public void CreateFromTask_AsTaskIdempotent() { Task<int> source = Task.FromResult(42); ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(source); Assert.Same(source, t.AsTask()); Assert.Same(t.AsTask(), t.AsTask()); }
public void CreateFromNotCompletedTask_IsNotRanToCompletion() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(); ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(tcs.Task); Assert.False(t.IsRanToCompletion); tcs.SetResult(42); Assert.Equal(42, t.Result); }
public void CreateFromCompletedTask_IsRanToCompletion() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(Task.FromResult(42)); Assert.True(t.IsCompleted); Assert.True(t.IsCompletedSuccessfully); Assert.False(t.IsFaulted); Assert.False(t.IsCanceled); Assert.Equal(42, t.Result); }
public void CreateFromNotCompletedTask_IsNotRanToCompletion() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(); ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(tcs.Task); Assert.False(t.IsCompleted); Assert.False(t.IsCompletedSuccessfully); Assert.False(t.IsFaulted); Assert.False(t.IsCanceled); tcs.SetResult(42); Assert.Equal(42, t.Result); Assert.True(t.IsCompleted); Assert.True(t.IsCompletedSuccessfully); Assert.False(t.IsFaulted); Assert.False(t.IsCanceled); }
internal ValueTaskAwaiter(ValueTask value) => _value = value;
async ValueTask ConditionalExpression(int x, ValueTask <int> vt) { return(x > 3 ? await vt : await vt.ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public AsyncQueryableResultEnumerator(ValueTask <IAsyncEnumerable <T> > enumerableTask, CancellationToken cancellation) { _enumerableTask = enumerableTask; _cancellation = cancellation; }
public override async ValueTask <int> ReadAsync(Memory <byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { CancellationHelper.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(cancellationToken); if (_connection == null) { // Response body fully consumed return(0); } Debug.Assert(_contentBytesRemaining > 0); if ((ulong)buffer.Length > _contentBytesRemaining) { buffer = buffer.Slice(0, (int)_contentBytesRemaining); } ValueTask <int> readTask = _connection.ReadAsync(buffer); int bytesRead; if (readTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { bytesRead = readTask.Result; } else { CancellationTokenRegistration ctr = _connection.RegisterCancellation(cancellationToken); try { bytesRead = await readTask.ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception exc) when(CancellationHelper.ShouldWrapInOperationCanceledException(exc, cancellationToken)) { throw CancellationHelper.CreateOperationCanceledException(exc, cancellationToken); } finally { ctr.Dispose(); } } if (bytesRead == 0 && buffer.Length != 0) { // A cancellation request may have caused the EOF. CancellationHelper.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(cancellationToken); // Unexpected end of response stream. throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.net_http_invalid_response_premature_eof_bytecount, _contentBytesRemaining)); } Debug.Assert((ulong)bytesRead <= _contentBytesRemaining); _contentBytesRemaining -= (ulong)bytesRead; if (_contentBytesRemaining == 0) { // End of response body _connection.CompleteResponse(); _connection = null; } return(bytesRead); }
// continue after a ReadAsync call completes static async ValueTask <int> ReadAsync_ContinueAfterReadAsync(PipeReaderAdapter self, ValueTask <ReadResult> waitFor, Memory <char> into, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { tryAgainAsync: var res = await ConfigureCancellableAwait(self, waitFor, cancellationToken); var handled = self.MapByteSequenceToChar(res, into); // we need to wait for more to happen, returning 0 will // incorrectly signal that the writer has finished if (handled == 0 && !self.IsComplete) { waitFor = self.Inner.ReadAsync(cancellationToken); goto tryAgainAsync; } return(handled); }
public void CreateFromCompletedTask_IsRanToCompletion() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(Task.FromResult(42)); Assert.True(t.IsRanToCompletion); Assert.Equal(42, t.Result); }
