public static SimpleAvatarList ParseJSON(string json) { SimpleAvatarList o = null; VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarFavLocal] Received " + json); var root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json); if (root.ContainsKey("list")) { VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarFavLocal] Detected version 0 schema, upgrading to 1"); // Version 0 var avs = new List <string>(); var avlist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SerializableApiAvatarList>(json); o = new SimpleAvatarList(); o.version = 1; o.avatarIDs = (from av in avlist.list select; } if (root.ContainsKey("version")) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(root["version"].GetType().FullName); var version = (int)(Int64)root["version"]; if (version == CURRENT_VERSION) { VRCModLogger.Log($"[AvatarFavLocal] Detected version {CURRENT_VERSION} schema. Yay!"); o = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SimpleAvatarList>(json); } } return(o); }
public static Command CreateInstance(String className, Client client, bool log = true) { if (log) { VRCModLogger.Log("Creating command instance " + className + ". Client: " + client); } if (commands.TryGetValue(className, out Type commandClass)) { try { Command command = (Command)Activator.CreateInstance(commandClass); long outId; lock (counter) { outId = (long)(counter.NextDouble() * long.MaxValue); } command.SetLog(log); command.SetClient(client); command.SetOutId(className + " " + outId); if (!runningCommands.TryGetValue(className, out Dictionary <string, Command> commandContainer)) { commandContainer = new Dictionary <String, Command>(); runningCommands.Add(className, commandContainer); } commandContainer.Add("" + outId, command); return(command); } catch (Exception e) { VRCModLogger.LogError(e.ToString()); } } return(null); }
private void OnApplicationStart() { string lp = ""; bool first = true; foreach (var lp2 in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { lp += " " + lp2; } } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] Launch parameters:" + lp); ModPrefs.RegisterCategory("vrctools", "VRCTools"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownloadasked", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownload", false, "Enable AvatarFav Updater"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enablediscordrichpresence", true, "Enable Discord RichPresence"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enabledebugconsole", false, "Enable Debug Console"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "allowdiscordjoinrequests", true, "Allow Discord join requests"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "hidenameondiscord", true, "Hide your name on Discord"); }
private static IEnumerator AddAvatarToList(string avatarId, string avatarName) { bool found = false; foreach (string avatarfavId in AvatarFavMod.favoriteAvatarList) { if (avatarfavId == avatarId) { found = true; VRCModLogger.LogError("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Avatar " + avatarName + " already exist in list"); break; } } if (!found) { using (WWW avtrRequest = new WWW(API.GetApiUrl() + "avatars/" + avatarId + "?apiKey=" + AvatarFavMod.GetApiKey())) { yield return(avtrRequest); int rc = WebRequestsUtils.GetResponseCode(avtrRequest); if (rc == 200) { string uuid = APIUser.CurrentUser?.id ?? ""; SerializableApiAvatar aa = null; try { aa = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SerializableApiAvatar>(avtrRequest.text); } catch (Exception e) { VRCModLogger.LogError("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Unable to add the avatar " + avatarName + ": Unable to parse the API response. " + e); } if (aa != null) { if (aa.authorId != uuid) { if (aa.releaseStatus == "public") { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Adding avatar " + avatarName + " to the database"); yield return(AddAvatar(avatarId, avatarName)); } else { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Unable to add the avatar " + avatarName + ": This avatar is not public anymore (private)"); } } else { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Unable to add the avatar " + avatarName + ": This avatar is own avatar"); } } } else { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCheatAvatarfileImporter] Unable to add the avatar " + avatarName + ": This avatar is not public anymore (deleted)"); } } } }
static void OnApplicationStart() { if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VeryPoorQuest] This module is intended for use on the Quest! PC users can already set their performance rating minimum..."); } }
