protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.Text = ""; UserDA objUserDA = new UserDA(); UserBE objUBE1 = new UserBE(); objUBE1.isEmailWeeklyUpdate = chkEmailUpdate.Checked; objUBE1.TimeZoneID = Convert.ToInt32(rcmbTimeZone.SelectedValue); objUBE1.isAutoDLSave = chkDaylight.Checked; objUBE1.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); objUserDA.UpdateUserAcccountSetting(objUBE1); lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblMsg.Text = objErr.getMessage("AM0006"); }
public int AddUserAccountDA(UserBE objUserBE) { int userID = 0; // SQL: Client record string sql1 = DBQuery.sqlUserInsert; try { using (MySqlConnection sqlCon = new MySqlConnection(Constant.EBirdConnectionString)) { MySqlCommand sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand("spAddNewUser", sqlCon); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pEmailID", objUserBE.EmailID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pUserPassword", objUserBE.Password)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pFirstName", objUserBE.FirstName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pLastName", objUserBE.LastName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pAddress1", objUserBE.Address)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pTelephone", objUserBE.Telephone)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pRole", objUserBE.Role)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pClientID", objUserBE.ClientID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pDepartment", objUserBE.Department)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pUserStatus", "Active")); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pIsPrimary", (objUserBE.isPrimary ? 1 : 0))); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pCreatedBy", (objUserBE.CreatedBy))); sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; MySqlDataReader reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); userID = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue(0)); } reader.Close(); reader = null; sqlCon.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return userID; }
private static UserBE RenameUser(UserBE user, string newUserName, string newFullName) { //Renaming requires admin rights. PermissionsBL.CheckUserAllowed(DekiContext.Current.User, Permissions.ADMIN); if (!ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(user.ServiceId)) { //TODO MaxM: allow renaming of external users throw new ExternalUserRenameNotImplementedExceptionException(); } //Check for already existing user with same name UserBE existingUser = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(newUserName); if (existingUser != null) { throw new UserWithIdExistsConflictException(existingUser.Name, existingUser.ID); } PageBE existingTargetUserHomePage = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(Title.FromUIUsername(newUserName)); if (existingTargetUserHomePage != null && existingTargetUserHomePage.ID != 0 && !existingTargetUserHomePage.IsRedirect) { throw new UserHomepageRenameConflictException(); } //Try to move the homepage. PageBE userHomePage = GetHomePage(user); if (userHomePage != null && userHomePage.ID != 0) { Title newTitle = Title.FromUIUsername(newUserName); // new user homepage displayname is the user's full name or rebuilt from the username newTitle.DisplayName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newFullName) ? newFullName : newTitle.AsUserFriendlyDisplayName(); PageBL.MovePage(userHomePage, newTitle, true); } //Rename the user user.Name = newUserName; UserBL.UpdateUser(user); return(user); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Registration(UserRegisterViewModel userviewmodel, CancellationToken token) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { UserBE userExistence = await _userBL.GetUserByUserNameAndEmailBL(userviewmodel.UserName, userviewmodel.Email, token); UserBE userToAdd = new UserBE(); if (userExistence == null) { userToAdd.UserName = userviewmodel.UserName; userToAdd.Email = userviewmodel.Email; userToAdd.NormalizedUserName = userviewmodel.UserName.ToUpper(); userToAdd.NormalizedEmail = userviewmodel.Email.ToUpper(); var resultRegistration = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userToAdd, userviewmodel.Password); if (resultRegistration.Succeeded) { var userAfterAdd = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userviewmodel.Email); await _signManager.SignInAsync(userAfterAdd, false); return(RedirectToAction("UserFlights", "Flight")); } else { foreach (var error in resultRegistration.