/// <summary> /// Async operations on FasterKV /// </summary> static async Task AsyncOperator(int id) { using var session = faster.For(new CacheFunctions()).NewSession <CacheFunctions>(id.ToString()); Random rand = new Random(id); bool batched = true; // whether we batch upserts on session bool asyncUpsert = false; // whether we use sync or async upsert calls bool waitForCommit = false; // whether we wait for commit after each operation (or batch) on this session int batchSize = 100; // batch size await Task.Yield(); var context = new CacheContext(); var taskBatch = new ValueTask <FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue> .UpsertAsyncResult <CacheInput, CacheOutput, CacheContext> > [batchSize]; long seqNo = 0; if (!batched) { // Single upsert at a time, optionally waiting for commit // Needs high parallelism (NumParallelTasks) for perf // Separate commit thread performs regular checkpoints while (true) { try { var key = new CacheKey(rand.Next()); var value = new CacheValue(rand.Next()); if (asyncUpsert) { var r = await session.UpsertAsync(ref key, ref value, context, seqNo ++); while (r.Status == Status.PENDING) { r = await r.CompleteAsync(); } } else { session.Upsert(ref key, ref value, context, seqNo++); } if (waitForCommit) { await session.WaitForCommitAsync(); } Interlocked.Increment(ref numOps); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(AsyncOperator)}({id}): {ex}"); } } } else { // Batched version - we enqueue many entries to memory, // then wait for commit periodically int count = 0; while (true) { var key = new CacheKey(rand.Next()); var value = new CacheValue(rand.Next()); if (asyncUpsert) { taskBatch[count % batchSize] = session.UpsertAsync(ref key, ref value, context, seqNo++); } else { session.Upsert(ref key, ref value, context, seqNo++); } if (count++ % batchSize == 0) { if (asyncUpsert) { for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { var r = await taskBatch[i]; while (r.Status == Status.PENDING) { r = await r.CompleteAsync(); } } } if (waitForCommit) { await session.WaitForCommitAsync(); } Interlocked.Add(ref numOps, batchSize); } } } }
public SimpleMockTokenCredential(string scope, string token) { _scope = scope; _token = token; _tokenTask = new ValueTask <string>(token); }
public void CreateFromValue_AsTaskNotIdempotent() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); Assert.NotSame(Task.FromResult(42), t.AsTask()); Assert.NotSame(t.AsTask(), t.AsTask()); }
public void GetHashCode_ContainsNull() { ValueTask<string> t = new ValueTask<string>((string)null); Assert.Equal(0, t.GetHashCode()); }
public void GetHashCode_ContainsTask() { ValueTask<string> t = new ValueTask<string>(Task.FromResult("42")); Assert.Equal(t.AsTask().GetHashCode(), t.GetHashCode()); }
public void GetHashCode_ContainsResult() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); Assert.Equal(t.Result.GetHashCode(), t.GetHashCode()); }
public async Task ConfiguredAwaiter_ContinuesOnCapturedContext(bool continueOnCapturedContext) { await Task.Run(() => { var tsc = new TrackingSynchronizationContext(); SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(tsc); try { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); var mres = new ManualResetEventSlim(); t.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext).GetAwaiter().OnCompleted(() => mres.Set()); Assert.True(mres.Wait(10000)); Assert.Equal(continueOnCapturedContext ? 1 : 0, tsc.Posts); } finally { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null); } }); }
public async Task ConfiguredAwaiter_OnCompleted(bool continueOnCapturedContext) { // Since ValueTask implements both OnCompleted and UnsafeOnCompleted, // OnCompleted typically won't be used by await, so we add an explicit test // for it here. ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); t.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext).GetAwaiter().OnCompleted(() => tcs.SetResult(true)); await tcs.Task; }
public static ValueTask <int> MudAddEventListenerAsync <T>(this ElementReference elementReference, DotNetObjectReference <T> dotnet, string @event, string callback, bool stopPropagation = false) where T : class { var parameters = dotnet?.Value.GetType().GetMethods().First(m => m.Name == callback).GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType); if (parameters != null) { var parameterSpecs = new object[parameters.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count(); ++i) { parameterSpecs[i] = GetSerializationSpec(parameters.ElementAt(i)); } return(elementReference.GetJSRuntime()?.InvokeAsync <int>("mudElementRef.addEventListener", elementReference, dotnet, @event, callback, parameterSpecs, stopPropagation) ?? ValueTask.FromResult(0)); } else { return(new ValueTask <int>(0)); } }
