Пример #1
    // Init iso, destroy first, collections, header are ready.
    public void Init(int version, VCESceneSetting setting, VAOption options)
        // Destroy old data

        // Init header data
        m_HeadInfo          = new VCIsoHeadData();
        m_HeadInfo.Version  = version;
        m_HeadInfo.Category = setting.m_Category;
        m_HeadInfo.Author   = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Name     = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Desc     = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Remarks  = "<REMARKS />";
        m_HeadInfo.xSize    = setting.m_EditorSize.x;
        m_HeadInfo.ySize    = setting.m_EditorSize.y;
        m_HeadInfo.zSize    = setting.m_EditorSize.z;
        m_HeadInfo.IconTex  = new byte [0];

        // Allocate material, voxel, component, color.
        m_Materials   = new VAMaterial [MAT_ARR_CNT];
        m_DecalAssets = new VCDecalAsset[DECAL_ARR_CNT];
        m_Voxels      = new Dictionary <int, VCVoxel> ();
        m_Components  = new List <VCComponentData> ();
        m_Colors      = new Dictionary <int, Color32> ();

        // Option
        m_Options = options;
Пример #2
    // Member functions

    // Reset iso, destroy first, collections are ready.
    public void Reset(VAOption options)
        // Destroy old data

        // Set default header
        m_HeadInfo         = new VCIsoHeadData();
        m_HeadInfo.Author  = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Name    = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Desc    = "";
        m_HeadInfo.Remarks = "<REMARKS />";
        m_HeadInfo.IconTex = new byte [0];

        // Allocate material, voxel, component, color.
        m_Materials   = new VAMaterial [MAT_ARR_CNT];
        m_DecalAssets = new VCDecalAsset[DECAL_ARR_CNT];
        m_Voxels      = new Dictionary <int, VCVoxel> ();
        m_Components  = new List <VCComponentData> ();
        m_Colors      = new Dictionary <int, Color32> ();

        // Set options
        m_Options = options;
Пример #3
    public bool Import(byte[] buffer, VAOption options)
        if (buffer == null)
        int min_iso_size = 48;

        if (buffer.Length < min_iso_size)

        using (MemoryStream ms_iso = new MemoryStream(buffer))
            BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(ms_iso);

            // Header
            string check_str = r.ReadString();                  // r, string
            if (check_str != "VCISO")
            int l = 0;
            m_HeadInfo.Version  = r.ReadInt32();                // r, int
            m_HeadInfo.Category = (EVCCategory)(r.ReadInt32()); // r, int
            string author = "";
            if (m_HeadInfo.Version >= 0x02020000)
                author = r.ReadString();
            m_HeadInfo.Name = r.ReadString();                   // r, string
            m_HeadInfo.Desc = r.ReadString();                   // r, string
            string remarks = "";
            if (m_HeadInfo.Version >= 0x02020000)
                remarks = r.ReadString();
            m_HeadInfo.xSize = r.ReadInt32();    // r, int
            m_HeadInfo.ySize = r.ReadInt32();    // r, int
            m_HeadInfo.zSize = r.ReadInt32();    // r, int
            l = r.ReadInt32();                   // r, int
            m_HeadInfo.IconTex = r.ReadBytes(l); // r, byte[]

            m_HeadInfo.Author  = "";
            m_HeadInfo.Remarks = "";
            if (m_HeadInfo.Version >= 0x02020000)
                for (int c = 0; c < author.Length; ++c)
                    m_HeadInfo.Author += (char)(author[c] ^ (char)(0xAC));
                for (int c = 0; c < remarks.Length; ++c)
                    m_HeadInfo.Remarks += (char)(remarks[c] ^ (char)(0xAC));

            switch (m_HeadInfo.Version)
            case 0x02000000:
            case 0x02010000:
            case 0x02020000:
            case 0x02020001:
                // Counts
                int mat_cnt = r.ReadInt32();                    // r, int
                int dcl_cnt = 0;
                if (m_HeadInfo.Version >= 0x02010000)
                    dcl_cnt = r.ReadInt32();                    // r, int
                int com_cnt = r.ReadInt32();                    // r, int
                int vxl_cnt = r.ReadInt32();                    // r, int
                int clr_cnt = r.ReadInt32();                    // r, int