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error.Description); } } } ModelState.AddModelError("Login", "Vous avez deja un compte"); ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Vous avez deja un compte"); return(View(userviewmodel)); } return(View(userviewmodel)); }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string RealPass = txtPass.Text; if (ValidData()) { return; } UserBE LoggedInUser = new UserBE(); CommonBAL combal = new CommonBAL(); UserBAL userBAL = new UserBAL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // Using screen inputs create UserBE; LoggedInUser.UserName = txtName.Text; LoggedInUser.EncPass = combal.Encrypt(txtPass.Text, false); if (userBAL.Validate(ref LoggedInUser)) { Session["LoggedInUser"] = LoggedInUser; if (Session["LoggedInUser"] != null) { LoggedInUser.UserId = ((UserBE)Session["LoggedInUser"]).UserId; if (userBAL.UserAccessRight(LoggedInUser, ref dt)) { Session["UserAccessRights"] = dt; Response.Redirect(@"~\UserMaint\LoggedInHome.aspx"); } //General master = (General)this.Master; //master.ShowMessage("You are not authorised to access this page. Please contact system administrator.", false); //?? Message through Query String ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "CallJS", "alert('You are not authorised to access this page. Please contact system administrator.');", true); return; } } else { //General master = (General)this.Master; //master.ShowMessage("Incorrect Email or Password.", false); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "CallJS", "alert('Incorrect Email or Password.');", true); return; } }
private void PageChanged(DateTime eventTime, PageBE page, UserBE user, XDoc extra, params string[] path) { try { XUri channel = _channel.At(PAGES).At(path); XUri resource = PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page).WithHost(_wikiid); string[] origin = new string[] { PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page).AsServerUri().ToString(), XUri.Localhost + "/" + page.Title.AsUiUriPath() }; XDoc doc = new XDoc("deki-event") .Elem("channel", channel) // BUGBUGBUG: This will generally generate a Uri based on the request that caused the event, // which may not really be canonical .Elem("uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page).AsPublicUri().ToString()) .Elem("pageid", page.ID) .Start("user") .Attr("id", user.ID) .Attr("anonymous", UserBL.IsAnonymous(user)) .Elem("uri", UserBL.GetUri(user)) .End() .Start("content.uri") .Attr("type", "application/xml") .Value(PageBL.GetUriContentsCanonical(page).With("format", "xhtml").AsServerUri().ToString()) .End() .Elem("revision.uri", PageBL.GetUriRevisionCanonical(page).AsServerUri().ToString()) .Elem("tags.uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page).At("tags").AsServerUri().ToString()) .Elem("comments.uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page).At("comments").AsServerUri().ToString()) .Elem("path", page.Title.AsUiUriPath()); if (extra != null) { doc.Add(extra); } Queue(eventTime, channel, resource, origin, doc); if (page.Title.IsTalk) { PageBE front = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(page.Title.AsFront()); if ((front != null) && (front.ID > 0)) { PageChanged(eventTime, front, user, extra, ArrayUtil.Concat(new string[] { DEPENDENTS_CHANGED, TALK }, path)); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.WarnExceptionMethodCall(e, "PageChanged", "event couldn't be created"); } }
public IList <BinnacleBE> GetBinnacleWithFilters(DateTime?DateTo, DateTime?DateFrom, string UserName) { var dbContext = new DBContext(); var parameters = Array.Empty <SqlParameter>(); parameters = new SqlParameter[3]; parameters[0] = dbContext.CreateParameters("@DateFrom", DateFrom.HasValue ? DateFrom.Value : default(DateTime?)); parameters[1] = dbContext.CreateParameters("@DateTo", DateTo.HasValue ? DateTo.Value : default(DateTime?)); parameters[2] = dbContext.CreateParameters("@UserName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) ? null : UserName); var binnacleList = new List <BinnacleBE>(); var dataTable = dbContext.Read("GetBinnacle", parameters); UserBE user = null; foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Tables[0].Rows) { var register = new BinnacleBE { Id = Guid.Parse(row["BinnacleID"].ToString()), Description = row["Description"].ToString(), Date = DateTime.Parse(row["Date"].ToString()) }; if (row["UserID"] != null) { user = new UserBE { Id = Guid.Parse(row["UserID"].ToString()), UserName = row["UserName"].ToString(), }; } register.User = user; binnacleList.Add(register); } return(binnacleList); }
public async Task <IList <string> > GetRolesAsync(UserBE user, CancellationToken token) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } try { IList <string> result = new List <string>(); result.Add("Admin"); result.Add("User"); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { _logError.Log(ex); return(null); } }
public static UserBE SetPassword(UserBE user, string password, bool altPassword) { string pwhash = Logic.AuthBL.EncryptPassword(user, password); if (altPassword) { //Set the alternate password only while keeping the main password untouched. user.NewPassword = pwhash; } else { //Set the main password and clear the alternate password. user.Password = pwhash; user.NewPassword = string.Empty; } user.Touched = DateTime.UtcNow; DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_Update(user); return(user); }
public static string NormalizeExternalNameToWikiUsername(string externalUserName) { uint suffix = 0; UserBE userWithMatchingName = null; string newUserName; do { newUserName = Title.FromUIUsername(externalUserName).Path; if (suffix > 0) { newUserName = newUserName + suffix.ToString(); } userWithMatchingName = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(newUserName); suffix++; } while(userWithMatchingName != null); return(newUserName); }
