private void Awake() { lastMessage = new Message_ExtLight(false, false, false, networkUID); strobeLight = GetComponentInChildren <StrobeLightController>(); VRInteractable navObject = FindInteractableWithName("Navigation Lights"); if (navObject == null) { navObject = FindInteractableWithName("Nav Lights"); } VRInteractable landingObject = FindInteractableWithName("Landing Lights"); if (navObject != null) { navLever = navObject.gameObject.GetComponent <VRLever>(); Debug.Log("Got navlight lever"); } else { Debug.Log("Could not get navlight lever"); } if (landingObject != null) { landingLever = landingObject.gameObject.GetComponent <VRLever>(); Debug.Log("Got landing lever"); } else { Debug.Log("Could not get landing lever"); } }
// destroy self and spawn pfx and sfx objects that will stick around to do fx stuff after i'm gone private void BreakSelf(Stimulus breakStim) { Debug.Log(gameObject + ", breaking self!"); if (breakSFX != null) { GameObject sfx = (GameObject)Instantiate(breakSFX.gameObject, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; Destroy(sfx, 30f); RandomizedSFX rsfx = sfx.GetComponent <RandomizedSFX>(); rsfx.PlaySFX(); } if (breakPFX != null) { GameObject pfx = (GameObject)Instantiate(breakPFX, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; Destroy(pfx, 60f); } VRInteractable interactable = this.gameObject.GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); if (interactable != null) { interactable.GetDropped(false); } Destroy(this.gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// Stop hovering over this object indefinitely. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The hover-locked VRInteractable to stop hovering over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverLock"/> public void HoverUnlock(VRInteractable interactable) { if (hoveringInteractable == interactable) { hoverLocked = false; } }
void OnStopInteractWith(VRInteractable interactable) { if (acquireTargetType == AcquireHoverTargetType.RayCast && VRPlayer.Instance.IsUsingSimulator) { acquirePoint.localPosition =; } }
private IEnumerator DrawButton() { // I ripped this from marsh's code soooooooooooooooooooo Log("Ripping off multiplayer"); Transform ScenarioDisplay = GameObject.Find("InteractableCanvas").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(6).GetChild(0).GetChild(1); if ( != "ScenarioDisplay") { Log($"ScenarioDisplay was wrong ({}), trying other method"); ScenarioDisplay = GameObject.Find("InteractableCanvas").transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(8).GetChild(0).GetChild(1); Log($"ScenarioDisplay now == {}"); } Transform mpButton = Instantiate(ScenarioDisplay.GetChild(9).gameObject, ScenarioDisplay).transform; Log("Multiplayer Button" +; mpButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); = "MPButton"; mpButton.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition = new Vector3(601, -325); mpButton.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(70, 206.7f); mpButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "QL"; mpButton.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.cyan; mpButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent(); VRInteractable mpInteractable = mpButton.GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); mpInteractable.interactableName = "QuickLoad"; UnityAction UA = new UnityAction(StartLoad); mpInteractable.OnInteract = new UnityEvent(); mpInteractable.OnInteract.AddListener(UA); yield return(null); }
// Doing raycasting in Update instead of FixedUpdate because it's a costly procedure void Update() { _ray = new Ray(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward); if (Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hit, _rayLength, _raycastMask)) { if (_isGazeActive == false) { _isGazeActive = true; _previousInteractable = null; } //find the interactable _interactable = _hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <VRInteractable> (); //only activate enter event if it's the first time looking at it if (_previousInteractable != _interactable) { _previousInteractable = _interactable; _interactable.enter(); } //if input is pressed, activate event if (Input.GetAxis("Submit") == 1) { _interactable.input(); } } else { //only activate leave event if it's the first time looking away if (_isGazeActive) { _interactable.leave(); _isGazeActive = false; } } }
// tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject); if (collidedInteractable != null) { // if we don't already have this interactable on our list of ones we're selecting, then add it if (!currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable)) { currentSelection.Add(collidedInteractable); } if (currentInteractable != null) { if (collidedInteractable != currentInteractable) { Debug.Log(this + " just selected " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + ", but my currentInteractable is " + currentInteractable.gameObject + ", probably you just pushed the current interactable through something else."); } } } else { // if (other.gameObject != null) // Debug.Log("WandController collided with a non-VRInteractable object, so ignoring it; it's "+ other.gameObject); } }
