public object Get(GetStorageFilesRequestTep request) { var context = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.apikey) ? TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView) : TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); string result = null; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/store/{0}/{1} GET", request.repoKey, request.path)); var apikey = request.apikey ?? UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId).GetSessionApiKey(); var factory = new StoreFactory(context, apikey); Artifactory.Response.FileInfo info = factory.GetItemInfo(request.repoKey, request.path); info.Uri = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; result = factory.Serializer.Serialize(info); context.Close(); }catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new HttpResult(result, Request.ContentType)); }
public static List <OwsContextAtomEntry> GetRemoteWpsServiceEntriesFromUrl(IfyContext context, string href) { var result = new List <OwsContextAtomEntry>(); var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(href); if (context.UserId != 0) { var user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); var apikey = user.GetSessionApiKey(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(apikey)) { httpRequest.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(user.Username + ":" + apikey))); } } //TODO: manage case of /description //TODO: manage case of total result > 20 using (var resp = httpRequest.GetResponse()) { using (var stream = resp.GetResponseStream()) { var feed = ThematicAppCachedFactory.GetOwsContextAtomFeed(stream); if (feed.Items != null) { foreach (OwsContextAtomEntry item in feed.Items) { result.Add(item); } } } } return(result); }
public object Get(AnalyticsCurrentUserRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); WebAnalytics result = new WebAnalytics(); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/analytics/user/current GET")); Analytics analytics = new Analytics(context, UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId)); analytics.AnalyseCollections = false; analytics.AnalyseDataPackages = false; analytics.AnalyseJobs = true; analytics.AnalyseServices = false; analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); result = new WebAnalytics(analytics); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
public object Put(PutMoveStorageItemRequestTep request) { var context = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.apikey) ? TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView) : TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); string result = null; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/store/move/{0}/{1}?to={2}&dry={3} PUT", request.srcRepoKey, request.srcPath,, request.dry)); var apikey = request.apikey ?? UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId).GetSessionApiKey(); var factory = new StoreFactory(context, apikey); var to ='/'); var toRepo = to.Substring(0, to.IndexOf('/')); var toPath = to.Substring(to.IndexOf('/') + 1); var info = factory.MoveItem(request.srcRepoKey, request.srcPath, toRepo, toPath, request.dry); result = factory.Serializer.Serialize(info); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new HttpResult(result, Request.ContentType)); }
public object Get(GetDownloadStorageFileRequestTep request) { //var context = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.apikey) ? TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView) : TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); Stream result = null; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/store/download/{0}/{1} GET", request.repoKey, request.path)); var apikey = request.apikey ?? (context.UserId > 0 ? UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId).GetSessionApiKey() : null); var factory = new StoreFactory(context, apikey); result = factory.DownloadItem(request.repoKey, request.path); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } var filename = request.path.Substring(request.path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename)); return(new HttpResult(result, "application/octet")); }
