Пример #1
 private void SetNews(List <News> news)
     foreach (var item in news)
         NewsUc      newsUc = new NewsUc();
         BitmapImage image  = new BitmapImage();
         if (item.Image != null)
             if (!PreName.Equals(item.Image.Name))
                 image = new BitmapImage();
                 Uri uri = new Uri(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Utillity.GetInstance().ByteToImage(item.Image)));
                 image       = new BitmapImage(uri);
                 PreviousImg = uri;
                 image = new BitmapImage(PreviousImg);
             newsUc.FillialTb.Text      = CurrentComplex.Name + " " + CurrentComplex.Address.City.Name + " " + CurrentComplex.Address.Street.Name + " " + CurrentComplex.Address.House;
             newsUc.ImgNews.ImageSource = image;
             newsUc.NewsName.Text       = item.Name;
             PreName = item.Image.Name;
             newsUc.NewsName.Text         = item.Name;
             newsUc.FormForImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
Пример #2
        private void AddFinallyBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewsNameTb.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewsAboutTb.Text))
                NewsNew = new News
                    Name     = NewsNameTb.Text,
                    About    = NewsAboutTb.Text,
                    DateNews = DateTime.Now,
                    Complex  = CurrentComplex

                if (IsSetImage)
                    NewsNew.Image = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte(openFile.FileName);

Пример #3
        // TODO: Contrustor vazio pro EF
        public Cliente()
            this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var codPrefixo = Id.ToString().Substring(4, 5);
            var codSufixo  = Utillity.GetCodigo().ToString("0000");

            this.CodigoCliente = codPrefixo + codSufixo;
            Enderecos          = new List <Endereco>();
        public ScheduleOfOneUc(Schedules schedule)
            DataContext = this;

            Schedule = schedule;
            BitmapImage bit = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(Utillity.GetInstance().ByteToImage(Schedule.Coach.ProfileImg))));

            ProfileImg.ImageSource = bit;
            ProfileNameTb.Text     = $"{Schedule.Coach.Name} {Schedule.Coach.SurName}";
            TimeStart.Text         = Schedule.TimeStart.ToShortTimeString();
            Duration.Text          = Schedule.Duration.ToString() + ".h";
        /// <summary>Creates a new instance of <see cref="NBTWriter"/></summary>
        static NBTWriter()
            NBTWriter.Writers = new Dictionary <NBTTagType, ITagWriter>();

            List <ITagWriter> Writers = Utillity.GetInterfaces <ITagWriter>();
            Int32             Length  = Writers.Count;

            for (Int32 I = 0; I < Length; I++)
                for (Int32 J = 0; J < Writers[I].ForType.Length; J++)
                    NBTWriter.Writers[Writers[I].ForType[J]] = Writers[I];
Пример #6
        /// <summary>Creates a new instance of <see cref="NBTReader"/></summary>
        static NBTReader()
            NBTReader.Readers = new Dictionary <NBTTagType, ITagReader>();

            List <ITagReader> Readers = Utillity.GetInterfaces <ITagReader>();
            Int32             Length  = Readers.Count;

            for (Int32 I = 0; I < Length; I++)
                for (Int32 J = 0; J < Readers[I].ForType.Length; J++)
                    NBTReader.Readers[Readers[I].ForType[J]] = Readers[I];
Пример #7
        public void ChangeDirection(Direction newDirection)
            SnakeHead head = ((SnakeHead)this.Pieces[0]);

            int[] newDirChanges = Utillity.GetCoordDiffByDirection(newDirection);
            if (this.Pieces.Count > 1)
                if (head.X + newDirChanges[0] != this.Pieces[1].X && head.Y + newDirChanges[1] != this.Pieces[1].Y)
                    head.Facing = newDirection;
                head.Facing = newDirection;
        private void AddFinallyBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AddedNews = new News
                Name     = NewsNameTb.Text,
                About    = NewsAboutTb.Text,
                DateNews = DateTime.Now

            if (openFile != null)
                if (!openFile.FileName.Equals(string.Empty))
                    AddedNews.Image = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte(openFile.SafeFileName);
Пример #9
    public void ShowPlayerPreview(PlayerInfo[] targetPlayerInfo)
        if (!gameObject.activeSelf)

