public AssertCanBeRecoveredCheck(IXenObject xenObject, Pool pool, VDI vdi) : base(pool) { this.xenObject = xenObject; Vdi = vdi; }
private EnvelopeType _export(Session xenSession, string targetPath, string ovfname, string vmUuid) { EnvelopeType ovfEnv; try { auditLog.DebugFormat("Export: {0}, {1}", ovfname, targetPath); #region GET VM Reference XenRef <VM> vmRef = null; try { vmRef = VM.get_by_uuid(xenSession, vmUuid); } catch { log.WarnFormat("VM not found as uuid: {0}, trying as name-label", vmUuid); vmRef = null; } if (vmRef == null) { try { List <XenRef <VM> > vmRefs = VM.get_by_name_label(xenSession, vmUuid); vmRef = vmRefs[0]; traceLog.DebugFormat("{0} VM(s) found by label {1}", vmRefs.Count, vmUuid); if (vmRefs.Count > 1) { log.WarnFormat("Only exporting FIRST VM with name {0}", vmUuid); } } catch { log.ErrorFormat(Messages.ERROR_VM_NOT_FOUND, vmUuid); throw; } } #endregion VM vm = VM.get_record(xenSession, vmRef); if (vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Halted && vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Suspended) { var message = string.Format(Messages.ERROR_VM_NOT_HALTED, vm.Name); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.ExportProgress, "Export", message)); log.Info(message); throw new Exception(message); } #region CREATE ENVELOPE / ADD VIRTUAL SYSTEM ovfEnv = OVF.CreateEnvelope(ovfname); string vsId = OVF.AddVirtualSystem(ovfEnv, vm.name_label); string vhsId = OVF.AddVirtualHardwareSection(ovfEnv, vsId); #endregion #region TRY TO ID OS XenRef <VM_guest_metrics> vmgmRef = VM.get_guest_metrics(xenSession, vmRef); if (!vmgmRef.opaque_ref.ToUpper().Contains("NULL")) { VM_guest_metrics vmgm = VM_guest_metrics.get_record(xenSession, vmgmRef); //VM_metrics vmm = VM_metrics.get_record(xenSession, VM.get_metrics(xenSession, vmRef)); if (vmgm.os_version != null && vmgm.os_version.Count > 0) { foreach (string key in vmgm.os_version.Keys) { if (key.ToLower().Equals("name")) { ushort osid = ValueMaps.OperatingSystem(vmgm.os_version[key]); if (osid == 0xFFFF) { osid = 1; } // change to OTHER since search failed. string version = OVF.GetContentMessage("SECTION_OPERATINGSYSTEM_INFO"); if (vmgm.os_version.ContainsKey("major") && vmgm.os_version.ContainsKey("minor")) { version = string.Format(OVF.GetContentMessage("SECTION_OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION"), vmgm.os_version["major"], vmgm.os_version["minor"]); } string osname = (vmgm.os_version[key].Split(new [] { '|' }))[0]; OVF.UpdateOperatingSystemSection(ovfEnv, vsId, osname, version, osid); break; } } } } #endregion #region ADD VSSD // IS PV'd? for VirtualSystemType identification. string typeformat = @"{0}-{1}-{2}"; string vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, "hvm", "3.0", "unknown"); if (vm.HVM_boot_policy != null && vm.HVM_boot_policy == Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.domarch)) { vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, vm.domarch, "3.0", "unknown"); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.domarch)) { vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, "xen", "3.0", vm.domarch); } else { vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, "xen", "3.0", "unknown"); } } OVF.AddVirtualSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, vhsId, vm.name_label, OVF.GetContentMessage("VSSD_CAPTION"), vm.name_description, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), vmtype); #endregion #region ADD CPUS OVF.SetCPUs(ovfEnv, vsId, (ulong)vm.VCPUs_max); #endregion #region ADD MEMORY OVF.SetMemory(ovfEnv, vsId, (ulong)(vm.memory_dynamic_max / MB), "MB"); #endregion #region ADD NETWORKS List <XenRef <VIF> > vifs = VM.get_VIFs(xenSession, vmRef); foreach (XenRef <VIF> vifref in vifs) { VIF vif = VIF.get_record(xenSession, vifref); XenRef <Network> netRef =; Network net = Network.get_record(xenSession, netRef); // Why is the following call reference using name_label where other references use uuid? OVF.AddNetwork(ovfEnv, vsId, net.uuid, net.name_label, net.name_description, vif.MAC); } #endregion #region SET STARTUP OPTIONS OVF.AddStartupSection(ovfEnv, true, vsId, vm.order, vm.start_delay, vm.shutdown_delay); #endregion #region GET AND EXPORT DISKS using iSCSI List <XenRef <VBD> > vbdlist = VM.get_VBDs(xenSession, vmRef); _vdiRefs.Clear(); int diskIndex = 0; foreach (XenRef <VBD> vbdref in vbdlist) { VBD vbd = VBD.get_record(xenSession, vbdref); if (vbd.type == vbd_type.CD) { string rasdid = OVF.AddCDROM(ovfEnv, vsId, vbd.uuid, OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_16_CAPTION"), OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_16_DESCRIPTION")); OVF.SetTargetDeviceInRASD(ovfEnv, vsId, rasdid, vbd.userdevice); } else { try { XenRef <VDI> vdi = VBD.get_VDI(xenSession, vbdref); if (vdi != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.opaque_ref) && !(vdi.opaque_ref.ToLower().Contains("null"))) { _vdiRefs.Add(vdi); VDI lVdi = VDI.get_record(xenSession, vdi); string destinationFilename = Path.Combine(targetPath, string.Format(@"{0}.vhd", lVdi.uuid)); string diskid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string diskName = lVdi.name_label; if (diskName == null) { diskName = string.Format("{0} {1}", OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_19_CAPTION"), diskIndex); } OVF.AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, diskid, Path.GetFileName(destinationFilename), vbd.bootable, diskName, lVdi.name_description, (ulong)lVdi.physical_utilisation, (ulong)lVdi.virtual_size); OVF.SetTargetDeviceInRASD(ovfEnv, vsId, diskid, vbd.userdevice); diskIndex++; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.InfoFormat("Export: VBD Skipped: {0}: {1}", vbdref, ex.Message); } } } #endregion if (!MetaDataOnly) { _copydisks(ovfEnv, ovfname, targetPath); } #region ADD XEN SPECIFICS if (vm.HVM_boot_params != null) { Dictionary <string, string> _params = vm.HVM_boot_params; foreach (string key in _params.Keys) { if (key.ToLower().Equals("order")) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_boot_params", _params[key], OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.HVM_boot_policy)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_boot_policy", vm.HVM_boot_policy, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_2")); } if (vm.HVM_shadow_multiplier != 1.0) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_shadow_multiplier", Convert.ToString(vm.HVM_shadow_multiplier), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (vm.platform != null) { Dictionary <string, string> platform = vm.platform; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string key in platform.Keys) { sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}={1};", key, platform[key]); } OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "platform", sb.