public override void Run() { Debug.Log("Creating Gear Stuck Up FlightWarning"); SetHUDWarningText($"-[ GEAR FAILURE ]-"); StartWarning(); running = true; GameObject currentVehicle = VTOLAPI.instance.GetPlayersVehicleGameObject(); gear = currentVehicle.GetComponentInChildren <GearAnimator>(); GearAnimator.GearStates gearState = gear.GetCurrentState(); if (gearState == GearAnimator.GearStates.Extended) { Color red = new Color(); gear.statusLight.SetColor(red); gear.ExtendImmediate(); foreach (VRInteractable interactable in currentVehicle.GetComponentsInChildren <VRInteractable>()) { if ( == "GearInteractable") { interactable.OnInteract.AddListener(stopFailure); gearInteractable = interactable; break; } } StartCoroutine(FlashLightsRed()); } }
void OnStartInteractWith(VRInteractable interactable) { if (acquireTargetType == AcquireHoverTargetType.RayCast && VRPlayer.Instance.IsUsingSimulator) { acquirePoint.localPosition = acquirePoint.parent.InverseTransformPoint(interactable.transform.position); } }
private void Awake() { mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); if (mInteractable != null) { mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(OnButtonClick); } }
private void Awake() { mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); startPosition = transform.localPosition; startRotation = transform.localRotation; mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(OnStartInteracting); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(OnStopInteracting); }
/// <summary> /// Stop hovering over this object indefinitely. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The hover-locked VRInteractable to stop hovering over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverLock"/> public void HoverUnlock(VRInteractable interactable) { VRHandDebugLog("HoverUnlock " + interactable); if (hoveringInteractable == interactable) { hoverLocked = false; } }
public void UpdateRotation(float newSpeed) { currentObjectInteractable = currentGameObj.GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); if (currentObjectInteractable == null) { Debug.Log("Debug: no object selected"); return; } currentObjectInteractable.ChangeRotation(newSpeed, currentAxis); }
void Awake() { mImage = GetComponent <Image>(); mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); mImage.color = normalColor; mInteractable.OnHoveredInEvent.AddListener(OnHoverIn); mInteractable.OnHoveredOutEvent.AddListener(OnHoverOut); mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(InteractingStart); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(InteractionStop); }
private void Awake() { if (mSlider != null) { mSlider.OnReachLeftPolar.AddListener(OnReachLeft); mSlider.OnReachRightPolar.AddListener(OnReachRight); } mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(OnStartInteracting); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(OnStopInteracting); }
// this is called by an interactable when it decides to pair with this controller public bool PairWithInteractable(VRInteractable interactable) { if (currentInteractable != null) { Debug.LogError("Can't pair with " + interactable.gameObject + " because I'm already paired with " + currentInteractable); return(false); } currentInteractable = interactable; return(true); }
// this is called by an interactable when it decides to unpair with this controller public bool UnpairWithInteractable(VRInteractable interactable) { if (currentInteractable != interactable) { Debug.LogError("Can't unpair from " + interactable.gameObject + " because I'm not paired with it, I'm paired with " + currentInteractable.gameObject); return(false); } currentInteractable = null; return(true); }
private void Awake() { mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); startPosition = transform.localPosition; startRotation = transform.localRotation; mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(OnStartInteracting); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(OnStopInteracting); if (backtoStartPosition) { GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; } }
// tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject); if (collidedInteractable != null) { if (!currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable)) { Debug.LogError(this.gameObject + " wand is OnTriggerStay() colliding with " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + " but it's not on the currentSelection list, but it should be!"); } } }
private void Awake() { mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); if (mInteractable != null) { mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(OnStartInteracting); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(OnStopInteracting); } fullOpenDirection = Vector3.Cross(fullOpenPosition - door.position, doorOpenDirection); fullCloseDirection = Vector3.Cross(fullClosePosition - door.position, doorOpenDirection); }