internal static IEnumerator CheckDownloadFiles() { string vrccedllPath = Values.VRCToolsDependenciesPath + "VRCCore-Editor.dll"; int buildNumber = -1; VRCModLogger.Log("[DependenciesDownloader] Getting game version"); PropertyInfo vrcApplicationSetupInstanceProperty = typeof(VRCApplicationSetup).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).First((pi) => pi.PropertyType == typeof(VRCApplicationSetup)); if (vrcApplicationSetupInstanceProperty != null) { buildNumber = ((VRCApplicationSetup)vrcApplicationSetupInstanceProperty.GetValue(null, null)).buildNumber; } VRCModLogger.Log("[DependenciesDownloader] Game build " + buildNumber); yield return(DownloadDependency(ModValues.discordrpcdependencyDownloadLink, "discord-rpc.dll")); yield return(DownloadDependency(ModValues.oharmonydependencyDownloadLink, "0Harmony.dll")); try { VRCModLogger.LogError("[DependenciesDownloader] Loading 0Harmony.dll"); Assembly.LoadFile(Values.VRCToolsDependenciesPath + "0Harmony.dll"); } catch (Exception e) { VRCModLogger.LogError("[DependenciesDownloader] Unable to load 0Harmony.dll: " + e); } }
internal static void Patch() // TODO: Optimise this crap { //APMDPMJMOCD.DBBLBDCLNHJ = FJALLEGMKMA.Full; VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Creating Harmony instance"); HarmonyInstance harmonyInstance = HarmonyInstance.Create("vrctools.ramexploitpatcher"); VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Looking for NetworkingPeer.OnEvent method"); Type[] typesInAssembly = typeof(QuickMenu).Assembly.GetTypes(); MethodInfo method = null; foreach (Type type in typesInAssembly) { if (type.Name != "PunTurnManager") { method = type.GetMethod("OnEvent", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (method != null) { break; } } } if (method != null) { VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Patching NetworkingPeer.OnEvent"); harmonyInstance.Patch(method, null, null, new HarmonyMethod(typeof(RamExploitPatcher).GetMethod("OnEventPatcher", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static))); VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Patch applied !"); } else { VRCModLogger.LogError("[RamExploitPatcher] Unable to found method NetworkingPeer.OnEvent !"); } }
public void Connected() { client.autoReconnect = true; VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetworkManager] Client autoReconnect set to true"); State = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; OnConnected?.Invoke(); }
internal static void ConnectAsync() { if (State != ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetworkManager] Trying to connect to server, but client is not disconnected"); } else if (client != null && client.autoReconnect) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetworkManager] Trying to connect to server, but client already exist and is tagged as auto-reconnecting"); } else { if (client == null) { client = new Client(SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT, VRCMODNW_VERSION); if (instance == null) { instance = new VRCModNetworkManager(); } client.SetConnectionListener(instance); if (modsCheckerThread == null) { modsCheckerThread = new Thread(ModCheckThread) { Name = "Mod Check Thread", IsBackground = true }; modsCheckerThread.Start(); } } State = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; client.StartConnection(); } }
private static void TryAuthenticate(string authData) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Getting current instanceId"); if (RoomManagerBase.currentRoom != null && != null && RoomManagerBase.currentRoom.currentInstanceIdWithTags != null) { userInstanceId = + ":" + RoomManagerBase.currentRoom.currentInstanceIdWithTags; } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Getting current modList"); modlist = ModDesc.GetAllMods(); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Getting current environment"); ApiServerEnvironment env = VRCApplicationSetup._instance.ServerEnvironment; string stringEnv = ""; if (env == ApiServerEnvironment.Dev) { stringEnv = "dev"; } if (env == ApiServerEnvironment.Beta) { stringEnv = "beta"; } if (env == ApiServerEnvironment.Release) { stringEnv = "release"; } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Env: " + env); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Authenticating"); AuthCommand authCommand = CommandManager.CreateInstance("AUTH", client, false) as AuthCommand; authCommand.Auth(userUuid, authData, stringEnv, userInstanceId, roomSecret, modlist); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModNetwork] Done"); }
void Update() { if (toggle.isOn != lastToggle) { lastToggle = !lastToggle; VRCModLogger.Log("Toggle switched to " + lastToggle); try { OnChange(lastToggle); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } if (Time.time - startTime >= switchDuration) { startTime = Time.time; } else { startTime = Time.time - ((startTime - Time.time) * switchDuration); } } fillValue = Mathf.Clamp((Time.time - startTime) * (1 / switchDuration), 0, 1); if (!lastToggle) { fillValue = 1 - fillValue; } if (fillValue != 0 && fillValue != 1) { VRCModLogger.Log("fillValue: " + fillValue); } cursor.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(GetSwitchValue(-37, 37), 0); backgroundFilling.fillAmount = GetSwitchValue(0.1f, 0.9f); }