private static async Task <T> WriteDirectAsync_Awaited <T>(ServerEndPoint @this, Message message, ValueTask <WriteResult> write, TaskCompletionSource <T> tcs) { var result = await write.ForAwait(); if (result != WriteResult.Success) { var ex = @this.Multiplexer.GetException(result, message, @this); ConnectionMultiplexer.ThrowFailed(tcs, ex); } return(await tcs.Task.ForAwait()); }
public async Task CreateFromTask_Await_Normal() { Task<int> source = Task.Delay(1).ContinueWith(_ => 42); ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(source); Assert.Equal(42, await t); }
public async Task TtlExpiredScenarioAsync() { using CancellationTokenSource timeoutCts = new(TimeoutLimit); CancellationToken timeoutToken = timeoutCts.Token; Uri uri = new(""); string httpRequestHost = uri.Host; int httpRequestPort = 80; TcpListener?listener = null; try { // Start local TCP server. listener = new(IPAddress.Loopback, port : 0); listener.Start(); int serverPort = ((IPEndPoint)listener.LocalEndpoint).Port; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][server] Wait for TCP client on port {serverPort}."); ValueTask <TcpClient> acceptTask = listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(timeoutToken); Task clientTask = Task.Run( async() => { TorTcpConnectionFactory factory = new(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, serverPort)); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][client] About to make connection."); using TorTcpConnection torConnection = await factory.ConnectAsync(httpRequestHost, httpRequestPort, useSsl: false, DefaultCircuit.Instance, timeoutToken); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][client] Connection established."); }, timeoutToken); using TcpClient client = await acceptTask; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][server] Connected!"); using NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.ReadTimeout = (int)TimeoutLimit.TotalMilliseconds; // <Version method request> // Read SOCKS protocol version. int versionByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(VerField.Socks5.Value, versionByte); // Read "NMethods" version. int nmethodsByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(1, nmethodsByte); // Read method byte. int methodByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(MethodField.UsernamePassword.ToByte(), methodByte); // Write response: version + method selected. stream.WriteByte(VerField.Socks5.Value); stream.WriteByte(MethodField.UsernamePassword.ToByte()); stream.Flush(); // </Version method request> // <UsernamePasswordRequest> // Read "AuthVerField" byte. int authVerByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(AuthVerField.Version1.Value, authVerByte); int ulenByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(21, ulenByte); // Read "UName". for (int j = 0; j < 21; j++) { _ = stream.ReadByte(); } int plenByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(21, plenByte); // Read "Passwd". for (int j = 0; j < 21; j++) { _ = stream.ReadByte(); } // Write response (UsernamePasswordResponse): version + method selected. stream.WriteByte((byte)AuthVerField.Version1.Value); stream.WriteByte(AuthStatusField.Success.ToByte()); stream.Flush(); // </UsernamePasswordRequest> TorSocks5Request expectedConnectionRequest = new(cmd : CmdField.Connect, new(httpRequestHost), new(httpRequestPort)); int i = 0; foreach (byte byteValue in expectedConnectionRequest.ToBytes()) { i++; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][server] Reading request byte #{i}."); int readByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(byteValue, readByte); } // Tor SOCKS5 reply reporting TTL expired error. // Note: RepField.Succeeded is the only OK code. // See "6. Replies" byte[] torSocks5Response = new byte[] { VerField.Socks5.Value, RepField.TtlExpired.ToByte(), RsvField.X00.ToByte(), AtypField.DomainName.ToByte(), 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // BndAddr (ATYP = "Domain" therefore the first octet is length of "BND.ADDR") 0x00, 0x00 // BndPort }; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][server] Respond with RepField.TtlExpired result."); await stream.WriteAsync(torSocks5Response, timeoutToken); stream.Flush(); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(TtlExpiredScenarioAsync)}][server] Expecting exception."); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <TorConnectCommandFailedException>(async() => await clientTask.WithAwaitCancellationAsync(timeoutToken)); } finally { listener?.Stop(); } }