public void RefreshCachedApp(string uid) { this.LogInfo(string.Format("RefreshCachedApps -- Get public apps")); var apps = new EntityList <ThematicApplicationCached>(context); apps.SetFilter("UId", uid); apps.Load(); if (apps.Count == 1) { var app = apps.GetItemsAsList()[0]; var entries = app.Feed; if (entries == null) { entries = ThematicAppCachedFactory.GetOwsContextAtomFeed(app.TextFeed); } var itemFeed = entries.Items.First(); var link = itemFeed.Links.FirstOrDefault(l => l.RelationshipType == "self"); if (link == null) { return; } var url = link.Uri.AbsoluteUri; var urib = new UriBuilder(url); var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(urib.Query); //add user apikey var user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); var apikey = user.GetSessionApiKey(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apikey)) { query.Set("apikey", apikey); } //add random for cache var random = new Random(); query.Set("random", random.Next() + ""); var queryString = Array.ConvertAll(query.AllKeys, key => string.Format("{0}={1}", key, query[key])); urib.Query = string.Join("&", queryString); url = urib.Uri.AbsoluteUri; HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); using (var resp = httpRequest.GetResponse()) { using (var stream = resp.GetResponseStream()) { var feed = GetOwsContextAtomFeed(stream); var entry = feed.Items.First(); if (feed.Items != null && feed.Items.Count() == 1) { app.Feed = feed; app.TextFeed = GetOwsContextAtomFeedAsString(feed); app.Searchable = GetSearchableTextFromAtomEntry(entry); app.LastUpdate = entry.LastUpdatedTime.DateTime == DateTime.MinValue ? DateTime.UtcNow : entry.LastUpdatedTime.DateTime; app.Store(); this.LogInfo(string.Format("ThematicAppCachedFactory -- Cached '{0}'", app.UId)); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Get the current user. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> /// <returns>the current user</returns> public object Get(UserGetCurrentRequestTep request) { WebUserTep result; var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user/current GET")); UserTep user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); try { user.PrivateSanityCheck();//we do it here, because we do not want to do on each Load(), and we are sure users always pass by here }catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); } result = new WebUserTep(context, user, false); try{ var cookie = DBCookie.LoadDBCookie(context, context.GetConfigValue("cookieID-token-access")); result.Token = cookie.Value; TimeSpan span = cookie.Expire.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow); result.TokenExpire = span.TotalSeconds; }catch (Exception) {} context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Update the specified user. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> /// <returns>the user</returns> public object Put(UserUpdateRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); WebUserTep result; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user PUT Id='{0}'", request.Id > 0 ? request.Id + "" : request.Identifier)); UserTep user = (request.Id == 0 ? (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Identifier) ? UserTep.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier) : null) : UserTep.FromId(context, request.Id)); if (context.UserId != user.Id && context.AccessLevel != EntityAccessLevel.Administrator) { throw new Exception("Action not allowed"); } var level = user.Level; user = request.ToEntity(context, user); user.Level = level;//we can only change the level from the dedicated request (admin only) user.Store(); context.LogDebug(this, string.Format("User '{0}' has been updated", user.Username)); result = new WebUserTep(context, user); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Post the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> public object Post(UserCreateRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); WebUserTep result; try{ context.Open(); UserTep user = (request.Id == 0 ? null : UserTep.FromId(context, request.Id)); user = request.ToEntity(context, user); if (request.Id != 0 && context.UserLevel == UserLevel.Administrator) { user.AccountStatus = AccountStatusType.Enabled; } else { user.AccountStatus = AccountStatusType.PendingActivation; } user.IsNormalAccount = true; user.Level = UserLevel.User; user.Store(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user POST Id='{0}'", user.Id)); context.LogDebug(this, string.Format("User '{0}' has been created", user.Username)); result = new WebUserTep(context, user); context.Close(); }catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
public object Post(AddGithubSSHKeyToCurrentUser request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); WebGithubProfile result; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/github/sshkey POST")); GithubProfile user = GithubProfile.FromId(context, context.UserId); UserTep userTep = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); userTep.LoadSSHPubKey(); user.PublicSSHKey = userTep.SshPubKey; GithubClient githubClient = new GithubClient(context); if (!user.IsAuthorizationTokenValid()) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Invalid token"); } if (user.PublicSSHKey == null) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("No available public ssh key"); } githubClient.AddSshKey("Terradue ssh key", user.PublicSSHKey, user.Name, user.Token); context.LogDebug(this, string.Format("User {0} added Terradue ssh key to his github account", userTep.Username)); result = new WebGithubProfile(user); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
