//for Ship drp public void GetAllShipForDrp() { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); List <UserMasterPOCO> pocoList = new List <UserMasterPOCO>(); pocoList = bL.GetAllShipForDrp(/*int.Parse(Session["VesselID"].ToString())*/); List <UserMasterPOCO> itmasterList = new List <UserMasterPOCO>(); foreach (UserMasterPOCO up in pocoList) { UserMasterPOCO unt = new UserMasterPOCO(); unt.ShipId = up.ShipId; unt.ShipName = up.ShipName; itmasterList.Add(unt); } //itmasterList.Add(new UserMasterPOCO { ShipId = -1, ShipName = "Please Select One" }); ViewBag.Ships = itmasterList.OrderBy(s => s.ShipId).Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.ShipName, Value = x.ShipId.ToString() }); }
public ActionResult ApprovedRoNotInUserMaster(int UserId /*, ref string recordCount*/) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); int recordaffected = bL.ApprovedRoNotInUserMaster(UserId /*, ref recordCount*/); return(Json(recordaffected, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult AllowSignatureUpload(int UserId) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); int recordaffected = bL.AllowSignatureUpload(UserId); return(Json(recordaffected, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult UploadPermissionUserMaster(int UserId /*, ref string recordCount*/) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); int recordaffected = bL.UploadPermissionUserMaster(UserId /*, ref recordCount*/); return(Json(recordaffected, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult GetUserByUserId(int UserId) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); UserMasterPOCO pOCOList = new UserMasterPOCO(); pOCOList = bL.GetUserByUserId(UserId); UserMasterPOCO dept = new UserMasterPOCO(); dept.UserId = pOCOList.UserId; dept.UserName = pOCOList.UserName; dept.UserCode = pOCOList.UserCode;//Added on 02nd Feb 2021 dept.Password = pOCOList.Password; dept.CreatedOn = pOCOList.CreatedOn; dept.Email = pOCOList.Email; //dept.CreatedBy = pOCOList.CreatedBy; //dept.ModifiedBy = pOCOList.ModifiedBy; dept.Gender = pOCOList.Gender; dept.VesselIMO = pOCOList.VesselIMO; dept.RankId = pOCOList.RankId; dept.ShipId = pOCOList.ShipId; dept.UserType = pOCOList.UserType; dept.IsAdmin = pOCOList.IsAdmin; dept.RoleId = pOCOList.RoleId; var data = dept; return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult ChangePassword(UserMasterPOCO aUserMaster) { try { UserMasterBL umBL = new UserMasterBL(); int isValid = 0; if (aUserMaster.UserId == 0) { aUserMaster.UserId = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString()); } isValid = umBL.ChangePassword(aUserMaster); if (isValid == 0) { //return Json(isValid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); aUserMaster.hasChange = 2; return(View(aUserMaster)); } else { //return RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"); return(new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary( new { action = "Login", controller = "Home" }))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult GetRoleByUserId(int UserId /*, ref string recordCount*/) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); string recordaffected = bL.GetRoleByUserId(UserId /*, ref recordCount*/); return(Json(recordaffected, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult GenerateUserCode(string userType, string shipId, string rankId, string userName) { string code = ""; UserMasterBL userBl = new UserMasterBL(); code = userBl.GenerateUserCode(userType, shipId, rankId, userName); return(Json(code, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void SetUserMaster(int UserID) { UserMasterBL sellerMasterBL = new UserMasterBL(); table = sellerMasterBL.GetUserMasterByID(UserID); txtName.Text = table.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); txtPassword.Text = table.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); txtStatus.Text = table.Rows[0]["Status"].ToString(); }
public JsonResult LoadData() { _shipId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ShipId"].ToString()); // Added on 17th Aug 2021 int draw, start, length; int pageIndex = 0; if (null != Request.Form.GetValues("draw")) { draw = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("draw").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); start = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("start").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); length = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("length").