        GUIHelper.Instance.DestroyChildImmediatly <PlayerPreviewHolder> (layout_PlayerPreviewParent);

        PlayerPreviewHolder[] newPlayerPreviewHolderArr = GUIHelper.Instance.InstantiateTUnderParent <PlayerPreviewHolder, PlayerInfo>
                                                              (targetPlayerInfo, playerPreviewPrefab, layout_PlayerPreviewParent);
        for (int i = 0; i < newPlayerPreviewHolderArr.Length; i++)
            newPlayerPreviewHolderArr [i].Init(i, targetPlayerInfo [i]);

        allSceneInfoArr = Utillity.ShuffleArray(allSceneInfoArr);
Пример #10
        void update(ref List <double> nodes, ref List <double> nextNodes)
        {                                                                             //this translates the input bits of the current states to the output bits of the next states
            int    input        = Utillity.vectorToBitToInt(ref nodes, inputs, true); // converts the input values into an index (true indicates to reverse order)
            int    outputColumn = 0;
            Random random       = new Random();
            double r            = random.NextDouble(); // r will determine with set of outputs will be chosen

            while (r > table[input][outputColumn])
                r -= table[input][outputColumn]; // this goes across the probability table in row for the given input and subtracts each
                                                 // value in the table from r until r is less than a value it reaches
                outputColumn++;                  // we have not found the correct output so move to the next output
            //convert the int outputcolumn to a binary (2->010)
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Count(); i++)                                             //for each output...
                nextNodes[outputs[i]] += 1.0 * ((outputColumn >> (outputs.Count() - 1 - i)) & 1); // convert output (the column number) to bits and pack into next states
            // but always put the last bit in the first input (to maintain consistancy)
Пример #11
    void Update()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))

        Vector3 inputDirection = GetInput();

        if (inputDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.25f)
        Vector3 turretDir = Utillity.GetWorldPointFromScreenPoint(Input.mousePosition, m_pMotor.m_turret.position.y) - m_pMotor.m_turret.position;

Пример #12
        private void OpenDashboard()
            SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(244, 67, 54));

            if (emailTb.Text.Equals(string.Empty))
                packIcon1.Foreground = brush;
                packIcon1.Opacity    = 1;
            else if (passBox.Password.Equals(string.Empty))
                packIcon2.Foreground = brush;
                packIcon2.Opacity    = 1;
                AccountRepository accountRepository = AccountRepository.GetInstance();
                var account = accountRepository.Get(emailTb.Text);
                if (account != null)
                    if (account.Password.Equals(Utillity.GetInstance().GetHash(passBox.Password)))
                        Complex cmpl = new Complex();

                        var cmplx = ComplexRepository.GetInstance().GetAll();
                        foreach (var item in cmplx)
                            var staff = item.Staffs.ToList();
                            foreach (var s in staff)
                                if (s.Account.Login.Equals(account.Login))
                                    cmpl = item;

                        Main = new MainWindow {
                            CurrentComplex = cmpl
                        Main.StatusBar.Items.Add(new TextBlock
                            Text = $"{cmpl.Name + " " + cmpl.Address.City.Name + " " + cmpl.Address.Street.Name + " " + cmpl.Address.House}",
                            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                            Margin = new Thickness(500, 0, 0, 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Wrong password!\nPlease try again", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                    MessageBox.Show("Wrong email!\nPlease try again", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);
        } //открытие главного окна
Пример #13
        protected override void Seed(DBContext context)
                #region Инициализация комплекса полностью

                Position position = new Position
                    Name = "Тренер"

                Position position2 = new Position
                    Name = "Администартор"

                City city = new City
                    Name = "Днепр"

