Пример #1
        static VatSumOperationReport CreateSum(VatSumOperationReport[] vatReportSum, int pos, double rate = 0d)
            var sumLine = vatReportSum[pos];

            if (sumLine != null)
            return(vatReportSum[pos] = new VatSumOperationReport()
                _Line = pos, _Pct = rate
Пример #2
        private async void LoadVatReport()
            DateTime FromDate, ToDate;

            if (txtDateFrm.Text == string.Empty)
                FromDate = DateTime.Today;
                FromDate = FromDate.AddDays(1 - FromDate.Day); // first day in current month
                FromDate = localFromDate = txtDateFrm.DateTime.Date;
            if (txtDateTo.Text == string.Empty)
                ToDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1);
                ToDate = ToDate.AddDays(-ToDate.Day); // last day in current month
                ToDate = localToDate = txtDateTo.DateTime.Date;

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = true;

            var    qapi    = api;
            var    country = qapi.CompanyEntity._CountryId;
            var    rapi    = new ReportAPI(qapi);
            string journal = cmbJournal.Text;
            var    vatTask = rapi.VatCodeSum(FromDate, ToDate, journal);

            SQLCache accounts = qapi.GetCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLAccount)) ?? await qapi.LoadCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLAccount));

            SQLCache vats = qapi.GetCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLVat)) ?? await qapi.LoadCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLVat));

            SQLCache vattypes = qapi.GetCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLVatType)) ?? await qapi.LoadCache(typeof(Uniconta.DataModel.GLVatType));

            FinancialBalance[] sumVat = await vatTask;
            if (sumVat == null || accounts == null || vats == null || vattypes == null)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;

            Array.Sort(sumVat, new AccountSorter());

            VatReportLine v;
            var           lst = new List <VatReportLine>(sumVat.Length);

            int  decm       = 2;
            bool RoundTo100 = false;

            if (!qapi.CompanyEntity.HasDecimals)
                CalculatedVAT.HasDecimals = PostedVAT.HasDecimals = WithoutVAT.HasDecimals = Accumulated.HasDecimals = false;
                RoundTo100 = true;
                decm       = 0;

            var countrySelected = (CountryCode)Math.Max(0, vatCountry.SelectedIndex);

            var       AccsFound = new HashSet <int>();
            GLAccount Account;
            GLVat     Vat;
            int       i;
            bool      HasOffsetType0 = false, HasOffsetType1 = false;
            int       PrevAccount = 0;

            for (i = 0; (i < sumVat.Length); i++)
                var sum = sumVat[i];
                Account = (GLAccount)accounts.Get(sum.AccountRowId);
                if (Account == null) // || Account._SystemAccount == (byte)SystemAccountTypes.SalesTaxOffset)
                //if (sum._Debit == 0 && sum._Credit == 0)
                //    continue;

                Vat = (GLVat)vats.Get(sum.VatRowId);
                if (Vat == null)

                var acStr = Account._Account;
                v = new VatReportLine();
                v.AmountWithVat = sum.Debit;
                v._PostedVAT    = sum.Credit;
                v._BaseVAT      = sum.AmountBase;

                v.AccountNumber = acStr;
                v.Account       = Account;
                v.AccountIsVat  = Account._SystemAccount == (byte)SystemAccountTypes.SalesTaxPayable || Account._SystemAccount == (byte)SystemAccountTypes.SalesTaxReceiveable ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                if (Vat._Account == acStr || Vat._OffsetAccount == acStr)
                    if (Vat._Account == acStr)
                        v.AccountIsVat    = 1;
                        v.IsOffsetAccount = 0;
                        v.AccountIsVat    = 1;
                        v.IsOffsetAccount = 1;
                        if (Vat._VatType == 0)
                            HasOffsetType0 = true;
                            HasOffsetType1 = true;
                    foreach (var va in (IEnumerable <GLVat>)vats.GetNotNullArray)
                        if (va._Account == acStr)
                            v.AccountIsVat    = 1;
                            v.IsOffsetAccount = 0;
                        if (va._OffsetAccount == acStr)
                            v.AccountIsVat    = 1;
                            v.IsOffsetAccount = 1;
                            if (va._VatType == 0)
                                HasOffsetType0 = true;
                                HasOffsetType1 = true;
                            // do not break in case we foind the same account as _Account

                v.Vat     = Vat;
                v.VatType = (byte)Vat._VatType;
                if (v.IsOffsetAccount == 1 && Vat._OffsetVatOperation != null)
                    v._VatOperation = (byte)vattypes.Get(Vat._OffsetVatOperation).RowId;
                    v._VatOperation = sum.VatOperation != 0 ? sum.VatOperation : Vat._VatOperationCode;
                v._CalculatedVAT = Vat.VatAmount1(v.AmountWithVat, FromDate, RoundTo100, GLVatCalculationMethod.Netto);

