public override void Update(Utility.Key key) { if(selectbox == null){ int x = target.x; int y = target.y; if(key.Up()) y -= 1; if(key.Down()) y += 1; if(key.Left()) x -= 1; if(key.Right()) x += 1; if(x != target.x || y != target.y){ if(field[x][y] != 1){ var cc = CharacterByCoord(x, y); if(cc != null){ message.buffer.Add(string.Format("{0} hits {1} !",,; cc.hp -= target.atk; }else{ target.x = x; target.y = y; } foreach(var c in characters){ int xnextc = c.x; int ynextc = c.y; if(target.x - c.x != 0) xnextc += (target.x - c.x)/(Math.Abs(target.x - c.x)); if(target.y - c.y != 0) ynextc += (target.y - c.y)/(Math.Abs(target.y - c.y)); var ccc = CharacterByCoord(xnextc, ynextc); if(ccc != null){ message.buffer.Add(string.Format("{0} hits {1} !",,; ccc.hp -= c.atk; }else{ c.x = xnextc; c.y = ynextc; } } } } xcamera = target.x*64 - 288; ycamera = target.y*64 - 208; if(key.X()){ selectbox = new UI.SelectBox(352, 240, 256, new string[]{"Save XD", "Back to the Opening", "Exit :("}); } }else{ selectbox.Update(key); if(key.A()){ if(selectbox.cursor == 0){ var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(DungeonData)); var fs = new System.IO.FileStream("savedata.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Create); serializer.Serialize(fs, GetSaveData()); fs.Close(); }else if(selectbox.cursor == 1){ sdata.scene_next = new Opening(sdata); }else{ sdata.endgame = true; } }else if(key.B()){ selectbox = null; } } }