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context) { try { UserBLL userBLL = new UserBLL(); PermissionsBLL permissionsBLL = new PermissionsBLL(); UserBE userToFind = new UserBE() { UserName = context.UserName, Password = context.Password }; var user = await Task.Run(() => userBLL.CheckUserName(userToFind)); user.Permissions = permissionsBLL.GetUserPermission(user); if (user != null) { var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("Username", user.UserName)); string userObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("userObject", userObj)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("LoggedOn", DateTime.Now.ToString())); identity = ListPermissions(user.Permissions, identity); //var additionalData = new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>{ // { // "role", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(identity.userRoles) // } //}); //var token = new AuthenticationTicket(identity,new AuthenticationProperties() { }); context.Validated(identity); } else { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Users_Update(UserBE user) { if (user == null || user.ID == 0) { return; } Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Users_Update */ UPDATE users SET user_role_id = ?ROLEID, user_name = ?USERNAME, user_password = ?USERPASSWORD, user_newpassword = ?NEWPASSWORD, user_touched = ?TOUCHED, user_email = ?EMAIL, user_service_id = ?SERVICEID, user_active = ?ACTIVE, user_real_name = ?REALNAME, user_external_name = ?EXTERNALNAME, user_create_timestamp = ?USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP, user_timezone = ?USER_TIMEZONE, user_language = ?USER_LANGUAGE, user_seat = ?USER_SEAT WHERE user_id = ?USERID;") .With("USERPASSWORD", user._Password) .With("NEWPASSWORD", user._NewPassword) .With("ROLEID", user.RoleId) .With("USERNAME", user.Name) .With("TOUCHED", user._Touched) .With("EMAIL", user.Email) .With("SERVICEID", user.ServiceId) .With("ACTIVE", user.UserActive) .With("REALNAME", user.RealName) .With("USERID", user.ID) .With("EXTERNALNAME", user.ExternalName) .With("USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP", user.CreateTimestamp) .With("USER_TIMEZONE", user.Timezone) .With("USER_LANGUAGE", user.Language) .With("USER_SEAT", user.LicenseSeat) .Execute(); }
protected void btnDeleteYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!commonBAL.isUserAuthorisedForPageFunc(LoggedInUser.UserId, thisPageName, "delete")) { LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("You are not authorised to perform this function. Please contact system administrator.", false); return; } UserBE user = new UserBE(); UserBAL userBAL = new UserBAL(); user.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnUserId.Value); if (userBAL.Delete(user)) { if (lvUserList.Items.Count == 1) { UserDataPager.SetPageProperties(UserDataPager.TotalRowCount - UserDataPager.PageSize - 1, UserDataPager.PageSize, true); bindLVUser(); recalcNoOfPages(); LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("User successfully deleted.", true); } else { lvUserList.EditIndex = -1; bindLVUser(); recalcNoOfPages(); LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("User successfully deleted.", true); } } else { LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("Sorry You cannot delete this User because it is already in use", false); } // Hide the ModalPopup. //this.mpe_DeleteUser.Hide(); }
private UserBE Users_Populate(IDataReader dr) { UserBE user = new UserBE(); user._NewPassword = dr.Read <byte[]>("user_newpassword"); user._Password = dr.Read <byte[]>("user_password"); user._Touched = dr.Read <string>("user_touched"); user.CreateTimestamp = dr.Read <DateTime>("user_create_timestamp"); user.Email = dr.Read <string>("user_email"); user.ExternalName = dr.Read <string>("user_external_name"); user.ID = dr.Read <uint>("user_id"); user.Language = dr.Read <string>("user_language"); user.Name = dr.Read <string>("user_name"); user.RealName = dr.Read <string>("user_real_name"); user.RoleId = dr.Read <uint>("user_role_id"); user.ServiceId = dr.Read <uint>("user_service_id"); user.Timezone = dr.Read <string>("user_timezone"); user.UserActive = dr.Read <bool>("user_active"); user.LicenseSeat = dr.Read <bool>("user_seat"); return(user); }
public async Task <IdentityResult> DeleteAsync(UserBE user, CancellationToken token) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Id)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } await _data.DeleteUser(user, token); return(IdentityResult.Success); } catch (Exception ex) { _logError.Log(ex); return(IdentityResult.Failed(new IdentityError { Description = ex.ToString() })); } }
public static UserBE CreateOrUpdateUser(UserBE user, string newPassword) { if (user.ID > 0) { UpdateUser(user); } else { //TODO consider logic here to confirm that the user does not yet exist. user = CreateNewUser(user); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPassword) && ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(user.ServiceId)) { user = UserBL.SetPassword(user, newPassword, false); DekiContext.Current.Instance.EventSink.UserChangePassword(DekiContext.Current.Now, user); } return(user); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserBE objUserBE = new UserBE(); objUserBE.FirstName = txtFName.Text.Trim(); objUserBE.LastName = txtLName.Text.Trim(); objUserBE.Telephone = txtTelephone.Text.Trim(); objUserBE.Department = txtDepartment.Text.Trim(); objUserBE.JobTitle = txtJobTitle.Text.Trim(); objUserBE.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); objUserDA.UpdateUserProfileRecord(objUserBE); PresenterBE objPreBE = new PresenterBE(); txtPresenterName.Text = txtFName.Text.Trim() + " " + txtLName.Text.Trim(); txtPresenterTitle.Text = txtJobTitle.Text.Trim(); objPreBE.PresenterName = txtPresenterName.Text.Trim(); objPreBE.Title = txtPresenterTitle.Text.Trim(); objPreBE.Organization = txtPreOrgName.Text.Trim(); objPreBE.Bio = redtBio.Text; objPreBE.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); objWebinarDA.UpdatePresenterDetail(objPreBE); }
