCKDEF_COUNT, FACES_PER_VOXEL, 4];
            WorldUvLookupNative = new NativeArray <float2>(WorldUvLookup.Length, Allocator.Persistent);

            //TODO fix voxel type determination so we rely on actual enum in the voxel def not array index
            //zero is only marker for no data so we dont need to generate uv lookup
            //(we actually also don't need to do that for Air)

            var blockDefs = BlockDefs.GetAllDefinitions();
            int uvId;

            for (var iVoxelType = 1; iVoxelType < blockDefs.Length; iVoxelType++)
                var voxelDef = blockDefs[iVoxelType];

                for (var iFace = 0; iFace < voxelDef.FaceTextures.Length; iFace++)
                    var textureId = voxelDef.FaceTextures[iFace];

                    float x = textureId % BLOCKS_PER_SIDE_WORLD * NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD;
                    float y = (int)(textureId / BLOCKS_PER_SIDE_WORLD) * NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD;

                    WorldUvLookup[iVoxelType, iFace, 0] = new Vector2(x, y);
                    WorldUvLookup[iVoxelType, iFace, 1] = new Vector2(x, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD);
                    WorldUvLookup[iVoxelType, iFace, 2] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD, y);
                    WorldUvLookup[iVoxelType, iFace, 3] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD);

                    uvId = ArrayHelper.To1D(iVoxelType, iFace, 0, MAX_BLOCKDEF_COUNT, FACES_PER_VOXEL);
                    WorldUvLookupNative[uvId] = new Vector2(x, y);

                    uvId = ArrayHelper.To1D(iVoxelType, iFace, 1, MAX_BLOCKDEF_COUNT, FACES_PER_VOXEL);
                    WorldUvLookupNative[uvId] = new Vector2(x, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD);

                    uvId = ArrayHelper.To1D(iVoxelType, iFace, 2, MAX_BLOCKDEF_COUNT, FACES_PER_VOXEL);
                    WorldUvLookupNative[uvId] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD, y);

                    uvId = ArrayHelper.To1D(iVoxelType, iFace, 3, MAX_BLOCKDEF_COUNT, FACES_PER_VOXEL);
                    WorldUvLookupNative[uvId] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_WORLD);

            UtilsUvLookup = new Vector2[BLOCKS_PER_TEXTURE_UTILS, 4];

            for (var i = 0; i < BLOCKS_PER_TEXTURE_UTILS; i++)
                float y = (int)(i / BLOCKS_PER_SIDE_UTILS) * NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_UTILS;

                UtilsUvLookup[i, 0] = new Vector2(x, y);
                UtilsUvLookup[i, 1] = new Vector2(x, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_UTILS);
                UtilsUvLookup[i, 2] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_UTILS, y);
                UtilsUvLookup[i, 3] = new Vector2(x + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_UTILS, y + NORMALIZED_BLOCK_SIZE_UTILS);
Пример #18
    private Vector3 getFFT(int x, int z, out Vector3 normal)
        if (!hasDoneFFT)
            hasDoneFFT = true;
            FFT_H      = new Vector2[edgelen, edgelen];
            FFT_Dx     = new Vector2[edgelen, edgelen];
            FFT_Dz     = new Vector2[edgelen, edgelen];
            FFT_Nx     = new Vector2[edgelen, edgelen];
            FFT_Nz     = new Vector2[edgelen, edgelen];
            int     halfedgelen = edgelen / 2;
            float   kx, kz;
            Vector2 k;
            Vector2 ht;
            int     uaddh;
            int     vaddh;
            for (int u = -halfedgelen; u < halfedgelen; u++)
                kx = 2 * Mathf.PI * u / edgelen;
                for (int v = -halfedgelen; v < halfedgelen; v++)
                    kz    = 2 * Mathf.PI * v / edgelen;
                    k     = new Vector2(kx, kz);
                    uaddh = u + halfedgelen;
                    vaddh = v + halfedgelen;
                    ht    = Htildes[uaddh, vaddh];
                    FFT_H[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(ht.x, ht.y);