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_3")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_args)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_args", vm.PV_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_bootloader)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_bootloader", vm.PV_bootloader, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_bootloader_args)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_bootloader_args", vm.PV_bootloader_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_kernel)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_kernel", vm.PV_kernel, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_legacy_args)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_legacy_args", vm.PV_legacy_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_ramdisk)) { OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_ramdisk", vm.PV_ramdisk, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1")); } if (vm.VGPUs.Count != 0) { VGPU vgpu = VGPU.get_record(xenSession, vm.VGPUs[0]); if (vgpu != null) { var vgpuGroup = GPU_group.get_record(xenSession, vgpu.GPU_group); var vgpuType = VGPU_type.get_record(xenSession, vgpu.type); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("GPU_types={{{0}}};", vgpuGroup.GPU_types == null || vgpuGroup.GPU_types.Length < 1 ? "" : string.Join(";", vgpuGroup.GPU_types)); sb.AppendFormat("VGPU_type_vendor_name={0};", vgpuType.vendor_name ?? ""); sb.AppendFormat("VGPU_type_model_name={0};", vgpuType.model_name ?? ""); OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "vgpu", sb.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_4")); } } #endregion OVF.FinalizeEnvelope(ovfEnv); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) { throw; } log.Error(Messages.ERROR_EXPORT_FAILED); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_EXPORT_FAILED, ex); } return(ovfEnv); }
private void Build() { var pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); bool is_host = xenObjectCopy is Host; bool is_vm = xenObjectCopy is VM && !((VM)xenObjectCopy).is_a_snapshot; bool is_sr = xenObjectCopy is SR; bool is_pool = xenObjectCopy is Pool; bool is_vdi = xenObjectCopy is VDI; bool is_network = xenObjectCopy is XenAPI.Network; bool is_hvm = is_vm && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).IsHVM; bool is_in_pool = Helpers.GetPool(xenObjectCopy.Connection) != null; bool is_pool_or_standalone = is_pool || (is_host && !is_in_pool); bool wlb_enabled = (Helpers.WlbEnabledAndConfigured(xenObjectCopy.Connection)); bool is_VMPP = xenObjectCopy is VMPP; bool is_VM_appliance = xenObjectCopy is VM_appliance; ContentPanel.SuspendLayout(); verticalTabs.BeginUpdate(); try { verticalTabs.Items.Clear(); ShowTab(GeneralEditPage = new GeneralEditPage()); if (!is_VMPP && !is_VM_appliance) { ShowTab(CustomFieldsEditPage = new CustomFieldsDisplayPage { AutoScroll = true }); } if (is_vm) { ShowTab(VCpuMemoryEditPage = new CPUMemoryEditPage()); ShowTab(StartupOptionsEditPage = new BootOptionsEditPage()); if (!Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection) && Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictHAFloodgate)) { VMHAUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage { Image = Properties.Resources._001_PowerOn_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.START_UP_OPTIONS }; VMHAUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_HA, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_HA); ShowTab(VMHAUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(VMHAEditPage = new VMHAEditPage { VerticalTabs = verticalTabs }); } } if (is_vm || is_host || (is_sr && Helpers.ClearwaterOrGreater(connection))) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictAlerts)) { PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage { Image = Properties.Resources._000_Alert2_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.ALERTS }; PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_ALERTS, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_ALERTS); ShowTab(PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(PerfmonAlertEditPage = new PerfmonAlertEditPage { AutoScroll = true }); } } if (is_pool_or_standalone) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictAlerts)) { PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage { Image = Properties.Resources._000_Email_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.EMAIL_OPTIONS }; PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_ALERTS, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_ALERTS); ShowTab(PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(PerfmonAlertOptionsEditPage = new PerfmonAlertOptionsPage()); } if (!Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictStorageChoices) && !Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection) && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection)) { ShowTab(StorageLinkPage = new StorageLinkEditPage()); } } if (is_host) { ShowTab(hostMultipathPage1 = new HostMultipathPage()); if (Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) { ShowTab(HostPowerONEditPage = new HostPowerONEditPage()); } ShowTab(LogDestinationEditPage = new LogDestinationEditPage()); } if (is_pool && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) { ShowTab(PoolPowerONEditPage = new PoolPowerONEditPage()); } if ((is_pool_or_standalone && Helpers.VGpuCapability(xenObjectCopy.Connection)) || (is_host && ((Host)xenObjectCopy).CanEnableDisableIntegratedGpu)) { ShowTab(PoolGpuEditPage = new PoolGpuEditPage()); } if (is_network) { ShowTab(editNetworkPage = new EditNetworkPage()); } if (is_vm && !wlb_enabled) { ShowTab(HomeServerPage = new HomeServerEditPage()); } if (is_vm && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanHaveGpu) { if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictGpu)) { GpuUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage { Image = Properties.Resources._000_GetMemoryInfo_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.GPU }; GpuUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_GPU, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_GPU); ShowTab(GpuUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(GpuEditPage = new