public UserBE Users_GetByName(string userName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { return(null); } UserBE user = null; Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Users_GetByName */ SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = ?USERNAME") .With("USERNAME", userName) .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) { if (dr.Read()) { user = Users_Populate(dr); } }); return(user); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoggedInUser = (UserBE)Session["LoggedInUser"]; if (LoggedInUser == null) { if (Session["QuestId"] == null) //cv?org { // return to login page because user has not loggedin or session has timedout... Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } else { //coming from QA_SearchQuestionWOLogin.aspx page - i.e. search w/o login - Quick Search click } } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["QuestId"] != null) //CV?org { hdnQuestId.Value = Session["QuestId"].ToString(); //cv?org CommonBAL commBAL = new CommonBAL(); //am?? bool blnTemp = commBAL.QueriesTotalViewCountrIncrement(Convert.ToInt16(Session["QuestId"]), (int)LoggedInUser.UserId); //am??? //Session["QuestIdWOLogin"] = Session["QuestId"].ToString(); //cv?org Session["QuestId"] = null; //CV??org ShowQuestion(); GetAnswers(); } else { Response.Redirect("~/UserMaint/LoggedInHome.aspx"); } } }
public AnswerResponseBE UpdateUser(UserBE UPUS) { AnswerResponseBE AR = new AnswerResponseBE(); MasterProductContext BDMP = new MasterProductContext(); try { User user = new User(); user = BDMP.User.Where(x => x.IdUser == UPUS.IdUser).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { user.IdUser = UPUS.IdUser; user.NameUser = UPUS.NameUser; user.Photo = UPUS.Photo; BDMP.SaveChanges(); AR.CodeError = 0; AR.DescriptionError = "Se ha actualizado el usuario correctamente"; } else { AR.CodeError = 2; AR.DescriptionError = "El registro no existe, por favor verifique la información"; } } catch (Exception EX) { AR.CodeError = 1; AR.DescriptionError = "Hubo un error"; } finally { BDMP.Dispose(); } return(AR); }
public AnswerResponseBE InsertUser(UserBE IUS) { AnswerResponseBE AR = new AnswerResponseBE(); MasterProductContext BDMP = new MasterProductContext(); try { int CountUser = 0; CountUser = BDMP.User.Where(x => x.IdUser == IUS.IdUser).ToList().Count(); if (CountUser == 0) { User USER = new User(); USER.IdUser = IUS.IdUser; USER.NameUser = IUS.NameUser; USER.Photo = IUS.Photo; BDMP.User.Add(USER); BDMP.SaveChanges(); AR.CodeError = 0; AR.DescriptionError = "Se ha insertado el usuario correctamente"; } else { AR.CodeError = 2; AR.DescriptionError = "El usuario ya existe, por favor verifique la información"; } } catch (Exception EX) { AR.CodeError = 1; AR.DescriptionError = "Hubo un error"; } finally { BDMP.Dispose(); } return(AR); }
//--- Cosntructors --- public IndexRebuilder( IDekiChangeSink eventSink, UserBE currentUser, ISearchBL searchBL, IPageBL pageBL, ICommentBL commentBL, IAttachmentBL attachmentBL, IUserBL userBL, NS[] indexNameSpaceWhitelist, DateTime now ) { _eventSink = eventSink; _currentUser = currentUser; _searchBL = searchBL; _pageBL = pageBL; _commentBL = commentBL; _attachmentBL = attachmentBL; _userBL = userBL; _indexNameSpaceWhitelist = indexNameSpaceWhitelist; _now = now; }
protected void btnAddRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!commonBAL.isUserAuthorisedForPageFunc(LoggedInUser.UserId, thisPageName, "add")) { LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("You are not authorised to Perform any operation on this page. Please contact system administrator.", false); // Server.Transfer("UM_BlankPage.aspx"); //?? send Message through Query String to the BlankPage // string cat = Request.QueryString["Message"]; // Response.Redirect("UM_BlankPage.aspx?Message=You are not authorised to Perform any operation on this page. Please contact system administrator."); return; } if (ValidData()) { } else { UserBE user = (UserBE)Session["LoggedInUser"]; RoleBE addRoleBE = new RoleBE(); RoleDAL addRoleDal = new RoleDAL(); RoleBAL addRoleBal = new RoleBAL(); addRoleBE.RoleShortDesc = txtRoleShortDesc.Text; addRoleBE.RoleLongDesc = txtRoleLongDesc.Text; addRoleBE.LastModifiedBy = user.UserId; if (addRoleBal.AddRole(addRoleBE)) { txtRoleShortDesc.Text = ""; txtRoleLongDesc.Text = ""; LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("Record Inserted Successfully.", true); } else { LoggedIn master = (LoggedIn)this.Master; master.ShowMessage("Unsuccessful.", false); } } }