                    if (k.magnitude < Min)
                        FFT_Nx[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        FFT_Nz[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        FFT_Dx[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        FFT_Dz[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        FFT_Nx[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(-ht.y * kx, ht.x * kx);
                        FFT_Nz[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(-ht.y * kz, ht.x * kz);
                        FFT_Dx[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(ht.y * kx / k.magnitude, -ht.x * kx / k.magnitude);
                        FFT_Dz[uaddh, vaddh] = new Vector2(ht.y * kz / k.magnitude, -ht.x * kz / k.magnitude);
                    FFT_H[uaddh, vaddh].y  *= -1;
                    FFT_Nx[uaddh, vaddh].y *= -1;
                    FFT_Nz[uaddh, vaddh].y *= -1;
                    FFT_Dx[uaddh, vaddh].y *= -1;
                    FFT_Dz[uaddh, vaddh].y *= -1;
            FFTHelper.FFT(FFT_H, edgelen);
            FFTHelper.FFT(FFT_Nx, edgelen);
            FFTHelper.FFT(FFT_Nz, edgelen);
            FFTHelper.FFT(FFT_Dx, edgelen);
            FFTHelper.FFT(FFT_Dz, edgelen);
        normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0) - new Vector3(FFT_Nx[x, z].x, 0, FFT_Nz[x, z].x);
        return(new Vector3(FFT_Dx[x, z].x * -Q, FFT_H[x, z].x, FFT_Dz[x, z].x * -Q));
Пример #19
 public Tube(Mesh mesh, Vector3[,] vertex2DRepresentation, Vector3[,] normal2DRepresentation, Vector2[,] uv2DRepresentation, Transform[] bones, BoxCollider[] boxColliders)
     this.mesh = mesh;
     this.vertex2DRepresentation = vertex2DRepresentation;
     this.normal2DRepresentation = normal2DRepresentation;
     this.uv2DRepresentation     = uv2DRepresentation;
     this.bones        = bones;
     this.boxColliders = boxColliders;
Пример #20
        public TerrainData(TiledTerrainConfig config, BinaryReader reader)
            Config = config;
            Reader = reader;

            Heights = new float[Config.PatchHeightRes, Config.PatchHeightRes];
            Normals = new Vector3[Config.PatchHeightRes, Config.PatchHeightRes];
            Splats  = new Vector2[Config.PatchSplatRes, Config.PatchSplatRes];
Пример #21
        public override void Create(GameObject createdObject)
            if (createdObject == this)
                if (_ANSIrepresentations == null || _side == 0 || _spacing == 0 || _squareSide == 0)
                    //This means that the object isnt initialized properly
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                Objects = new GameObject[_side, _side];
                _positions = new Vector2[_side, _side];

                int doubleSpacing = _spacing * 2; //This is used so there is space for lines left

                #region Calculate square positions

                float yPosition = Sprite.Position.Y + _spacing;

                for (int i = 0; i < _side; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _side; j++)
                        _positions[i, j] = new Vector2(yPosition, _squareSide * j + Sprite.Position.X + _spacing + doubleSpacing * j);

                    yPosition += _squareSide + doubleSpacing;

                #region Calculate line positions

                _verticalLinePoints = new Vector2[2, _side + 1];
                _horizontalLinePoints = new Vector2[2, _side + 1];

                int lineLenght = _spacing * 2 + _squareSide * _side + doubleSpacing * (_side - 1);
                int lineSpacing = _spacing * 2 + _squareSide;

                for (int i = 0; i <= _side; i++)
                    Vector2 horizontalFirstPoint = new Vector2(Sprite.Position.X, Sprite.Position.Y + lineSpacing * i);
                    Vector2 horizontalSecondPoint = new Vector2(horizontalFirstPoint.X + lineLenght, horizontalFirstPoint.Y);

                    _horizontalLinePoints[0, i] = horizontalFirstPoint;
                    _horizontalLinePoints[1, i] = horizontalSecondPoint;

                    Vector2 verticalFirstPoint = new Vector2(Sprite.Position.X + lineSpacing * i, Sprite.Position.Y);
                    Vector2 verticalSecondPoint = new Vector2(verticalFirstPoint.X, verticalFirstPoint.Y + lineLenght);

                    _verticalLinePoints[0, i] = verticalFirstPoint;
                    _verticalLinePoints[1, i] = verticalSecondPoint;


Пример #22
	public void init()
		Debug.Log( "init spectrum" );

		this.spectrum_norm = new Vector2[ this.settings.N + 1, this.settings.N + 1 ];
		this.spectrum_conj = new Vector2[ this.settings.N + 1, this.settings.N + 1 ];

Пример #23
    //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    //public struct Test
    //    public int msg_type;
    //    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 11)]
    //    public char[] str;

