public IActionResult Checkquiz([FromBody] UserAnswersDto userAnswers)
                if (userAnswers == null)
                    return(Json(new { Result = false, Message = "ERROR - Dane nie zostały przesłane." }));

                var quiz = _context.Quiz.Where(q => q.Id == userAnswers.QuizId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (quiz == null)
                    return(Json(new { Result = false, Message = "ERROR - Quiz o podanym Id nie istnieje." }));

                int Points      = 0;
                var questionsDB = _context.Question.Where(q => q.QuizId == quiz.Id);
                foreach (var item in userAnswers.QuestionAnswers)
                    var  questionDB = questionsDB.Where(q => q.Id == item.QuestionId).FirstOrDefault();
                    bool CorrectAnswerOnQuestion = true;
                    if (questionDB != null)
                        var qAnswersDB = _context.Answer.Where(q => q.QuestionId == questionDB.Id);
                        foreach (var itemAnswer in qAnswersDB)
                            var x = item.SelectedAnswersId.Where(q => q == itemAnswer.Id);
                            if (((x == null || x.Count() == 0) && itemAnswer.Correct) ||
                                (x != null && x.Count() > 0 && !itemAnswer.Correct))
                                CorrectAnswerOnQuestion = false;
                        if (CorrectAnswerOnQuestion)
                            Points += 1;
                        return(Json(new { Result = false, Message = "ERROR - Pytanie o podanym Id nie istnieje." }));

                float score = (float)Points / (float)questionsDB.Count();

                if (score > 0)
                    score *= 100;

                return(Json(new { Result = true, score = score }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { Result = false, Message = "Nieznany bład", ErrorMessage = e.Message }));
        public async Task <ActionResult <TestResultDto> > GetTestResult(int testId, [FromBody] UserAnswersDto userAnswersDto)
            if (userAnswersDto != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                var testResult = await _testService.GetTestResult(testId, userAnswersDto);


            return(BadRequest("Failed to update test"));
        public async Task <TestResultDto> GetTestResult(int testId, UserAnswersDto userAnswersDto)
            var testResult = ComputeResults(testId, userAnswersDto);

            testResult.TestId    = testId;
            testResult.StartedAt = userAnswersDto.StartedAt;
            testResult.EndedAt   = userAnswersDto.EndedAt;
            testResult.UserName  = userAnswersDto.UserName;

            await _testResultRepository.AddAsync(testResult);

            return(_mapper.Map <TestResultDto>(testResult));
        private TestResult ComputeResults(int testId, UserAnswersDto userAnswersDto)
            var testResult = new TestResult();

            var test          = GetTestById(testId);
            var testQuestions = test.Questions.ToList();

            var userQApairs = userAnswersDto.QApairs.ToList();

            foreach (var qapair in userQApairs)
                if (qapair.AnswerId == 0)
                    var testQuestion = testQuestions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == qapair.QuestionId);
                    if (testQuestion == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("No question with this id");

                    var answer = testQuestion.QuestionAnswers.FirstOrDefault(qa => qa.Id == qapair.AnswerId);
                    if (answer == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("No answer with this id");

                    if (answer.IsCorrect)
                        testResult.Points += testQuestion.Points;
