override public Element Get(TranslateRule context, ScopeGroup scope, MethodNode methodNode, IWorkshopTree[] parameters)
            Element result;

            if (!IsRecursive)
                // Check the method stack if this method was already called.
                // Throw a syntax error if it was.
                if (context.MethodStackNotRecursive.Contains(this))
                    throw SyntaxErrorException.RecursionNotAllowed(methodNode.Location);

                var methodScope = scope.Root().Child();

                // Add the parameter variables to the scope.
                context.AssignParameterVariables(methodScope, Parameters, parameters, methodNode);

                // The variable that stores the return value.
                IndexedVar returns = null;
                if (DoesReturn)
                    returns      = IndexedVar.AssignVar(context.VarCollection, scope, $"{methodNode.Name} return", context.IsGlobal, null);
                    returns.Type = Type;

                // Add the method to the method stack

                Block.RelatedScopeGroup = methodScope;

                // Parse the block of the method
                context.ParseBlock(methodScope, methodScope, Block, true, returns);

                // Take the method scope out of scope.

                // Remove the method from the stack.

                if (DoesReturn)
                    result = returns.GetVariable();
                    result = new V_Null();
                // Check the method stack if this method was already called. It will be null if it wasn't called.
                MethodStack lastMethod = context.MethodStackRecursive.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.UserMethod == this);
                if (lastMethod != null)

                    // Re-push the paramaters.
                    for (int i = 0; i < lastMethod.ParameterVars.Length; i++)
                        if (lastMethod.ParameterVars[i] is RecursiveVar)

                    // Add to the continue skip array.
                            Element.Part <V_Append>(lastMethod.ContinueSkipArray.GetVariable(), new V_Number(context.ContinueSkip.GetSkipCount() + 3))

                    // Loop back to the start of the method.
                    context.Actions.Add(Element.Part <A_Loop>());

                    result = lastMethod.Return.GetVariable();
                    var methodScope = scope.Root().Child(true);

                    // Add the parameter variables to the scope.
                    Var[] parameterVars = new Var[Parameters.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameterVars.Length; i++)
                        if (parameters[i] is Element)
                            // Create a new variable using the parameter input.
                            parameterVars[i] = (RecursiveVar)IndexedVar.AssignVar(context.VarCollection, methodScope, Parameters[i].Name, context.IsGlobal, methodNode);
                            ((RecursiveVar)parameterVars[i]).Type = ((Element)parameters[i]).SupportedType?.Type;
                        else if (parameters[i] is EnumMember)
                            parameterVars[i] = new ElementReferenceVar(Parameters[i].Name, methodScope, methodNode, parameters[i]);
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                    var returns = IndexedVar.AssignInternalVarExt(context.VarCollection, null, $"{methodNode.Name}: return", context.IsGlobal);
                    returns.Type = Type;

                    // Setup the continue skip array.
                    IndexedVar continueSkipArray = IndexedVar.AssignInternalVar(context.VarCollection, null, $"{methodNode.Name} sca", context.IsGlobal);
                    var        stack             = new MethodStack(this, parameterVars, context.ContinueSkip.GetSkipCount(), returns, continueSkipArray);

                    // Add the method to the stack.

                    Block.RelatedScopeGroup = methodScope;

                    // Parse the method block
                    context.ParseBlock(methodScope, methodScope, Block, true, returns);

                    // No return value if the method is being used as an action.
                    result = returns.GetVariable();

                    // Take the method out of scope.

                    // Setup the next continue skip.
                    context.ContinueSkip.SetSkipCount(Element.Part <V_LastOf>(continueSkipArray.GetVariable()));

                    // Remove the last continue skip.
                            Element.Part <V_ArraySlice>(
                                new V_Number(0),
                                Element.Part <V_CountOf>(continueSkipArray.GetVariable()) - 1

                    // Loop if the method goes any deeper by checking the length of the continue skip array.
                        Element.Part <A_LoopIf>(
                            Element.Part <V_Compare>(
                                Element.Part <V_CountOf>(continueSkipArray.GetVariable()),
                                new V_Number(0)

                    // Reset the continue skip.

                    // Remove the method from the stack.

            public ParseExpressionTree(TranslateRule translator, ScopeGroup getter, ScopeGroup scope, Node root)
                if (root is VariableNode)
                    VariableNode variableNode = (VariableNode)root;

                    Var var = scope.GetVar(getter, ((VariableNode)root).Name, root.Location);
                    ResultingVariable = var;

                    //if (!ResultingVariable.Gettable()) throw SyntaxErrorException.CantReadVariable(ResultingVariable.Name, root.Location);

                    if (ResultingVariable.Gettable())
                        ResultingElement = var.GetVariable();

                    VariableIndex = new Element[variableNode.Index.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < VariableIndex.Length; i++)
                        VariableIndex[i] = translator.ParseExpression(getter, scope, variableNode.Index[i]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < VariableIndex.Length; i++)
                        if (!ResultingVariable.Gettable())
                            throw SyntaxErrorException.CantReadVariable(ResultingVariable.Name, root.Location);
                        ResultingElement = Element.Part <V_ValueInArray>(ResultingElement, VariableIndex[i]);


                if (root is ExpressionTreeNode == false)
                    throw new SyntaxErrorException("Error", root.Location);

                List <Node> nodes        = flatten((ExpressionTreeNode)root);
                ScopeGroup  currentScope = scope;

                Element nodeResult = null;

                for (int index = 0; index < nodes.Count; index++)
                    if (nodes[index] is RootNode)
                        currentScope = translator.ParserData.Root;
                        nodeResult   = new V_Null();
                    // If the node is a variable node, get the value.
                    else if (nodes[index] is VariableNode)
                        VariableNode variableNode = (VariableNode)nodes[index];
                        Var          var          = currentScope.GetVar(getter, variableNode.Name, variableNode.Location);

                        // If this is the last node, set the resulting var.
                        if (index == nodes.Count - 1)
                            ResultingVariable = var;

                        // Get the variable index
                        VariableIndex = new Element[variableNode.Index.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < VariableIndex.Length; i++)
                            VariableIndex[i] = translator.ParseExpression(getter, scope, variableNode.Index[i]);

                        // Set the nodeResult.
                        nodeResult = var.GetVariable(Target);

                        // Apply the index
                        for (int i = 0; i < VariableIndex.Length; i++)
                            nodeResult = Element.Part <V_ValueInArray>(nodeResult, VariableIndex[i]);
                    // If not, parse the node as an expression.
                        nodeResult = translator.ParseExpression(getter, currentScope, nodes[index]);

                    // SupportedType will equal null if the element is not a defined type.
                    if (nodeResult.SupportedType == null)
                        // If there is no supported type, assume the element or variable is containing a player.
                        // Reset the scope.
                        //currentScope = scope;
                        currentScope = translator.ParserData.Root;

                        // If this isn't the last node, set the target and reset the nodeResult.
                        if (index < nodes.Count - 1)
                            Target     = nodeResult;
                            nodeResult = null;
                        // Set the target scope to the type.
                        currentScope = nodeResult.SupportedType.Type.GetRootScope(nodeResult, nodeResult.SupportedType, translator.ParserData, Target);
                ResultingElement = nodeResult;