    //    public Test(int msg_type, string msg_date)
    //    {
    //        this.msg_type = msg_type;
    //        this.str = msg_date.PadRight(11, '\0').ToCharArray();
    //    }

    //public byte[] StructToBytes(Object obj)

    void Start()
        // 先连接服务器

        chesspos   = new Vector2[15, 15];
        chessstate = new int[15, 15];
        chessturn  = turn.black;
Пример #24
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     chessPos = new Vector2[15, 15];
     chessTurn = turn.black;
     chessState = new int[15, 15];
Пример #25
    private Vector2[,] grid;       // a 2D array to store the position of cells (midpoint)

    public GridMap(Vector3 origin, float x_width, float z_width, int x_numCells, int z_numCells)
        this.x_cellWidth = x_width;
        this.z_cellWidth = z_width;
        this.x_numCells  = x_numCells;
        this.z_numCells  = z_numCells;
        grid             = new Vector2[this.x_numCells, this.z_numCells]; // construct the 2D grid array
        constructGrid(origin.x, origin.z);
Пример #26
    public Fluid(float viscosity, int size)
        this.size = size;

        visc = viscosity;

        velocity  = new Vector2[size, size];
        velocity0 = new Vector2[size, size];
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 床を配置する
        /// </summary>
        void SetMapFloorImage()
            _mapSize        = _miniMapSystem.MapSize;
            _mapImages      = new Image[_mapSize.Y, _mapSize.X];
            _imagePositions = new Vector2[_mapSize.Y, _mapSize.X];
            var delta = (RoomSize + AisleLength) * 0.5f;

            Vector2 position = new Vector2();

            for (int i = 0; i < _mapSize.Y; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _mapSize.X; j++)
                    if (i % 2 != 0 && j % 2 != 0)
                        position.x += delta;

                    var image = Instantiate(FloorImagePre, MapParent);

                    if (i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0)
                        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(RoomSize, RoomSize);
                        Vector2 aisleSize;
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            aisleSize = new Vector2(AisleLength, AisleWidth);
                            aisleSize = new Vector2(AisleWidth, AisleLength);

                        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = aisleSize;

                    image.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = position;
                    image.color           = MiniMapColor;
                    _imagePositions[i, j] = position;
                    _mapImages[i, j]      = image;

                    position.x += delta;

                position.x  = 0.0f;
                position.y += delta;
 public Grid(int sizex, int sizez)
     gridsizex   = sizex;
     gridsizez   = sizez;
     arr         = new int[gridsizez, gridsizex];
     obsticles   = new List <Obsticle> ();
     vectorfield = new Vector2[gridsizez, gridsizex];
     list        = new Queue(gridsizex * gridsizez * 3);
Пример #29
        public DC(GraphicsDevice device, int resolution, int Size)
            : base(device, resolution, Size, false)
            map = new float[resolution, resolution];
            vertices = new Vector2[resolution, resolution];
            vertex_indexes = new int[resolution, resolution];

Пример #30
    private void Awake()
        block    = new Transform[m, n];
        blockPos = new Vector2[m, n];
        map      = new int[m, n];
        isSquare = new bool[m, n];

        num = m - 1;
Пример #31
        public DC(GraphicsDevice device, int resolution, int Size)
            : base(device, resolution, Size, false)
            map            = new float[resolution, resolution];
            vertices       = new Vector2[resolution, resolution];
            vertex_indexes = new int[resolution, resolution];

Пример #32
        public int PeformFFT(int startIdx, Vector2[,] data0, Vector4[,] data1, Vector4[,] data2)
            int     x; int y; int i;
            int     idx = 0; int idx1; int bftIdx;
            int     X; int Y;
            Vector2 w;

            int j = startIdx;

            for (i = 0; i < m_passes; i++, j++)
                idx  = j % 2;
                idx1 = (j + 1) % 2;

                for (x = 0; x < m_size; x++)
                    for (y = 0; y < m_size; y++)
                        bftIdx = 4 * (x + i * m_size);

                        X   = (int)m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 0];
                        Y   = (int)m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 1];
                        w.x = m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 2];
                        w.y = m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 3];