public void CreateFromValue_IsRanToCompletion() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); Assert.True(t.IsRanToCompletion); Assert.Equal(42, t.Result); }
public async Task AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync() { using CancellationTokenSource timeoutCts = new(TimeoutLimit); CancellationToken timeoutToken = timeoutCts.Token; // No request is sent to the URI. Uri uri = new(""); string httpRequestHost = uri.Host; int httpRequestPort = 80; TcpListener?listener = null; try { // Start local TCP server. listener = new(IPAddress.Loopback, port : 0); listener.Start(); int serverPort = ((IPEndPoint)listener.LocalEndpoint).Port; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync)}][server] Waiting for a TCP client on port {serverPort}."); ValueTask <TcpClient> acceptTask = listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(timeoutToken); Task clientTask = Task.Run( async() => { TorTcpConnectionFactory factory = new(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, serverPort)); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync)}][client] About to make connection."); using TorTcpConnection torConnection = await factory.ConnectAsync(httpRequestHost, httpRequestPort, useSsl: false, DefaultCircuit.Instance, timeoutToken).ConfigureAwait(false); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync)}][client] Connection established."); }, timeoutToken); using TcpClient client = await acceptTask; Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync)}][server] Connected!"); using NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.ReadTimeout = (int)TimeoutLimit.TotalMilliseconds; // Read SOCKS protocol version. int versionByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(VerField.Socks5.Value, versionByte); // Read "NMethods" version. int nmethodsByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(1, nmethodsByte); // Read SOCKS version. int methodByte = stream.ReadByte(); Assert.Equal(MethodField.UsernamePassword.ToByte(), methodByte); // Write response: version + method selected. stream.WriteByte(VerField.Socks5.Value); stream.WriteByte(MethodField.NoAcceptableMethods.ToByte()); stream.Flush(); Logger.LogTrace($"[{nameof(AuthenticationErrorScenarioAsync)}][server] Expecting exception."); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotSupportedException>(async() => await clientTask.WithAwaitCancellationAsync(timeoutToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } finally { listener?.Stop(); } }
public ValueTask <ConnectionContext> ConnectAsync(EndPoint endPoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { ConnectTask = _innerFactory.ConnectAsync(endPoint, cancellationToken); return(ConnectTask); }
internal static ValueTask Await <T>(this ValueTask <T> pending) { if (pending.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { _ = pending.Result; // for IValueTaskSource reasons return(default);
public bool Draw() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(500, 500), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); var isOpen = true; if (!ImGui.Begin(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectHeader", "Select an item"), ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { ImGui.End(); return(false); } // Main window ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelect", "Please select an item.")); if (this.selectedItemTex != null) { ImGui.Text(" "); ImGui.SetCursorPosY(200f); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Image(this.selectedItemTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(40, 40)); } else { ImGui.Text(" "); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSearchVerb", "Search: ")); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("##searchbox", ref this.searchText, 32); var kinds = new List <string> { Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectAll", "All") }; kinds.AddRange( <ItemUICategory>().GetRows().