Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate last best quiz score.
    /// </summary>
    private void CalculateScore()
        // Declare a UserLessonBL object.
        UserLessonBL userLessonBL = new UserLessonBL();
        // Get UserLesson data.
        DataTable record = userLessonBL.GetRecord(UserID, LessonID);
        // Reference number of correct and incorrect answers.
        int?correctAnswer   = record.Rows[0].Field <int?>("Correct_Answer");
        int?incorrectAnswer = record.Rows[0].Field <int?>("Incorrect_Answer");

        if (correctAnswer != null && incorrectAnswer != null)
            // Reference total questions.
            int totalQuestions = (int)(correctAnswer) + (int)(incorrectAnswer);
            // Down cast correct answer.
            int correctAnswerToInt = (int)(correctAnswer);
            // Calculate percentage of correct answers.
            int percentComplete = (int)Math.Round((double)(100 * correctAnswerToInt) / totalQuestions);
            // Reference time take of the last best result quiz.
            TimeSpan timeTaken = record.Rows[0].Field <TimeSpan>("Quiz_Time");
            // Reference time units.
            int hr  = timeTaken.Hours;
            int min = timeTaken.Minutes;
            int sec = timeTaken.Seconds;

            string MarkColor = "color:blue;";

            if (percentComplete < 50)
                MarkColor = "color:red;";

            lblMark.Text = "Best Score was: <span style = " + MarkColor + ">" + percentComplete.ToString() + "%" + "</span>" + "</br>Time taken: " + hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Called on Submit button click.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        reqField.IsValid = false;

        // If viewing the pre last question.
        if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex == mvQuestions.Views.Count - 2)
            // Move to last view.
            mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex = mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex + 1;
            reqField.IsValid            = true;
            btnSubmit.Visible           = false;

            // Declare a datatable to bind to the result grid view.
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("Question", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Your Answer", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Correct?", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("TopicID", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Recomended topic review");

            // Stop time.

            string value     = string.Empty;
            int    correct   = 0;
            int    incorrect = 0;

            // Translate boolean to values.
            for (int i = 0; i < mvQuestions.Views.Count - 1; i++)
                value = "chkQuizList" + i + "Value";
                if (((string)(ViewState[value])).Equals("True"))
                    ViewState[value] = "Yes";
                    correct          = correct + 1;
                    ViewState[value] = "No";
                    incorrect        = incorrect + 1;

                // Get the question.
                Label label = (Label)(mvQuestions.Views[i].FindControl("lblViewQ" + i));

                // If question text contains these html characters, remove them
                if (label.Text.Contains("</br></br>"))
                    label.Text = label.Text.Replace("</br></br>", " ");

                if (label.Text.Contains("</br>"))
                    label.Text = label.Text.Replace("</br>", " ");

                table.Rows.Add(label.Text, ViewState["chkQuizList" + i + "Text"].ToString(), ViewState["chkQuizList" + i + "Value"].ToString(), ViewState["Q" + i].ToString());

            // Bind to gridview.
            gvResult.DataSource = table;

            UserLessonBL userLessonBL = new UserLessonBL();
            DataTable    record       = userLessonBL.GetRecord(UserID, LessonID);
            bool         betterScore  = false;

            // Store number of correct and incorrect questions.
            int?previousCorrect = record.Rows[0].Field <int?>("Correct_answer");
            if (previousCorrect != null && previousCorrect < correct)
                lblNotification.Text += "Congratulations you obtained a better score";
                userLessonBL.InsertMark(UserID, LessonID, correct, incorrect);
                betterScore = true;
            else if (previousCorrect == null)
                userLessonBL.InsertMark(UserID, LessonID, correct, incorrect);
                betterScore = true;

            // Show score.
            int percentCorrect = (int)Math.Round((double)(100 * correct) / (correct + incorrect));
            lblScore.Text = percentCorrect + "% Correct";