                        data0[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data0[idx1, X + y * m_size], data0[idx1, Y + y * m_size]);
                        data1[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data1[idx1, X + y * m_size], data1[idx1, Y + y * m_size]);
                        data2[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data2[idx1, X + y * m_size], data2[idx1, Y + y * m_size]);

            for (i = 0; i < m_passes; i++, j++)
                idx  = j % 2;
                idx1 = (j + 1) % 2;

                for (x = 0; x < m_size; x++)
                    for (y = 0; y < m_size; y++)
                        bftIdx = 4 * (y + i * m_size);

                        X   = (int)m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 0];
                        Y   = (int)m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 1];
                        w.x = m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 2];
                        w.y = m_butterflyLookupTable[bftIdx + 3];

                        data0[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data0[idx1, x + X * m_size], data0[idx1, x + Y * m_size]);
                        data1[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data1[idx1, x + X * m_size], data1[idx1, x + Y * m_size]);
                        data2[idx, x + y * m_size] = FFT(w, data2[idx1, x + X * m_size], data2[idx1, x + Y * m_size]);

Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Grid object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Origin">Coordinates of the top left corner of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="Size">Size of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="CellSize">Size of each cell</param>
        public Grid(Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Size, Vector2 CellSize)
            columns = (int)(Size.X / CellSize.X); rows = (int)(Size.Y / CellSize.Y); //To be used outside the scope of this method

            grid_array = new Vector2[columns, rows];

            // Now that we got all the relevant information we can start constructing the grid.
            PopulateArray(columns, rows, CellSize, Origin);
Пример #34
    public Map_Data_Package(float[,] h, float[,] g, Vector2[,] dh)
        this._h  = h;
        this._g  = g;
        this._dh = dh;

        this._xdim = _h.GetLength(0);
        this._ydim = _h.GetLength(1);
Пример #35
    private void GenerateLattices() {
        lattices = new Vector2[lSize, lSize];

        for (int x = 0; x < lSize; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < lSize; y++) {
                lattices[x, y] = new Vector2(Random.value, Random.value).normalized;
Пример #36
 public void Clear()
     ChessPos   = new Vector2[19, 19];
     ChessState = new int[19, 19];
     isPlaying  = false;
     Ui         = false;
     Camera.main.transform.position = CameraPoint.transform.position;
     Camera.main.transform.rotation = CameraPoint.transform.rotation;
     PanelMgr.instance.OpenPanel <TitlePanel>("");
Пример #37
    void Start()
        validPos = new Vector2[size, size];
        fields   = new Field[size, size];
        desk     = new char[size, size];

        ai = new ChessAI(fields);
        public AStar(Vector2 s, Vector2 e, Vector2 d)
            start = s;
            end = e;

            gScore = new int[(int) d.X, (int) d.Y];
            hScore = new int[(int) d.X, (int) d.Y];
            fScore = new int[(int) d.X, (int) d.Y];
            cameFrom = new Vector2[(int) d.X, (int) d.Y];
Пример #39
 public static double[,] CalculateAngles(Bitmap originalBitmap)
     int[,] sobelOperator         = { { -1, 0, 1 }, { -2, 0, 2 }, { -1, 0, 1 } };
     int[,] sobelOperator90Degree = { { -1, -2, -1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 2, 1 } };
     int[,] sobelArray            = CalculateBitmapWithMask(originalBitmap, sobelOperator);
     int[,] sobel90DegreeArray    = CalculateBitmapWithMask(originalBitmap, sobelOperator90Degree);
     Vector2[,] gradient          = CreateGradient(sobelArray, sobel90DegreeArray);
     double[,] angles             = CreateAngleArray(gradient);
     return(AverageAngles(angles, originalBitmap));
Пример #40
        /// Create a sampler with the following parameters:
        /// width:  each sample's x coordinate will be between [0, width]
        /// height: each sample's y coordinate will be between [0, height]
        /// radius: each sample will be at least `radius` units away from any other sample, and at most 2 * `radius`.
        public PoissonDiscSampler(float width, float height, float radius)
            rect     = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)width, (int)height);
            radius2  = radius * radius;
            cellSize = (float)(radius / Math.Sqrt(2));

            grid = new Vector2[(int)Math.Ceiling(width / cellSize), (int)Math.Ceiling(height / cellSize)];

            _random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
Пример #41
    private void generateVectorField()
        vectorField = new Vector2[map.Height, map.Width];
        for (int r = 0; r < map.Height; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < map.Width; c++)
                #region old stuff, half working
                if (heatmap[r, c] == -1) continue;

                float left_dist = heatmap[r, c <= 0 ? c : c - 1];
                float right_dist = heatmap[r, c >= map.Width - 1 ? c : c + 1];
                float top_dist = heatmap[r <= 0 ? r : r - 1, c];
                float bot_dist = heatmap[r >= map.Height - 1 ? r : r + 1, c];

