public async Task GenerationWorks() { var sourceFiles = ImagesFolder.EnumerateFiles().Where(d => ValidExtensions.Contains(d.Extension)).ToArray(); var testFile = new FileInfo(@"Test.epub"); using (var stream = testFile.Open(FileMode.Create)) using (var writer = new EPUBWriter(stream)) { foreach (var i in sourceFiles) { using (var pageStream = i.OpenRead()) { if (i.Name == CoverImageName) { await writer.SetCoverAsync(pageStream, true); } else { await writer.AddPageAsync(pageStream, i.Name); } } } SetMetadata(writer.Metadata); } }
public FileToUnzip(string filePath) { FilePath = filePath; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); IsValidExtension = ValidExtensions.Contains(fileInfo.Extension); FileName = fileInfo.Name; }
public static bool IsValidExtension(string ext, Settings settings) { if (settings.LoadOnlyValidExtensions) { ext = ext.StartsWith(".") ? ext.Remove(0, 1).ToLower() : ext.ToLower(); return(ValidExtensions.Contains(ext)); } return(true); }
public static MusicFile FromFile(string path) { if (IsShortcut(path)) { path = ResolveShortcut(path); } if (!File.Exists(path) || !ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(path)?.ToLower())) { return(null); } var mf = new MusicFile() { Filepath = path }; mf.MetadataFile = TagLib.File.Create(mf.Filepath); return(mf); }
public static bool SkipErrorForInvalidExtension(string ext, Settings settings) { ext = ext.StartsWith(".") ? ext.Remove(0, 1).ToLower() : ext.ToLower(); return(ValidExtensions.Contains(ext) || (settings.PushTsMapFiles && ExtensionsToSkipLoadingErrorMessage.Contains(ext))); }
static int RunProgram(string[] args) { //check to make sure we have at least one downloadInfo to run if (DownloadInfos.Count == 0) { WriteToLog("No DownloadInfos parsed! (empty xml file?)"); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } //check to make sure at least one downloadInfo enabled List <DownloadInfo> enabledInfos = DownloadInfos.Where(info => info.Enabled).ToList(); if (enabledInfos.Count == 0) { WriteToLog("No DownloadInfos enabled!"); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } //only process enabled infos DownloadInfos = enabledInfos; //if not silent, add start of application here if (!NoPrompts) { WriteToLog("Press enter to start"); // Console.ReadLine(); } //run an update on youtube-dl // if (!NoPrompts) { UpdateYoutubeDL = GetUserResponse("UpdateYoutubeDL?"); } if (UpdateYoutubeDL) { WriteToLog("Update YoutubeDL"); //create folder if it does not already exist CheckMissingFolder(BinaryFolder); //check if youtube-dl is missing, if so download it string youtubeDLPath = Path.Combine(BinaryFolder, YoutubeDL); if (!File.Exists(youtubeDLPath) || ForceDownloadYoutubeDl) { WriteToLog("Youtube-dl.exe does not exist, or ForceDownloadYoutubeDl = true, download it"); try { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { if (File.Exists(youtubeDLPath)) { File.Delete(youtubeDLPath); } client.DownloadFile(YoutubeDlUrl, youtubeDLPath); } } catch (WebException ex) { WriteToLog("Failed to download youtube-dl.exe"); WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } } else { WriteToLog("Youtube-dl.exe exists"); //try to launch youtube-dl to update youtube-dl try { using (Process updateYoutubeDL = new Process()) { //set properties updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = BinaryFolder; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.FileName = YoutubeDL; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; updateYoutubeDL.StartInfo.Arguments = "--update"; updateYoutubeDL.Start(); updateYoutubeDL.WaitForExit(); if (updateYoutubeDL.ExitCode != 0) { WriteToLog(string.Format("ERROR: update process exited with code {0}", updateYoutubeDL.ExitCode)); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0)); } } catch (Exception e) { WriteToLog(e.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } } } else { WriteToLog("UpdateYoutubeDl skipped"); } if (!NoPrompts) { CopyBinaries = GetUserResponse("CopyBinaries?"); } if (CopyBinaries) { WriteToLog("Copy Binaries"); CheckMissingFolder(BinaryFolder); //if embedded binary does not exist, OR force binary embedded write, then write it string[] exesToGet = { AtomicParsley, CommandShellWrapper }; foreach (string exeToGet in exesToGet) { string binaryPath = Path.Combine(BinaryFolder, exeToGet); if (!File.Exists(binaryPath) || ForceWriteFFBinaries) { WriteToLog(string.Format("File {0} does not exist or ForceWriteFFBinaries is on, writing binaries to disk", exeToGet)); File.WriteAllBytes(binaryPath, GetEmbeddedResource(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeToGet))); } } string[] zipsToGet = { "", "" }; foreach (string zipToGet in zipsToGet) { string binaryPath = Path.Combine(BinaryFolder, string.Format("{0}.