GpuEditPage()); } } } if (is_hvm) { ShowTab(VMAdvancedEditPage = new VMAdvancedEditPage()); } if (is_vm && Helpers.ContainerCapability(xenObject.Connection) && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanBeEnlightened) { ShowTab(VMEnlightenmentEditPage = new VMEnlightenmentEditPage()); } if (is_vm && Helpers.ContainerCapability(xenObject.Connection) && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanHaveCloudConfigDrive) { ShowTab(CloudConfigParametersPage = new Page_CloudConfigParameters()); } if (is_VMPP) { ShowTab(newPolicyVMsPage1 = new NewVMGroupVMsPage <VMPP> { Pool = pool }); ShowTab(newPolicySnapshotTypePage1 = new NewPolicySnapshotTypePage()); ShowTab(newPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage1 = new NewPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage { Pool = pool }); ShowTab(newPolicyArchivePage1 = new NewPolicyArchivePage { Pool = pool, PropertiesDialog = this }); ShowTab(newPolicyEmailPage1 = new NewPolicyEmailPage { PropertiesDialog = this }); } if (is_VM_appliance) { ShowTab(newVMApplianceVMsPage1 = new NewVMGroupVMsPage <VM_appliance> { Pool = pool }); ShowTab(newVmApplianceVmOrderAndDelaysPage1 = new NewVMApplianceVMOrderAndDelaysPage { Pool = pool }); } // // Now add one tab per VBD (for VDIs only) // if (!is_vdi) { return; } ShowTab(vdiSizeLocation = new VDISizeLocationPage()); VDI vdi = xenObjectCopy as VDI; List <VBDEditPage> vbdEditPages = new List <VBDEditPage>(); foreach (VBD vbd in vdi.Connection.ResolveAll(vdi.VBDs)) { VBDEditPage editPage = new VBDEditPage(); editPage.SetXenObjects(null, vbd); vbdEditPages.Add(editPage); ShowTab(editPage); } if (vbdEditPages.Count <= 0) { return; } ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog( new DelegatedAsyncAction(vdi.Connection, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNING, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNING, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNED, delegate(Session session) { foreach (VBDEditPage page in vbdEditPages) { page.UpdateDevicePositions(session); } }), ProgressBarStyle.Continuous); dialog.ShowCancel = true; dialog.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } finally { ContentPanel.ResumeLayout(); verticalTabs.EndUpdate(); verticalTabs.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public LunPerVdiPickerItemWrapper(SR LUNsourceSr, VDI vdi) : base(LUNsourceSr, vdi) { }
private void generatePoolHABox(Pool pool) { if (!pool.ha_enabled) { return; } // 'High Availability' heading CustomListRow header = CreateHeader(Messages.HA_CONFIGURATION_TITLE); customListPanel.AddRow(header); AddRow(header, GetFriendlyName("pool.ha_enabled"), pool, getPoolHAStatus, false); { // ntol row. May be red and bold. bool redBold = pool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerate == 0; CustomListRow newChild = CreateNewRow(Messages.HA_CONFIGURED_CAPACITY, new ToStringWrapper <Pool>(pool, getNtol), redBold); header.AddChild(newChild); if (redBold) { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = Color.Red; ToolStripMenuItem editHa = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.CONFIGURE_HA_ELLIPSIS); editHa.Click += delegate { EditHA(pool); }; newChild.MenuItems.Add(editHa); newChild.DefaultMenuItem = editHa; } else { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; } } { // plan_exists_for row needs some special work: the text may be red and bold bool redBold = haStatusRed(pool); CustomListRow newChild = CreateNewRow(Messages.HA_CURRENT_CAPACITY, new ToStringWrapper <Pool>(pool, getPlanExistsFor), redBold); header.AddChild(newChild); if (redBold) { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = Color.Red; ToolStripMenuItem editHa = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.CONFIGURE_HA_ELLIPSIS); editHa.Click += delegate { EditHA(pool); }; newChild.MenuItems.Add(editHa); newChild.DefaultMenuItem = editHa; } else { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; } } AddBottomSpacing(header); // 'Heartbeating status' heading header = CreateHeader(Messages.HEARTBEATING_STATUS); customListPanel.AddRow(header); // Now build the heartbeat target health table List <SR> heartbeatSRs = pool.GetHAHeartbeatSRs(); // Sort heartbeat SRs using NaturalCompare heartbeatSRs.Sort((Comparison <SR>) delegate(SR a, SR b) { return(StringUtility.NaturalCompare(a.Name, b.Name)); }); List <Host> members = new List <Host>(pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts); // Sort pool members using NaturalCompare members.Sort((Comparison <Host>) delegate(Host a, Host b) { return(StringUtility.NaturalCompare(a.Name, b.Name)); }); int numCols = 1 + 2 + (2 * heartbeatSRs.Count); // Hostnames col, then 2 each for each HB target (network + SRs) int numRows = 1 + members.Count; // Create rows and cols tableLatencies.SuspendLayout(); tableLatencies.ColumnCount = numCols; tableLatencies.ColumnStyles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { tableLatencies.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } tableLatencies.RowCount = numRows; tableLatencies.RowStyles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { tableLatencies.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } { // Network icon PictureBox p = new PictureBox(); p.Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.Network); p.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; p.Padding = new Padding(0); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(p); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(p, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(1, 0)); // Network text Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 5, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = Messages.NETWORK; tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(2, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < heartbeatSRs.Count; i++) { // SR icon PictureBox p = new PictureBox(); p.Image = Images.GetImage16For(heartbeatSRs[i].GetIcon); p.