private async Task RenameRecipeAsync(int recipeId) { Console.Write("\n Enter the name of the recipe: "); string newName = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _recipesController.RenameAsync(recipeId, newName); }
private async Task ChangeDescRecipe(int recipeId) { Console.Write("\n Enter recipe description: "); string desc = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _recipesController.ChangeDescription(recipeId, desc); }
protected async Task AddIngredientAsync() { Console.Write("\n Enter name ingredient: "); string name = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _ingredientsController.AddAsync(name); }
private async Task OpenRecipeAync(int recipeId) { Console.Clear(); Recipe recipe = await _recipesController.GetRecipeByIdAsync(recipeId); Console.WriteLine($"{new string('\n', 5)} ________{recipe.Name}________\n\n"); Console.WriteLine($" { await ValidationNavigation.WrapTextAsync(10, recipe.Description, "\n ")}"); Console.WriteLine("\n Required ingredients:\n"); List <string> ingredients = await _recipesController.GetIngredientsWhereRecipeIdAsync(recipeId); //ingredients recipe foreach (string ingredient in ingredients) { Console.WriteLine($" {ingredient}"); } //steps recipe Console.WriteLine("\n Сooking steps:\n"); List <CookingStep> cookingSteps = await _recipesController.GetCookingStepsWhereRecipeIdAsync(recipeId); foreach (CookingStep cookingStep in cookingSteps.OrderBy(x => x.Step)) { Console.WriteLine($" {cookingStep.Step}. {await ValidationNavigation.WrapTextAsync(10, cookingStep.Name, "\n ")}"); } Console.WriteLine("\n Press any key to return..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private async Task RenameAsync() { Console.Write(" Enter new name: "); string newName = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _ingredientsController.RenameAsync(_ingredientId, newName); }
private async Task DeleteAsync() { Console.WriteLine(" Do you really want to remove the ingredient? "); if ((await ValidationNavigation.ShowYesNoAsync()) == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } await _ingredientsController.DeleteAsync(_ingredientId); }
private async Task DeleteAsync() { Console.Write(" Attention! Are you sure you want to delete the category? You will also delete all the recipes that are in them! "); if ((await ValidationNavigation.ShowYesNoAsync()) == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } await _categoriesController.DeleteAsync(_categoryId); }
private async Task DeleteAsync(int cookingStepId) { Console.WriteLine("\n Do you really want to remove the cooking step? "); if (await ValidationNavigation.ShowYesNoAsync() == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } await _cookingStepsController.DeleteAsync(cookingStepId); }
private async Task DeleteRecipeAsync(int recipeId) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\n Are you sure you want to delete the recipe? "); if (await ValidationNavigation.ShowYesNoAsync() == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } await _recipesController.DeleteAsync(recipeId); }
private async Task EditAsync(int cookingStepId) { CookingStep cookingStep = await _cookingStepsController.GetCookingStepByIdAsync(cookingStepId); Console.WriteLine($"\n Describe the cooking step {cookingStep.Step}: "); string stepName = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); cookingStep.Name = stepName; await _cookingStepsController.EditAsync(cookingStep); }
private async Task AddCategoryAsync() { Console.Write("\n Enter name category: "); string name = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write(" Enter name main category: "); string parentСategoryName = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _categoriesController.AddAsync(name, parentСategoryName); await ShowMenuAsync(); }
private async Task AddRecipeAsync() { Console.WriteLine($"\n The recipe will be added to the category: {(await _recipesController.GetCategoryByIdAsync(_currentCategoryId)).Name}"); Console.Write("\n Enter the name of the recipe: "); string nameRecipe = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("\n Enter recipe description: "); string description = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _recipesController.AddAsync(nameRecipe, description, _currentCategoryId); await ShowMenuAsync(); }
private async Task AddAsync(int recipeId) { int currentStep = (await _cookingStepsController.GetCookingStepsWhereRecipeIdAsync(recipeId)).Any() ? (await _cookingStepsController.GetCookingStepsWhereRecipeIdAsync(recipeId)).Max(x => x.Step) + 1 : 1; Console.WriteLine($"\n Describe the cooking step {currentStep}: "); string stepName = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _cookingStepsController.AddAsync(recipeId, currentStep, stepName); Console.WriteLine("\n Add another cooking step? "); if (await ValidationNavigation.ShowYesNoAsync() == ConsoleKey.N) { return; } await AddAsync(recipeId); }
private async Task AddAsync(int recipeId, int ingredientId) { try { Console.Write("\n Enter the amount of ingredient: "); double amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Replace(".", ",")); Console.Write(" Enter the unit of ingredient: "); string unit = await ValidationNavigation.CheckNullOrEmptyTextAsync(Console.ReadLine()); await _amountRecipeIngredientsController.AddAsync(amount, unit, recipeId, ingredientId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("\n Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the ingredients of the specified batch /// </summary> /// <param name="itemsMenu"></param> /// <param name="idBatch"></param> protected async Task <List <EntityMenu> > GetIngredientsBatchAsync(List <EntityMenu> itemsMenu, int idBatch = 1) { try { List <IEnumerable <Ingredient> > ingredientsBatch = await _ingredientsController.GetIngredientsBatchAsync(); int countBatch = ingredientsBatch.Count; if (idBatch > ingredientsBatch.Count || idBatch < 0) { _pageIngredients = await ValidationNavigation.BatchExistAsync(idBatch, countBatch); idBatch = _pageIngredients; } idBatch--; IEnumerable <Ingredient> ingredients = ingredientsBatch.ElementAt(idBatch); foreach (Ingredient batch in ingredients) { if (itemsMenu != null) { itemsMenu.Add(new EntityMenu() { Id = batch.Id, Name = $" {batch.Name}", TypeEntity = "ingr" }); } } idBatch++; itemsMenu = itemsMenu .Select(i => i.TypeEntity == "pages" ? new EntityMenu { Name = $" Go to page. Pages: {idBatch}/{countBatch}", TypeEntity = "pages" } : i).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(" Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } return(itemsMenu); }