{1}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipToGet), "exe")); if (!File.Exists(binaryPath) || ForceWriteFFBinaries) { WriteToLog(string.Format("File {0} does not exist or ForceWriteFFBinaries is on, writing binaries to disk", zipToGet)); using (Stream stream = GetEmbeddedResourceStream(zipToGet)) using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(stream)) { zip.ExtractAll(BinaryFolder, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } } } //copy the binaries to each folder foreach (DownloadInfo info in DownloadInfos.Where(temp => temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeSong || temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix)) { CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); foreach (string binaryFile in BinaryFiles) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Copying file {0} into folder {1}", binaryFile, info.Folder)); string fileToCopy = Path.Combine(info.Folder, binaryFile); if (File.Exists(fileToCopy)) { File.Delete(fileToCopy); } File.Copy(Path.Combine(BinaryFolder, binaryFile), fileToCopy); } } } else { WriteToLog("CopyBinaries skipped"); } //ask user if we will run the scripts if (!NoPrompts) { RunScripts = GetUserResponse("RunScripts?"); } if (RunScripts) { WriteToLog("Running scripts"); //build and run the process list for youtube downloads //build first List <Process> processes = new List <Process>(); //only create processes for youtube download types foreach (DownloadInfo info in DownloadInfos.Where(temp => temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeSong || temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix)) { //make sure folder path exists CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); //make sure required binaries exist foreach (string binaryFile in BinaryFiles) { CheckMissingFile(Path.Combine(info.Folder, binaryFile)); } //delete any previous song file entries foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(info.Folder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(file => ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))) { WriteToLog("Deleting old song file from previous run: " + Path.GetFileName(file)); File.Delete(file); } WriteToLog(string.Format("Build process info folder {0}", info.Folder)); processes.Add(new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { RedirectStandardError = false, RedirectStandardOutput = false, UseShellExecute = true, WorkingDirectory = info.Folder, FileName = CommandShellWrapper, CreateNoWindow = false, Arguments = YoutubeDL + " " + string.Format(DefaultCommandLine, //from xml info.FirstRun ? string.Empty : DateAfterCommandLine, //date after (youtube-dl command line key) info.FirstRun ? string.Empty : info.LastDate, //date after (youtube-dl command line arg) info.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix ? YoutubeMixDurationCommandLine : YoutubeSongDurationCommandLine, //youtube-dl match filter duration selector string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.CustomYoutubedlCommands) ? string.Empty : info.CustomYoutubedlCommands, info.DownloadURL) } }); } //run them all now foreach (Process p in processes) { try { WriteToLog(string.Format("Launching process for folder {0} using arguments {1}", p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory, p.StartInfo.Arguments)); p.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog("An error has occurred running a process, stopping all"); KillProcesses(processes); WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } } //iterate to wait for all to complete foreach (Process p in processes) { p.WaitForExit(); WriteToLog(string.Format("Process of folder {0} has finished or previously finished. exit code {1}", p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory, p.ExitCode)); } //check exit code status bool forceExit = false; foreach (Process p in processes) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Process of folder {0} exited of code {1}", p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory, p.ExitCode)); if (p.ExitCode == 0 || p.ExitCode == 1) { WriteToLog("Valid exit code"); } else { WriteToLog("Invalid exit code, marked to exit"); forceExit = true; } } //determine if to quit if (forceExit) { WriteToLog("An exit code above was bad, exiting"); KillProcesses(processes); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } //after all completed successfully, dispose of them foreach (Process p in processes) { p.Dispose(); } GC.Collect(); WriteToLog("All processes completed"); //check if creating archive text files foreach (DownloadInfo info in DownloadInfos.FindAll(temp => (temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeSong || temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(temp.CreateArchive)) && (temp.Enabled))) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Creating archive file for folder {0}, called {1}", info.Folder, info.CreateArchive)); //read