private void btStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((string)btStart.Content == "Stop") { VideoCapture1.Stop(); Thread.Sleep(500); ProcessVideoDelegateMethod(); btStart.Content = "Start"; lbStatus.Content = string.Empty; if (_tempBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_tempBuffer); _tempBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } } else { btStart.IsEnabled = false; lbStatus.Content = "Step 1: Searching video files"; _fragmentCount = 0; _overlapFragmentCount = 0; var engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_DS; break; case 1: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; break; case 3: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.LAV; break; } var adList = new List <string>(); _adVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbAdFolders.Items) { adList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } lbStatus.Content = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for ads files"; if (adList.Count == 0) { btStart.Content = "Start"; lbStatus.Content = string.Empty; MessageBox.Show("Ads list is empty!"); return; } int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in adList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; string error = ""; VFPFingerPrint fp; if (File.Exists(filename + ".vfsigx")) { fp = VFPFingerPrint.Load(filename + ".vfsigx"); } else { var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, out error); } if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerpring for video file: " + filename + ". Error: " + error); } else { fp.Save(filename + ".vfsigx", false); _adVFPList.Add(fp); } progress += 100 / adList.Count; } int fragmentDurationProperty = Convert.ToInt32(edFragmentDuration.Text); if (fragmentDurationProperty != 0) { _fragmentDuration = fragmentDurationProperty * 1000; } else { var maxDuration = _adVFPList.Max((print => print.Duration)); long minfragmentDuration = (((maxDuration + 1000) / 1000) + 1) * 1000; _fragmentDuration = minfragmentDuration * 2; } pbProgress.Value = 100; if (_tempBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_tempBuffer); _tempBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } lbStatus.Content = "Step 3: Starting video preview"; if (cbSource.SelectedIndex == 0) { VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureDevice = cbVideoSource.Text; VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureFormat = cbVideoFormat.Text; VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureFormat_UseBest = false; VideoCapture1.Video_FrameRate = Convert.ToDouble(cbVideoFrameRate.Text); VideoCapture1.Mode = VFVideoCaptureMode.VideoPreview; } else { var ip = new IPCameraSourceSettings { URL = edNetworkSourceURL.Text, Login = edNetworkSourceLogin.Text, Password = edNetworkSourcePassword.Text }; switch (cbNetworkSourceEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: ip.Type = VFIPSource.Auto_LAV; break; case 1: ip.Type = VFIPSource.Auto_VLC; break; case 2: ip.Type = VFIPSource.Auto_FFMPEG; break; } VideoCapture1.IP_Camera_Source = ip; VideoCapture1.Mode = VFVideoCaptureMode.IPPreview; } VideoCapture1.Audio_PlayAudio = false; VideoCapture1.Audio_RecordAudio = false; VideoCapture1.Video_Renderer.Video_Renderer = VFVideoRendererWPF.WPF; VideoCapture1.Start(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 4: Getting data"; pbProgress.Value = 0; lvResults.Items.Refresh(); btStart.IsEnabled = true; btStart.Content = "Stop"; } }
private void btSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btSearch.IsEnabled = false; edErrors.Text = string.Empty; // Settings VFMediaPlayerSource engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_DS; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_DS; break; case 1: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; break; case 3: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.LAV; break; } int indexingTime = 5; switch (cbIndexingTime.SelectedIndex) { case 0: indexingTime = 3; break; case 1: indexingTime = 5; break; case 2: indexingTime = 10; break; case 3: indexingTime = 30; break; } List <string> extensions = new List <string>(); if (cbFormatAVI.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("avi"); } if (cbFormatFLV.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("flv"); } if (cbFormatMKV.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("mkv"); } if (cbFormatMOV.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("mov"); } if (cbFormatMP4.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("mp4"); } if (cbFormatMPG.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("mpg"); } if (cbFormatTS.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("ts"); } if (cbFormatWMV.IsChecked == true) { extensions.Add("wmv"); } lbStatus.Text = "Step 1: Searching video files"; List <string> filenames = new List <string>(); List <VFPFingerPrint> fingerPrints = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbSourceFolders.Items) { filenames.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item, extensions)); } lbStatus.Text = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for video files"; int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in filenames) { pbProgress.Value = progress; VFPFingerPrint fp = null; string error = null; try { var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine) { StopTime = indexingTime * 1000 }; fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetComparingFingerprintForVideoFile(source, out error); } catch (Exception ex) { edErrors.