            // If time is null or better and score is better, record it.
            TimeSpan?quizTime = record.Rows[0].Field <TimeSpan?>("Quiz_Time");
            if (quizTime != null)
                int hr  = ((TimeSpan)(quizTime)).Hours;
                int min = ((TimeSpan)(quizTime)).Minutes;
                int sec = ((TimeSpan)(quizTime)).Seconds;

                bool isBetterTime = false;

                if (StopWatch.Elapsed.Hours < hr)
                    if (betterScore)
                        userLessonBL.InsertQuizTime(UserID, LessonID, StopWatch.Elapsed);
                    isBetterTime = true;
                else if (StopWatch.Elapsed.Hours == hr && StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes < min)
                    if (betterScore)
                        userLessonBL.InsertQuizTime(UserID, LessonID, StopWatch.Elapsed);
                    isBetterTime = true;
                else if (StopWatch.Elapsed.Hours == hr && StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes == min && StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds < sec)
                    if (betterScore)
                        userLessonBL.InsertQuizTime(UserID, LessonID, StopWatch.Elapsed);
                    isBetterTime = true;

                if (isBetterTime)
                    if (lblNotification.Text == "")
                        lblNotification.Text += "You achieved a better time.";
                        lblNotification.Text += ". and achieved a better time.";
            // If null time is present, record the time.
                userLessonBL.InsertQuizTime(UserID, LessonID, StopWatch.Elapsed);

        // If not pre-least question.
        if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex < 4)
            // Move to next question.
            mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex = mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex + 1;

            // If an option selection was made, set control to validate.
            if (reqField.IsValid == false)
                if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex == 1)
                    reqField.ControlToValidate = "chkQuizList1";
                    reqField.IsValid           = true;

                if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex == 2)
                    reqField.ControlToValidate = "chkQuizList2";
                    reqField.IsValid           = true;

                if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex == 3)
                    reqField.ControlToValidate = "chkQuizList3";
                    reqField.IsValid           = true;

                if (mvQuestions.ActiveViewIndex == 4)
                    reqField.ControlToValidate = "chkQuizList4";
                    reqField.IsValid           = true;
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Create side navigation menu.
    /// </summary>
    private void BindSideMenu()
        // Create an instance of lesson business logic.
        LessonBL lesson = new LessonBL();

        // Get all lessons available in table "Lesson"
        DataTable lessons = lesson.GetLessons();

        // Create an instance of UserLesson business logic.
        UserLessonBL userLesson = new UserLessonBL();

        DataTable userLessonTable = null;

        // If records are present in table Lesson.
        if (lessons.Rows.Count > 0)
            // Loop through the lessons rows.
            foreach (DataRow row in lessons.Rows)
                // Create a list item.
                HtmlGenericControl listItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");

                // Create a link Button.
                LinkButton linkB = new LinkButton();

                // Get the lesson ID from the record.
                int lessonID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);

                // Get the record from "User_Lesson" table that contains the user ID and Lesson ID
                userLessonTable = userLesson.GetRecord(UserID, lessonID);

                // If the record is blank, means that the lesson is not complete by the user, so put a white very good image.
                if (userLessonTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                    linkB.Text = "<img src=http://localhost:3787/image/c1.jpg> " + row[1].ToString();
                // If the record does not contain a complete date it also means that the lesson is not complete.
                else if (userLessonTable.Rows[0].Field <DateTime?>("DateCompleted") == null)
                    linkB.Text = "<img src=http://localhost:3787/image/c1.jpg> " + row[1].ToString();
                // If there is the record with a complete date mark the link button with a green very good sign.
                    linkB.Text = "<img src=http://localhost:3787/image/c2.jpg> " + row[1].ToString();

                // Add runat server attribute to the link button.
                linkB.Attributes.Add("runat", "server");
                // Pass the lesson ID to the link button.
                linkB.CommandArgument = lessonID.ToString();
                // Add the Redirect event.
                linkB.Click += new EventHandler(Redirect);

                // Add the link button to the list item.

                // Add the list item to the unsorted list.