the output log of the first run string outputLogPath = Path.Combine(info.Folder, CommandLineWrapperLogfile); if (!File.Exists(outputLogPath)) { WriteToLog("Output log does not exist for folder " + info.Folder); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } string[] youtubeDlLog = File.ReadAllLines(outputLogPath); //do a regex search for each video url List <string> archiveLines = new List <string>(); foreach (string line in youtubeDlLog) { Match result = Regex.Match(line, CreateArchiveRegex); if (result.Success) { string valueToAppend = result.Value; WriteToLog(string.Format("Regex match: {0}", valueToAppend)); //this gives you two results: //[youtube] gQjAEbWZEgU: //[youtube] HdOCXC8ZwAw: Writing thumbnail to: //array split on ":" character valueToAppend = valueToAppend.Split(':')[0]; //remove brackets for [youtube] -> youtube valueToAppend = valueToAppend.Replace(@"[youtube]", @"youtube"); //add to list if (!archiveLines.Contains(valueToAppend)) { archiveLines.Add(valueToAppend); } } } //and write to text if (archiveLines.Count > 0) { archiveLines.Add(string.Empty); File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(info.Folder, info.CreateArchive), archiveLines); WriteToLog(string.Format("{0} written for folder {1}", info.CreateArchive, info.Folder)); } //also turn off creating archive, it should only be a one time thing info.CreateArchive = string.Empty; UpdateDownloadInfoXmlEntry(doc, info, nameof(info.CreateArchive), info.CreateArchive, false); } } else { WriteToLog("RunScripts skipped"); } //save the new date for when the above scripts were last run if (!NoPrompts) { SaveNewDate = GetUserResponse("SaveNewDate?"); } if (SaveNewDate) { WriteToLog("Saving new date"); // string newDate = string.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", DateTime.Now); for (int i = 0; i < DownloadInfos.Count; i++) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Changing and saving xml old date from {0} to {1}", DownloadInfos[i].LastDate, newDate)); DownloadInfos[i].LastDate = newDate; //then save it in xml UpdateDownloadInfoXmlEntry(doc, DownloadInfos[i], "LastDate", DownloadInfos[i].LastDate, true); } } else { WriteToLog("SaveNewDate skipped"); } //start naming and tagging //get a list of files from the directory listed if (!NoPrompts) { ParseTags = GetUserResponse("ParseTags?"); } if (ParseTags) { WriteToLog("Parsing tags"); for (int j = 0; j < DownloadInfos.Count; j++) { DownloadInfo info = DownloadInfos[j]; //save the track number in a backup in case if copying is true, and there's a "same title with different track number" error //if that happends, the old number needs to be written back to disk because the whole naming process is not invalid info.BackupLastTrackNumber = info.LastTrackNumber; WriteToLog(""); WriteToLog("-----------------------Parsing directory " + info.Folder + "----------------------"); CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); //make and filter out the lists List <string> files = Directory.GetFiles(info.Folder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(file => ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file))).ToList(); //check to make sure there are valid audio files before proceding if (files.Count == 0) { WriteToLog("No valid audio files in directory"); continue; } //step 0: check for if padding is needed //get the number of track numbers for the first and last files int firstEntryNumTrackNums = Path.GetFileName(files[0]).Split('-')[0].Length; int maxEntryNumTrackNums = 0; foreach (string s in files) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(s); int currentEntryNumTrackNums = filename.Split('-')[0].Length; if (currentEntryNumTrackNums > maxEntryNumTrackNums) { maxEntryNumTrackNums = currentEntryNumTrackNums; } } WriteToLog(string.Format("First entry, track number padding = {0}\nmax entry, track number padding = {1}\n", firstEntryNumTrackNums, maxEntryNumTrackNums)); if (firstEntryNumTrackNums != maxEntryNumTrackNums) { //inform and ask WriteToLog("Not equal, padding entries"); //use the last entry as reference point for how many paddings to do for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { string oldFileName = Path.GetFileName(files[i]); int numToPadOut = maxEntryNumTrackNums - oldFileName.Split('-')[0].Length; if (numToPadOut > 0) { string newFileName = oldFileName.PadLeft(oldFileName.Length + numToPadOut, '0'); WriteToLog(string.Format("{0}\nrenamed to\n{1}", oldFileName, newFileName)); File.Move(Path.Combine(info.Folder, oldFileName), Path.Combine(info.Folder, newFileName)); files[i] = Path.Combine(info.Folder, newFileName); } else { WriteToLog(string.Format("{0}\nnot renamed", oldFileName)); } } //and re-sort if afterwards files.Sort(); } //step 1: parse the tag info for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { bool