// // GET: /OrdenCompra/ public ActionResult Index() { var daoOrden = new OrdenCompraWS(); UserBE usuario = ((UserBE)Session["Usuario"]); int IdEstablecimiento = 0; if (usuario.Rol.RolId == (int)ConstantesBE.Rol.Establecimiento) { IdEstablecimiento = usuario.EmpleadoId; } var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1); var lastDayOfMonth = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1); var lista = daoOrden.Listar("", 0, firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth, IdEstablecimiento); var daoParametro = new ParametroWS(); ViewBag.ListaEstado = daoParametro.Listar((int)ConstantesBE.Dominio.EstadoOrdenCompra); return(View(lista)); }
public ActionResult Index(UserBE UserBE) { var db = new UserWS(); var UsuarioBe = db.ObtenerUsuario(UserBE.UserLogin); if (UsuarioBe == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "El Usuario no Existe"); return(View(UserBE)); } else if (UsuarioBe.UserPassword.Equals(UserBE.UserPassword)) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserBE.UserLogin, true); Session["Usuario"] = UsuarioBe; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Usuario o Contraseña Incorrectos"); return(View(UserBE)); } }
protected void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UsersBR oSecurityClient = new UsersBR(); UserBE Respuesta = new UserBE(); ReglasBE Reglas = new ReglasBE(); string sMensaje = string.Empty; StringBuilder sMensajeRespuesta = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); bool res; Respuesta = GetWUCs(); Reglas.IDAPP = long.Parse(ResIEL.IdApp); res = oSecurityClient.updateUsuario(Reglas, Respuesta.USUARIOS, Respuesta.DOMICILIOS, Respuesta.CONTACTOS, Respuesta.DATOSUSUARIO.RolesXUsuario, long.Parse(ResIEL.IdApp)); sMensajeRespuesta.Append("alert('"); if (res) { sMensaje = "El Usuario se actualizó correctamente."; sMensajeRespuesta.Append(sMensaje); } else { sMensaje = "Existió un error al dar de alta al cliente."; sMensajeRespuesta.Append(sMensaje); } sMensajeRespuesta.Append("');"); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<script type='text/javascript'>"); sb.Append(sMensajeRespuesta.ToString()); sb.Append(@"</script>"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ShowAlertUpdateScript", sb.ToString(), false); }
protected void grdUsuarios_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); StringBuilder sMensajelbl = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); List <UsuariosBE> lstUsaurios = (List <UsuariosBE>)ViewState["lstUsuarios"]; UsuariosBE item = new UsuariosBE(); GridViewRow gvrow = grdUsuarios.Rows[index]; UserBE Usuario = new UserBE(); string sIdUsuario = grdUsuarios.DataKeys[index].Value.ToString(); UsersBR oUserSecurityServiceClient = new UsersBR(); ReglasBE Reglas = new ReglasBE(); Reglas.USUARIO = sIdUsuario; Reglas.TIPOBUSQUEDA = 1; Usuario.DATOSUSUARIO = oUserSecurityServiceClient.getUsuarioFull(Reglas, long.Parse(ResIEL.IdApp)); if (e.CommandName.Equals("EditUsuario")) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<script type='text/javascript'>"); sb.Append("$('#mdlUser').modal('show');"); sb.Append(@"</script>"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "mdlEditUserScript", sb.ToString(), false); sMensajelbl.Append(" EDITAR USUARIO "); //sMensajelbl.Append(item.psNOMBRECATALOGO); lblModalUser.Text = sMensajelbl.ToString(); UserFullWUC.ClearWUCs(); UserFullWUC.SetWUCs(Usuario); UserFullWUC.RegisterWUCsScripts(); } RegisterGridpaging(grdUsuarios); }
public bool SetUserPermission(UserBE entity, DBContext dbCon) { try { var dataSet = new DataSet(); var parameters = Array.Empty <SqlParameter>(); bool result = false; //probar bien esto try { foreach (var userper in entity.Permissions) { parameters = new SqlParameter[3]; parameters[1] = dbCon.CreateParameters("@userID", entity.Id); parameters[0] = dbCon.CreateParameters("@permissionID", userper.Id); parameters[2] = dbCon.CreateParameters("@userpermissionID", Guid.NewGuid()); result = (dbCon.Write("SetUserPermission", parameters) > 0) ? true : false; } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(Messages.Generic_Error); } }
public AnswerResponseBE InsertUser(UserBE IUSER) { AnswerResponseBE AR = new AnswerResponseBE(); EmploActiEntities BDEA = new EmploActiEntities(); try { int CountUser = 0; CountUser = BDEA.User.Where(x => x.IdUser == IUSER.IdUser).ToList().Count(); if (CountUser == 0) { User US = new User(); US.NameUser = IUSER.NameUser; US.Password = IUSER.Password; BDEA.User.Add(US); BDEA.SaveChanges(); AR.CodeError = 0; AR.DescriptionError = "Se ha insertado el usuario correctamente"; } else { AR.CodeError = 2; AR.DescriptionError = "El registro ya existe, por favor verifique la información"; } } catch (Exception EX) { AR.CodeError = 1; AR.DescriptionError = "Hubo un error"; } finally { BDEA.Dispose(); } return(AR); }
private void SetGrid(bool bCargaInicial) { UsersBR oUserSecurity = new UsersBR(); ReglasBE Reglas = new ReglasBE(); UserBE Usuario = new UserBE(); UsuariosBE item = new UsuariosBE(); List <UsuariosBE> lstUsuarios = new List <UsuariosBE>(); // item.IDAPLICACION = ddlSistema.SelectedIndex; item.IDUSUARIOAPP = txtUsuario.Text; item.NOMBRE = txtNombre.Text; item.APATERNO = txtAPaterno.Text; item.AMATERNO = txtAMaterno.Text; if (bCargaInicial) { lstUsuarios = oUserSecurity.GetUsuarios(item, long.Parse(ResIEL.IdApp)); ViewState["lstUsuarios"] = lstUsuarios; } lstUsuarios = (List <UsuariosBE>)ViewState["lstUsuarios"]; grdUsuarios.DataSource = lstUsuarios; grdUsuarios.DataBind(); }