                City city2 = new City
                    Name = "Киев"

                StreetType streetType = new StreetType
                    NameType = "Проспект"

                streetType = new StreetType
                    NameType = "Улица"

                Streets street = new Streets
                    Name       = "Дмитрия Яворницкого",
                    StreetType = streetType
                context.Entry(city).State       = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(city2).State      = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(streetType).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(street).State     = EntityState.Added;

                Complex complex = new Complex
                    Name               = "Sport Fit",
                    Images             = new List <Images>(),
                    News               = new List <News>(),
                    AdditionalServices = new List <AdditionalServices>(),
                    Address            = new Address
                        City   = city,
                        Street = street,
                        House  = "3"

                Images images = new Images();

                string   path = @"gym.ipg";
                FileInfo fi   = new FileInfo(path);

                images.Name      = fi.Name.Substring(0, fi.Name.LastIndexOf('.'));
                images.Extension = fi.Extension;

                byte[] img;
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("gym.jpg", FileMode.Open))
                    img = new byte[fs.Length];
                    fs.Read(img, 0, img.Length);

                images.Link = img;

                context.Entry(complex).State = EntityState.Added;


                #region Инициализация сотрудников

                var pass = Utillity.GetInstance().GetHash("admin");

                Staff admin = new Staff
                    Name           = "Павел",
                    SurName        = "Дуров",
                    PhoneNumber    = "0950505055",
                    WorkExperience = 1.5f,
                    Position       = position2,
                    Account        = new Accounts
                        Login    = "******",
                        Password = pass
                    Complex = complex
                context.Entry(admin).State = EntityState.Added;

                Staff coach = new Staff
                    Name           = "Oleg",
                    SurName        = "Melnik",
                    PhoneNumber    = "0505555551",
                    WorkExperience = 10,
                    Position       = position,
                    Account        = new Accounts
                        Login    = "******",
                        Password = "******"
                    Complex    = complex,
                    ProfileImg = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte(Path.GetFullPath("prof1.jpg"))
                context.Entry(coach).State = EntityState.Added;

                coach = new Staff
                    Name           = "Kirill",
                    SurName        = "Goyda",
                    PhoneNumber    = "0505555553",
                    WorkExperience = 2,
                    Position       = position,
                    Account        = new Accounts
                        Login    = "******",
                        Password = "******"
                    Complex    = complex,
                    ProfileImg = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte(Path.GetFullPath("prof.jpg"))
                context.Entry(coach).State = EntityState.Added;

                AdditionalServices additionalServices = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "Pool",
                    Price = 150
                AdditionalServices additionalServices1 = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "Yoga",
                    Price = 150
                AdditionalServices additionalServices2 = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "Fitnes",
                    Price = 150
                AdditionalServices additionalServices3 = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "SPA",
                    Price = 150
                AdditionalServices additionalServices4 = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "Sauna",
                    Price = 250
                AdditionalServices additionalServices5 = new AdditionalServices
                    Name  = "Pilates",
                    Price = 255

                context.Entry(additionalServices).State  = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(additionalServices1).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(additionalServices2).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(additionalServices3).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(additionalServices4).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(additionalServices5).State = EntityState.Added;


                SubscriptionType subscriptionType = new SubscriptionType
                    Name = "Безлимит"

                Subscriptions subscriptions = new Subscriptions
                    Price            = 350,
                    SubscriptionType = subscriptionType,
                    StartDate        = new DateTime(2018, 12, 04),
                    EndDate          = new DateTime(2019, 01, 04)

                context.Entry(subscriptionType).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(subscriptions).State    = EntityState.Added;

