protected void InvoicesGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowIndex != -1)
            DBConnection obj = new DBConnection();
                HyperLink lnkProperty = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("hlkProperty");
                if (lnkProperty != null)
                    string vNum = lnkProperty.Text;

                    //get city, state, country using property number

                    DataTable dt = VADBCommander.CityStatePropertyInd(vNum);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string vCity = dt.Rows[0]["city"].ToString();
                        vNum = dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString();

                        dt = VADBCommander.StateProvinceNamedInd(vNum);
                        string vState = dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString();
                        vNum = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString();

                        dt = VADBCommander.CountryInd(vNum);
                        string vCountry = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString();

                        lnkProperty.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/" + vState + "/" + vCity + "/" + lnkProperty.Text + "/default.aspx");
            catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error with response"); }
            finally { obj.CloseConnection(); }
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblHeaderMsg.Text = "Click on dates to reserve/unreserve for property " + Request.QueryString["PropertyID"].ToString();

        if (!IsPostBack)

            DBConnection    obj        = new DBConnection();
            List <DateTime> DatesTaken = new List <DateTime>();

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt = VADBCommander.PropertyAvailDatesByProperty(Request.QueryString["PropertyID"].ToString());

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            Session["DatesTaken"] = DatesTaken;
            if (DatesTaken.Count > 0)
                chkDisplay.Checked = true;

            dt = VADBCommander.CityStatePropertyInd(Request.QueryString["PropertyID"].ToString());

            lblCityPage.Text = "Your calendar will be displayed next to your listing on the " + dt.Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + " page.";

            string stateID  = dt.Rows[0]["stateID"].ToString();
            string cityName = dt.Rows[0]["City"].ToString();

            dt = VADBCommander.StateCountryList(stateID);

            //lnkCityPage.PostBackUrl = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString() + "/" + dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString() + "/" + cityName + "/default.aspx";
            lnkCity.NavigateUrl = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString() + "/" + dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString() + "/" + cityName + "/default.aspx";
            lnkCity.Text        = "View calendar on " + cityName + " page.";
            lblHeaderMsg.Text   = "Calendar is displayed on Actual " + cityName + " webpage.";
        if (Session["curDate"] != null)
            Calendar1.TodaysDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["curDate"]);

        if (Session["DatesDiscard"] == null)
            List <DateTime> DatesDiscard = new List <DateTime>();
            Session["DatesDiscard"] = DatesDiscard;
    //protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(EmailsAdapter);

        //if (propertyid == -1)
        //    Response.Redirect (CommonFunctions.PrepareURL ("default.aspx"), true);

        //string connectionstring = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

        //CommonFunctions.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionstring;

        PropertiesAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters["@PropertyID"].Value = propertyid;
        PhotosAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters["@PropertyID"].Value     = propertyid;

        //lock (CommonFunctions.Connection)
        if (PropertiesAdapter.Fill(PropertiesFullSet) < 1)
        //lock (CommonFunctions.Connection)

        if (!(bool)PropertiesFullSet.Tables["Properties"].Rows[0]["IfApproved"] &&
            (!AuthenticationManager.IfAuthenticated ||
             ((AuthenticationManager.UserID != (int)PropertiesFullSet.Tables["Properties"].Rows[0]["UserID"]) &&
            Response.Redirect(backlinkurl, true);

        BackLink.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL("ViewProperty.aspx?PropertyID=" + propertyid.ToString(),

        if (!IsPostBack)

        //new link menu
        DBConnection obj = new DBConnection();

            string vNum = propertyid.ToString();

            //get city, state, country using property number

            DataTable dt = VADBCommander.CityStatePropertyInd(vNum);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string vCity = dt.Rows[0]["city"].ToString();
                vNum = dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString();

                dt = VADBCommander.StateProvinceNamedInd(vNum);
                string vState = dt.Rows[0]["state"].ToString();
                vNum = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString();

                dt = VADBCommander.CountryInd(vNum);
                string vCountry = dt.Rows[0]["country"].ToString();

                //lnkCountry.Text = vCountry;
                //lnkCountry.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/default.aspx");

                //lnkState.Text = vState;
                //lnkState.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/" + vState + "/default.aspx");

                //lnkCity.Text = vCity;
                //lnkCity.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/" + vState + "/" + vCity + "/default.aspx");

                lnkProperty.Text        = "Property #" + propertyid.ToString();
                lnkProperty.NavigateUrl = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/" + vState + "/" + vCity + "/" + propertyid + "/default.aspx");

                Session["emailReturnURL"] = CommonFunctions.PrepareURL(vCountry + "/" + vState + "/" + vCity + "/default.aspx");
        catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error with response"); }
        finally { obj.CloseConnection(); }