public UserBE Users_GetByExternalName(string externalUserName, uint serviceId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalUserName)) { return(null); } UserBE user = null; Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Users_GetByExternalName */ select * from users where user_external_name = ?EXTERNAL_NAME AND user_service_id = ?SERVICE_ID;") .With("EXTERNAL_NAME", externalUserName) .With("SERVICE_ID", serviceId) .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) { if (dr.Read()) { user = Users_Populate(dr); } }); return(user); }
public static XDoc GetArchivePageXml(uint pageid) { XDoc ret = XDoc.Empty; ArchiveBE page = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Archive_GetPageHeadById(pageid); if (page == null) { throw new PageArchiveLogicNotFoundException(pageid); } //Retrieve metadata about the deletion to populate page info TransactionBE t = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Transactions_GetById(page.TransactionId); DateTime deleteTs = DateTime.MinValue; UserBE deletedBy = null; if (t != null) { deletedBy = UserBL.GetUserById(t.UserId); deleteTs = t.TimeStamp; } return(GetArchivePageXml(ret, page, deletedBy, deleteTs)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string PageName = Request.QueryString["Page"]; LoggedIn lgdIn = (LoggedIn)this.Page.Master; LoggedInUser = (UserBE)Session["LoggedInUser"]; if (LoggedInUser == null) { // return to login page because user has not loggedin or session has timedout... Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } if (Session["HomePageId"] != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { hdnHomePageId.Value = Session["HomePageId"].ToString(); btnUpdate.Visible = true; btnSave.Visible = false; btnBack.Visible = true; retreiveDATA(); Session["HomePageId"] = null; } } else { if (!IsPostBack) { btnUpdate.Visible = false; btnSave.Visible = true; btnBack.Visible = false; } } }
private void saveUserRec() { UserBE objUsr = new UserBE(); objUsr.EmailID = txtUserEmail.Text; objUsr.FirstName = txtUserFName.Text; objUsr.LastName = txtUserLName.Text; objUsr.Address = ""; objUsr.Telephone = txtUserPhone.Text.Trim(); objUsr.Role = (chkAdmin.Checked ? "Admin" : "User"); objUsr.ClientID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]); objUsr.Department = txtUserDept.Text; objUsr.UserStatus = hUserStatus.Value; objUsr.isPrimary = false; objUsr.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); objUsr.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(hUserID.Value); if (objUsr.ClientID == 0) { objUsr.Role = "AEAdmin"; } if (hAction.Value == "A") { string rndPasswd = RandomPassword.Generate(); objUsr.Password = EBirdUtility.Encrypt(rndPasswd); if (objUserDA.AddUserAccountDA(objUsr) > 0) { popUsers(); // Emailing the account details to user int reqID = SaveToEmailJob(txtUserEmail.Text, rndPasswd); if (reqID > 0) { EmailApp objEmailing = new EmailApp(); objEmailing.SendEmail(reqID); } lbtnBack_Click(null, null); } else { dvMsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0002"); } } if (hAction.Value == "E") { int PrimaryAdmin = objUsr.UserID; if (lblPrimary.Visible) { if (chkAdmin.Checked) objUsr.isPrimary = true; else PrimaryAdmin = Convert.ToInt32(rcmbAdmin.SelectedValue); } if (objUserDA.UpdateUserRecord(objUsr, PrimaryAdmin)) { popUsers(); lbtnBack_Click(null, null); } else { dvMsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0012"); } } }
public void UpdateUserAcccountSetting(UserBE objUserBE) { try { using (MySqlConnection sqlCon = new MySqlConnection(Constant.EBirdConnectionString)) { MySqlCommand sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(DBQuery.sqlUserAcctSettingUpdate, sqlCon); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@isEmailWeekly", objUserBE.isEmailWeeklyUpdate)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@TimeZoneID", objUserBE.TimeZoneID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@isAutoDLSave", objUserBE.isAutoDLSave)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@userID", objUserBE.UserID)); sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public uint Users_Insert(UserBE newUser) { uint userId = Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Users_Insert */ insert into users (user_role_id,user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_touched,user_email,user_service_id,user_active,user_real_name,user_external_name,user_create_timestamp,user_language,user_timezone,user_seat) values (?ROLEID, ?USERNAME, ?USERPASSWORD, ?NEWPASSWORD, ?TOUCHED, ?EMAIL, ?SERVICEID, ?ACTIVE, ?REALNAME, ?EXTERNALNAME, ?USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP, ?USER_LANGUAGE, ?USER_TIMEZONE, ?USER_SEAT); select LAST_INSERT_ID();") .With("USERPASSWORD", newUser._Password) .With("NEWPASSWORD", newUser._NewPassword) .With("ROLEID", newUser.RoleId) .With("USERNAME", newUser.Name) .With("TOUCHED", newUser._Touched) .With("EMAIL", newUser.Email) .With("SERVICEID", newUser.ServiceId) .With("ACTIVE", newUser.UserActive) .With("REALNAME", newUser.RealName) .With("EXTERNALNAME", newUser.ExternalName) .With("USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP", newUser.CreateTimestamp) .With("USER_TIMEZONE", newUser.Timezone) .With("USER_LANGUAGE", newUser.Language) .With("USER_SEAT", newUser.LicenseSeat ? 1 : 0) .ReadAsUInt() ?? 0; return userId; }