public object Put(UpdateGithubUser request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); WebGithubProfile result; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/github/user PUT Id='{0}'", request.Id)); GithubProfile user = GithubProfile.FromId(context, request.Id); user = request.ToEntity(context, user); user.Store(); user.Load(); //to get information from Github UserTep userTep = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); userTep.LoadSSHPubKey(); user.PublicSSHKey = userTep.SshPubKey; context.LogDebug(this, string.Format("Github account of user {0} has been updated", userTep.Username)); result = new WebGithubProfile(user); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Create a user event (metrics) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Event> GetLogEvent(UserTep usr, string eventid, string message = null) { try { var properties = new Dictionary <string, object>(); properties.Add("affiliation", usr.Affiliation); properties.Add("country", usr.Country); var logevent = new Event { EventId = eventid, Project = EventFactory.EventLogConfig.Settings["project"] != null ? EventFactory.EventLogConfig.Settings["project"].Value : "", Status = usr.Level.ToString(), // Durations = durations, Transmitter = EventFactory.EventLogConfig.Settings["transmitter"] != null ? EventFactory.EventLogConfig.Settings["transmitter"].Value : "", Message = message, Item = new EventItem { Created = usr.GetFirstLoginDate(), Updated = usr.GetLastLoginDate(), Id = usr.Username, Title = usr.Caption, Type = "portal_user", Properties = properties } }; return(logevent); }catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(usr, "Log event error: " + e.Message); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Get the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> public object Get(UserGetGroupsRequestTep request) { List <WebGroup> result = new List <WebGroup>(); var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user/{{usrId}}/group PUT usrId='{0}'", request.UsrId)); UserTep user = UserTep.FromIdentifier(context, request.UsrId); List <int> ids = user.GetGroups(); List <Group> groups = new List <Group>(); foreach (int id in ids) { groups.Add(Group.FromId(context, id)); } foreach (Group grp in groups) { result.Add(new WebGroup(grp)); } context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
public object Get(AnalyticsRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); WebAnalytics result = new WebAnalytics(); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/analytics GET - type='{0}', identifier='{1}'", request.Type, request.Identifier)); Analytics analytics = null; if (context.UserId == 0) { request.Type = "all"; } switch (request.Type) { case "user": analytics = new Analytics(context, UserTep.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier)); analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); break; case "community": analytics = new Analytics(context, ThematicCommunity.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier)); analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); break; case "group": analytics = new Analytics(context, Group.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier)); analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); break; case "service": analytics = new Analytics(context, Service.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier)); analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); break; case "all": analytics = new Analytics(context); analytics.Load(request.startdate, request.enddate); break; default: break; } if (analytics != null) { result = new WebAnalytics(analytics); } context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Tos the entity. /// </summary> /// <returns>The entity.</returns> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> public UserTep ToEntity(IfyContext context, UserTep input) { UserTep user = (input == null ? new UserTep(context) : input); user = (UserTep)base.ToEntity(context, user); return(user); }
private void Init() { //Create users UserTep usr1 = new UserTep(context); usr1.Username = "******"; usr1.Store(); UserTep usr2 = new UserTep(context); usr2.Username = "******"; usr2.Store(); UserTep usr3 = new UserTep(context); usr3.Username = "******"; usr3.Store(); UserTep usr4 = new UserTep(context); usr4.Username = "******"; usr4.Store(); //create domains Domain domain = new Domain(context); domain.Identifier = "myDomainTest"; domain.Kind = DomainKind.Public; domain.Store(); Domain domain2 = new Domain(context); domain2.Identifier = "otherDomainTest"; domain2.Kind = DomainKind.Hidden; domain2.Store(); Role role = new Role(context); role.Identifier = "member-test"; role.Store(); role.IncludePrivilege(Privilege.FromIdentifier(context, "wpsjob-v")); role.IncludePrivilege(Privilege.FromIdentifier(context, "wpsjob-s")); //Add users in the domain role.GrantToUser(usr1, domain); role.GrantToUser(usr2, domain); role.GrantToUser(usr3, domain); role.GrantToUser(usr3, domain2); //create community ThematicCommunity community1 = new ThematicCommunity(context); community1.Identifier = "community-public-1"; community1.Kind = DomainKind.Public; community1.Store(); community1.SetOwner(usr3); }
