public int AddWorkItem(WorkItemDto dto, string userId)
            UserWorkItem workItem = null;

            using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                workItem = workItemRepository
                           .Find(x => x.TaskId == dto.TaskId &&
                                 x.WeekId == dto.WeekId &&
                                 x.UserId == userId &&
                                 x.ServerId == dto.ServerId);

                if (workItem != null)
                    throw new Exception("Work Item already exists");

                // Add a new work item.
                UserWorkItem userWorkItem = new UserWorkItem
                    WeekId      = dto.WeekId,
                    UserId      = dto.UserId,
                    TaskId      = dto.TaskId,
                    ServerId    = dto.ServerId,
                    Title       = dto.Title,
                    Description = dto.Description

Пример #2
        private void Work()
                ConnectEntity();                 //we do this here to ensure single threaded on handle!
                // Program.Entity.Users.Count(); //force connection to be open & test
                //Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Database Initialized at {0}", Settings.Instance.Entity.DataCatalog);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, "Error initializing database: {0}", ex.ToString());
            Action action;

            while (this.IsRunning)
                while (callbacks.TryDequeue(out action))
                        UserWorkItem Work = new UserWorkItem(action);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, ex.ToString());
            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Server stopped handling callbacks.");
        public int MoveWorkItemToPrevious(WorkItemDto workItemDto)
            if (workItemDto == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workItemDto), "WorkItem cannot be null");

            int workItemWeekId = workItemDto.WeekId;
            int previousWeekId = -1;

            using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository())
                WeekInfo weekInfo = weekInfoRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemWeekId);
                if (weekInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("Week not found.");

                DateTime startDate = weekInfo.StartDate;
                DateTime nextDate  = startDate.AddDays(-7);
                weekInfo = weekInfoRepository
                           .Find(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.StartDate) == nextDate);
                if (weekInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("Next Week not found.");
                previousWeekId = weekInfo.Id;

            using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id);
                if (workItem == null)
                    throw new Exception("Work Item not found");

                // Validate if work item already exists in previous week.
                UserWorkItem previousWeekWorkItem = workItemRepository
                                                    .Find(x => x.TaskId == workItemDto.TaskId &&
                                                          x.WeekId == previousWeekId &&
                                                          x.ServerId == workItemDto.ServerId);
                if (previousWeekWorkItem != null)

                workItem.WeekId = previousWeekId;
                workItem.State  = WorkItemState.New;
                int nextWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(workItem);

                UserWorkItem currentWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id);
                // update the current work item.
                currentWorkItem.State = WorkItemState.Moved;

        /// <summary>A thread worker function that processes items from the work queue</summary>
        private static void ProcessQueuedItems()
            // Get the system/hardware thread index this thread is going to use. We hope that
            // the threads more or less start after each other, but there is no guarantee that
            // tasks will be handled by the CPU cores in the order the queue was filled with.
            // This could be added, though, by using a WaitHandle so the thread creator could
            // wait for each thread to take one entry out of the queue.
            int hardwareThreadIndex;

            lock (hardwareThreads)
                hardwareThreadIndex = hardwareThreads.Dequeue();

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                // Prevent this managed thread from impersonating another system thread.
                // In .NET, managed threads can supposedly be moved to different system threads
                // and, more worryingly, even fibers. This should make sure we're sitting on
                // a normal system thread and stay with that thread during our lifetime.

                // Assign the ideal processor, but don't force it. It's not a good idea to
                // circumvent the thread scheduler of a desktop machine, so we try to play nice.
                uint          threadId = Kernel32.GetCurrentThreadId();
                ProcessThread thread   = GetProcessThread((int)threadId);
                if (thread != null)
                    thread.IdealProcessor = hardwareThreadIndex;

            // Keep processing tasks indefinitely
            for (; ;)
                UserWorkItem workItem = getNextWorkItem();

                // Execute the work item we just picked up. Make sure to accurately
                // record how many callbacks are currently executing.
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref inUseThreads);
                catch (Exception exception)
                {                 // Make sure we don't throw here.
                    ExceptionDelegate exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler;
                    if (exceptionHandler != null)
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref inUseThreads);
        public int CopyWorkItemToNext(WorkItemDto workItemDto)
            if (workItemDto == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workItemDto), "WorkItem cannot be null");

            int workItemWeekId = workItemDto.WeekId;
            int nextWeekId     = -1;

            using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository())
                WeekInfo weekInfo = weekInfoRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemWeekId);
                if (weekInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("Week not found.");