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine; } if (fp != null) { fingerPrints.Add(fp); } if (error != null) { edErrors.Text += error + Environment.NewLine; } progress += 100 / filenames.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; List <SearchResult> results = new List <SearchResult>(); results.Clear(); lbResults.Items.Clear(); lbStatus.Text = "Step 3: Analyzing data"; progress = 0; int foundCount = 0; List <string> clonesToIgnore = new List <string>(); foreach (var first in fingerPrints) { pbProgress.Value = progress; if (first == null) { continue; } if (clonesToIgnore.Contains(first.OriginalFilename)) { continue; } foreach (var second in fingerPrints) { if (second == null) { continue; } if (first.OriginalFilename == second.OriginalFilename) { continue; } int diff = VFPAnalyzer.Compare(first, second, (int)slMaxShift.Value); if (diff < slSensitivity.Value * 10) { foundCount++; clonesToIgnore.Add(second.OriginalFilename); var result = new SearchResult() { GroupFile = first.OriginalFilename }; result.Clones.Add(second.OriginalFilename); results.Add(result); } } progress += 100 / fingerPrints.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 0; foreach (var result in results) { ResultItem item = new ResultItem { Text = { Text = result.GroupFile }, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, Screenshot = { Source = Helper.GetImageForFile(result.GroupFile) } }; lbResults.Items.Add(item); foreach (var clone in result.Clones) { ResultItem item2 = new ResultItem { Text = { Text = clone }, Checked = { IsChecked = true }, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, Screenshot = { Source = Helper.GetImageForFile(clone) } }; lbResults.Items.Add(item2); } } lbStatus.Text = "Step 4: Done. " + foundCount + " copies found."; btSearch.IsEnabled = true; }
private async void btStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cbDebug.IsChecked == true) { VFPAnalyzer.DebugDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\VisioForge\\MMT\\"; } btStart.IsEnabled = false; results.Clear(); lvResults.Items.Refresh(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 1: Searching video files"; VFSimplePlayerEngine engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.DirectShow; break; case 1: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; break; } List <string> adList = new List <string>(); List <string> broadcastList = new List <string>(); List <VFPFingerPrint> adVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); List <VFPFingerPrint> broadcastVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbAdFolders.Items) { bool isDir = (File.GetAttributes(item) & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (isDir) { adList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } else { adList.Add(item); } } foreach (string item in lbBroadcastFolders.Items) { bool isDir = (File.GetAttributes(item) & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (isDir) { broadcastList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } else { broadcastList.Add(item); } } lbStatus.Content = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for ads files"; int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in adList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } VFPFingerPrint fp = _db.GetFingerprint(source); if (fp == null) { fp = await VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFileAsync(source, errorDelegate); if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerprint for the video file: " + filename); } else { _db.Items.Add(fp); AddDBItem(fp); } } adVFPList.Add(fp); progress += 100 / adList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; lbStatus.Content = "Step 3: Getting fingerprints for broadcast files"; progress = 0; foreach (string filename in broadcastList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } VFPFingerPrint fp = _db.GetFingerprint(source); if (fp == null) { fp = await VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFileAsync(source, errorDelegate); if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerprint for the video file: " + filename); return; } else { _db.Items.Add(fp); AddDBItem(fp); } } broadcastVFPList.Add(fp); progress += 100 / broadcastList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; lbStatus.Content = "Step 4: Analyzing data"; progress = 0; int foundCount = 0; foreach (var broadcast in broadcastVFPList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; foreach (var ad in adVFPList) { var positions = await VFPAnalyzer.SearchAsync(ad, broadcast, ad.Duration, (int)slDifference.Value, true); if (positions.Count > 0) { foreach (var pos in positions) { foundCount++; int minutes = (int)(pos.TotalSeconds / 60); int seconds = (int)(pos.TotalSeconds % 60); results.Add( new ResultsViewModel() { Sample = ad.OriginalFilename, DumpFile = broadcast.OriginalFilename, Position = minutes + ":" + seconds }); } } } progress += 100 / broadcastList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 0; lvResults.Items.Refresh(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 5: Done. " + foundCount + " ads found."; btStart.IsEnabled = true; }