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; p.Padding = new Padding(0); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(p); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(p, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * i) + 3, 0)); // SR name Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 5, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = false; l.Size = new Size(200, 25); l.AutoEllipsis = true; l.Text = heartbeatSRs[i].Name; tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * i) + 4, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { // Server name label Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = members[i].Name.Ellipsise(30); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(0, i + 1)); // Network HB status l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemValueFont; l.AutoSize = true; if (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == members.Count) { l.ForeColor = Color.Green; } else { l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; } if (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == 0) { l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_UNHEALTHY; } else if (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == members.Count) { l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_HEALTHY; } else { l.Text = string.Format(Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS, members[i].ha_network_peers.Length, members.Count); } tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(1, i + 1)); tableLatencies.SetColumnSpan(l, 2); // For each heartbeat SR, show health from this host's perspective for (int j = 0; j < heartbeatSRs.Count; j++) { l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemValueFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_UNHEALTHY; foreach (string opaqueRef in members[i].ha_statefiles) { XenRef <VDI> vdiRef = new XenRef <VDI>(opaqueRef); VDI vdi = pool.Connection.Resolve(vdiRef); if (vdi == null) { continue; } SR sr = pool.Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); if (sr == null) { continue; } if (sr == heartbeatSRs[j]) { l.ForeColor = Color.Green; l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_HEALTHY; break; } } tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * j) + 2, i + 1)); tableLatencies.SetColumnSpan(l, 2); } } tableLatencies.ResumeLayout(); tableLatencies.PerformLayout(); }
private static void DestroyVM(Session session, VM vm, List <VBD> deleteDisks, IEnumerable <VM> deleteSnapshots) { Exception caught = null; foreach (VM snapshot in deleteSnapshots) { VM snap = snapshot; BestEffort(ref caught, session.Connection.ExpectDisruption, () => { if (snap.power_state == vm_power_state.Suspended) { XenAPI.VM.hard_shutdown(session, snap.opaque_ref); } DestroyVM(session, snap, true); }); } List <XenRef <VDI> > vdiRefs = new List <XenRef <VDI> >(); foreach (XenRef <VBD> vbdRef in vm.VBDs) { VBD vbd = vm.Connection.Resolve(vbdRef); if (vbd == null) { continue; } if (deleteDisks.Contains(vbd)) { if (vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI) != null) { vdiRefs.Add(vbd.VDI); } } } //CA-91072: Delete Suspend image VDI VDI suspendVDI = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.suspend_VDI); if (suspendVDI != null) { vdiRefs.Add(vm.suspend_VDI); } XenAPI.VM.destroy(session, vm.opaque_ref); foreach (XenRef <VDI> vdiRef in vdiRefs) { XenRef <VDI> vdi = vdiRef; BestEffort(ref caught, session.Connection.ExpectDisruption, () => XenAPI.VDI.destroy(session, vdi.opaque_ref)); //CA-115249. XenAPI could have already deleted the VDI. Destroy suspended VM and destroy snapshot functions are affected. var failure = caught as Failure; if (failure != null && failure.ErrorDescription != null && failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 0 && failure.ErrorDescription[0] == "HANDLE_INVALID") { log.InfoFormat("VDI:{0} has already been deleted -- ignoring exception.", vdi.opaque_ref); caught = null; } } if (caught != null) { throw caught; } }
private void RefreshButtons() { SelectedItemCollection vdis = SelectedVDIs; // Delete button // The user can see that this disk is attached to more than one VMs. Allow deletion of multiple VBDs (non default behaviour), // but don't allow them to be deleted if a running vm is using the disk (default behaviour). DeleteVirtualDiskCommand deleteCmd = new DeleteVirtualDiskCommand(Program.MainWindow, vdis) { AllowMultipleVBDDelete = true }; if (deleteCmd.CanExecute()) { RemoveButton.Enabled = true; RemoveButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); } else { RemoveButton.Enabled = false; RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(deleteCmd.ToolTipText); } // Move button Command moveCmd = MoveVirtualDiskDialog.MoveMigrateCommand(Program.MainWindow, vdis); if (moveCmd.CanExecute()) { buttonMove.Enabled = true; toolTipContainerMove.RemoveAll(); } else { buttonMove.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerMove.SetToolTip(moveCmd.ToolTipText); } // Rescan button if (sr == null || sr.Locked) { buttonRescan.Enabled = false; } else if (HelpersGUI.BeingScanned(sr)) { buttonRescan.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerRescan.SetToolTip(Messages.SCAN_IN_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP); } else { buttonRescan.Enabled = true; toolTipContainerRescan.RemoveAll(); } // Add VDI button addVirtualDiskButton.Enabled = sr != null && !sr.Locked; // Properties button if (vdis.Count == 1) { VDI vdi = vdis.AsXenObjects <VDI>()[0]; EditButton.Enabled = sr != null && !sr.Locked && !vdi.is_a_snapshot && !vdi.Locked; } else { EditButton.Enabled = false; } }
public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, SrPicker.SRPickerType PickerUsage, VDI diskTemplate, Host affinity, bool canResize, long minSize, IEnumerable <VDI> vdiNamesInUse) : this(connection, vdiNamesInUse) { TheVM = vm; DiskTemplate = diskTemplate; CanResize = canResize; MinSize = minSize; this.PickerUsage = PickerUsage; SrListBox.SetAffinity(affinity); Pool pool_sr = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); if (pool_sr != null) { SrListBox.DefaultSR = connection.Resolve(pool_sr.default_SR); //if default sr resolves to null the first sr in the list will be selected } SrListBox.selectDefaultSROrAny(); LoadValues(); }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SrListBox.SR == null || SelectionNull || NameTextBox.Text == "" || !connection.IsConnected) { return; } if (DontCreateVDI) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = SrListBox.SR; if (!sr.shared && TheVM != null && TheVM.HaPriorityIsRestart()) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.NEW_SR_DIALOG_ATTACH_NON_SHARED_DISK_HA, Messages.XENCENTER), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo)) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } new HAUnprotectVMAction(TheVM).RunExternal(TheVM.Connection.Session); } VDI vdi = NewDisk(); if (TheVM != null) { var alreadyHasBootableDisk = HasBootableDisk(TheVM); Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction action = new Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING_TITLE, NameTextBox.Text, sr.NameWithoutHost), Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING, Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDED, delegate(XenAPI.Session session) { // Get legitimate unused userdevice numbers string[] uds = XenAPI.VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED); } string ud = uds[0]; string vdiref = VDI.create(session, vdi); XenAPI.VBD vbd = NewDevice(); vbd.VDI = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VDI>(vdiref); vbd.VM = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VM>(TheVM); // CA-44959: only make bootable if there aren't other bootable VBDs. vbd.bootable = ud == "0" && !alreadyHasBootableDisk; vbd.userdevice = ud; // Now try to plug the VBD. new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name, session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunAsync(); }); action.VM = TheVM; new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } else { CreateDiskAction action = new CreateDiskAction(vdi); new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether there is enough space available on the SR to accommodate a VDI. /// </summary> private static bool IsSufficientFreeSpaceAvailableOnSrForVdi(SR sr, VDI disk) { return(sr != null && sr.VdiCreationCanProceed(Helpers.GetRequiredSpaceToCreateVdiOnSr(sr, disk))); }
public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, VDI diskTemplate, Host affinity, bool canResize, long minSize, IEnumerable <VDI> vdiNamesInUse) : this(connection, vm, SrPicker.SRPickerType.VM, diskTemplate, affinity, canResize, minSize, vdiNamesInUse) { }
protected override void Run() { this.Description = Messages.ACTION_VM_MOVING; try { var vbds = Connection.ResolveAll(VM.VBDs); int halfstep = (int)(90 / (vbds.Count * 2)); // move the progress bar above 0, it's more reassuring to see than a blank bar as we copy the first disk PercentComplete += 10; Exception exn = null; foreach (VBD oldVBD in vbds) { if (!oldVBD.IsOwner) { continue; } var curVdi = Connection.Resolve(oldVBD.VDI); if (curVdi == null) { continue; } if (StorageMapping == null || !StorageMapping.ContainsKey(oldVBD.VDI.opaque_ref)) { continue; } SR sr = StorageMapping[oldVBD.VDI.opaque_ref]; if (sr == null || curVdi.SR.opaque_ref == sr.opaque_ref) { continue; } RelatedTask = XenAPI.VDI.async_copy(Session, oldVBD.VDI.opaque_ref, sr.opaque_ref); PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, PercentComplete + halfstep); var newVDI = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef <VDI>(Result)); var newVBD = new VBD { IsOwner = oldVBD.IsOwner, userdevice = oldVBD.userdevice, bootable = oldVBD.bootable, mode = oldVBD.mode, type = oldVBD.type, unpluggable = oldVBD.unpluggable, other_config = oldVBD.other_config, VDI = new XenRef <VDI>(newVDI.opaque_ref), VM = new XenRef <VM>(VM.opaque_ref) }; VBD vbd = oldVBD; BestEffort(ref exn, () => VDI.destroy(Session, vbd.VDI.opaque_ref)); Connection.WaitForCache <VBD>(VBD.create(Session, newVBD)); PercentComplete += halfstep; } if (SR != null) { VM.set_suspend_SR(Session, VM.opaque_ref, SR.opaque_ref); } if (exn != null) { throw exn; } } catch (CancelledException) { this.Description = string.Format(Messages.MOVE_CANCELLED, VM.Name); throw; } this.Description = Messages.MOVED; }
/// <summary> /// Detaches a specific VDI from a specific VM (VBD unplug + VBD destroy) /// </summary> /// <param name="mainWindow"></param> /// <param name="vdi">The VDI to detach</param> /// <param name="vm">The VM to detach it from</param> public DetachVirtualDiskCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, VDI vdi, VM vm) : base(mainWindow, vdi) { this.targetVM = vm; }
/// <summary> /// Detaches the VDI from all VMs (VBD unplug + VBD destroy) /// </summary> /// <param name="mainWindow"></param> /// <param name="vdi"></param> public DetachVirtualDiskCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, VDI vdi) : base(mainWindow, vdi) { }
private void AddDisks() { Description = Messages.CREATING_DISKS; List <VBD> vbds = Connection.ResolveAll(VM.VBDs); bool firstDisk = true; string suspendSr = null; double progress = 70; double step = 20.0 / (double)Disks.Count; foreach (DiskDescription disk in Disks) { VBD vbd = GetDiskVBD(disk, vbds); VDI vdi = null; if (vbd != null) { vdi = Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI); } if (!DiskOk(disk, vbd)) { if (vbd != null) { vdi = MoveDisk(disk, vbd, progress, step); } else { vdi = CreateDisk(disk, progress, step); } } if (vdi == null) { continue; } if (vdi.name_description != disk.Disk.name_description) { VDI.set_name_description(Session, vdi.opaque_ref, disk.Disk.name_description); } if (vdi.name_label != disk.Disk.name_label) { VDI.set_name_label(Session, vdi.opaque_ref, disk.Disk.name_label); } if (firstDisk) { //use the first disk to set the VM.suspend_SR SR vdiSR = Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); this.firstSR = vdiSR; if (vdiSR != null && !vdiSR.HBALunPerVDI()) { suspendSr = vdi.SR; } firstDisk = false; } progress += step; } VM.set_suspend_SR(Session, VM.opaque_ref, suspendSr); }
protected override string GetCantExecuteReasonCore(IXenObject item) { VBD vbd = item as VBD; if (vbd == null) { return(base.GetCantExecuteReasonCore(item)); } VDI vdi = vbd.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI); VM vm = vbd.Connection.Resolve <VM>(vbd.VM); if (vm == null || vm.not_a_real_vm() || vdi == null) { return(base.GetCantExecuteReasonCore(item)); } SR sr = vdi.Connection.Resolve <SR>(vdi.SR); if (sr == null) { return(Messages.SR_COULD_NOT_BE_CONTACTED); } if (vdi.Locked) { var vdiType = vdi.VDIType(); return(vdiType == VDI.FriendlyType.SNAPSHOT ? Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_SNAPSHOT_IN_USE : vdiType == VDI.FriendlyType.ISO ? Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_ISO_IN_USE : Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_VDI_IN_USE); } if (vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Running) { return(string.Format( Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_VDI_VM_NOT_RUNNING, Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(50))); } if (vdi.type == vdi_type.system && vbd.GetIsOwner()) { return(Messages.TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE_SYSVDI); } if (AreIODriversNeededAndMissing(vm)) { return(string.Format( vm.HasNewVirtualisationStates() ? Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_VDI_NEEDS_IO_DRIVERS : Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_VDI_NEEDS_TOOLS, Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(50))); } if (!vbd.currently_attached) { return(string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_NOT_ACTIVE, Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(50))); } return(base.GetCantExecuteReasonCore(item)); }