                v.FromDate = FromDate;

                var vattp = (GLVatType)vattypes.Get(v._VatOperation);
                if (vattp != null)
                    v.VatOpr       = vattp;
                    v.vatOperation = vattp._Code;
                    v.BaseVatText  = vattp._Name;

                if (PrevAccount != sum.AccountRowId)
                    PrevAccount = sum.AccountRowId;

            foreach (var acc in (GLAccount[])accounts.GetNotNullArray)
                if (acc._Vat != null)
                    Vat = (GLVat)vats.Get(acc._Vat);
                    if (Vat == null)
                    if (countrySelected != 0 && countrySelected != (Vat._VatCountry != 0 ? Vat._VatCountry : country))

            List <int> AccLst = AccsFound.ToList();


            FinancialBalance[] AccTotals = await rapi.GenerateTotal(AccLst, FromDate, ToDate, journal, null, 0, true, false);

            SQLCacheTemplate <FinancialBalance> AccLookup = null;

            if (AccTotals != null && AccTotals.Length > 0)
                AccLookup = new SQLCacheTemplate <FinancialBalance>(AccTotals, false);

            lst.Sort(new VatAccountSort());

            FinancialBalance AccTotal;
            int           AccountRowId = 0;
            double        AmountDif    = 0d;
            VatReportLine vDif         = new VatReportLine();

            for (i = lst.Count; (--i >= 0);)
                v = lst[i];
                if (v.Account.RowId != AccountRowId)
                    if (AmountDif > 0.005d || AmountDif < -0.005d)
                        vDif.AmountWithout = GLVat.Round(AmountDif);
                        vDif = new VatReportLine();

                    AccountRowId = v.Account.RowId;
                    AccTotal     = AccLookup?.Get(AccountRowId);
                    if (AccTotal != null)
                        AmountDif = (AccTotal._Debit - AccTotal._Credit) / 100d;
                        AmountDif = 0d;

                AmountDif           -= v.AmountWithVat;
                vDif.Account         = v.Account;
                vDif.AccountNumber   = v.AccountNumber;
                vDif.VatType         = v.VatType;
                vDif.AccountIsVat    = v.AccountIsVat;
                vDif.IsOffsetAccount = v.IsOffsetAccount;

            if (AmountDif > 0.005d || AmountDif < -0.005d)
                vDif.AmountWithout = GLVat.Round(AmountDif);

            if (AccLookup != null)
                // Add account, that has a VAT-code but no transactios with VAT.
                for (i = 0; (i < AccTotals.Length); i++)
                    AccTotal = AccTotals[i];
                    if (!AccsFound.Contains(AccTotal.RowId) && (AccTotal._Debit - AccTotal._Credit) != 0)
                        Account = (GLAccount)accounts.Get(AccTotal.RowId);
                        if (Account?._Vat == null)
                        Vat = (GLVat)vats.Get(Account._Vat);
                        if (Vat == null)

                        vDif = new VatReportLine();
                        vDif.AmountWithout = (AccTotal._Debit - AccTotal._Credit) / 100d;
                        vDif.Account       = Account;
                        vDif.AccountNumber = Account._Account;
                        vDif.VatType       = (byte)Vat._VatType;

            if (countrySelected != 0)
                for (i = lst.Count; (--i >= 0);)
                    Vat = (GLVat)vats.Get(lst[i].VatCode);
                    if (Vat != null)
                        if (countrySelected != (Vat._VatCountry != 0 ? Vat._VatCountry : country))

            vDif = null;

            for (int k = 0; (k < 4); k++)
                string helptext;
                if (k == 0)
                    helptext = "sales";
                else if (k == 1)
                    helptext = "buy";
                else if (k == 2)
                    helptext = "sales vat";
                    helptext = "buy vat";

                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                    vDif              = new VatReportLine();
                    vDif.helptext     = helptext;
                    vDif.Order        = (n > 0) ? n : -1; // header, total, empty
                    vDif.VatType      = (byte)(k % 2);
                    vDif.AccountIsVat = (byte)(k / 2);
                    vDif.isvatotal    = (k >= 2 && n == 1);

                    if (vDif.AccountIsVat == 1)
                        if ((HasOffsetType0 && vDif.VatType == 0) || (HasOffsetType1 && vDif.VatType == 1))
                            vDif                 = new VatReportLine();
                            vDif.helptext        = "import vat";
                            vDif.Order           = (n > 0) ? n : -1; // header, total, empty
                            vDif.VatType         = (byte)(k % 2);
                            vDif.AccountIsVat    = 1;
                            vDif.IsOffsetAccount = 1;
                            vDif.isvatotal       = true;
            vDif = null;

            lst.Sort(new VatTotalsSort());
            double d1 = 0d, d2 = 0d, d3 = 0d, d4 = 0d;

            double[] VatOperationValues = new double[256];
            double[] VatOperationBases  = new double[256];

            double[] VatValues          = new double[256];
            double[] VatBases           = new double[256];

