Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost()
            // Check if the provided model isn't valid.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error has been encountered. Please check again the input fields.");
                // Redisplay the page.
            // Define a new task.
            var task = new UsersTask
                Items = new List <UserInputModel>
                    new UserInputModel
                        Email          = Input.Email,
                        Type           = "Password",
                        Data           = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Input.Password),
                        EmailConfirmed = Input.EmailConfirmed

            // Try to run the task.
                // Run the task.
                await task.CreateAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, exception.Message);
                // Redisplay the page.
            // Display a message.
            TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: 1 user created successfully.";
            // Redirect to the index page.
Пример #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null)
            // Define the variables for the view.
            View = new ViewModel
                ReturnUrl = returnUrl ?? _linkGenerator.GetPathByPage(HttpContext, "/Index", handler: null, values: null)
            // Check if the reCaptcha is valid.
            if (!await _reCaptchaChecker.IsValid(Input.ReCaptchaToken))
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The reCaptcha verification failed.");
                // Return the page.
            // Check if the provided model is not valid.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error was encountered. Please check again the input fields.");
                // Return the page.
            // Define a new task.
            var task = new UsersTask
                Items = new List <UserInputModel>
                    new UserInputModel
                        Email = Input.Email,
                        Type  = "Password",
                        Data  = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Input.Password)

            // Try to run the task.
                // Run the task.
                await task.CreateAsync(_serviceProvider, CancellationToken.None);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, exception.Message);
                // Redisplay the page.
            // Get the new user.
            var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(Input.Email);

            // Check if there wasn't any user found.
            if (user == null)
                // Add an error to the model.
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "An error was encountered. Please try again.");
                // Redisplay the page.
            // Generate an e-mail confirmation code.
            var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

            // Create the callback URL to be encoded in the confirmation email.
            var callbackUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Identity/ConfirmEmail", handler: null, values: new { userId = user.Id, code = code });
            // Define a new view model for the e-mail.
            var emailViewModel = new EmailEmailConfirmationViewModel
                Email          = user.Email,
                Url            = callbackUrl,
                ApplicationUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(HttpContext, "/Index", handler: null, values: null)
            // Send the confirmation e-mail for the user.
            await _emailSender.SendEmailConfirmationEmailAsync(emailViewModel);

            // Display a message to the user.
            TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Success: The account has been created successfully. Please check the provided e-mail address for instructions on confirming your e-mail, in order to log in.";
            // Redirect to the return URL.