                Schedules schedules = new Schedules
                    TimeStart = new DateTime(2018, 04, 12, 12, 10, 00),
                    Date      = DateTime.Now,
                    Duration  = 1,
                    Coach     = coach,
                    Services  = additionalServices
                context.Entry(schedules).State = EntityState.Added;

                schedules = new Schedules
                    TimeStart = new DateTime(2018, 04, 12, 12, 10, 00),
                    Date      = DateTime.Now,
                    Duration  = 1,
                    Coach     = new Staff
                        Name           = "Oleg",
                        SurName        = "Melnik",
                        PhoneNumber    = "0505555551",
                        WorkExperience = 10,
                        Position       = position,
                        Account        = new Accounts
                            Login    = "******",
                            Password = "******"
                        Complex    = complex,
                        ProfileImg = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte(Path.GetFullPath("prof1.jpg"))
                    Services = additionalServices
                context.Entry(schedules).State = EntityState.Added;


                #region Инициализация клиента

                Clients client = new Clients
                    Name        = "Name1",
                    SurName     = "Surname1",
                    PhoneNumber = "05035353535",

                context.Entry(client).State = EntityState.Added;


                #region Инициализация Новостей
                Images iMg = Utillity.GetInstance().ImageToByte("gym.jpg");

                context.Entry(iMg).State = EntityState.Added;

                News news = new News
                    Name     = "gick pau",
                    About    = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae vestibulum ex. Donec nec ipsum ac ligula pharetra convallis vel at purus. Fusce dignissim ultricies gravida. Duis risus mi, mollis sit amet pulvinar ut, dignissim vitae ex. Vestibulum placerat ligula at aliquam posuere. Nullam vel sagittis libero.",
                    Complex  = complex,
                    DateNews = new DateTime(2018, 12, 05, 13, 11, 00),
                    Image    = iMg
                context.Entry(news).State = EntityState.Added;

                news = new News
                    Name     = "Sale, sale, sale!!!",
                    About    = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae vestibulum ex. Donec nec ipsum ac ligula pharetra convallis vel at purus. Fusce dignissim ultricies gravida. Duis risus mi, mollis sit amet pulvinar ut, dignissim vitae ex. Vestibulum placerat ligula at aliquam posuere. Nullam vel sagittis libero.",
                    Complex  = complex,
                    DateNews = new DateTime(2018, 12, 05, 13, 11, 00),
                    Image    = iMg
                context.Entry(news).State = EntityState.Added;

                news = new News
                    Name     = "Sale, sale, sale!!!",
                    About    = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae vestibulum ex. Donec nec ipsum ac ligula pharetra convallis vel at purus. Fusce dignissim ultricies gravida. Duis risus mi, mollis sit amet pulvinar ut, dignissim vitae ex. Vestibulum placerat ligula at aliquam posuere. Nullam vel sagittis libero.",
                    Complex  = complex,
                    DateNews = new DateTime(2018, 12, 05, 13, 11, 00),
                    Image    = iMg
                context.Entry(news).State = EntityState.Added;


                #region Инициализация Акций
                Stocks stock = new Stocks
                    Name              = "Stock1",
                    AmountOfDiscount  = 25,
                    AdditionalService = additionalServices,
                    About             = "About",
                    StartDate         = new DateTime(2018, 12, 05),
                    EndDate           = new DateTime(2018, 12, 15)
                context.Entry(stock).State = EntityState.Added;

                #region Инициализация Заметок
                Tasks task1 = new Tasks
                    Name  = "Task1",
                    About = "About About About About"

                Tasks task2 = new Tasks
                    Name  = "Task2",
                    About = "About About About About About HelloWorld"
                Tasks task3 = new Tasks
                    Name  = "Task3",
                    About = "About About About About About Hello"
                Tasks task4 = new Tasks
                    Name  = "Task4",
                    About = "About About About About About Oleg"
                context.Entry(task1).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(task2).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(task3).State = EntityState.Added;
                context.Entry(task4).State = EntityState.Added;
                //продолжить инициализацию...
Пример #14
    void shuffleCard()
        thisPlayerGenerateCardArr = Utillity.ShuffleArray(thisPlayerGenerateCardArr);