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name)).Select(x => x.Name.Replace("\u0002\u001F\u0001\u0003", "-"))); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectCategory", "Category: ")); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Combo("##kindbox", ref this.currentKind, kinds.ToArray(), kinds.Count); var windowSize = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", new Vector2(0, windowSize.Y - ImGui.GetCursorPosY() - 40), true, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.ItemSpacing, new Vector2(0, 0)); if (this.luminaItems != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.searchText) || this.currentKind != 0) { if (this.lastSearchText != this.searchText || this.lastKind != this.currentKind) { this.lastSearchText = this.searchText; this.lastKind = this.currentKind; this.searchCancelTokenSource?.Cancel(); this.searchCancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var asyncEnum = this.luminaItems.ToAsyncEnumerable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.searchText)) { Log.Debug("Searching for " + this.searchText); asyncEnum = asyncEnum.Where( x => (x.Name.ToLower().Contains(this.searchText.ToLower()) || int.TryParse(this.searchText, out var parsedId) && parsedId == x.RowId) && x.Icon < 65000); } if (this.currentKind != 0) { Log.Debug("Searching for C" + this.currentKind); asyncEnum = asyncEnum.Where(x => x.ItemUICategory == this.currentKind); } this.selectedItemIndex = -1; this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); this.selectedItemTex = null; this.searchTask = asyncEnum.ToListAsync(this.searchCancelTokenSource.Token); } if (this.searchTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { for (var i = 0; i < this.searchTask.Result.Count; i++) { if (ImGui.Selectable(this.searchTask.Result[i].Name, this.selectedItemIndex == i, ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowDoubleClick)) { this.selectedItemIndex = i; try { var iconTex =[i].Icon); this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); this.selectedItemTex = this.builder.LoadImageRaw(iconTex.GetRgbaImageData(), iconTex.Header.Width, iconTex.Header.Height, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "Failed loading item texture"); this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); this.selectedItemTex = null; } if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) { if (this.selectedItemTex != null) { OnItemChosen?.Invoke(this, this.searchTask.Result[i]); if (this.closeOnChoose) { this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); isOpen = false; } } } } } } } else { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(0.86f, 0.86f, 0.86f, 1.00f), Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectHint", "Type to start searching...")); this.selectedItemIndex = -1; this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); this.selectedItemTex = null; } } else { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(0.86f, 0.86f, 0.86f, 1.00f), Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectLoading", "Loading item list...")); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); ImGui.EndChild(); // Darken choose button if it shouldn't be clickable ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.Alpha, this.selectedItemIndex < 0 || this.selectedItemTex == null ? 0.25f : 1); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Choose", "Choose"))) { try { if (this.selectedItemTex != null) { OnItemChosen?.Invoke(this, this.searchTask.Result[this.selectedItemIndex]); if (this.closeOnChoose) { this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); isOpen = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Exception in Choose: {ex.Message}"); } } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); if (!this.closeOnChoose) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Close", "Close"))) { this.selectedItemTex?.Dispose(); isOpen = false; } } if (this.selectedItemIndex >= 0 && this.selectedItemTex == null) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemNotLinkable", "This item is not linkable.")); } ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); }
public virtual ValueTask <IEnumerable <ActivityDisplayDescriptor> > GetDescriptorsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var descriptors = GetDescriptors(); return(ValueTask.FromResult(descriptors)); }