                //if (left_dist == -1) left_dist = right_dist;// heatmap[r, c];
                //if (right_dist == -1) right_dist = left_dist;// heatmap[r, c];
                //if (top_dist == -1) top_dist = bot_dist;// heatmap[r, c];
                //if (bot_dist == -1) bot_dist = top_dist;// heatmap[r, c];

                if (left_dist == -1) left_dist = heatmap[r, c];
                if (right_dist == -1) right_dist = heatmap[r, c];
                if (top_dist == -1) top_dist = heatmap[r, c];
                if (bot_dist == -1) bot_dist = heatmap[r, c];

                vectorField[r, c].x = left_dist - right_dist;
                vectorField[r, c].y = top_dist - bot_dist;

                vectorField[r, c].Normalize();

                // find the lowest valued neighbor (>= 0)
                // set the vector to the direction to that neighbor

                //if (heatmap[r, c] == -1) continue;

                //int lowest = heatmap[r, c];
                //Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero;
                //for (int roff = (r > 0 ? -1 : 0); roff <= (r < map.Height-1 ? 1 : 0); roff++)
                //    for (int coff = (c > 0 ? -1 : 0); coff <= (c < map.Width-1 ? 1 : 0); coff++)
                //    {
                //        //if (coff == 0 && roff == 0) continue;
                //        if (heatmap[r + roff, c + coff] < lowest && heatmap[r + roff, c + coff] >= 0)
                //        {
                //            lowest = heatmap[r + roff, c + coff];
                //            dir = new Vector2(coff, roff);
                //        }
                //    }
                //vectorField[r, c] = dir;
                //vectorField[r, c].Normalize();
Пример #42
    void Awake()
        _pixels = new Vector2[Screen.width, Screen.height];

        for (int i = 0; i < Screen.width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Screen.height; j++)
                _pixels[i, j] = new Vector2(i, j);

        _parts = new List<List<Vector2>>();
        _clones = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent<Clones>();
	/// Create a sampler with the following parameters:
	/// width:  each sample's x coordinate will be between [0, width]
	/// height: each sample's y coordinate will be between [0, height]
	/// radius: each sample will be at least `radius` units away from any other sample, and at most 2 * `radius`.
	public PoissonDiscSampler(float width, float height, float radius, Vector2 _clusterRange, int seed)
		clusterRange = _clusterRange;
		Random.seed = seed;
		rect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
		radius2 = radius * radius;
		cellSize = radius / CustomMathf.sqrt2;
//		Debug.Log("Cell Size: " + cellSize);
		grid = new Vector2[Mathf.CeilToInt(width / cellSize),
			Mathf.CeilToInt(height / cellSize)];
Пример #44
 public Grid(int width = 128, int height = 128)
     if (width < 1)
         width = 1;
     if (height < 1)
         height = 1;
     gridArray = new Color[width+1, height+1];
     gridWidth = width;
     gridHeight = height;
     gridPositions = new Vector2[gridColumns,gridLines];
Пример #45
    public void Init()
        _k = new Vector2[N,N];
        _kNormalized = new Vector2[N,N];

        for (var y = 0; y < N; y++) {
            for (var x = 0; x < N; x++) {
                var k = _k[x, y] = Calc(x, y);
                _kNormalized[x, y] = k.normalized;
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Grid object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Origin">Coordinates of the top left corner of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="Size">Size of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="Columns">Number of columns</param>
        /// <param name="Rows">Number of rows</param>
        public Grid(Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Size, int Columns, int Rows)
            columns = Columns; rows = Rows; //To be used outside the scope of this method.