Пример #15
        public void MoveForward()
            SnakeHead head = (SnakeHead)this.Pieces[0];

            int[] dirChange = Utillity.GetCoordDiffByDirection(head.Facing);
            int   xChange   = dirChange[0];
            int   yChange   = dirChange[1];

            int nextHeadX = head.X + xChange;
            int nextHeadY = head.Y + yChange;

            if (nextHeadX < Program.WindowWidth - 1 && nextHeadY < Program.WindowHeight && nextHeadX > 0 && nextHeadY > 0)
                //check collisions
                //NOTE TO FUTURE ME!
                //It appears doing this loop with a foreach causes the Logic thread to crash
                //as Enumerators don't like it when the thing they are enumerating changes.
                for (int i = 0; i < Program.Food.Count; i++)
                    Food food = Program.Food[i];
                    if (food.X == nextHeadX && food.Y == nextHeadY)
                        Program.Logic.EatFoodAtLocation(nextHeadX, nextHeadY, this);

                //if (this.AnyPieceAtCoords(head.X, head.Y)) Program.Logic.GameOver();
                for (int i = 1; i < this.Pieces.Count; i++)
                    if (nextHeadX == this.Pieces[i].X && nextHeadY == this.Pieces[i].Y)

                //first, update the previous coords
                //shift the closest previous coord to the latest
                this.PreviousTailCoords[1] = this.PreviousTailCoords[0];
                //and now, set the new closest previous coord
                this.PreviousTailCoords[0] = new int[] { this.Pieces[this.Pieces.Count - 1].X, this.Pieces[this.Pieces.Count - 1].Y };

                //move the last body piece to the position of the next last and so on, finally move the head.
                //it seems counter intuitive, I know, but if you do it head first, all the pieces bunch up together,
                //as the latter pieces have to move to the former pieces, and if the former piece has already moved,
                //the latter will just be exactly where the former piece moved to, as I discovered during the creation
                //of the previous iteration.
                //theoretically you could reference a copy but that's really messy, prone to bugs and inefficient
                if (this.Pieces.Count > 1)
                    for (int i = this.Pieces.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        this.Pieces[i].X = this.Pieces[i - 1].X;
                        this.Pieces[i].Y = this.Pieces[i - 1].Y;

                //finally, move the head
                Program.DebugLog($"New Head X: {nextHeadX}, New Head Y: {nextHeadY}");
                head.X = nextHeadX;
                head.Y = nextHeadY;
                //Game over if you crash into a wall
Пример #16
        private int ReferenceTest(Func <int, int> method, int input)
            int x = Utillity.Clamp(method(input), 0, 7);

Пример #17
        private void SetCoach()
            var schedule = SchedulesRepository.GetInstance().GetAll();

            list      = new List <Schedules>();
            coachList = new List <Staff>();

            foreach (var item in schedule)
                if (item.Date == CalendarSmall.SelectedDate)

            foreach (var l in list)
                Expander         exp;
                StackPanel       spCoach = null;
                List <Schedules> listOne;
                foreach (var c in coachList)
                    listOne = list.Where(item => item.Coach.Id == c.Id).ToList();

                    if (l.Coach.Id == c.Id)
                        if (spCoach is null)
                            spCoach = new StackPanel {
                                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

                            BitmapImage bitmap;
                            if (File.Exists(c.ProfileImg.Name + c.ProfileImg.Extension))
                                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(c.ProfileImg.Name + c.ProfileImg.Extension)));
                                bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Utillity.GetInstance().ByteToImage(c.ProfileImg))));

                            spCoach.Children.Add(new Ellipse
                                Width  = 60,
                                Height = 60,
                                Fill   = new ImageBrush(bitmap)

                            spCoach.Children.Add(new TextBlock
                                Text = c.Name + " " + c.SurName,
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                                Margin            = new Thickness(15, 0, 0, 0),
                                FontSize          = 18,

                        exp = new Expander
                            Header      = spCoach,
                            Content     = SetGraficOfOne(listOne),
                            DataContext = c.Id