public bool UpdateUserRecord(UserBE objUserBE, int priAdminID) { bool rtnVal = false; try { using (MySqlConnection sqlCon = new MySqlConnection(Constant.EBirdConnectionString)) { MySqlCommand sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand("spUpdateUserInfo", sqlCon); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pEmailID", objUserBE.EmailID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pFirstName", objUserBE.FirstName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pLastName", objUserBE.LastName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pAddress1", objUserBE.Address)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pTelephone", objUserBE.Telephone)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pRole", objUserBE.Role)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pClientID", objUserBE.ClientID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pDepartment", objUserBE.Department)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pUserStatus", objUserBE.UserStatus)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pIsPrimary", (objUserBE.isPrimary ? 1 : 0))); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pPrimaryAdminID", priAdminID)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("pUserID", objUserBE.UserID)); sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; MySqlDataReader reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); if (Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue(0)) == 0) rtnVal = true; } reader.Close(); reader = null; sqlCon.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return rtnVal; }
public void UpdateUserProfileRecord(UserBE objUserBE) { try { using (MySqlConnection sqlCon = new MySqlConnection(Constant.EBirdConnectionString)) { MySqlCommand sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(DBQuery.sqlUserProfileUpdate, sqlCon); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@FirstName", objUserBE.FirstName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@LastName", objUserBE.LastName)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Telephone", objUserBE.Telephone)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Department", objUserBE.Department)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@jobTitle", objUserBE.JobTitle)); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@userID", objUserBE.UserID)); sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public void Users_Update(UserBE user) { if(user == null || user.ID == 0) return; Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Users_Update */ UPDATE users SET user_role_id = ?ROLEID, user_name = ?USERNAME, user_password = ?USERPASSWORD, user_newpassword = ?NEWPASSWORD, user_touched = ?TOUCHED, user_email = ?EMAIL, user_service_id = ?SERVICEID, user_active = ?ACTIVE, user_real_name = ?REALNAME, user_external_name = ?EXTERNALNAME, user_create_timestamp = ?USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP, user_timezone = ?USER_TIMEZONE, user_language = ?USER_LANGUAGE, user_seat = ?USER_SEAT WHERE user_id = ?USERID;") .With("USERPASSWORD", user._Password) .With("NEWPASSWORD", user._NewPassword) .With("ROLEID", user.RoleId) .With("USERNAME", user.Name) .With("TOUCHED", user._Touched) .With("EMAIL", user.Email) .With("SERVICEID", user.ServiceId) .With("ACTIVE", user.UserActive) .With("REALNAME", user.RealName) .With("USERID", user.ID) .With("EXTERNALNAME", user.ExternalName) .With("USER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP", user.CreateTimestamp) .With("USER_TIMEZONE", user.Timezone) .With("USER_LANGUAGE", user.Language) .With("USER_SEAT", user.LicenseSeat) .Execute(); }
public void RecentChanges_Insert(DateTime timestamp, PageBE page, UserBE user, string comment, ulong lastoldid, RC type, uint movedToNS, string movedToTitle, bool isMinorChange, uint transactionId) { string dbtimestamp = DbUtils.ToString(timestamp); string pageTitle = String.Empty; NS pageNamespace = NS.MAIN; ulong pageID = 0; uint userID = 0; if (page != null) { pageTitle = page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath() ; pageNamespace = page.Title.Namespace; pageID = page.ID; } if (user != null) { userID = user.ID; } string q = "/* RecentChanges_Insert */"; if(lastoldid > 0) { q += @" UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_this_oldid = ?LASTOLDID WHERE rc_namespace = ?NS AND rc_title = ?TITLE AND rc_this_oldid=0;"; } q += @" INSERT INTO recentchanges (rc_timestamp, rc_cur_time, rc_user, rc_namespace, rc_title, rc_comment, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title, rc_minor, rc_transaction_id) VALUES (?TS, ?TS, ?USER, ?NS, ?TITLE, ?COMMENT, ?CURID, 0, ?LASTOLDID, ?TYPE, ?MOVEDTONS, ?MOVEDTOTITLE, ?MINOR, ?TRANID); "; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment.Length > MAXCOMMENTLENGTH) { string segment1 = comment.Substring(0, MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2); string segment2 = comment.Substring(comment.Length - MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2 + 3); comment = string.Format("{0}...{1}", segment1, segment2); } Catalog.NewQuery(q) .With("TS", dbtimestamp) .With("USER", userID) .With("NS", pageNamespace) .With("TITLE", pageTitle) .With("COMMENT", comment) .With("CURID", pageID) .With("LASTOLDID", lastoldid) .With("TYPE", (uint) type) .With("MOVEDTONS", movedToNS) .With("MOVEDTOTITLE", movedToTitle) .With("MINOR", isMinorChange ? 1 : 0) .With("TRANID", transactionId) .Execute(); }