fileDeleted = false; bool skipFile = false; string fileName = files[i]; WriteToLog("Parsing " + fileName); //create TagLib instance TagLib.Tag tag = null; TagLib.File file = null; try { // file = TagLib.File.Create(fileName); tag = file.Tag; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } //assign tag infos from xml properties //album tag.Album = info.Album; //album artist // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.AlbumArtist)) { tag.AlbumArtists = null; tag.AlbumArtists = new string[] { info.AlbumArtist }; } //track number //last saved number in the xml will be the last track number applied //so up it first, then use it tag.Track = ++info.LastTrackNumber; //genre tag.Genres = null; tag.Genres = new string[] { info.Genre }; if (info.DownloadType == DownloadType.Other1) { //Other1 is mixes, add current year and artist as VA tag.Performers = null; tag.Performers = new string[] { "VA" }; tag.Year = (uint)DateTime.Now.Year; WriteToLog("Song treated as heartAtThis mix"); } else//youtube mix and song { //artist and title and year from filename //get the name of the file to parse tag info to string fileNameToParse = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); //replace "–" with "-", as well as "?-" with "-" fileNameToParse = fileNameToParse.Replace('–', '-').Replace("?-", "-"); //split based on "--" unique separater string[] splitFileName = fileNameToParse.Split(new string[] { "--" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //if the count is 1, then there are no "--", implies a run in this directory already happened if (splitFileName.Count() == 1) { WriteToLog(string.Format("File {0} seems to have already been parsed, skipping", splitFileName[0])); //decrease the number, it's not a new song info.LastTrackNumber--; continue; } //split into mix parsing and song parsing if (info.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix) { //from youtube-dl output template: //[0] = autonumber (discard), [1] = title (actual title), [2] = upload year //title tag.Title = splitFileName[1].Trim(); //year is YYYMMDD, only want YYYY bool validYear = false; string yearString = string.Empty; yearString = splitFileName[2].Substring(0, 4).Trim(); //remove any extra "-" characters yearString = yearString.Replace("-", string.Empty).Trim(); while (!validYear) { try { tag.Year = uint.Parse(yearString); validYear = true; } catch { Console.Beep(1000, 500); WriteToLog("ERROR: Invalid year, please manually type"); WriteToLog("Original: " + yearString); WriteToLog("Enter new (ONLY \"YYYY\")"); yearString = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); } } //artist (is VA for mixes) tag.Performers = null; tag.Performers = new string[] { "VA" }; WriteToLog("Song treated as youtube mix"); } else//youtube song { //from youtube-dl output template: //[0] = autonumber (discard), [1] = title (artist and title), [2] = upload year //first get the artist title combo from parsed filename form youtube-dl string filenameArtistTitle = splitFileName[1].Trim(); string[] splitArtistTitleName = null; bool validArtistTitleParse = false; while (!validArtistTitleParse) { //labels divide the artist and title by " - " //split into artist [0] and title [1] splitArtistTitleName = filenameArtistTitle.Split(new string[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None); //should be 2 entries for this to work if (splitArtistTitleName.Count() < 2) { Console.Beep(1000, 500); WriteToLog("ERROR: not enough split entries for parsing, please enter manually! (count is " + splitArtistTitleName.Count() + " )"); WriteToLog("Original: " + filenameArtistTitle); WriteToLog("Enter new: (just arist - title combo)"); WriteToLog("Or \"skip\" to remove song from parsing"); filenameArtistTitle = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (filenameArtistTitle.Equals("skip")) { skipFile = true; break; } } else { validArtistTitleParse = true; } } if (skipFile) { filenameArtistTitle = "skipping - skipping--6969"; } //get the artist name from split tag.Performers = null; tag.Performers = new string[] { splitArtistTitleName[0].Trim() }; //include anything after it rather than just get the last one, in case there's more split characters //skip one for the artist name tag.Title = string.Join(" - ", splitArtistTitleName.Skip(1)).Trim(); //year is YYYMMDD, only want YYYY bool validYear = false; string yearString = string.Empty; yearString = splitFileName[2].Substring(0, 4).Trim(); //remove any extra "-" characters yearString = yearString.Replace("-", string.Empty).Trim(); while (!validYear) { try { tag.Year = uint.Parse(yearString); validYear = true; } catch { Console.Beep(1000, 500); WriteToLog("ERROR: Invalid year, please manually type"); WriteToLog("Original: " + yearString); WriteToLog("Enter new (ONLY \"YYYY\")"); yearString = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); } } WriteToLog("Song