Пример #1
        private Rect BaseType(Rect full, Rect previous)
            if ((ObjectKind)kind.value == ObjectKind.Class)
                var genericsHeight = GetGenericArgumentsHeight(GenericBaseTypeConstruct.Base, full.width, 14);
                var baseTypeRect   = previous;
                baseTypeRect.y     += previous.height - 1;
                baseTypeRect.height = genericsHeight + 40 + 9;

                // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections.
                UtilityGUI.Container(baseTypeRect, Color.black, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 10, (container) =>
                    UtilityGUI.Container(container, Color.black, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (_container) =>
                        var icon = UAliveIcons.SetWhenNull("Type", UAliveIcons.IconFromPathLudiq("System.Type", UAliveIcons.IconSize.Large));

                        UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(container.x, container.y, container.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(), Color.black, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside);
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(container.x + 5, container.y + 4, 16, 16), icon);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_container.x + 20, _container.y, _container.width - 26, 16), "Base Type", new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel)
                            normal = new GUIStyleState()
                                textColor = Color.white
                        LudiqGUI.Inspector(baseType, new Rect(_container.x + 14, _container.y + 32, _container.width - 20, genericsHeight - 6), GUIContent.none);


Пример #2
        public static Rect DrawSection(Rect position, Accessor _accessor, Accessor @base, Event e, string title, Texture2D icon, int heightModifier, bool togglable, Accessor isOpen)
            var accessorHeight = _accessor.Inspector().GetCachedHeight(position.width, GUIContent.none, @base.Inspector());
            var sectionRect    = position;

            sectionRect.y      = position.height + position.y - 2;
            sectionRect.height = (bool)isOpen.value ? accessorHeight + heightModifier : heightModifier;

            // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections.
            UtilityGUI.Container(sectionRect, Color.black, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 10, (rootContainer) =>
                UtilityGUI.Container(rootContainer, Color.black, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (container) =>
                    if (new Rect(container.x, container.y, container.width, 24).Contains(e.mousePosition))
                        if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0)
                            isOpen.value = !(bool)isOpen.value;

                    UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x, rootContainer.y, rootContainer.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(), Color.black, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside);
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 5, rootContainer.y + 4, 16, 16), icon);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(container.x + 20, container.y, container.width - 26, 16), title, new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel)
                        normal = new GUIStyleState()
                            textColor = Color.white

                    var accessorRect = new Rect(container.x, container.y + 24, container.width, accessorHeight);

                    if (togglable)
                        if ((bool)isOpen.value)
                            LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none);
                        Texture2D arrow = (bool)isOpen.value ? UAliveResources.arrowDownWhite : UAliveResources.arrowRightWhite;
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(container.x + container.width - 14, rootContainer.y + 6, 10, 10), arrow);

                    LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none);

Пример #3
        public static Rect NestedSection(Rect position, Event e, string title, Texture2D icon, int heightModifier, Action <Rect> draw, Accessor conditional = null)
            var sectionRect = position;

            sectionRect.y      = position.y;
            sectionRect.height = position.height - 24 + heightModifier;
            Rect output = new Rect();

            // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections.
            UtilityGUI.Container(sectionRect, Color.black, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 0, (rootContainer) =>
                UtilityGUI.Container(rootContainer, Color.black, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (container) =>
                    var header = new Rect(rootContainer.x, rootContainer.y, rootContainer.width, 24);

                    UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x, rootContainer.y, rootContainer.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(), Color.black, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside);
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 5, rootContainer.y + 4, 16, 16), icon);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 20 + (conditional != null ? 20 : 4), rootContainer.y + 4, container.width - 26, 16), title, EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel);

                    var accessorRect = new Rect(container.x + 30, container.y + 42, container.width - 45, container.height);

                    if (conditional != null)
                        LudiqGUI.Inspector(conditional, new Rect(container.x + 22, container.y, 16, 16), GUIContent.none);

                    GUI.Button(header, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none);

                    output = accessorRect;


Пример #4
        public static Rect DrawSection(Rect position, Accessor _accessor, Accessor @base, Event e, string title, Texture2D icon, int heightModifier, bool togglable, int items, Accessor isOpen, bool isEditor = false, List <Rect> untouchableAreas = null)
            var accessorHeight = isEditor ? _accessor.Editor().GetCachedHeight(position.width, GUIContent.none, @base.Editor()) : _accessor.Inspector().GetCachedHeight(position.width, GUIContent.none, @base.Inspector());
            var sectionRect    = position;

            sectionRect.y      = position.height + position.y - 2;
            sectionRect.height = (bool)isOpen.value ? accessorHeight + heightModifier : heightModifier;

            // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections.
            UtilityGUI.Container(sectionRect, Color.black, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 10, (rootContainer) =>
                UtilityGUI.Container(rootContainer, Color.black, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (container) =>
                    var canTouch = true;

                    if (untouchableAreas != null)
                        foreach (Rect rect in untouchableAreas)
                            if (rect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                                canTouch = false;

                    if (canTouch && new Rect(container.x, container.y, container.width, 24).Contains(e.mousePosition))
                        if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0)
                            isOpen.value = !(bool)isOpen.value;

                    UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x, rootContainer.y, rootContainer.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(), Color.black, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside);
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 5, rootContainer.y + 4, 16, 16), icon);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(container.x + 20, container.y, container.width - 26, 16), title, new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel)
                        normal = new GUIStyleState()
                            textColor = Color.white

                    var accessorRect = new Rect(container.x, container.y + 24, container.width, accessorHeight);

                    UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 100, rootContainer.y + 3, 20, 18), 1, 0.4f.Grey(), Color.black, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 100, rootContainer.y + 3, 20, 18), items.ToString(), new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel)
                        alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, normal = new GUIStyleState()
                            textColor = 0.85f.Grey()

                    if (togglable)
                        if ((bool)isOpen.value)
                            LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none);
                        Texture2D arrow = (bool)isOpen.value ? UAliveResources.arrowDownWhite : UAliveResources.arrowRightWhite;
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(container.x + container.width - 14, rootContainer.y + 6, 10, 10), arrow);

                    if (!isEditor)
                        LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none);
                        LudiqGUI.Editor(_accessor, accessorRect);