public void OnUpdate() { if (initialized) { if ((RoomManager.currentRoom != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RoomManager.currentRoom.currentInstanceIdOnly)) { if (currentRoom == null) { currentRoom = RoomManager.currentRoom; VRC_AvatarPedestal[] pedestalsInWorld = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <VRC_AvatarPedestal>(); VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarPedestalFix] Found " + pedestalsInWorld.Length + " VRC_AvatarPedestal in current world"); foreach (VRC_AvatarPedestal p in pedestalsInWorld) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.blueprintId)) { foreach (VRC_Trigger trigger in p.GetComponents <VRC_Trigger>()) { trigger.ExecuteTrigger = new Action <VRC_Trigger.TriggerEvent>((VRC_Trigger.TriggerEvent evt) => Networking.RPC(VRC_EventHandler.VrcTargetType.Local, (GameObject)instance.GetValue(p), "SetAvatarUse", new object[0])); } } } } } else { currentRoom = null; } } }
public static void DeviceChanged() { var isInVR = VRCTrackingManager.IsInVRMode(); var model = UnityEngine.XR.XRDevice.model; if (isInVR) { if (model.ToLower().Contains("oculus") || model.ToLower().Contains("rift")) { presence.smallImageKey = "headset_rift"; presence.smallImageText = "Oculus Rift"; } else if (model.ToLower().Contains("htc") || model.ToLower().Contains("vive")) { presence.smallImageKey = "headset_vive"; presence.smallImageText = "HTC Vive"; } else { presence.smallImageKey = "headset_generic"; presence.smallImageText = "VR Headset"; } } else { presence.smallImageKey = "desktop"; presence.smallImageText = "Desktop"; } VRCModLogger.Log("[DiscordManager.DeviceChanged] isInVR: " + isInVR + " Model: " + model); }
private static IEnumerator CheckAvatarOriginalReleaseStatus(string blueprintId, string id, string authorId) { VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarStealerChecker] Checking avatar " + blueprintId); using (WWW avtrRequest = new WWW(API.GetApiUrl() + "avatars/" + blueprintId + "?apiKey=" + API.ApiKey)) { yield return(avtrRequest); int rc = WebRequestsUtils.GetResponseCode(avtrRequest); if (rc == 200) { try { VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarStealerChecker] " + avtrRequest.text); SerializableApiAvatar aa = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SerializableApiAvatar>(avtrRequest.text); if (!aa.releaseStatus.Equals("public") && !aa.authorId.Equals(authorId)) { VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarStealerChecker] Avatar " + id + " is a private stealed avatar ! (" + blueprintId + ")"); checkedAvatars[id] = true; } } catch (Exception e) { VRCModLogger.LogError("[AvatarStealerChecker] " + e.ToString()); } } } }
public static IEnumerator CheckVRCModLoaderHash() { string vrcmodloaderPath = Values.VRCModLoaderAssemblyPath; if (File.Exists(vrcmodloaderPath)) { string fileHash = ""; using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) { using (var stream = File.OpenRead(vrcmodloaderPath)) { var hash = md5.ComputeHash(stream); fileHash = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant(); } } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModLoaderUpdater] Local VRCModLoader file hash: " + fileHash); WWW hashCheckWWW = new WWW("" + fileHash); yield return(hashCheckWWW); while (!hashCheckWWW.isDone) { yield return(null); } int responseCode = WebRequestsUtils.GetResponseCode(hashCheckWWW); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCModLoaderUpdater] hash check webpage returned [" + responseCode + "] \"" + hashCheckWWW.text + "\""); if (responseCode == 200 && hashCheckWWW.text.Equals("OUTOFDATE")) { yield return(ShowVRCModLoaderUpdatePopup()); } } }
private IEnumerator VRCToolsSetup() { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] Waiting for UI Manager..."); yield return(VRCUiManagerUtils.WaitForUiManagerInit()); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] UIManager initialised ! Resuming setup"); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] CheckDownloadFiles"); yield return(DependenciesDownloader.CheckDownloadFiles()); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] CheckVRCModLoaderHash"); yield return(VRCModLoaderUpdater.CheckVRCModLoaderHash()); if (ModPrefs.GetBool("vrctools", "enablediscordrichpresence")) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] DiscordManager Init"); DiscordManager.Init(); } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] CheckForPermissions"); yield return(CheckForPermissions()); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] VRCModNetworkStatus Setup"); VRCModNetworkStatus.Setup(); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] ModConfigPage Setup"); ModConfigPage.Setup(); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] ModdedUsersManager Init"); ModdedUsersManager.Init(); VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] Init done !"); VRCFlowManagerUtils.EnableVRCFlowManager(); initialising = false; Initialised = true; }