public DiskDescription(VDI disk, VBD device) { Disk = disk; Device = device; Type = DiskType.New; }
public RemoveStorageLinkVolumeCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, StorageLinkRepository slr, VDI vdi) : base(mainWindow, vdi) { _slr = slr; }
private string UploadSupplementalPack(SR sr) { this.Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING_TO, sr.Name); String result; log.DebugFormat("Creating vdi of size {0} bytes on SR '{1}'", diskSize, sr.Name); VDI vdi = NewVDI(sr); XenRef <VDI> vdiRef = null; try { vdiRef = VDI.create(Session, vdi); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", "Failed to create VDI", ex.Message); throw; } log.DebugFormat("Uploading file '{0}' to VDI '{1}' on SR '{2}'", suppPackFilePath, vdi.Name, sr.Name); Host localStorageHost = sr.GetStorageHost(); string hostUrl; if (localStorageHost == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(Session.Url); hostUrl = uri.Host; } else { log.DebugFormat("SR is not shared -- redirecting to {0}", localStorageHost.address); hostUrl = localStorageHost.address; } log.DebugFormat("Using {0} for import", hostUrl); try { HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent) { var actionPercent = (int)(((totalUploaded * 100) + percent) / totalCount); Tick(actionPercent, Description); }; Session session = NewSession(); RelatedTask = Task.create(Session, "uploadTask", hostUrl); result = HTTPHelper.Put(progressDelegate, GetCancelling, true, Connection, RelatedTask, ref session, suppPackFilePath, hostUrl, (HTTP_actions.put_sss)HTTP_actions.put_import_raw_vdi, session.uuid, vdiRef.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", "Failed to import a virtual disk via HTTP.", ex.Message); if (vdiRef != null) { RemoveVDI(Session, vdiRef); } throw; } finally { Task.destroy(Session, RelatedTask); RelatedTask = null; } if (localStorageHost != null) { VdiRefs.Add(localStorageHost, vdiRef); } else // shared SR { foreach (var server in servers) { VdiRefs.Add(server, vdiRef); } } totalUploaded++; Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADED, sr.Name); return(result); }
private string UploadSupplementalPack(SR sr) { this.Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING_TO, _updateName, sr.Name()); log.DebugFormat("Creating vdi of size {0} bytes on SR '{1}'", _totalUpdateSize, sr.Name()); VDI vdi = NewVDI(sr); var vdiRef = VDI.create(Session, vdi); Host localStorageHost = sr.GetStorageHost(); string hostUrl; if (localStorageHost == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(Session.Url); hostUrl = uri.Host; } else { log.DebugFormat("SR is not shared -- redirecting to {0}", localStorageHost.address); hostUrl = localStorageHost.address; } log.DebugFormat("Using {0} for import", hostUrl); string result; try { log.DebugFormat("Uploading file '{0}' to VDI '{1}' on SR '{2}'", suppPackFilePath, vdi.Name(), sr.Name()); HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent) { var sr1 = sr; var descr = string.Format(Messages.UPLOAD_PATCH_UPLOADING_TO_SR_PROGRESS_DESCRIPTION, _updateName, sr1.Name(), Util.DiskSizeString(percent * _totalUpdateSize / 100, "F1"), Util.DiskSizeString(_totalUpdateSize)); var actionPercent = (int)((totalUploaded * 100 + percent) / totalCount); ByteProgressDescription = descr; Tick(actionPercent, descr); }; Session session = NewSession(); RelatedTask = Task.create(Session, "uploadTask", hostUrl); result = HTTPHelper.Put(progressDelegate, GetCancelling, true, Connection, RelatedTask, ref session, suppPackFilePath, hostUrl, (HTTP_actions.put_sss)HTTP_actions.put_import_raw_vdi, session.opaque_ref, vdiRef.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed to import a virtual disk over HTTP", ex); if (vdiRef != null) { try { log.ErrorFormat("Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effort basis.", vdiRef.opaque_ref); Thread.Sleep(1000); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI.", removeEx); } } //after having tried to remove the VDI, the original exception is thrown for the UI if (ex is TargetInvocationException && ex.InnerException != null) { throw ex.InnerException; } else { throw; } } finally { Task.destroy(Session, RelatedTask); RelatedTask = null; } //introduce ISO for Ely and higher if (Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection)) { try { var poolUpdateRef = Pool_update.introduce(Connection.Session, vdiRef); poolUpdate = Connection.WaitForCache(poolUpdateRef); if (poolUpdate == null) { throw new Exception(Messages.UPDATE_ERROR_INTRODUCE); // This should not happen, because such case will result in a XAPI Failure. But this code has to be protected at this point. } } catch (Exception ex) { //clean-up the VDI we've just created try { log.ErrorFormat("Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effor basis.", vdiRef); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI", removeEx); } var failure = ex as Failure; if (failure != null && failure.ErrorDescription != null && failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.UPDATE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { string uuidFound = failure.ErrorDescription[1]; poolUpdate = Connection.Cache.Pool_updates.FirstOrDefault(pu => string.Equals(pu.uuid, uuidFound, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { log.Error("Failed to introduce the update", ex); poolUpdate = null; throw; } } } else { poolUpdate = null; } if (localStorageHost != null) { VdiRefsPerHost.Add(localStorageHost, vdiRef); } else // shared SR { foreach (var server in servers) { VdiRefsPerHost.Add(server, vdiRef); } } totalUploaded++; Description = string.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADED, sr.Name()); foreach (Host host in servers) { SrsWithUploadedUpdatesPerHost[host] = sr; } return(result); }
private VirtualTreeNode AddVDINode(VDI vdi) { String name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.Name) ? Messages.NO_NAME : vdi.Name; return(AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(vdi), false, vdi)); }
public LunComboBoxItem(VDI vdi) { Debug.Assert(vdi != null, "VDI passed to combobox was null"); Vdi = vdi; AdditionalConstraints = new List <Predicate <VDI> >(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether there is enough space available on the SR to accommodate a VDI. /// </summary> private static bool IsSufficientFreeSpaceAvailableOnSrForVdi(SR sr, VDI disk) { return(sr != null && !sr.IsFull() && sr.FreeSpace() > Helpers.GetRequiredSpaceToCreateVdiOnSr(sr, disk)); }