            VatSumOperationReport[] vatReportSum = new VatSumOperationReport[127];

            for (i = 0; (i < lst.Count); i++)
                v = lst[i];

                if (v.Order == 1) // total
                    v.AmountWithVat = Math.Round(d1, decm);
                    var AmountWithout = Math.Round(d2, decm);
                    v.AmountWithout  = AmountWithout;
                    v._CalculatedVAT = Math.Round(d3, decm);
                    v._PostedVAT     = Math.Round(d4, decm);
                    d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 0d;

                    if (country == CountryCode.Denmark && AmountWithout != 0 && v.AccountIsVat == 1)
                        if (v.IsOffsetAccount == 0)
                            // here we sum up the amount without vatcodes
                            if (v.VatType == 0)
                                var sumLine = CreateSum(vatReportSum, 33);
                                sumLine._Amount -= AmountWithout;
                                var sumLine = CreateSum(vatReportSum, 23);
                                sumLine._Amount += AmountWithout;
                                sumLine          = CreateSum(vatReportSum, 31);
                                sumLine._Amount += AmountWithout;
                            if (v.VatType == 1)
                                var sumLine = CreateSum(vatReportSum, 34);
                                sumLine._Amount -= AmountWithout;
                    d1 += v.AmountWithVat;
                    d2 += v.AmountWithout;
                    d3 += v._CalculatedVAT;
                    d4 += v._PostedVAT;

                    if (v.AccountIsVat == 1)
                        if (v.IsOffsetAccount == 0)
                            VatOperationValues[v._VatOperation] += v.AmountWithVat;
                            if (v.Vat != null)
                                VatValues[v.Vat.RowId] += v.AmountWithVat;
                        VatOperationBases[v._VatOperation] += v.AmountWithVat;
                        if (v.Vat != null)
                            VatBases[v.Vat.RowId] += v.AmountWithVat;

            vDif      = new VatReportLine();
            vDif.Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}, {2}", Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("FinalVatStatus"), Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("AmountBase"), Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("VATamount"));

            foreach (var c in (GLVatType[])vattypes.GetNotNullArray)
                if (c == null)

                vDif = new VatReportLine();
                vDif.vatOperation  = c._Code;
                vDif._Rate         = c._Pct1;
                vDif.Text          = string.Concat(c._Code, ", ", c._Name);
                vDif.AmountWithVat = VatOperationBases[c._RowNo];
                vDif._PostedVAT    = VatOperationValues[c._RowNo];
                vDif.AccountIsVat  = 1;

                int pos = c._Position1;
                if (pos > 0)
                    UpdateSum(vatReportSum, vDif, pos, c._Position2, c._Position3);
                pos = c._Position4;
                if (pos > 0)
                    UpdateSum(vatReportSum, vDif, pos, c._Position5, c._Position6);
                pos = c._Position7;
                if (pos > 0)
                    UpdateSum(vatReportSum, vDif, pos, c._Position8, c._Position9);
                pos = c._Position10;
                if (pos > 0)
                    UpdateSum(vatReportSum, vDif, pos, c._Position11, c._Position12);
                pos = c._Position13;
                if (pos > 0)
                    UpdateSum(vatReportSum, vDif, pos, c._Position14, c._Position15);

            List <VatReportLine> vatlst = new List <VatReportLine>();

            this.vatlst = vatlst;

            for (int k = 0; (k < 2); k++)
                vDif      = new VatReportLine();
                vDif.Text = string.Empty;

                vDif              = new VatReportLine();
                vDif.VatType      = (byte)k;
                vDif.Order        = -1;
                vDif.AccountIsVat = 1;

                foreach (var c in (GLVat[])vats.GetNotNullArray)
                    if (c != null && (int)c._VatType == k)
                        if (countrySelected != 0 && countrySelected != (c._VatCountry != 0 ? c._VatCountry : country))