private void btStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cbDebug.IsChecked == true) { VFPAnalyzer.DebugDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\VisioForge\\MMT\\"; } btStart.IsEnabled = false; results.Clear(); lvResults.Items.Refresh(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 1: Searching video files"; VFMediaPlayerSource engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_DS; break; case 1: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; break; case 3: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.LAV; break; } List <string> adList = new List <string>(); List <string> broadcastList = new List <string>(); List <VFPFingerPrint> adVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); List <VFPFingerPrint> broadcastVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbAdFolders.Items) { bool isDir = (File.GetAttributes(item) & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (isDir) { adList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } else { adList.Add(item); } } foreach (string item in lbBroadcastFolders.Items) { bool isDir = (File.GetAttributes(item) & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (isDir) { broadcastList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } else { broadcastList.Add(item); } } lbStatus.Content = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for ads files"; int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in adList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; string error; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } var fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, out error); if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerpring for video file: " + filename + ". Error: " + error); } else { adVFPList.Add(fp); } progress += 100 / adList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; lbStatus.Content = "Step 3: Getting fingerprints for broadcast files"; progress = 0; foreach (string filename in broadcastList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; string error; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } // source.CustomResolution = new System.Drawing.Size(640, 480); //source.StopTime = 150000; var fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, out error); //var fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(filename, engine, 180000, 220000, out error); if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerpring for video file: " + filename + ". Error: " + error); } else { broadcastVFPList.Add(fp); } progress += 100 / broadcastList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; lbStatus.Content = "Step 4: Analyzing data"; progress = 0; int foundCount = 0; foreach (var broadcast in broadcastVFPList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; foreach (var ad in adVFPList) { List <int> positions; bool found = VFPAnalyzer.Search(ad, broadcast, ad.Duration, (int)slDifference.Value, out positions, true); if (found) { foreach (int pos in positions) { foundCount++; int minutes = pos / 60; int seconds = pos % 60; results.Add( new ResultsViewModel() { Sample = ad.OriginalFilename, DumpFile = broadcast.OriginalFilename, Position = minutes + ":" + seconds }); } } } progress += 100 / broadcastList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 0; lvResults.Items.Refresh(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 5: Done. " + foundCount + " ads found."; btStart.IsEnabled = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var options = new CommandLineOptions(); if (!CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { // Display the default usage information //Console.WriteLine(options.GetUsage()); return; } if (!File.Exists(options.InputFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Source file not found: " + options.InputFile + "."); return; } if (File.Exists(options.OutputFile)) { try { File.Delete(options.OutputFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to delete output file: " + options.OutputFile + ". Exception: " + e.Message + "."); return; } } VFPAnalyzer.SetLicenseKey(options.LicenseKey); var engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Engine)) { switch (options.Engine.Trim()) { case "directshow": engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.DirectShow; break; case "ffmpeg": engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.FFMPEG; break; case "lav": engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; break; } } Console.WriteLine("Starting analyze."); var time = DateTime.Now; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(options.InputFile, engine); if (options.Duration > 0) { source.StopTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(options.Duration); } VFPFingerPrint fp; if (options.Type == "search") { fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, ErrorCallback); } else { fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetComparingFingerprintForVideoFile(source, ErrorCallback); } if (fp == null) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to get fingerprint."); return; } var elapsed = DateTime.Now - time; Console.WriteLine("Analyze finished. Elapsed time: " + elapsed.ToString("g")); fp.Save(options.OutputFile); }
