private void NetworkManagerHooks_OnLeave(VRC.Player player) { foreach (PureModSystem mod in Mods) { mod.OnPlayerLeave(player); } }
private static bool CanUseStation(ref bool __result, VRC.Player __0, bool __1) { if (__0 != null && __0 == VRCPlayer.field_Internal_Static_VRCPlayer_0.field_Private_Player_0 && !Main.VRC_Station.Value) { __result = false; return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool PlayerJoined(VRC.Player __0) { if (__0.IsModerator()) { VRCUiManagerWrappers.Instance.QueueHudMessage($"MODERATOR {__0.ApiUser().displayName} joined! returning to home!"); VRCUiManagerWrappers.Instance.QueueHudMessage(""); VRCFlowManagerWrappers.Instance.GoHome(); return(false); } return(true); }
public void OnPlayerJoined(VRC.Player player) { // This will handle getting the master on instance join if (player.prop_VRCPlayerApi_0 != null && player.prop_VRCPlayerApi_0.isMaster) { if (APIUser.CurrentUser != null && == && LocalPlayerEntry.emmNameSpoofEnabled) { textComponent.text = OriginalText.Replace("{instancemaster}", LocalPlayerEntry.emmSpoofedName); } else { textComponent.text = OriginalText.Replace("{instancemaster}", player.prop_APIUser_0.displayName); } } }
public override void Init(object[] parameters) { player = (Player)parameters[0]; apiUser = player.prop_APIUser_0; userId =; platform = platform = PlayerUtils.GetPlatform(player).PadRight(2); perf = PerformanceRating.None; perfString = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(VRCUiAvatarStatsPanel.Method_Private_Static_Color_AvatarPerformanceCategory_PerformanceRating_0(AvatarPerformanceCategory.Overall, perf)) + ">" + PlayerUtils.ParsePerformanceText(perf) + "</color>"; gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>().onClick.AddListener(new Action(() => UiManager.OpenUserInQuickMenu(player))); isFriend = APIUser.IsFriendsWith(; GetPlayerColor(false); }
private void NetworkManagerHooks_OnJoin(VRC.Player player) { foreach (HVHSystem mod in Mods) mod.OnPlayerJoin(player); }
public virtual void OnPlayerLeave(VRC.Player player) { }
public virtual void OnPlayerJoin(VRC.Player player) { }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (m_localPlayer == null) { VRC.Player player = VRC.Player.prop_Player_0; if (player != null) // early init I guess { m_localPlayer = player; } } if (m_localPlayer == null) { return; // wait until player is ready } var currentInput = VRCInputManager.field_Private_Static_EnumNPublicSealedvaKeMoCoGaViOcViDaWaUnique_0; bool controller = currentInput == InputEnum.Controller; bool vr = currentInput == InputEnum.Oculus || currentInput == InputEnum.Vive; bool desktop = (currentInput == InputEnum.Keyboard || currentInput == InputEnum.Mouse); bool isActiveController = controller && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.JoystickButton5); bool isActiveVr = vr && Input.GetKey((KeyCode)Oculus.LeftThumbstickPress); bool isActiveDesktop = desktop && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse4) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)); bool swapSpeedsController = controller && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.JoystickButton9); bool swapSpeedsVr = vr && Input.GetKey((KeyCode)Oculus.AButton); bool swapSpeedsKeyboard = desktop && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift); bool isActive = isActiveController || isActiveVr || isActiveDesktop; bool swapSpeeds = swapSpeedsKeyboard || swapSpeedsController || swapSpeedsVr; if (isActive && Time.time - m_lastTime > 1f) { if (m_airbreakActive) { // VRCUiManager.QueueHudMessage equivalent // still same bug as years ago where two messages need to be queued for the first one to be displayed immediately VRCUiManager.prop_VRCUiManager_0.field_Private_List_1_String_0.Add("Noclip OFF"); VRCUiManager.prop_VRCUiManager_0.field_Private_List_1_String_0.Add(""); DisableAirbreak(); } else { VRCUiManager.prop_VRCUiManager_0.field_Private_List_1_String_0.Add("Noclip ON"); VRCUiManager.prop_VRCUiManager_0.field_Private_List_1_String_0.Add(""); SetupAirbreak(); } m_airbreakActive = !m_airbreakActive; m_lastTime = Time.time; } if (swapSpeeds && m_airbreakActive && Time.time - m_lastTime > 0.2f) { m_speedIndex += 1; if (m_speedIndex > m_speeds.Count() - 1) { m_speedIndex = 0; } m_currentSpeed = m_speeds[m_speedIndex]; m_lastTime = Time.time; } // get default fallback Object[] ctrls = Object.FindObjectsOfType(Il2CppType.Of <VRCVrCameraOculus>()); Transform trans = null; if (ctrls.Length > 0) { trans = ctrls[0].TryCast <VRCVrCameraOculus>().transform; } // alright so // let's start by getting our current vrcPlayer VRCPlayer vrcPlayer = m_localPlayer.field_Internal_VRCPlayer_0; Animator animator = null; if (vrcPlayer == null) { animator = null; } else { // let's get our avatar manager VRCAvatarManager vrcAvatarManager = vrcPlayer.prop_VRCAvatarManager_0; if (vrcAvatarManager == null) { animator = null; } else { // current avatar GameObject currentAvatar = vrcAvatarManager.prop_GameObject_0; animator = ((currentAvatar != null) ? currentAvatar.GetComponent(Il2CppType.Of <Animator>())?.TryCast <Animator>() : null); } } // if the animator is not null at this stage and airbreak is enabled if (animator != null) { // get the head bone Transform tempTrans = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head); // if we're humanoid if (tempTrans != null) { // use the head bone's transform instead of oculus camera trans = tempTrans; } } if (trans == null) { MelonLogger.LogError("not humanoid?"); return; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { m_position += trans.forward * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { m_position += (trans.right * -1) * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { m_position += (trans.forward * -1) * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { m_position += trans.right * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { m_position += m_localPlayer.transform.up * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { m_position += (m_localPlayer.transform.up * -1) * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } var a = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.PrimaryThumbstick, OVRInput.Controller.LTouch); if (a.y != 0.0f) { m_position += trans.forward * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime * a.y; } if (a.x != 0.0f) { m_position += trans.right * m_currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime * a.x; } if (m_airbreakActive) { m_localPlayer.transform.position = m_position; } }
public static void TeleportTo(VRC.Player player) => TeleportTo(player.transform);
public override void OnPlayerLeave(VRC.Player player) => UpdateList();
public override void OnPlayerJoin(VRC.Player player) => UpdateList();