/// <summary> /// Get the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> public object Get(DataPackagesSearchRequest request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); IOpenSearchResultCollection result = null; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/data/package/search GET")); EntityList <Terradue.Tep.DataPackage> datapackages = new EntityList <DataPackage>(context); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Key)) { UserTep user = UserTep.FromApiKey(context, request.Key); datapackages.UserId = user.Id; context.AccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.Privilege; } datapackages.SetFilter("Kind", RemoteResourceSet.KINDRESOURCESETNORMAL.ToString()); // Load the complete request HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; OpenSearchEngine ose = MasterCatalogue.OpenSearchEngine; // the opensearch cache system uses the query parameters // we add to the parameters the filters added to the load in order to avoir wrong cache // we use 't2-' in order to not interfer with possibly used query parameters var qs = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); foreach (var filter in datapackages.FilterValues) { qs.Add("t2-" + filter.Key.FieldName, filter.Value.ToString()); } if (qs["visibility"] != null && qs["visibility"] != "all") { datapackages.AccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.Privilege; } if (context.UserLevel == UserLevel.Administrator && (qs["visibility"] == null || qs["visibility"] != "owned")) { datapackages.SetFilter("Identifier", "!_index_*,!_series_*,!_products_*"); } Type type = OpenSearchFactory.ResolveTypeFromRequest(httpRequest.QueryString, httpRequest.Headers, ose); result = ose.Query(datapackages, qs, type); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new HttpResult(result.SerializeToString(), result.ContentType)); }
public object Post(PostDiscourseTopic request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); string result; try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/discourse/posts POST community='{0}'{1}{2}", request.communityIdentifier, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.subject) ? ", subject='" + request.subject + "'" : "", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.body) ? ", body='" + request.body + "'" : "" )); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.subject)) { throw new Exception("Unable to post new topic, subject is null"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.body)) { throw new Exception("Unable to post new topic, body is null"); } var community = ThematicCommunity.FromIdentifier(context, request.communityIdentifier); var discussCategory = community.DiscussCategory; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(discussCategory)) { throw new Exception("Unable to post new topic, the selected community has no Discuss category associated"); } var user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.TerradueCloudUsername)) { throw new Exception("Unable to post new topic, please set first your Terradue Cloud username"); } var discussClient = new DiscussClient(context.GetConfigValue("discussBaseUrl"), context.GetConfigValue("discussApiKey"), user.TerradueCloudUsername); var category = discussClient.GetCategory(discussCategory); if (category == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to post new topic, the selected community has no valid Discuss category associated"); } var catId =; var response = discussClient.PostTopic(catId, request.subject, request.body); result = string.Format("{0}/t/{1}/{2}", discussClient.Host, response.topic_slug, response.topic_id); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new WebService.Model.WebResponseString(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Get the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> public object Get(UserCurrentIsLoggedRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); try { context.Open(); UserTep.UpdateUserSessionEndTime(context, context.UserId); } catch (Exception) { return(new WebResponseBool(false)); } context.Close(); return(new WebResponseBool(true)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the or update cached apps from user. /// </summary> /// <returns>The or update cached apps from user.</returns> /// <param name="user">User.