                        vDif               = new VatReportLine();
                        vDif.Vat           = c;
                        vDif.Text          = string.Concat(c._Vat, ", ", c._Name);
                        vDif.AmountWithVat = VatBases[c.RowId];
                        vDif._PostedVAT    = VatValues[c.RowId];
                        vDif.AccountIsVat  = 1;
                        vDif.FromDate      = FromDate;

            dgVatReport.ItemsSource = lst;
            if (lst.Count > 0)

            if (country == CountryCode.Denmark)
                foreach (var acc in (GLAccount[])accounts.GetNotNullArray)
                    if (acc._SystemAccount == (byte)SystemAccountTypes.OtherTax)
                if (AccLst != null && AccLst.Count > 0)
                    AccTotals = await rapi.GenerateTotal(AccLst, FromDate, ToDate);

                    if (AccTotals != null && AccTotals.Length > 0)
                        var otherTaxList = new ReportDataDenmark[AccTotals.Length];
                        i = 14;
                        foreach (var acTot in AccTotals)
                            var Acc = accounts.Get(acTot.AccountRowId);
                            var lin = new VatSumOperationReport()
                                _Text   = Acc.KeyName,
                                _Amount = (acTot._Debit - acTot._Credit) / 100d,
                                _Line   = i
                            vatReportSum[i] = lin;
                            if (i == 19)

            for (i = vatReportSumSize + 1; (--i >= 1);)
                if (vatReportSum[i] == null)
                    vatReportSum[i] = new VatSumOperationReport()
                        _Line = i

            this.vatReportSum = vatReportSum.Where(r => r != null).ToList();

            dgVatReport.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            busyIndicator.IsBusy   = false;
Пример #3
        public VatReportNorway(List <VatSumOperationReport> VatSumOperationLst, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) : base(null)
            this.VatSumOperationLst = VatSumOperationLst;
            this.FromDate           = fromDate;
            this.ToDate             = toDate;

            this.DataContext   = this;
            localMenu.dataGrid = dgVatReportNorway;
            SetRibbonControl(localMenu, dgVatReportNorway);
            localMenu.OnItemClicked        += localMenu_OnItemClicked;
            dgVatReportNorway.api           = api;
            dgVatReportNorway.BusyIndicator = busyIndicator;
            txtFromDate.DateTime = fromDate;
            txtToDate.DateTime   = toDate;

            VatSumOperationReport post2 = null;
            double sum = 0d, sumBase = 0d;
            foreach (var rec in VatSumOperationLst)
                string s;
                switch (rec._Line)
                case 1: s = "Samlet omsetning og uttak utenfor merverdiavgiftsloven"; break;

                case 2: s = "Samlet omsetning og uttak innenfor merverdiavgiftsloven og innførsel";
                    post2 = rec;

                case 3: s = "Innenlands omsetning og uttak, og beregnet avgift 25 %"; break;

                case 4: s = "Innenlands omsetning og uttak, og beregnet avgift 15 %"; break;

                case 5: s = "Innenlands omsetning og uttak, og beregnet avgift 10 %"; break;

                case 6: s = "Innenlands omsetning og uttak fritatt for merverdiavgift"; break;

                case 7: s = "Innenlands omsetning med omvendt avgiftsplikt"; break;

                case 8: s = "Utførsel av varer og tjenester fritatt for merverdiavgift"; break;

                case 9: s = "Innførsel av varer, og beregnet avgift 25 %"; break;

                case 10: s = "Innførsel av varer, og beregnet avgift 15 %"; break;

                case 11: s = "Innførsel av varer som det ikke skal beregnes merverdiavgift av"; break;

                case 12: s = "Tjenester kjøpt fra utlandet, og beregnet avgift 25 %"; break;

                case 13: s = "Innenlands kjøp av varer og tjenester, og beregnet avgift 25 %"; break;

                case 14: s = "Fradragsberettiget innenlands inngående avgift 25 %"; break;

                case 15: s = "Fradragsberettiget innenlands inngående avgift 15 %"; break;

                case 16: s = "Fradragsberettiget innenlands inngående avgift 10 %"; break;

                case 17: s = "Fradragsberettiget innførselsmerverdiavgift 25 %"; break;

                case 18: s = "Fradragsberettiget innførselsmerverdiavgift 15 %"; break;

                case 19: s      = "Avgift å betale / Avgift til gode";
                    rec._Amount = sum;

                default: s = null; break;
                rec._Text = s;
                if (rec._Line >= 3)
                    sum += rec._Amount;
                    if (rec._Line <= 13)
                        sumBase += rec._AmountBase;
            if (post2 != null)
                post2._ExtraBase = sumBase;