            //Figure out the size of each cell, basically just divide size by Columns/Rows
            Vector2 cell_size = new Vector2(Size.X / Columns, Size.Y / Rows);

            grid_array = new Vector2[Columns, Rows]; //2D array that holds coordinates to every cell in the grid

            //Now that we got all the relevant information, we can start constructing the grid.
            PopulateArray(Columns, Rows, cell_size, Origin);
Пример #47
		static AvatarControl()
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions = new Vector2[4, HumanTrait.BoneCount];
			int num = 0;
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 0] = new Vector2(0f, 0.08f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 1] = new Vector2(0.16f, 0.01f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 2] = new Vector2(-0.16f, 0.01f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 3] = new Vector2(0.21f, -0.4f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 4] = new Vector2(-0.21f, -0.4f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 5] = new Vector2(0.23f, -0.8f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 6] = new Vector2(-0.23f, -0.8f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 7] = new Vector2(0f, 0.25f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 8] = new Vector2(0f, 0.43f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 9] = new Vector2(0f, 0.66f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 10] = new Vector2(0f, 0.76f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 11] = new Vector2(0.14f, 0.6f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 12] = new Vector2(-0.14f, 0.6f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 13] = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.57f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 14] = new Vector2(-0.3f, 0.57f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 15] = new Vector2(0.48f, 0.3f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 16] = new Vector2(-0.48f, 0.3f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 17] = new Vector2(0.66f, 0.03f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 18] = new Vector2(-0.66f, 0.03f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 19] = new Vector2(0.25f, -0.89f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 20] = new Vector2(-0.25f, -0.89f);
			num = 1;
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 9] = new Vector2(-0.2f, -0.62f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 10] = new Vector2(-0.15f, -0.3f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 21] = new Vector2(0.63f, 0.16f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 22] = new Vector2(0.15f, 0.16f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 23] = new Vector2(0.45f, -0.4f);
			num = 2;
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 24] = new Vector2(-0.35f, 0.11f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 27] = new Vector2(0.19f, 0.11f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 30] = new Vector2(0.22f, 0f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 33] = new Vector2(0.16f, -0.12f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 36] = new Vector2(0.09f, -0.23f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 26] = new Vector2(-0.03f, 0.33f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 29] = new Vector2(0.65f, 0.16f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 32] = new Vector2(0.74f, 0f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 35] = new Vector2(0.66f, -0.14f);
			AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 38] = new Vector2(0.45f, -0.25f);
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 25 + i * 3] = Vector2.Lerp(AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 24 + i * 3], AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 26 + i * 3], 0.58f);
			num = 3;
			for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
				AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num, 24 + j + 15] = Vector2.Scale(AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[num - 1, 24 + j], new Vector2(-1f, 1f));
Пример #48
    public AStar(Vector2 s, Vector2 e, bool[,] a, bool c)
        start = s;
        end = e;
        walls = a;
        cutCorners = c;

        int w = a.GetLength(0);
        int h = a.GetLength(1);

        gScore = new int[w, h];
        hScore = new int[w, h];
        fScore = new int[w, h];
        cameFrom = new Vector2[w, h];
Пример #49
 public LayoutDropdownWindow(SerializedObject so)
     this.m_AnchorMin = so.FindProperty("m_AnchorMin");
     this.m_AnchorMax = so.FindProperty("m_AnchorMax");
     this.m_Position = so.FindProperty("m_Position");
     this.m_SizeDelta = so.FindProperty("m_SizeDelta");
     this.m_Pivot = so.FindProperty("m_Pivot");
     this.m_InitValues = new Vector2[so.targetObjects.Length, 4];
     for (int i = 0; i < so.targetObjects.Length; i++)
         RectTransform transform = so.targetObjects[i] as RectTransform;
         this.m_InitValues[i, 0] = transform.anchorMin;
         this.m_InitValues[i, 1] = transform.anchorMax;
         this.m_InitValues[i, 2] = transform.anchoredPosition;
         this.m_InitValues[i, 3] = transform.sizeDelta;
Пример #50
    private void init()
        N = P.N;

        _h0 = new Vector2[N, N];
        for (var y = 0; y < N; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < N; x++)
                _h0[x, y] = calc(x, y);

        _h0Conj = new Vector2[N, N];
        for (var y = 0; y < N; y++) {
            for (var x = 0; x < N; x++) {
                var h = _h0[(-x + N) % N, (-y + N) % N];
                _h0Conj[x, y] = new Vector2(h.x, -h.y);
Пример #51
    public void GenerateField(int _mapWidth, int _MapHeight, int DesX, int DesY)
        FeildNodes = new Node[_mapWidth, _MapHeight];
        Vectors = new Vector2[_mapWidth, _MapHeight];

        for (int x = 0; x < _mapWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < _mapWidth; y++)
                FeildNodes[x, y] = new Node();
                FeildNodes[x, y].gridX = x;
                FeildNodes[x, y].gridY = y;