treated as youtube song"); } } if (skipFile) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Skipping song {0}", tag.Title)); File.Delete(fileName); //also delete the entry from list of files to process files.Remove(fileName); //also put the counter back for track numbers info.LastTrackNumber--; //also decrement the counter as to not skip i--; //also note it fileDeleted = true; } //check to make sure song doesn't already exist (but only if it's not the first time downloading else if (!info.FirstRun) { if (SongAlreadyExists(info.CopyPaths, tag.Title)) { WriteToLog(string.Format("WARNING: Song {0} already exists in a copy folder, deleting the entry!", tag.Title)); if (!NoPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } File.Delete(fileName); //also delete the entry from list of files to process files.Remove(fileName); //also put the counter back for track numbers info.LastTrackNumber--; //also decrement the counter as to not skip i--; //also note it fileDeleted = true; } } if (!fileDeleted) { file.Save(); } } //step 2: parse the filenames from the tags foreach (string fileName in files) { //load the file again TagLib.File file = null; try { // file = TagLib.File.Create(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } //get the old name string oldFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); //prepare the new name string newFileName = string.Empty; //manual check to make sure track and title exist if (file.Tag.Track == 0) { WriteToLog(string.Format("ERROR: Track property is missing in file {0}", fileName)); if (NoErrorPrompts) { Environment.Exit(-1); } while (true) { WriteToLog("Please input unsigned int manually!"); if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uint result)) { file.Tag.Track = result; file.Save(); break; } } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.Tag.Title)) { WriteToLog(string.Format("ERROR: Title property is missing in file {0}", fileName)); if (NoErrorPrompts) { Environment.Exit(-1); } WriteToLog("Please input manually!"); file.Tag.Title = Console.ReadLine(); file.Save(); } switch (info.DownloadType) { case DownloadType.Other1: //using the pre-parsed title... newFileName = string.Format("{0}-{1}", file.Tag.Track.ToString(), file.Tag.Title); break; case DownloadType.YoutubeMix: newFileName = string.Format("{0}-{1}", file.Tag.Track.ToString(), file.Tag.Title); break; case DownloadType.YoutubeSong: if (file.Tag.Performers == null || file.Tag.Performers.Count() == 0) { WriteToLog(string.Format("ERROR: Artist property is missing in file {0}", fileName)); if (NoErrorPrompts) { Environment.Exit(-1); } WriteToLog("Please input manually!"); file.Tag.Performers = null; file.Tag.Performers = new string[] { Console.ReadLine() }; file.Save(); } newFileName = string.Format("{0}-{1} - {2}", file.Tag.Track.ToString(), file.Tag.Performers[0], file.Tag.Title); break; default: WriteToLog("Invalid downloadtype: " + info.DownloadType.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } continue; } //check for padding //set padding to highest number of tracknumbers //(if tracks go from 1-148, make sure filename for 1 is 001) int trackPaddingLength = newFileName.Split('-')[0].Length; int maxTrackNumPaddingLength = info.LastTrackNumber.ToString().Length; if (trackPaddingLength < maxTrackNumPaddingLength) { WriteToLog("Correcting for track padding"); int numToPad = maxTrackNumPaddingLength - trackPaddingLength; newFileName = newFileName.PadLeft(newFileName.Length + numToPad, '0'); } //save the complete folder path string completeFolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); string completeOldPath = Path.Combine(completeFolderPath, oldFileName + Path.GetExtension(fileName)); string completeNewPath = Path.Combine(completeFolderPath, newFileName + Path.GetExtension(fileName)); WriteToLog(string.Format("Renaming {0}\n to {1}", oldFileName, newFileName)); File.Move(completeOldPath, completeNewPath); } //also change firstRun to false if not done already if (info.FirstRun) { WriteToLog(string.Format("DEBUG: folder {0} firstRun is true, setting to false", info.Folder)); info.FirstRun = false; } //at the end of each folder, write the new value back to the xml file string xpath = string.Format("//DownloadInfo.xml/DownloadInfos/DownloadInfo[@Folder='{0}']", info.Folder); XmlNode infoNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(xpath); if (infoNode == null) { WriteToLog("Failed to select node for saving LastTrackNumber back to folder " + info.Folder); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } XmlAttribute lastTrackNumber = infoNode.Attributes["LastTrackNumber"]; if (lastTrackNumber == null) { lastTrackNumber = doc.CreateAttribute("LastTrackNumber"); infoNode.Attributes.Append(lastTrackNumber); } lastTrackNumber.Value = info.LastTrackNumber.ToString(); infoNode.Attributes[nameof(info.FirstRun)].Value = info.FirstRun.ToString(); doc.Save(DownloadInfoXml); WriteToLog("Saved LastTrackNumber for folder " + info.Folder); } } else { WriteToLog("ParseTags skipped"); } //copy newly parsed files to their directories if (!NoPrompts) { CopyFiles = GetUserResponse("CopyFiles?"); } if (CopyFiles) { WriteToLog("Copy Files"); for (int j = 0; j < DownloadInfos.Count; j++) { DownloadInfo info = DownloadInfos[j]; CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); //make and filter out the lists List <string> files = Directory.GetFiles(info.Folder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(file => ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file))).ToList(); WriteToLog(""); WriteToLog("-----------------------CopyFiles for directory " + info.Folder + "----------------------"); if (files.Count == 0) { WriteToLog("no files to copy"); continue; } bool breakout = false; //using copy for all then delete because you can't move across drives (easily) foreach (string copypath in info.CopyPaths) { WriteToLog("Copying files to directory " + copypath); foreach (string file in files) { WriteToLog(Path.GetFileName(file)); string newPath = Path.Combine(copypath, Path.GetFileName(file)); if (File.Exists(newPath)) { WriteToLog("WARNING: The file '{0}' already exists, this could indicate multiple copyTo targets! Skipping!"); if (!NoPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } } else { File.Copy(file, newPath); } } } if (breakout) { continue; } //now delete WriteToLog("Deleting files in infos folder"); foreach (string file in files) { if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } } } } else { WriteToLog("CopyFiles skipped"); } //delete the binaries in each folder if (!NoPrompts) { DeleteBinaries = GetUserResponse("Delete binaries?"); } if (DeleteBinaries) { WriteToLog("Delete Binaries"); foreach (DownloadInfo info in DownloadInfos.Where(temp => temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeSong || temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix)) { CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); foreach (string binaryFile in BinaryFiles) { WriteToLog(string.Format("Deleting file {0} in folder {1} if exist", binaryFile, info.Folder)); string fileToDelete = Path.Combine(info.Folder, binaryFile); if (File.Exists(fileToDelete)) { File.Delete(fileToDelete); } } } } else { WriteToLog("DeleteBinaries skipped"); } //delete the output log files in each folder if (!NoPrompts) { DeleteOutputLogs = GetUserResponse("Delete youtube-dl output logs?"); } if (DeleteOutputLogs) { WriteToLog("Delete youtube-dl output logs"); foreach (DownloadInfo info in DownloadInfos.Where(temp => temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeSong || temp.DownloadType == DownloadType.YoutubeMix)) { CheckMissingFolder(info.Folder); WriteToLog(string.Format("Deleting youtube-dl log in folder {0} if exist", info.Folder)); string fileToDelete = Path.Combine(info.Folder, CommandLineWrapperLogfile); if (File.Exists(fileToDelete)) { File.Delete(fileToDelete); } } } //and we're all set here WriteToLog("Done"); if (!NoPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.ExitCode = 0; Environment.Exit(0); return(0); }
private bool CheckFileExtension(string filePath) { return(ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filePath))); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if the provided ext exists in the validExts list /// </summary> /// <param name="ext">[LOWERCASE] extension (e.g. .dds)</param> /// <returns>Bool value indicating existance</returns> public static bool IsValid(string ext) { return((ValidExtensions.Contains(ext)) ? true : false); }
private bool IsFileValid(string filePath) { return(ValidExtensions.Contains(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filePath))); }
//check if a song with a same title exists based on what was just parsed private static bool SongAlreadyExists(string[] copyFoldersToCheck, string titleOfSongToCheck) { bool doesSongAlreadyExist = false; foreach (string copyFolderToCheck in copyFoldersToCheck) { if (!Directory.Exists(copyFolderToCheck)) { continue; } //get a lsit of files in that copy folder (with media extension) foreach (string fileInCopyFolder in Directory.GetFiles(copyFolderToCheck).Where(filename => ValidExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename)))) { TagLib.Tag tag = null; TagLib.File file = null; //get the taglist entry for that file try { // file = TagLib.File.Create(fileInCopyFolder); tag = file.Tag; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); if (!NoErrorPrompts) { Console.ReadLine(); } Environment.Exit(-1); } if (tag.Title.Equals(titleOfSongToCheck)) { doesSongAlreadyExist = true; break; } file.Dispose(); } if (doesSongAlreadyExist) { break; } } return(doesSongAlreadyExist); }