                DateTime startDate = weekInfo.StartDate;
                DateTime nextDate  = startDate.AddDays(7);
                weekInfo = weekInfoRepository
                           .Find(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.StartDate) == nextDate);
                if (weekInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("Next Week not found.");
                nextWeekId = weekInfo.Id;

            using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id);
                if (workItem == null)
                    throw new Exception("Work Item not found");

                // Validate if work item already exists in next week.
                UserWorkItem nextWeekWorkItem = workItemRepository
                                                .Find(x => x.TaskId == workItemDto.TaskId &&
                                                      x.WeekId == nextWeekId &&
                                                      x.ServerId == workItemDto.ServerId);
                if (nextWeekWorkItem != null)

                // Clone the work item.
                workItem.WeekId = nextWeekId;
                workItem.State  = WorkItemState.New;
                int nextWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(workItem);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>Queues a user work item to the thread pool.</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">
        ///   A WaitCallback representing the delegate to invoke when a thread in the
        ///   thread pool picks up the work item
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="state">
        ///   The object that is passed to the delegate when serviced from the thread pool
        /// </param>
        public static void QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback, object state)
            // Create a waiting callback that contains the delegate and its state.
            // Add it to the processing queue, and signal that data is waiting.
            UserWorkItem waiting = new UserWorkItem(callback, state);

            lock (userWorkItems) {

            // Wake up one of the worker threads so this task will be processed
 public bool DeleteWorkItem(WorkItemDto dto, string userId)
     using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
         UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == dto.Id);
         if (workItem != null)
        public WorkItemDto GetWorkItemByTaskId(int taskId, int weekId, int serverId)
            WorkItemDto workItem = null;

            using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                UserWorkItem entity = workItemRepository.
                                      Find(x => x.TaskId == taskId && x.WeekId == weekId && x.ServerId == x.ServerId);
                if (entity != null)
Пример #9
        public WorkItemDto GetWorkItemById(int taskId, int serverId, int weekId, string userId)
            UserWorkItem userWorkItem = null;

            using (WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository())
                userWorkItem = repository.Find(
                    x => x.TaskId == taskId &&
                    x.ServerId == serverId &&
                    x.WeekId == weekId &&
                    x.UserId == userId);
            if (userWorkItem == null)
Пример #10
        public static WorkItemDto ToDto(this UserWorkItem userWorkItem, int id)
            WorkItemDto dto = new WorkItemDto
                Id             = id,
                TaskId         = userWorkItem.TaskId,
                UserId         = userWorkItem.UserId,
                WeekId         = userWorkItem.WeekId,
                Title          = userWorkItem.Title,
                Description    = userWorkItem.Description,
                Sprint         = userWorkItem.Sprint,
                Project        = userWorkItem.Project,
                TotalHours     = userWorkItem.TotalHours,
                WeekHours      = userWorkItem.WeekHours,
                Status         = userWorkItem.Status,
                ServerId       = userWorkItem.ServerId,
                Comments       = userWorkItem.Comments,
                EstimatedHours = userWorkItem.EstimatedHours,
                AssignedTo     = userWorkItem.AssignedTo

            if (userWorkItem.StartDate != null)
                dto.StartDate = userWorkItem.StartDate.Value.ToString(Constants.DATE_FORMAT);

            if (userWorkItem.EndDate != null)
                dto.EndDate = userWorkItem.EndDate.Value.ToString(Constants.DATE_FORMAT);

            if (userWorkItem.ETA != null)
                dto.ETA = userWorkItem.ETA.Value.ToString(Constants.DATE_FORMAT);
Пример #11
        private void Work()
                //  Program.Entity.Characters.Count(); //test if database is online
                // Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Database Initialized at {0}", Settings.Instance.Entity.DataCatalog);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, "Error initializing database: {0}", ex.ToString());