        Update(_mapWidth, _MapHeight, DesX, DesY);
Пример #52
 public Map()
     monstre = new List<NPC>();
     prev_coffre = new Coffre(new Vector2(0, 0));
     tiles = new Vector2[25, 18];
     objet = new Vector2[25, 18];
     Coffres = new Coffre[25, 18];
     for (int i = 0; i < objet.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < objet.GetLength(1); j++)
             objet[i, j] = new Vector2(15, 15);
     tilelist = new Tile[25, 18];
     colision = new int[25, 18];
     mob = new Vector2[25, 18];
     iscreate = false;
     visited = false;
     message = "";
     isfirst = false;
Пример #53
        /// <summary>
        ///   Constructs a new perlin noise instance for filling a bitmap
        ///   of the specified size, broken down into a smaller grid of the
        ///   passed size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmapSize">
        ///   Size of the bitmap to generate.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="gridSize">
        ///   Size of the grid imposed on the bitmap.
        /// </param>
        public PerlinNoise(int bitmapSize, int gridSize)
            // Store cell size.
            this.gridCellSize = bitmapSize / gridSize;

            // Compute pseudo-random gradients.
            var random = new Random();

            this.gradients = new Vector2[gridSize + 1,gridSize + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < gridSize + 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < gridSize + 1; j++)
                    this.gradients[i, j] = this.RandomVector(random);
Пример #54
        public Level(ContentManager Content)
            currentLevel = 0;
            levelLoaded = false;

            levelRec = new List<Rectangle>();
            eventRec = new List<Rectangle>();
            damageRec = new List<Rectangle>();
            objectRec = new List<Rectangle>();

            int maxAantalLagen = 0;
            int maxAantalVlakken = 0;

            aantalLevels = Directory.GetDirectories(@"Content/Levels/").Length;
            aantalLagen = new int[aantalLevels];

            for (int i = 0; i < aantalLevels; i++)
                aantalLagen[i] = Directory.GetDirectories(@"Content/Levels/Level" + Convert.ToString(i)).Length;
                if (maxAantalLagen < aantalLagen[i])
                    maxAantalLagen = aantalLagen[i];
            aantalVlakken = new int[aantalLevels, maxAantalLagen];

            for (int i = 0; i < aantalLevels; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < aantalLagen[i]; y++)
                    aantalVlakken[i, y] = Directory.GetFiles(@"Content/Levels/Level" + Convert.ToString(i) + "/" + "Laag" + Convert.ToString(y)).Length;
                    if (maxAantalVlakken < aantalVlakken[i, y])
                        maxAantalVlakken = aantalVlakken[i, y];

            objecten = new Texture2D[Directory.GetFiles(@"Content/Objecten").Length];
            levelSegment = new Texture2D[maxAantalLagen, maxAantalVlakken];
            levelSegmentPos = new Vector2[maxAantalLagen, maxAantalVlakken];
            levelSegmentSpeed = new int[maxAantalLagen];
Пример #55
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, 0.5f, hit.point.z);
                transform.position = pos;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")){
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
                target = hit.point;
                flowField = map.FloodFill(target, transform.position);
Пример #56
        public Grid(Vector2 position, int side, int squareSide)
            _side = side;
            _squareSide = squareSide;
            _position = position;

            Objects = new GameObject[_side, _side];
            _positions = new Vector2[_side, _side];

            // Calculate square positions:
            float yPosition = _position.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < _side; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _side; j++)
                    _positions[i, j] = new Vector2(_squareSide * j + _position.X, yPosition);

                yPosition += _squareSide;
Пример #57
        public Level(ContentManager Content, SpriteBatch Sprite)
            content = Content;
            sprite = Sprite;
            currentLevel = 0;
            levelLoaded = false;

            int maxAantalLagen = 0;
            int maxAantalVlakken = 0;

            aantalLevels = Directory.GetDirectories(@"Content/Levels/").Length;
            aantalLagen = new int[aantalLevels];

            for (int i = 0; i < aantalLevels; i++)
                aantalLagen[i] = Directory.GetDirectories(@"Content/Levels/Level" + Convert.ToString(i)).Length;
                if (maxAantalLagen < aantalLagen[i])
                    maxAantalLagen = aantalLagen[i];
            aantalVlakken = new int[aantalLevels, maxAantalLagen];

