Пример #1
        private static string GenericLoseVaginaDesc(VaginaData removedVagina, PlayerBase player)
            string byeVag = "You slip a hand down to check on it, only to feel the slit growing smaller and smaller until it disappears, taking your c**t with it! ";

            if (player.vaginas.Count == 0)
                return("Your " + removedVagina.ShortDescription() + " clenches in pain, doubling you over. " + byeVag +
                       SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Your v****a is gone!", StringFormats.BOLD));
                if (player.genitals.CountVaginasOfType(removedVagina.type) == 1)
                    return("One of your " + removedVagina.ShortDescription() + "clenches in pain, causing you to double over. " + byeVag +
                           SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("One of your " + removedVagina.ShortDescription(true) + "is gone", StringFormats.BOLD) +
                           ", leaving you with just your " + player.vaginas[0].LongDescription());
                    return("Your " + removedVagina.ShortDescription() + " clenches in pain, doubling you over. " + byeVag +
                           SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Your " + removedVagina.LongDescription() + "is gone", StringFormats.BOLD) +
                           ", leaving you with just your " + player.vaginas[0].LongDescription());
Пример #2
        private static string SandTrapRestoreStr(VaginaData oldVagina, PlayerBase player)
            string vagDesc;

            //2 vaginas, and both used to be the same type - we want to tell them which one we're talking about.
            if (player.vaginas.Count == 2 && player.genitals.CountVaginasOfType(oldVagina.type) == 1)
                vagDesc = $"{Utils.NumberAsPlace(oldVagina.vaginaIndex)} {oldVagina.ShortDescription()}";
                vagDesc = oldVagina.LongDescription(false);

            string wearingText;

            if (!player.wearingAnything)
                wearingText = $" You watch as your {vagDesc} shifts and the inner folds return to a more natural shape and color.";
                wearingText = $" Undoing your clothes, you take a look at your {vagDesc} and find that it has turned back to its natural flesh colour.";
            return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "Something invisible brushes against your sex, making you twinge. " + wearingText);
Пример #3
        //largely stolen from kelly horse-c**t-> humanoid pussy, and adapted to make it work here.
        private static string EquineRestoreStr(VaginaData oldVagina, PlayerBase player)
            string intro = "Something invisible brushes against your sex, making you twinge.";

            string vagDesc;

            //2 vaginas, and both used to be the same type - we want to tell them which one we're talking about.
            if (player.vaginas.Count == 2 && player.genitals.CountVaginasOfType(oldVagina.type) == 1)
                vagDesc = $"{Utils.NumberAsPlace(oldVagina.vaginaIndex)} {oldVagina.ShortDescription()}";
                vagDesc = oldVagina.LongDescription(false);
            string wearingText;

            if (!player.wearingAnything)
                wearingText = $" You watch, dumbfounded, as your {vagDesc} shrinks down, finally stopping as it reaches a more human size and shape.";
                wearingText = $" You strip off your clothes to inspect your nethers, and immediately notice your {vagDesc} is much smaller than it was just a few moments ago. " +
                              $"It continues shrinking before your eyes, finally stopping when it reaches a more human size and shape.";
            return(intro + wearingText + "Your outer lips also shift from their current dark-purple, back to a more tone that blends more naturally with the rest of your body and " +
                   "complements your feminine folds. With a start, you realize " + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("You have a human pussy once again!", StringFormats.BOLD) +
                   " While smaller than it used to be, it appears just as tight, relatively speaking, and is still just as wet as it was before. Still, you're almost certain " +
                   "you've lost some of your former capacity, and a quick probe into your folds proves that is indeed the case. ");
Пример #4
        private static string SandTrapTransformStr(VaginaData oldVagina, PlayerBase player)
            var currentVag = player.vaginas[oldVagina.vaginaIndex];

            //should never happen but would cause strangeness in my lazy check later, so we'll explicitely handle it.
            if (oldVagina.type == currentVag.type)
                return("Your v****a feels odd, but a quick inspection reveals nothing changed. Odd.");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph());

            //2 vaginas, and both used to be the same type - we want to tell them which one we're talking about.
            if (player.vaginas.Count == 2 && player.genitals.CountVaginasOfType(oldVagina.type) == 1)
                sb.Append($"Your {Utils.NumberAsPlace(oldVagina.vaginaIndex)} {oldVagina.ShortDescription()}");
                sb.Append($"Your {oldVagina.LongDescription(false)}");

            if (oldVagina.type == HUMAN)
                sb.Append(" feels... odd. You undo your clothes and gingerly inspect your nether regions. " +
                          "The tender pink color of your sex has disappeared, replaced with smooth, marble blackness starting at your lips and working inwards.");
                sb.Append(" feels... odd. You undo your clothes and gingerly inspect your nether regions. You quickly notice it has changed back toward something more distincly human, "
                          + "though it is most definitely not. Instead of tender pink inner folds you'd expect, your sex is a smooth marble blackness, "
                          + "beginning at your outer lips and moving inward.");
            if (currentVag.wetness >= VaginalWetness.SLICK)
                sb.Append(" Your natural lubrication makes it gleam invitingly.");
            //(Corruption <50:
            if (player.corruption < 50)
                sb.Append(" After a few cautious touches you decide it doesn't feel any different");

                if (oldVagina.type != VaginaType.HUMAN)
                    sb.Append(" than you'd expect");
                sb.Append(" - it does certainly look odd, though.");
                sb.Append(" After a few cautious touches you decide it doesn't feel any different - the sheer bizarreness of it is a big turn on though, " +
                          "and you feel it beginning to shine with anticipation at the thought of using it.");

            sb.Append(SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Your v****a is now ebony in color.", StringFormats.BOLD));