async ValueTask CallingAsTask(ValueTask vt) { await vt.AsTask(); }
public override ValueTask <RouteValueDictionary> TransformAsync(HttpContext httpContext, RouteValueDictionary values) { if (MixService.GetAppSetting <bool>(MixAppSettingKeywords.IsInit)) { return(ValueTask.FromResult(values)); } RouteValueDictionary result = values; var keys = values.Keys.ToList(); var language = (string)values[keys[0]]; var keyIndex = 1; if (!MixService.Instance.CheckValidCulture(language)) { language = MixService.GetAppSetting <string>(MixAppSettingKeywords.DefaultCulture); keyIndex -= 1; } var path = string.Join('/', values.Values.Skip(keyIndex)); if (MixService.Instance.CheckValidAlias(language, path)) { result["controller"] = "home"; result["culture"] = language; result["action"] = "Index"; result["seoName"] = path; return(ValueTask.FromResult(result)); } string notTransformPattern = @"^(.*)\.(xml|json|html|css|js|map|jpg|png|gif|jpeg|svg|map|ico|webmanifest|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$"; Regex reg = new Regex(notTransformPattern); if (reg.IsMatch(httpContext.Request.Path.Value)) { return(ValueTask.FromResult(values)); } var currentController = GetRouteValue(values, keys, ref keyIndex); var controller = MixService.Translate(currentController, language, currentController); if (!IsValidController(controller)) { controller = "home"; keyIndex -= 1; result["keyword"] = keyIndex < keys.Count ? string.Join('/', values.Values.Skip(keyIndex + 1)) : string.Empty; result["seoName"] = keys.Count > keyIndex ? (string)values[keys[keyIndex]] : string.Empty; result["culture"] = language; result["action"] = "Index"; result["controller"] = controller; } else { if (keys.Count > 2) { result["id"] = GetRouteValue(values, keys, ref keyIndex); } result["controller"] = controller; result["keyword"] = GetRouteValue(values, keys, ref keyIndex); } result["action"] = "Index"; return(ValueTask.FromResult(result)); }
static async ValueTask <Packet> AddContinuation(ValueTask <ArraySegment <byte> > headerBytes, BufferedByteReader bufferedByteReader, IByteHandler byteHandler, Func <int> getNextSequenceNumber, ProtocolErrorBehavior protocolErrorBehavior, IOBehavior ioBehavior) => await ReadPacketAfterHeader(await headerBytes.ConfigureAwait(false), bufferedByteReader, byteHandler, getNextSequenceNumber, protocolErrorBehavior, ioBehavior).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task GetUserInfoAsync( [Summary("The user to retrieve information about, if any.")] [Remainder] DiscordUserOrMessageAuthorEntity user = null) { var userId = user?.UserId ?? Context.User.Id; var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var userInfo = await _userService.GetUserInformationAsync(Context.Guild.Id, userId); if (userInfo == null) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Retrieval Error") .WithColor(Color.Red) .WithDescription("Sorry, we don't have any data for that user - and we couldn't find any, either.") .AddField("User Id", userId); await _autoRemoveMessageService.RegisterRemovableMessageAsync( Context.User, embed, async (embedBuilder) => await ReplyAsync(embed: embedBuilder.Build())); return; } var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("**\u276F User Information**"); builder.AppendLine("ID: " + userId); builder.AppendLine("Profile: " + MentionUtils.MentionUser(userId)); var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithUserAsAuthor(userInfo) .WithTimestamp(_utcNow); var avatar = userInfo.GetDefiniteAvatarUrl(); embedBuilder.ThumbnailUrl = avatar; embedBuilder.Author.IconUrl = avatar; ValueTask <Color> colorTask = default; if ((userInfo.GetAvatarUrl(size: 16) ?? userInfo.GetDefaultAvatarUrl()) is { } avatarUrl) { colorTask = _imageService.GetDominantColorAsync(new Uri(avatarUrl)); } var moderationRead = await _authorizationService.HasClaimsAsync(Context.User as IGuildUser, AuthorizationClaim.ModerationRead); var promotions = await _promotionsService.GetPromotionsForUserAsync(Context.Guild.Id, userId); if (userInfo.IsBanned) { builder.AppendLine("Status: **Banned** \\🔨"); if (moderationRead) { builder.AppendLine($"Ban Reason: {userInfo.BanReason}"); } } else { builder.AppendLine($"Status: {userInfo.Status.Humanize()}"); } if (userInfo.FirstSeen is DateTimeOffset firstSeen) { builder.AppendLine($"First Seen: {FormatUtilities.FormatTimeAgo(_utcNow, firstSeen)}"); } if (userInfo.LastSeen is DateTimeOffset lastSeen) { builder.AppendLine($"Last Seen: {FormatUtilities.FormatTimeAgo(_utcNow, lastSeen)}"); } try { var userRank = await _messageRepository.GetGuildUserParticipationStatistics(Context.Guild.Id, userId); var messagesByDate = await _messageRepository.GetGuildUserMessageCountByDate(Context.Guild.Id, userId, TimeSpan.FromDays(30)); var messageCountsByChannel = await _messageRepository.GetGuildUserMessageCountByChannel(Context.Guild.Id, userId, TimeSpan.FromDays(30)); var emojiCounts = await _emojiRepository.GetEmojiStatsAsync(Context.Guild.Id, SortDirection.Ascending, 1, userId : userId); await AddParticipationToEmbedAsync(userId, builder, userRank, messagesByDate, messageCountsByChannel, emojiCounts); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogError(ex, "An error occured while retrieving a user's message count."); } AddMemberInformationToEmbed(userInfo, builder); AddPromotionsToEmbed(builder, promotions); if (moderationRead) { await AddInfractionsToEmbedAsync(userId, builder); } embedBuilder.Description = builder.ToString(); embedBuilder.WithColor(await colorTask); timer.Stop(); embedBuilder.WithFooter(footer => footer.Text = $"Completed after {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); await _autoRemoveMessageService.RegisterRemovableMessageAsync( userInfo.Id == Context.User.Id?new[] { userInfo } : new[] { userInfo, Context.User }, embedBuilder, async (embedBuilder) => await ReplyAsync(embed: embedBuilder.Build())); }
internal ValueTaskAwaiter(ValueTask <TResult> value) => _value = value;
/// <summary> /// Make a task execute synchronously /// </summary> /// <param name="task">Task</param> public static void Sync(this ValueTask task) { task.ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
private (LendingData, ValueTask <Unit>) Match(ValueTask <Unit> disposedTask, LendingData data, CancellationToken _3, CancellationToken _4) { return(data, disposedTask); }
/// <summary> /// Make a task execute synchronously /// </summary> /// <param name="task">Task</param> /// <returns>Result</returns> public static T Sync <T>(this ValueTask <T> task) { return(task.ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult()); }
public static ValueTask <BoundingClientRect> MudGetBoundingClientRectAsync(this ElementReference elementReference) => elementReference.GetJSRuntime()?.InvokeAsync <BoundingClientRect>("mudElementRef.getBoundingClientRect", elementReference) ?? ValueTask.FromResult(new BoundingClientRect());
internal ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter(ValueTask value) { this._value = value; }
private static Task AwaitAndDispose(ValueTask task, IDisposable scope) => AwaitAndDispose(task.AsTask(), scope);
internal ValueTaskCompletionSource5(ValueTask first, ValueTask second, ValueTask third, ValueTask fourth, ValueTask fifth) : base(first, second, third, fourth) { this.fifth = fifth; }
public async Task CreateFromValue_Await() { ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); Assert.Equal(42, await t); Assert.Equal(42, await t.ConfigureAwait(false)); Assert.Equal(42, await t.ConfigureAwait(true)); }
internal ValueTaskCompletionSource2(ValueTask <TResult> first, ValueTask <TResult> second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; }
public async Task CreateFromTask_Await_ConfigureAwaitTrue() { Task<int> source = Task.Delay(1).ContinueWith(_ => 42); ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(source); Assert.Equal(42, await t.ConfigureAwait(true)); }
internal ValueTaskCompletionSource3(ValueTask first, ValueTask second, ValueTask third) : base(first, second) { this.third = third; }
public ValueTask <string> LoadAsync(TemplateContext context, SourceSpan callerSpan, string templatePath) => ValueTask.FromResult(Load(context, callerSpan, templatePath));
public void ConfiguredAwaiter_OnCompleted(bool continueOnCapturedContext) { // Since ValueTask implements both OnCompleted and UnsafeOnCompleted, // OnCompleted typically won't be used by await, so we add an explicit test // for it here. ValueTask<int> t = new ValueTask<int>(42); var mres = new ManualResetEventSlim(); t.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext).GetAwaiter().OnCompleted(() => mres.Set()); Assert.True(mres.Wait(10000)); }