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); } else { draw = 1; start = 0; length = 500; } if (start == 0) { pageIndex = 1; } else { pageIndex = (start / length) + 1; } UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int totalrecords = 0; List <UserMasterPOCO> pocoList = new List <UserMasterPOCO>(); pocoList = bL.GetAllUserPageWise(pageIndex, ref totalrecords, length, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserType"].ToString()), _shipId); //List<UserMasterPOCO> pList = new List<UserMasterPOCO>(); //foreach (UserMasterPOCO pC in pocoList) //{ // UserMasterPOCO pOCO = new UserMasterPOCO(); // pOCO.UserId = pC.UserId; // pOCO.UserName = pC.UserName; // pOCO.UserCode = pC.UserCode; // pOCO.CreatedOn1 = pC.CreatedOn1; // pOCO.Email = pC.Email; // //pOCO.CreatedBy = pC.CreatedBy; // //pOCO.ModifiedBy = pC.ModifiedBy; // pOCO.Gender = pC.Gender; // pOCO.VesselIMO = pC.VesselIMO; // //pOCO.RankName = pC.RankName; // //pOCO.ShipName = pC.ShipName; // pList.Add(pOCO); //} var data = pocoList; return(Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = totalrecords, recordsTotal = totalrecords, data = data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// this method used to get Rank by UserId /// and call from JS on change User /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult GetUserDetailsByUser(string userId) { ApproverMaster approver = new ApproverMaster(); UserMasterBL userBl = new UserMasterBL(); UserMasterPOCO user = new UserMasterPOCO(); user = userBl.GetUserByUserId(Convert.ToInt32(userId)); approver.RankId = user.RankId; approver.User = user; return(Json(approver, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserMasterBL userBL = new UserMasterBL(); if (dgvUserMaster.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { var id = (int)dgvUserMaster.SelectedRows[0].Cells["UserID"].Value; userBL.DeleteUserMaster(id); LoadUserMaster(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserMasterBL userBL = new UserMasterBL(); if (table == null) { userBL.AddUserMaster(txtName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtStatus.Text); } else { userBL.UpdateUserMaster((int)table.Rows[0]["UserID"], txtName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtStatus.Text); } this.Close(); LoadUserMaster(); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserMasterBL userMaster = new UserMasterBL(); var user = userMaster.spCheckUserMasterByID(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text); if (user == null) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username or Password"); } else { FrmMDIParent frmMDI = new FrmMDIParent(); this.Hide(); frmMDI.Show(); } }
private void FrmDetailSalesContract_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BuyerMasterBL buyerMasterBL = new BuyerMasterBL(); cmbBuyer.DataSource = buyerMasterBL.GetBuyerMaster(); cmbBuyer.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"; cmbBuyer.ValueMember = "ID"; UserMasterBL userBL = new UserMasterBL(); cmbUserMaster.DataSource = userBL.GetUserMaster(); cmbUserMaster.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cmbUserMaster.ValueMember = "UserName"; cmbApprovedBy.DataSource = userBL.GetUserMaster(); cmbApprovedBy.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cmbApprovedBy.ValueMember = "UserName"; }
private void FrmDetailPurchaseContract_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SellerMasterBL sellerMasterBL = new SellerMasterBL(); cmbSeller.DataSource = sellerMasterBL.GetSeller(); cmbSeller.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"; cmbSeller.ValueMember = "ID"; UserMasterBL userMasterBL = new UserMasterBL(); cmbUserMaster.DataSource = userMasterBL.GetUserMaster(); cmbUserMaster.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cmbUserMaster.ValueMember = "UserName"; cmbApprovedBy.DataSource = userMasterBL.GetUserMaster(); cmbApprovedBy.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cmbApprovedBy.ValueMember = "UserName"; }
public JsonResult SaveUpdateUser(UserMasterPOCO pOCO) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); UserMasterPOCO pC = new UserMasterPOCO(); pC.UserId = pOCO.UserId; pC.RankId = pOCO.RankId; pC.ShipId = pOCO.ShipId; pC.UserName = pOCO.UserName; pC.UserCode = pOCO.UserCode; pC.Password = pOCO.Password; pC.Email = pOCO.Email; pC.CreatedBy = pOCO.CreatedBy; pC.ModifiedBy = pOCO.ModifiedBy; pC.Gender = pOCO.Gender; pC.VesselIMO = pOCO.VesselIMO; pC.RoleType = pOCO.RoleType; //pC.UserCode = pOCO.UserCode; pC.UserType = pOCO.UserType; //pC.IsAdmin = pOCO.IsAdmin; return(Json(bL.SaveUpdateUser(pC), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult SaveUpdateSupportUser(UserMasterPOCO pOCO) { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); UserMasterPOCO pC = new UserMasterPOCO(); pC.UserId = pOCO.UserId; pC.RankId = pOCO.RankId; pC.ShipId = pOCO.ShipId; pC.UserName = pOCO.UserName; pC.Password = pOCO.Password; pC.Email = pOCO.Email; pC.CreatedBy = pOCO.CreatedBy; pC.ModifiedBy = pOCO.ModifiedBy; pC.Gender = pOCO.Gender; pC.VesselIMO = pOCO.VesselIMO; //pC.UserCode = pOCO.UserCode; pC.UserType = 0; pC.IsAdmin = pOCO.IsAdmin; return(Json(bL.SaveUpdateUser(pC /*, int.Parse(Session["VesselID"].ToString())*/), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void GetAllUser() { UserMasterBL bL = new UserMasterBL(); List <GroupUser> pocoList = new List <GroupUser>(); pocoList = bL.GetAllUser(/*int.Parse(Session["VesselID"].ToString())*/); List <GroupUser> itmasterList = new List <GroupUser>(); foreach (GroupUser up in pocoList) { GroupUser unt = new GroupUser(); unt.UserId = up.UserId; unt.UserName = up.UserName; itmasterList.Add(unt); } ViewBag.Users = itmasterList.