private static MethodInfo GetCallbackHandleMessageMethod() { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools] [OculusUtils] Fetching Callback.HandleMessage Method"); if (t_Oculus_Platform_Callback == null) { Type[] staticTypes = typeof(QuickMenu).Assembly.GetTypes(); foreach (Type t in staticTypes) { if (t.HasMethodContainingString("Cannot provide a null notification callback.")) { t_Oculus_Platform_Callback = t; break; } } } if (t_Oculus_Platform_Callback == null) { return(null); // Don't have oculus classes or not found } if (m_HandleMessage == null) { foreach (MethodInfo m in t_Oculus_Platform_Callback.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (m.GetParameters().Length == 1) { m_HandleMessage = m; break; } } } return(m_HandleMessage); }
private static void GetAssembliesPostfix(ref Assembly[] __result) { System.Diagnostics.StackFrame[] stackFrames = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrames(); Type callingType = stackFrames[stackFrames.Length - 2].GetMethod().DeclaringType.DeclaringType; if (callingType != typeof(Analytics)) { return; } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCTools | Analytics patch] Processing assemblies"); List <Assembly> assemblies = new List <Assembly>(); foreach (Assembly assembly in __result) { if (assembly.GetName().Name == "HarmonySharedState" || assembly.GetName().Name == "VRCModLoader" || assembly.GetName().Name == "VRChat_Enhancer" || assembly.GetName().Name == "RubyLoader" || assembly.GetName().Name == "RubyCore" || !File.Exists(assembly.Location)) { Console.WriteLine("[VRCTools | Analytics patch] Discarding assembly " + assembly.GetName().Name); continue; } assemblies.Add(assembly); } __result = assemblies.ToArray(); }
private static long GetCombinedId(object eventLogEntry) { if (eventLogEntry.GetType().IsArray) { VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Packet contains array of VRC_EventLog.EventLogEntry"); return(0); } if (eventLogEntryGetter == null) { VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Looking for VRC_EventLog.EventLogEntry.get_CombineId"); FieldInfo[] eventLogEntryGetterList = eventLogEntry.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] Public instance types in " + eventLogEntry.GetType() + " :"); foreach (FieldInfo fi in eventLogEntryGetterList) { VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] - [" + fi.FieldType + "] " + fi.Name); if (fi.FieldType == typeof(long)) { VRCModLogger.Log("[RamExploitPatcher] TYPE MATCH !"); eventLogEntryGetter = fi; break; } } } return((long)eventLogEntryGetter.GetValue(eventLogEntry)); }
void OnApplicationStart() { // Check if the game started with "--hidemods", and if so, block mods to start with if (Environment.CommandLine.Contains("--hidemods")) { hidingMods = true; } if (hidingMods) { VRCModLogger.Log("[hideModule] The client was started with mods hidden. Press CTRL+R at any time to show supported mod menus."); } // Mod detection to add compatibility, while also avoiding breaking things if these mods are not present if (ModManager.Mods.Find(x => x.Name == "AvatarFav") != null) { avatarFav = true; } // Using reflection to access emmVRC emmVRCAPI = null; emmVRC = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Any(a => { emmVRCAPI = a.GetType("emmVRC.emmVRC"); return(emmVRCAPI != null); }); }
private void OnApplicationStart() { String lp = ""; bool first = true; foreach (var lp2 in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { lp += " " + lp2; } } VRCModLogger.Log("Launch parameters:" + lp); ModPrefs.RegisterCategory("vrctools", "VRCTools"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "remoteauthcheckasked", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "remoteauthcheck", false, "Allow VRCModNetwork Auth"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownloadasked", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownload", false, "Enable AvatarFav Updater"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enablediscordrichpresence", true, "Enable Discord RichPresence"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enablestealerdetector", true, "Enable Stealer Detector"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enableramexploitpatch", true, "Enable RAMExploit Patch"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enabledebugconsole", false, "Enable Debug Console"); }
private void LoadAvatars() { VRCModLogger.Log("[AvatarFav] Loading from cache..."); handleFreshJSON(File.ReadAllText("AvatarFav.json"), nosave: true, overwrite: false); avatarsJSONLoaded = true; }
