private VaultHistoryQueryRequest PrepareQuery(VaultClientHelper client) { VaultHistoryQueryRequest history = new VaultHistoryQueryRequest(); history.BeginDate = VaultDate.EmptyDate(); history.EndDate = VaultDate.EmptyDate(); history.DateFilterMask = VaultQueryRequestDates.DoNotFilter; history.CommentFilter = VaultQueryRequestComments.FilteredComment; history.Recursive = true; history.RepID = client.Client.ActiveRepositoryID; VaultClientFolder vcfolder = client.Client.TreeCache.Repository.Root.FindFolderRecursive("$"); history.TopName = vcfolder.FullPath; history.TopID = vcfolder.ID; history.IsFolder = true; // set the sort order history.Sorts = new long [] { (long)(VaultQueryRequestSort.NameSort | VaultQueryRequestSort.AscSort), (long)(VaultQueryRequestSort.VersionSort | VaultQueryRequestSort.AscSort), }; return(history); }
long GetLabelId(VaultClientFolder folder, string label) { long labelId = 0; string [] discoveredSubItemPaths = null; DateTime lastModified = VaultDate.EmptyDate(); VaultRepositoryDelta repDelta = null; VaultFileDelta fileDelta = null; long rootId = 0; try { Client.GetLabelStructureByName(label, ref labelId, folder.FullPath, string.Empty, out discoveredSubItemPaths, out lastModified, out repDelta, out fileDelta, out rootId); } catch (Exception) { // No label on item return(-1); } return(labelId); }
public void PromoteLabelVersion(string filePath, string label, long newVersion) { VaultClientFile file = root.FindFileRecursive(filePath); file.Version = newVersion; VaultLabelPromotionItem item = new VaultLabelPromotionItem(); item.ChangeType = VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Modify; item.ItemName = file.Name; item.ItemPath = file.FullPath; item.Version = file.Version; item.ID = file.ID; long labelId = GetLabelId(root, label); item.Version = newVersion; SynchObVerId(item); long currentLabeledVersion = findVersionWithLabel(file, label); // Move if (currentLabeledVersion != -1) { item.ChangeType = VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Modify; } else // Add { item.ChangeType = VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Add; } VaultLabelPromotionItem [] items = new VaultLabelPromotionItem [] { item }; DateTime lastDate = VaultDate.EmptyDate(); int nIdxFailed = 0; string conflict = null; int promoteResult = Client.PromoteLabelItems(root.FullPath, labelId, label, ref lastDate, items, out nIdxFailed, out conflict); string resultString = VaultConnection.GetSoapExceptionMessage(promoteResult); }
private VaultTxHistoryItem [] GetChangeSets(VaultClientHelper client, string featureBranch) { int count = 0; string queryToken = null; client.Client.Connection.VersionHistoryBegin(VaultClientHelper.MaxQuerySize, client.Client.ActiveRepositoryID, GetFolderId(client, featureBranch), VaultDate.EmptyDate( ), VaultDate.EmptyDate( ), 0, ref count, ref queryToken); VaultTxHistoryItem [] historyItems = null; client.Client.Connection.VersionHistoryFetch(queryToken, 0, count - 1, ref historyItems); client.Client.Connection.VersionHistoryEnd(queryToken); return(historyItems); }
static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (var repository in Config.Instance.Repositories) { ServerOperations.SetLoginOptions(Config.Instance.URL, Config.Instance.Username, Config.Instance.Password, repository.Key, false); long start = 0; if (Directory.Exists(repository.Value)) { using (var count = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "rev-list --count master") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, })) { var output = count.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); start = Convert.ToInt64(output.Trim(), 10); count.WaitForExit(); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(repository.Value); using (var init = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "init") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { init.WaitForExit(); } using (var init = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "config \"VaultToGit Importer\"") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { init.WaitForExit(); } using (var init = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", $"config \"{Config.Instance.Username}@{Config.Instance.EmailDomain}\"") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { init.WaitForExit(); } using (var init = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "lfs install") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { init.WaitForExit(); } using (var init = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "lfs track *.png *.jpg *.gif *.ico *.zip *.snk *.so *.dylib *.dll *.exe") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { init.WaitForExit(); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(repository.Value, ".gitignore"), @"_sg* ~sak* *.tmp *.bak *.suo *.clw *.dca *.dsw *.hlp *.incr *.ncb *.opt *.pdb *.plg *.scc *.suo *.user *.vbw *.webuser bin/ debug/ obj/ release/ .vs/ ", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); } try { ServerOperations.Login(); ServerOperations.GetInstance().UserMessage += (so, message) => Console.WriteLine(message); ServerOperations.SetWorkingFolder("$", Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), repository.Value), true, true); var