Пример #1
    void TryUseItem(UsableItem itemData)
        if (itemData.keepUsingWhileButtonDown || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            if (IsHandsOrItemWithValidDurability(selection))
                Vector3   lookAt    = look.lookPositionRaycasted;
                Usability usability = itemData.CanUseHotbar(player, selection, lookAt);
                if (usability == Usability.Usable)
                    CmdUseItem(selection, lookAt);

                    if (player.isNonHostLocalPlayer)
                        OnUsedItem(itemData, lookAt);
                else if (usability == Usability.Empty)
                    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                        if (itemData.emptySound)
Пример #2
    public override Usability CanUseInventory(Player player, int inventoryIndex)
        Usability baseUsable = base.CanUseInventory(player, inventoryIndex);

        if (baseUsable != Usability.Usable)
        return(FindEquipableSlotFor(player.equipment, inventoryIndex) != -1
               ? Usability.Usable
               : Usability.Never);
Пример #3
    public override Usability CanUseHotbar(Player player, int hotbarIndex, Vector3 lookAt)
        Usability baseUsable = base.CanUseHotbar(player, hotbarIndex, lookAt);

        if (baseUsable != Usability.Usable)
        return(player.reloading.ReloadTimeRemaining() > 0
               ? Usability.Cooldown
               : Usability.Usable);
Пример #4
    // TODO this is weird to pass slotindex too. needed because hands option though.
    void TryUseItem(UsableItem itemData, int slotIndex)
        // note: no .amount > 0 check because it's either an item or hands

        // use current item or hands

        // repeated or one time use while holding mouse down?
        if (itemData.keepUsingWhileButtonDown || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            // get the exact look position on whatever object we aim at
            Vector3 lookAt = look.lookPositionRaycasted;

            // use it
            Usability usability = itemData.CanUse(this, slotIndex, lookAt);
            if (usability == Usability.Usable)
                // attack by using the weapon item
                //Debug.DrawLine(Camera.main.transform.position, lookAt, Color.gray, 1);
                UseItem(slotIndex, lookAt);

                // simulate OnUsed locally without waiting for the Rpc to avoid
                // latency effects:
                // - usedEndTime would be synced too slowly, hence fire interval
                //   would be too slow on clients
                // - TryUseItem would be called immediately again afterwards
                //   because useEndTime wouldn't be reset yet due to latency
                // - decals/muzzle flash would be delayed by latency and feel
                //   bad
                OnUsedItem(itemData, lookAt);
            else if (usability == Usability.Empty)
                // play empty sound locally (if any)
                // -> feels best to only play it when clicking the mouse button once, not while holding
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                    if (itemData.emptySound)
            // do nothing if on cooldown (just wait) or if not usable at all
Пример #5
    public override Usability CanUseHotbar(Player player, int hotbarIndex, Vector3 lookAt)
        Usability baseUsable = base.CanUseHotbar(player, hotbarIndex, lookAt);

        if (baseUsable != Usability.Usable)
        if (player.reloading.ReloadTimeRemaining() > 0)
        if (requiredAmmo != null && player.hotbar.slots[hotbarIndex].item.ammo == 0)
Пример #6
    public override Usability CanUseHotbar(Player player, int hotbarIndex, Vector3 lookAt)
        Usability baseUsable = base.CanUseHotbar(player, hotbarIndex, lookAt);

        if (baseUsable != Usability.Usable)
        Vector3    lookDirection = (lookAt - player.look.headPosition).normalized;
        Vector3    position      = player.construction.CalculatePreviewPosition(this, player.look.headPosition, lookDirection);
        Quaternion rotation      = player.construction.CalculatePreviewRotation(this);

         *  Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
         *  Bounds originalBounds = structurePrefab.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>().bounds;
         *  Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x - bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y - bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z - bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x + bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y - bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z - bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x - bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y + bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z - bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x - bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y - bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z + bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p4 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x + bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y + bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z - bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p5 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x + bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y - bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z + bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p6 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x - bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y + bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z + bounds.size.z);
         *  Vector3 p7 = new Vector3(originalBounds.center.x + bounds.size.x,
         *                           originalBounds.center.y + bounds.size.y,
         *                           originalBounds.center.z + bounds.size.z);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p0);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p1);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p2);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p3);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p4);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p5);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p6);
         *  bounds.Encapsulate(position + rotation * p7);
        Vector3    prefabPosition = structurePrefab.transform.position;
        Quaternion prefabRotation = structurePrefab.transform.rotation;

        structurePrefab.transform.position = position;
        structurePrefab.transform.rotation = rotation;
        Bounds bounds = structurePrefab.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>().bounds;

        structurePrefab.transform.position = prefabPosition;
        structurePrefab.transform.rotation = prefabRotation;
        return(CanBuildThere(player.look.headPosition, bounds, player.look.raycastLayers)
               ? Usability.Usable
               : Usability.Empty);