            Action action;
            var    pingCheckRan   = DateTime.Now;
            var    lastClientTime = DateTime.Now;
            ulong  last           = 0;
            var    lastCheck      = DateTime.Now;

            for (ulong i = 0;; i++)
                if (!IsRunning)
                var now = DateTime.Now;

                while (_callbacks.TryDequeue(out action))
                        var Work = new UserWorkItem(action);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, ex.ToString());

                if (now.Subtract(pingCheckRan).TotalSeconds >= 15)
                    // Just check every minute
                    pingCheckRan = now;

                if (now.Subtract(lastCheck).TotalSeconds >= 1)
                    TicksPerSecond = i - last;
                    last           = i;
                    lastCheck      = now;
                    //Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "TicksPerSecond: {0}", TicksPerSecond);
                    if (TicksPerSecond <= 100)
                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Server overload! Only {0} ticks per second!", TicksPerSecond);

                if (now.Subtract(lastClientTime).TotalSeconds >= 60)
                    lastClientTime = now;

                if (i % TicksToSleep == 0)
                    Program.CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;

            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Server stopped handling callbacks.");
Пример #12
        private void Work()
            while (Program.ServiceInfo == null)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); // Wait..
                // Estrella.Database.DatabaseHelper.Initialize(Settings.Instance.WorldConnString, "WorkerConn");
                //  Program.Entity.Characters.Count(); //test if database is online
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Database Initialized.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, "Error initializing database: {0}", ex.ToString());
            Action   action;
            ulong    last           = 0;
            DateTime lastCheck      = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastPing       = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastGC         = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastClientTime = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime LastMountCheck = DateTime.Now;

            for (ulong i = 0; ; i++)
                if (!this.IsRunning)

                    DateTime now = Program.CurrentTime;

                    while (callbacks.TryDequeue(out action))
                            UserWorkItem Work = new UserWorkItem(action);
                            //  action();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, ex.ToString());

                    if (now.Subtract(lastCheck).TotalSeconds >= 1)
                        TicksPerSecond = i - last;
                        last           = i;
                        lastCheck      = now;
                        //Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "TicksPerSecond: {0}", TicksPerSecond);
                        if (TicksPerSecond <= 100)
                            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warn, "Server overload! Only {0} ticks per second!", TicksPerSecond);

                    if (now.Subtract(lastPing).TotalSeconds >= 300)
                        lastPing = now;

                    if (now.Subtract(lastGC).TotalSeconds >= 300)
                        lastGC = now;
                    if (now.Subtract(lastClientTime).TotalSeconds >= 60)
                    if (now.Subtract(LastMountCheck).TotalSeconds >= 30)
                        LastMountCheck = now;
                    if (i % 2000 == 0 && MapManager.Instance != null)
                        foreach (var val in MapManager.Instance.Maps)
                            foreach (var map in val.Value)
                                map.Update(now); //test

                    if (i % ticksToSleep == 0)              // No max load but most ticks to be parsed. Epic win!
                        Program.CurrentTime = DateTime.Now; // Laaast update
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Exception, "Ohgod. {0}", ex.ToString());
            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Server stopped handling callbacks.");
Пример #13
    /// <summary>Queues a user work item to the thread pool.</summary>
    /// <param name="callback">
    ///   A WaitCallback representing the delegate to invoke when a thread in the 
    ///   thread pool picks up the work item
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="state">
    ///   The object that is passed to the delegate when serviced from the thread pool
    /// </param>
    public static void QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback, object state) {

      // Create a waiting callback that contains the delegate and its state.
      // Add it to the processing queue, and signal that data is waiting.
      UserWorkItem waiting = new UserWorkItem(callback, state);
      lock(userWorkItems) {

      // Wake up one of the worker threads so this task will be processed

Пример #14
        public List <WorkItemDto> GetUserCurrentWeekSyncedTasks(string userId, bool includeIncompleteItems = true)
            List <WorkItemDto> currentWeekTasks = new List <WorkItemDto>();
            WeekInfo           currentWeek      = null;

            UserInfo currentUser = null;

            using (UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository = new UserInfoRepository())
                currentUser = userInfoRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId);
                if (currentUser == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("User Id {0} not found", userId));

            // Get current week.
            using (WeekInfoRepository repository = new WeekInfoRepository())
                currentWeek = repository.GetCurrentWeekInfo();
                if (currentWeek == null)
                    throw new Exception("Current Week is not registered.");

            // Get servers configured for the user.
            List <UserServerInfo> userServers = new List <UserServerInfo>();

            using (UserServerInfoRepository repository = new UserServerInfoRepository())
                userServers = repository.Filter(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList();