protected override void Run() { Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_MOVING_VDI, Helpers.GetName(vdi)); PercentComplete = 10; log.DebugFormat("Moving VDI '{0}'", Helpers.GetName(vdi)); RelatedTask = VDI.async_copy(Session, vdi.opaque_ref, SR.opaque_ref); PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, 60); VDI newVdi = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef <VDI>(Result)); // if the original is a suspend VDI, link the suspended VM to the new VDI if (vdi.type == vdi_type.suspend) { var suspendedVm = (from vm in Connection.Cache.VMs let suspendVdi = Connection.Resolve(vm.suspend_VDI) where suspendVdi != null && suspendVdi.uuid == vdi.uuid select vm).FirstOrDefault(); if (suspendedVm != null) { VM.set_suspend_VDI(Session, suspendedVm.opaque_ref, newVdi.opaque_ref); } } PercentComplete = 60; var newVbds = new List <VBD>(); foreach (var vbdRef in vdi.VBDs) { var oldVbd = Connection.Resolve(vbdRef); if (oldVbd == null) { continue; } var newVbd = new VBD { userdevice = oldVbd.userdevice, bootable = oldVbd.bootable, mode = oldVbd.mode, type = oldVbd.type, unpluggable = oldVbd.unpluggable, other_config = oldVbd.other_config, VDI = new XenRef <VDI>(newVdi.opaque_ref), VM = new XenRef <VM>(oldVbd.VM) }; newVbd.SetIsOwner(oldVbd.GetIsOwner()); newVbds.Add(newVbd); try { if (oldVbd.currently_attached && oldVbd.allowed_operations.Contains(vbd_operations.unplug)) { VBD.unplug(Session, vbdRef); } } finally { if (!oldVbd.currently_attached) { VBD.destroy(Session, vbdRef); } } } PercentComplete = 80; VDI.destroy(Session, vdi.opaque_ref); foreach (var newVbd in newVbds) { Connection.WaitForCache(VBD.create(Session, newVbd)); } PercentComplete = 100; Description = Messages.MOVED; log.DebugFormat("Moved VDI '{0}'", Helpers.GetName(vdi)); }
private void _copydisks(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string label, string targetPath) { m_iscsi = new iSCSI { UpdateHandler = iscsi_UpdateHandler, Cancel = Cancel //in case it has already been cancelled }; m_iscsi.ConfigureTvmNetwork(m_networkUuid, m_isTvmIpStatic, m_tvmIpAddress, m_tvmSubnetMask, m_tvmGateway); try { foreach (XenRef <VDI> vdiuuid in _vdiRefs) { string uuid = ""; string destinationFilename = ""; try { uuid = VDI.get_uuid(XenSession, vdiuuid); destinationFilename = Path.Combine(targetPath, string.Format(@"{0}.vhd", uuid)); if (File.Exists(destinationFilename)) { destinationFilename = Path.Combine(targetPath, string.Format(@"{0}_{1}.vhd", uuid, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)); OVF.UpdateFilename(ovfEnv, string.Format(@"{0}.vhd", uuid), string.Format(@"{0}_{1}.vhd", uuid, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)); log.InfoFormat("{0}: VHD Name collision, renamed {1}.vhd to {1}_{2}.vhd", label, uuid, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOn, "Export", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_SETUP, uuid + ".vhd"))); using (Stream source = m_iscsi.Connect(XenSession, uuid, true)) { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOff, "Export", "")); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(destinationFilename, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) { // Create a geometry to give to DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk.InitializeDynamic() just so it doesn't override capacity // when initializing the . DiscUtils.Geometry geometry = DiscUtils.Geometry.FromCapacity(source.Length); using (DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk destination = DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk.InitializeDynamic(fs, Ownership.None, source.Length, geometry)) { m_iscsi.Copy(source, destination.Content, Path.GetFileName(destinationFilename), ShouldVerifyDisks); } } } if (ShouldVerifyDisks) { using (var target = new DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk(destinationFilename, FileAccess.Read)) { m_iscsi.Verify(target.Content, destinationFilename); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) { throw; } var msg = string.Format(Messages.ISCSI_COPY_ERROR, destinationFilename); log.Error(msg); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.Failure, "Export", msg, ex)); throw new Exception(msg, ex); } finally { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOn, "Export", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_CLEANUP, uuid + ".vhd"))); m_iscsi.Disconnect(XenSession); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOff, "Export", "")); } } } finally { _vdiRefs.Clear(); } }
private void RefreshButtons() { bool srLocked = sr == null || sr.Locked; SelectedItemCollection vdis = SelectedVDIs; // Delete button DeleteVirtualDiskCommand deleteCmd = new DeleteVirtualDiskCommand(Program.MainWindow, vdis); // User has visibility that this disk is related to all it's VM. Allow deletion with multiple VBDs (non default behaviour), // but don't allow them to delete if a running vm is using the disk (default behaviour). deleteCmd.AllowMultipleVBDDelete = true; if (deleteCmd.CanExecute()) { RemoveButton.Enabled = true; RemoveButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); } else { RemoveButton.Enabled = false; RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(deleteCmd.ToolTipText); } // Move button Command moveCmd = MoveMigrateCommand(vdis); if (moveCmd.CanExecute()) { buttonMove.Enabled = true; toolTipContainerMove.RemoveAll(); } else { buttonMove.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerMove.SetToolTip(moveCmd.ToolTipText); } // Rescan button if (srLocked) { buttonRefresh.Enabled = false; } else if (HelpersGUI.BeingScanned(sr)) { buttonRefresh.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerRescan.SetToolTip(Messages.SCAN_IN_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP); } else { buttonRefresh.Enabled = true; toolTipContainerRescan.RemoveAll(); } // Add VDI button addVirtualDiskButton.Enabled = !srLocked; // Properties button if (vdis.Count == 1) { VDI vdi = vdis.AsXenObjects <VDI>()[0]; EditButton.Enabled = !srLocked && !vdi.is_a_snapshot && !vdi.Locked; } else { EditButton.Enabled = false; } // Remove drop down button removeDropDownButton.Enabled = deleteCmd.CanExecute(); }