            for (int i=  0; i < aantalLevels; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < aantalLagen[i]; y++)
                    aantalVlakken[i,y] = Directory.GetFiles(@"Content/Levels/Level" + Convert.ToString(i) + "/" + "Laag" + Convert.ToString(y)).Length;
                    if (maxAantalVlakken < aantalVlakken[i,y])
                        maxAantalVlakken = aantalVlakken[i,y];
            levelSegment = new Texture2D[maxAantalLagen, maxAantalVlakken];
            levelSegmentPos = new Vector2[maxAantalLagen, maxAantalVlakken];
            levelSegmentSpeed = new int[maxAantalLagen];
Пример #58
        public bool OuvrirMap(string MapName)
                // Read the file and display it line by line.
                string line;
                int longueur = 0;
                int hauteur = 0;

                StreamReader file = new StreamReader(SceneEngine2.Editor.baseDirectory + "Maps/" + MapName + ".txt");
                // On regarde quel type de sol c'est grace au header

                switch (int.Parse(file.ReadLine()))
                    case 1: textureStart = TextureStart.Herbe;
                        Palette = PaletteEte;
                    case 2: textureStart = TextureStart.Desert;
                        Palette = PaletteEte;
                    case 3: textureStart = TextureStart.Hiver;
                        Palette = PaletteHiver;
                    case 4: textureStart = TextureStart.Volcanique;
                        Palette = PaletteVolcanique;
                    default: textureStart = TextureStart.Herbe;
                        Palette = PaletteEte;

                // On établit la longueur et la hauteur
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    char[] splitchar = { '|' };

                    if (line != null)
                        longueur = line.Split(splitchar).Length - 1;
                // Creation de la carte
                Map = new Vector2[longueur, hauteur];
                // Reset
                file = new StreamReader(SceneEngine2.Editor.baseDirectory + "Maps/" + MapName + ".txt");
                int j = 0;
                file.ReadLine(); // pour passer le header
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    char[] splitchar = { '|' };
                    string[] tiles = line.Split(splitchar);

                    for (int i = 0; i < longueur; i++)
                        char[] splitchar2 = { ',' };
                        int x = int.Parse((tiles[i].Split(splitchar2))[0]);
                        int y = int.Parse((tiles[i].Split(splitchar2))[1]);
                        Map[i, j] = new Vector2(x, y);
                return true;
                return false;
 public Map(string path)
     tiles = new Vector2[25, 19];
     tilelist = new Tile[25, 19];
Пример #60
        // Constructor and model initialization
        //Strictly speaking, this function *does* have a certain amount of code that
        //shouldn't really be executed repeatedly. I'll factor that out into a separate
        //one-time function eventually.
        public override void Initialize()
            randomGenerator = new Random();

            hero = new Player(.25f, .5f, 50f, GameConstants.BASEHEALTH);

            //Load up enemy positions and statuses. Also load up enemy hit rectangles.
            enemiesLeft = enemyProperties.XCount * enemyProperties.YCount;
            enemyCurrentY = 0f;
            enemyYMovementDirection = 1;

            enemyBasePositions = new Vector2[enemyProperties.XCount, enemyProperties.YCount];
            enemyStates = new EnemyStates[enemyProperties.XCount, enemyProperties.YCount];
            enemyXRectangles = new Rectangle[enemyProperties.XCount];
            enemyYRectangles = new Rectangle[enemyProperties.YCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyProperties.XCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < enemyProperties.YCount; j++)
                    enemyBasePositions[i, j] = new Vector2(enemyProperties.InitialX + enemyProperties.XInterval * i, enemyProperties.InitialY + enemyProperties.YInterval * j);
                    enemyStates[i, j] = EnemyStates.Healthy;
                enemyXRectangles[i] = new Rectangle((int)(enemyProperties.InitialX + enemyProperties.XInterval * i), (int)enemyProperties.InitialY, (int)(spriteSize.X), (int)(enemyProperties.YInterval * (enemyProperties.YCount - 1) + spriteSize.Y + enemyProperties.YMovementRange));
            for (int j = 0; j < enemyProperties.YCount; j++)
                enemyYRectangles[j] = new Rectangle((int)enemyProperties.InitialX, (int)(enemyProperties.InitialY + enemyProperties.YInterval * j), (int)(enemyProperties.XInterval * (enemyProperties.XCount - 1) + spriteSize.X), (int)spriteSize.Y);

            //Load up player position and status.
            playerCurrentY = 240f - spriteSize.Y / 2;
            //playerState = PlayerStates.Healthy;