Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Does to resizing of the browser control buttons to scale for the current screen resolution (full screen).
        /// </summary>
        private void ResizeButtons()
            RemoveHiddenButtons();                                                                                        // remove the "disabled" buttons from their parent panel..

            int spacing   = 1920 / 100 + 1;                                                                               // my screen width.. voodoo and/or hoodoo magic :-)
            int leftStart = Width - (pnButtons.Height * pnButtons.Controls.Count) - (pnButtons.Controls.Count * spacing); // Calculate the most left position for the browser control buttons

            leftStart /= 2;                                                                                               // some division for some reason
            foreach (Control ctrl in pnButtons.Controls)                                                                  // Go thought the browser control buttons
                if (ctrl.GetType() != typeof(Panel))                                                                      // We use Panel class instances as buttons..
                    continue;                                                                                             // So, if not panel then do nothing..

                (ctrl as Panel).Top    = 0;
                (ctrl as Panel).Width  = pnButtons.Height; // The height is the correct value for width and height to make a square button (Panel)
                (ctrl as Panel).Height = pnButtons.Height;
                (ctrl as Panel).Left   = leftStart +
                                         Convert.ToInt32((ctrl as Panel).Tag.ToString()) * pnButtons.Height + // pnButtons is anchored, so it will give us the correct height for the buttons
                                         Convert.ToInt32((ctrl as Panel).Tag.ToString()) * spacing;           // add some space between the browser control buttons..
                                                                                                              // The ordering of the buttons is indicated by their Tag value, so use it for calculation too..

            tlpPopDown.ColumnStyles[0].Width = leftStart / 2;                          // Span the right and left outer-most columns of the TableLayoutPanel..
            tlpPopDown.ColumnStyles[tlpPopDown.ColumnCount - 1].Width = leftStart / 2; // ..
            UtilsMisc.ResizeFontWidthHeight(lbUrl);                                    // Resize the labels fonts
            UtilsMisc.ResizeFontHeight(lbToolTip, true);                               // END: Resize the labels fonts
Пример #2
 // resize/layout some content in the dialog when shown..
 private void SelectCustomContentDialog_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // if there is no given caption, resize the table layout panel accordingly..
     if (textCaption == string.Empty)
         lbCaption.Visible    = false;
         tlpMain.RowStyles[0] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 0);
         tlpMain.RowStyles[1] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 90);
         tlpMain.RowStyles[2] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 10);
     // if there is a given caption, resize the table layout panel accordingly..
         lbCaption.Visible    = true;
         tlpMain.RowStyles[0] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 10);
         tlpMain.RowStyles[1] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 80);
         tlpMain.RowStyles[2] = new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 10);
         UtilsMisc.ResizeFontHeight(lbCaption, true); // Resize the labels fonts
     // END: Resize the labels fonts
Пример #3
        // list the location(s) or URL(s) given to the control via an event subscribtion..
        private void ListLocations(string debugWhoCalled)
            SuspendLayout();                                              // do not "excessively" stress the (G)UI..
            pnLocationList.SuspendLayout();                               // AGAIN: do not "excessively" stress the (G)UI..

            vsbVertical.Width = SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth; // make the visual scroll bar to the size of the automatic scroll bar..
            // .. so it can be "hidden"..

            // clear the previously constructed controls and unsubscribe their event handlers..

            // do show the backward and forward buttons only if a property requires a visibility..
            tlpBackForward.Visible = BackForwardButtonsVisible;
            // do show the add button only if a property requires a visibility..
            pnAddSomething.Visible = AddLocationButtonVisible;

            pnAddSomething.BackgroundImage = AddLocationButtonVisible ? AddItemButton : null;       // assign the add "button" image if required (visible)..
            pnBack.BackgroundImage         = BackForwardButtonsVisible ? BackButtonImage : null;    // assign the backward "button" image if required (visible)..
            pnForward.BackgroundImage      = BackForwardButtonsVisible ? ForwardButtonImage : null; // assign the forward "button" image if required (visible)..

            // if visibility is required set their sizes accordingly..
            tlpMain.RowStyles[0] = BackForwardButtonsVisible ?
                                   new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, ItemMaxHeight) : // visibility - so the size must be of some value..
                                   new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0.0f);           // no visibility - so the size must of value of zero..

            tlpMain.RowStyles[2] = AddLocationButtonVisible ?
                                   new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, ItemMaxHeight) : // visibility - so the size must be of some value..
                                   new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0.0f);           // no visibility - so the size must of value of zero..

            int topPosition = 0;                                                    // this would be the top position of an item in the list of location(s) or URL(s).. do remember to increase!