</param> public List <int> CreateOrUpdateCachedAppsFromUser(UserTep user) { List <int> upIds = new List <int>(); var app = user.GetPrivateThematicApp(); var domain = user.GetPrivateDomain(); foreach (var appItem in app.Items) { var ids = CreateOrUpdateCachedAppFromUrl(appItem.Location, domain.Id); upIds.AddRange(ids); } return(upIds); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Terradue.Tep.WebServer.WebUserTep"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">Entity.</param> public WebUserTep(IfyWebContext context, UserTep entity, bool umsso = false) : base(entity) { if (umsso) { AuthenticationType umssoauthType = IfyWebContext.GetAuthenticationType(typeof(UmssoAuthenticationType)); var umssoUser = umssoauthType.GetUserProfile(context, HttpContext.Current.Request, false); if (umssoUser != null) { this.UmssoEmail = umssoUser.Email; } } //only current user can know the api key if (context.UserId == entity.Id) { this.ApiKey = entity.ApiKey; this.T2ProfileError = HttpContext.Current.Session["t2profileError"] as string; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Affiliation) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Country) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.FirstName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.LastName))) { this.T2ProfileError += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.T2ProfileError) ? "" : "\n") + "Profile not complete"; } this.T2ApiKey = entity.GetSessionApiKey(); } if (context.UserId == entity.Id || context.UserLevel == UserLevel.Administrator) { this.T2Username = entity.TerradueCloudUsername; if (context.GetConfigBooleanValue("accounting-enabled")) { this.Balance = entity.GetAccountingBalance(); } this.Roles = GetUserCommunityRoles(context, entity); if (context.UserLevel == UserLevel.Administrator) { if (entity.RegistrationDate == DateTime.MinValue) { entity.LoadRegistrationInfo(); } this.RegistrationDate = entity.RegistrationDate; } } else { this.Email = null; this.Affiliation = null; this.Level = 0; this.AccountStatus = 0; this.DomainId = null; } }
public object Get(ThematicAppCacheRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); context.Open(); try { context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/apps/cache GET")); var appFactory = new ThematicAppCachedFactory(context); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Uid)) { //refresh only a given app appFactory.RefreshCachedApp(request.Uid); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Username)) { //refresh only for private apps var user = UserTep.FromIdentifier(context, request.Username); if (user.Id == context.UserId) { appFactory.RefreshCachedAppsForUser(user); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Community)) { //refresh only for community apps var community = ThematicCommunity.FromIdentifier(context, request.Community); if (community.CanUserManage(context.UserId)) { appFactory.RefreshCachedAppsForCommunity(community); } } else { //user should be admin if (context.UserLevel == UserLevel.Administrator) { //case TEP -- we don't want user privates apps to be cached appFactory.RefreshCachedApps(false, true, true); } } context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new WebResponseBool(true)); }
public object Post(PostStorageFilesRequestTep request) { if (request.repoKey == null) { var segments = base.Request.PathInfo.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); request.repoKey = segments[1]; request.path = base.Request.PathInfo.Substring(base.Request.PathInfo.IndexOf(request.repoKey + "/") + request.repoKey.Length + 1); } if (request.apikey == null) { request.apikey = base.Request.QueryString["apikey"]; } var context = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.apikey) ? TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView) : TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/store/{0}/{1} POST", request.repoKey, request.path)); string path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadTmpPath"] ?? "/tmp"; try { context.Open(); var apikey = request.apikey ?? UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId).GetSessionApiKey(); var factory = new StoreFactory(context, apikey); var filename = path + "/" + request.path.Substring(request.path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { if (this.RequestContext.Files.Length > 0) { var uploadedFile = this.RequestContext.Files[0]; uploadedFile.SaveTo(filename); } else { using (var fileStream = File.Create(filename)) { request.RequestStream.CopyTo(fileStream); } } factory.UploadFile(request.repoKey, request.path, filename); } } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } context.Close(); return(new WebResponseBool(true)); }