private void CreateButton(string text, int xoffset, Action onClick) { Transform baseButtonTransform = QuickMenuUtils.GetQuickMenuInstance().transform.Find("ShortcutMenu/CloseButton") ?? QuickMenuUtils.GetQuickMenuInstance().transform.Find("ShortcutMenu/SettingsButton"); if (baseButtonTransform != null) { Transform modconf = UnityUiUtils.DuplicateButton(baseButtonTransform, text, new Vector2(0, 0)); = "ModConfigsButton (" + text + ")"; modconf.GetComponentInChildren <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(300, 100); modconf.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = Color.white; //modconf.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = false; modconf.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); modconf.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => onClick()); modconf.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetParent(transform, true); modconf.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); modconf.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(xoffset, -440); modconf.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localRotation = Quaternion.identity; modconf.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale =; modconf.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize = 30; } else { VRCModLogger.Log("[ModConfigPage] QuickMenu/ShortcutMenu/SettingsButton and QuickMenu/ShortcutMenu/SettingsButton are null"); } }
public Client(string address, int port, string clientVersion) { this.address = address; this.port = port; this.clientVersion = clientVersion; keepaliveThread = new Thread(() => { while (true) { if (listen) { try { WriteLine("KEEPALIVE"); } catch (Exception e) { VRCModLogger.Log("Error while trying to send keepalive: " + e); } } Thread.Sleep(3000); } }); keepaliveThread.Name = "VRCMod Networking Thread (Keepalive)"; keepaliveThread.IsBackground = true; }
internal static void ConnectAsync() { if (!VRCTools.ModPrefs.GetBool("vrctools", "remoteauthcheck")) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCMOD NWManager] Trying to connect to server, but client doesn't allow auth"); } else if (State != ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCMOD NWManager] Trying to connect to server, but client is not disconnected"); } else if (client != null && client.autoReconnect) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCMOD NWManager] Trying to connect to server, but client already exist and is tagged as auto-reconnecting"); } else { if (client == null) { client = new Client(SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT, VRCMODNW_VERSION); if (instance == null) { instance = new VRCModNetworkManager(); } client.SetConnectionListener(instance); Thread modsCheckerThread = new Thread(() => ModCheckThread()); modsCheckerThread.Name = "Mod Check Thread"; modsCheckerThread.IsBackground = true; modsCheckerThread.Start(); } State = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; client.StartConnection(); } }
public static IEnumerator WaitForUiManagerInit() { VRCModLogger.Log("WaitForUIManager"); if (uiManagerInstance == null) { FieldInfo[] nonpublicStaticFields = typeof(VRCUiManager).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (nonpublicStaticFields.Length == 0) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCUiManagerUtils] nonpublicStaticFields.Length == 0"); yield break; } FieldInfo uiManagerInstanceField = nonpublicStaticFields.First(field => field.FieldType == typeof(VRCUiManager)); if (uiManagerInstanceField == null) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCUiManagerUtils] uiManagerInstanceField == null"); yield break; } uiManagerInstance = uiManagerInstanceField.GetValue(null) as VRCUiManager; VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCUiManagerUtils] Waiting for UI Manager..."); while (uiManagerInstance == null) { uiManagerInstance = uiManagerInstanceField.GetValue(null) as VRCUiManager; yield return(null); } VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCUiManagerUtils] UI Manager loaded"); } }
public static void ClearSpecificList(this UiAvatarList list) { if (fieldCachedSpecificList == null) { FieldInfo[] npInstFields = typeof(UiAvatarList).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (FieldInfo fi in npInstFields) { if (fi.FieldType == typeof(Dictionary <string, ApiAvatar>)) { fieldCachedSpecificList = fi; VRCModLogger.Log("fieldCachedSpecificList: " + fieldCachedSpecificList); break; } } if (fieldCachedSpecificList == null) { VRCModLogger.LogError("[AvatarFav] No CachedSpecificList field found in UiAvatarList !"); return; } } ((Dictionary <string, ApiAvatar>)fieldCachedSpecificList.GetValue(list)).Clear(); list.ClearAll(); VRCModLogger.Log("Number of elements in list after clear: " + ((Dictionary <string, ApiAvatar>)fieldCachedSpecificList.GetValue(list)).Count); }
public void Connected() { client.autoReconnect = true; VRCModLogger.Log("Client autoReconnect set to true"); State = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; VRCModNetworkStatus.UpdateNetworkStatus(); OnConnected?.Invoke(); }
public void WriteLine(string lout) { if (!"KEEPALIVE".Equals(lout)) { VRCModLogger.Log("[VRCMODNW] >>> " + lout); } sslStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(lout + "\r\n")); }
void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level) { if (level == 1 && (int)Storage.Read("VRC_AVATAR_PERFORMANCE_RATING_MINIMUM_TO_DISPLAY", typeof(int), 5) != 5) { Storage.Write("VRC_AVATAR_PERFORMANCE_RATING_MINIMUM_TO_DISPLAY", 5); Storage.SaveNow(); VRCModLogger.Log("[VeryPoorQuest] The deed is done. Have a nice day!"); } }