            dgVatReportNorway.ItemsSource = VatSumOperationLst;
            dgVatReportNorway.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
            this.DataContext = null;
            this.DataContext = this;
Пример #4
        public VatReportHolland(List <VatSumOperationReport> vatSumOperationLst, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) : base(null)
            this.VatSumOperationLst = vatSumOperationLst;
            this.fromDate           = fromDate;
            this.toDate             = toDate;

            this.DataContext = this;

            dgVatReportHolland.api           = api;
            dgVatReportHolland.BusyIndicator = busyIndicator;

            bool   SumIsneg = false;
            double sum = 0d, sumBase = 0d, sum19 = 0d;
            int    lastIndex = 0;
            var    lst       = new VatSumOperationReport[23];

            for (int lin = 1; (lin <= 23); lin++)
            //foreach (var rec in VatSumOperationLst)
                string s, opr;
                VatSumOperationReport rec = null;
                while (lastIndex < VatSumOperationLst.Count)
                    rec = VatSumOperationLst[lastIndex];
                    if (rec != null)
                        if (rec._Line == lin)
                        if (rec._Line > lin)
                            rec = null;
                        rec = null;
                if (rec == null)
                    rec = new VatSumOperationReport()
                        _Line = lin

                lst[lin - 1] = rec;

                if (lin == 17 || lin == 19 || lin == 23)
                    rec._Amount = rec._AmountBase = 0d;

                if (lin >= 16)
                    var d = rec._Amount;
                    if (d != 0)
                        if (lin <= 18)
                            if (d >= 0)
                                d += 0.499d;
                                d -= 0.499d;
                        rec._Amount = Math.Round(d);
                    sum     += rec._Amount;
                    sumBase += rec._AmountBase;
                    var d = rec._Amount;
                    if (d != 0)
                        if (d > 0)
                            d -= 0.499d;
                            d += 0.499d;
                        rec._Amount = Math.Round(d);
                    sum     -= rec._Amount;
                    sumBase -= rec._AmountBase;

                switch (lin)
                case 1: s = "Prestaties binnenland"; opr = "1"; opr = "1"; break;

                case 2: s = "Leveringen/diensten belast met hoog tarief"; opr = "1a"; break;

                case 3: s = "Leveringen/diensten belast met laag tarief"; opr = "1b"; break;

                case 4: s = "Leveringen/diensten belast met overige tarieven behalve 0%"; opr = "1c"; break;

                case 5: s = "Prive-gebruik"; opr = "1d"; break;

                case 6: s = "Leveringen/diensten belast met 0% of niet bij u belast"; opr = "1e"; break;

                case 7: s = "Verleggingsregelingen binnenland"; opr = "2"; break;

                case 8: s = "Leveringen/diensten waarbij de heffing van omzetbelasting naar u is verlegd."; opr = "2a"; break;

                case 9: s = "Prestaties naar/in het buitenland"; opr = "3"; break;

                case 10: s = "Leveringen naar landen buiten de EU (uitvoer)"; opr = "3a"; break;

                case 11: s = "Leveringen naar/diensten in landen binnen de EU"; opr = "3b"; break;

                case 12: s = "Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen de EU"; opr = "3c"; break;

                case 13: s = "Prestaties uit het buitenland aan u verricht"; opr = "4"; break;

                case 14: s = "Leveringen/diensten uit landen buiten de EU"; opr = "4a"; break;

                case 15: s = "Leveringen/diensten uit landen binnen de EU"; opr = "4b"; break;

                case 16: s = "Voorbelasting, kleinondernemersregeling, schatting en eindtotaal"; opr = "5"; break;

                case 17: s      = "Verschuldigde omzetbelasting";
                    rec._Amount = sum19 = -sum;
                    opr         = "5a"; break;

                case 18: s = "Voorbelasting"; opr = "5b";
                    sum19 -= rec._Amount;

                case 19: s      = "Subtotal: bereken 5a min 5b.";
                    sum         = sum19;
                    rec._Amount = sum;
                    SumIsneg    = (sum < 0d);
                    opr         = "5c"; break;

                case 20: s = "Vermindering volges de kleindondernemersregeling"; opr = "5d"; break;

                case 21: s = "Schatting vorige aangifte(n)"; opr = "5e"; break;

                case 22: s = "Schatting deze aangifte"; opr = "5f"; break;

                case 23:
                    if (SumIsneg)
                        s   = "Totaal te vorderen";
                        sum = -sum;
                        s = "Totaal te betalen";
                    rec._Amount = sum;
                    opr         = "5g"; break;

                default: s = null; opr = null; break;
                rec._Text = s;
                rec._UnicontaOperation = opr;

            dgVatReportHolland.ItemsSource = lst;
            dgVatReportHolland.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;