            // Get user incomplete tasks from task repository.
            List <int> currentWeekTaskIdList    = new List <int>();
            List <int> currentWeekMovedTaskList = new List <int>();

            foreach (UserServerInfo server in userServers)
                using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                    IQueryable <UserWorkItem> currentWeekSavedTasks = workItemRepository
                                                                      .Filter(x => x.ServerId == server.Id &&
                                                                              x.UserId == userId &&
                                                                              x.State != WorkItemState.Moved &&
                                                                              x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id);

                    IQueryable <UserWorkItem> currentWeekMovedTasks = workItemRepository
                                                                      .Filter(x => x.ServerId == server.Id &&
                                                                              x.UserId == userId &&
                                                                              x.State == WorkItemState.Moved &&
                                                                              x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id);

                    currentWeekTaskIdList    = currentWeekSavedTasks.Select(x => x.TaskId).ToList();
                    currentWeekMovedTaskList = currentWeekSavedTasks.Select(x => x.TaskId).ToList();

                TeamServer teamServer = null;
                using (TeamServerRepository repository = new TeamServerRepository())
                    teamServer = repository.Find(x => x.Id == server.TfsId);
                    if (teamServer == null)

                // Get all tasks by id including to do items.
                List <WorkItem> userIncompleteItems = _teamServerManagementService
                                                      .GetWorkItemsByIds(currentWeekTaskIdList, teamServer.Url, server.CredentialHash, includeIncompleteItems);
                using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                    foreach (WorkItem item in userIncompleteItems)
                        // Add new items.
                        UserWorkItem existingWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId &&
                                                                                x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id &&
                                                                                x.TaskId == item.Id);
                        if (existingWorkItem == null)
                            UserWorkItem newWorkItem = item.ToEntity(server.TfsId);
                            newWorkItem.UserId     = userId;
                            newWorkItem.AssignedTo = currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName;
                            newWorkItem.WeekId     = currentWeek.Id;
                            int newWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(newWorkItem);

                            existingWorkItem.Title       = item.Title;
                            existingWorkItem.Status      = item.State;
                            existingWorkItem.Sprint      = item.IterationPath;
                            existingWorkItem.Project     = item.AreaPath;
                            existingWorkItem.Description = item.Description;

Пример #15
        public List <WorkItemDto> GetUserIncompleteSyncedTasks(int serverId, string userId)
            TeamServer         server           = null;
            List <WorkItemDto> workItemsDtoList = new List <WorkItemDto>();
            UserServerInfo     userServerInfo   = null;

                using (TeamServerRepository teamServerRepository = new TeamServerRepository())
                    server = teamServerRepository.GetById(serverId);
                    if (server == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid Server Id : {0}", serverId));

                UserInfo userInfo = null;
                using (UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository = new UserInfoRepository())
                    userInfo = userInfoRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId);
                    if (userInfo == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("User with ID {0} Not Found", userId));

                using (UserServerInfoRepository userServerInfoRepository = new UserServerInfoRepository())
                    userServerInfo = userServerInfoRepository.FindLocal(
                        x => x.UserId == userId &&
                        x.TfsId == serverId
                    if (userServerInfo == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("User with id : {0} is not registered with server id : {1}", userId, serverId));

                string credentialHash = userServerInfo.CredentialHash;
                string url            = server.Url;

                WeekInfo currentWeek = null;
                using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository())
                    currentWeek = weekInfoRepository.GetCurrentWeekInfo();
                    if (currentWeek == null)
                        throw new Exception("Current Week is not registered.");
                List <WorkItem> tfsWorkItems = _teamServerManagementService.GetUserIncompleteItems(url, credentialHash);
                using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository())
                    foreach (WorkItem item in tfsWorkItems)
                        // Add new items.
                        UserWorkItem existingWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId &&
                                                                                x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id &&
                                                                                x.TaskId == item.Id);
                        if (existingWorkItem == null)
                            UserWorkItem newWorkItem = item.ToEntity(userServerInfo.TfsId);
                            newWorkItem.UserId     = userId;
                            newWorkItem.AssignedTo = userInfo.FirstName + " " + userInfo.LastName;
                            newWorkItem.WeekId     = currentWeek.Id;
                            int newWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(newWorkItem);

                            existingWorkItem.Title       = item.Title;
                            existingWorkItem.Status      = item.State;
                            existingWorkItem.Sprint      = item.IterationPath;
                            existingWorkItem.Project     = item.AreaPath;
                            existingWorkItem.Description = item.Description;


            catch (Exception ex)