Пример #5
        //some text taken from kelly pussy->horse-c**t text, and largely altered to work here.
        private static string EquineTransformStr(VaginaData oldVagina, PlayerBase player)
            var currentVag = player.vaginas[oldVagina.vaginaIndex];

            //should never happen but would cause strangeness in my lazy check later, so we'll explicitely handle it.
            if (oldVagina.type == currentVag.type)
                return("Your " + oldVagina.ShortDescription() + " feels odd, but a quick inspection reveals nothing changed. Odd.");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph());

            //2 vaginas, and both used to be the same type - we want to tell them which one we're talking about.
            if (player.vaginas.Count == 2)
                sb.Append($"Your {Utils.NumberAsPlace(oldVagina.vaginaIndex)} c**t");
                sb.Append($"your {oldVagina.c**t.ShortDescription()}");

            //basically, cheat this by forcing the player to o****m, then realize the changes once they come to. allows me to not care what the old type was.
            sb.Append(" tingles, as if something delicate was being brushed against it. The feeling builds");

            if (player.wearingAnything)
                sb.Append(" until you can't help yourself but undress, desperate to find the source. Strangely, the feeling doesn't go away even though you're completely naked. ");
                sb.Append(" despite the fact that you aren't wearing anything that could cause it, which only serves to confuse you. ");

            if (player.corruption < 25)
                sb.Append("Briefly, you consider masturbating to see if it will relieve the sensation, but quickly push that aside. What are you thinking? Your self-control," +
                          "however, has little effect, as the sensation only seems to be getting worse. ");
            else if (player.corruption < 50)
                sb.Append("You consider masturbating to see if it will relieve the sensation, and eventually give in, rubbing your " + oldVagina.c**t.ShortDescription() + " gently. " +
                          "Unfortunately, that only seems to make things worse. You knew it was a bad idea! ");
                sb.Append("Well, whatever. You suppose you could use an excuse to m********e, and quickly being rubbing your " + oldVagina.c**t.ShortDescription() + " with as much" +
                          "fervor as you can manage. At this point you're absolutely certain this will make things worse, but you don't really care. ");

            sb.Append("The sensation builds, heat flooding your " + oldVagina.LongDescription(false) + "until the telltale signs of an oncoming o****m threaten to overwhelm you. ");

            if (player.corruption < 50)
                sb.Append("Seeing as you have little choice, you begin to m********e in earnest, desperate to deal with your sudden sexual need. ");
                sb.Append("You attack your c**t with renewed purpose, eager to sate your needs, slipping your other" + player.hands.ShortDescription(false) + "into your folds. ");
            //explain why the o****m doesn't affect breasts or cocks (if applicable)
            if (player.gender == Gender.HERM || player.genitals.isLactating || player.genitals.nippleType == NippleStatus.DICK_NIPPLE)
                sb.Append("Strangely, the urge is centered exclusively in your " + oldVagina.LongDescription(false) + "; ");
                if (player.gender == Gender.HERM)
                    string hangStr = player.cocks.Count > 1 ? "hang" : "hangs";
                    sb.Append($" your {player.genitals.AllCocksShortDescription()} just {hangStr} there limply");
                    sb.Append(" your nipples aren't even remotely aroused.");
            sb.Append(" Accelerated by your aide, it isn't long before you climax. You to scream in ecstasy before passing out, suddenly completely spent. " +
                      "You awake shortly after and realize the cause of all this commotion: " + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("you now have an equine pussy!", StringFormats.BOLD));
            //describe it.
            sb.Append(" Your vertical slit is much longer and wider than anything you'd normally see on a human, and your inner lips are significantly more plump. Your vulva, " +
                      "which has also shifted to accomodate your new size, is also a dark-purple, almost black color, contrasting with your pink inner folds. ");

            //and explain capacity bonus.
            if (player.corruption < 25)
                sb.Append($"You clean up a bit and move to a more secluded spot to regain some semblence of decency before checking examining your {currentVag.LongDescription(false)} " +
                          "further. ");

            sb.Append("A quick examination reveals you're just as tight and as wet as you were before, ");
            if (currentVag.VaginalCapacity() >= 60 && oldVagina.capacity <= 50)
                sb.Append("but if the fact that you can now fit part of your arm inside you is any indication, you can take larger insertions");
                string penetrator = currentVag.VaginalCapacity() >= 60 ? "arm " : "hand ";
                sb.Append("but if the fact that you can now fit more of your " + penetrator + " inside you is any indication, you're pretty sure you can take larger insertions");