private void btStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((string)btStart.Content == "Stop") { VideoCapture1.Stop(); btStart.Content = "Start"; lbStatus.Content = string.Empty; } else { btStart.IsEnabled = false; lbStatus.Content = "Step 1: Searching video files"; fragmentDuration = Convert.ToInt32(edFragmentDuration.Text) * 60 * 1000; VFMediaPlayerSource engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_DS; break; case 1: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.File_VLC; break; case 3: engine = VFMediaPlayerSource.LAV; break; } List <string> adList = new List <string>(); adVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbAdFolders.Items) { adList.AddRange(FileScanner.SearchVideoInFolder(item)); } lbStatus.Content = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for ads files"; int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in adList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; string error; var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); var fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, out error); if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerpring for video file: " + filename + ". Error: " + error); } else { adVFPList.Add(fp); } progress += 100 / adList.Count; } pbProgress.Value = 100; searchLiveData = new VFPSearchData(Convert.ToInt32(edFragmentDuration.Text) * 60); if (tempBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(tempBuffer); tempBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } lbStatus.Content = "Step 3: Starting video preview"; VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureDevice = cbVideoSource.Text; VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureFormat = cbVideoFormat.Text; VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureFormat_UseBest = false; VideoCapture1.Video_FrameRate = Convert.ToDouble(cbVideoFrameRate.Text); VideoCapture1.Audio_PlayAudio = false; VideoCapture1.Audio_RecordAudio = false; VideoCapture1.Mode = VFVideoCaptureMode.VideoPreview; VideoCapture1.Video_Renderer.Video_Renderer = VFVideoRendererWPF.WPF; VideoCapture1.Start(); lbStatus.Content = "Step 4: Getting data"; pbProgress.Value = 0; lvResults.Items.Refresh(); btStart.IsEnabled = true; btStart.Content = "Stop"; } }
private void btStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((string)btStart.Content == "Stop") { _stopFlag = true; Thread.Sleep(500); _videoCapture?.Stop(); _videoPlayer?.Stop(); Thread.Sleep(500); ProcessVideoDelegateMethod(); btStart.Content = "Start"; lbStatus.Content = string.Empty; if (_tempBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_tempBuffer); _tempBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } pnScreen.BeginInit(); pnScreen.Source = null; pnScreen.EndInit(); } else { _stopFlag = false; btStart.IsEnabled = false; lbStatus.Content = "Step 1: Searching video files"; _fragmentCount = 0; _overlapFragmentCount = 0; var engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; switch (cbEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.DirectShow; break; case 1: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.FFMPEG; break; case 2: engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; break; } var adList = new List <string>(); _adVFPList = new List <VFPFingerPrint>(); foreach (string item in lbAdFiles.Items) { adList.Add(item); } lbStatus.Content = "Step 2: Getting fingerprints for ads files"; if (adList.Count == 0) { btStart.Content = "Start"; lbStatus.Content = string.Empty; btStart.IsEnabled = true; MessageBox.Show("Ads list is empty!"); return; } int progress = 0; foreach (string filename in adList) { pbProgress.Value = progress; string error = ""; VFPFingerPrint fp; if (File.Exists(filename + ".vfsigx")) { fp = VFPFingerPrint.Load(filename + ".vfsigx"); } else { var source = new VFPFingerprintSource(filename, engine); foreach (var area in _ignoredAreas) { source.IgnoredAreas.Add(area); } fp = VFPAnalyzer.GetSearchFingerprintForVideoFile(source, ErrorCallback); } if (fp == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get fingerprint for video file: " + filename + ". Error: " + error); } else { fp.Save(filename + ".vfsigx"); _adVFPList.Add(fp); } progress += 100 / adList.Count; } int fragmentDurationProperty = Convert.ToInt32(edFragmentDuration.Text); if (fragmentDurationProperty != 0) { _fragmentDuration = fragmentDurationProperty * 1000; } else { var maxDuration = _adVFPList.Max((print => print.Duration)); long minfragmentDuration = ((((long)maxDuration.TotalMilliseconds + 1000) / 1000) + 1) * 1000; _fragmentDuration = minfragmentDuration * 2; } pbProgress.Value = 100; if (_tempBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_tempBuffer); _tempBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } lbStatus.Content = "Step 3: Starting video preview"; if (cbSource.SelectedIndex == 0) { _videoCapture.Video_CaptureDevice_Name = cbVideoSource.Text; _videoCapture.Video_CaptureDevice_Format = cbVideoFormat.Text; _videoCapture.Video_CaptureDevice_FrameRate = Convert.ToDouble(cbVideoFrameRate.Text); _videoCapture.Start(); } else { string url = edNetworkSourceURL.Text; //var ip = new IPCameraSourceSettings // { // URL =, // Login = edNetworkSourceLogin.Text, // Password = edNetworkSourcePassword.Text // }; _videoPlayer.Filename = url; _videoPlayer.MaximalSpeedPlayback = false; switch (cbNetworkSourceEngine.SelectedIndex) { case 0: _videoPlayer.Engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.LAV; break; case 2: _videoPlayer.Engine = VFSimplePlayerEngine.FFMPEG; break; } _videoPlayer.Start(); } lbStatus.Content = "Step 4: Getting data"; pbProgress.Value = 0; lvResults.Items.Refresh(); btStart.IsEnabled = true; btStart.Content = "Stop"; } }