Пример #1
        public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, Models.UserContext dbContext)
            #region Task5
            // TODO:  Find if a header ‘ApiKey’ exists, and if it does, check the database to determine if the given API Key is valid
            //        Then set the correct roles for the User, using claims
            var allClaims = new List <Claim>();

            ClaimsIdentity useridentiy = null;
            string         apiKey      = context.Request.Headers["ApiKey"];//x-api-key header for authentication
            bool           inDataBase  = UserDatabaseAccess.CheckAPIKey(apiKey, dbContext);

            if (inDataBase)//Simple if data in the database etc
                User mUser;
                mUser = UserDatabaseAccess.returnUserfromApi(apiKey, dbContext);
                string userName;
                userName = mUser.UserName;
                string userRole;
                userRole = mUser.Role;

                Claim cUserName;
                cUserName = new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, userName);

                Claim cUserrole;
                cUserrole = new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, userRole);


                useridentiy = new ClaimsIdentity(allClaims, apiKey);
                context.User.AddIdentity(useridentiy);// adds the claims here that i have set

            await _next(context);//