private void LoadDisks() { DisksGridView.Rows.Clear(); var rowList = new List <DataGridViewRow>(); XmlNode provision = Template.ProvisionXml(); if (provision != null) { foreach (XmlNode diskNode in provision.ChildNodes) { var device = new VBD { userdevice = diskNode.Attributes["device"].Value, bootable = diskNode.Attributes["bootable"].Value == "true", mode = vbd_mode.RW }; var diskSize = long.Parse(diskNode.Attributes["size"].Value); SR srUuid = Connection.Cache.Find_By_Uuid <SR>(diskNode.Attributes["sr"].Value); SR sr = GetBestDiskStorage(Connection, diskSize, Affinity, srUuid, out Image icon, out string tooltip); var disk = new VDI { name_label = string.Format(Messages.STRING_SPACE_STRING, SelectedName, device.userdevice), name_description = Messages.NEWVMWIZARD_STORAGEPAGE_DISK_DESCRIPTION, virtual_size = diskSize, type = (vdi_type)Enum.Parse(typeof(vdi_type), diskNode.Attributes["type"].Value), read_only = false, SR = new XenRef <SR>(sr != null ? sr.opaque_ref : Helper.NullOpaqueRef) }; var row = new DiskGridRowItem(Connection, disk, device, DiskSource.FromDefaultTemplate); row.UpdateStatus(icon, tooltip); rowList.Add(row); } } else { var vbds = Connection.ResolveAll(Template.VBDs); foreach (VBD vbd in vbds) { if (vbd.type != vbd_type.Disk) { continue; } VDI vdi = Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); if (vdi == null) { continue; } var sourceSr = Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); var device = new VBD { userdevice = vbd.userdevice, bootable = vbd.bootable, mode = vbd.mode }; SR sr = GetBestDiskStorage(Connection, vdi.virtual_size, Affinity, Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR), out Image icon, out string tooltip); var disk = new VDI { name_label = vdi.name_label, name_description = vdi.name_description, virtual_size = vdi.virtual_size, type = vdi.type, read_only = vdi.read_only, sm_config = vdi.sm_config, SR = new XenRef <SR>(sr != null ? sr.opaque_ref : Helper.NullOpaqueRef) }; var row = new DiskGridRowItem(Connection, disk, device, DiskSource.FromCustomTemplate, sourceSr); row.UpdateStatus(icon, tooltip); rowList.Add(row); } } DisksGridView.Rows.AddRange(rowList.ToArray()); UpdateStatusForEachDisk(true); }
protected override void Run() { Description = String.Format(Messages.ACTION_VDI_LOAD_METADATA_STATUS, Connection.Resolve(_poolMetadata.Vdi.SR).Name()); log.DebugFormat("Loading metadata from VDI '{0}' on SR '{1}'", _poolMetadata.Vdi.Name(), Connection.Resolve(_poolMetadata.Vdi.SR).Name()); MetadataSessionRef = VDI.open_database(Session, _poolMetadata.Vdi.opaque_ref); PercentComplete = 30; if (MetadataSessionRef != null) { MetadataSession = null; try { MetadataSession = Session.get_record(Session, MetadataSessionRef); #region FIND POOL Dictionary <XenRef <XenAPI.Pool>, XenAPI.Pool> pools = XenAPI.Pool.get_all_records(MetadataSession); foreach (var pool in pools.Values) { _poolMetadata.Pool = pool; string poolName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(pool.name_label) && pool.master != null ? XenAPI.Host.get_name_label(MetadataSession, pool.master.opaque_ref) : pool.name_label; _poolMetadata.Pool.name_label = poolName; log.DebugFormat("Found metadata of pool '{0}' (UUID={1})", _poolMetadata.Pool.Name(), _poolMetadata.Pool.uuid); break; } #endregion /*if (_poolMetadata.Pool.uuid == Pool.uuid) // metadata of current pool * { * return; * }*/ _poolMetadata.VmAppliances = VM_appliance.get_all_records(MetadataSession); foreach (var vmAppRef in _poolMetadata.VmAppliances.Keys) { _poolMetadata.VmAppliances[vmAppRef].opaque_ref = vmAppRef.opaque_ref; } PercentComplete = 50; Dictionary <XenRef <VM>, VM> vms = VM.get_all_records(MetadataSession); foreach (var vmRef in vms.Keys) { VM vm = vms[vmRef]; if (vm.not_a_real_vm()) { continue; } vm.opaque_ref = vmRef.opaque_ref; _poolMetadata.Vms.Add(vmRef, vm); } } catch (Exception) { } } PercentComplete = 100; Description = Messages.ACTION_VDI_LOAD_METADATA_DONE; }
public CreateVMAction(IXenConnection connection, VM template, Host copyBiosStringsFrom, string name, string description, InstallMethod installMethod, string pvArgs, VDI cd, string url, BootMode bootMode, Host homeServer, long vcpusMax, long vcpusAtStartup, long memoryDynamicMin, long memoryDynamicMax, long memoryStaticMax, List <DiskDescription> disks, SR fullCopySR, List <VIF> vifs, bool startAfter, Action <VM, bool> warningDialogHAInvalidConfig, Action <VMStartAbstractAction, Failure> startDiagnosisForm, List <VGPU> vGpus, bool modifyVgpuSettings, long coresPerSocket, string cloudConfigDriveTemplateText) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.CREATE_VM, name), string.Format(Messages.CREATE_VM_FROM_TEMPLATE, name, Helpers.GetName(template))) { Template = template; CopyBiosStringsFrom = copyBiosStringsFrom; FullCopySR = fullCopySR; NameLabel = name; NameDescription = description; InsMethod = installMethod; PvArgs = pvArgs; Cd = cd; Url = url; BootMode = bootMode; HomeServer = homeServer; VcpusMax = vcpusMax; VcpusAtStartup = vcpusAtStartup; MemoryDynamicMin = memoryDynamicMin; MemoryDynamicMax = memoryDynamicMax; MemoryStaticMax = memoryStaticMax; Disks = disks; Vifs = vifs; StartAfter = startAfter; _warningDialogHAInvalidConfig = warningDialogHAInvalidConfig; _startDiagnosisForm = startDiagnosisForm; this.vGpus = vGpus; CoresPerSocket = coresPerSocket; this.cloudConfigDriveTemplateText = cloudConfigDriveTemplateText; Pool pool_of_one = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Connection); if (HomeServer != null || pool_of_one != null) // otherwise we have no where to put the action { AppliesTo.Add(HomeServer != null ? HomeServer.opaque_ref : pool_of_one.opaque_ref); } assignOrRemoveVgpu = vGpus != null && vGpus.Count > 0 || modifyVgpuSettings && Helpers.GpuCapability(Connection); #region RBAC Dependencies if (StartAfter) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vm.start"); } if (HomeServerChanged()) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vm.set_affinity"); } if (Template.memory_dynamic_min != MemoryDynamicMin || Template.memory_dynamic_max != MemoryDynamicMax || Template.memory_static_max != MemoryStaticMax) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vm.set_memory_limits"); } if (assignOrRemoveVgpu) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("VGPU.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("VGPU.create"); } ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(StaticRBACDependencies); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(Role.CommonTaskApiList); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(Role.CommonSessionApiList); #endregion }
public DiskListVdiItem(VDI vdi) { TheVDI = vdi; Update(); }