private void Init() { //Create users UserTep usr1 = new UserTep(context); usr1.Username = "******"; usr1.Store(); UserTep usr2 = new UserTep(context); usr2.Username = "******"; usr2.Store(); UserTep usr3 = new UserTep(context); usr3.Username = "******"; usr3.Store(); //create communities ThematicCommunity community1 = new ThematicCommunity(context); community1.Identifier = "community-public-1"; community1.Kind = DomainKind.Public; community1.Store(); community1.SetOwner(usr2); ThematicCommunity community2 = new ThematicCommunity(context); community2.Identifier = "community-private-1"; community2.Kind = DomainKind.Hidden; community2.Store(); community2.SetOwner(usr2); ThematicCommunity community3 = new ThematicCommunity(context); community3.Identifier = "community-private-2"; community3.Kind = DomainKind.Hidden; community3.Store(); community3.SetOwner(usr2); ThematicCommunity community4 = new ThematicCommunity(context); community4.Identifier = "community-public-2"; community4.Kind = DomainKind.Public; community4.Store(); community4.SetOwner(usr2); }
public object Get(WpsJobSearchRequestTep request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.EverybodyView); context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/job/wps/search GET")); EntityList <WpsJob> wpsjobs = new EntityList <WpsJob>(context); wpsjobs.AddSort("Id", SortDirection.Descending); wpsjobs.IncludeOwnerFieldsInSearch = true; // Load the complete request HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; var qs = new NameValueCollection(httpRequest.QueryString); OpenSearchEngine ose = MasterCatalogue.OpenSearchEngine; if (qs["visibility"] != null && qs["visibility"] != "all") { wpsjobs.AccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.Privilege; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["key"])) { try{ UserTep user = UserTep.FromApiKey(context, qs["key"]); wpsjobs.UserId = user.Id; context.AccessLevel = EntityAccessLevel.Privilege; }catch (Exception) {} } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["id"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["uid"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["archivestatus"])) { qs.Set("archivestatus", (int)WpsJobArchiveStatus.NOT_ARCHIVED + ""); } Type responseType = OpenSearchFactory.ResolveTypeFromRequest(httpRequest.QueryString, httpRequest.Headers, ose); IOpenSearchResultCollection osr = ose.Query(wpsjobs, qs, responseType); OpenSearchFactory.ReplaceOpenSearchDescriptionLinks(wpsjobs, osr); // OpenSearchFactory.ReplaceSelfLinks(wpsjobs, httpRequest.QueryString, osr.Result, EntrySelfLinkTemplate); context.Close(); return(new HttpResult(osr.SerializeToString(), osr.ContentType)); }
public object Put(UpdateProfileFromRemoteTep request) { WebUserTep result = null; var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.AdminOnly); context.Open(); var usr = UserTep.FromIdentifier(context, request.Identifier); try { usr.LoadProfileFromRemote(); result = new WebUserTep(context, usr); }catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } context.Close(); return(result); }
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LogUser(IfyContext context, UserTep usr, string eventid, string message) { if (EventLogConfig == null || EventLogConfig.Settings == null || EventLogConfig.Settings.Count == 0) { context.LogError(context, "Log error : missing configuration"); return; } IEventUserLogger logger = GetUserLogger(context); if (logger != null) { var logevent = await logger.GetLogEvent(usr, eventid, message); context.LogInfo(context, string.Format("Log event (user) ; event id = {0} ; user id = {1}", logevent.EventId, usr.Username)); await Log(context, logevent); } }
public object Get(ThematicAppCheckAvailabilityRequest request) { var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); bool result = false; context.Open(); try { context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/apps/available GET")); var user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); var apikey = user.GetSessionApiKey(); result = !CatalogueFactory.CheckIdentifierExists(context, request.Index, request.Uid, apikey); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(new WebResponseBool(result)); }
public object Post(UserCurrentCreateSSORequestTep request) { WebUserTep result; var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user/current/sso POST")); UserTep user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); user.CreateSSOAccount(request.Password); result = new WebUserTep(context, user); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Get the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request.</param> public object Get(UserGetCurrentSSORequestTep request) { WebUserTep result; var context = TepWebContext.GetWebContext(PagePrivileges.UserView); try { context.Open(); context.LogInfo(this, string.Format("/user/current/sso GET")); UserTep user = UserTep.FromId(context, context.UserId); //user.FindTerradueCloudUsername(); result = new WebUserTep(context, user); context.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { context.LogError(this, e.Message, e); context.Close(); throw e; } return(result); }