/// <summary> /// Switch to another hovering object which can be null /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> void SwitchHoveringObject(VRInteractable target) { if (target != currentHoveringObject) { if (currentHoveringObject != null) { currentHoveringObject.OnHoveredOut(this); } currentHoveringObject = target; if (currentHoveringObject != null) { currentHoveringObject.OnHoveredIn(this); } } }
void Awake() { if (highlightTarget == null) { highlightTarget = transform; } mInteractable = GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); mInteractable.OnHoveredInEvent.AddListener(OnHoverIn); mInteractable.OnHoveredOutEvent.AddListener(OnHoverOut); mInteractable.OnInteractionStartEvent.AddListener(InteractingStart); mInteractable.OnInteractionFinishedEvent.AddListener(InteractingStop); renderers = highlightTarget.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true); materialCache = renderers.ToDictionary <MeshRenderer, MeshRenderer, Material[]>(r => r, r => r.materials); }
void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { VRInteractable newInteractable = other.gameObject.GetComponent <VRInteractable>(); if (newInteractable == null) { return; } if (currentInteractable != null) { if (currentInteractable == newInteractable) { currentInteractable = null; } } }
void UpdateHovering() { if (hoverLocked) { return; } float closestDistance = float.MaxValue; VRInteractable closestInteractable = null; // Pick the closest hovering Collider[] overlappingColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(hoverSphereTransform.position, hoverSphereRadius, hoverLayerMask.value); foreach (Collider collider in overlappingColliders) { VRInteractable contacting = collider.GetComponentInParent <VRInteractable>(); // Yeah, it's null, skip if (contacting == null) { continue; } // Can't hover over the object if it's attached if (attachedObjects.FindIndex(l => l.attachedObject == contacting.gameObject) != -1) { continue; } // Occupied by another hand, so we can't touch it if (otherHand && otherHand.hoveringInteractable == contacting) { continue; } // Best candidate so far... float distance = Vector3.Distance(contacting.transform.position, transform.position); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestDistance = distance; closestInteractable = contacting; } } // Hover on this one hoveringInteractable = closestInteractable; }
void SwitchInteractingObject(VRInteractable target) { if (target != currentInteractingObject) { if (currentInteractingObject != null) { OnStopInteractWith(currentInteractingObject); currentInteractingObject.OnInteractionFinished(this); } currentInteractingObject = target; if (currentInteractingObject != null) { OnStartInteractWith(currentInteractingObject); currentInteractingObject.OnInteractionStart(this); } } }
// tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject); if (collidedInteractable == null) { return; } if (currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable)) { currentSelection.Remove(collidedInteractable); } else { Debug.LogError(this.gameObject + " wand called OnTriggerExit() with " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + " but it's not on the currentSelection list, but it should be!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Stop hovering over this object indefinitely. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The hover-locked VRInteractable to stop hovering over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverLock"/> public void HoverUnlock( VRInteractable interactable ) { if ( hoveringInteractable == interactable ) { hoverLocked = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Continue to hover over this object indefinitely, whether or not the VRHand moves out of its interaction trigger volume. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The VRInteractable to hover over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverUnlock"/> public void HoverLock( VRInteractable interactable ) { hoverLocked = true; hoveringInteractable = interactable; }
/// <summary> /// Continue to hover over this object indefinitely, whether or not the VRHand moves out of its interaction trigger volume. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The VRInteractable to hover over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverUnlock"/> public void HoverLock( VRInteractable interactable ) { VRHandDebugLog( "HoverLock " + interactable ); hoverLocked = true; hoveringInteractable = interactable; }
/// <summary> /// Stop hovering over this object indefinitely. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactable">The hover-locked VRInteractable to stop hovering over indefinitely.</param> /// <seealso cref="HoverLock"/> public void HoverUnlock( VRInteractable interactable ) { VRHandDebugLog( "HoverUnlock " + interactable ); if ( hoveringInteractable == interactable ) { hoverLocked = false; } }