                // Materials
                for (int i = 0; i < mat_cnt; ++i)
                    ulong guid = r.ReadUInt64();                        // r, ulong;
                    if (guid != 0)
                        l = r.ReadInt32();                              // r, int
                        byte[] mat_buffer = r.ReadBytes(l);             // r, byte[]

                        // Option
                        // If for editor, find mats in VCEAssetMgr for the iso, or create mats in VCEAssetMgr.
                        if (m_Options.ForEditor)
                            //if ( VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials.ContainsKey(guid) )
                            //    m_Materials[i] = VCEAssetMgr.s_Materials[guid];
                            //    VAMaterial vcmat = new VAMaterial ();
                            //    vcmat.Import(mat_buffer);
                            //    VCEAssetMgr.s_TempMaterials.Add(guid, vcmat);
                            //    m_Materials[i] = vcmat;
                        // If not for editor, these materials are belong to the iso.
                            m_Materials[i] = new VAMaterial();
                // Decals
                for (int i = 0; i < dcl_cnt; ++i)
                    ulong guid = r.ReadUInt64();                        // r, ulong;
                    if (guid != 0)
                        l = r.ReadInt32();                              // r, int
                        byte[] dcl_buffer = r.ReadBytes(l);             // r, byte[]

                        // Option
                        // If for editor, find decals in VCEAssetMgr for the iso, or create decals in VCEAssetMgr.
                        if (m_Options.ForEditor)
                            if (VCEAssetMgr.s_Decals.ContainsKey(guid))
                                m_DecalAssets[i] = VCEAssetMgr.s_Decals[guid];
                                VCDecalAsset vcdcl = new VCDecalAsset();
                                VCEAssetMgr.s_TempDecals.Add(guid, vcdcl);
                                m_DecalAssets[i] = vcdcl;
                        // If not for editor, these decals are belong to the iso.
                            m_DecalAssets[i] = new VCDecalAsset();

                // Read compressed data
                using (MemoryStream ms_zip = new MemoryStream())
                    l = r.ReadInt32();                          // r, int
                    ms_zip.Write(r.ReadBytes(l), 0, l);         // r, byte[]	zip, byte[]

                    // Decompress data
                    using (MemoryStream ms_unzip = new MemoryStream())
                        ms_zip.Seek((long)(0), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        IonicZlib.Decompress(ms_zip, ms_unzip);
                        ms_unzip.Seek((long)(0), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        BinaryReader r_unzip = new BinaryReader(ms_unzip);

                        // Components
                        for (int i = 0; i < com_cnt; ++i)
                            l = r_unzip.ReadInt32();                                    // unzip, int
                            if (l > 0)
                                byte[]          com_buffer = r_unzip.ReadBytes(l);                              // unzip, byte[]
                                EVCComponent    com_type   = (EVCComponent)(r_unzip.ReadInt32());               // unzip, int
                                VCComponentData cdata      = VCComponentData.Create(com_type, com_buffer);
                                if (cdata != null)
                                    //cdata.m_CurrIso = this;

                        if (m_HeadInfo.Version >= 0x02020001)
                            ulong sig = r_unzip.ReadUInt64();
                            if (m_HeadInfo.HeadSignature != sig)
                                Debug.LogError("Check sig failed");

                        // Voxels
                        for (int i = 0; i < vxl_cnt; ++i)
                            int    key = r_unzip.ReadInt32();                           // unzip, int
                            ushort val = r_unzip.ReadUInt16();                          // unzip, ushort
                            m_Voxels[key] = (VCVoxel)(val);

                        // Colors
                        for (int i = 0; i < clr_cnt; ++i)
                            int     key = r_unzip.ReadInt32();                          // unzip, int
                            Color32 val;
                            val.r = r_unzip.ReadByte();                                 // unzip, byte
                            val.g = r_unzip.ReadByte();                                 // unzip, byte
                            val.b = r_unzip.ReadByte();                                 // unzip, byte
                            val.a = r_unzip.ReadByte();                                 // unzip, byte
                            m_Colors.Add(key, val);

            default: return(false);