private UserBE Users_Populate(IDataReader dr) { UserBE user = new UserBE(); user._NewPassword = dr.Read<byte[]>("user_newpassword"); user._Password = dr.Read<byte[]>("user_password"); user._Touched = dr.Read<string>("user_touched"); user.CreateTimestamp = dr.Read<DateTime>("user_create_timestamp"); user.Email = dr.Read<string>("user_email"); user.ExternalName = dr.Read<string>("user_external_name"); user.ID = dr.Read<uint>("user_id"); user.Language = dr.Read<string>("user_language"); user.Name = dr.Read<string>("user_name"); user.RealName = dr.Read<string>("user_real_name"); user.RoleId = dr.Read<uint>("user_role_id"); user.ServiceId = dr.Read<uint>("user_service_id"); user.Timezone = dr.Read<string>("user_timezone"); user.UserActive = dr.Read<bool>("user_active"); user.LicenseSeat = dr.Read<bool>("user_seat"); return user; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(hClientID.Value); if (ID != 0 && (hCurrStatus.Value != rcmbStatus.SelectedValue)) { objClientDA.UpdateClientStatusDA(ID, rcmbStatus.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])); popClients(); lbtnBack_Click(null, null); } else { // Business rule check if ((ID != 0) && (Convert.ToInt32(txtNoUsers.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(hActiveUserCnt.Value))) { dvValidationMsg.Visible = true; lblValidationMsg.Text = objError.getMessage("SS0003"); } else if (ID != 0) { if (objUserDA.isUserExistDA(txtAdminEmail.Text.Trim(), Convert.ToInt32(hAdminID.Value))) { dvValidationMsg.Visible = true; lblValidationMsg.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0012"); } } else if (ID == 0) { if (objUserDA.isUserExistDA(txtAdminEmail.Text.Trim())) { dvValidationMsg.Visible = true; lblValidationMsg.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0002"); } } if (dvValidationMsg.Visible == false) { #region add/update client profile objClientBE.ClientID = ID; objClientBE.ClientName = txtClientName.Text; objClientBE.Address1 = txtAddress.Text; objClientBE.City = txtCity.Text; objClientBE.State = txtState.Text; objClientBE.CountryID = Convert.ToInt32(rcmbCountry.SelectedValue); objClientBE.PostCode = txtPostcode.Text; objClientBE.Phone = txtPhone.Text; objClientBE.Website = txtWebsite.Text; objClientBE.IndustryID = Convert.ToInt32(rcmbIndustry.SelectedValue); objClientBE.AnnualRevID = Convert.ToInt32(rcmbRevenue.SelectedValue); objClientBE.NoOfUsers = Convert.ToInt32(txtNoUsers.Text); objClientBE.CurrentPkgSubscribed = chkPackage.SelectedValue; objClientBE.ClientStatus = rcmbStatus.SelectedValue; // "Active"; objClientBE.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); ID = objClientDA.SaveClientProfileDA(objClientBE); #endregion #region Creating required folder structure for client if (hClientID.Value == "0" && ID != 0) { DocAccess objDocAccess = new DocAccess(); if (!objDocAccess.InitClientFolders(ID)) lblFilterError.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0010"); } #endregion #region Updating primary contact and administrator if (ID != 0) { lblClientError.Text = ""; //Saving Contact ContactBE objContact = new ContactBE(); objContact.ClientID = ID; objContact.ContactID = Convert.ToInt32(hContactID.Value); objContact.Contactname = txtContactName.Text; objContact.Phone = txtContactPhone.Text; objContact.Email = txtContactEmail.Text; objContact.Department = txtContactDepart.Text; objContact.JobTitle = txtJobTitle.Text; objClientDA.SaveClientContactDA(objContact); //Saving Primary administrator UserBE objUserBE = new UserBE(); objUserBE.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(hAdminID.Value); objUserBE.EmailID = txtAdminEmail.Text; objUserBE.FirstName = txtAdminFName.Text; objUserBE.LastName = txtAdminLName.Text; objUserBE.Address = ""; objUserBE.Telephone = txtAdminPhone.Text; objUserBE.Role = "Admin"; objUserBE.ClientID = ID; objUserBE.Department = txtAdminDept.Text; objUserBE.UserStatus = "Active"; objUserBE.isPrimary = true; objUserBE.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); if (Convert.ToInt32(hAdminID.Value) != 0) { if (!objUserDA.UpdateUserRecord(objUserBE, objUserBE.UserID)) lblClientError.Text = objError.getMessage("AM0012"); } else { string rndPasswd = RandomPassword.Generate(); objUserBE.Password = rndPasswd; if (objUserDA.AddUserAccountDA(objUserBE) > 0) { // Emailing the account details to user int reqID = SaveToEmailJob(txtAdminEmail.Text, rndPasswd); if (reqID > 0) { EmailApp objEmailing = new EmailApp(); objEmailing.SendEmail(reqID); } } } // Following commented on 2/20/13 - J, as these logics ar moved inside the sp for add/edit client profile //if (hClientID.Value == "0") // objClientDA.InitClientConfigDA(ID, chkPackage.SelectedValue, false); //else if (hCurrPkg.Value != chkPackage.SelectedValue) // objClientDA.InitClientConfigDA(ID, chkPackage.SelectedValue, true); //Session["clientID"] = ID.ToString(); //Response.Redirect("ClientConfig/"); popClients(); if (lblClientError.Text == "") lbtnBack_Click(null, null); } #endregion if (lblClientError.Text == "") clearAll(); } } }