Пример #1
        public GeometryPlotElement()
            // init the lists
            listGeometry = new List<IBaseGeometry>();

            // set the position and the size of the element
            this.Position = new Vector.FxVector2f( 0 );
            this.Size = new Vector.FxVector2f( 10, 10 );

            // set the origin position
            OriginPosition = new Vector.FxVector2f( 0 );
Пример #2
        public Triangle(GMaps.IVertex<float> vec1, GMaps.IVertex<float> vec2, GMaps.IVertex<float> vec3)
            // set the local positions
            m_P1 = vec1 as Vector.FxVector2f? ?? new Vector.FxVector2f(vec1.X, vec1.Y);
            m_P2 = vec2 as Vector.FxVector2f? ?? new Vector.FxVector2f(vec2.X, vec2.Y);
            m_P3 = vec3 as Vector.FxVector2f? ?? new Vector.FxVector2f(vec3.X, vec3.Y);

            mp_P1 = new Vector2(m_P1.x, m_P1.y);
            mp_P2 = new Vector2(m_P2.x, m_P2.y);
            mp_P3 = new Vector2(m_P3.x, m_P3.y);

            // set that the geometry is dirty
            isGeometryDirty = true;
Пример #3
        public Triangle( Vector.FxVector2f p1, Vector.FxVector2f p2 , Vector.FxVector2f p3)
            // set the local positions
            m_P1 = p1;
            m_P2 = p2;
            m_P3 = p3;

            mp_P1 = new Vector2(m_P1.x, m_P1.y);
            mp_P2 = new Vector2(m_P2.x, m_P2.y);
            mp_P3 = new Vector2(m_P3.x, m_P3.y);

            // set that the geometry is dirty
            isGeometryDirty = true;
Пример #4
        public ImageElement(Matrix.FxMatrixF mat, ColorMap map)

            // set the position and the size of the element
            Position = new Vector.FxVector2f(0);
            Size = new Vector.FxVector2f(mat.Width, mat.Height);

            // set the size of the image
            Width = mat.Width;
            Height = mat.Height;

            // allocate the memory for the internal image
            internalImage = new byte[mat.Width * mat.Height * 4];
            Pitch = mat.Width * 4;

            UpdateInternalImage(mat, map);
Пример #5
        public ImageElement(FxImages image)

            // set the position and the size of the element
            Position = new Vector.FxVector2f(0);
            Size = new Vector.FxVector2f(image.Image.Width, image.Image.Height);

            // set the size of the image
            Width = image.Image.Width;
            Height = image.Image.Height;

            // allocate the memory for the internal image
            internalImage = new byte[Width * Height * 4];

            Pitch = Width * 4;
            image.Copy_to_Array(ref internalImage, ColorChannels.RGBA);
Пример #6
        public override void Load( CanvasRenderArguments args )
            if ( lineBrush != null && !lineBrush.IsDisposed )

            if (DW_textFormat != null && !DW_textFormat.IsDisposed)

            // init the lines brushs
            lineBrush = new SolidColorBrush( args.renderTarget, _FontColor );

            _TextFormat.fontCollection = args.WriteFactory.GetSystemFontCollection(false);
            // init the text format
            DW_textFormat = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat( args.WriteFactory,
                                                            "en-us" );

            // get the size of the string
            SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout textL= new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout( args.WriteFactory, Internal_String, DW_textFormat, 1500, 1500 );
            Size = new Vector.FxVector2f(textL.GetFontSize(0) * Internal_String.Length,

            // init text rectangle
            textRectangle = new RectangleF( 0, 0, Size.x, Size.y );
Пример #7
        private void InitPlotter(Vector.FxVectorF vec, PlotType plotType, Color color)
            // init the lists
            listPlotsGeometry = new List<PlotGeometry>();

            // set the position and the size of the element
            this.Position = new Vector.FxVector2f(0);
            this.Size = new Vector.FxVector2f(750, 500);

            // add the vector to the list
            PlotGeometry plot = new PlotGeometry();
            plot.OrigVectorY = vec;
            plot.Color = color.ToColor4();
            plot.Type = plotType;
            plot.StepType = XStepType.ZeroToMax;

            // add the plot to the list

            // set the origin position
                float max = vec.Max();
                float min = vec.Min();
                float orig_y = Size.Y / 2;
                if(max >0 && min<0)
                    orig_y = Size.Y * (min / (max - min));

                if(max >0 && min >= 0)
                    orig_y = -min;

                if(max <=0 && min <0)
                    orig_y = Size.Y + max;
                OriginPosition = new Vector.FxVector2f(5, orig_y);

            // allocate scale
            _scale = new Vector.FxVector2f(1.0f);

            // fit the plots to the view

            // set the x_step base on the size of vec and the width
            X_Space = this.Size.x / vec.Size;

            // init format
            _TextFormat = new TextElementFormat();
            _TextFormat.familyName = "Calibri";
            _TextFormat.weight = SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Black;
            _TextFormat.fontStyle = SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Normal;
            _TextFormat.fontStretch = SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStretch.Normal;
            _TextFormat.fontSize = 8.0f;

            // init toolstrip