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.UserName, Value = x.UserId.ToString() }); }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(UserMasterPOCO aUserMaster) { bool isSendSuccessfully = false; try { UserMasterBL umBL = new UserMasterBL(); int isValid = 0; string initialPwd = ""; string userCode = ""; string receiverEmail = aUserMaster.Email; isValid = umBL.ForgotPassword(aUserMaster, ref initialPwd, ref userCode); StringBuilder mailBody = new StringBuilder(); if (isValid == 0) { //return Json(isValid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); aUserMaster.hasChange = 2; return(View(aUserMaster)); } else if (isValid == 1) { aUserMaster.hasChange = 1; #region send mail---- //receiverEmail = um.Email.ToString(); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mailBody.Append("User Code : "); mailBody.Append(userCode.ToString()); mailBody.Append("\n"); mailBody.Append("Initial Password : "******"\n"); mailBody.Append("\n"); mailBody.Append("Messege : "); mailBody.Append("Login with above User Code and Password and Change your Password"); mailBody.Append("\n"); mail.Body = mailBody.ToString(); SendEmail.SendMail("TCC Request for Forgot Password", "", receiverEmail, mail, ref isSendSuccessfully); #endregion return(View(aUserMaster)); } else { //return RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"); return(new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary( new { action = "Login", controller = "Home" }))); } } catch (Exception e) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Login(UserMasterPOCO user) { UserMasterBL userMasterBL = new UserMasterBL(); HomeBL homeBl = new HomeBL(); string lsReturnMessage = "0"; string lsApprover = "0"; // Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK string lsAllowSign = "0"; // Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK UserMasterPOCO lUser = new UserMasterPOCO(); lUser = homeBl.CheckUserLogin(user, ref lsReturnMessage); if (lsReturnMessage == "1") { string role = userMasterBL.GetRoleByUserId(lUser.UserId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Role"] = role; } else { return(Json(0, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } ////---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //_cache.Insert("VolMenuData", Server.MapPath("~/xmlMenu/" + "ALLVOLUMES.xml")); //_cache.Insert("ShipMenuData", Server.MapPath("~/xmlMenu/" + "ALLSHIPS1.xml")); ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Session["UserId"] = lUser.UserId.ToString(); Session["UserCode"] = lUser.UserCode.ToString(); Session["UserName"] = lUser.UserName.ToString(); Session["Email"] = lUser.Email.ToString(); Session["ShipId"] = lUser.ShipId.ToString(); Session["DashboardShipId"] = lUser.ShipId.ToString(); Session["IsApprover"] = lUser.IsApprover.ToString(); //Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK lsApprover = lUser.IsApprover.ToString(); //Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK Session["IsAllowSign"] = lUser.IsAllowSign.ToString(); //Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK lsAllowSign = lUser.IsAllowSign.ToString(); //Added on 29th Jul 2021 @BK if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lUser.ShipName)) { Session["ShipName"] = lUser.ShipName.ToString(); } else { Session["ShipName"] = ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lUser.VesselIMO)) { Session["VesselIMO"] = lUser.VesselIMO.ToString(); } else { Session["VesselIMO"] = ""; } Session["UserType"] = lUser.UserType.ToString(); //Session["IsAdmin"] = lUser.IsAdmin.ToString(); if (role == "OfficeAdmin" || role == "ShipAdmin") { return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Dashboard")); } else if (role == "OfficeUser") { if (lsApprover == "1" && lsAllowSign == "0") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ApproverSign")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard", "Dashboard")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard", "Dashboard")); } //return new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary( //new { action = "UserDashboard", controller = "Dashboard" })); } else { return(Json(lsReturnMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public void LoadUserMaster() { UserMasterBL userMaster = new UserMasterBL(); dgvUserMaster.DataSource = userMaster.GetUserMaster(); }