ci = ServerOperations.client.ClientInstance; var repositoryID = ci.ActiveRepositoryID; var historyRequest = new VaultHistoryQueryRequest() { TopID = ci.Repository.Root.ID, BeginDate = VaultDate.EmptyDate(), EndDate = VaultDate.EmptyDate(), Sorts = new long[] { VaultQueryRequestSort.DateSort | VaultQueryRequestSort.AscSort }, }; var getOptions = new GetOptions() { MakeWritable = MakeWritableType.MakeAllFilesWritable, Merge = MergeType.OverwriteWorkingCopy, PerformDeletions = PerformDeletionsType.RemoveWorkingCopy, Recursive = true, SetFileTime = SetFileTimeType.CheckIn, }; int rowsRetrieved = 0; string queryToken = null; for (; ; start += 1000) { VaultTxHistoryItem[] history = null; Console.WriteLine("Fetching history..."); ci.Connection.VersionHistoryBegin(1000, ci.ActiveRepositoryID, start, historyRequest, ref rowsRetrieved, ref queryToken); try { if (rowsRetrieved > 0) { ci.Connection.VersionHistoryFetch(queryToken, 0, rowsRetrieved - 1, ref history); Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved history records {history.First().Version} to {history.Last().Version} of {ci.Repository.Root.Version}."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Reached end of history."); break; } } finally { ci.Connection.VersionHistoryEnd(queryToken); } foreach (var version in history) { try { GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetVersion("$", (int)version.Version, getOptions); foreach (var item in ServerOperations.ProcessCommandTxDetail(version.TxID).items) { string requestType; switch (item.RequestType) { case VaultRequestType.Delete: requestType = "delete"; break; case VaultRequestType.Move: requestType = "move"; break; case VaultRequestType.Rename: requestType = "rename"; break; default: continue; } var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), repository.Value, item.ItemPath1.Substring("$/".Length)); if (File.Exists(path)) { Console.WriteLine($"Vault forgot to {requestType} file {item.ItemPath1}."); File.Delete(path); } if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Console.WriteLine($"Vault forgot to {requestType} directory {item.ItemPath1}."); Directory.Delete(path, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) when(ex.Message.StartsWith("There is no version ")) { try { ci.Connection.Ping(); } catch (Exception ex2) { throw new AggregateException("Vault seems to be down.", ex, ex2); } Console.WriteLine($"Assuming version {version.Version} was deleted."); } using (var add = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "add --all .") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { add.WaitForExit(); } using (var commit = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", $"commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message --file=- --author=\"{version.UserName} <{version.UserLogin}@{Config.Instance.EmailDomain}>\" --date=\"{version.TxDate.GetDateTime().ToString(System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern)}\"") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardInput = true, })) { commit.StandardInput.WriteLine(version.Comment ?? ""); commit.StandardInput.Close(); commit.WaitForExit(); } } using (var gc = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "gc --auto") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { gc.WaitForExit(); } } using (var gc = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "gc --aggressive") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { gc.WaitForExit(); } using (var count = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", "rev-list --count master") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, })) { var output = count.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); start = Convert.ToInt64(output.Trim(), 10); count.WaitForExit(); } Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving {start} transaction IDs..."); var txIDs = new Dictionary <long, string>(); for (long txStart = 0; txStart < start; txStart += 1000) { VaultTxHistoryItem[] items = null; ci.Connection.VersionHistoryBegin(1000, repositoryID, txStart, historyRequest, ref rowsRetrieved, ref queryToken); ci.Connection.VersionHistoryFetch(queryToken, 0, rowsRetrieved - 1, ref items); ci.Connection.VersionHistoryEnd(queryToken); foreach (var item in items) { txIDs[item.TxID] = $"HEAD~{start - item.Version - 1}"; } } Console.WriteLine($"Processing labels..."); ci.BeginLabelQuery(ci.Repository.Root.FullPath, ci.Repository.Root.ID, true, false, false, true, 999999999, out int rowsRetrievedInherited, out int rowsRetrievedRecursive, out queryToken); ci.GetLabelQueryItems_Recursive(queryToken, 0, rowsRetrievedRecursive - 1, out VaultLabelItemX[] labels); ci.EndLabelQuery(queryToken); foreach (var label in labels) { var commit = txIDs[label.TxID]; if (commit == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not find commit for label {label.Label}"); continue; } using (var tag = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("git", $"tag -f \"{label.Label.Replace(' ', '-')}\" {commit}") { WorkingDirectory = repository.Value, UseShellExecute = false, })) { tag.WaitForExit(); } } } finally { ServerOperations.Logout(); } } }