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> location in locationList)
                // A TableLayoutPanel for an item
                TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel = new TableLayoutPanel
                    RowCount    = 1,                                                    // only one row is needed..
                    ColumnCount = 2                                                     // two column are required..
                };                                                                      // create the "base" control for an item in the list of (you know)..
                tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100.0f)); // as there is only one row is's size is 100%..

                // if a delete item button is required the give it a reasonable size..
                if (ShowDeleteButton)
                    tableLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100.0f));
                else // ..otherwise give it a useless size..
                    tableLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0.0f));

                // create a base for an item (TableLayoutPanel) based on the property of ItemMaxHeight's value..
                tableLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, ItemMaxHeight));    // ..do create a column style for it..
                tableLayoutPanel.Margin      = new Padding(0);                                           // no margins are required as the control is designed to serve in a full screen mode..
                tableLayoutPanel.MaximumSize = new Size(pnLocationList.ClientSize.Width, ItemMaxHeight); // .. for layout safety, do add it a constraint..
                tableLayoutPanel.Size        = new Size(pnLocationList.ClientSize.Width, ItemMaxHeight); // do set the size for an item..
                tableLayoutPanel.Location    = new Point(0, topPosition);                                // .. and give it a "reasonable" position..
                topPosition               += ItemMaxHeight;                                              // .. and align it to it's parent..
                tableLayoutPanel.Tag       = location.Value;                                             // save an actual location to the control's tag..
                tableLayoutPanel.BackColor = ItemBackgroundColor;                                        // and now give them their given colors..
                tableLayoutPanel.ForeColor = ItemForeColor;

                // A Label for an item..
                Label label = new Label
                    Text      = location.Value,      // text should differ from it's actual location..
                    Tag       = location.Key,        // AGAIN: save an actual location to the control's tag..
                    BackColor = ItemBackgroundColor, // and now give them their given colors..
                    ForeColor = ItemForeColor,
                    Dock      = DockStyle.Fill,      // dock the control to fill its given location..
                    Margin    = new Padding(0)       // no padding..
                };                                   // .. so create a label..

                // measure the font to fit the label using a long string of Unicode characters..
                UtilsMisc.ResizeFontHeight(label, true, 0.5f, ItemMaxHeight);

                // add the label to it's parent
                tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(label, 0, 0);
                label.Parent      = tableLayoutPanel; // subscribe to event handlers so the control can react to user input correctly..
                label.MouseEnter += ItemMouseEnter;
                label.MouseLeave += ItemMouseLeave;
                label.Click      += ItemClickHandler; // END: subscribe to event handlers so the control can react to user input correctly..

                // A Panel for to act as a button for item's deletion
                if (ShowDeleteButton)                                  // no need to create this if it's not visible
                    Panel panel = new Panel();                         // create a panel to act as a button..
                    panel.SuspendLayout();                             // do not "excessively" stress the (G)UI..
                    panel.Tag                   = location.Key;        // just add the Tag and "Text" properties to the item's actual location..
                    panel.Text                  = location.Key;
                    panel.BackColor             = ItemBackgroundColor; // and now give "button" their given colors..
                    panel.ForeColor             = ItemForeColor;
                    panel.Dock                  = DockStyle.Fill;      // dock can be set to fill, the column style should handle the rest..
                    panel.Margin                = new Padding(0);      // no padding..
                    panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;    // make the image to fit the panel..
                    panel.BackgroundImage       = DeleteItemImage;     // assign the image to the panel acting as a button..
                    tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(panel, 1, 0);        // add the panel to it's parent (the item holder)..
                    panel.Parent      = tableLayoutPanel;              // assign the correct parent for the panel..
                    panel.MouseEnter += ItemMouseEnter;                // subscribe to event handlers so the control can react to user input correctly..
                    panel.MouseLeave += ItemMouseLeave;
                    panel.Click      += ItemClickHandler;              // END: subscribe to event handlers so the control can react to user input correctly..
                    panel.ResumeLayout();                              // do not "excessively" stress the (G)UI..

                pnLocationList.Controls.Add(tableLayoutPanel); // a location item is no ready to be added to the parent control..
                tableLayoutPanel.Parent = pnLocationList;      // .. give the item a parent..

            pnLocationList.ResumeLayout(); // no "excessively" (G)UI stressing isn't coming by the layout anymore..
            DoNoHScroll();                 // hide horizontal scrolling..